Can “the team” balance professions for wvw since there is “a team”?
Screw party support i wanna stand on my own 2 feet without babysitters in wvw. We need roaming confort for those who dont like zergging. What cecilia said gives us all that so she got my vote.
I quit for 2 years and gave it a chance again and might just leave for good.main reason most people including mself bought the game was due to rvr or wvw as it called in this game. They lost me when they started favoring the secondary game mode to a fail esport. Everyone knew what the game was about when it came and it was fine. They should ve kept the main game mode a priority and not put it aside.
In a game necros exist cant understand any complain about anything.
None, make a warrior.
Do a regular stomp like everyone else.
how about instead ill get 17k+ base hp like everyone else?
If i get stealth like everyone else +1
play mesmer then, you get both plus spammable defensive cds and clones
The impact strike chain doesn’t do the finisher right? It’s a skill, you need the finisher as far as I am aware
it performs the finisher animation and it consumes my limited finisher charges
Then why dont you play mesmer?
Do a regular stomp like everyone else.
how about instead ill get 17k+ base hp like everyone else?
If i get stealth like everyone else +1
Most elites i find them useless due to long CD im not taking them. I would use reaper of grenth etc if had like 70s cd for ex. Same with others
Do a regular stomp like everyone else.
Why we only get answers from devs on some posts? Bigger issues to be handled
I am actually gonna vote YES for all the bad decisions from now on since i have access to many accounts and friends who dont play anymore but can still log in and vote for it. They dont care about what the forums ask, each forum wvw, professions and pvp are asking for years now reasonable new/fixed/balanced changes and they couldn t care less. So i agree with the vote for the wrong change make it die as fast as possible and maybe something will change , if not well there are many other games out there.
How can we get in contact then? Because they ignore us, if we submit an apeeal theres no answer so where do we complain as in any other business?
Ward Against Death
Up to five nearby allies(600 range) are rendered Invulnerable, Life Force drains 12.5% per attack prevented. (Maximum of 8 attacks at 100%) Does not affect Conditions already applied, or fall damage.There’s a suggestion.
Gives invulnerable 3sec just to you and 8% LF while being hit for each hit. Now thats an elite.
That’s what many people have asked for Spectral Armour to become.
I would rather have stacks of stability in spectral armour for 7sec. And spectral walk on superspeed for lets say 4sec with stability aswell
Ward Against Death
Up to five nearby allies(600 range) are rendered Invulnerable, Life Force drains 12.5% per attack prevented. (Maximum of 8 attacks at 100%) Does not affect Conditions already applied, or fall damage.There’s a suggestion.
Gives invulnerable 3sec just to you and 8% LF while being hit for each hit. Now thats an elite.
I accept heall base nerf but not the CD. That was a poor choice.
As a reminder, we held a poll 2 months ago and the community voted to beta deployable cannons:
Why arent polls for what wich class needs? I never voted for such thing and that is what myself and pretty much the majority of the community wants.
Put the chill on n1 gs. Add stab to n4 for the duration of the shadows.
This is what we get? The disrespect they show at the people that pay for their salary is too big.. necro is left with same survival issues and stability , eles and engies still not getting what they need , revs…well, and dh is okay but still nothin on the kitten spirit weapons… not a thing just the whole concept that made me create that char as main since release has been ignored. Cant really wish anything good to anet developers and responsibles for "balances.
I’m going to get to the point. Honestly mindlessly zerg-balling should not be the be all and end all.(It’s just lazy low risk high reward playstyle.) It’s really gotten so bad to the point most of the WvW community will run away from you unless they have far superior numbers. (There is too much emphasis on mindless mob tactics, in this game mode.) We are to the point where servers are lobbying and paying for other people and guild to transfer to their servers, just because how overpowered the zerg tactic is in this game.
Roamers and Solo players gain little to no rewards compared to the zerg. Yet has to utilize the most skill and tactics to even be viable. (Super high risk – Super low reward playstyle.) I personally think that is a huge problem. More so then the match ups.
People are only bandwagoning to stack servers to gain a higher chance at wining or more rewards(bags and reward track progression) for less skillful play. If you nerf zerg play you can pretty much solve a lot of problems over night with, players manipulating your population counting system and such. Server stacking after every link would instantly be fixed. It’ll also promote people to spread out evenly throughout the servers instead of just stacking for easy bags via outnumbering their enemies.
Some ways that come to my mind on how to solve this.
Nerf rewards gain based off of numbers. The more players you show up to hit a structure or player. The less reward track and rewards you get.B.)
The less people you have the killing players or taking objectives. The more reward track progression, and rewards you get.C.) Way higher outnumbered buff.
The more severely outnumbered you are. The more stats you gain, to equal out for being outnumbered. No PPT change or Karma gain changes. Just pure stat gains.(The other servers who are outnumbering said server should see this and be forced to either decide, to continue their attack against a buffed outnumbered server. Or split up to prevent said server from getting the outnumbered buff.)D.) A little bit of all of the above mixed together.
Those are just my two cents. Yall are now free to flame me.
You can’t punish players playing in any way… If you can’t handle zergs then spvp is available.
Lol brilliant answer, so people should refrain from roaming and access to other utilities, foods, sigils, runes, siege weapons and keep capture aswell as camps and go spvp in a magical place where diversity has been long forgotten.
I dont enjoy zerging aswell because as many people said before it requires so much less skill, in no way fighting using half of ur abilities (if that many depending on class) is more challenging than having to time/think your cooldowns ,dodges traits etc while fighting similar numbers or superior ones. Bet money most people that run zergs and know little else survive alone most 1vs1 or 1vs2 plus.
I saw some condi ticks between 4k and 7k each sec… why isnt condition damage a complement to direct damage? Anyone actually thinks its balanced to have 4 ticks for 5k for ex and be dead? The lack of skill aplying condi requires is so low how come the reward is so big?
Seems to me that you have a l2p issue
Lel i know you are kidding ofc
But the scouts for ex are the main reason i die while fighting near a keep/camp. They help alot so it wouldnt be fair to count them off. Blindind and stuns from guards have saved way more people than rallying from one.
Dude add me in game ill show you tha ways
I never will use PS in wvw, but a faster teleport I can certainly make use of. I get away fine without it but it’s a pain in the kitten sometimes.
You get away “fine”? Against what class that knows what they r doing? Or more than 2plus chasing u?
Im sorry i meant besides loosing stealth as opening hit should get people out of stealth when hit by direct damage only not condis aswell. And no other game i played was “broken” because of people getting out of stealth when hit by direct damage. Would get thiefs to better time their close aproaches on targets and not just go in and be at ease because will be able to have stealth and run away without fear of repercussions.
Yeah I agree condis remaining from previous hits should not effect stealth but taking hits should remove stealth. Just like pretty much every PvP MMO. It’s that way for reason.
Not sure why all these people are talking about thieves, this thread is about stealth, as the OP reminded us.
The other Mmos have stealth that last until cancelled or removed while stealth in this game is all on very short duration for the majority so they are different stealth mechanics, and this game has by far more Aoe damage skills than most Other mmos with stealth mechanics that remove from damage.
Dude gimme something common, u want longer stealth with all the mobility u have access to? Imagine im a necro for ex how will i ever be able to catch even if u never go into stealth? If u wanna run u WILL run. If you have advantage of terrains then you can just play with a lot of people chasing u in ruins etc. If stealth were to be broken on direct damage u would still be so ok to go 1vs1 or 2 and escape if u cant beat them trough dodges and teleports only diference is you wont be doing it to any class or more than 3 4 5 6 or a kitten whole squad.
What i meant was getting hit by direct damage. Thats how usually works.
Too much mindless Aoe in game on low cd for that to be eve feasible
So stealth should stay a broken snoozefest because you can’t avoid getting hit? Sounds more like a L2P issue.
That’s how stealth usually works in pretty much every other game ever, wonder if there is a reason for that.
Im sorry i meant besides loosing stealth as opening hit should get people out of stealth when hit by direct damage only not condis aswell. And no other game i played was “broken” because of people getting out of stealth when hit by direct damage. Would get thiefs to better time their close aproaches on targets and not just go in and be at ease because will be able to have stealth and run away without fear of repercussions.
ETA: Btw you don’t need stealth removal skills, but the game and its players are that dumbed down that they think they do. What’s even worse is that they’re too lazy to even use them SMH.
True, what we need is all of the stealth removed from the game and see if you really need it. considering all of the other options thieves have I think you will get along fine without.
BTW I didn’t comment on conditions, that used to be far too weak.
All the other options? You mean evades? If they remove stealth completely they would have to give Thief a whole new core traitline, rework 2 other traitlines rework every weapon set rework core utiliities change…. just saying Stealth should have a been a thief only mechanic since it is tied to almost everything Thief has.
If they remove all Thief they should remove all Passive defenses and invulnerability style skills classes have and see if they really need those since they have a lot of other options, this is how you sound.
Before u go apesh.t try a proper daredevil spec without stealth.
Oh you mean the staff build evade spam or the D/D DB spam? I have tried those They don’t have all other options they have no burst heals, no invulns, 1 block skill granted on a low CD, so go ahead and when the new elite spec comes out guess what no third dodge no staff and so on, D/P still uses stealth pretty heavily, and the core of Thief designs is based on stealth. So unless they give Thieves a lot more sustain through Heals and invulnerables/Blocks and everything else that all the other classes had you can’t take away Thief Stealth, and it would require a complete overhaul of the Thief since 1 traitline is based soley on Stealth and 2 others have stealth traits, 1 heal 2 utilities apply stealth and every weapon has a stealth attack.
I don’t think people understand what removing stealth entails. Now the issues people have with stealth is 1 an exploit that allows ridiculous amounts of stealth stacking and classes that have stealth that shouldn’t i.e. Druid and scrapper and to an extent Mesmer.
So yes if they remove stealth completely they should remove all the passives and invulnerables from all the other classes it is equivalent.
I dont agree with a build that allows killing people before getting out of stealth. From my experience from other games stealth should be removed when receiving direct damage while in stealth for ex and no more stacking stealth at all if u wanna keep stealth ingame. I agree on the druid stealth, it already has so much sustain that that only makes it worst. Scrapper tbh i just kill gyros or aoe around them till it pops out. Depending on what im playing it doesnt bother me nearly as much as thief.
Direct damage already removes stealth and Anet Nerfed all Stealth attacks last patch on top of that, the only spec that doesn’t remove stealth is the “Ghost Thief” which shouldn’t exist yes and what makes it broken is the the D/P stealth stacking exploit, if they fix the exploit that build will not be broken anymore.
Stealth is only a problem in some cases the Thief D/P exploit, Druid Stealth and Scrapper stealth and to an extent PU Condi Mesmer.
Anet needs to fix the D/P stealth stacking exploit, remove stealth from classes it wasn’t designed for, boom Stealth problem solved
What i meant was getting hit by direct damage. Thats how usually works.
ETA: Btw you don’t need stealth removal skills, but the game and its players are that dumbed down that they think they do. What’s even worse is that they’re too lazy to even use them SMH.
True, what we need is all of the stealth removed from the game and see if you really need it. considering all of the other options thieves have I think you will get along fine without.
BTW I didn’t comment on conditions, that used to be far too weak.
All the other options? You mean evades? If they remove stealth completely they would have to give Thief a whole new core traitline, rework 2 other traitlines rework every weapon set rework core utiliities change…. just saying Stealth should have a been a thief only mechanic since it is tied to almost everything Thief has.
If they remove all Thief they should remove all Passive defenses and invulnerability style skills classes have and see if they really need those since they have a lot of other options, this is how you sound.
Before u go apesh.t try a proper daredevil spec without stealth.
Oh you mean the staff build evade spam or the D/D DB spam? I have tried those They don’t have all other options they have no burst heals, no invulns, 1 block skill granted on a low CD, so go ahead and when the new elite spec comes out guess what no third dodge no staff and so on, D/P still uses stealth pretty heavily, and the core of Thief designs is based on stealth. So unless they give Thieves a lot more sustain through Heals and invulnerables/Blocks and everything else that all the other classes had you can’t take away Thief Stealth, and it would require a complete overhaul of the Thief since 1 traitline is based soley on Stealth and 2 others have stealth traits, 1 heal 2 utilities apply stealth and every weapon has a stealth attack.
I don’t think people understand what removing stealth entails. Now the issues people have with stealth is 1 an exploit that allows ridiculous amounts of stealth stacking and classes that have stealth that shouldn’t i.e. Druid and scrapper and to an extent Mesmer.
So yes if they remove stealth completely they should remove all the passives and invulnerables from all the other classes it is equivalent.
I dont agree with a build that allows killing people before getting out of stealth. From my experience from other games stealth should be removed when receiving direct damage while in stealth for ex and no more stacking stealth at all if u wanna keep stealth ingame. I agree on the druid stealth, it already has so much sustain that that only makes it worst. Scrapper tbh i just kill gyros or aoe around them till it pops out. Depending on what im playing it doesnt bother me nearly as much as thief.
ETA: Btw you don’t need stealth removal skills, but the game and its players are that dumbed down that they think they do. What’s even worse is that they’re too lazy to even use them SMH.
True, what we need is all of the stealth removed from the game and see if you really need it. considering all of the other options thieves have I think you will get along fine without.
BTW I didn’t comment on conditions, that used to be far too weak.
All the other options? You mean evades? If they remove stealth completely they would have to give Thief a whole new core traitline, rework 2 other traitlines rework every weapon set rework core utiliities change…. just saying Stealth should have a been a thief only mechanic since it is tied to almost everything Thief has.
If they remove all Thief they should remove all Passive defenses and invulnerability style skills classes have and see if they really need those since they have a lot of other options, this is how you sound.
Before u go apesh.t try a proper daredevil spec without stealth.
Red is dead. Do not make agreements that hurt your team. Be it dueling or swapping keeps.
I would condone “dueling” if done to benefit your team.
- keep the enemy forward waypoint contested
- capture interest of N+ enemy spectators who just stand there in awe
- slow down enemy zerg forcing them to go long way around your dueling grounds
- engage in lenghty discussion with the enemy commander about proper dueling ethics
- protect your team’s gank squad saying they are dueling whenever they need to escape enemy zerg
- kill solo enemy players returning to the frontlines
- cut off supply lines to enemy keeps
- halt enemy roaming party to 1v1 you instead of killing you 1v5
If dueling was popular, ANet would extend sPvP, guild halls arenas, LFG tool or major cities with a dueling option.
And that is why if i feel like annoying zergs and make things bad (after being ganked on a duel) when they r about to face off my own server zerg, i go judges intervention all the way on the backline when the push starts then pop my invul elite plus blocks dodge stability etc and its quite impressive how half of ur zerg gives up on the push just to kill one guy. I dislike zerging and the lack of skill it requires.
probably best going pure zerker gear tbh, necro is the lucky class that has highest survivability while using glass stats purely due to shroud
soak damage? go shroud
disabled and soak? go shroud
cc? go shroudshroud is the answer for all
remember, using minionmancer you have these available to you
two sources of vampirism from your own attacks
life siphon from your minions, including extra siphon from the blood fiend
condi removal from all of your minions
dagger 2 life siphon
blood fiend sac for burst healing
toughness increase from minions
as well as your shroudif you need extra survivability, just run some vamp runes and sigils for a bit to help you out, but with minionmancer, i doubt you’ll even need that
edit: this is probably the build i would suggest you run while you get used to necro, im assuming you’re vanilla still cause you said earlier that you haven’t unlocked reaping. once you’re used to it, i would go a spite/soul reaping or blood magic build, replace the tubes/sigils and then go ham. it’s a lot of fun
Is this for pve? Coz in wvw that shroud solution does not work coz shroud is not good enought
I couldnt be bothered to read all of this defending of stealth. No class should be able to do damage while in perma stealth and thats it, stop complaining of how thief would be bad etc etc coz best thiefs i know dont run that broken build. It does not require skill (if any of u thiefs think ur that good) its a simple matter of a "legal"exploit.
This post wasn’t about perma stealth Thieves sorry you couldn’t actually read the post.
I read the first comments where being killed by a perma stealth thief/dd was mentioned and is stealth related. That cheesy condi build as previously talked is allowed due to ANET not caring about it. Same goes for druid cheese build but that is off topic. What i see being the worst of this stealth issue is the fact that it cant be countered by most classes. If im playing DH bring it on, if im on necro oh s…
I couldnt be bothered to read all of this defending of stealth. No class should be able to do damage while in perma stealth and thats it, stop complaining of how thief would be bad etc etc coz best thiefs i know dont run that broken build. It does not require skill (if any of u thiefs think ur that good) its a simple matter of a "legal"exploit.
No. U can try to have fun with power build. But condi is much easier. If u dont end fights fast its over.
Minion Master is the easiest way to start.
This is kind of vanilla and not highly tuned but it should not cost too much and will allow a lot of room for error while still packing a punch. It does mostly power but also lets you learn conditions.
Any benefit of using traveler rune for the speed boost freeing up one of the slots for another minion?
I do not see much benefit in Traveller when you can trait dagger and get the same thing. Cheap power runes are fine for mapping PvE.
Well dagger isnt really much useful anymore so that trait line its not apealling at all for wvw. If necro had movement speed increase on melee weapons that would be ideal.
I see all the forums just to check who else complains alot about certain class and necros are by far the ones with quality of life/mechanics problems. Is Anet waiting for competiton (another game) in wich players dont have to wait 4 years plus to see what the community is BEGGING for?
Im not even mad about this prank. You actually solved enought problems within necro to make it fun again. Would be awesome
I will try that build but i still think a good rev is gonna win 9 out of 10 because if they are bad i beat them easily with my current build. Problem is a good rev will cc necros too much
how do you win against a revenant as a power reaper? because i only win if they are really bad.
Make it faster and a teleport instead of pull. Necros have it harder than any other class on mobility.
Hey chris nice spec and videos u have there! what program do u use to get the videos in game? i have fraps but it just takes so much space like a fez GB for one min :S! Apreciate the help.
How in the world can Rangers kill you very well? You have Wall of Reflection, Stand Your Ground, and all the Condition removal of the world, and you can’t stand up to a little bleeding and poison? I put Wall of reflection down on them, then CC them (GS or Hammer) and they’re in great danger of dying from their autoattacks and my hammer incoming (if i can close on them, Ring of Warding and bye bye ranger).
I hope you have some toughness on your armor, and you’re not one of the “oh i am so unstoppable because i have Save Yourselves” guardians that go in sPvP in full Berserker…
Engineer, do you see many in sPvP? I don’t. I always see thieves, necro and mesmers.
Thieves, i don’t care. They pew pew on my knight armor (you have toughness, use it), but if they try and combo poison+bleeding all you need is a good Smite Condition (or Consecration of Purity) and you’ll see them reeling before you are hurt that much. They hardly kill me.
Necro, they kill me PERIOD. Worse mismatch ever. Condition damage bypass armor, and they purge my boons. They can cripple AoE, and it has to be a really bad necro if he doesn’t kill a Guardian. No Wall of Reflection too (they AoE).
Mesmer, they’re a pain, but most of the time is a standoff. I cannot damage them properly, but then again, they won’t too. Worst thing they could do is confusion, but i can get rid of it rather easily every 10 seconds (Purity), so most of the time we hit each other (well, i hit their clones and images) but we don’t die.
These are skilled vs skilled player. Well equipped and geared, or well builded (in sPvP) with good synergies and balanced spec.
Try and build a bunker or balanced build (instead of a glass cannon build) and try and stay at the points and cap them and keep them on 1v1. You will see why the Guardian is top tier in sPvP.[/quote]
Do you see any guardian using wall of reflection on spvp? it s a good abilitie but i doubt any good guardian will use use in spvp when they have better alternatives.
My guardian has bunker build and i do what i have to do and im telling you unless u specificaly spec against rangers or engies they kitten you. you cannot beat a good engie at melee range, your only chance is if they r bad or if u try to kill them with scepter(good luck).
As classes having only one spec to play wheres the diversity in guardians? i can spec diferently for random games just for the fun of it but as far as tournments go i have one spec and that is bunker spec.ofc i can spec for dps etc but seriously how can we compare to other more dps oriented classes in real tournments that have the mobility and burst?
i know my stuff, i survive 1vs1 ALMOST always but i cannot kill them unless they stay and fight like noobs instead of hitting and run back and forward or calling for a team mate to put me down, im SUPOSED TO SURVIVE one person with my spec but not killem unless they r stupid enought to persist. I will switch my SY for something else and move on but till reduce the CD or something it has become one abilitie that i find worst than the alternatives and wont be using a so oriented shout build no more!
Still use it on wvw as it means something still!
Why is it that i fight against such good players on elementists, necros.engies, rangers even wich can keep me snared and CCed almost the whole fight and they all can kill me very well? guardians do not have that op condition removal and heres a tip: get all the stunn,daze,fear,blind or better even imobilize and cycle that on a guardian. learn to switch weapons when fitghing because my warrior and ranger have been killing a lot of guardians just by cycling my weapons and abilities every 9 seconds. plus guardians have no escape button while on the warrior or ranger i can escape much easier if i do get in trouble.
To sum things up i agree with the SY nerf if it had reduced the cooldown on it to 35sec traited because like this i just got another abilitie that i will not use at all. seems like ANET will only be happy when we get so nerfed that we wont be able to hold our own and not even be viable as dps while every other class in game is!