Showing Posts For Morfedel.4165:

Racial Builds-Better Gameplay?

in Asura

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


I want a golemancer class!!


Mini Slot

in Suggestions

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


Yeah I will have to use invisible bags for now, but I think a single mini slot would be very handy. I bet you’d see a lot more minis out there being used then

Show us your Mesmer!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


Dual Whisperblade ftw. :-)

Ah, you make me sad


I want to get a complete Weapons of the Mists set for my mesmer; then tranform it with ascended weapons. I have a ways to go though.

Show us your Mesmer!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


ok, not my character, this player left the game, but this is the best looking mesmer I ever saw


Mini Slot

in Suggestions

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


We need to have one slot, just put to the side somewhere, to stash a mini, that won’t ever get moved to our collectibles when we click “deposit collectibles.”

Racial Builds-Better Gameplay?

in Asura

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


When I’m running my offensive armor set, its runes of the golemancer. When I can get away with it, I add in the Series D Golem as well, and throw in a golem mini, and yeah, its fun.

If only there was a way to also have a power suit…. ah well. I decided I liked the D-Golem more than the power suit, and with the golemancer runes and mini, is a lot of fun.

Too much overlapping

in Living World

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


While I love the release of new content, the stuff is overlapping too much, which is causing a problem. The “older” stuff which some people still want to finish, in some cases becomes very difficult to play because many of the people move on to the new content.

Case in point: Tower of Nightmares, Nightmare Within, and Fractured: It became difficult to conclude the outside stuff for those who had not had a lot of time to work on it, because almost everyone moved inside.

And now, there are few people inside, excepting perhaps the busier servers at busier times.

The point being, maybe you should lengthen the time between releases somewhat, and not overlap the releases. I don’t know, maybe it would die down anyway as the “early adopters” get bored and move on while waiting for the next release… but the way it is now, they CERTAINLY move on to the new content while the people doing the older content find they cannot make headway because there aren’t enough people around.

Alternatively, make it easier to solo this stuff. Making the Nightmare Within impossible to scale the tower without a zerg, then make the final chamber soloable, is a bit head scratching in its reasoning. It seems if you had scaling where a solo could work his way up, while zergs will meet with much heavier resistance, would have been better, as now people are struggling to make their way to the top since people nearly completely abandoned it.

Quartz Crystal nerfed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


I love celestial… because I’m constantly changing my build.

Yeah. Ok then, guess i’m just unlucky lately

Show us your Mesmer!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


So, here is a picture of me, Vasatir, on the Left, and my buddy, Mercurius R, on the right!
the second picture is… well, do you recognize where I am?

Third and fourth are a rear view of my armor, with the ugliest character I’ve ever seen in front of me!


(edited by Morfedel.4165)

Screenshot of your Asura Toon

in Asura

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


So, here is a picture of me, Vasatir, on the Left, and my buddy, Mercurius R, on the right!

the second picture is… well, do you recognize where I am?

Third and fourth are a rear view of my armor, with the ugliest character I’ve ever seen in front of me!


(edited by Morfedel.4165)

Warning Buoy!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


Funniest thread I’ve read in a long time. Thank you all for the laugh.

This, to me, is what makes casual role-playing fun.

WHY am I not on the Tarnished Coast server?

I’ve been considering a server move myself if the roleplaying is decent.

((And where does that gw2 tshirt come from for your character? that’s awesome lol))

Quartz Crystal nerfed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


So weird, now I have gotten nothing but 3 each time for over a week now. Usually I average better than this.

Bug or Design?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


I assumed this was a bug, but not entirely certain.

During Jormag pre, if i have one of the dragon crystals targeted and summon, say, a phantasmal duelist, it will attack the crystal, but if I summon a phantasmal swordsman doing the exact same targeting, it will target a nearby enemy instead.

I haven’t tested this out on other objects, but something I noted the other day during jormag pre.

Asura Golemancer

in Asura

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


You need a Krewe member to run around with another Mini and a Summon Power Suit, so you can suit up while he performs live maintenance (cough buffing).

now that WOULD be awesome!!!

Asura Golemancer

in Asura

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


You need a Krewe member to run around with another Mini and a Summon Power Suit, so you can suit up while he performs live maintenance (cough buffing).

now that WOULD be awesome!!!

Dec. 10th Balance Preview - Updated Nov 6th.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


I realize this is all about traits right now, but I’m going to throw this out anyway.

Has anyone considered reworking the so-called hard-rez skills, such as Illusion of Life? Most of these skills almost never see the light of day – or rather, in my experience. I’m in a large and very active guild, and very few of them ever get used with us. Perhaps its different for others, but since beta, I have almost never see them used.

The problem is that in any battles where things are going easy, they aren’t needed. In battles where things are going rough, especially if there’s lots of mobs, it can be very hard to locate the body of a fallen comrade sometimes.

And then, it doesn’t function if they are defeated, just downed. If you don’t locate them in time, it’s too late.

Furthermore, the skill is taking the place if another skill that might prevent someone from being downed in the first place. It becomes hard to justify some of these skills, particularly, for example, Illusion of Life, where now they have to defeat a foe within a time frame or be re-downed.

I feel strongly that these skills should rez someone from total defeat, especially now that rez-rushing has been removed. Give it a longer cool-down time, so it will not be replacing rez rushing, but gives a party member a second chance at aiding in the fight before a party wipe occurs or some such.

Just my two cents. Again, I know its not based on traits, just wanted to toss it out for consideration in the future.

Quartz Crystal nerfed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


Once I got 13 or something like that… a couple of singles and a couple stacks of 5!!!

But there were many times I got 3. And a couple times I got a charged or two.

Asura Golemancer

in Asura

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


I love playing my Asura Golemancer.

I run my Asura with the D-series Golem, and a full 7 (for the rebreather) Runes of the Golemancer, plus a one of my several golem minis.

I am an Asura, and I’ll let my Golem Flag Fly Free!!!

(and its fun sometimes having 3 golems running around at the same time, even if one is just a mini, hehe)

Now, if they would just make a minis brawl arena, so our minis can fight each other too….

Nerd Repellent!!!

in Asura

Posted by: Morfedel.4165



My children are playing a game on my PS Vita called Jetpack Joyride. One of the items you can purchase is “Nerd Repellent,” which makes all scientists disappear from the game while it’s active.

I wonder what nerd repellent would do to Asura?

Or… to GW2 players?


C.L.E.A.N. 5000 Not Moving

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


ok, thanks. I’ll check it out again later.

Antitoxin Spray doesn't heal allies

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


Just to clarify, the Skills Team does have this on their radar and will be looking into the wording of the Antitoxin Spray tooltip based on how they have worded all of our previous skills.


Tell me, what are their thoughts on the skill’s efficacy?

Antitoxin Spray doesn't heal allies

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


This skill WOULD be good in condition heavy areas where not everyone has healing spring. Take, for example, Twilight Arbor.

It only removes (and heals for) 4 types of conditions, which I rarely see combined during 1 fight. Even in TA, it’s usually not worth it.

Possibly. I wonder how well it will work in, say, wvw zergs; so many conditions flying around so fast… then again, you still have to be close to the other people to make it worthwhile in that case.

Antitoxin Spray doesn't heal allies

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


Do such a wording for
, too

You may also use
‘s current “wording” to clarify those skill’s effects.

To be fair, Well of Blood actually says “initial self heal” in it.

Did you read the text you quoted and commented on?

Yes, I did. But I misread it. :P~~~

(edited by Morfedel.4165)

Superior Rune of Antitoxin

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


So, going this way of thinking, if you have X characters and each of them has same crafting skill, then each of them needs own one and you have to buy X numbers of same recipe? IMO it’s ridiculous… By buying recipe which is account bound and learning it, it imply that each character assigned to account can use it. The same is with gold, karma, laurels etc. Recipe isn’t material, it’s just an idea how to make such thing…

Sorry partner, but its been like this since day 1. Does it make sense? I suppose that depends on the individual, but its always been like that.

Sorry to hear though, man! Good luck!

Superior Rune of Antitoxin

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


Yeah, only the character that consumed the recipe has the recipe. I hope you did that on your armorsmith!

Antitoxin Spray doesn't heal allies

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


This skill WOULD be good in condition heavy areas where not everyone has healing spring. Take, for example, Twilight Arbor.

Antitoxin Spray doesn't heal allies

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


The Antitoxin Spray skill only heals allies that have torment, confusion, poison, or toxic pollen and it heals per each condition it removes. If your ally has only poison, it will heal them a less than it would heal an ally with all conditions. If none of the allies around you have any conditions on them, it will not heal any allies. It’s base healing only applies to the user of the skill.

The tool-tip does not describe that conditional requirement in its current form and seems very misleading and incomplete.

Autumn, would you please place this item in your tracker for a rewording of the tool-tip to specify this requirement? Personally, I feel Adjusted #2 most accurately and clearly relays the skill’s function to the user.


“Use antitoxin to heal yourself and nearby allies while also removing toxic pollen, poison, torment and confusion.”
Healing: 3,920
Healing per Condition Removed: 481
Radius: 360

Adjusted: #1

“Heal yourself. Removes toxic pollen, poison, torment and confusion from you and nearby allies, gaining health for each condition removed.”
Healing: 3,920
Healing per Condition Removed: 481
Radius: 360

Adjusted: #2

“Heal yourself. You and nearby allies are also cleansed of toxic pollen, poison, torment and confusion and gain health for each condition removed.”
Healing: 3,920
Healing per Condition Removed: 481
Radius: 360

You could also do what Well of Blood does and have the “healing” line say “Initial Self Heal”

Antitoxin Spray doesn't heal allies

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


Do such a wording for
, too

You may also use
‘s current “wording” to clarify those skill’s effects.

To be fair, Well of Blood actually says “initial self heal” in it.

Antitoxin Spray doesn't heal allies

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


I have to agree, the wording on this skill is extremely poor: “Use antitoxin to heal yourself and nearby allies while also removing toxic pollen, poison, torment and confusion.””

Where in that description does it indicate that the ally healing is based on removing conditions? Not only does it NOT indicate it, the wording CLEARLY says the opposite: Heal yourself and nearby allies WHILE ALSO…..

It’s causing a lot of confusion and needs to be fixed.

C.L.E.A.N. 5000 Not Moving

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


there’s also a blue circle, the kind you stand in to capture an area, nearby it… its blue, but standing in it doesn’t bring up a capture bar…. is that part of it?

C.L.E.A.N. 5000 Not Moving

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


And to add more to it… the golem threat level bar disappeared and reappeared at least once… and talking to both the golem and rooba does nothing. no dialogue to activate it or anything, if it ever did (I don’t really recall if it did, but if so, its not there)

C.L.E.A.N. 5000 Not Moving

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


I’m on the Maguuma server, got to the thaumanova reactor, and see the fire ele’s golem cleaner is about to start.

Except he isn’t. He’s got the event shield over his head, the Escort event is showing as starting… but he’s just standing there, doing nothing. Rooba is up and about too, so…. any ideas what’s going on?

Secret Rifle in the Lunatic Inquisition!

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


Wow, I have to say, the level of steps you have to take to find this is ridiculous… and how does someone even come up with the idea of finding all these steps!

“Hey, lets swing at this wall!”

“Hey, there’re boulders, lets throw it at stuff”

“Hey, there’s a pumpkin, let’s take it to a teleport pad and smash it on it!” (ok this one seems the most implausible, seriously, how the heck did this step ever get figured out!"

“Now let’s take it to the Mad King!”

It just seems highly implausible that someone will find all these steps on their own. Note, I’m not saying impossible, just highly implausible.

(edited by Morfedel.4165)

Mad King Says is bugged

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


got the mask. The workaround worked. Then again, a few hours ago there was another patch. To fix this issue?

Anyway. And funny thing is, I find the mask rather… dull…. LOL!

Mad King Says is bugged

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: Morfedel.4165



No, they need to fix it. I suspect someone copied and pasted last year’s code, changed things for the mask, but forgot to change a check looking to see if you got the mask, and instead its still checking to see if you got the HAT

If that’s the case, should be easily fixed.

Another stupid RNG event?

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


Its not RNG, its SUPPOSED to grant the mask. So its a bug.

Mad King Says is bugged

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


25 bags? I got 10!! And no mask!

Seriously, wth?!

Collaborative Development Topic- Living World

in CDI

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


I’ve seen several people say two weeks is too fast, but the LW stuff when all this started, with the refugees, was too slow… or too little. Maybe that was my problem… a monthly update instead, but with more material, might be a better way to go.

Collaborative Development Topic- Living World

in CDI

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


I have no problem whatsoever with the pace of the LW/LS stuff. I think its just fine, for the most part.

Its just the stuff I want to see aren’t there. I want to see the advancement of the campaign against the dragons. And here’s the thing: if the next dragon campaign isnt available, LW/LS stuff could still be inserted. With the death of Zhaitan, for instance, what if we started seeing minions of the other dragons encroaching in various ways? What if we saw some “villain” races had factions making overtures to join the alliance against the next dragon, while other factions within the race worked hard to overthrow it?

Seems to me you could start doing lots of foreshadowing and preluding with LS/LW stuff. Maybe intertwine other stories in at the same time. For instance, if the Krait were building this tower while referencing trying to retake their home seas from the elder Sea Dragon for example, and see a few early battles between the envenomed Krait and some weird corrupted sea creatures coming after the krait, throw in a few Largos, etc, could be a lot of fun, and preluding to the dragons while still keeping the actual campaigns off in the distance.

Collaborative Development Topic- Living World

in CDI

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


Player Agency

I think the main thing I’d say on this topic is that even if it’s hard for technical reasons to have the player character central to and fully voiced in cutscenes, sometimes the plot could have been restructured to allow the player character to take a more central role.

We often become personal assistants to the latest NPC in each story release, but I think you could attain a lot more player agency if the NPCs helped us. Like, we stumble across evidence of the Bloody Prince and then accidentally dig him up. We start investigating a murder we witnessed, because the NPCs recognise we’ve accomplished a lot of stuff and can probably handle it.

It’s a subtle reframing, but one that could potentially be quite powerful – especially if we can get technical improvements that will allow our characters to be voiced and active in the story-related content in the future.

Again, this!

Collaborative Development Topic- Living World

in CDI

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


Player Agency
In short, Trahearne was intended to fill a very specific role that, in terms of both gameplay and story, the PC could not fill—an order-neutral character with extensive knowledge about Orr and the magic of undeath who could coordinate a global war effort and make the necessary plans, thus leaving the actual gameplay up to the player.

As true as that is, I think it really comes to the difference between being a superior and being an advisor.

Meaning, compare:

Trahearne: “Undead magic works like this, so we should do that.”
Player: “Ok, boss.”


Trahearne: “Undead magic works like this”.
Player character: “If what you say is true, then we can do that.”
Trahearne: “Hey, good idea.”

Player doesn’t decide anything, of course, but player -character- is still central.

As for Order-neutral, you could have-had a single junction point at the end of the Order-specific arc where a small group of forces from the three Orders get backed into the same corner and learn to survive by working together under the player’s leadership, and that battle forms the core of the Pact. Then the next arc would be bringing people from outside that battle on board with the idea.

Really, Trahearne’s story should have been separate from, but entertwined with the Pact and Personal story (like Destiny’s Edge). It could have even been a different mode (as DE was Story Dungeon mode). Have him relay his knowledge of Orr in the form of flashbacks, like the books in GW1 where you replayed the experiences of a lore character through their eyes, and with their abilities. Maybe if people -were- Trahearne while he was stealing the spotlight, they wouldn’t mind so much.

Anyway, that was more on the topic of Personal Story than Living Story, but many of the points carry over.

This. This could have been implemented too; Trahaern as advisor rather than general. And your role with one of the three orders?

“Sir, if you are to lead the entire alliance, you cannot be seen favoring one over the others.”

“You’re right, of course. I’ll remove myself – the defeat of the Dragon is far more important!”

I think with a little care and forethought, it could have been worked differently even with the technological limitations – just rethink the relationships. Even if it was a tiny bit unrealistic in some regards, the fact YOU are the hero would have made it far more palatable than merely being the second in command for the hero of the story.

Collaborative Development Topic- Living World

in CDI

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


I will add that, with a Living World concept, I’d like to see some permanent changes: some content changed “Those kitten ed Aetherblades burned down a whole section of Caledon Forest, and now the Nightmare Court are… replanting…. that area…..”

Or new regions opened up. IE Southsun Cove, only as an important place to go visit rather than a side trip kind of thing. “So, there’s a cave that opened up that might eventually open up to the Deldrimor front. Destroyers infest it, and you can actually HEAR Primordis and the Dwarves fighting from vents leading far below…. Anyway, there are some merchants there selling some unusual things you cannot find anywhere else….”

Collaborative Development Topic- Living World

in CDI

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


I’d like to say thanks to everyone who posted constructive and/or detailed feedback regarding the Living World story and characters in this thread. While I can’t post spoilers about future content, I would like to address some of the opinions that have been brought up.

Guild Wars 2 has a dragon on the box cover. The primary motivation for players on their 80-level journey is to kill a dragon. So yeah, giant, winged beasts are a part of Tyria, they’re core to the game, and we haven’t forgotten about them. That stated, I can’t say when we’ll return to them—only that we will. There is a plan in place.

And that’s what I wanted to hear. I am sorry if I was a bit of a jerk, but I’d read from several sources over the last several months things like "a new campaign isn’t being planned at this time, " or somesuch.

This was very discouraging. If you guys have something in the works, even if its too early to announce anything, well, that makes me happy.

So, sorry if I WASN’T one of those with positive feedback.

Anyway. To be honest I AM enjoying the LW stuff, at least some of it, and at least a little. So, its got some good to it, and that’s good in and of itself.

Your touching on pacing is important though. The two week release is good… but it feels like some story elements are glacially slow and needs to be revealed sooner. See, in TV, we have significant plot elements revealed in an hour’s time frame, with commercial breaks.

Here, we get some playable content…. but very little advancement to the plot, especially considering two weeks before the next “episode.” I DO want more activities, don’t get me wrong, but I want a little faster story development too, a bit more revealed.

Anyway. My real desire is dragons and new regions opened up heh. You working on those, even if its some time off, and I’ll be happy

Oh, and BTW – I don’t have a problem with Scarlet at all. Furthermore… her “I know more about you than Faolin, does that mean we’re dating?” Had me roaring with laughter!

Collaborative Development Topic- Living World

in CDI

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


You know, I just skimmed all this, but I saw several things that reflected my own thoughts.

#1: Dragons. Seriously, how long did they spend building up all the lore about the elder dragons before GW2 released. Since then, we’ve been able to campaign against… one.

And since then, we’ve had rumors… rumors that they aren’t even planning it, or don’t expect to see anything about new elder dragons until at least year xxxx, etc. But we didn’t buy GW2 to fight Scarlet. We bought GW2 to fight dragons.

Seriously, I’m hoping that the no news thing is just because you have something big under wraps, because if the Living World is just going to be the same stuff we are seeing now, with no new campaigns to be released… or even being planned… well, then it makes the Living World feel like a stopgap.

Now, if the LW was a way of slowly, subtly introducing the next dragon campaign out, now THAT is something I can get behind. Of course it ruins the surprise if you told us too early… but tell me, if we were to go through this thread, how many requests for the Dragons would we see already? I suspect that should be telling you much about what we are really wanting to see.

#2: New Zones. We look at the map, and see all these named but unexplored regions. The Deldrimor front, for instance. We want more PERMANENT stuff, not temporary material. Start opening up these “mysterious” zones, and start letting us have more world to explore, more things to do, not just for 2 weeks but forever.

#3: The LW stuff is great, in one regard. It gives us new stuff to do. But its all temporary. It adds no real impact to the world, and it gives us something to do only for the short term. Sometimes I havent even felt the desire to explore the new content anymore.

Frankly, I’m waiting for the next Elder Dragon to slay. Another year of this may see me losing interest. I do suppose the LW has kept my interest up a bit where it would have disappeared already, but its a temporary thing.

Dragons. New Regions. Permanent content. Oh, and content that casual players can pursue too.

Pining for a New Campaign

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


You know, if they said not into next year, that still implies there’s hope. For the distant future, but still, there’s only so long I’ll find this living world stuff interesting; if they don’t have some new campaign, or some of these labeled but unopened areas opened up, or something, I’m going to lose interest eventually.

But I’ll keep my fingers crossed for the time being.

Pining for a New Campaign

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


With all the lore that went in on the whole “elder dragons are rising, we must defeat them,” I must say, while I’m enjoying the living story content somewhat… I’m also disappointed that there doesn’t APPEAR to be any headway on a campaign to defeat another of the elder dragons.

Let me explain: I’ve seen quotes from people associated with the game which said they had no plans to work on a new campaign “at this time.” Now, that was awhile ago, and maybe someone out there has some information that I do not….

But the living story feels like a stopgap. I want to slay another Elder Dragon!!!

I feel that GW2's philosophy is flawed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


I enjoy it myself, but I play a few other f2p mmos. If I am getting burned out with one, I switch to another.

I DON’T mind some timegated stuff, with the living world content. But I haven’t enjoyed it all. If I don’t I go switch to something else for a bit.

Karma hoarding - wanted warning about change

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


Hey, everyone. We’ve read your feedback and we have an update about the karma issue. You can read about it here.


Thanks !!!

Karma hoarding - wanted warning about change

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


This is totally our fault, we dropped the ball on this plain and simple. We planned to have this messaged ahead of time to be fair to everyone, communication broke down between those who knew it was supposed to be messaged, and those who were supposed to message it and it simply didn’t happen.

As game director this is ultimately my fault first and foremost, and I’m sorry for those who potentially lost some karma as a result. It is our policy to message these kind of changes ahead of time with lots of warning, I’ll do everything possible to make sure this doesn’t happen in the future.

I’d recommend not using your karma consumables yet, give us a day or two to try and see what options we have available to help mitigate the issue.

I applaud you for this. Takes a lot of character to own up to a mistake. Must not have been easy.

Karma hoarding - wanted warning about change

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


We’ll find a way to restore for folks who dumped all their karma so far today too, more info from the community team soon when we get it all ironed out. Our goal is for everyone to get what they would have karma wise, hang tight.

So I suppose I should hold off on drinking up my karma for now?