A lot of people talk bad about Sneak Gyro. I suspect they did not play it.
You still have mad stealth while a player attacks your sneak gyro, it isn’t dead, and you thunderclap him from stealth. All while he tries to attack the gyro because he had no other option until you become revealed.
It is a very strong close range juke. It is also insta cast so it can deny stomps and CC bursts. Not to mention its game changing tool belt.
You are right about pretty much everything. Personally though, I REALLY dislike the toolbelt.
Engies are already a natural counter to thieves. I would have preferred something I’d get a bit more use out of.
A much better reason to take it, but still not good enough. If you know the Mesmer is near, you have plenty of other, more versatile tools to deal with the burst. If you do NOT know, then the skill really does not make a difference.
As an Engineer, I am MUCH more concerned about Necromancers or getting burned to death.
And In general, I prefer soft, multipurpose counters.
Isn’t Mr. Sneaks Kind of a Soft Counter to Mesmers? They can not shatter on you if they don’t see you. They can’t stealth Shatter you for example. If they want to kill you, they have to destroy the Gyro first.
- 4 Zerk/Valk +2 Magi Trinkets
- Full Magi Armor
- Valk Weapon
- Wurm Rune
- GS/Staff Water/Life Sig
———————————-- ~25k HP
- ~1700 Power
- ~40% Crit Chance
- ~200% Crit Damage
- ~900 Healing Power with full Life Sigil
———————————-a classic hybrid.
What weapons and game mode is that supposed to be used for?
Whereever I go, mainly Fracs, maybe Raids and maybe some WvW/open World. The Weapon will be Staff for the Healing Part and GS/LB for the Damage Part (Depending if Melee is usable in that encounter)
I was just wondering because of the vitality, if it were me I would trade that vitality for Power any day, but you cannot get Precision + Healing power on anything without Zealots, which is a huge expense right now. You also have a nice amount of Ferocity in there.
Although, I’m thinking I’ll make whatever is the cheapest ascended set to make, then change them to Zealots in the forge, probably end up cheaper than buying all the recipes.
Oh, and they will add Zealot trinkets at some point, fellas, save your laurels.
One more point for those wishing to make a cleric/zerk hybrid, remember the trinkets add more to your stats than the armor, so if you want more healing, go for clerics trinkets and zerker armor.
Magi is perfect for me, but useless without something that uses the Precision. Vitality, Precision, Healing Power. That’s why i go with Wurm and Zerk/Valk to increase my Vit which increases my Ferocity in return, which makes use of said Precision that comes with the Magi Stuff.
Apo and Cleric are nice and they offer the same amount of Healing Power that Magi does, but they lack Vitality and i prefer Vit over Toughness. I feel more safe when i see 25k Health instead of just 15k.
A lot of people talk bad about Sneak Gyro. I suspect they did not play it.
You still have mad stealth while a player attacks your sneak gyro, it isn’t dead, and you thunderclap him from stealth. All while he tries to attack the gyro because he had no other option until you become revealed.
It is a very strong close range juke. It is also insta cast so it can deny stomps and CC bursts. Not to mention its game changing tool belt.
I have not played it and don’t talk bad about it :-D
- 4 Zerk/Valk +2 Magi Trinkets
- Full Magi Armor
- Valk Weapon
- Wurm Rune
- GS/Staff Water/Life Sig
———————————-- ~25k HP
- ~1700 Power
- ~40% Crit Chance
- ~200% Crit Damage
- ~900 Healing Power with full Life Sigil
———————————-a classic hybrid.
What weapons and game mode is that supposed to be used for?
Whereever I go, mainly Fracs, maybe Raids and maybe some WvW/open World. The Weapon will be Staff for the Healing Part and GS/LB for the Damage Part (Depending if Melee is usable in that encounter)
Where’s the condition damage?
In the closet where it belongs. And if i come to a Point where i need Condi Damage:
- Hey i am Still a Ranger, I bring out my Pet with 1300 Condition Damage, Problem solved.
There are a bunch of mobs with high resistance to direct damage, that take full damage from conditions (for example in the silverwastes) so I find that statement a bit funny tbh!
I would also guess there’ll be even more mobs around where going hybrid damage will outdamage any pure zerker/pure condi builds.
For those Mobs, i always have a totally free Pet with up to 1300 Condition Damage. And those Mobs are only a Problem in Solo Situations, In Dungeons/Fracs/Raids whatever there will be always at least 1 Condi Party Member if those places Feature that Kind of Mobs.
In the closet where it belongs.
Then you wouldn’t be a hybrid.
If you only have Physical and Condi Damage in your head, then you are right. If you have Healing in your Head aswell, then you are wrong
I am not a Condi Physical Hybrid, never claimed to be, i am a Healing/Damage Hybrid. And as per my Edit, if i Need Condi Damage, i just equip a 1300 Condi Damage Pet, Problem solved.
Yes they have Perma Stealth now:
- Duration of 30 Seconds, Cooldown of 45
- after the 30 Seconds, you still have 14s of Stealth left and 15s Cooldown.
Technically you would be visible for 1s but you can bridge that gap with the Stealth from Elixir S. with the right traits, Elixir S is off cooldown when you need it the next time, over and over again.
- 4 Zerk/Valk +2 Magi Trinkets
- Full Magi Armor
- Valk Weapon
- Wurm Rune
- GS/Staff Water/Life Sig
———————————-- ~25k HP
- ~1700 Power
- ~40% Crit Chance
- ~200% Crit Damage
- ~900 Healing Power with full Life Sigil
———————————-a classic hybrid.
Where’s the condition damage?
In the closet where it belongs. And if i come to a Point where i need Condi Damage:
- Hey i am Still a Ranger, I bring out my Pet with 1300 Condition Damage, Problem solved.
(edited by NapTooN.6283)
It is funny because everybody apologize for being “salty” about their thoughts on the elite spec design. But if the tweaks do not meet the expectation in 9 days, it is going to be a pepper engi forum
As the history shows we will get maybe in line with other Elite Specs in about 3 Years or maybe 2 Years and then we get nerfed
. They dont know what to do with the Engi, that we get a second AI Utility line shows how much they care about the engi community.
The amount of players on engineer do not help compared to other classes…
really? That sucks then, i guess. Heroes were removed from the Map, right? At least in BWE1 and 2 i think, so that is quite an inconsistancy there.
I played scrapper on BWE3, used the elite on doorbreakers, and it was still possible to see it on map
I believe you. But as far as i remember for BWE1 and 2, any stealth removed at least the Heroes from the Minimap. Not Sure about Breakers/Archers, have not paid attention to the Minimap in those cases.
But if the Heroes are stealthed on the Map, and the lesser NPCs not, i would call that “lazy work”, because they should either all be hidden or none of those.
So Sneak Gyro has become even worse than it was. I can’t see myself ever using it. It’s pretty much useless everywhere except wvwvw i guess.
Other changes seem good but CD increase on gyros was a bit premature. If they still die fast then we are looking at an actual increase in CD. If they live it’s okish but not spectacular.
Not a word about Hammer #2 which has huge delay.
Sneak is by FAR BETTER than before, what are you talking about? Before it was:
- 44s Max Stealth with 30s CD (16s Downtime without Stealth)
Now it is:
- 44s Max Stealth with 45 CD (ONE FREAKING SECOND Downtime without Stealth)
Explanation: After The Duration of 30s, the Gyro would have stacked 14s of Stealth on you. At that Point, the previous 30s CD triggered, leaving you with 16s without Stealth. After the Changes, the CD of 45 will start as soon as you summon, so after the Duration of 30s you have 14s of Stealth left and 15s of CD left, leaving you at 1s without Stealth.
Whoever thinks that is a nerf, needs to clean their glasses, that it totally a buff, especially in Stronghold where permanently removing Allied Archers/Doorbreakers/Heroes from the Minimap can be pretty devastating to the Enemy.
Even under stealth, the archers and doorbreakers appear on the map
, but this is a discussion for an other subject…
really? That sucks then, i guess. Heroes were removed from the Map, right? At least in BWE1 and 2 i think, so that is quite an inconsistancy there.
So Sneak Gyro has become even worse than it was. I can’t see myself ever using it. It’s pretty much useless everywhere except wvwvw i guess.
Other changes seem good but CD increase on gyros was a bit premature. If they still die fast then we are looking at an actual increase in CD. If they live it’s okish but not spectacular.
Not a word about Hammer #2 which has huge delay.
Sneak is by FAR BETTER than before, what are you talking about? Before it was:
- 44s Max Stealth with 30s CD (16s Downtime without Stealth)
Now it is:
- 44s Max Stealth with 45 CD (ONE FREAKING SECOND Downtime without Stealth)
Explanation: After The Duration of 30s, the Gyro would have stacked 14s of Stealth on you. At that Point, the previous 30s CD triggered, leaving you with 16s without Stealth. After the Changes, the CD of 45 will start as soon as you summon, so after the Duration of 30s you have 14s of Stealth left and 15s of CD left, leaving you at 1s without Stealth.
Whoever thinks that is a nerf, needs to clean their glasses, that it totally a buff, especially in Stronghold where permanently removing Allied Archers/Doorbreakers/Heroes from the Minimap can be pretty devastating to the Enemy.
ATM i use P/P and D/D with a Shortbow in my Inventory for Stealth Stacking if needed. With HoT, D/D will fly out of the Window and will be replaced with Staff as my AOE Melee Option.
- 4 Zerk/Valk +2 Magi Trinkets
- Full Magi Armor
- Valk Weapon
- Wurm Rune
- GS/Staff Water/Life Sig
———————————- - ~25k HP
- ~1700 Power
- ~40% Crit Chance
- ~200% Crit Damage
- ~900 Healing Power with full Life Sigil
a classic hybrid.
- Jaguar: Mick
- Rat-Bear: Ratlock
- Jellyfish: Squishy
- Spider: Itzy
- Devourer: Bitzy
- Armor Fish: Tank
- Shark: Spank
- Pink Moa: Pinky
- Black Moa: Toa (the Moa)
- Red Wyvern: Spitfire
EDIT: Forgot Shenzi and Balu for mir Hyena and Black Bear.
(edited by NapTooN.6283)
Still waiting on that time machine…..
I doubt it will be invented within the next 11 days, so you are better off waiting for HoT :-D
What Hammergaurd said. It’s a pretty strong trait, compare to all the useless Grand Master Traits we have.
Spike Trap’s knock down does not trigger Ancient Seeds. I don’t know if it’s intended or a bug, I hope they fix it.
The CC is not what triggers AS, you have to deal damage to a CCed Enemy to trigger AS
Plot Twist:
- E = Egg (as in Glint’s Offspring)
This weekend you’ll be able to test out a lot of the theorycrafting (some of which had my eyes widening – in a good way) that you’ve been doing and offer even more awesome feedback.
Things you’ve brought up, like the Scrapper’s lack of a stunbreak on either their utilities or traits is getting acted on, as well as a few more changes to core Engineer and bugfixes.
please-let-gyro-cooldown-start-immediately, please-let-gyro-cooldown-start-immediately, please-let-gyro-cooldown-start-immediately, please-let-gyro-cooldown-start-immediately!!! >_<’’
That would totally not happen.
- Due to popular demand, we changed the Gyros so that their CD starts as soon as they are summoned. Congratulations Scrappers, you now have Perma Stealth with a well over 30s Duration on a 30s Cooldown.
Or, ya know, balance the cooldowns accordingly with making that cooldown start when the Gyros are first summoned. Like every suggestion that has asked for this has said.
Balance the CD as in making it 60s? You know that it would be the same like now, right? It would even be a Nerf if it dies before it runs out.
I really have to add though, given how we don’t have access to any kind of aoe daze/stun to make use of Moment of clarity easily, it should be tweaked. Not nerfed, but tweaked. If we can chain-daze multiple foes it is very close to being OP. Only reason I don’t say it won’t be OP out-right is because unlike warrior who can deal additional damage with higher critical chance on the enemies that are stunned or apply confusion when interrupt (geez warrior gets a lot) we gain additional damage on one hit from us and pet. Also it is NOT a weapon skill but is a skill of celestial avatar that MUST be charged before usage, it may not even be that threatening in the actual practise.
So hopefully A-net won’t kneejerk on this one like they did with WHAO
Rune of Eq is a 4s Daze with MoC and Storm Spirit 6s with MoC. Both AoE. Not the easiest to hit AoE, but AoE.
Just theorycrafting around with clerics / altruism runes / and remorseless synergy.
Probably not viable.. Bit weak to condi, even with the glyph cleanses. I am however intriegued to see what that level of heal power and toughness will be like in CF or when using a Staff.
How can a Druid be weak to condi? The Avatar #2 is Condi Clease on a 1s Cooldown
This weekend you’ll be able to test out a lot of the theorycrafting (some of which had my eyes widening – in a good way) that you’ve been doing and offer even more awesome feedback.
Things you’ve brought up, like the Scrapper’s lack of a stunbreak on either their utilities or traits is getting acted on, as well as a few more changes to core Engineer and bugfixes.
please-let-gyro-cooldown-start-immediately, please-let-gyro-cooldown-start-immediately, please-let-gyro-cooldown-start-immediately, please-let-gyro-cooldown-start-immediately!!! >_<’’
That would totally not happen.
- Due to popular demand, we changed the Gyros so that their CD starts as soon as they are summoned. Congratulations Scrappers, you now have Perma Stealth with a well over 30s Duration on a 30s Cooldown.
…from a visible gyro with no use in pve since it gets nuked by trash and more than enough counterplay in pvp. Also we just rised it’s cd to 45, but I think the other gyros still are fine.
fixed for ya
the Gyro has a Stealth Duration of 44s with a downtime of 16s. If you are alone, it might be killed by trash (except for the Cannon Phase at Mai Trin, i don’t think that the Cannons target NPCs.) If you have another Scrapper, you have Perma Stealth with invisible Gyros.
I will Play the hell out of the Gyro with Nika in Stronghold because they stealth eachother.
So since we know Arena Net is pretty fast when it comes to Ranger Nerfs, what do you think how long we keep the “interesting” fact of a 6s Daze on 5s CD?
There are 2 Ways for ArenaNet to fix that:
- Nerf MoC to 50% or something
- Nerf Lunar Impact’s CD to 10s or higher
I predict that we will keep the Combo for the Weekend but with the first “Changes after BWE3”-Post from the Devs, this synergy will be destroyed either way. I doubt that ArenaNet will let this slip into the Full Release.
And before everyone cries: “pssshhh don’t tell them”, 5 Minutes after the Start of the BWE, someone dazelocked by a Druid will open a Thread about how OP Druids are, so they will know either way.
It lets you double cast any Utility Skill. 72 seconds with Trait is fine.
Put it on WhaO. It already Heals you and your Pet. If a traited pet revive on a 16s Cooldown is too OP (lol OP and Pet in the same sentence) they can always add a line like:
- Heal yourself and your Pet. If your Pet it dead, it is revived with 50% Health and this Skill has a Recharge of 30s
My personal opinion is that it would be better off not on a healing skill, but that is just me.
It has to be on a skill with less than fourty-five Seconds cooldown (actual CD for swapping a dead pet), otherwise noone would take the skill to revive his Pet.
Put it on WhaO. It already Heals you and your Pet. If a traited pet revive on a 16s Cooldown is too OP (lol OP and Pet in the same sentence) they can always add a line like:
- Heal yourself and your Pet. If your Pet it dead, it is revived with 50% Health and this Skill has a Recharge of 30s
Asura Rangers will definately rise even more in WvW popularity. What we have for Daze (with MoC):
- Black Moa: 2s (30s CD)
- Pink Moa: 2s (30s CD)
- Greatsword: 3s (25s CD)
- Avatar: 6s (5s CD)
- Storm Spirit: 6s (20s CD)
- Technobabble: 6s (45s CD)
- Glyph of Eq.: 4s (40s CD)
That is quite some hefty amount of Daze :-)
Right now Elementalist is sitting at first place with 32 votes (19%) . Second place is not maining Revenant.
Poor Tempest. I can see a pile of disgarded war horns and parked Ele characters
That is great for PvP. The more People park their Ele, the less D/D Eles will spoil the fun in PvP.
Hey there is still a 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% Chance that the Tempest Rune will be about Auras and the Final effect being Auras you apply stack in Duration
But i guess it would never happen.
The Thing that Ventari has is the single best Projectile Denial in the whole game by a large margin. The only Thing matching it’s Duration is Shield of the Avenger and that is unreliable and not an constant Bubble.
Ventari will trump in Projectile heavy Environments while the Druid will be better everywhere where no/few Projectiles are flying around.
Ventari will make the Shaman Fractal a cakewalk, while the Druid will struggle with his 5s thin line against the 100 Elementals throwing Projectiles from every angle.
eh not feeling it in sPvP, but LOVE it in WvW and PvE! Gonna test if it works in the dredge testing facility during its cannon phase
The Projectiles in the Molten Facility are not unblockable like the Cannons at Mai Trin.
You can use every single Reflect and Projectile Block against the Tornadoes and Fireballs. That is the reason why Ventari is so awesome there with his 20s Bubble.
554852kitten.1705:I also found out last night while doing fractals that you can block unblockable projectiles with it, such as Mai Trin cannon phase. That seems a bit broken, but I thought it was fun. :p
I believe you can do this with all projectile destructions. It isn’t a block, it actually destroys the projectile before it hits you.
Siege weapons are immune, though.
Oh how I miss the days of feedback on siege weaponry……
Hey there is someone on the Cannon ontop of this wall, let’s test something… Feedback on the Cannon > Cannon shoots once and is immediately destroyed
Yes those were glory Days indeed. But I preferred intercepting Trebuchet Shots with Guardians/Eles.
This weekend you’ll be able to test out a lot of the theorycrafting (some of which had my eyes widening – in a good way) that you’ve been doing and offer even more awesome feedback.
Things you’ve brought up, like the Scrapper’s lack of a stunbreak on either their utilities or traits is getting acted on, as well as a few more changes to core Engineer and bugfixes.
please-let-gyro-cooldown-start-immediately, please-let-gyro-cooldown-start-immediately, please-let-gyro-cooldown-start-immediately, please-let-gyro-cooldown-start-immediately!!! >_<’’
That would totally not happen.
- Due to popular demand, we changed the Gyros so that their CD starts as soon as they are summoned. Congratulations Scrappers, you now have Perma Stealth with a well over 30s Duration on a 30s Cooldown.
This is the Thing i will test in Stronghold this Weekend
- +33% Daze Duration
- +55% Stun Duration
- 10+ Seconds of Weakness on every Daze/Stun
- Daze and Stun all over my build
- absolute Anti Stealth.
- Perfect Combo with Nika and Sneak Gyro. The Gyro gives Stealth to Nika and Nika gives Stealth to the Gyro.
If i am alone, i have a16s period where Nika is visible. (as soon as the Gyro Cooldown of 30s starts, our stealth still lingers for 14s.) With 2 Scrappers, we have Perma undetectable Stealth (except for a random AoE reveal). as soon as the first Gyro runs out, the second one is summoned. By the time this one runs out, the first one is back off cooldown.
How do you make a revenant for beta weekend?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: NapTooN.6283
you wait until they open up the Beta Character Creation
How long have masteries taken to get in previous beta weekends? Is this something I’m going to have to spend hours getting before my character even has a chance to clear the first raid boss?
We don’t know if we need Masteries for the first Boss. If the first Boss is not Licky McTounge, we won’t need gliding for example
So i think we can go to the Raid, grab a full set of Ascended Stuff and swap over to Fractals, right? That would make it easier for me to test the new stuff in higher Fractals with different stats to see if they are worth it.
I doubt it. You are not able to Rally from Pets/Turrets/Clones etc. won’t be different for the Function Gyro
You sure? The wiki page for Vengeance mentions being able to rally by killing turrets, https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Vengeance , “Some things you can rally off of in the downed state cannot be rallied off of during Vengeance (ex. weak spawned minions, turrets, target-able environmental objects).”
Pretty sure. I killed quite some Minions in downed state and was not able to rally off of them
Since the spec patch, opening Med Kit does not provide on heal effects, and bandage does not count as a tool belt ability, but the healing ability. It’s gated.
thank you, guess i have not played my Engineer for too long.
It’s the 3s daze (4 with mesmer runes!) on a 5 second CD that really gets me…
Mesmer Runes are a waste. Just get Moment of Clarity and you have a 6s Daze on 5s Cooldown.
(edited by NapTooN.6283)
as we all know, equipping the Kit Counts as using a Healing Skill. Recovery Matrix has no Cooldown and gives 5s of Protection.
Is this working as intended or an oversight by the Devs?
I doubt it. You are not able to Rally from Pets/Turrets/Clones etc. won’t be different for the Function Gyro
1) If he uses f2 in reaction to you stealthing, there is going to be at least a 2 second window during which you can simply walk out of range. If the pet in question is a bird, f2 cannot be used at all, because he can’t see you to target you.
2) Again, only if you stay next to the pet for at least 2 seconds and only if the pet is not a bird. Try playing ranger and see how long the delay is between hitting f2 and your pet actually using it. It’s an enormous delay.
3) This is the only scenario you listed that is at all realistic. However, given the times involved, you’re still more likely to be hit by the taunt after backstab lands unless the ranger is blocking (and if the ranger is blocking, you’d probably be hammered out of taunt range by counterattack anyway).
1) You have to sit in SR for 4 seconds, and the taunt radius takes up exactly the entire field if it’s in the middle. this means either get taunted and revealed, or walk out of SR and get revealed. I actually feel like this is the most realistic scenario as 3 is a totally random chance that you get taunted without it being intentional.
2) Fair enough. Though the ranger could cast it as you cast CnD and the taunt would hit almost immediately and would work with birds.
3) Also fair. Still happens on occasion though.
1) The most common pet these days is a bird. Birds cannot use f2 when there is no target available. Plus, just try getting a pet to stand exactly where you want it to, especially if there isn’t a target there to send it after.
2) If you’re next to the pet only long enough to CnD, it’s extremely unlikely. The delay on f2 skills is crippling. They would have had to hit f2 a couple seconds before you CnD, and even then it’s a matter of luck. Most likely it would cancel if you stealthed when a bird has f2 queued, but a canine could pull it off.
3) Yes.
Honestly, the only real problem I see with the reveals is their duration. In my opinion, 8 seconds is too long.
Taunt happens as soon as you hit F2, there is no delay in the taunt.
The fact that they think a Straw Poll is indictive of anything but the amount of votes the site has been told it has received shows what to expect from Druid fans.
Looks like you are in the Hater Camp. Again, the poll was not meant to dismiss the People that are critical about the Druid, it was meant to shut down these kitten “I know what the majority thinks and you are wrong!” Posts. It is fine for me if you don’t like the Druid, what i don’t like is People pretending that they know what the majority thinks.
Druid will be strong in the offensive lane too. Staff lets the druid heal the doorbreakers while fighting the enemy with the right positioning, and since you’ll have a group of doorbreakers to heal you’ll build up astral force super fast. Enemy gets your doorbreakers too low? Pop Celestial Avatar and full heal them. 20 seconds of burst healing should be long enough for 4-5 doorbreakers to take down a gate.
We only have a Problem if Druid can outheal the Trebuchet. It is there for a reason. Worst case would be that you need 2 people to kill the Doorbreaker/Druid Blob.
- If they heal the DBs from range, the Treb focuses the Rats while the other Person goes for the Druid. They can not keep themselves and the DBs alive for Long.
- If they stick with the DBs and heal in melee range, they die even faster thanks to the Treb.
And the most important Counter Point: A druid can not heal Doorbreakers that are 1-shot by Guards and won’t deal enough damage to kill the Guards by himself.
It bugs me more when I see people cry for ranger nerfs whenever there is positive without even seeing them in game. Many times when seeing the posters, you will notice that their signatures specifically demonstrate that they main other classes.
… I’m looking at you Official Mesmer Forum Guild member!
;P (even though with yours you are clearly being comedic, but this actually happens frequently in serious balance posts as well).
You can trust me though! I definitely didn’t quit my ranger for my mesmer months ago…. >.>
sure sure, we can trust you, the only Person without a real Username on this Forum…
yep, i have to hit F2 twice for the Pet Skills, the first triggers the Taunt, the second triggers the actual skill.
In some circumstances it might be a buff, being able to trigger the Skill and Taunt seperately.
the entire WH is basically for stacking might, it does no damage. sword does no damage, MH axe does no damage. we have all these boons on a rotten foundation of a prof. LB and GS are virtually the only weapons that scale ok with power.
spirits cant ever change the outcome of a fight. they get one-shot, boons are weak, actives just don’t do much.
condi on pets – great when they land their f2’s on something
whats the point of slotting guard if you cant do any damage, cleanse condis, or stunbreak as a result? we have more than enough prot without using it.
meanwhile d/d eles are still destroying everyone in high pvp brackets.
Storm Spirit was buffed. It now gives 3 Stacks of Vuln on hit to up to 5 People, that is 15 Stacks just from it’s passive instead of useless Swiftness. It’s active finally works with MoC and a 6s AoE Daze is definately not “not that much”.
Give the Ranger the daredevil, the Guatdian the Druid and the Thief the Dragonhunter. It would fit much better.
Great, because what thief definitely needs is more traps!
Hey, the Thief Traps are rectangular while the Dragon Hunter Traps are circular. That is definately something new for the Thief, just like giving the Scrapper flying Turrets.
Go ahead and tell the Bumblebee that it is physically impossible for her to fly.