That were some quite interesting thoughts and ideas you brought up.
Some more questions that I am interested in would be:
1. How would you design the event?
2. What should be optimized?
3. Do you (or your homeworld) already (try to) kill her or has she just become an urban legend?
4. Do you think we need more of these “challenging” bosses or do you think we already have enough bosses that are too tedious to do? If the latter, please tell me some bosses you think are overdone.
5. Do you think each homeworld should be able to kill all the open world bosses or is it okay that some worlds stand no chance with some of the bosses?
Well, that’s for now.. I still try to figure out what is going wrong (not only with the karka queen, but she started the entire misery)…
Maybe a few of you want to discuss a little bit more or bring up their own thoughts and theories.
Either she needs more time or the timer has to be removed or her lp has to be lowered.
She should not be a cakewalk, but one could think you should be able to kill her in a group of 10 – 15 people?
Taidha is a tedious event to get it up and running. Often it takes up to 1 hour to start her. But you should be able to kill her after you put in that much preparation.
Anet could just have given her some more lp so she isn’t killed in 5 minutes, but the new version just doesn’t make any sense at all.
Too much lp for too little time.. that sounds like Taidha will become the new Karka Queen. Not much people will start her. (There are a few bosses where the ratio between effort (time) and reward do not match, and Taidha already has been a PITA for the preparations that took too long and were too tedious, but in the end you were able to kill her with a bunch of people.^^)
Why should one do all the preparations that take up a lot of time, but in the end there feels something very wrong when you are not able to kill her?
How many people are supposed to be needed to kill her now?
Before the search would result in 0 or in too few/ wrong results which already has not been satisfying at this time.
And now it simply does nothing. It just does not search. (Or at least it does not show that it is searching not to mention that there are no results displayed. Nothing.)
to waypoint = to link a waypoint to someone via chat function
Just for clarification.
That happened to me as well. I wanted to waypoint (a lot… to my friends..), but it does not let me do this. It started after the recent tequatl patch.
I am not 100% sure, but not all characters are affected. Some simply can’t waypoint in whisper chat, some can.
Like you I am able to do it in say an map chat, but just not when whispering. It’s quite annoying.
Yea, who am I kidding. They will never address this issue or reimburse me. Thanks for all the replies though.
PS. It’s funny to see that one quintessential smart-kitten pretend to know what happened while ignoring the glaring problem at hand.
Give it a try. They already have reimbursed other players that made the same mistake.
Although they always tell us they cannot refund us, this is one of the rare cases where they can and already did for a lot of other players.
Good luck!
Please contact support. They might be able to help you. Explain what happened and they maybe refund you with another ring. It already happened to so many other people that I cannot understand why they have not yet made improvements to prevent this from further happening.
You also might want to read a few other threads about it:
This also happens with the engineer skill Rocket Boots. Not all the time, but after the initial ‘jump’, when it comes to the straight dodge roll, it sometimes goes into random directions, at least in sPvP…
Also fire ele’s dagger skill 3 ( Sometimes it does not shoot you into the correct direction.
And to the OP, I also encountered this a lot and to me it always seemed random when it happened.
The new screen for sparkfly fen is inaccurate, it should be mostly half naked females vs a dragon.
Lol. I was talking about the handmade screen at the beginning of this thread. I didn’t know at this time that Quatl/ Sparkfly Fen had a new screen.
Half naked woman with a dragon? Dreamer. :-p
But it wouldn’t also be that far away from the truth.. I think a lot of characters (females AND males) died so many times, their armor has been destroyed and they appeared naked, well at least half naked…
Got an ascended myself. And teq’s fang
(S)he did.
Quatl needs a new name: The one that will never die again.
Well, the new name shall be: Quatl, the deathless, defeated by Blackgate
One of them got an ascended.
Congratulations! You’ve done very well.
I just thought I had posted in a thread that already talked about that particular issue.. wanted to link you there, but can’t find it anymore.. hmm..
But now I am used to Eeeee-ing the whole time… ^^
I am quite excited to test it later. Yaaay.
Funny how Teq is harder than Zhaitan. The Elder Dragon of Death was defeated by just five players.
You know that it was part of Zhaitan’s plan to “lose” all along?
Did you really think Zhaitan would have let you stay alive if there had not been a greater plan that included not killing you?
Not sure about Drakkar-Lake, but it might be Quatl becomes our new and second Karka Queen. ^^
Or at least a weekend dragon.
Oh, and the screen was really impressive, Quatl looks better now. Really liked the improved appearance! ;-)
Quatl needs a new name: The one that will never die again.
I wasn’t able to participate in a fight against him/ her/ it yet, but you all sound very promising.
You could have made it!!!
We figured this out long time ago, you might want to read more about it here:
Can’t really remember that a dev said something about it, because since we encountered it there have been so many threads about it and not one reply. I guess, I must have missed the thread, Mad Rasputin mentioned. ^^
However, since they never acknowlegded it clearly as a bug or not working as intended, I thought that we shall assume it is indeed working as intended.
In my opinion it is a little bit strange, because if you do the event the first time each day, it should give you the chest (if you parked your character there or not.. DR should never affect your first turn).
Well, it is not that fatal as soon as you know it and you can prevent it from happening, but it’s not a good design that you are not told you cannot do it twice in a row (and sometimes it works doing it with the same character without changing the map or doing any event in between.. it’s not very consistent -.-).
But there is a lack of a few things that could prevent player to do such mistakes, hopefully one day they implement other/ better information.
(Another example is that you cannot wear two of the same ascended rings.. if you don’t know exactly what unique means, you are screwed. ^^ Yeah, you can contact support and in that particular case they will help you, but it already happened so many times that I cannot understand why they did not improve the description about it yet..)
(edited by Navi.7142)
It’s not too late to learn from us. They might be surprised what the players are able to come up with. ^^
I hereby generously allow them to use my ideas for any improvements they want to make. Cheers. xD
I read another discussion about the upcoming changes for the world bosses and had to think about the Karka Queen and that she must feel very lonely at the moment…
Well, I immediately got some ideas how this situation could be improved..
I know, I know.. I could post it under suggestions, but as it is a dynamic event and in this forum area we discuss some of these events and their “problems”, I decided to post it here. :-)
So I copy+paste it from the other thread..
Another suggestion would be that the captured camps stay freed for quite a time.
Why should we ever try to free the camps (eg. in a smaller group), when they become contested again too soon whilst we are still trying to free the rest of the camps?
Or maybe there could be a timer that displays as soon as people are trying to free the camps.. not just after they achieved that and the karka queen has spawned so people come and kill her for the loot. -.- (Not sure if it works that way, but can’t remember when the karka queen currently is displayed in the timer.)
Well, that brings me to another idea.. they could easily increase the reward for the people that are involved in all the freeing and so on..
Why not give a world wide announcement that there is something up in Southsun Cove? (similar to invasions)
After that people have a certain amount of time to free the camps and kill the karka queen (the karka queen could be spawning at different places.. like scarlet, who knows?).. and the event would give a reward for completing as well as a reward for failing..
I would visit the karka queen more often, if they would tweak the situation to get her spawned a bit..
What are your thoughts? Would you like to have an improved Karka Queen event? And if yes, how would you improve it?
What do you think are the problems with the existing event? How can they be solved?
(edited by Navi.7142)
If capturing those four camps was changed to capture the four camps in sequence and then fight the queen then people would do it.
Another suggestion would be that the captured camps stay freed for quite a time.
Why should we ever try to free the camps (eg. in a smaller group), when they become contested again too soon whilst we are still trying to free the rest of the camps?
Or maybe there could be a timer that displays as soon as people are trying to free the camps.. not just after they achieved that and the karka queen has spawned so people come and kill her for the loot. -.- (Not sure if it works that way, but can’t remember when the karka queen currently is displayed in the timer.)
Well, that brings me to another idea.. they could easily increase the reward for the people that are involved in all the freeing and so on..
Why not give a world wide announcement that there is something up in Southsun Cove? (similar to invasions)
After that people have a certain amount of time to free the camps and kill the karka queen (the karka queen could be spawning at different places.. like scarlet, who knows?).. and the event would give a reward for completing as well as a reward for failing..
I would visit the karka queen more often, if they would tweak the situation to get her spawned a bit..
I think another factor is time/ speed, like how fast you kill an enemy.. (especially when you solo it)
But it could also be my tin foil hat is speaking to me.. who knows..
lol… that doesn’t seem alright.. Balthi is just a temple like all the others, but only open on two worlds right now, whereas the other temples are open 6+.
Yeah, that must be the right difficulty for Balthi.. -.-
They have data and records about it that tell them how often Balthi is open on each world, … so they know there is something fishy about that. It is not that people don’t want to do it, but it’s just incredibly absurd to do.
Of course it shouldn’t be a cakewalk, but it also should never be a PITA…
It should be doable with a group of people like the other temples, why should Balthi be something special? It is just like grenth, melandru, dwayna, lyssa, … so they should make it to be on par with these temples.
They have data and records about it that tell them how often Balthi is open on each world, … so they know there is something fishy about that. It is not that people don’t want to do it, but it’s just incredibly absurd to do.
Of course it shouldn’t be a cakewalk, but it also should never be a PITA…
It should be doable with a group of people like the other temples, why should Balthi be something special? It is just like grenth, melandru, dwayna, lyssa, … so they should make it to be on par with these temples.
That’s awesome! :-)
If Teq will require 80 i loath to think what a revamped Jormag would take
I wonder if a smaller group (10-20 people) would be still able to kill him or if we then just have to stay away from him?
I often play at times where <20 people is normal. Will that be a problem?
I quote myself from another thread:
“We need to see:
1. enemies and their animations (especially their red aoe rings)
2. other players (including helpful skills like healing spring where we can jump into when needed)
3. other player’s animations (if needed.. please give us the option to turn it off, we do not really need to see all the ele’s fireball animations!!)
The current priority doesn’t make that much sense at all."
We have folks constantly working to improve performance, we’ve actually made quite a few perf updates this year. You’ll see more perf updates in the upcoming releases, we have a team working entirely on performance at all times that won’t be going away any time soon.
That is so important! Thanks for that!
Maybe you want to tell your experiences here:
You might want to report it here:
Then I had 9/13 whereas it already should have been 10/13, but after I did Lornar’s Pass the second time, I now have 10/13.
I should have 7/13, but actually have 6/13.
It once did not count and that must have been when I had a disconnect in the last few minutes. I had terrible lags the whole time as well.
I was able to reconnect and also got the full end reward, but no progress for the achievement.
I was on my home world, did not swap characters or did anything different compared to the other times it counted.Until now I could not try to do the same map again. I am not even sure which one it was, I did not pay attention to it until my bf and me figured out he was one map ahead because he already received portal components and I did not (we did these events together and should have had this achievement progress at the same time).
(edited by Navi.7142)
I should have 7/13, but actually have 6/13.
It once did not count and that must have been when I had a disconnect in the last few minutes. I had terrible lags the whole time as well.
I was able to reconnect and also got the full end reward, but no progress for the achievement.
I was on my home world, did not swap characters or did anything different compared to the other times it counted.
Until now I could not try to do the same map again. I am not even sure which one it was, I did not pay attention to it until my bf and me figured out he was one map ahead because he already received portal components and I did not (we did these events together and should have had this achievement progress at the same time).
(edited by Navi.7142)
Does “slightly” come with the same aftertaste as “rare” in “rare chance” regarding RNG boxes?
We need to see:
1. enemies and their animations (especially their red aoe rings)
2. other players (including helpful skills like healing spring where we can jump into when needed)
3. other player’s animations (if needed.. please give us the option to turn it off, we do not really need to see all the ele’s fireball animations!!)
The current priority doesn’t make that much sense at all.
Oh, I have some really good tin foil hat theories, but for the moment I just want to be grateful that there seems to be someone that actively is communicating in the bug forum.
“Welcome, Josh!”
You’re right. And although I did read the patch notes (actually before I started to play with the new patch), it must have slipped my mind.
It did not affect myself with the achievements, because I completed it by doing the entire achievements + the dailies at the same time, but as other people were starting asking me why they can’t complete, it didn’t seem to make much sense.
Nevertheless I still find that a description has to be included in game and not only in the patch notes. We should not be required to read the notes to understand how the completion of an achievement works. Some people just play the game and do not read the patch notes (and some like me read them and it can easily slip their mind ^^).
Great! I am really glad that you received the help you needed.
Maybe the reason for this is the culling stress test?
Try it here:
From the second link:
As promised update:
I send a support ticket under game play as suggested.
Without any hassle they send me the correct ring to me in my mail
and asked me to destroy the second copySo it all worked out better than expected
Thank you all
The best thing to do is contact support and tell them what exactly happened to you.
They already have refunded other players that made the same mistake.
Maybe one day they will consider to change the in game description so that it would be easier to understand…
→ Can only be equipped once per character.
→ Character unique
Here are some other threads with the same issue:
For the bonus chest you have to be lvl 40 (or 39?) at least.
From this perspective: Yes.
Once per day, per account, you get the guaranteed rare chest (the one that pops up in the corner of your screen)
Once per day, per character, you get the boss chest (the 3D one that’s typically filled with salvage fodder).
This. And there has to be a reset that the same character will get the chest again (= you can only get the big chest once a day per character).
If you decide to camp your character at a boss and do nothing in between (no pres, no other events) it is highly likely that you will not receive the chests the next time you fight the same boss (after a reset).
EDIT: Made clearer what I was talking about.
(edited by Navi.7142)
Item-Carrion Pit Fighter ChestThe glitch seemingly happens with every single top that has the same look. I don’t really understand it, but there is just a random glove around the waist area. When you walk the glove glitches by stretching and the stretching is worse when you dodge.
Here we described that issue as well:
BUT you can contact support and explain the situation to them.
They already have refunded many other players that made the same mistake.
It is not described very well in game and caused a few discussions about that issue in the past.
A better description (in game!) would prevent many players from doing this particular mistake in the future.
For example:
Can only be equipped once per character.
Character Unique
Thanks for considering a change!
Here are some other threads about that issue as an example: