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Game/Client Crashes [Merged Topics]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Same for me. The PC completely shuts off. Never happened before this last patch.

Remove the Ability to mail gold!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


no just find a thinly traded item, then buy out all the exisiting low listings that prevent the Gold trade. That isn’t a hard thing to find and do.

While that covers one side of the problem, there are still the inefficiencies of paying an up-front listing fee and sales tax to consider. Not insurmountable, but I can easily think of a more efficient way to transfer gold without incurring these costs that does not use the mail system.

I can think of one, the guild bank.

But my point is to show th OP that shutting down mail transfers simply moves the trades elsewhere while punishing the legit players.

You would have to literally shut down ALL methods of inter account trading to completely stop illegalgold transfers.

Remove the Ability to mail gold!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


All the people claiming that you can use the TP to transfer money don’t realize that it doesn’t work in this game. In games where you can buy specific listings, the seller can put up any piece of worthless junk for an outrageous price, and the buyer can choose to buy it. In GW2, you can’t buy the more expensive items when there are cheaper ones, so you would need to find a tradable item which you have and which hasn’t been listed by anyone else in the world in order to be able to use it to transfer money.

no just find a thinly traded item, then buy out all the exisiting low listings that prevent the Gold trade. That isn’t a hard thing to find and do.

Besides there are legit players who manipulate TP prices for profit by doing just that.

(edited by NinjaKnight.1340)

Remove the Ability to mail gold!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


There are enough nerfs in this game for legit players. Putting in place another major inconvenience simply to punish the few gold buyers would be a bad hack fix.

I can’t imagine there are more than 1-5% of the player base who buy illegal gold. To punish the remaining 95-99% of the players for the few bad apples is out of hand. Besides as others have mentioned the TP is another way to transfer Gold and they willsimply switch to that method if they aren’t already.

As a player who has never bought illegal Gold but has sent stuff and coin to friends and family, I would think this inconvenience would be the last nail in the coffin.

Great sword Ranger Build/Video/Fun

in Ranger

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Er, this was a Beta video before the GS got the massive nerf. Doesn’t apply at all to current play. If you look around there are beta vids where Rangers with GS are just wasting other players in sPvP so Anet in their wisdom decided to nerf the GS to helland back.

Pets don't tank anymore

in Ranger

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Oh it might also be one of Anets lame attempts to stop botting at the expense of genuine players. Since a lot of bots at the moment use Rangers with Brown Bears.

Pets don't tank anymore

in Ranger

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


It may be something to do with amount of dmg. You vs pet. Unless you use a Pet like the Krytan Drakehound which can root and knockdown the mob, they will always come after you sooner or later.

I’ve never really used my pet to tank, just provide a bit of extra dmg.

But the class is so bugged now, either you deal with it or move on.

Zone population and Player Migration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


You can fix the problem with an underflow server. In other words if you enter a zone where there are less than a certain number of players, you can choose to temporarily join a server with more. After a while this zone will actually start to feel populated even at the “unpopular” events.

@seraph I think I have suggested it in the past. Feel free to suggest it yourself.

Do You Skip Vistas and Jumping Puzzle Scenery?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


At first i did then it was just the same old thing. Now it is always a skip.

The environment is beautiful, but i get more enjoyment out of just looking around rather than watching a scripted scene.

The Dye System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


- Arenanet hired Crystin Cox to work on the cash-shop. Crystin Cox formally of Nexon a company known for pay to win games and micro transactions that knickle and dime the players.

- Crystin Cox announced that dyes would be character bound and retracted all previous statements made by Perry and anyone else who said they would be otherwise.

Thanks for the insightful info.

Well I guess this is a taste of things to come. It probably also explains why they are nerfing classes right left and center. They are probably hoping people will switch mains or create new chars then buy Gems to help get those new chars up.

I never played GW1 but I have played games where you could buy skins and sell them. I find this dye concept a joke. So many hundred colors, most of which noone will buy/use.

(edited by NinjaKnight.1340)

Zone population and Player Migration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


@OP, I’m on Sea of Sorrows as well and I see the same thing in many zones. Since I played since headstart I felt how much fun it was having lots of players around every event. The overflow queue problem we had then pales in comparison to having deserted areas.

I tend to play late so I’m on during AU daytime hours. So our server shouldn’t be so deserted.

This is a problem which i really hope Anet fixes. They put in an overflow server system, but they also need an UNDERFLOW server system.

Ranger SB Nerf: Not 40 milliseconds

in Ranger

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Took a couple of days to get debugging in on this. It is in fact a 40ms difference which equates to about 7% less damage when spamming 1. We made this change because it was creating some animation bugs to leave it where it was. It was also encouraging just spamming 1 which isn’t the most fun gameplay. If our data shows shortly that shortbow is now not effective we can certainly address that, but would do so by improving other skills on that weapon rather than by reintroducing the spam on 1 and the bugs that it was creating.

They did reply to basically say their “animation” fix was actually a 7% base damage nerf, the autoattack was “spamming” and after 2 days of analysis they couldn’t determine if a 7% base damage reduction (which players have calculated to be as much as 30% with certain builds) makes the shortbow not effective.

I don’t think this is the most intelligent and customer endearing type of reply.

Also, this may not be a sub game but what about new purchases, future upgrades and Gem purchases? They may be rolling in it now because of their oversubscribed launch, but sooner or later the bad feeling will catch up to Anet.

Which Class to Switch to From Ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Thanks for the responses Phoenix and Prev.

Funny thing was my very first char was a Warrior in headstart, but i got bored of it and deleted it. Maybe I should have stuck with it a bit longer. But as you said it might get hit with a Nerf soon. Thief does sound interesting but that one definitely looks like it might get the biggest nerf of all. Problem seems to be the sPvP crowd QQ affecting PvE. I wonder if there really are that many sPvP players or is it that they QQ the loudest.

I have a Mesmer and it is doing ok (20s atm). Since they recently hit it with a nerf they might not hit it again. Problem is that the clones are weak (do their job distracting multiple mob though) It feels rather slow in PvE at killing. I can see the Mesmer potential in WvW though.

I also have an Engineer. Maybe, I’l level it up a bit, at least at the lower levels it does seem to have a similar feel to the SB Ranger when using a fast firing weapon.

Choices, choices.

Ranger IS a good profession

in Ranger

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Their change might have then been more influenced by trying to get people to be more active in their play by encouraging the swapping of weapons. If shortbow auto attack was the main damage skill of your build, I think that is not a good design choice and they realized that. I don’t think ArenaNet wants people forced into using a single profession/weapon/build in order to be effective.

Now that the skill does less damage, it will get people to have a secondary weapon that will compliment their playstyle. Instead of most people probably sticking with using shortbow all the time. And feeling like they HAVE to use shortbow in order to be competitive in damage.

Maybe there are other weapons people aren’t really taking advantage of to fill that gap of what the shortbow used to be. Or maybe there are more changes coming to ranger that will increase the effectiveness of the other weapons.

Putting aside how they handled the nerf (animation glitch fix only, then coming out and admitting to a 7% dmg reduction (not including stacked effect dmg) and saying using the autoattack was spamming), doesn’t it occur to you and them that perhaps some people liked that playstyle?

Anyone can create any other class and play them with their various pros and cons and many different skills and playstyles. Ranger for me was a relaxing PvE class using the SB. I tried the other weapons and didn’t particularly like the playstyle with them.

Why do we HAVE to change the way we play the Ranger because the animation team took the easy way to fix a glitch and JonPeters, who obviously isn’t very familiar with the Ranger from his comments, decided he wasn’t going to make the animation team rollback their fix and so he decided we must be forced into changing how we play?

Will Greatswords Get Nerfed Too?

in Ranger

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


The GS was actually a little bit OP in beta so they hit it out of the park with the Nerf bat pre-launch.

If they actually increased the GS damage a bit it might become viable. As it is, it isn’t that great (no pun intended) except against weak enemies or compensate with traps etc.

And for the person who says Ranger GS is as good as Warrior GS, ROLFMAO.

Which Class to Switch to From Ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


So I have leveled up to 80 on my Ranger and was working on my full exotic set when the Shortbow Nerf went into effect.

My build is a little bit Glass Cannony with mostly Power/Precision and Procs on Crit, so the nerf hit me particularly hard.

I play mostly PvE and enjoyed the Ranger as a nice relaxing class and I don’t particularly feel like changing my weapons and playstyle because of the nerf. (apart from the fact that I had just dropped the bulk of my savings on an Exotic SB right before the nerf)

I think a better option would be to switch classes. I have been leveling up an Ele and although I’m not too fond of the ranged weapon set, the Ele dual dagger build is a lot of fun. I can kill things 3-5 times faster than the Ranger (at the cost of a lot more button mashing and risk of death.) It is a class/build I can play for a while then it becomes too stressful.

I’m sure that many of you Rangers are also trying or are playing other classes more because of the nerf. I’m wondering what advice you would give as a fun alternative class to Ranger? I mainly play PvE and a bit of WvW so I’m not interested in sPvP benefits. I’m also not much of a condition build player as I prefer high DD rather than stacking dots and waiting for the mob to die.

This is a serious request, so please don’t try to convince me to continue to play my Ranger by changing builds etc.

( I plan to keep my Ranger mostly in storage until I see what happens to the fixes , if any.)

Ranger SB Nerf: Not 40 milliseconds

in Ranger

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Took a couple of days to get debugging in on this. It is in fact a 40ms difference which equates to about 7% less damage when spamming 1. We made this change because it was creating some animation bugs to leave it where it was. It was also encouraging just spamming 1 which isn’t the most fun gameplay. If our data shows shortly that shortbow is now not effective we can certainly address that, but would do so by improving other skills on that weapon rather than by reintroducing the spam on 1 and the bugs that it was creating.

I think I agree with the many other posters who’ve said WHAT ANIMATION BUG??? I’d rather have my head on backwards and arrows shooting out my butt when I’m using a shortbow than get nerfed. And why is quickening zephyr only 50 percent as effective with this 40 ms nerf? Obviously for many, many rangers shortbow had become the only “fun” build to play so you set out to “fix” the crossfire spam by nerfing shortbow rather than improving other abilities and builds? And why is Anet running around with the nerfbat at such a critical time as populations have started to thin out anyway?

Agreed. Also, since when is using the default autoattack skill for the weapon SPAM?

SB only has 3 skills that do damage. 1,2,3 4 and 5 are control skills and all but #1 have fairly noticably long cooldowns.

For those who want to see or quote JonPeters post it is on page 8 in this thread.

Rangers got the biggest nerf?

in Ranger

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Just wondering if you think Rangers actually received the biggest nerf damage wise in the Oct 7 patch.

I’m no maths wiz, but it seems to me that a flat 7% reduction on your main damage ability on the most used class weapon and an estimated 25% damage reduction on the burst from crossfire+QZ is actually more than a 15% damage reduction to pistol whip and the potential loss from the longer phantasm CD.

Any thoughts? Any mathematicians want to bang out some numbers?

In the main thread the one with 50K+ views some of the posters did the math and came up with around 30% nerf if you have power/precision build with dmg procs on crit.

In my experience that is about right, i feel about 30% weaker.

Ranger SB Nerf: Not 40 milliseconds

in Ranger

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


I mean seriously the only use i see for my ranger now is to go around and farm ori nodes, not much to do. What weapon do we use now? what choice do we have? The game is already dying for me, sad thing is they wont solve anything and everything will stay as it is or worse more nerfs coming to rangers and no fixes, like every other company out there, same story.

Agreed. All I tend to see is Nerf, nerf, nerf. Everytime players find a good way to use something the Nerf bat hits.

This is supposed to be fun not something we bought to be punished for.

What is even worse is that this nerf wasn’t intended, but JonPeters decided that he must force players to change the way they play because he can’t figure out an easy way to fix the messup due to an animation fix which most players didn’t even notice.

How about simply roll back the animation fix now and do it properly without nerfing the SB.

Ranger SB Nerf: Not 40 milliseconds

in Ranger

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


…….since the useless LB only does any decent dmg at long range.

How can it be useless, if it does decent damage at long range ;>

Do you even play a Ranger? The LB damage decreases the closer the mob gets and the firing rate is slow as hell. So you have to use the SB for short range firing damage.

In PvP the long range shot can be dodged by any good player.

If I wanted to use a slow ranged weapon, I would choose a different class, ie: Warrior?
(Funny how JonPeters main happens to be a Warrior.)

Ranger SB Nerf: Not 40 milliseconds

in Ranger

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Took a couple of days to get debugging in on this. It is in fact a 40ms difference which equates to about 7% less damage when spamming 1. We made this change because it was creating some animation bugs to leave it where it was. It was also encouraging just spamming 1 which isn’t the most fun gameplay. If our data shows shortly that shortbow is now not effective we can certainly address that, but would do so by improving other skills on that weapon rather than by reintroducing the spam on 1 and the bugs that it was creating.

Well I for one don’t consider using the default #1 autoattack skill “Spamming”.

On anything tough I’m using all the skills in the SB, but the cooldowns are slow, so the autoattack is what does the damage during the cooldowns.

7% damage reduction is only based on speed reduction alone. People like me who have built on crit and crit procs have a much bigger Nerf, which wasn’t even intended in the first place.

I would suggest you don’t try and force people who actually like the SB pre-nerf to change playstyle by keeping the nerf in place but encourage the change through improving other weapons.

The GS for example was overnerfed, I was really excited to try using it when watching beta videos. But when i actually tried it it felt (and is) very weak.

How to change the shortbow skills?

in Ranger

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Even more agree it didn’t need a nerf on #1.

I for one liked the SB #1 skill bcause it felt like a machine gun and if built correctly did decent damage. That doesn’t mean i didn’t use the other skills but the cool down on the other skills are long.

If there is any way to fix it without un-nerfing #1 it is to dramatically reduce the cooldown of the other skills.

Frankly, the machinegun rate of fire of the Ranger was one of the most unique things about the Ranger playstyle.

If I wanted a slow firing ranged char, there are many other superior classes you can choose.

Rangers got the biggest nerf?

in Ranger

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Just started a ranger his at 40 now its been the best prof I’ve played even with the nerf. Far more fun the my nico or thief . As far as the nerf it was because most rangers would just spam 1 all the time .Which is what happen to my Nico ds .With the de-buff very different now and many different ways . Last night event they all stayed in the back standing still and still spamming 1 missing out on all the other skills . I seem to be the only one circling around for side shoots tossing down traps and using my elite . So their still being spam played .Wont be surprise to see another nerf well buffing up some of the rangers other weapons or skills.

Just wait till you get up to higher levels where the mob are tougher. lvl 40 is nothing.

I also play other classes, but i go on my Ranger for PvE for a relaxing time. #1 SB is the DEFAULT autoattack skill, since when is using that “spamming”?

Rangers got the biggest nerf?

in Ranger

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


It was obvious before the nerf that the actual attack animation didn’t match up with the sound. It’s like when you’re behind a car at a red light and you notice how both of your turnsignals will sync up briefly, then quickly jump out of beat with one another.

They fixed that.

They didn’t anticipate their fix to create another issue while under the effect of quickness. Take of the tinfoil hats. ANet isn’t “out to get” Rangers. Sometimes changing one thing in the coding affects something that you didn’t anticipate.

Well you may have noticed it, most of us didn’t. If sound sync was the issue then they should have fixed the sound timing.

And the nerf isn’t just under QZ it is 7% under normal use. Add everything else up and it can be 30% nerf.

Rangers got the biggest nerf?

in Ranger

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


The original patch notes indicated it wasn’t even supposed to be a nerf. Just a lazy way to fix an animation issue which no one even noticed.

Now that the magnitude of the mistake has been discovered, JonPeters whos main is a Warrior, just brushes the issue aside by saying that the default autoattack skill on the SB is a Spam and should be fixed anyway.

BTW if you look at the calcs, on may builds the nerf is as high as 30%

Ranger SB Nerf: Not 40 milliseconds

in Ranger

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


The thing is I was mostly happy with the way it was pre-nerf. At least for PvE.

I also have an issue with the fact that JonPeters refers to using the default autoattack skill as “Spamming”.

So is using any autoattack skill on every class considered spamming?

Where to put trait points

in Ranger

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Trait points work hand in hand with the type of armor and weapons you have.

Typically PvE solo is Power/Precision or Power/Condition.

But with the recent Shortbow nerf this build is the most affected. Ranger if you didn’t already know is one of the weakest classes.

Frankly, I would avoid playing the Ranger until we find out what they really intend to do.

Real result of the ~20% Shortbow nerf.

in Ranger

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340



You are assuming that all players have time to re-roll and want to learn a new class style.

The pre-nerf SB Ranger was just right for me. But now the feel of the same Ranger in the same places is horrible. I’m dying all the time (or taking much longer to kill).

I play a dual dagger Ele sometimes when i want some adrenaline, but I find it too stressful to keep it up long. The Ranger used to be a fun relaxing char for my casual play style. Now it isn’t.

Ranger SB Nerf: Not 40 milliseconds

in Ranger

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Ill again point out there are bigger issues here then just SB. SB is just example of ONLY viable weapon for ranger. Even if they fix it , it will still give us ONE weapon choice (most would be happy with even that ) but fact is there are ppl who actually wonna play with other weapons.
Ill repeat that most of us are FORCED into SB builds even do we hoped to try some other solutions. Ranger problem must be worked on overall since this is not just SB weapon problem.

Fine then fix the “unintentional” massive nerf for the SB. Some players do like to use it.

Then boost the power of the other weapons so maybe some players will start building for them.

The Ranger is already one of the weakest classes out there. To nerf the SB to force players into other builds is not right since it wasn’t even OP to begin with. (besides the fact they didn’t intend it originally, an animation fix only supposedly).

Ranger's last stand.

in Ranger

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Oh come on guys. So now the Ranger has to play underwater because of “unintentional” massive nerfs above ground?

I hope you guys are being sarcastic.

I’d like to see you level to 80 just doing underwater quests, then you will see how boring boring can be.

Underwater is only interesting now because you don’t do it much.

Rangers got the biggest nerf?

in Ranger

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Yep it is way more than 7% nerf under many popular builds.

If you spec high crit and have dmg procs on crit, the nerf is much higher. That is not even including the heal on crit procs.

Then add in the condition dmg nerf from fewer hits.

Ranger really got shafted. I logged in to play in a few areas I was very familiar with and using the same build and playstyle i was dying all over the place.

Ranger SB Nerf: Not 40 milliseconds

in Ranger

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Increase the bow range to compensate?

Are you serious? What are you referring to? The SB is meant to be a constant dmg weapon since the useless LB only does any decent dmg at long range.

I can’t think of any way they can truly compensate. #1 skill is typically an autoattack. What is JonPeters thinking when he says it is boring to spam it?

Let the players decide.

Ranger SB Nerf: Not 40 milliseconds

in Ranger

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Wow, just wow. I come back a day or so later and find out that JonPeters has decided o keep the unintentional Nerf in the game because he decided it wasn’t fun to “spam” 1 skill.

Well I for one did find it fun, I’m not a hardore player and there is enough going on with strafing, leapng back, dodging etc.

I am so disgusted with the handling of this I have little motivation to level up another char or continue playing my Ranger.

But I guess this suits them just fine because they already have my $80.

Less QQ - State of the Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Rifle Warrior does more damage overall? I wanted to start a Ranger alt but if that statement is correct no thank you SIR! Rifle Warrior is so low my Condition Necro kills faster in PvP and PvE!

If that wasn’t bad enough my Pistol/Dagger Thief kills even faster than my necro and has amazing mobility!

So why exactly would I play Ranger?

No don’t play a Ranger. You will be disappointed.

I’m so angry I wasted so much time getting mine to 80 and getting great soulbound gear.

It feels so much weaker now. I die much more often.

Gold Buyers - Lets deal with the cause in addition to the effect.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Indeed they can track it if they are fast enough and they know who the bots are.

Apparently they weren’t prepared for this which is why bots stay up for days even after players report them.

It becomes more difficult to track when the botters are using hacked acounts and sophisticated methods to constantly move small amounts around thousands of accounts.

Then there is a foolproof way to cut the trail in the end assuming they haven’t already sold the Gold through a hacked account.

Find a thinly traded item on TP. Clean it out by buying and filling all the listed orders. Relist the items from a Genuinely purchased account at a slightly inflated price not too high to elicit suspicion. Buy it with the hacked account using the botted Gold. This efffectively cuts the trail dead. A sophisticated Gold selling house could do this pretty fast with systems or cheap labor.

Now we have the Gold in the genuinely purchased account which can freely trade with little ability for Anet to prove it is not legit. The only cost is the 15% transaction fee. So obviously this is the last resort. When there is excess gold not yet sold through hacked accounts.

But Anet already knows hacked accounts and bots by the reports (and because it’s so laughably obvious) that they could simply track who the bots are transferring money to. Parsing this data will reveal where the gold is flowing. I bet they could find the primary gold holders very easily. That’s not even counting the huge transactions of hundreds of gold. Once the tracking system is in place, it’s extremely easy to tell if that 300 gold was farmed legit and just being gifted to another player, or if the sender is tied to a bot net.

It would be nearly impossible to ban all the low level bots this way. With the volume of currency sent via mail, you could grab the bots pretty easily. Because all banks are central to an account, there is no reason to mail gold or items to yourself. This greatly reduces the amount of gold travelling through the mail, and therefore the number of times someone is likely to mail gold. It should be pretty easy to pick up regular gold shipments. If the farmers slow down the frequency of shipments, then they have to ship larger quantities at once, which would still flag the account.

The idea is to hammer the large gold transfers (20+ gold). It’s kind of like busting drug dealers – go after the source. Except in this case, Anet can see where all the drugs are at a glance. They know exactly how much gold any person has, where they got it, where they spent it, and what’s in the mail. Why they haven’t implemented an automated system that detects large gold transfers is beyond me. It’s not like gold selling is new. I figured they would have put a system in place, knowing it would become a problem.

Instead it looks like they had no clue this practice existed and left the doors wide open.

Your idea is theoretically good if Anet had a system in place before hand. The situation is actually reversed it would seem. Goldsellers had multiple systems in place ready to deploy as soon as GW2 launched.

You assume that all 2M+players play regularly. It is possible that many haven’t bothered to change their login becuase they weren’t hit by the first wave of hacks. With that many accounts out there even a 0.5% number of hacked accounts is 10,000 accounts.

Also ATM 10-20G is a small amount to transfer. A full exotic lvl 80 set could easily cost much more than 20G. Genuine players can make 1G+ per hr grinding and more in the TP.

Who is to say it isn’t a friend sending 20G if both accounts are legit? I personally send stuff to my daughter all the time. So do i suddenly get banned if I decide to send 20G?

If the sending account is hacked, well the buyer can be permabanned but the Gold seller is still in biz.

The state of the system is bad, they really need to act faster, maybe buyout multiple Goldselling companies and turn them into agents to find and combat the others.

Gold Buyers - Lets deal with the cause in addition to the effect.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Ironically nobody in this thread has realized just how easy it is for Anet to track gold sellers. If someone buys 500 gold (I’ve seen it advertised about a hundred times now) in one shot, that means an account needs an excess of 500 gold, farmed from several bot accounts, in order to deliver the product. Lets look at the pattern:

Multiple bots/hacked accounts are pushing small quantities of gold to hold or bank accounts. These accounts will either hold gold for distribution to customers or to pool into main accounts before distribution.

This distribution, unlike the bot transfer, will have a great variety of targets. Congratulations, we just labelled the bots, the mules, and the customers. This can be discovered in minutes using simple queries to the database. Heck, they could set up a weathermap to watch farmed gold move around the economy. It’s insanely simple and works on the principle that normal players won’t be moving hundreds of gold per day.

Now that you’ve narrowed it down, you have a reasonable number of accounts that GM’s or other staff can investigate for banning. Better still, you’re destroying large caches of gold and making the gold selling operation lose money. You also have a very accurate hit on all the gold buyers, and you can remove their gold and hit them with a 72 hour ban.

Oh, and it’s simple math. In order for GW2 to survive, people have to buy gems. If people are buying gold from China instead of Anet, GW2 is going to crash and burn very, very quickly. So all that gold you people are buying is going to put them out of business and make it worth less than the 1’s and 0’s it already is..

Indeed they can track it if they are fast enough and they know who the bots are.

Apparently they weren’t prepared for this which is why bots stay up for days even after players report them.

It becomes more difficult to track when the botters are using hacked acounts and sophisticated methods to constantly move small amounts around thousands of accounts.

Then there is a foolproof way to cut the trail in the end assuming they haven’t already sold the Gold through a hacked account.

Find a thinly traded item on TP. Clean it out by buying and filling all the listed orders. Relist the items from a Genuinely purchased account at a slightly inflated price not too high to elicit suspicion. Buy it with the hacked account using the botted Gold. This efffectively cuts the trail dead. A sophisticated Gold selling house could do this pretty fast with systems or cheap labor.

Now we have the Gold in the genuinely purchased account which can freely trade with little ability for Anet to prove it is not legit. The only cost is the 15% transaction fee. So obviously this is the last resort. When there is excess gold not yet sold through hacked accounts.

Make Class Balancing Positive - Not Nerfs

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


I know what you are saying, but it is much more complex than you think. For example, class A is hitting harder than class B, C, D, E, and F. So instead of nerfing A, you want to buff B, C, D, E, and F. That sounds good, but it is also 4 times more work than just nerfing A.

Also, if you buff the damage for all classes, then you’ll have to buff HPs of all the mobs, or the games becomes too easy. Then you have to modify NPCs, weapon ratings, armor, etc to comply with this…

I think it is lot easier to just nerf A…

Yes it is of course easier. That’s why they do it. But they also don’t seem to be testing it properly. For example mesmers are good in PvP but weak in PvE. Their recent nerf make mesmers worse for PvE while possibly balancing PvP.

Nevertheless, it would be nice if they tried to put out more positive patches.

Ranger SB Nerf: Not 40 milliseconds

in Ranger

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Okay, so in any case the animation glitch was 40 milliseconds or less. Obviously nobody even noticed it, they fixed the glitch, it didn’t make an earth shattering difference. If they hadn’t posted the change, how many people do you even think would have noticed?

Er, yes. It is very noticeable if you have a build that focuses on the damage stacking that comes from crits.

30% damage reduction is huge.

Why are you defending them? Allthey have to say is “issue confirmed, will correct in next patch”. Looking into it is very vague.

Ranger SB Nerf: Not 40 milliseconds

in Ranger

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


I’m not saying don’t be angry, but the people who quit the game are taking it to serious. I love the game, yes I noticed a difference…but I still enjoy the game and not going to let this affect me.

As far as non communication…does that surprise you? They RARELY post replies on forums, so you can’t take their non communication as a direct insult to Rangers or avoiding the problem. For all you know they could be working on it. Multiple rage quits won’t make them fix it any faster, they already have your money.

i’m guessing you are a really casual player with a low level Ranger. Check the Dev Forum, they do post, but if you look at what they are posting on it is really stupid things IMHO.

One just one update on a hot 30K view topic would be nice.

People who want to quit wouldn’t be on here. they would just have quit. We are players trying to get a fix or at least find out IF e should move to another class or leave the game.

Yes, I’m a casual player. What of it? I paid for the game just as you did. My Ranger is 31, so yes I’m low level. But I’ve been using SB since lvl 1, so it’s not a new skill to me.

As far as posting, I meant in replies to post, not the stickies. No, I don’t read every post, every day. But from what I’ve seen, they don’t reply to posts by users that often.

And there are lot of people who quit, and still post, it happens in EVERY mmo. People quit, other people ask for their stuff. This isn’t a paid subscription, so they can still post if they quit.

If people want to fix the game or get a time frame, there are other ways to go about it then raging, quitting and saying ANET is a bad company.

So you are in favor of no one voicing their anger over a mistake? It was supposed to be an animation fix not a SB nerf that reduces dmg up to 30% in some builds.

On paper the devs probably didn’t think it would make any difference but they didn’t take into account the stacking effect of a tiny delay.

And the reason why level 30 vs lvl 80 makes a difference is because of the time put into a char. If I had known about this nerf at 30 I might not have continued on this class. Also, the mob you encounter at higher levels and in WvW are much tougher so every bit makes a difference.

So there is NO OTHER spec you can rock in pvp?

in Ranger

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


@ Chesire, lol

For those who havent seen it here is a Thief sPvP vid showing those 1-2 sec kills on almost any class. Watch for the damage numbers. mostly in the 9K range but I think I saw one over 20K.

jump forward to 1.08 if you want to go straight to the action.

(edited by NinjaKnight.1340)

Ranger SB Nerf: Not 40 milliseconds

in Ranger

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


I’m not saying don’t be angry, but the people who quit the game are taking it to serious. I love the game, yes I noticed a difference…but I still enjoy the game and not going to let this affect me.

As far as non communication…does that surprise you? They RARELY post replies on forums, so you can’t take their non communication as a direct insult to Rangers or avoiding the problem. For all you know they could be working on it. Multiple rage quits won’t make them fix it any faster, they already have your money.

i’m guessing you are a really casual player with a low level Ranger. Check the Dev Forum, they do post, but if you look at what they are posting on it is really stupid things IMHO.

One just one update on a hot 30K view topic would be nice.

People who want to quit wouldn’t be on here. they would just have quit. We are players trying to get a fix or at least find out IF e should move to another class or leave the game.

So there is NO OTHER spec you can rock in pvp?

in Ranger

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


I have no problem with all the FotM SB Rangers rerolling Warriors. Then maybe their forums will be flooded with whining instead of ours.

There are TONS of other Ranger specs that are all viable and fun.

Not really in pvp, pets are useless in pvp for the most part especially in wvw. And pets are supposed to be a mainstay strength of a ranger, with out their pet they are just a weaker version of a warrior that has better ranged tools/dps.

Without a pet let me know what makes a ranger a ranger.

Hogwash. There are PvP viable Ranger specs that DON’T revolve around SB. Second, pets are not useless in PvP despite what everyone says.

Try playing a spec focused around your pet and traps. You’d be surprised how much damage a pet can do to an immobilized/slowed opponent.

Again your assuming the opponent is stupid/bad.

Stun/snare breaks and people that kill/snare your pet.

If your pet cant attack or hit them you got nothing while they beat on you. Again your relying on a broken mechanic that requires someone to be utterly stupid.

An intelligent post Namu. Good pvprs aren’t going to fall for that. Pets are mostly only useful for any petswap boons and if you catch a bad player unawares for a temporary F2 effect.

Meanwhile a good Thief will kill you in less than 2 seconds flat with up to 20K burst dmg.

Ranger SB Nerf: Not 40 milliseconds

in Ranger

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Where are the devs on this? Are we not even worthy of any update? Not even a “hey, we know you rangers are upset, but the patch broke so much that this way down near the bottom the list. We may have an update next week or something, maybe.”


if you check the Dev Tracker subforum, the devs are very active responding to Mystic Forge and Gem store issues.

Don’t they realize that players aren’t going to go to the Gem store if they are digusted with the game? Just ONE Dev update, that’s all we ask.

(edited by NinjaKnight.1340)

Make Class Balancing Positive - Not Nerfs

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


So instead of tweaking one “broken” class they should tweak the other 7?

There is a big difference between positive tweaks and negative tweaks. Maybe you don’t mind having your class nerfed, or is it you get pleasure from seeing classes you don’t play nerfed? That is bully mentality.

Ranger SB Nerf: Not 40 milliseconds

in Ranger

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Pretty sure Jon Peters and Jonathan Sharp are the heads of the Systems/PvP team for GW2. If Jon Peters said he’s going to look into it, he’ll look into it. If they determine a mistake was made, they’ll fix it. It’s that simple.

It’s a crappy bug, but it doesn’t make the class unplayable. Deal with it for a little while or take a break from the class. Just relax and let them do their jobs.

What really bothers me the most about this change is, I never saw ANYONE ever complain about a Crossfire animation bug or problem nor did I see anything from anet talking about a known Crossfire bug, yet this gets thrown into a patch out of the blue.

There have been many other problems (sword attack skill #1 for example) that have been talked about for weeks but seems to be nothing from anet about these. Until I hear otherwise, this was a coverup or excuse to nerf the shortbow.

That’s my primary beef….

Well, most of the botters I saw were rangers toting shortbows. So I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the real reason the ranger’s shortbow got hit.

If this is true then, they are unfairly penalizing real players for the Anet teams incompetence in finding real botters.

Personally, I think it was a mistake due to a rushed fix by the animation team. What irks me is the lack of timely update responses by the Devs. That is all it would take to appease most of us.

Ranger SB Nerf: Not 40 milliseconds

in Ranger

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


How does a game without subscription fees lose subs?

Anyway, I still see plenty of people playing everyday, even in the wee hours of the morning, Chicken Little.

Yes people are still playing but as someone who played since headstart, it feels like many areas are deserted and the % of logged in players in my guild has diminished.

They don’t lose “subs” per se but the bad publicity will reduce the new purchases and people willing to spend money in the Gem store. I deeply regret my last $10 Gem purchase to get Fine Transmutation stones for my Ranger.

Make Class Balancing Positive - Not Nerfs

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


@Azaziel my point isn’t NOT to balance, my point is make the experience more positive.

sPvP does require skill, I am very well aware of that and I am in awe of some of the really good players. My point is that sPvP player can level a new class to 2 and got to lvl80 with the best (or at least even matched gear) with no grinding cost. They can switch classes easily.

It is also very easy for them to balance sPvP only without affecting the rest of the game by simply adjusting the stats of the gear available for sPvP. Preferably in a positive way, so give armor of a weak class a boost rather than nerfing the weapon of the more powerful class.

Devs should join more conversations in the forums

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


I agree with the OP. If you look at the Dev Tracker (2nd topic in the forum section) , the number of posts by actual Devs is far and few between. The majority of the posts are by CCs.

While I appreciate that Devs should mainly be working on development and fixes, timely and regular feedback (especially to a major issue caused by a badly implemented patch) would go a very long way to helping customer satisfaction.

For example one Dev post on an unintended nerf that says “I will look into it” with no update in more than 24 hrs on a thread which has 30K + views in 1.5 days isn’t really much in the way of helping customer satisfaction.

Make Class Balancing Positive - Not Nerfs

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


GW2 is a game and we get attached to our favorite class and playstyle.

If you go down the list of patch notes, other than a few bug fixes, the MAJORITY of the balancing “fixes” are massive nerfs. Also from what I can tell most are because of sPvP imbalance.

How about offering boosts of various levels to fix the imbalance and make them much more moderate so the impact of a poorly tested “fix” won’t be so great.

We are in this game for fun and it seems like everytime we find a good way to play a class, we get punished.

Worst of all the sPvP players who have to do nothing to level and grind for Gold appear to be massively impacting the players who have put hundreds of hours into their character and gear in PvE and WvW

Instead of punishment reward us. There are ways of making balancing positive and acceptable. Please stop this NERF mentality.

Gold Buyers - Lets deal with the cause in addition to the effect.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340



Even more reason for them to hide true facts from you. You are more naive than I thought.