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Trying to make money? See this first please.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


There’s plenty of ppl (myself included) who made hundrends/thousands of gold on AH, so all did “you cannot make money on AH!!!11oneone” posts are far from truth.

You have made thousands of G on the market? If so you have a massive war chest of G in order to manipulate the market and a small spread of even 1% profit will yield you big returns if it is a fast selling item.

Take the typical player who has say 2G to invest. A 1% profit will yield 2S, rinse repeat over and over with the possibility of losing if the market manipulators like you move it the wrong way.

I have tried it a bit and i can say it is boring as hell. Not my idea of fun.

I have seen you boast about how you can make money on TP multiple times. You aren’t being clever, you are just showing that you started early and prefer to sit for hours on the TP instead of playing the game. Unless of course you have a bot working for you.

I’m on AH for 30 mins daily for 20g income atm. True, at the start I’ve spent more time there, but atm I’m just buying loads of items with only 5% profit, just because I’d rather spend more time enjoying other aspects of game.

What’s your problem about sitting on AH for hours at start to get your first 100 gold? You’re just another of “give me what I want for free” new-age players, aren’t you?

No, I don’t expect to get things for free. I really enjoyed the game in the beginning, I was making much more than enough just leveling.

Now the diminishing returns issue has made lvl 80 feel like a massive grind just to get decent equipment.

So my options now are to switch tactics and spend a ton of time in TP, as you have agreed there IS a learning curve, or just keep grinding, or spend a lot of RL money (unless I go to a gold site – which I won’t, which is why I’m here suggesting ways Anet can fix the imbalance).

Why Magic Find is a Poor Mechanism

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


MF is a bad idea. For one thing at lvl 80 it is almost a requirement to have a decent amount of it just to get reasonable drops to pay their way at that level. People should be stating for their class and playstyle not loot.

Amazing. Dont listen to nay sayers and gloom bandits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


@OP, while this game is amazing in many ways and for a while I really thought it was the best thing since sliced bread, it is becoming not as much fun for many reasons.

If we don’t point out the reasons and give the devs feedback as to why we might quit the game, the game will eventually die.

Many of the problems are fixable with coding and economic tweaking. The devs have a huge to do list, it is up to us to help them prioritize.

Just saying the game is great doesn’t help that.

Trying to make money? See this first please.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Which is why someone with 2g should prefer to invest in things with greater than 1% profit. Fortunately, something closer to 10% profit is fairly easy to come by for cheap items (buying at 10c and selling at 13c gives 10.5% profit after fees and taxes). Repeat that 7 times and you’ve just about doubled your money. Not a bad deal, I’d say, given how fast items move at those prices.

i will agree i have seen things that have 10%+ profit spread, but they move slower and have higher risk. I don’t have a huge amount of time to play and when I do i prefer to be in the field not sitting at the TP.

I think that is the majority of the players. We obviouly have a few pro TP players as we have pro game players. But most are somewhat casual players who just want to have fun without feeling broke all the time. I recently bought $10 worth of gems mainly to buy transmutation stones.

I checked the exchange rate and that $10 would barely get me ~2G, about 2hrs+ grinding. Or I guess I could use that to buy G to sit at the TP for 2 hrs. (yes i know I can just list it and go play, but it takes time to find worthwhile trades)

The Gem Store, Gold Sellers, and the Economy

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


They may be independent, but Anet has the ability to “print money” Gems or Gold as they wish. What guarantee do you have there is a fixed “in game money supply”. Where is your source?

Trying to make money? See this first please.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


There’s plenty of ppl (myself included) who made hundrends/thousands of gold on AH, so all did “you cannot make money on AH!!!11oneone” posts are far from truth.

You have made thousands of G on the market? If so you have a massive war chest of G in order to manipulate the market and a small spread of even 1% profit will yield you big returns if it is a fast selling item.

Take the typical player who has say 2G to invest. A 1% profit will yield 2S, rinse repeat over and over with the possibility of losing if the market manipulators like you move it the wrong way.

I have tried it a bit and i can say it is boring as hell. Not my idea of fun.

I have seen you boast about how you can make money on TP multiple times. You aren’t being clever, you are just showing that you started early and prefer to sit for hours on the TP instead of playing the game. Unless of course you have a bot working for you.

The Gem Store, Gold Sellers, and the Economy

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Gems are not sold for player gold, I don’t understand why people keep saying this. ANet controls the rate of Gold for Gems and ANet is who gives you the gold when you sell your Gems. If it was player gold then it would take time for purchases/sales to go through but it doesn’t, it is instant. That means that your sell price would have to exactly match their buy price at every single transaction which in real terms is impossible.

i would tend to agree with this analysis. I have been on other MMOs where the Gold/Gem trade AH is much like the item TP. You can actually see the buy sell listings at each price. The fact that this is hidden, points to Anet control.

The Gem Store, Gold Sellers, and the Economy

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Anyone that needed to buy Gold for gear or repairs would be insane to use the ArenaNet ‘closed’ currency exchange system to buy Gems for RL$ and then trade them back to ArenaNet for Gold

You don’t trade them back to ANet for gold, you trade them to other players for gold. All the gems in the game were bought with real money, and all the gold in the game comes from in-game sources like vendors and events and drops.

And you know this for certain, how? I have read many posts here and elsewhere that points to Anet having a hand in “fixing” where this exchange rate is at.

But, assuming you are right, the BIGGEST problem is that ther is nothing much worthwhile in the Gem store at present. OMG their latest idea of new items were 2 packs of overpriced dyes.

A makeover kit would boost demand 100×.

Unequip before transmute. Why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


FYI, if you don’t dequip it consumes a stone even though it doesn’t work and there is no error message. I lost 3-4 stones that way.

Economy? What Economy?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Reading this thread makes me wonder if I am playing the same game as everyone else.

I am not what you would call a power user, at least not economy-wise. I sell things, sure. But just what I find. I sell every single thing I find for the best price I can — whether that is sold straight out on the TP, vendored, or salvaged and the materials sold. I don’t play the market at all. I simply sell what I find.

My main character is level 56 and so far I have been able to afford three character slots, four bank tabs and ten mystic forge stones with gold alone. I haven’t spent a dime on the BLTC, I just buy gems with gold and buy the items I want with that.

As far as I’m concerned this economy is doing well. Yes, there are a lot of junk item drops that are falling beneath their price floor, but honestly? That is to be expected. Almost every MMO encounters that issue.

It is because your main char is level 56. Wait till you hit 80 or start to do WvW. The income does not scale up to match the cost of being competitive at your higher level. A big shock for me when I thought it would be the reverse.

Furthermore because you tend to repeat more stuff at level 80 you get tagged as a farmer, bot even when you are not and all of a sudden all you get are junk drops.

Fine transmutation stones used up when item is worn.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Same thing happened to me. It used to work and I just figured they were changing the UI a bit so. So I didn’t think it was using up a stone until I came across this thread and checked the number of stones remaining. I probably lost 3-4.

User interface method change I don’t mind so much, although I don’t see why it is necessary, but it should not use up a stone for an erroneous transform.

Economy? What Economy?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


@Plague – totally agree.

There is a huge gap between the price of normal items and the good items. The problem is that players have to farm endlessly and use MF gear to get enough G for the good items.

Or, the other alternative is to sit at the TP looking for the anomalies in spread,or opportunities to manipulate the spread. It also assumes that the player has a decent amount of Gold banked to start with.

In both cases it takes away from the supposed non-grindy nature of the game and impacts casual players the most as they can’t afford the time or money to get halfway decent gear.

There is no inflation but skewed deflation which is just as bad or worse. Low value items have dropped in pice while high value items have increased in price.

Green and Orange Dye?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Anet BL Team member meeting:

member 1 – So when are the new skins going to be ready?
member 2 – They will be ready when they are ready.
member 1 – But we HAVE to put out SOMETHING new.
member 3 – we can release Haloween themed dyes. Not much work in that.
member 1 – All in favor say aye.
All – AYE!!!!

Adventurers aren't prudes...let us show some skin!!!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


More variety as a whole is good. Considering there have been a purported 2 million+ copies sold that’s a lot of players and very few options for being unique. Unless you consider having a gazillion colors, most of which are crap unique.

One thing I find in this game is that the graphics of the weapons and gear underwhelming. This obviously gives them an opportunity to offer a variety of amazing skins in the Gem store. But if they are planning to do so they had better roll them out soon before everyone gets bored and leaves.

game developers shouldn't read their own forums...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


If you bother to look there is both positive and negative feedback. It isn’t all negative.

I have gone from a mostly positive feedback player to more negative over time because since launch the game has degenerated in many areas.

Many bugs have been fixed yes and the overpopulation issue has gone away. Instead we have an underpopulation issue in some zones. They did well to have overflow servers designed, but they never thought to create underflow servers.

If devs don’t read and get the feel of players opinions the game will not be properly fixed or it will be fixed too slowly to avoid a vicious downward spiral.

Why I do not play in lower level zones

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Have been casual exploring and leveling, done a few dungeons, and am now 61. But, except to specifically help a guildie, or to complete a zone, I do NOT play in lower level zones. Ever. Here is why I do not :

  • Travel costs in lower level zones are the same as for my current level.
  • Repair costs on my gear are the same as for my current level.
  • Loot rewards are NEVER the same as for my current level zones. Loot can range from as little as 25% of normal, to best case 50% of current level norm. Gear rewards are laughable.

Otherwise, the low level zones will continue to die; and the advanced Dynamic Event content will never be seen by the vast majority of the playerbase.

I agree. If you are going to nerf rewards, you should also nerf the costs.

Only reason to go back to low level zones is to help friends or if you are simply bored and want a nostalgic trip back. But even that is flawed because the DEs that used to be big fun events are deserted.

disappointed players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


I really loved this game when it came out. But now I have reached 80 and seen how certain things have degenerated, I’m getting less and less inclined to log in.

Big problem is grindiness (at higher levels) and lack of players at many DEs.

As Anet predicted players would spread out over the zones after launch. What they may not have predicted is how deserted many areas are and how difficult it is to find players to join you in DEs. So without a MAP wide DE alert system and fast cheap way to get to it the fun of having 10-40 players doing a DE has disappeared in many areas.

It isn’t just more content they need but to improve communication and enable more players to meet in DEs in less populated areas. Otherwise the problem will get worse as more players stop playing.

Thank goodness this isn’t a subscription fee MMO as I would have dropped the sub like a rock.

No problems getting gold in dynamic events

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Few people care about gold medals. They are getting MUCH easier to obtain since the population at most DEs is much lower now. It used to be be harder because I think it was the relative % of damage you did compared to other players. If you are one of say 3 players at the DE you barely have to do anything to get a Gold medal.

As the above poster said, it is the G coin that people care about now.

Repair costs WvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


You will spend about 2 S on repair everytime you die in WvW. You will survive more easily at level 80 since the upleveling of low level chars is not anywhere the same as real lvl 80 stats, skills and equipment.

In fact on the crowded servers, there are players that have suggested not allowing sublevel 80s in. The pre-launch hype about how any level can experience WvW is misleading.

You do make more at level 80 but everything also costs more, equipment, travel etc.

edit: to clarify you make more in PvE at 80 but as the most recent poster said you always lose money in WvW.

(edited by NinjaKnight.1340)

Fire Elemental at Thaumanova Reactor

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Actually, I think I first completed it sub level 20. No you don’t need to be level 80, but you do need a lot of players and they need to know that they shouldn’t wait around to be rezzed. Although it is good to know that if at least one dead player stays in the area it doesn’t reset.

Lol, I think I missed the loot from the chest. Another thing good to know.

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


How are people poor?… I’m making minimum of a gold an hour just doing events… and like 3g an hour(if lucky) playing around with profitable items on the TP.

Yes, if you don all MF gear and do zerg events over and over you can make 1G + per hour. How is that fun?

It makes ou feel like Just casually exploring is a waste of time when you could be camped at a zerg event making G.

To make 3G an hour on TP you need to start with a fair bit of G in your bank and be watching and analyzing the market. Excel spreadsheet open in bckground ideally.

Not my idea of fun.

Bosses and chests need to give better rewards.

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Agreed. There was a time when the game first started when things sold for a decent amount. Now only the exotics sell for more than NPC vendor price.

You can blame it on botters or players who have time to farm constantly. But part of the reason is that the game needs rebalancing now that prices on all items have dropped.

The game has started to foster a mass grind for coin incentive due to the imbalance.

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Also you don’t have to buy exotics… this thread should be removed and we all know why.

Just because other players don’t agree with you, it doesn’t mean their point isn’t valid. And we don’t know why this thread should be removed.

No, I don’t need to buy exotics, I only have 3 pieces since I can’t afford any more without grinding.

Fire Elemental at Thaumanova Reactor

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


One more thing, the risk/reward for this boss is stupid. I don’t remember seeing a chest or any other decent reward for this event. This is probably the biggest problem because it reduces the incentive for players to join in to help.

Everytime I’m in the zone and here map chat requests to help out I ignore it if I’m on a high level char. The repair costs are too high for the reward.

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


1.) your income does not scale up as you level sadly. Cost of way points and repairs does scale up.
2.) Gold in gw2 seems to equal platinum in other games…. To illustrate this if you played eq2 from awhile ago, 100g = 1 platinum. In this system however it seem silver = gold and gold equals platinum. Meaning your doing more with silver and less with gold which just isn’t true since things add up. 10g for the best rune of holding…. outrageous.

3) If i were so bold i think at 80 minimum you should be earning 50s to 1g per DE. Flat rate for way points like others have mentioned. Repair system should be adjusted as well.

This is a hot button issue that needs to be addressed soon.

I mostly agree.

I expected to find that getting coin at level 80 would be at the minimum the same as at the lower levels relative to the costs of equipment etc. Instead, while I found getting the best gear for my level was easy earlier on, I’m having to switch to MF gear/food and “GRIND” for coin just so I can upgrade to exotics,which are basically necessary to be competitive in WvW.

While some may find this grinding normal if they have tons of time and come from grindy mmos, it is a rude shock and a poor reward for reaching 80,for the limited time casual player who was enjoying the feel of pre-80 play.

I will agree with others that IF you don’t upgrade your gear or spend coin on the other pricey lvl 80 stuff, there is enough you make in game to pay for normal WP and repair costs + add a little to the bank. But it is way too slow and I hate having to buy and carry two sets of gear, MF and regular.

Bottom line level 80 is grindy and a massive anticlimax.

Level 80 events reward.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


@OP, I feel your pain.

The hardcore players will don full MF gear + MF food when doing DEs. You get the gold from the mob drops in the event. Sell everything valuable in the TP and the less valuable stuff to an NPC.

Buy low sell high in TP (AH) only works if you really study the market and know exactly what the margins and trends are. There is a 10% sales tax on top of a non refundable listing fee so the spread needs to be more than 15%.

Toggleble Speed Boost With Visual Aesthetics

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


I agree there should be a speed boost but also a cost of sorts. So it could be a food or potion.

Much as I would like a 60% boost I don’t think that would be right in a combat situation. But out of combat perhaps.

If you really think you can run through any mob right now you haven’t been to Orr. There are many places where it is impossible to run through a dangerous area and survive.

No money @ level 80 issue...

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


I agree with the OP that it can be very frustrating for the more casual player to be constantly broke. I feel that you don’t make relatively as much at level 80 as you did at earlier levels. (relatively because stuff costs much less at lower levels)

Also, most people want to be able to play with their normal gear not switch to full magic find just to keep some coin in their pocket.

I’m finding I HAVE to start using MF gear just to get decent loot in Orr. That is just wrong.

And as for routine farming runs to known mining nodes. OMG isn’t this game not supposed to be a grind? Repeating routes over and over again.

Fire Elemental at Thaumanova Reactor

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


There is no way that someone can honestly, and I mean honestly say that event is “easy” and kitten it is no big deal." The damage is massive for that area and level and it is ridiculous. It is doable, yes, but very frustrating when you compare it to other world bosses that are not that hard and they are in higher level areas! I mean a group of 30+, that I was in, 95% of us died in less than a second over and over again, most of us were spread out, and NO not all of us were on the dreaded bridge!

Two people got lucky and got in and managed, after dying a lot, to run in circles around the thing and I and a few others managed to find spots to do some DPS, but about the 5th time I died there was no chance as I had no where to dodge and no where to go as I burned up in less than a second. So that is massive damage and something I would never expect in an area that is that low of level. It needs to be taken down a peg or two, I’m not saying make it easy though, but come on!

Its like other games where you always get the posts of people saying how easy the game is for them. Its their way of bragging.

If what they say did happen to be true (I don’t believe it), it would most likely be due to the fact that everyone else took the punishment of death, drawing the elementals away from the person claiming they didn’t die.

I think everyone’s idea of easy is different.

Overall, this boss is way too difficult for a starter zone as it stands. It can be done by a decent sized group that EXPECTS to die and run back in from the nearest way point multiple times. In this event you DO NOT wait to be rezzed. Respawn and run back in.

The problem for newbies is that they go from events where you rez people, have time to dodge etc. to an event that is essentially no rez, one hit kill, etc. So they think it is impossible and frustrating – not a fun thing.

NPCs giving fair warning and directions might help.

Empty Zones?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


I agree that some zones are dead. I have played since headstart and you can almost see a general movement of the populated zones upwards as players level (and get bored or go to WvW/PvP).

Part of the general problem is that you can’t tell where a DE is unless you are nearby. Sometimes I see a notification pop up as I wander into the area, rush to the location and it is over.

So they need to implement a DE notification system AND possibly some kind of temporary server merge.

A DE notification system with waypoint link alone may be enough to make the deserted DEs feel more alive.

Q: Would you like to have new bow models implemented, and why.

in Ranger

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


You do realize that there are 53 different skins for each weapon, right?

Thanks for this interesting link. Unfortunately I know that some of the models shown look horrible in game. A level 80 exotic I recently got looked like a piece of badly painted cardboard. It looked halfway decent in 2D but from an angle it was a joke. I ended up transmuting it with a lower level model.

Either they need to revamp their models or add more. Only a few bows look decent and none look amazing like in other games.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Mounts or no mounts I don’t care, but please give us longer speed boosts.

Heck make those tonics give 50% speed boost and they will actually become a hot item.

Alter appearance after character creation

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


In time I bet we will see things like name change, character change, race change, maybe prof change on the gem store.

GW1 even had “make overs” you could buy from the store.

“in time” — lol. By the time they have implemented it most people will have reached lvl 80 and left the game disgusted. It is such an easy necessary addition that would make Anet tons of money and make Gems actually worth something. Thus increasing the Gold-Gem exchange rate. (necessary to discourage gold sellers and make purchasing of Gems with cash worthwhile)

I can outrun a centaur

in Audio

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


We need to adjust the PC chatter frequency so certain lines play less often. It’s on our to-do list.

While you’re at it, how about adding an option to disable it? No offense, I love the game, but I don’t really appreciate hearing these lines ever.

We’ve talked about either implementing a frequency slider or giving people the option to mute player chatter, but it all comes down to programming and UI resources. A few of us wanted it in for ship, but too many higher priority issues needed attention.

I like the chatter the first few times, especially the humorous ones, then it becomes very repetitive. Are you likely to be adding more variety to the lines?

This is particularly important in areas where you return to often. For me that is Lions Arch and Divinity’s reach (ministers waypoint) where the banks and BL trader are.

Voice talent generally not so… talented?

in Audio

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


I really think the cutscenes are a bad design because they are a jarring de-emersion. This is especially felt after a massive battle.

The voice acting varies, some goodsome bad. The reality of the emotion animation though is horrible. However, as most have said the bad quality isn’t I think because of the voice actors but the direction they were given.

Why hire great voice actors but substandard director(s)???

As for me I’ve taken to using the cutscenes to take a break. Turn up the volume so i don’t miss the gist of what is being said then go get a drink or something. It is that bad.

BTW – I like Felicia Day and I think those who don’tlike her scenes should blame the director/scriptwirter.

Anyone tried Joystick for control?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


I came across the Logitech 3D Extreme Joystick in a store and I thought this might work as a very intuitive contoller for GW2.

Apart from the joystick movement which would emulate LR strafe, and F B. it has a twist ability so you can turn while strafing. Also, it has what looks like at least 5-7 buttons that can be reached with your thumb and forefinger without releasing the joystick.

It does sound like a crazy idea especially for those skilled with the keyboard, but for those still trying to master the controls this might work great.

Has anyone tried it? I think the main thing is can the twist function can be mapped to A and D .

Power vs precision help please

in Ranger

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


I try and keep my crit rate near 50% which requires a LOT of precision. I use Berserker gear mostly which is mostly Power+Prescision with power precision trinkets & weapon. I will add Rampager gear when I need more Precision.

Reason, apart from the extra direct dmg from the crit, you can enable a bunch of extra skill effects that proc during a crit. With a machine gun like firing rate you get from the shortbow, you’re going to crit a lot with a 50% crit rate. One of my favorites is a food that gives Lifesteal during crit. This helps make up for the glass cannony build. But most of the time the mob dies before it can even touch me due to the high dmg output.

Is Ranger the strongest ranged prof. in terms of damage output?

in Ranger

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


I think it depends on your skill level and build. If you have both shortbow and longbow equipped a high damage pet and skills, traits designed for high crit and dmg, the dmg output can be quite high but you have to be switching between shortbow and longbow durng battle.

Open with longbow rapid fire, switch to shortbow and flank to get bleed and poison during the longbow rapidfire cooldown. Then switchback to long bow for the rapidfire. You can also throw in a weaken, knockback or AOE barrage if the situation applies. Then switch back to shortbow. Also, don’t forget the combo effect, if your fire through an Eles flame for example you are getting the extra burn effect and because your firing rate is much higher than most other classes, that adds up.

I’m pretty sure that I’m putting out the most sustained damage in most random small groups because the boss almost always goes after me no matter what I do to try and move away.

Alter appearance after character creation

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Yes. Please implement makeover kit Gem store item.

I don’t care about changing sex or race, since I can see potential problems with that. I just want to change a few minor things I messed up in creation and would be willing to pay for it.

Right now the Gem store is full of junk. Other than transmutation stones, there isn’t much that is worth buying.

Make WvW less attractive to PvE Farmers

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


I disagree with OP. I think the limit issue should be fixed by better coding by Anet.

If the player limit could be increased so there is not a wait, should be very easy by upgrading their servers AND they make a distinction between active PvP players and PvE players – PROBLEM solved.

what I mean by that is that if there is a hard cap of 1000 players on the server capability, say 600 should be reserved for active WvW ie. people attacking or being attacked by other players, say 200 as an in beteen for players who are repairing temporarily AFK etc. and 200 for those actively playing PvE. These numbers are arbitrary, may need dynamic balancing to get it right.

(edited by NinjaKnight.1340)

Is the Frequency of Events being Nerfed?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


I’ve had less problems finding DE… more so having problems soloing them when I try to do DE and people have either run off cause the last one ended or just aren’t around.

For example in Metrica when you prevent the skritt from taking apart the asura gate, once they get it working there’s a DE that takes places in some lab where if no one sticks around one person can end up fighting multiple veteran level golems at once.

I like the idea of DE being dynamic but it doesn’t seem like many actually adjust to the participation well – and I’m not wanting to loose the benefit from killing lots of mobs but I’m less keen on dying just cause there’s no one around to help.

Hell in Plains of Ashford there’s a DE to kill some Flame Legion Shaman just past the lake of rock drakes that sometimes gets infested by tar elementals – and that guy (perhaps in my opinion alone) can’t even be beaten when there’s 2 people… I’ve had to wait around for more people to show up just to do the event.

I know the thread was started to discuss the frequency of DE, but I think it’s an overall lack of balance that needs to be adjusted.

i think is is a bit of both which requires adjustment.

One thing I have noticed is that the difficulty of DEs scales with the total number of players NOT the number of players in a particular area. This is a problem for DEs spread out over an area where you have a concentrated clump of maybe 40 players (playing essentially in easy mode) and a few separated group of say 3-5 players who are being massacerd because the dificulty level has been scaled to the total number of players. This I think is a very poorly designed mechanic which should be fixed.

Underwater quests.

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340



I think there are more players that like the underwater features than those who dislike it.

my post said that the underwater area is nice but the combat mechanics suck.

That is what takes the fun out of underwater questing.

Anyway, i dont know where you get the idea more players like underwater, judging by the number of players doing underwater quests/DEs vs above ground, I would say very few like underwater. I

Personally I think it is cool the first few times then it is boring. The environment has far less variety than on land.

Which class for PvE solo play?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Your experience 1-15 will not be anywhere near what it will be like later on. Especially for a casual player. Not only do you get new abilities through skill points but where you put your trait points makes the character feel very different. Same with type of armor/wep and their upgrades.

For example your “easy” mode Ranger will become fairly hard mode as you get into higher levels soloing multiple mobs and hard mode in WvW (unless you hang back behind higher damage/ defense classes). Also, you can get limited time multiple pets with the Hounds of Balthazar elite skill.

Elementalists are very fun if you use dual daggers, but that takes quite a bit of skill to master.

One way to get a feel for the char is to go to the sPvP training area where everything is unlocked and you can practice against bosses& mob. My experience though is that those npcs are weaker than in real solo pve.

Underwater quests.

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


I hate underwater quests too.

The environment is interesting and thank god they didn’t make you swim slowly like in other games. But the fighting mechanics are awful.

Too bad too since Anet spent all this time/money building an underwater world which few players want to experience.

I think they need to make the underwater fighting skills more like the above ground skills for the profession.

Auto targeting system suggestion.

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Yes this definitely needs to be tuned. The worst is when it targets unlimited health Practice Dummies, such as those that can be found in the Centaur camps.

Or, targeting a static item when there are active aggo mob around you.

Sure, part of this is supposed to be skill but, during a massive zerg, everything is happening so fast, a mechanic like this should work properly.

Aggro mob should be high priority, static targets the lowest.

sharpening stones + similar bugged or ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Anything NOT food or Gem store buffs, ie: potions, maintenance oil, stones etc. disappear when you zone or log. So do stacks of power /precision/condition damage etc obtained through sigils.

I think this should be considered a bug since there is a cost to the buff just like food and what if you have to log or want to switch to another char?

I like the way that with food and Gem store buffs the time stops and you can just go back to where you were.

Underwater Damage Seems Very Low

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


I’ve found the Elementalist damage to be fairly low across the board, but in water, it’s almost ineffectual. My other characters seem to be able to operate underwater fairly effectively, and if I’m in Orr with my Ranger, I actually prefer to travel underwater because it’s safer. My Elementalist though — I avoid the water at all costs.

I’m not sure about underwater, but on land a Glass Cannon dual dagger build has incredibly high damage. Very risky build and you have to be moving constantly.

I just tried that out recently after watching a Youtube video and it was extremely fun and I started playing my Ele again.

Can you post the video, I am not saying it cant be done but I cant see you being able to spec glass cannon build with a fully close range combat cloth wearing class. I see a lot of vit and toughness gear for that which would take away from your main stats you want.

Also… can you actually last against anything more than the average 1 on 1. As a long range glass cannon I can pretty much do the most damage I think an elem can do yet if I get any adds the chances of dying almost become logarithmic. In water… add just means death! lol

Here is the link to the video. It is an update to the previous one I linked before.

FYI it is on land not underwater. But it does show how to build a really high damage Ele. Someone may possibly be able to come up with a way to do it with an underwater build.

Is the Frequency of Events being Nerfed?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Yeah I’m starting to talk to NPCs more now and sometimes it starts a DE. The stupid thing is when the NPC starts a DE so far away you have waypoint there to get there in time.

I still think they need to tune this to make DEs happen more often in less populated areas.

Mesmer: Need help finding an alt

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Try a dual dagger glass cannon build Elementalist. Of all the classes that is the most fun but also the most difficult to play well IMHO. The build, equipment and play skill all affect survivability. But if you do it right it is really mobile since it has so many speed enhancing abilities, and is really fast at killing.

Player Housing, not Home Instances.

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Sounds a bit like EQ2 housing. A big gold sink.

I would support it if there were some real benefits other than RP.

Otherwise a Guild mansion would suffice.