Showing Posts For Orc Slayer.2780:
You don’t need any of those currencies to get what you need in this game so whats the problem?
That’s true. anet made it so you have two options. Unfortunately, 40 laurels and 50 ecto is outrageous compared to 5g and 12 guild commendations. my point: two options but they make one so ridiculous it forces players to go one route or give up an arm and a leg.
I’ve yet to be kicked from a dungeon and I do tons of pug dungeons. I realize that there are people out there that grief. I also think that it should take 3 votes instead of 2 to kick. However, if you’re getting kicked from every other dungeon, I think you need to objectively look at your performance and/or behavior.
Kitten mittens! You’re right on the money. OP is obviously a troll if he is getting kicked every dungeon.
No, I do not want it nerfed. There are days where I only have 15 mins and want to do a dungeon. This is perfect for me.
the only thing i hate about the new ac is that people believe it’s so difficult that it’s become impossible for me to level up alts through it now
It’s not difficult, it’s just not fun.
Some months ago there used to be a ton of people doing runs everyday.
Returned to the game last week, and while it isn’t too hard to form a group for AC, I can’t say there isn’t much choice either. At most there’s two groups looking for more people. But some times there are no people to group with at all. It’s a shame, because AC was one of the few dungeons I used to be able to get a party for consistently within 5 minutes.
That’s what happens when amateurs run games. They see something that people enjoy and decide to change it. IF they wanted to make it harder, they could have without changing the boss fights. All they had to do was redo the damage / hp/tough of bosses
The path that ANET needs to take is to stop dictating what players do with their free-time. The reason why most people signed up to this game was because it was advertised as a “play how you want”. All these currencies go against that original theme.
If they could just convert all tokens into one or two currency that would be amazing.
Another sad part is that people in WvW are getting the short end of the stick because they can only get exotics. I think that was a terrible mistake on ANETs part to exclude ascended from WvW.
I have stopped playing this game as a result of the Feb patch. I have concluded that the developers don’t know what they’re doing.
The most popular dungeon is the most popular because it is the easiest dungeon. If it is adjusted to offer more of a challenge player will, by and large, flock to the new easiest dungeon.
not true. i liked ac cuz it was fun and i loved the armor. The reason your statement is not true is because of the benefits of running the dungeon, e.g. rares bought with tokens. You’re right with Cof p1 (easiest since the beginning) but also the easiest higher level dungeons (arah, coe, hotw, Cof [These offer rares]) .
AC offers no such benefit of 10 minute runs and definately did not have usable rares.
(edited by Orc Slayer.2780)
remove titles… investigation complete.
Now we need to investigate about how to correctly investigate something
i like it, anet doesn’t. Why: they got rid of you being able to hold the bosses still, and now they disappear. aka make it more about “rushing it” and luck.
I think there will be not enough players to play with…
to do dungeons and stuff 10+ people you must spend 10 gold + to move to other server with higher population.. and that’s sucks..
although that 3 + dungeons will be perfect! i see dungeons on level 30 (and no 1 do it on level 30 – only levels 80)
need to do a step forward and to do dungeons that much much easier (and dungeons for low levels) – with good loot and less people required.
You can keep the other dungeons but make them be either easier or much greater loot.
Oh! almost forgot – Dungeon finder! – finding members to join you to the dungeon you selected.
it would be more than 10 g each and you can do dungeons across server
no no no, please no. Being forced to run every path but in order is such a bad bad idea. okay so i got to TA today and i’m looking for Dungeon master, OH no! it reset and i have to start at AC p1 again . ..
haha. Yes, if it existed I would have had AC a month after i started playing lol
Ten plus man dungeons would be awesome, a higher level of coordination is what a lot of players want. Five is just too easy. Also, change loot drops on bosses so if a person dies they can still get loot, as long as they tagged the boss. This is still an issue.
Also, a legendary that drops in a specific dungeon would be cool. Like the legendary sword of King Aldbern ( but revamped cuz of the foefire or something c uz fds skin already exists.)
Martin The Brave.8731 said
“I think a 10-Man would be a good way for Arenanet to introduce larger scaled content. Similar to that of Urgoz and The Deep (Horse has been beaten to death). The argument’s against this suggestion are simply unfounded; No one know’s exactly how this will pan out just because it’s 10 and not 5 doesn’t mean it will be a mess. Also doesn’t mean that it will be difficult to find a group for and if it did so what? Cadecus Manor take’s a heck of a long time to find people for does that mean the dungeon shouldn’t be in the game?
At the end of the day 10-man group’s will be a good way for Arenanet to emphasize that not only do they want to make the game fun for casual gamer’s but to the people who like challenging content with a large group of friend’s or strangers.(Got to make friend’s somehow) It doesn’t mean the content is classic “Raiding”, It doesn’t mean that the content will have a gear grind.”
(edited by Orc Slayer.2780)
Fos now has 210 (and rising) members in our community!
I agree, but according to an anet gm.
“in an in-game virtual market, increasing drop rate increases the price” I agree if the item is of value to begin with aka for the legendary … as it drops more, now more people will be going for the legendary now…
Title says it all… YES YES YES YES YES! Get the PvEr’s going for their star or legendary OUT of WvWvW as they are only there for the map and keeping players who want to get in, out of WvWvW.
Doing so would have this effect: LOWER QUE TIMES!
You offer a good suggestion, one I can’t see what’s wrong with it. Coming from Gates of Madness ( we were for seven weeks facing GREEN darkhaven, GoM was Blue) GoM faced darkhaven outnumbered 3-1 every time, a buff like the one above would have stimulated others from just giving up until darkhaven moved up a tier. It certainly would have kept me in the action as I knew that I still had some kind of chance.
^ he’s right(to a degree, server transfers were free past christmas). Server transfers were to “make WvWvW more even” Okay so there is a point to them. BUT if gem prices via in-game gold keeps going up, this game is slowly but surely working more towards rl currncy purchases rather than paying by gold.
(edited by Orc Slayer.2780)
The fact that you’re bored is meaningless, you’re 1 of many who play this game and cannot speak for the entire community. You could estimate but don’t make it sound like your opinion is greater than everyone elses. Look for some goal in the game and work at it. I havn’t touched the work on a legendary and I’m still finding new things to do aside from running world bosses and doing dailies. Get a guild, join pvp or wvw, or find a new game. May not be perfect but there are things to do even if it wasn’t incorporated in the best of ways (pointing at you, legendaries and ascended!).
Due to people posting off topic and not understanding, please read what I editted and * hopefully * that will clear some things up for you.
Agreed with original poster. Just one thing I may add, use the buffs to the left and right ( they look like swirling dust bowls) to help protect you against the shades.
they have a system like this already, albiet it is NOT a good one. If you go to achievements, I think it’s under Explorer, it will list all the dungeons in the game and say “x/4 paths completed”. The reason it is bad is because it doesn’t tell you which paths you have or have not done, only that you are missing one somewhere. I hope they do implement a better structure, as you posted here. I am writing this so the dev’s aren’t like " we have that move on". Yes you have it but it’s terrible.
Ok, its time to make some changes ANet. I really don’t enjoy doing Dungeons anymore. Why? Becous everyone is doing CoF P1 farm & Fractals but thats not all. Almost, everyone is looking for a specific professions – Mesmer & Warrior the most. I am playing a Thief and i really can’t find a group so easy just becous i am not a Warrior or Mesmer. Finally when i find a group and get in the Dungeon all want to skip everything that is possible to skip. That is not supposed to be like so. Some of my suggesion would be:
- Random Dungeon Finder – with a reward
- Disable skipping Bosses/Mobs
- Put a timer to prevent farming of one Dungeon again & againI hope ANet will do something about this in the future.
so a lot of people should be forced to play your way. I see. Do you want me to give you 50% of my pay check too?
Relax. This topic is a suggestion. I am just suggesting some things that i would love to see in-game. Not all like it like you, but i do. Personally i think ANet didn’t made something just to skip it.
I simply don’t like the skipping, the farming of one Dungeon again & again, the players who are searching only for specific professions… I am sure there are players who like this and others who don’t like it. When i play Guild Wars i want to enjoy everything what ANet made not just skip it and save some time. I am just sain’ that there should be something in-game like so players can find a group for a Dungeon easier. Thats just my suggestion an that is it. I have a right for that like all players. Thats why we have “Suggestions” on our forum. Some are bad and some are good.
it’s a suggestion that you’re trying to force everyone to play your way. this is not burger king, you can’t have it your way all the time.
Gw1 was boring and I got sick of typing /stuck every two seconds. Too bad you did not play wow.
Well, it seems you are not in wow anymore so getting bored is your lifestyle
Right, cuz there is only one reason as to why a person doesn’t play a game.
Ok, its time to make some changes ANet. I really don’t enjoy doing Dungeons anymore. Why? Becous everyone is doing CoF P1 farm & Fractals but thats not all. Almost, everyone is looking for a specific professions – Mesmer & Warrior the most. I am playing a Thief and i really can’t find a group so easy just becous i am not a Warrior or Mesmer. Finally when i find a group and get in the Dungeon all want to skip everything that is possible to skip. That is not supposed to be like so. Some of my suggesion would be:
- Random Dungeon Finder – with a reward
- Disable skipping Bosses/Mobs
- Put a timer to prevent farming of one Dungeon again & againI hope ANet will do something about this in the future.
so a lot of people should be forced to play your way. I see. Do you want me to give you 50% of my pay check too?
do it do it do it do it, message repeated cuz of15 char minimium
I was one of three leaders in my guild.
The fact you limit yourself to Heavy melee is not ANETS fault . Perhaps you should try a melee Ranger you may find you like it. Remember just because a class wears heavy armor in GW 2 doesn’t mean you will tank any better than a Ranger or a Thief. Are skills limited, yes quite a bit and im sure more will be added in the future but you may as well utilize what you’ve got for now.
My play choice has nothing to do with Anet .Not being able to customize my skills/ char the way I want is their fault, which is what my above post says. They can change this so I can customize it.
(edited by Orc Slayer.2780)
I dont think 10+ man dungeons would work that well. I think that 10+ man events work a lot better, especially event chains. And that’s a great idea: commander missions. A commander invites people to the squad and start a huge event; that would be a great addition to PvE, because I feel that commanders are more useful on WvW right now
Talking about new skills, I think you have a point. The 8 classes we have are great – maybe we could have a few more in the future – but I’d love to customize my 1-5 attacks (and I’m playing as a thief). That may be hard to do because many kits are really good, and you can change kits for some situations (melee and ranged for instance)
Why do you think that 10 man dungeons would not work well? Thank you for constructive criticism.
(edited by Orc Slayer.2780)
First I’d just like to say you’d have done better to just present your suggestions and not tie in the “WoW is doing better, GW2 is gonna die if you don’t do this” propaganda. That being said, this has all been suggested before…
More weapon skills or the ability to choose between a pool of weapon skills etc. I’d definitely still like to see that happen.
10 man dungeons/hard mode dungeons whatever you want to call it, yea that’d definitely be cool too. The rewards don’t have to be any different (at least they wouldn’t need to be for me) but just being able to play with 10 people from my guild in a dungeon that’s a little more difficult, that’d be cool… As it stands I have to choose which people in my guild I want to run with and I can’t help but feel there’s hurt feelings at times because I can’t run with everyone all the time. So yea.. actually, make there be no party limit on dungeons and have it scale by the number of players that go in… That’s been suggested before too (not sure if on the forums, but I’ve heard it talked about in my guild vent).
I will be going back to WoW if Anet doesn’t fix this. Nothing to do with you or the next guy.
(edited by Orc Slayer.2780)
i think these threads are made only by those without GWAMMs. Too bad guys you quitted GW1 and went to play WoW.
Gw1 was boring and I got sick of typing /stuck every two seconds. Too bad you did not play wow.
the exact # will be hard to determine but in order to not break the game and keep the price reasonable. Here is my suggestion:
Currently 30 cof tokens can be traded in to get 1 rare that typically can be salavaged for 1 ecto and maybe 2-3 mithril. (Sometimes more than 1 ecto)
so 30 tokens = 30s more or less.Now if we want to keep a price of a lodestone around 1-1.5g, it should be 100-150 tokens per.
I think this would make dungeons worth doing again. I remember the last time i ran any other dungeon except Cof and Fotm for some ascended rings.
With this addition, i would actually start doing dungeons more.100-150 would be very very fair. You could easily assure yourself of a lodestone a day just by doing two paths of a dungeon. Then of course you could get more by farming paths repeatedly.
And I agree, it would definitely start encouraging people to run other dungeons which would be a very good thing.
i agree with the agreerer and the originate person qouted… Lol good idea
the trading post has an option on it now ( as of a month ago it was added) that allows theuser to right click on an item and Preview it. This also works with dyes.
agreed with leo
as i stated before, if you have the time to grind up to 40+ fractal lvl, you have the time to do dailies to get laurels, the argument you two are having is moot.
Not really. You can do fractals on the weekends ( they came about about three months ago) but miss every daily during the week ( aka a LONG TIME to get the laurels. )
alright, cool, didn’t know that. Also, there is a player at level 82 fractals. Remember, u can buy ascended earrings by laurels OR guild missions, rings by laurels OR fractals. Amulet by laurels OR all three pendants. Back packs by well two different ways but both require the toilet and fractals………EDIT: which means, you do not need laurels to get the amulet for AR
(edited by Orc Slayer.2780)
cool idea esp. for pvp
meta events nerfed in a few hours…. said problem should be killed with it. End of my informaton.
If I can work 15 hour days 7 days a week and STILL get my dailies done, there is no excuse to have ANY kind of grace period on doing dailies. You have 24 hours to do them in.
because the world revolves around you. A lot of people work 15 hour days, have kids, A LIFE, etc but as long as YOU can complete YOURS because you make sure you come home and play Gw2 immediately after working, that ANYONE ELSE dare not get BENEFITS / PLEASURE from the game. Sir, yes, sir!
Ten plus man dungeons would be awesome, a higher level of coordination is what a lot of players want. Five is just too easy. Also, change loot drops on bosses so if a person dies they can still get loot, as long as they tagged the boss. This is still an issue.
New classes and skills. seriously you made eight classes, good job! BUT you severely limited the skills (AKA you are making me bored faster, so I don’t want to play, so you don’t make money off of gems/ future expansions/ me giving you bad press persuading others to not waste their time on a game designed with a key flaw). seriously, a few new weapon skills added will not hurt you. I know you love nerfing builds and I don’t want you to miss out on such a grand opportunity to do so.
New classes and skills is a must. I only play heavy melee and I’m getting extremely bored with it. I can go warrior or guardian, COOL! but oh look, basically the same weapon skills on each one, just a little different and i’m not allowed to customize them.
IF ANET DOES NOT RESPOND TO ITS PLAYER BASE, OR IN OTHERWORDS WHAT IS TO COME: COol so i’m bored and you’re thinking your plan worked… great now the game is dying and you’re wondering what happened…. I( YES ME, MYSELF AND I, NOT YOU OR OTHERS) may just go back to WoW
(edited by Orc Slayer.2780)
why was it put off til last min? something like that or gatherer should of been the first completed
Here is an original thought, there is a world outside of gw2. Infact it’s so advanced that there are these things called computers that run software that people use for fun, called games.
Great weapon for Guardians and the Shadow Knight. Both Crusaders so it makes sense for the crusaders to have religious execution 2hander axes.
shadow knight??!!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!? a confirmed new class!!!!???? I hope so!!!!!!! we need new melee classes
You posted too much for me to read. Anet if you could add an event calendar and a LAST LOGGED ON (like you did for Guild Wars 1) that would be sweet. I noticed a lot(guild hall, teamed pvp) of things that you did right in GW1 but don’t see in gw2. It’s like you’re taking two steps forward ( Jumping, graphics, gameplay, races, JP etc,,) and one back ( Missing the good qualities of gw1.)……………………….
~~~~~~~~~~~~On a separate note~~~~~~~~~
Alliance Battles [ A lot of servers have too many players IE. t1 servers/ t2 servers or have too few players ie bottom 4 tiers for a fun wvwvw experience. It’s either too dead or there is a que]
Non-thief players whine about thief using stealth and attacking. Thief players whine about not being about to stealth longer. . .
Yes, something I saw yesterday too the first time…
Found someone who called his pet “Pootaster” what would be literally I think the translation of “Kotnascher”, what is again in german something for someone/thing who/what eats kitten
I find it sad, that there seems to be no word filter in general when naming pets
Or maybe they were going for Poo Taster, such as they eat fecal matter.
I have been playing gw2 for a couple of months now. I logged out 8 hours ago and when I came back I had to download every single patch up to date (when they are obviously already on my computer since I was playing 8 hrs ago). My guildmates did not have to download anything ( I’m on vent with them).