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Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


lets be real here folks.

the majority of you that said you aren’t gonna play anymore………………….are gonna play. cmon now. You will. It’s a free game.

Actually, Guild Wars 2 was sort of going to be my last MMO. The way they set it up kind of spoiled me, especially after a few years of playing WoW.

Then they toss what made it fun out of the window. It’s left a bad taste in my mouth. I’m trying really hard to get them to see why it’s a bad idea. They made a game perfect for a niche market, and now they’re messing it all up.

well they just added more content and more gear and when you consider the static leveling curve it wasn’t gonna take you any longer to get it than it would’ve to get exotics but you don’t like to play mmos anymore so buh bye

sorry for being a kitten but I’m trying to get people to realize how stupid it is to complain about all this.

Protest: Boycot the lost shores event

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


Yeah this’ll fail.

Especially cuz we don’t even know anything about how they’re gonna handle ascended gear in the game in it’s entirety yet.

kicks out wooden soapbox
laughs at pain

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


lets be real here folks.

the majority of you that said you aren’t gonna play anymore………………….are gonna play. cmon now. You will. It’s a free game.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oreoz.2573



Again I struggle to see the issue here.

Because if this is not the first of many increases in gear power than increasing stats on this release is pointless. They could have made the new stuff have the same stats as exotic. This release fine, its the umpteen other releases doing that same thing that will almost certainly follow it that are going to be the problem.

The angst is not about what this release contains, its about what it means for the future of the game.

Ok fine, lets say they do it.

More stuff to do. More shinies to be had.

Where’s the problem?

Because people, including me, do not want to be forced to play a certain amount to remain in the game. Its the reason we loved GW1 and this area where GW2 was promised to be the same is the reason we like it too. More shinies, more stuff all good. More powerful stuff, bad. Its not complicated man.

That’s right. It’s not complicated.

YOUR’E making it complicated.

What is preventing you from remaining in the game accept the pressure you put on yourself to keep up?

Keep up with who?


There’s no issue here accept that which players create for themselves.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


I don’t understand all the outcry over this ascended gear.

Like, at all.

What did we have before it?


Were they on par with each other statwise?


What are we getting now?

Ascended gear/new legendaries

Will they be on par with each other as well as existing legendaries?


Is ascended gear simply new “exotics” and provides the playerbase with even more content to strive for and benefit from?

Yes. It does.

Is it a treadmill?

No. Aside from one special, completely optional circumstance, no amount of gear or combination of gear is required to experience content in this game aside from the obvious need to be at an appropriate level.

Why are we whining here folks?

The ceiling has been raised a bit in terms of gear. That’s it. Ascended gear could have just has easily been in the game prior to this patch so what’s the issue?

Seriously, someone explain to me why this is a problem.

Ascended gear has better stats than the exotic equivalent.

oh no i got that. lol

I put it in quotes to symbolize the fact that this gear is simply new endgame gear that a player can attain but does not need to as well.

so “new exotics.”

Hence my confusion as to why people are going bonkers. lol

The fact that they are “new exotics” is exactly why they are going bonkers. That is the defining feature of a gear treadmill. ‘Here are your new stats,’ coupled with whatever gold/gem costs might be required to give those new stats the skin you want. And, this is after A.Net reps and developers and designers have said, multiple times, that they wanted the entire game to be the endgame, and that when you got to max level everyone is the same, and skill/cosmetic choices are what define and differentiate you from other players.

as far as i can tell it’s only needed for this one dungeon.

and if it extends beyond that?

Well then we have more endgame.

Which means more game.

Which means everyone will end up being as powerful as one another like we are now and style themselves differently.

Which means I still struggle to see the issue. lol

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oreoz.2573



Again I struggle to see the issue here.

Because if this is not the first of many increases in gear power than increasing stats on this release is pointless. They could have made the new stuff have the same stats as exotic. This release fine, its the umpteen other releases doing that same thing that will almost certainly follow it that are going to be the problem.

The angst is not about what this release contains, its about what it means for the future of the game.

Ok fine, lets say they do it.

More stuff to do. More shinies to be had.

Where’s the problem?

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


Oh sure people who already have their exotics will whine that they have to play to get stronger now but i’d tell those people to shut up because it’s my understanding that they’re playing this game to enjoy it and if they don’t enjoy playing it to experience and benefit from MORE FREE CONTENT then good riddance.

Seriously, no matter how people slice it to me I can’t see the problem with this at all.

It’s such a ludicrous thread. you have to give me that. lol

Its not a ludicrous thread. This is customer dissatisfaction and its remained pretty civil.

To the point highlighted in the first paragraph above: I have been playing the game to enjoy it. But in order to make sure I remain competitive in WvW in the short term and capable in future potential PVE content beyond the Fractals dungeons, I need to repeatedly play through the Fractals dungeon to properly equip myself. What was the point of the 84k karma I just spent this week on exotics? I feel cheated because I was told “here’s the finish line, you’re done grinding” and I believed it.

I don’t find any enjoyment in getting gear. It was my least favorite part of the leveling game and has been my least favorite part of the end game. At the very least though, I was able to gear up side by side with zone completions and my personal story. But what about the new gear? Will I be able to get my Ascended gear by clearing the new zone? Will there be new story missions that aid me? From the sounds of it, no.

I think really the biggest problem with MMO players for the most part is that they put waaaaaay too much pressure on themselves and they give themselves waaaaay too short a timespan to get what they want.

I get that you want to stay competitive in WvW but that is something you’re putting on yourself. MMOs are all about gear acquisition in some respect so your dislike towards it is unfortunate.

But aside from that the players put all this added weight on themselves.

They want to do this NOW.

They want to look at that NOW.

They want to wield this NOW.

They are literally sucking the fun out of it not because of what Anet is doing but because of their own inability to just sit back and play, both hardcores and casuals.

Think about it.

It’s just time.

People don’t want to spend any more of it and that’s truly what boggles me I guess. Why play if you’re not enjoying the time you spend in it?

The pressure to be competitive or to have the best stats or to look the best……truly it’s all self inflicted and that’s why they feel they’re not having fun anymore, and what MMO players of every game need to do is sit back and smell the roses.

And just chill.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


The flat leveling curve means that ascended gear will take the same amount of time to acquire as the exotics did.

Those of you with full sets of exotics will have to play for a few hours more to obtain this new gear while your future alts will experience no real time differential.

Oh no.

You’re playing a game you like and it’s giving you more free content.

Woe is you.

I reiterate…..

a flat leveling curve and no real gear requirement (outside of this dungeon) means that this is not a gear treadmill and you simply have more shinies to collect.

Again I struggle to see the issue here.

Post edited by moderator to remove a violation of the forum code of conduct.

(edited by Moderator)

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


Why are people getting so mad?

No idea, why are you angry?

It’s just more content.

Nobody dislikes the new content. People only dislike that the power plateau is no power plateau anymore. I have not seen a single complaint about the actual content.

Additional stats are not content. They are just numbers. They make you think you are achieving something when you really aren’t.

This video explains it very, very well. Just watch it and you’ll understand. It’s for an entirely different game, castlevania in this case, but the thing on avatar strength is precisely why people don’t like it and wanted the gear plateau instead.

Warning, the video guy curses a bit. He’s a bit crass, but his points on these are good.

Essentially, those of us that dislike ascended gear don’t want mcdonalds, we wanted our high-class dessert.

You know what i meant by more content. Don’t dissect me.

But to explain further I understand that this plateau has risen and that irks some people.

But the thing i’m trying to say is that this higher level of power is no different than what we’re doing now.

Think about it.

We were striving for exotics.

But are they needed to complete 80 content? No. Of course not. Obviously they have advantages but it’s ultimately the skill of the player that determines success.

So what? We’re getting ascended gear now?

The flat leveling curve means that it’ll take the same amount of time to get that gear as it did for exotics.

Oh sure people who already have their exotics will whine that they have to play to get stronger now but i’d tell those people to shut up because it’s my understanding that they’re playing this game to enjoy it and if they don’t enjoy playing it to experience and benefit from MORE FREE CONTENT then good riddance.

Seriously, no matter how people slice it to me I can’t see the problem with this at all.

It’s such a ludicrous thread. you have to give me that. lol

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


I don’t understand all the outcry over this ascended gear.

Like, at all.

What did we have before it?


Were they on par with each other statwise?


What are we getting now?

Ascended gear/new legendaries

Will they be on par with each other as well as existing legendaries?


Is ascended gear simply new “exotics” and provides the playerbase with even more content to strive for and benefit from?

Yes. It does.

Is it a treadmill?

No. Aside from one special, completely optional circumstance, no amount of gear or combination of gear is required to experience content in this game aside from the obvious need to be at an appropriate level.

Why are we whining here folks?

The ceiling has been raised a bit in terms of gear. That’s it. Ascended gear could have just has easily been in the game prior to this patch so what’s the issue?

Seriously, someone explain to me why this is a problem.

Until they raise the ceiling again. I mean, why not? They’ve already gone back on what they said they would do.

I am not against new content
I am not against new gear
I am not against the cash shop
Hell, I’m not even against paying a subscription.

What I’m against is one slight little change that can completely run away and next thing you know, you’re grinding progressions of gear and start to wonder why you don’t just play WoW.

that’d be true….

……if certain gear of combinations of gear were required to progress in the first place which, aside from this completely optional dungeon, is not the case at all.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


The ceiling has been raised a bit in terms of gear.

That’s the issue. A huge part of the audience specifically went for GW2 because the ceiling wasn’t going to be raised.

See, if it’s raised once, it will be raised again. We know this, because the blog post specifically mentions that the other slots will follow. That isn’t what we want, and why we are dropping the game over this.

Not a big deal, really. You can handle seeing some mature gamers go, since you have people like Jabronee.9465 to make up for it. Just hope people like him offset the revenue lost due to people like myself dropping.

It’s not a logical fallacy when it’s already mentioned to happen.

well see that’s the thing i don’t get.

Why are people getting so mad? It’s just more content. More fun things to do. I would understand if sets of gear were required to complete content but aside from this dungeon that’s not the case at all.

Sure people are worried that now they’re gonna have to get ascended gear to be able to compete in WvW (depending on how things go) but if you ask me if people are complaining that they have to play the game to get better at it (i.e. obtaining new and powerful gear) then I have to wonder why they’re playing at all.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


I don’t understand all the outcry over this ascended gear.

Like, at all.

What did we have before it?


Were they on par with each other statwise?


What are we getting now?

Ascended gear/new legendaries

Will they be on par with each other as well as existing legendaries?


Is ascended gear simply new “exotics” and provides the playerbase with even more content to strive for and benefit from?

Yes. It does.

Is it a treadmill?

No. Aside from one special, completely optional circumstance, no amount of gear or combination of gear is required to experience content in this game aside from the obvious need to be at an appropriate level.

Why are we whining here folks?

The ceiling has been raised a bit in terms of gear. That’s it. Ascended gear could have just has easily been in the game prior to this patch so what’s the issue?

Seriously, someone explain to me why this is a problem.

Ascended gear has better stats than the exotic equivalent.

oh no i got that. lol

I put it in quotes to symbolize the fact that this gear is simply new endgame gear that a player can attain but does not need to as well.

so “new exotics.”

Hence my confusion as to why people are going bonkers. lol

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


I don’t understand all the outcry over this ascended gear.

Like, at all.

What did we have before it?


Were they on par with each other statwise?


What are we getting now?

Ascended gear/new legendaries

Will they be on par with each other as well as existing legendaries?


Is ascended gear simply new “exotics” and provides the playerbase with even more content to strive for and benefit from?

Yes. It does.

Is it a treadmill?

No. Aside from one special, completely optional circumstance, no amount of gear or combination of gear is required to experience content in this game aside from the obvious need to be at an appropriate level.

Why are we whining here folks?

The ceiling has been raised a bit in terms of gear. That’s it. Ascended gear could have just has easily been in the game prior to this patch so what’s the issue?

Seriously, someone explain to me why this is a problem.

"Rescuing a village that will stay rescued"

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


That vid came out about 2 or 3 years prior to release.

Add to that the fact that certain technical realities had to be faced and that nothing in that video was actually PROMISED or GUARANTEED to be true in the strongest sense of what they were talking about and we find ourselves a fairly moot thread.

Do you remember when the game is started and the areas had a lot of player? I want it back!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


I support an idea that populates zones on the whole and/or gives them a reason to come back.

I word it that way because I understand both sides, how some like to experience content on a more chill level without all the zerg and while some want to experience content with a large group of people because in some cases, it’s the only way content can be completed.

Both sides have valid arguments.

But the fact of the matter here is that the lower level zones seem underpopulated and i’m on Dragonbrand, a high populated server.
There needs to be a reason for players to come back to the lower level zones. Par level drops is not a good enough incentive because why come back to a lower level zone when the zone par your level does just that?

There needs to be a balance of some sort. I’m questing in Snowden Drifts at the moment and it’s like…..dead. I’ve seen 3 or 4 others and that’s at separate times mind you.

Swamp lies dormant. Anyone seen Shadow Behemoth lately?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


From what i know and have experimented in BWE and the first days of the game, the Shadow Behemoth spawns on a timer AND you have to do an event (talk with the scholars near the heart and kill the veteran mob that exits from the portal that appears).

The event doesn’t spawn it automatically. It has to be the right time (that could be the reason it can spawn two times in a row).

That’s how it worked in BWE. And it seem consistent with all your comments here.

This is correct. Talk with the scholar NPC, kill the vet, and provided enough time has passed, the surrounding DE’s will trigger.

So get a feel for wen he last spawned and talk to the NPC 3 hours or so from that time.

Then it’s broken. We’ve done this on a Sunday over the course of about 8 hours and nada. We even stood there for about an hour spawning the vet over and over (from dusk till dark in game time).

Current bugs notwithstanding, the DE’s that trigger wont show up on your HUD till youre in the vicinity. So after you kill the vet check the area around the swamp (outside the actual swamp) for any DEs that task you with closing more portals.

But it does seem there are bugs on some servers so be wary. Check the wiki for all the details concerning the event and where to go

Diminishing returns need to go.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


Here’s the factor I think some people are forgetting.


It’s true.

It is all a grind. There’s no other way to slice it. People are correct when they call it that.


It seems to me that there’s two halves of people playing the game right now.

The first half is completely fine. They’re not getting hit by the DR because they enjoy the game and they are working towards their shinies (whatever they may be) at a reasonable pace. They’re grinding their mats. They’re grinding their tokens. They’re grinding whatever but at the same time they are balancing out that time by playing the game on the whole.

Then there’s the other half and that’s where speed comes into play.

They want their shinies NOW. Because of that they’re doing nothing but grinding the same events, the same areas, the same dungeons.


Because they feel it’s the quickest way to get want they want and the rewards are the best.
That may be true but it’s their personal desire to get what they want as soon as humanly possible that’s causing this group of players to be affected by the DR.

So i guess really the deciding factor regarding one’s reason to be annoyed is PATIENCE.

Do you have it?
Or not?

But that’s just my theory.

Axe/Mace + Longbow Build advice please.

in Warrior

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


For me axe/mace is the best set for dungeons. Hits hard, stacks vulnerability with a good aoe knockdown.The off-hand depends on what you prefer.I use sword/shield for the block and burst skill(immobilize in dungeons is priceless), but I do believe longbow is the same if not more viable.When you use it, drop adren skill+3 to give party-wide 3 might stacks!
If you want to really be loved in dungeons, drop 10 points in tactics for Inspiring banners and equip banner of precision.Try to position it where the fight is going on, but it does take some time to master it to do it fast.

Assuming hes going to be in the thick of things already due to his melee specialization, he could checkmark the option in the game menu to have ground targeted AoEs cast at ur feet. Should make things easier for banners i think.

Axe/Mace + Longbow Build advice please.

in Warrior

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


Make sure youre standing in the AoE of your longbow adrenal skill before you drop longbow3 in the middle of it or u wont get the might stacks.

Axe/Mace + Longbow Build advice please.

in Warrior

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


Signets aren’t bad but in small doses i’d say. The thing about them is that while they’re passive effects are nice, when activated you lose that effective for the duration of the C/D which, with signets, is all over the place.

As a DPS/Support warrior you’re going to be on the move more often than not. You’re gonna get in, get out, roll around etc and for that you need versatility. You want skills that apply the boons you need when you need them and you want a moderately quick C/D on them.

Having said that I’d toss Dolyak signet. It’s more for if you were playing a tanky/support role (like myself) and while it’s always nice to have increased defense, the idea behind this build is that you want your enemy dead before your defense even begins to matter.

I’d take Balanced Stance instead. You still get stability when you activate it but it also breaks stuns which means if you find yourself flat on your butt or feared you can just pop it and get out of there. DPS warriors need to be able to get of dodge when they need to cuz when they’re not doing damage, they’re taking it and they can’t take too much. Shake it Off is a good choice as well if you don’t need stability for the situation.

Signet of Rage is fine. The fury it gives will synergize well with the trait, Rending Blades I told you to take. Plus it’s a relatively short C/D for an elite.

I’d switch Signet of Might with For Great Justice. You’re getting might AND fury with this and again, the more you crit the more vulnerable your enemy is and the more dead they will become

I’m pretty sure every warrior has mending. lol

At any rate make sure you get your precision up there and by extension, your crit rating. Don’t slack off too much on power, toughness, and vit though. You wanna achieve a fair balance so that you can still do what you want to do but not insta-die when the going gets tough lol

Axe/Mace + Longbow Build advice please.

in Warrior

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


I’d also switch out the longbow for a rifle since it’s 4 ability also applies vulnerability though i’m not entirely sure how or if a bleed inflicted by the rifle 1 skill is affected by vulnerability.

Axe/Mace + Longbow Build advice please.

in Warrior

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


I’d switch out deep strike for Rending blades.

Both your axe2 and mace4 skills apply vulnerability and the C/D on either is really short. Provided your crit is high enough you could use mace4, axe2, crit for more stacks and by that time either mace4 or axe2 has come off c/d so you can just keep applying vulnerability. It stacks in intensity so an enemy is pretty much screwed lol.

50% crit chance is a good number to aim for all around. You’ll crit often enough and you won’t have to sacrifice other stats in order to do so.

So then what are your slot skills?

Axe/Mace + Longbow Build advice please.

in Warrior

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


What did you choose for your major trait slots?

Lets see your Warriors!

in Warrior

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


The first photo is what I look like now with a preview of what I hope to look like eventually. CoF chest and pauldrons with Arah boots. I might mix and match some other pieces but the head and gauntlets are there to stay.

He’s a tanky build, so I gotta rep the shield.

The colors are Abyss, Ruby, and Midnight Red



Axe/Mace + Longbow Build advice please.

in Warrior

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


i’m guessing more offense but let us know what you’ve picked

Axe/Mace + Longbow Build advice please.

in Warrior

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


well to start, how do you want to build your warrior?
Support? (the inbetween, jack of all trades)

And builds can change depending on the situation. When I level I have build A (regardless of how i’m traited/runed cuz leveling content isn’t exactly difficult) but when I go into dungeons I have build B and it’s this build that really takes advantage of my trait and rune choices because I’m with other people that rely on me to be effective at my role (however I chose to play my warrior).

So, whaddya got?

In what way did you fail Balthazar today? =D

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


Well ive had a couple successes where nothing else spawned and it was just us and Balth. I think you needto hit the sweet spot in terms of player participation so as not to have adds spawn.

As for running back, being anything less than a warrior or guardian means youre gonna have an either tough or impossible time running through the mobs of undead in order to try and reach the temple. I can see the disdain.

The irony of the Sea of Sorrows events

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


If halloween was any indication, one time events that kick off activities in-game aren’t so important that missing them is detrimental to the enjoyment of the game.

Plus theyve already said this time that the finale will run over a period of multiple hours so there shouldnt be any complaining…..but there will be. -____-

Lion's Arch's Lion

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


I think they have said it is gone forever, that was what I read. However I would really like this statue to come back, it was great and all we have now is a slab.
I understand leaving it their until the 15th, to allow people to get the halloween hat, however after that I would like it or another equally good structure to be placed in the middle.

No clue where u read that. Lol

But a dev in one of the halloween threads mentioned how hard hed worked on that lion, and in his free time and that its def not gone for good.

Swamp lies dormant. Anyone seen Shadow Behemoth lately?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


From what i know and have experimented in BWE and the first days of the game, the Shadow Behemoth spawns on a timer AND you have to do an event (talk with the scholars near the heart and kill the veteran mob that exits from the portal that appears).

The event doesn’t spawn it automatically. It has to be the right time (that could be the reason it can spawn two times in a row).

That’s how it worked in BWE. And it seem consistent with all your comments here.

This is correct. Talk with the scholar NPC, kill the vet, and provided enough time has passed, the surrounding DE’s will trigger.

So get a feel for wen he last spawned and talk to the NPC 3 hours or so from that time.

Soloing Group events when no one is around to help.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


I find it hard to believe that some of you have soloed a champion. I want to see video of it. If your lvl 80 and its a lvl 20 champion then maybe.

Probably the simplest example is the Giant in Nageling in the Diessa Plateau. A tank warrior can solo him just fine.

Mace2 combined with Dolyak signet gets rid of both the damage and the knockdown. Heck, if the signet is on CD you still get knocked down but you won’t take damage. There’s Shake It Off for when he fears you and typically ill use shield stance to give my endurance time to recharge if it needs it cuz im dodging fairly often as well.


In my view, Dungeons are not fun and not rewarding

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


All I do is dungeons in this game, but I don’t know if I actually find them fun. Think it just keeps me entertained as I don’t enjoy leveling.

I have a friend like that. I give him so much crap for it cuz he does nothing but log on and do the same 2 or 3 dungeons cuz he says he doesnt like to level or do WvW.

Good thing this game has no sub fee i guess cuz (subjectively speaking) youre def not trying to get your money’s worth.

I'd love it if more people played dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


The issue isn’t the difficulty of the dungeons or lack thereof, the issue is whether or not they’re fun at all to do, which they aren’t.


The “issue” is one that you feel exists and isnt relevant to the topic.

Arah Story/Zhaitan - Seriously? -_-

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


Aside from the pointless arguments concerning subjective opinions, MY subjective opinion is that the fight blew.

I dont care how someone wants to justify it.

Shooting a dragon with a cannon, however crippled he was, is NOT worthy of being the death of an elder dragon.

More shouldve been done. I gladly wouldve waited if it required more dev time. They couldve released it in a manner similar to how WoW might roll out a raid.

Heres to hoping that future Elder dragon encounters have DEPTH instead of having us play whack a mole with cannons.

What is in the endgame in Guild Wars 2 for charr?

in Charr

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


Im goin for the legendary hammer.

On top of everything else, the world completion needed is a pretty big endgame for me lol

War Paint?

in Charr

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


I saw this photo of a charr necromancer and i thought, how cool would it be if we could put on war paint in character creation?

Look at this photo and tell me that wouldn’t be awesome!


The ammount of clipping issues is kitten hig!

in Charr

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


Not bad at all? Well maybe when i am out of combat with the weapon on the back the spikes clipping is something i can accept. But really all the tail clipping issue is just pathetic and can be explained only in 2 ways:
1- whoever made charr armors has not aesthetic sense at all;
2- whoever made charr armors put zero effort into it.
That`s really annoying since charr race is awesome, too bad most armors look just bad on them. U know Oreoz some ppl are perfectionist, like me, the op, and lots of other players. I`m glad you have no problem playing a character affected with TONS of clipping issues, but you can`t blame others if they do actually have problems with that.

Im not blaming anybody. Im just saying that perfectionists like yourself need to realize that the issues you bring up, when compared to ACTUAL issues in the game, don’t really matter.

You demand perfection from a game that literally will never be perfect. They dont have the time to go through and fix every bit of clipping in the game and when you say,
“Whoever made charr armors put zero effort into it,” a statement which is totally and completely untrue, you sound like a whiny baby.

You honestly thing anyone is going to even want to try and improve their work for someone who insults it and their pedigree so childishly?

Ummm no.

Especially when 4-5 years of their life went into what youre kittening about.

The tail clipping is not a problem in the large scheme of things.

Thats a reality you need to face.

Report texture and mesh issues as you see them like any other level headed gamer who understands that certain other issues can and will take precedence, but dont be a kitten about it like you have been.

*alert* to the EDM Dance Charr Players

in Charr

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


Without music it sucks.

Noone can really tell were dancing.

We look like were struggling to take a dump.

Charrzooka. Is it worth it?

in Charr

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


I dont buy either of the 30pt elites cuz that means ill have to level that much more for my legendary so thats what influences my decision.

Charr names

in Charr

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


Well maybe the lore could help you. Your first name is whatever. No real significance as far as i know.

The first part of your last name represents your warband and the second part represents the part you play in that warband.

For example im Cael Bloodsplatter.

Blood is my warband (and legion) and splatter is what i do (warrior)

Does any other heavy armor look half as decent as T1/T2?

in Charr

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


Furthermore, i dont think you or anyone should consider whole sets of armor when outfitting your charr but rather, individual pieces. For example, i saw someone with the T3 helm, Orr Karma pauldrons and chest, T3 leggings and boots of some type and he looked siiiiiiiick.

Very few sets apart from our own look good on us as a whole but if we mix and match what DOES look good, because we are charr, well stand out in a crowd far more than any other race i think.

So think outside the box!

Does any other heavy armor look half as decent as T1/T2?

in Charr

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


I have the full barbaric set sans pauldrons, which have been replaced with the skull pauldrons from halloween. Over time ill mix and match with T1/T2 cultural armors. The gladiator set is also somewhat nice.


The ammount of clipping issues is kitten hig!

in Charr

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


Wonder wich armor designer made beautiful armor and then kittens it with clipping issues like thease ? Was there no way for you to test out 30-40 armor and weapon models ?At least you should have tested cultural,dungeon and crafted items since those are most common used.
Charrs are affected most of all races with clipping issues.
Clipping issues are sign of sloppiness and neglect , you had those in gw1 for 7 long years ,hope you wont do it in gw2 again.
Never understood how someone can spend hours and hours on armor design and then kitten it with things like thease.

P.S all kittens are written by me since your censure is worse than in China.

Those arent that bad at all. Im sorry if little bits of mesh that overlap each other here and there annoy you so much but its not something that should hinder your enjoyment of the game. Not everything is gonna be picture perfect. As another poster asked, what would you do to fix it? Make the spikes magically disappear or warp the shields? The greatsword pommel clippings are negligible at best. Barely noticeable to me.

These are nitpicks.

You need to appreciate the games as a whole and not fret on the super small stuff that, lets face it, pale in relevance to the larger bugs and issues that plague mmos.

Why more people don't play Charr - The Simple Answer.

in Charr

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


I love Charr but my two characters are both human. Reasons:

1. The big races feel sluggish. Logically I know they move and do everything at the exact same speed as humans, sylvari, and asura, but it doesn’t feel like it. I have a 70 Norn Guardian I’ve retired and rerolled after playing around with an Asura guardian in the starting zone for that reason. The smaller races mechanics just feel quicker, with more alacrity, even if they actually aren’t.

2. Teleports on the smaller races feel like you’re going a further distance than on the bigger races. Basically similar to #1, there’s no difference but there feels like there is.

3. Charr have by far the best story arcs, best lore, best leveling area (Ascalon), and best music theme (wistful, poignant, and epic all wrapped into one). However, I can watch the story on Youtube and level my humans through Ascalon to get the lore, environmental beauty, and music. After all that is said and done, all you’re left with is your character’s aesthetics and mechanics.

Hence, human. Asura too small except for warrior and guardian, for which small is fun. Sylvari are cool but I like armors better on human (at least for mesmer and thief). Charr and Norn too big.

And this is from someone who used to only play Orcs in WoW. I like the Noble Beast characterization, but at least Orcs were basically the same size as humans, felt the same mechanically. Not the case here with Charr and Norn, for better or worse.

I agree. They do feel more sluggish than the smaller races. Tbh honest though (and this concerns the relationship between humans and charr) i think the choice boils down to two things:

1. GW1: humans were the one and only race in that game and because of it their lore was much more fleshed out and thoughtful. Enter GW2 and we have a wealth of players wishing to continue that spiritual legacy of their characters. Obviously not all, but I’m sure its a big factor. Plus, some new players will wish to see content from the eyes of a toon most likely to represent it in its purest form (i.e the helms aren’t warped due to horns or branches)

2. The gallop. Probably the one thing everyone overlooks when pondering the lack of charr players. The gallop is that one feature that can make or break the class for new players.

I play a charr myself. I love them and their t3 armor is what made me choose one over norn. I havent noticed any real clipping issues other than what happens naturally at the waist due to the hunch.

In the end it really just comes down to personal preference.

I just want to look like someone who WILL STAB YOU IN THE JUGULAR AND THEN BITE YOUR HEAD OFF……and then walk away passively.

Centaur Greatsword/Incorrect Skin

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


Just a minor issue.
The model is incorrect on the greatsword sold by the Seraph Supplier in the Wallwatcher Camp east of the Halacon Waypoint.

I’ve seen the proper model in photos on this forum and it looks as though it should be a much larger version of the 1h sword. Maybe it’s server related?

I’m on the Dragonbrand server. Much love for the game


Screenshot of your Charr Toon

in Charr

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


This is my Charr Hexton!

The single greatest photo of a charr i’ve ever seen (top one)

Screenshot of your Charr Toon

in Charr

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


Cael Bloodspatter



So, there's no way to finish the achievements now?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


The achievements will no longer be completeable after Halloween is turned off. This is similar to the monthly or daily achievements which also cannot be completed after a certain amount of time. I’m not 100% sure on this, but I believe the plan is to replace the achievements in the special event category with a new set of special event achievements whenever the next special event begins. You’ll keep the points and any titles forever, but I don’t think we would leave you with a bunch of achievements that you (or new players) will never be able to complete.

What aspects of Halloween do you guys plan on keeping? For example is the Mad King always going to come busting out of the statue, allowing those who missed it this year the chance to earn the achievement for entering the dungeon?

What was the point of the 2 PvP events?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


My theory is like that of Watari’s.

It’s possible that mainly they were fun side additions to the arguably more bulky Halloween content but had a secondary job of acting as the guinea pigs for future PvP iterations.

MOBA style PvP really hit it big this past year or so and I don’t doubt that Anet, in their quest to make a grand splash in MLG, will try to incorporate it into GW2.

My hope is that assuming this is the plan, they take their time with it. As an MMO they’re not going anywhere anytime soon (assuming the subs are there (sup SWTOR)) so they technically have all the time they need to make something worthy of MLG gaming.

Post here if you GAVE UP on the Clocktower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


Or was it this thread he was in….? Too lazy to look lol