I didn’t realise a characters gender was a big thing to be honest. Does it really matter?
As far as the story telling goes, I guess for me at least yes it does. Could you imagine watching a movie for example where all the chars in it were all one gender. Yes I know that it has been done in the past for some movies, especially old ones or ones based around wars etc. But lets face it, it soon gets boring and offers very little in differences between the characters after a while.
Sure we may have different races here so that can offer some sort of differences, but still. I wonder what the ratio of Male/Female the Anet staff is actually, now that could be an interesting thing to find out. Dare to let us know Anet? :P
Craft the appropriate body parts and hammer them on to Scuffy and call him male if this is bothering you enough.
I had thought of Scruffy but you know, he did die there in the end but we will probably get to see this awesome new machine that Taimi was going on about. Besides that I didn’t bring him into the conversation because he is not really a person. And further to that if we were to include him then we would have to include Rox’s Pet and who knows what gender that is lol…
None of them are actually people nor are they actually male or female. They’re all only pixels and their gender is only an assigned appearance.
I guess you must play with the sound or voices off……..immersion man, immersion!
They don’t actually speak either. Real people, whose voices match the pixels assigned gender, speak their lines for them.
Wow you just take all the fun right out of games don’t you lol? Why exactly do you play may I ask?
Craft the appropriate body parts and hammer them on to Scuffy and call him male if this is bothering you enough.
I had thought of Scruffy but you know, he did die there in the end but we will probably get to see this awesome new machine that Taimi was going on about. Besides that I didn’t bring him into the conversation because he is not really a person. And further to that if we were to include him then we would have to include Rox’s Pet and who knows what gender that is lol…
None of them are actually people nor are they actually male or female. They’re all only pixels and their gender is only an assigned appearance.
I guess you must play with the sound or voices off……..immersion man, immersion!
There are 2 males and 4 females. Yes, you could probably make it 3 males and 3 females (like the original destiny’s edge), but is it really that big problem?
Also, remember, that the core DE 2.0 group has 2 humans but no sylvari (no, Trahaerne is not part of it, and Canach was coopted only at the very last stages of LS2), so i don’t think the intend was to “mirror” Destiny’s edge. There were other, far more important (from the designers point of view) considerations.
I just think the group could do with an extra male. Like I said if you ran through the LS2 more than once (as I have on a lot of alts). You start to notice just how much the female population out numbers the male. The only male there (besides you if you are a male char) is Braham. I guess it might seem like a lot more females because Caithe is there for a part of it as well and so too is Eir. Rytlock and Logan not so much.
“Also, remember, that the core DE 2.0 group has 2 humans but no sylvari”
This just shows exactly what I am saying here, too many females and not enough males. Maybe we could get Marjory to change her Gender, it has happened in game before……..oh wait a minute, that was from male to female…….again more females…..:P
(edited by Paulytnz.7619)
Boys are ugly, dirty, hairy, and just plain gross so…
Yes but girls have cooties…..
Craft the appropriate body parts and hammer them on to Scuffy and call him male if this is bothering you enough.
I had thought of Scruffy but you know, he did die there in the end but we will probably get to see this awesome new machine that Taimi was going on about. Besides that I didn’t bring him into the conversation because he is not really a person. And further to that if we were to include him then we would have to include Rox’s Pet and who knows what gender that is lol…
This person doesn’t have HoT though, I don’t think. The Scrapper line isn’t actually available to them for the flamethrower thing not to mention they’d have to get to 80 and then get 250 skill points to get it all together? Or are we just stopping at Mass Momentum?
You can still do good without Scrapper. In fact I ignored it at first as I would have had to sacrifice either my mobility or an extra big chunk of survival and the only bonus I was getting was that extra 6 stacks of might and the quickness now and then.
However I have recently just changed to give it a shot and see if that extra Might and quickness will help speed kills up some. I still have a lot of survival but I did have to sacrifice my survival runes to cover my mobility loss by getting Traveller runes.
So yeah, Engi is in a good spot right now, even if you don’t take the Scrapper line. But heck, good or bad they are just so much fun for all their toys. :P
Honestly I would recommend ALL classes for everyone as I have them all but I know some people just don’t have the time, patience or whatever for that. But having said all that and being that I do have every class and world complete on them all. My fave is still the engi and most fun.
Ok so I think I am pretty observant sometimes and as such I have noticed something with Destiney’s Edge and then with Destiney’s Edge 2 (your group in the PS and LS). That being for your group they simply just swapped around the genders for the races with the exception of Taimi. Let’s see what I mean:
Destiney’s Edge
Human – Logan – Male
Norn – Eir – Female
Charr – Rytlock – Male
Sylvari – Caith – Female
Asura – Zojia – Female (yes there was also Snaff or what his name was, but he’s dead we never got to see him in game, he might have been in the books but for the majority of us all we know is Zojia).
Destiney’s Edge 2
Human – Kasmeer – Female (and an extra bonus female – Marjory!)
Norn – Braham – Male
Charr – Roxx – Female
Asura – Taimi – Female
Sylvari – Trahearne (he sort of fits in as the replacement being he was a big part of our PS, but moving forwards for reasons I wont go into here we can replace him with Canach since he seems to have taken his spot).
As you can see they have gone the politicaly correct path and covered every gender and race. You can also see for Destiney’s Edge 2 the exception is Taimi. She should have been male? Why is this an issue for me lol? It’s not really but I did notice one day that there are too many females in our group and there was only ever one male (Braham) for the most part as Trahearne was off doing his thing and Canach is only really making his appearance now.
I think our group (Destiney’s Edge 2 as some people call it) needs another male char just to offset all those females. I would propose a playmate for Taimi and bring in a boy to not only fix the mistake that was made but it would also make some sense if we are to copy Destiney’s Edge too as there was both a male and female there if you count Snaff.
Thoughts lol?
If anything its something new to discuss if not important or whatever. :P
(edited by Paulytnz.7619)
Why would anyone want to endure leveling up an Engineer only to find the most ridiculous rotations for mediocore output?
Because Flamethrower!
Who cares if it’s the best damage or not? It’s an effing FLAME THROWER! It’s fun!
(And I suggest you keep the old character, and start over with a new one. Once you’re back into the feel of the game, then you might jump back to the old character.)
Exactly this! With the right traits you can be at 20-max Might every second without too much work. Add to that the stability and you can easily deal with those annoying mobs/players who like to spam knockbacks/downs/pulls etc. There is another trait you can add as well that will pop quickness on you every 10 secs when you go over 10 stacks of might which is no problem for you with all that might.
Besides all that Engi’s have far more options and toys to play with than the other classes do. The only one that comes close is Ele.
Don’t play engineer.
Nonsense, DO play an Engi – the most fun you can ever have. And for my piece of advice? Don’t quit this time. :P
Can a Mod please move this to the PvP forum? It may get more traction there since you need to have as much control as you can with your actions than you do for PVE for example.
My bad I should have thought to post there first….
Disclaimer: This thread does not touch on the Action Camera and I do not use it for the most part so please take that into account before offering feedback/suggestions for fixing my current issues by telling me to use the Action Camera. With that out of the way lets continue.
So I have been changing my game up some to try and better myself for PvP. There are a few options in the settings which can help a great deal here. Such as:
Ground Targeting to Instant
Basically this will instantly shoot off your Target skills wherever your cursor is at. No need to aim the skill aoe field or click the skill twice. This can be VERY helpful when combined with the next.
Snap Ground Targeting to current Target
This one will fire your targeting skills straight on to your target, excellent in a lot of cases and for a lot of skills. Like I said above, this combined with the above makes an awesome combo and the QOL goes right up.
So now we come to the reason I am posting this. Although these 2 options can help the game in a great deal, I think there is room for improvement and so I have an idea. I think this idea will help a great deal especially when you are in the heat of battle and every decision and action you take should work as you intend and not having to workaround the current annoyances of the current system. So with that out of the way, back to those two Settings Options and their current annoyances and my idea for a fix.
The Issues
One of the biggest problems here is that you may not want to cast the skill at the location of your cursor or even at your target if you have the Snap Ground Targeting to current option turned on as well. How it works at the moment is any Target skill you use will be used against your target if in range, if not in range it will be fired at your cursor and in some cases depending on the skill on you.
You can see the basic problems here, you don’t ALWAYS want to use skills on your target such as heal or cleanse skills. The only way around it is to drop your target and aim your cursor. Not exactly what you want to do in the heat of battle now is it? Before I move on to my fix for this there is another small issue here. That is there is no in range indicator below Target skills like there is for non Target skills. This needs to be addressed and added. So that I guess is my first suggestion.
The Fixs
1 – Add an In Range indicator on Targeting Skills.
2 – Now my fix for the other issue should fix all my issues with these 2 settings options I think, well I hope lol. So the idea is:
For weapon, utility and F skills we NEED a right click option for them ALL individually with options of where they will be used.
Example you right click on a skill and will have a few check box options as to where this skill will fire (everytime you use it). The options could be:
1 – Fire at my target.
2 – Fire at my cursor location.
3 – Use on myself.
I will now give some examples how this would help me (and I hope a lot of other people). My example will be for Engi since it is my main and class I am most familiar with. Add to that, that Engi’s have a lot of skills that cover a lot of roles this will just add to that as being a good example.
Lets say I have Ground Targeting set to Instant as well as Snap Ground to Target on. Now lets say that I have equipped in my utility bar, Rocket Boots, Flamethrower and Elixir Gun and Mortar for Elite.
For my Flamethrower I could choose which is more important for the fire wall skill, either my target for some extra damage and a way to make them move. Or I could set to my cursor so I could pin point an area. Lastly I could choose myself if I want to cast it on myself so I could then shoot skill 2 which would give me a Combo for might (Fire Field with Blast). Just here in this simple example you can see how I would have options and can choose which is best for me.
Elixir Gun
I could choose to fire skill 5 to hit myself for the heal and cond remove or at cursor location to drop a water field or to heal and remove cond in an aoe area.
Mortar Kit
Now this is a biggy, I would want skills 1-4 to either hit my target or where the cursor is at. Personally I would want the cursor if I think I need to lead my target or just the target if I am just too lazy lol. For skill 5 again this would be like elixir gun.
As you can see, with the current system I can’t mix and match any of this. I have to either choose to have the Target set to manual to be able to choose where to fire by leaving this option unchecked. I could turn on Fire at Target but then my heal Target skills are not going where they need to unless I drop target. Finally I can’t target myself unless again I drop target. Add to this mess you can’t see the range of the Target skills so in some cases if you are out of range you WASTE the skill by firing at your cursor location and then have to wait for the cooldown.
I hope all of that makes sense lol. Please add your support if you too face these issues or add any other ideas that you think that could also work or be better than my ideas here.
Heck, I’d just like it if they put in a toggle such that when activated it displayed what my FPS is.
I freaking HATE, absolutely HATE, the fact that to see this information I have to open up the options panel. That takes up a huge amount of screen realestate. other wise the only other time it can be displayed on the screen (that I know of) is during loading screen.
OH yeah… keeping track of a still image and showing off FPS then is really impressive I tell you.
When I used to use overwolf for the boss timers it would also keep your FPS shown in the bottom corner of the screen You could look at that as an option perhaps.
Hey peeps it’s not complex. Every mmo I’ve played allowed you to move the boxes to where you liked to have them or resize and reshape them individually. Some games even have reskins to make things look different.
As for the extra boxes requested… There are food items, utility consumables, seige blueprints, transformations… Could even be for faster weapon changes for ooc… So it’s less clicking the bag and filtering through to find that one thing you want.
Uh oh be careful what you ask for. The next thing you know gone from the gemstore are new wep/glider/backpack skins and instead only UI skins. Soon the tears would change from “too many wing skins I am sick of them” to “wtf who uses UI skins, bring back wings!” :P
I do agree the UI could use a few extra slots tho for say food and other consumables. And heaven forbid they ever give us build saves/templates and a slot on the UI to quickly toggle through a couple of them.
Is shift + F really that much of an inconvenience?
It can be in the heat of battle and with a lot of clutter on the screen. You can also assign another key to do it for you as well tho. For myself I chose “C” to autoloot all loot piles. Having it totally different from the interact “F” on its own was a huge thing before the Pact Commander line came along. But still, having that mastery work in WvW would be just another QOL thing that would be welcome by everyone I should imagine.
The reason you have to earn it is to limit the use of the negative effect if bots had access to it day 1 without any work put in.
With regards to WvW, I know they have explained it before but I recall their reasoning. Probably it would just have been extra work to do that they just have not got around to doing yet or can’t be bothered doing.
As Zanjii said it wasn’t that bad a thing to do. You still have Chef at max level you only need to pay the fee to switch back again.
Another option too is that you could purchase the item from the gem store to have 3 skills active at once. Either way you did not waste your time levelling Chef, the level is still there. Thankfully this game is forgiving like that, unlike some other games.
You may have better luck getting your voice heard if you bring the below thread back to life as a Dev actually replied to it there.
Bring it to life, share your views and try to get others to support it. Basically if you make enough noise they may listen again and actually think about doing something about it.
For these situations or specifically for WvW you could look at changing your sigil, there is one that removes boons on Crit (60% chance). So I would not say being a ranger you have NO boon removal.
Go in with a group of buddies all with this Sigil (or other means to strip boons) and you could leave him naked of any boons.
Wow nice replies guys, very impressive.
Ignore Deedrick, he seems plain grumpy and can only ever reply “go to other games” to anything ever written. It’s like he wants people to leave this game or something? :S
As to the topic at hand. I do kind of agree with mentioned guy above ironically, but I certainly will not tell you to go and play another game. Because besides it sounding rude it kind of sounds elitist to me or some such, maybe the word I am looking for is toxic, I don’t no but you get the idea negative all the same.
So yes, enjoy all the time and fun you can spend with your guildies in the HOT content/maps. Also you now have a lot more people to help and help you with any alts you take through who need hero points and such!
Why would you ruin the challenges of gliding, like the longest glide ap in TD for a flying mount. Anet has set precedence for mounts. They are golems, brooms, carpets, the digging tool. If your ideal of a mount differs then find the game with mounts that match your definitions. If you want flying mounts, go back to wow.
Who are you talking to exactly? If you are talking to me I never played WoW past 30 mins of a free trial. I could tell right off the bat it was garbage and not for me.
Who said anything about ruining gliding or the challenges we currently have with them? Ask yourself this question: “when I bought HOT did I get gliding straight away or did I have to work for it?” The answer of course is you had to EARN it. Now in any new expansion we should expect new masteries to come and with that any rewards from those to be earned. So by the time you have your actual flying you should have easily over come any of the gliding parts of the game and their challenges. Going back to that content with actual flying could actually be just another way to totally explore that area and see anything you may have missed beforehand when your airborne abilities were limited. This is pretty much what gliding in Tryia does for us. Should we also not have that, are you asking for them to take that away also?
Also add to the fact that you will probably have to have HOT and beaten it to be able to even experience another expansion so again you should have already done that content. Well that is if they continue with their current trend – Having to buy LS2 and beat it before you can get HOT and do that.
What I said and what I could see them doing was in response to a video I watched of anet Devs/staff saying how excited they were for gliding to come to Tyria. And all the possibilities that they could do with that. Heck if anet staff were already thinking something like this and excited about it who are you or anyone else to say “no, go play wow” or whatever?
Relax, take a chill pill, it’s not like I made this thread and was actually suggesting it as a serious suggestion. Heck I even ended my posting with “wishful thinking” or “dreaming” or some such. I suppose you took my flying Harley and Tommygun as serious as well (but in all seriousness Anet, Tommygun – make it happen!).
(edited by Paulytnz.7619)
I have done this on about 11 chars now. I recall before they made the change to where we could solo it and you had to party for it, it would usually take 1.5-2 hours. I have recently done it again on my Rev and another char before him on solo mode and from the impression that I got it was actually faster than when I had to party with people.
It certainly does not take “many hours”. It may have been boring for you depending on what class/build you were playing.
But I do agree, when they changed it to solo mode a bit of what was any challenge seems to have been removed. And it does seem a tad boring now when you see the same waves of creatures coming at you. Not to forget to mention some of the combat (while fighting the dragons flying around the ship sometimes they seem to get stuck in the air or wait too long to do anything is 1 example) seem choppy which make it seem long, tedious and boring.
Lets face it water and water combat failed. Why did it fail? If you don’t take into account all of the bugs associated with it. Mainly because we are forced to use different weapons and skills that we are not used to using and which are usually worse due to many different reasons. One example could be that when we build our builds we mainly spec for land and thus we lose a lot of that in water.
I actually think water combat failed because it’s too confusing/hard for a good chunk of players (on top of few to no utility skills [lolthieves] and difficult meleeing). I mean, we are looking at things like the NPE and continuous nerfs to things that require some sort of onscreen awareness.
Of course, if you keep butchering every aspect of the game that actually has any form of underwater combat people can never get used to it in the first place. But seeing how there aren’t even BL skins for UW weapons for a good while now (and I think confirmation that there won’t be new UW legendaries either), I think it’s really time to just scrap underwater combat as a whole. Clearly it’s going nowhere and remains yet another kitten idea that had great potential but was ultimately left to rot.
It’s sad really as I did like underwater combat myself personally. But I play every class and have experienced them all to world complete so I know how each of them play waterwise. Some classes were just more suited for it than others (ranger was one of my faves for example). Heck look at the mess Rev was when it first came, they had practically NO support at all for water and that bug took a while to get fixed (land and water stances chosen would always revert back).
And yes you are right the more they take water combat out of the game of coure it just adds to the problem. First PvP and then WvW. Add to that as you said no new wep skins or water areas in any of the new maps after Southsun it all points to them giving up on it.
Then we look at what they did with HOT. Add more to the verticality for exploration and stretching out game content. It’s like going in the opposite direction of water combat but at the same time kind of the same thing.
Which gets me back to topic – Air mounts yes please- after actual flying is added of course! No one can use the old cry of “but we have wp’s what’s the point?” We have no WPs in the air and even if you are close to the area it can take a while to get vertical again and reach that area/content. Claiming the maps are too small is also now redundant as the verticality and many layers can greatly expand to the sizes of the maps. Heck they could even go back to the old Tyria and add more layers for air content if they felt like it. Adding NEW exploration/content without having to really create totally full new maps.
So the only question that now remains is this. Anet, when is my flying Harley coming? Oh and of course my Engi main is still waiting for his Tommygun Kit…..
(edited by Paulytnz.7619)
Check out the PvP forum and it will all become clear to you. It’s not that the guys on your team are all crap, it’s more the fact you are being used as fodder to quickly advance the top players to their glory. It’s just a bad break…..
I am in the same spot. I know I was an average to good PvPer before Season 1 hit and would get a lot more balanced matches. Sadly since I was not here for season 1 (due to computer dying) the game now classes me as as super bad so like a lot of people I am getting streaks of 10-20 losses without any wins.
I am going back to unranked until this is sorted out and all the elite super high end players and premade teams of 4 [insert cheese build/class here] (sort of an abuse/exploit if you ask me) have moved ahead to their deserved spot. Because then and only then all the bad, average and even good players or as the elite would say “noobs” who need to “get good” are left to just face themselves to be finally able to be judged correctly/fairly by the game and then put where they belong/deserve.
It sucks, but it is what it is.
what does any of that have to do with the fact that these players (whom I’ve had on my team multiple times now) would literally be more useful disconnected from the game than alive and giving the enemy team score?
I’m aware of the quick progressing thing….. I lost maybe 3 games all the way up to the last bracket of sapphire…. and now I’m losing game after game after game because I’m getting stuck with different combinations of the same 3 or so bad players.
What I am saying is the game for whatever reason NOW (possibly all of a sudden) classes you as “bad” as these other “bad players” that you are with. So until all of the other players who you may indeed be as good as; which the game “thinks” or “classes” as better than you move on up, then and only THEN will the game correctly judge you and place you where you need to be.
It is what it is. Only way I can explain it is that the new system is “learning” as it goes through it’s motions who the bad, average, good and very good players are.
If you ask me I think they know all of the fails here and have been reading all the posts and have been seeing the rage. I think what they are doing now is looking at the data at their end and possibly thinking "what can we do, have can we “sort of” fix this or make it generally better for the majority?"
But then again maybe I am just dreaming again or being too optimistic. :P
Check out the PvP forum and it will all become clear to you. It’s not that the guys on your team are all crap, it’s more the fact you are being used as fodder to quickly advance the top players to their glory. It’s just a bad break…..
I am in the same spot. I know I was an average to good PvPer before Season 1 hit and would get a lot more balanced matches. Sadly since I was not here for season 1 (due to computer dying) the game now classes me as super bad so like a lot of people I am getting streaks of 10-20 losses without any wins.
I am going back to unranked until this is sorted out and all the elite super high end players and premade teams of 4 [insert cheese build/class here] (sort of an abuse/exploit if you ask me) have moved ahead to their deserved spot. Because then and only then all the bad, average and even good players (or as the elite would say “noobs” who need to “get good”) are left to just face themselves to be finally able to be judged correctly/fairly by the game and then put where they belong/deserve.
It sucks, but it is what it is.
(edited by Paulytnz.7619)
Mounts in this game would seem silly unless they were all mechanical or such. When we have animals as playable races and minor races/cultures that we deal with it just seems too silly.
Cats, rats (skritt, perhaps mice?), frogs, polar bears, 2 legged upright walking chicken birds, horses, heck even plants! You see where I am going? Sure dolyaks may be the exception but still….
And that’s not even going into the discussion about waypoints, small maps and even world. If anything we MAY get some sort of flying in the future. No I am not talking about gliding, that is nothing more than falling in style and with some sort of control.
No I mean actual flying (google Perfectworld if you must) where we can stay in the air and even ascend up. This could bring in a lot more exploration and bring back the hype to the game that the verticality with water combat had first promised.
Lets face it water and water combat failed. Why did it fail? If you don’t take into account all of the bugs associated with it. Mainly because we are forced to use different weapons and skills that we are not used to using and which are usually worse due to many different reasons. One example could be that when we build our builds we mainly spec for land and thus we lose a lot of that in water.
Looking back to flight just imagine it as water combat without all those bugs and with our usual skills and weapons.
When Anet brought gliding to central Tryia they mentioned in 1 of their vids when they were playing around with the idea and tested it they got super excited about it, especially for WVW.
They had ideas of having air combat, you fly in and could even attack towers/castles with aerial combat. I can see this still happening in the future, just not yet. Why not yet? Well, for a start not everyone has access to gliding so that would be kind of unfair. Add to that we still do not have actual flying but a weaker version like I said earlier. But if we look ahead to the next expansion we could ask ourselves this: “okay Anet gave us gliding last time which was a BIG improvement to the game, what can they give us this time?” Actual flying would not really seem unlikely to me. Especially taking into account their ideas about the aerial combat they dreamed of. Also take into account when the next expansion hits, HOT will probably be given to everyone. So that opens up the door to aerial combat possibilities to some extent. So I have hopes.
Summary: traditional mounts as other games do it? Unlikely. Dreams of future actual flying with possible air “mounts”, gliders, wings, misc contraptions which could act like mounts but for air? Not as unlikely or as far fetched as you may think – hopeful/wishful thinking.
(edited by Paulytnz.7619)
Yes it’s fun now…
People are still sitting there in base letting the other team get easy wins. I just had to report one guy for this. Oh and get this he is counter reporting me for a false report.
Yup, they have truly improved things!
I would sacrifice a Skritt for Green, that is just how much I want green!
I just think GW2 deserves more to it than just fight for the next skin…
There’s more to it than skins. There are achievements, exploring, challenges like Jump Puzzles and mini dungeons. Add to that masteries, legendries (yes more skins but also with the stat change bonus) etc etc. If you are meaning once you have done all of that stuff then yes, that’s pretty much it. But tbh that is the reason a lot of us are playing this game compared to those other MMOs out there.
Less stress = more fun.
Just a quick mention, you know if you HOLD down space when you jump from a height, your glider automatically deploys?
Yes and this can cause even more problems for those of us with a high ping. As usually spamming the jump key can help us out in some tricky situations, usually JP’s. This new mechanic just ruins this. Unless you have a high ping tho you wont have this issue.
I totally understand what you are saying and am pretty much in the same boat. Those Drytop skills kill me. There was one Lost Coin I could not get to as you had to use the skill 3 of those skills and it would either over shoot me or under shoot me every single time. Gliding in Tyria came and thankfully that let me get that coin finally lol.
Come on people, there have to be more opinions on this surely. :P
No open world PvP and whole 5 minutes for a rez makes it very easy. Other than people playing mainly in groups and average player’s skill being actually not that bad not a whole lot would change. You can check wooden potatoes permadeath challenge vods and see how much more rules he made up just to have a chance of dying in GW2.
What about things like new raid wings and other challenging content? These systems are of the nature of try and fail until you figure it out to be able to succeed. You get party wipes oh yes you do and will until you figure it out. So do you think these perma death rules would not apply here? Because lets face it, if they did you would have thousands of people sacrificing themselves and their character to figure out how to beat them just for others to succeed. Lol, somehow, I just can’t see it.
I think the thing is what use would we get out of them and would it be worth the time/resources for Anet to create them?
Sure yes we do have a beach in LA but really besides roleplay who would actually go there and spend time there? And even taking into account the roleplay crowd how long would this last before they got bored and moved on? There would need to be more areas introduced as time goes by to keep it fresh. Perhaps roleplay areas with more than just the beach theme etc. But that is thinking beyond this.
I think for this to be viable for Anet to spend the time and resources they would have to introduce something pretty big along side it to work with it. Perhaps a few more mini games/game systems that people could play for fun/rewards. Basic examples that could come to mind are beach volleyball and such. You want Esports Anet? Who says they have to all be about combat!? Do it, make it happen, beach volley ball season. And of course you can have many, many, many various bathing costumes to sell in the gemstore for people to play in as they compete in this new Esport feature. :P
(edited by Paulytnz.7619)
There are games out there already that have this feature you are free to go and play them. Wizardry online is one of them.
Here in this game it would just not work. 1 it goes against the very nature of this game with its “care bear” attitude and environment. And 2 if something like this were to happen Anet would have to rework the entire game and take out a lot of the cheesy things that they have in place.
Just imagine jumping puzzles alone. People would ignore them altogether. Your toughness here wont save you at all from a bad jump due to bad timing, lag, high ping or anything else that occurs.
What about game disconnects? A lot of people are having problems now with DC issues, Just imagine the rage if all of their work was tossed away because of a DC issue.
What about the learn from your failure systems the game has in place? Again Jump puzzles can be an example and so too could be vistas, Poi’s to a simple extent. Then you can take this to the next level with even just basic exploring of the HOT maps. “Oh you wanted to glide over there just to see what’s there or try to get that mastery point? Too bad, you ran out of energy or you could not reach anywhere safe in time and you hit the bottom floor – GAME OVER – GET GOOD”.
This would make the game like studying for a test. People would be watching videos or viewing guides to do everything perfect just not to die. There goes the fun out of the game. Do your homework children or you wont get anywhere without it lol.
I main an engi and have always played in PVT and probably have more survivability than most. Let me tell you that does not save you from a lot of the cheesy mechanics that this game throws at you. 1-2 hits from certain bosses etc. Toughness only delays your death, it does not make you invincible. But if you play it right you can survive and win pretty much 99% of the time. That other 1%? well like I said, you get a bad day and have a high ping or a spike, dc and those cheese factors and you can still fail.
Having said all that then there is PvP. Lets be honest here, no matter how many people they throw at it and how many hours/resources they put into it. It will never be 100% balanced. People will always find some way to get that extra edge over other players. So there you go again, another thing you would wont to avoid if such a mechanic was in this game. Besides even if they DID get it right one day and had 100% perfect balance. You can still get a bad day from pvp by the nature of it. Team compositions comes to mind, bad team members. Even if they had a duel or 1 vs 1 system going on there will still be those cases where you will lose due to no fault of your own. Think Rock, Paper, scissors. Some classe/builds are just beter than others at taking down others. So that would bring slight RNG into it as well.
Another example I could give here are those card games that people play. Have you ever played for example Magic the Gathering or any such similar? You could be the best player in the world but due to how the game plays you can still fail. As a lot of it comes from what cards you are given at the start and as the game goes on. Also again, some decks are just better at taking out others, its that rock, paper, scissor thing again lol. You can see this in pvp to a degree, I do all the time although I probably can’t think of any examples off the top of my head right now.
Summary: What we would see basically is low lvl players running around everywhere because they like to play for fun and will die due to taking the risks. No high lvls? They would exist but more than likely from levelling in safe zones or from crafting. You will probably only see them standing around in cities showing off their high level or again in low lvl/safe areas earning some coin the best they can.
Yeah, that would be a fun game to see and play! :P
(edited by Paulytnz.7619)
I agree more things could/should be looked into with regards to this. A few examples:
Jumping pads (Dragon ball/Jump puzzles I am looking at you)
Bouncy mushrooms
Drytop skills from those pickups
Normal jumping (again jump puzzle related)
Now as for combat this could be tricky. As you have to take into account everyone else around you as well. Some things could conflict I think. But for PvP or WvW I can’t see this happening. It just could not without people freezing or having to wait for the reactions from the other people’s computers right? That would totally destroy the fast paced nature of the game and make it more like the old turn based type systems. People would leave by the hundreds of thousands.
Besides PvP will always be ruled by those with the better ping, there is no way around it. Which is why I am slightly annoyed they have removed a lot of the more tanky amulets from PvP as those of us with a bad ping benefited from those as that extra split second is needed to be able to react to what other people are doing in the game.
But like I said, those with the better fps/pings have to always win or have the advantage right? It’s just the way it is, always has been and probably always will be…..
You only need 4-5 decent players to claim your hall. I am in a 2 player guild with a friend from another game and we managed to claim ours by hiring “mercenaries”. All you need to do is create a LFG asking for people to help you claim the hall. You could ask for people to do this for free out of the nature of their good will but I can not assure you that you will get the help.
I am not a rich player but I paid 3 mercs 2 gold each to help myself and my other guild member to claim our hall. It was well worth the cost in the long run and it was even a fun event in itself.
Good luck.
Thanks for the tips and I’ll definitely try to get rid of the materials that way. Just wish there was a way to get rid of the boosters like turning them into hero points or something like that.
Take them to the armour guy (not the weapon one) at the TP and you can trade them for the combined boosters. These you can then use for ether Magic Find or Gathering bonus. The gathering bonus ones are great if you need to farm a lot of something in a hurry. Place them on an alt or 2 and park them somewhere and just log in on them each day to gather.
Good examples are the flax field or the Trees in Malchors leap. If you roam around the area near those trees in Malchor’s Leap you can usually find Ori or Ancient as well. This is a great way to also get Firefox clusters or whatever they are called.
As an Engi main who wants to use my Scrapper or gasmask helmet with an armour set that actually works with it yes I think it’s time we got more variety in armours.
Hello Engi’s have a trait called Juggernaut that makes us meant to seem unstoppable (stability/might) yet there is no armour to suit that! I am meant to wear cloth or very few leathers with my scrapper or gasmask for that look? I don’t think so, just no, this does not work.
Surely medium classes could in the least get some chain armours or thin scales.
I think the forgemen’s armor from one of the dungeons works well with it
When I first saw that years ago yes I thought that would be the case. However trying it just a few days ago – no. No metal to it practically. They need to add something. In the mean time I have been using that outfit that us old players got but of course with that we can’t use our own helmet.
As an Engi main who wants to use my Scrapper or gasmask helmet with an armour set that actually works with it yes I think it’s time we got more variety in armours.
Hello Engi’s have a trait called Juggernaut that makes us meant to seem unstoppable (stability/might) yet there is no armour to suit that! I am meant to wear cloth or very few leathers with my scrapper or gasmask for that look? I don’t think so, just no, this does not work.
Surely medium classes could in the least get some chain armours or thin scales.
It’s especially frustrating for rangers because the pet is constantly being aggro-ed by NPC’s and because it tends to lag behind so much becomes an easy target by opponents again causing a disadvantage to escape.
I have no issues playing my ranger. Mobs do not aggro pets unless you tell your pet to attack them. What I mean is a random mob will not just come up and hit your pet, it will hit you. Only once you attack and engage any mob will your pet attack and then it could gain aggro. But again YOU have to attack first.
People claim this happens but I have never seen it, not once and I have played a ranger since the beginning of the game.
>Wiki>Depending on whether the pet is set on aggressive or passive, the pet will attack an enemy if it is attacked, its owner is attacked, or its owner attacks the enemy while aggressive, or only when specifically commanded to attack an enemy while passive.
As soon as your pet responds to an attack on itself it will put you into combat mode.
I’ve playing ranger as my main since beta.
I still have never seen this. My pet can be fighting a mob some distance from me as I send it to attack one. No other mobs in it’s area will attack it unless they are engaged in combat with me. That is what I was trying to say. They wont (in my experience) gain aggro by themselves as such. Sure if it is very close to me and a mob lunges at me, it may attack to defend me perhaps and then gain aggro.
PS, it does not say anywhere in that quote from the wiki that the pet can draw aggro itself. All it says is in which cases the pet will attack. Which is in response to YOU getting attacked, not them.
(edited by Paulytnz.7619)
It’s especially frustrating for rangers because the pet is constantly being aggro-ed by NPC’s and because it tends to lag behind so much becomes an easy target by opponents again causing a disadvantage to escape.
I have no issues playing my ranger. Mobs do not aggro pets unless you tell your pet to attack them. What I mean is a random mob will not just come up and hit your pet, it will hit you. Only once you attack and engage any mob will your pet attack and then it could gain aggro. But again YOU have to attack first.
People claim this happens but I have never seen it, not once and I have played a ranger since the beginning of the game.
Isn’t a challenge the whole point of computer games? I run a Guardian and have always liked you need to be careful where you drop a symbol or shout for quickness… makes it actually feel like you are in a dangerous place!
Besides, fastet movement in combat would make existing content a lot easier which we definately do not need.
Having mobs slow you down is not exactly a challenge lol. It’s just a pain when most of the classes can use their speed skill and have no issues at all but then you have 2 classes who have to watch what they are doing as it can actually slow you down instead of speed you up! It’s stupid and pointless. A simple fix could be as I said, have it we have to be damaged ourselves or have a condition on us to slow us down and not just hit an enemy. To stop abuse or exploits they could make it you have to hit an enemy for x amount of damage or something like 2-3 in a row I don’t know. PVE only of course.
I am not asking for faster movement in combat. Just relax the rules where the game thinks we are in combat. Remove some of the leashing, don’t have 99% of every mob target me all the time.
It’s silly I can walk into an area and there are 3 different types of enemies all in the same area. For example we may have a Drake, Spider and a Harpy (probably no accurate examples but it’s an idea). They are all just there chilling, not fighting each other. But what’s this? As soon as I enter the area I am public enemy number one and they are all, all of a sudden hungry and I am the only thing that can satisfy their hunger. Wait on a minute, why are they not all fighting each other (yes, yes I know some do in certain places and they certainly do hunt ambient creatures)? It just breaks emersion and looks/feels silly. But I guess I have gone off the point now lol.
(edited by Paulytnz.7619)
It’s to increase cross-map movement.
It’s really more that you move faster out of combat than that you move slower in combat.
Movement speed in combat is balanced around what’s suitable for combat.
but that speed is too low for just getting from place to place, so you move faster out of combat
You may be correct here but the problem would then be that people are “in combat” technically when really they are not, well to be more correct when they don’t want to be (as in my 2 examples above).
I am not sure how old this problem is in PVP but I am seeing it there too now. That is enemy mesmers placing portals on your downed allies so it makes it harder to res them.
Surely in PvP we should not see the use portal option for the enemy team right?
Are you sure your dead teammate wasn’t the mesmer that dropped the portal as an escape and just died prior to using it, sabotaging his own rez?
As for the other instances, trolls suck. That said, does auto-loot (through tyrian masteries) work on the chests? I thought it did, but maybe I was just imagining it.
I guess I still need to confirm this. I have not been pvping a lot recently but I have begun it for the last couple of days again. This happened to me twice yesterday in 2 games in a row. I am pretty sure that at least 1 of those games we had no Mesmer on my side.
But as I said I will have to double check it. As, if this is the case, what a REAL pain to deal with and a very, very, very bad way to troll/cheat in a way.
If we are talking about the slower movement while in combat and not any condition. I would say it’s there to give you an incentive to kill the mobs in front of you or between you and your intended goal.
Basically its there to have those annoying mobs seem more like a problem or threat. Of course this does nothing besides annoy the players as we still have ways to avoid most mobs in most areas.
Now if it only happened if we were actually hit or had a condition and not just accidently (guardian staff users know of what I mean, skill 3 I think it is which we use for a speed buff, if you have the trait set where symbols damage enemies/ditto for Mesmer focus 4 I think it is) hitting an enemy ourselves it could make more logical sense as it could simply be viewed as you are damaged and thus moving more slowly.
But even then, it would still seem like a stupid, annoying and pointless mechanic to most people.
I get it anet, you want people to actually kill monsters. That’s fine but do it like some other games do it. You know have them in certain areas out of the way where people go to farm them. Address the DR issue with regards to that and make the loot more worthwhile.
But that wont happen, they like to troll us with annoying mobs and their annoying leashing. :P
If Anet can reward people daily for simply just logging in to the game why should they not reward us for furthering our exp once we hit that wall?
It will just make some parts of the game seem more worthwhile and doing again. Events especially, sure there are bonus map rewards but not for every map (starter zones).
Personally I could see an easy/fast fix. Have the bar fill as per the old system (before HOT and all those changes came). Once the bar fills you get a chest similar to one of the daily chests.
Such a reward is not so game breaking as it is still kind of similar to what we get anyway for daily. While also giving that sense of gaining some reward and some sort of progression.
Anet have always stated that they like to reward players for the things that they do in the game. So this idea or any like it would only go to confirm that statement they have made in the past.
It’s not really about “wasted” xp as such. It’s more the feeling of not getting rewarded for things that you are doing. Especially events. Karma? I have 3mil+ and am constantly at that mark, don’t really need it. Gold? Too small to notice. XP? That is exactly what we are discussing here. Map bonus rewards? Yes these are awesome but really they do not reward you every event, its every second event or so.
Another option when the bar fills could be to get rewarded one of those items that those certain vendors sell (the Pact Commander Mastery vendors). That being that item that gives you a map bonus reward for whatever map you are in.
Well that’s my 2 copper worth. :P
I am not sure how old this problem is in PVP but I am seeing it there too now. That is enemy mesmers placing portals on your downed allies so it makes it harder to res them.
Surely in PvP we should not see the use portal option for the enemy team right?
Sounds to me like a PvP or WvW rant but I could be totally wrong on that of course…….