The main problem with the creatures in the water is it seems that as you get most of their HP down they try to run off. This is when they enter a part of the terrain that the game thinks it should make them invincible. It’s dang annoying! Please remove the code for ALL sea creatures that makes them try to flee.
Also, why the heck can’t we contiue to fight while we are on the surface of the water? We can get attacked while there but not fight back!? This is especially a pain when monsters “push” us to the surface and continue to pound away at us, it’s cheap. I swear they really have some mecahanics in this game that let mobs “cheat” over us.
Well the thing is if someone from Anet sees this post and looks into it I am sure the information I have already given is plenty for them to do so. :P
I discovered this problem because as I have been playing the game I have been making vendor and karma vendor lists to help me train skills like cooking etc. This is the only one I am missing in the whole game! I have a feeling this vendor may sell oranges which I really need more of lol……..
No body else have issues with this? This is obviously effecting so many people as even the Wiki has all the other vendors stores info except this very one…..
In the Iron marches there is 1 particular karma vendor who after completing the heart you can not access his store if a certain boss is up. What happens is he just mumbles on about the boss being up and to go and kill it. The vendor’s name is Jaggedclaw (sorry I forget the rest of his name). I did report this by using the in game bug report over a month ago and since then nothing has changed so I started to worry that this was intenional.
Now this boss is a champion who also has a group of 20 sidekicks with him so he is NOT easily dealt with. Also no other heart reknown vendor in the entire game requires you to have a group to complete any part of it or to access the store. So this really tells me that this should not be intentional. Also I very much doubt that this vendor has anything amazing that would require you to go through so much effort. “Why is this so much effort” you might say? “Ask for a group or get a gang to deal with him”. When I first noticed this situation it was while I was on my first playthrough of the game with my first character. Back then pretty much all the maps were crowded with people and you would hit the overflow very often. So back then sure yes this MIGHT have been possible but now, well you know the story most of these maps are empty. Now the reason I put MIGHT in bold just then was because even back then when I did go through on my first guy when the map was crowded I DID call for/ask for an extermination team from map chat so I could access the store. Sadly I got no response the few times I called for one.
So in summary, I seriously believe that if this is intentional to please reconsider. As I said no other heart requirement or access to the store after requires you to need a group (for a champion boss with 20 sidekicks I am assuming a sized 10+ group would be needed) to do so. Sure I know that there are vendors in Orr that require this to access their stores and their amazing armour skins. But in these cases they are NOT karma vendors/hearts. Which is why I assume they are not reknown vendors because the intenion for the last 3 maps in Orr is to NEED to group to access/do certain things, unlike all the maps before that do feature hearts.
In advance thanks for your time and any info.
Now I know why I am always the target 1st.
Not happy, you do something like complete the world to 100% exploring and you get punished for it instead of rewarded? :S
Just a tip – if you REALLY want to see what most items look like simply go to the pvp lobby and open up the locker box. Tada! Most weapon/armour skins are there for you to PREVIEW. That’s right pretty much every set and weapon that is in the game.
Why would you want to open up the trading post and view just one item at a time anyway? Here you can go and preview whole sets all at once.
Dam, Anet alredy has included this feature into the game but just kept it secret from us. :P
Well they had a 1st first person view in GW1 which really surprised me when I found it was missing from here……
I even sent in feedback during the beta that a 1st person view would really help in very tight places like when you are inside houses etc. You REALLY notice the camera straining when it tries to get a good angle. Well I do anyway, caves are in the same situation sometimes too.
I don’t recall getting a chest, in fact I am sure you do not. Like Onza said you will get the Gifts of Exploration. 2 of them and they pop up in a box like the rewards for completing areas do. Well if I think about it you see a chest icon to the side of the screen to click on to get the reward but I don’t count that as a chest really, to me a chest is like the ones you ned keys for. :P
“Whats the point if u can’t use it and PVE is to get the skin”
I don’t understand this reply…..
It is my understanding that you CAN use any weapons and armours that you get from WvW in Pve. It’s PvP gear from the PVP lobby areas that you CAN’T use in PVE areas.
Sorry my opinion on this thread failing still stands…
Dur, show it off in town or in PVE, I really don’t understand what the problem is……..
Why would anyone think that someone else in PVP cares what they are wearing anyway when they just want to kill them?
Sorry but I think you bought the wrong game. :p
Instead of keybinds they could add another small menu to the gamescreen with some options there. Example they could add a small menu under the party list that you click on to open it up and then choose what you want to say.
As for the spamming of this, simple fixes – have it so it only works while in a party or team and/or give options to filter out other peoples chat commands.
Good ideas either way, lets make it happen!
My counter – Spam grenades on yourself.
Also we can go invisible ourselves if immobilized with the right trait.
If you are meaning the PVP lobby and not WvW this is because you can use ALL levels of the traits tree as well as all skills. It basically lets you test all builds out for your character so I wouldnt worry about it.
Then again on the other hand if you mean you play PvP regular and it’s not saving the traits/skills you chose the day before; I could see how this could be a problem somewhat. Oh well, just click the traits again another 70 times lol…
Go to play and need to re-download 200k files?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Paulytnz.7619
It’s not downloading the 200k files it’s scanning them to see if any are corrupt. Afterwards it will download the ones that you need to replace. I know this because usually I have to go through this whole process atleast 5-6 times everyday…..
As for what’s causing it, I have a suspicion I have bad Ram Sticks, so I am replacing them to see if it improves the problem. For you however it could be a number of things which I’m sure others could give some examples of.
I wouldnt worry about it tho unless it starts happening very often like it does for me.
I’m not having this exactsame issue but I am having similar issues. However that’s not why I’m posting on this thread. I just wanted to say that they have added the repair thing to the client. Well for the last 2 weeks atleast it does it for me auto now if I had a problem such as being kicked out etc. Well that is to say a pop up comes up asking if I want to run repair, no longer do I need to add the string.
Not sure why you do not get this option but then again I have another friend who has the problem of not even being able to add the repair string, it just wont run with it…….:S
Anyhow I wish you luck resolving this issue.
I have turned off the UAC for now to see if that will improve things. Finally I have gone through the loops to get into the game and play it again however I guess I still can’t run the “repair” thing yet.
As for the dxdiag thing I have run that and looked over the information. For now I am trying to enjoy the game again while I can before I’m kicked out again. I don’t know if that info will help with the current issue of not being able to run the repair thing and for now I wont post it here since it does contain personal details such as isp addy etc. I’m too paranoid with that kind of stuff for any old person being able to see it. :P
Thanks for trying to help Alpha, do you have any idea if the UAC thing has been causing probs with people in regards to this game specifically?
Hmm nope I didn’t disable that if it’s the one that pops up everytime I try to add a new program etc and sometimes even when I open a program, that get’s annoying sometimes…maybe that is the problem.
I’ll try and add the log if you can tell me how to lol, I know pasting a log message here wont work. :P
I am always running under admin it’s actually the only account I have on this computer since I am the only one that uses it. Sorry what did I disable what now?
Oh yay I have an update…..
Now if I try the ignore option for the repair it starts to download files again before giving me the chance to log in. If I try to log in I get the auto kick out and told to do repair……..which I know is a waste of time trying.
So I am assuming that they are updating the game (adding a new build, whatever you want to call it) again…..sigh, guess I may have to try again tomorrow as this is just going to be a ruthless cycle. Open game, hit ignore repair, game downloads files, hit play, kick out “please use repair”, ignore, game downloads more files……
When will it all end?
Sigh where to begin?
Okay I’ll try to explain my problem….
I have had this game since the headstart and have been playing everyday since then. Usually it is common thing for me to run the “-repair” thing on a daily basis due to being kicked out of the game for whatever reason. This I got used to and has pretty much been a constant thing as I said every day. I think maybe once, one day I went a whole day without having to go through with that drama…
Okay now to the problem I have now and to the point. Yesterday I was playing for a small bit when I got the typical kick out and the game advising me to run the repair option. So I selected yes and prepared to wait for the usual 12-15 mins for the process to go through as it usualy does.
However this time I got a failed download message and so I tried again and this time I was paying more attention as it went through the process. I noticed that is starts the usual scan (of the typical 218k files) but when it hits exactly 1159 files to go it hangs and sits there for 30 seconds before I get a failed message. Similar to this in part of the text “Memory at address 00000000 could not be read”.
So my question is – Is there a problem with your download scanner/repair system or am I going to be told it is at my end all of a sudden?
I have been looking around the forums and have seen other people with similar problems thus I am posting this here to maybe shed some new light on the subject and that it may not be at their ends.
Having said that I have tried some of the solutions the Anet people have been offering to other people and nothing seems to fix this for me.
Some more information that I should give too is that if I ignore the repair choice on game start up I can log in and play but the game does not stay stable for as long as it normally does before kicking me out again. Also yesterday when this first started I was noticing that every time I chose the ignore option the game would then download files that I suppose I was needing. It did this a few times and I have noticed in the past this seems to be a typical thing if they are updating the game with a new build at that exact time.
I have also noticed in the past and had problems with logging into the “support” part of the website when they were either updating or blocking certain features such as resetting passwords etc. At the present time I am having this problem as well. I can’t log into the support area and am getting the message:
“The username or password you entered is incorrect or your account has been disabled.”
I know the name/password are both correct as I have tried them a few times and they are exactly the same as here for the forums and the same as it is to log into the game. I know my account has not been disabled because I am posting here obviously and as I say I can log in and play the game……
So I am really confused what is going on here….
Please help, I have more information that I could post as to what I have done to try and fix these problems but I won’t add to this long wall of text at this time that informatin because I think I have said enough already lol. Also because I am sure it is a problem with the downloader…..
“If they add auto attack on #1 and don’t nerf the damage, a close range grenadier seems real interesting to me as an alternative to a bomber engi.”
Why close range? With the right traits I am throwing my grenades at a distance of 1500 and I am throwing 3 at a time. It’s very OP lol, I can hit 500 with each grenade thats a constant 800-1500 damage every second or split second it seems; depending on how far away the target is and how fast you can click at the moment. :P
Something you guys may not have noticed is that the grenade 1st attack is auto underwater and is very op there as it is on land. I have a funny feeling they may nerf this spammable skill and add somekind of a delay to it.
With regards to making it non target there is already the option in settings to make it so it will always target where your cursor is. But you still have to hit the attack key everytime. I think at the moment this in a way makes up for the fact this quick/spammable aoe skill seems OP, well for me anyways.
“What this game really needs is PvP – Pirate vs Pirate! A pvp game where players try to destroy or board and capture the other teams ship. Man cannons, use row boats, and fill the water with deadly sharks so swimming over to the enemy ship is not a great option. It would be great, imagine shooting an enemy boarding partys row boat with a cannon and seeing them eaten by sharks!”
Lol I love this idea!
Save it for the suggestions board or whatever they finally do to let our ideas be heard. Aye me’hearty! :P
“There will be new content, both free and paid. Colin Johanson is on record stating that ANet intends to give us more content for free than any other MMO releases. "
It will be interesting to see if they can make true on this. I came from another game which gives a lot of content and very often. The problem is a lot of that content is not quality. So I hope that this “more content for free than any other MMO releases” is exactly that – quality. Although I am sure it will be after seeing all the things I have seen both in the game and over the past few months keeping up todate with the state of the game etc.
Now as to this “Endgame” that everyone keeps going on about, another reason I looked forward to this game was that there would be NO endgame. Or put more correctly everyone would have access to all the “Cool stuff” right through from level 1 to level 80. So perhaps we all have to change our perspective on that. Perhaps the question we should be asking is not “what cool things can they give level 80’s or what can we do to make dungeons more fun etc?”, should be “what new cool things can we add to the game to keep us entertained and challenged”? Also if dungeons are not fun right now perhaps they should look at why they are not fun and fix what is wrong with that.
There are things I am sure Anet are planning on to answer that question. I am hoping they are more in the forms of minigames such as the current keg brawling. I think adding things like this with collectable rewards/titles is the way to go to keep the game fresh and fun for everyone.
There is so much that can be fun in games that we can have here if we only pool our ideas together and let them be heard and decided on by Anet. Mmos don’t have to always be – grind – kill monsters – raid/dungeon runs whatever – craft a little – get bored, next game.
Things can to be added that are fun in themselves for doing. Well thats my 2 copper worth anyway. :P
You found it too easy to lvl because you went and bought materials and it sounds like just made the same item over and over again. The proper way to lvl the crafting is by “Discovering” every recipe and believe me that takes a lot more time and is also a dang lot more fun than what you did.
You have no one else to blame for it being too easy, fast and or boring than youself. Now if you want to make a particular item I guess you will have to search on google for the recipe and then go and buy those materials for it since you probably have not discovered the recipe for yourself. :P
Ps I used to play FF14 and the craft system there was so boring and repetitive and talk about slow…..
The makers of this game have aimed to make EVERY aspect of the game fun and I can tell you when it comes to crafting aspects of games that is usually not an easy task to do. However in my opinion with this discovery method they have succeded in doing so. Sure most of the recipes are a no brainer and you could say anyone can figure them out by “cheating” and looking them up on google etc. But to me in my mind in that case I view it as more of a “got to catch em all” type system, that is learn them all so you can make any of the items if you want/need them. and that I find fun. :P
I did not miss your point, I stated if they are red then you can make everything with those particular items at your current level. There will be plenty more you can discover. In order for me to give you some starting tips please tell me what craft you are talking about and what your current level is.
It does not show the (25) or whatever because it means you CAN make things with those items at your level. The problem probably is that you have already discovered all the recipes for that item at your current level.
Now I have discovered with crafting that you can pretty much ALWAYS “Discover” new recipes to get to the next Tier level in crafting. So don’t be shy, grab all your materials from the bank that it says you can use for that craft and try and discover new recipes with them.
If you can’t, take a look at the recipes for stuff you have already made, there are always hints in there for what you should be able to also make in other items. Example lets say you have disvovered a master recipe for 1 particular weapon. Check it’s recipe let’s say it was a “mighty” Longbow. It will say you needed 8 bloods of some kind and the usual items you need for a longbow (string and longbow stave). There is your hint, use 8 bloods now with all the other weapon matrials – example 8 bloods and a shortbow stave and string. Do this for all weapons.
Pretty much the idea is to make every weapon/armour with each of the insignias/inscriptions. That’s how you do it
Doing this you will always go up in levels and unlock most of the recipes.
Good luck!
For those of you complaining about the butter from loot bags you are overlooking the fact that lootbags are more of a bonus item that gives you a CHANCE at some extra materials while not actually killing the intended targets for those materials.
As I stated in my previous posting Centaurs are good for leather and Bandits are good for cloths. Why do I say this? Centaurs drop Leather Straps and such which ALWAYS salvage into Leather. Bandits drop Shredded garments that ALWAYS salvage into Cloth. The lootbags are mere bonuses….. see the proper picture here and stop focusing on lootbags.
From what I have seen you can’t unless you sell the other materials you don’t need (in your case cooking ingreds are an example) and buying those which you do need. From my experiance with crafting so far it seems it’s only good for supplying alt chars with gears…….
For armour/weapons to use yourself it’s probably best to work on karma for the cultural weapons and have enough cash at 35 for the armours and then the others afterwards or look for gold/green items on the trading Post because you can get many for very cheap at the moment.
Anyhow good luck!
Well I can tell you guys right now that animals already DO drop hides for leather. Here are a few examples:
Stag/Sheep/Does/Rams/Moose – Tattered Hide
Bears/Cows/Wolves/Boars/Cats (Jaguar etc) – Tattered Hide
The list goes on and on.
As mentioned by someone else here too I also agree that the human areas seem best (that I have discovered and done drop lists for atleast anyway) areas to farm leather and cloth.
Having named the above animals for leather I would have to say that the best way to get leather however would probably be off Humanoids such as Centaurs as they also drop lootbags which of course we all know also gives a chance at Leather, Cloth and the more rarer materials we need such as vials of Blood etc.
Now if people are having problems finding the cloths, my suggeston for now would be bandits. Pretty much anything that drops an item with “Shredded” in it’s name is a source for cloths so keep that in mind. Bandits drop these a lot so find a place where bandit events happen often and you can get a lot. A good example is the farms in Queensdale NW of Claypool. You can kill the cows/drakes around there for Hides while waiting for the events for the bandits.
Anyhow for now, gl.
The only thing that annoyed me about this update is now I get all these cooking ingreds from loot bags when I much prefered claws, vials of bloods etc…….too much butter please stop the butter!
Ps I cook too on my ranger so I do like cooking, now I just find I have far too much butter etc lol.
I’m making my own lists, well I have been since day 1 of headstart but this recent update has thrown a spanner in the works…..
I suggest you explore a little more, make vendor lists. :P
Apart from that – good luck!