No ty then I would lose my hp regen while using it as a kit! Think before you try to break things more. Also how it is we have 2 weapon choices. Making it a regular weapon will lose us the option of that extra weapon. Right now my build has rifle/flamethrower/elixir gun if your idea goes through I would lose my rifle – you see what I’m saying!?
Also what are you guys talking about? Sigils and weapon stats DO apply to kits now, you need to read patch notes more.
Another also, right now I can equip 2 pistols with bloodlust sigils and use flamethrower building up my power stack 2 points per kill. Your idea would make my flamethrower 2 handed meaning only 1 sigil would work – again more fail.
(edited by Paulytnz.7619)
It’s silly really out of the 4 lvl 80’s and 1 lvl 50-ish (Engi, Ele, Guardian, Ranger, Warrior) I find the Engi the most versatile and fun to use. I really have no idea why they are the least played if it is indeed true. Personally I would have thought necro would have been, after all who dosn’t like guns right!? O.O
From discussions in game I found most people who don’t play Engi either doesn’t like the ranged-only limit, doesn’t like kits or doesn’t like the playstyle of steampunkish gunner as they prefer more classic fantasy archetypes.
I believe Engi would have been liked a lot more as an Alchemist instead.
More emphasis on alchemical potions etc and less on guns.
Oh that’s just sad I find the class refreshing after so many years of playing most traditional rpgs without the shoot em up option. Then again you see Fable going down that road and there was the odd single player game such as wild arms etc.
They could still do an alchemist class and I can tell you I would NOT miss those elixirs leaving my class at all.
If I had 1 gripe about the Engi class it would be that we are less long range than rangers and warriors with a gun. Why are we the “shotgun” class without any shotgun skins? Meh nm I use flamethrower and elixir gun mostly anyways for the healing trait…
Still, Engi rules! :P
I guess you guys don’t play games like Skyrim or Dragon Age.
I have. Have you? Because I’ll tell ya, in my experience, Skyrim’s dungeons have always felt more rewarding than GW2’s. I would regularly find items that I could actually use in my adventures, an experience that I’ve never felt in GW2’s dungeon.
In fact, the only GW2 dungeon to date that has given me loot that justified the time I spent in it was Fractals, where I see the color yellow and even the color gold with some degree of frequency. Yet to date, I have never got a yellow or gold item from other dungeons. Never.
You can’t really compare loot from Skyim to GW2. Why do I say this? GW2 has a trading system where you can SELL what you get and don’t want to other players and use the money to BUY what you want/need. That just does not happen in skyrim from memory, oh wait you could sell junk items to vendors which I would get a lot of which btw you can also do in GW2. :p
Besides that you also get the dungeon tokens from doing dungeons which is meant to be the true rewards (to get the skins).
For new/low lvl chars when using Minor runes I suggest deciding what stat you want such as power for example and finding the 6 DIFFERENT NAMED runes that give a boost to that stat in the first perk. In the long run you will get more power than if you went with 3 dif sets and also got the second benefit. Also if you MUST have that second benefit then I suggest simply getting 3 of THAT rune as well as 3 of the POWER (in this example) and again you will have more Power and more of the second stat. Really what were Anet thinking? The second benefit (perk) is REDUNDANT if you look at it on paper (wiki).
For major runes I think I go with 3 sets of twos or possibly the same as above, don’t recall.
For superior runes which can be dang COSTLY for the ones you really want (yes I am speaking of you Dolyak) it’s best to go with 2 sets of different stats to max the stat/stats you want until you can afford that full set of whatever (again Dolyak’s as an example). Some cases it’s best to go with just 5 of a set and have the 6th as an extra to the stat you want. Example for magic find gear you might decide the pirate runes look good. Well let me tell you most cases you DON’T want that 6th perk kicking in giving you that bird follower as it will attack everything in sight slowing you down. So I would go 5 pirate and a 6th rune that also gives more magic find such as explorers I think.
Oh and as another said gems is also a viable option depending on what stats you want boosted. Hope that helps.
PS I finally have my full set of Superior Dolyaks on my Engi, that with a Bloodlust (or is it blood? Don’t recall but the one that gives 30% chance to heal with a crit) Sigil on his weapon and hp regen trait when using Kits gives me a constant 60-ish hp regen every split second in lvl 80 zones with the odd healing kicking in from the sigil. I am pretty much invincible in most cases thanks to those 6 dolyaks – hoorah!
(edited by Paulytnz.7619)
Pretty much what most of GW1 was like. Wasn’t so great tbh…..
It’s silly really out of the 4 lvl 80’s and 1 lvl 50-ish (Engi, Ele, Guardian, Ranger, Warrior) I find the Engi the most versatile and fun to use. I really have no idea why they are the least played if it is indeed true. Personally I would have thought necro would have been, after all who dosn’t like guns right!? O.O
Hate to say it but you are missing the “real” quests in this game – The char personal storyline. 49 quests if I remember rightly. Oh and also you forget that you are sent mail from the heart person after completing a heart and if you read it you can get a bit more insight and it is usualy similar to what a regular quest guy would give you after you complete a quest in another game.
The true immersion here and finding out the lore is from actually exploring the areas and no I don’t mean gaining 100% in said areas. Go back and explore every nook and cranny for things to find. Speak/listen to the npc’s, follow them yada yada. I am doing this now and must have just spent a solid 15-20 hours on Caledon Forest alone, that map has so many places to check! But hey I found 2 more jump puzzles from doing so.
I will also throw another spanner in the works here – Living Stories, yes what we have so far is not a good example but more is coming. One other thing is there is kind of quests in this game like you would find in regular games like wow. They are the npcs where you start an event at who have a * above their head. I find them a good mix of Gw2 questing and other games but they are repeatable.
Yesterday there was a fair few issues with the guild, friends list and whispering due to the maintence they were doing so that might have been the cause of that. Apart from that no idea sorry.
Zero incentive to do anything in this game is the reason I’ve quit playing for the time being.
Obviously it’s hard to make that argument without sounding like an entitled prick but I think everyone agrees that rares and exotics don’t drop on a consistent enough basis across the player base to even give people HOPE.
So I’ve quit.
If Arenanet wants an example of how bad it is, i’ve gone back to playing WoW. That’s something I said I’d never do after playing the beta for this game.
But you know what?
Despite repetitive gameplay, at least WoW has an endgame of some sort.
At least WoW rewards me with items relative to my toon when i don’t get the thing I want.
At least in WoW when I set a goal for myself I can see about getting it in a reasonable amount of time (reasonable being before I lose interest).I’m waiting until GW2 finally figures out what kind of game it wants to be because right now it, I’m not even sure the devs know what kind of direction they’re taking it.
Not sure when you played last or if I’m just getting lucky recently but I’ve been getting atleast 3+ rares a day in the starter zones from both drops and the meta event boss chests.
I think if you people are ONLY focusing on the REWARD REWARD too much and not just playing having fun you will probably have the view that you do.
With that said I hope you are having fun with whatever you are doing.
PS – I use NO magic find at all.
Ummmm not sure if he means those new chests at all but they seem kinda fail. Only about 10% of the green items I get come from those chests other times they drop as they used to. Also I always get rares from normal drops not those chests. Last of all and the worst – there is a slight delay with those chests appearing so yes I can see how this could happen with missed loot.
1/2 – You have 5 char slots so test a few different races/classes until you find one you like.
3 – I am in New Zealand and have a great time on Ehmry Bay.
That one means you have to earn 10k Guild points. I have done it mainly from the 1k and 300 guild point items you get from completing a story on a char and from BLTC chests as you can get a lot of guild point items there.
Hope that answers your Q.
PS if you are meaning your guild does not has 10k influence points it means you or your guild leader has been spending them on upgrades.
I must have opened my first 100 or so as I am collecting all colours for 8 chars. However after seeing what they are worth unidentified compared to identified I think it’s wiser to sell all unident and just buy what you are missing per char.
Well this is what I’m doing now anyways. Another reason I am selling is because you always seem to get the same ones often and it’s hard to remember if a certain char has it so you bank it and have to log in and out on all your chars once your bank starts to get too full. Very time consuming. If only they left it that dyes worked for all chars or atleast let us see which has what dyes from playing on any of them.
This sounds like crap “fake” to me. I am in NZ and have not heard of this and believe me this would make big headline news…..
However having said that I am going to look into it a bit more.
Some helpful information for you:
Veterans – Consider these a big threat if you are newish to the game or yet to unlock a few of the best traits/skills and Elite.
Champions/Events named “Group” – Generally these were designed NOT to be soloed. They are intended for a group and in some cases a big Zerg even. However saying this depending on the champion in question some are solo-able but effectively you should be at level 80 with all skills/traits unlocked and have a very good/experianced build.
I know all this from experiance and am now going through the process of going through all the maps again fully exploring them to find and test myself solo against all said Champions. I can tell you from experiance a quick example I have. I use my Main (Engineer) and for Queensdale I can solo the following champions:
Bandit – Bandihaunt Caverns, super easy.
Wasp – Can be a tough/close fight but it is possible and with another person a sure thing.
Boar – Super easy.
Oakheart – Easy enough, I’m always at full health with my build.
Spider – SE of the hunting lodge, often he is a hidden boss for most people but he is similar to the wasp, can be tricky but do-able. One gripe I have is he is NOT an event when he should be since he is guarding nothing for a reward.
Troll – Very tough, not sure yet as when I tried others always come but I would say this would be one I probably can’t solo. He just hits too high and too often plus all his knockdowns can be problematic as they are ranged attacks which makes kiting almost impossible.
Behemoth – Never tried as everyone always flocks to this as you can imagine but I would say it is probably possible.
So thats one map with examples, I have done others and am still in the process of testing more. But like I say these bosses were put into these maps more for “end game” challenges if solo and as group events if not at a high level/player skill level with eveything unlocked that you need.
Hope that info helps somewhat.
(edited by Paulytnz.7619)
No, this is a carebear friendly PvE game (besides WvW) and that’s just how most of us like it. :P
I go back to lower lvl zones and I DO make cash there. I made 4 gold from Queensdale yesterday so I don’t know how you say you can’t make cash there. How you can make cash from lower lvl zones:
Sell dyes
Sell loot bags
Get rares from drops/chests – I must have got some 6-8 rares yesterday
make weapons/armours from the mats you get and sell for a profit. I made 6 gold the other day from making tier 1 “mighty” armours, do your research from the TP to see what’s selling for the highest per fine mat item and then make it!
The thing about the lower lvl zones is you kill things a lot faster thus you have MORE chances at getting things to sell/salvage. The only down side is getting the lower lvl “junk” items but in my experiance it all works out. Also the events are faster to rip through in the lower lvl zones because they seem easier and theres usually more people there to help speed them up. Events = cash too.
I have a feeling if they ever bring them back it would probably be limited to 1 per player out at a time. This way you wouldn’t be able to do everything completely as a single player. It would also curb the botting possibilites from dungeons.
Gw2 or Real Life? Meh if I wasn’t playing GW2 I would be playing something else anyways. Rl just always loses out for me besides it’s over-rated anyways. :P
Lol crazy, crazy, crazy. But I will take it as a sign of MORE funtimes to be coming to GW2!
(edited by Paulytnz.7619)
I don’t know what you are smoking but both my Engi (my main) and Ranger (second char) both kick backside. My engi is great in dungeons, Fractals, Pve, sPVP and WvW in dealing damage, support healing and removing conds etc. I think you may need to learn the class a bit more.
As for my ranger, the pet does more damage than my ranger does! Honestly I feel more like HIS pet. I really dunno what you mean when you say the pet does no damage. Invest in the bottom trait line and equip the traits that constantly heal pets and buffs their stats per kill etc. ALSO every pet works DIFFERENTLY, some are just plain stronger than others etc. Again I think it’s more a case of you learning the classes more….
My 2 cents.
I thought this post was going to address a couple of the annoying things I find about using cannons/trebs etc but nope I was wrong lol.
I’m with you I love using things like cannons, trebs etc but as I said there are 1 or 2 annoying things about them. Well ok so I can think of only 1 right now and that being everytime you start using one your camera angle changes to a sort of 1st person view! I hate this it eats up valuable seconds (readjusting your view so you can see your enemy again!) when you are really trying to help kill playrs in that 1 sPvP map with the cannon or defend your castle/keep/tower with a cannon/Engineer mortar. I hope they fix this!
Sorrry for raging on your post but I hope that if you too find this an issue that you see it as a positive and hopefully we can get that small issue looked at so we can all get back to our cannony fun!.
I think this is part of the reason you probably quit the game – you didn’t know what to do or “how to find YOUR way to have fun”. I would suggest just trying a bit of everything and seeing what you find the most fun, here’s a few things you could try:
Clear maps
Try doing dungeons/Fractals
Exploring areas (not clearing, actually exploring see where that npc walks, find that out of the way cave etc).
Go and help random strangers when they need it – good place to start is Queensdale, I am always finding new players there who need help with a sp/vet or whatever.
Try some jump puzzles.
Try some sPvP.
That’s a short list but hopefully a starting pont. Oh and DON’T try to rush finding your fun, sometimes part of it is going slow!
Good luck.
Good post and some great ideas.
Edit: NM I did a little bit more research on this, so I delete my previous comment. :P
(edited by Paulytnz.7619)
I think I have been in your situation too. There went a period for a long while where I was getting no rares. I never tried to farm either I just used to never get them at all. I have 8 chars (covering all races and all classes) so I play between them now and then and I don’t know but I think for some reason some of them just have better luck than others. I have seen others pretty much say the same too so I’m not sure what is happening.
With regards to the DR tho I usually follow this rule: stay in no place for any longer than an hour. I am usualy always on the move except when I’m bored and just mucking about in Queensdale so I guess this is why I don’t see the DR too much.
I wish you luck, but I do suggest trying out Lost Shore for those Armoured Scales as it seemed a fairly decent way for me to get them.
Hate to shamelessly plug a post of mine but I made a similar post regarding this issue not so long ago. It also explains how we could have 2 different orrs so both players who have beaten the game and those who are yet to can play the different versions. If you want to check it out you can do so here:
I did a test starting the other day in the Lost Shore map killing the Barracuda, Turtles and those big Scorpian fish or whatever they are as I was specifically hunting for armoured scales myself. Here is what I noted:
Test 1 – 2 hours without ANY kind of Magic Find gear but using a +50% Magic Find Booster + omnomberry bars:
Armoured Scales – 19
Large Scales – 67
Rares – 2
Greens – 7
Blues – 8
Whites – 7
Test 2 – 2 hours with different char with FULL Magic Find gear with +50% Magic Find booster + Omnomberry bar:
Armoured Scales – 7
Large Scales – 80
Rares – 1
Greens – 9
Blues – 4
Whites – 13
I know it looks odd as it seems I did better WITHOUT Magic Find gear but that’s what my drops were for each test being 2 hours on 2 seperate days with 2 sepearate chars.
Hope that helps in someway somehow.
No, never!! I never spend gold or gems on anything RNG reliant. Too much of a gamble for too small of a chance of reward. The whole RNG system for this stuff is just not transparent enough for my taste. Even lottery tickets tell you what the odds of winning are.
Neat. Thanks. I’d like to see a sampling of 10000, but neat none the less to see what drops the most. Even more of a reason to not buy keys.
I get a lot of guild influenece items, boosters and coin bags. One coin bag gave me 80 silver once! O.O The guild influence items can be between 15 points and 300 in my experiance. Really the only bad items I get are things like the 1 use bank/TP access and boosters/tonics. Pretty much everything else has a good use. Examples – BLTC salvage kits for getting ectos and repair canisters/revive orbs are great for fractals.
TBH I would buy keys if only they were cheaper, but for me I would expect that price to be something like 5 keys for 100 Gems. Anet would never go that low tho lol.
I bought a few sets of 5 (Gold —-> Gems) during the different holiday events. They’re just not worth it. Now I just roll a Warrior to level 7 and do the level 10 personal quest if I’m bored and want to “gamble” :P
Yup this is what I do to farm keys. It takes me 30-40 mins and you ALWAYS get a key at the end. Btw if you choose human and middle class storyline you shouldn’t need to lvl up to lvl 7 to do this. I easily farm keys this way beating the lvl 10 quest at lvl 4. Give it a try you just might save yourself some time and get more keys faster.
Oh btw I use guardian instead of warrior but I’m sure you can do this with any class, I used to do it with ranger and it was fine.
Which quest is that for human/middle class?
The common storyline (middle one). Although, they all work ok. Just faster to do the common. If on the lvl 8 part (you choose to defend the orphanage or the hospital) you find that one is killin you too often, switch up. Neither takes longer, but the situation and where the enemies are is different.
I don’t usually have a problem dying at all as I premade a set of “power” gear and weapon so I kill pretty fast. Note: you can add gems to the gear too and it will NOT turn soulbound like the warning says it will. So you can use this set of weapmon/Armour for ALL future chars you make for these key runs (I guess I should mention I bought deluxe so I also get the benefit of golem banker to get this set as soon as I can within the first mini instance). I choose hospital over orphanage because I had a bad experience doing the other before I made this gear lol.
I prefer the middle class storyline because all quests pretty much are in Divinity Reach, only 2 parts you have to leave the city for pretty much. I just rush the quests, and don’t bother levelling up or anything. Oh and heres another tip (albeit very minor): When you have to go to the bandihaunt Caves for the medicine, grab some cow feed on the way from the farm and use the skill 1 for speed boosts to the cave. Apart from that I teleport everywhere to speed up the run and I Always come out of a run with +8 silver so you don’t lose too much.
Oh btw I was meant to say that besides the armour/cash/experiance rewards for clearing maps the other item/items is totally random. Keys are kind of rare. I have 100% world complete on 4 chars so far so you could say I have completed around 100 maps (theres 25 maps not counting cities and lost shore) and I would say out of that many maps I may have got some 10-20 keys total from them all.
laughs I have finished the race cities on each of 5 characters and have 70ish Transmutation stones (3 each map/character) and 0 keys aside from the ones I got for finishing the level 10 personal story quest. kind of sad they can’t be sold
You will NEVER get anything besides those stones for finishing cities. Why is this? Think about it for just 1 second. Never mind I’ll tell you why. Imagine if you got keys, cash or anything just for finishing a city map (which for me only takes 10-15 mins tops) we would have players creating a char, clear the city maps, delete and repeat for easy keys/stones whatever. Nope Anet did not like that idea which is why they did remove the only other reward that we DID used to get for clearing the city maps which btw was only 1 measly copper. They thought 1 copper for 6 cities (being 6 copper total) was even bad enough for players thinking about doing this so they removed that copper….
I would be surprised to see player housing turn up (in a well implemented form) in any A-list MMORPG again, the last few big ones that included it still cringe with the agony it caused them for a bunch of “hidden” reasons.
“Immersion” / RP’ing aside there is no useful point to it – nobody is coming to look at your pixels and you can’t move a house to them, the digital acquisition bragging rights fall over too quickly.
Guild halls may happen in games again, might not too – it will all come down to how many people you can jam (onto mounts) in one area ultimately.
Oh hey you never know we may just get a new daily that goes like this: “vistit 10 strangers houses”. BAM all my pixel glory showed off! :P
I bought a few sets of 5 (Gold —-> Gems) during the different holiday events. They’re just not worth it. Now I just roll a Warrior to level 7 and do the level 10 personal quest if I’m bored and want to “gamble” :P
Yup this is what I do to farm keys. It takes me 30-40 mins and you ALWAYS get a key at the end. Btw if you choose human and middle class storyline you shouldn’t need to lvl up to lvl 7 to do this. I easily farm keys this way beating the lvl 10 quest at lvl 4. Give it a try you just might save yourself some time and get more keys faster.
Oh btw I use guardian instead of warrior but I’m sure you can do this with any class, I used to do it with ranger and it was fine.
Just like in GW1 (if you played that) the enemy’s armour plays a big part. You will always do more damage aginst the squishy targets for example like those that use magic. You can go to the sPvP lobby and test this against the dumies there too and see the difference between hitting hard, medium and soft targets. Also you will notice if you hit some real weak non monster creature such as rabbits etc that you will hit VERY high, this is due to the fact they have no armour.
What annoys me most about the skills is that when you face an enemy with the same skills as you he always has it last far longer and the cooldown is alot faster. Example, you get knocked down by an NPC, 90% of the time it seems to be for 5-6 seconds, when mine lasts only 2 seconds like you say. Their knockdown cools down faster too. Now this gets VERY annyoing when you come up against a group of enemies ALL with the same said skill and they ALL just spam it on you…..
Please Anet can you give more diversity of skills or monsters in some areas where it seems they ALL are the same type or ALL have the same skills? The game gets very boring/frustrating if I am on my back for 5-6 seconds every few seconds because of lazy game mechanics….
Personally I think they are far too costly to purchase for the gamble that comes with them. This is coming from someone who has spent a fair bit of cash buying gems to buy deluxe, extra char’s, extra bag slots, all bank pages etc.
So what I do is farm keys – 1 key every 30-40 mins of game time is worth it in my opinion. It also makes a nice change of gameplay when I’m bored too.
Now if they were to lower the price on keys to a realistic price then yes I might be tempted to purchase them instead of getting them free like I currently do.
From what I understand the damage you do is calculated from Weapon Strength + Power, something like that.
Now if you are testing this with lets say a weapon with 100 Weapon Strength compared to another with lets say 110 weapon Strength you wont notice much difference. However if you are testing with 1 weapon at 100 and another at say 10-50 you will notice a difference.
For myself I just use the best weapon I can for my level with pretty much the same bonuses as my armours. So in a way I think of my weapon as another piece of armour.
Hmmm I noted stats and skills of all pets (including HoM ones) a few months back when I was on my ranger. I really am not sure why I missed this, gonna have to test it in game soon. If this is true I would say draakdorei.9436 would probably be correct, an oversight and nothing more.
Either/or let’s keep this on first page or “liked” so it gets the attention it needs.
I don’t know if you guys know this or not but in one of the maps you can actually fight and kill a Humpback whale. I don’t recall if it was named a “veteran” but it sure had the HP of one.
Well, as long as we’re asking innocuous questions:
- Why do we get walnuts from pine trees?
- If Sylvari are “born” in the roots of trees, why are there male and female Sylvari?
- Do female Sylvari breasts produce tree sap?
- Do Sylvari need to be periodically watered and fertilized?
- Why do ogres have a British accent? Are all Brits ogres or are all orgres British?
- When the Risen say “It begins!” what is beginning?
- Why does my Ranger like to jump off of cliffs when he uses his sword?
- Why does my Elementalist like to burn little baby rabbits indiscriminately?
- Why are salt water sharks and barracuda in fresh water lakes?
I’ll try and answer your questions here just for the heck of it lol:
1 – Because fruit trees have not been added to the game yet or where ever they really come from, sorry I am no tree or fruit expert. :P
2 – Why not? The Mother tree is a smart tree indeed in creating diversity.
3 – TBH I’m not sure I have noticed breasts on them. But then again I am a player who doesn’t even notice my own char’s butt and so I’m confused when I see people on forums saying things like “if I’m gonna be staring at my butt all day I may as well make a female char”. Really? I keep my eyes on the road ahead, the scenary. If you wanna gawk at butts all day especially female ones you have the internet – there are better sites for that! O.O
4 – Watered, like humans yes, fertilized no, they are already grown….
5 – Not noticed this thanks for pointing it out. But I will counter this with this – Why are dredge based on Russia. Are Russions blind or generally just a pain in the butt? Not sure commrade but I think I’m missing something….
6 – The fight of course, unless you are running away which then of course it means it “does not begin”.
7 – I think this is a personal question best answered in your dreams or by a “special friend” (shrink).
8 – Because it’s fun, just like stomping on rats is in one of those heart quests. Yes, yes now I need to see a shrink I know, I know…..
9 – Are we sure that the water on Tyria is the same as on our Earth? Not sure tbh but I have a counter question, true story too – how can a normal jellyfish not only survive against a “champion” shark but actually beat it in a fight? As I said, True Story I seen this happen in the lost shores map. If you find the champon shark there maybe you too can see this happen. Btw I am talking about a NPC jellyfish and not a player’s pet.
There we go that’s that, now we can all move on.
I think this is a good question and suggestion. I mean to have a “living world” you need a lot of the things we have in our world right? Fruit trees are a good example of what we should have. Btw there are some fruit trees, Edea’s Apple trees for example but we can’t use those apples in crafting nor can we gather the apples unless that event is ongoing. :s
Now I have a add on question – we have “rich” ore nodes why no such thing for trees?
Sure a “rich” tree would sound silly so name it a “large” tree or something. I don’t know about you guys but for myself I’m always finding I have a bank filled with more ores than logs due to this fact.
Elite skill capping, saving your builds (WhY is this not in Tha GaME!?!), just 8 skills but you could put ‘m everywhere you want, 2 professions, My Dhuums soul reaper :’(, a random arena, and yes…
The holy trinity!
When I heared guild wars 2 wouldn’t have something like a trinity I was excited (never again waiting 3,5 hours for a dam spiker in temple of ages). But they completely removed something like a trinity, you always feel.. ‘Average’ with your group, and there is no healer!
I miss guild wars, soo much
Funny as an Engineer in dungoens I do pretty well at healing others. I’m sure if I built my guardian and Ele as healing builds I could do just as well.
The problem is not that there are no healing classes it’s more that there are no tank classes. Tbh no one char can or should be the only tank (person taking damage) in ANY boss fight. You have to spread the damage around, get in close do some damage, take too much yourself and get out to heal up.
Oh and I miss having more weapon sets we can change to during combat.
I dislike him too got reminded yesterday when playing the mission to rescue priory explorers in a cave over run by undead. He goes on about how he is going to save the day with a extremely difficult task (create a bunch of flesh golems) that is “well within my power”
arrogant kitten
Sooooooo use the “skip” cutscene option. :P In my opinion the storyline goes downhill as soon as you meet Traherne but yet I don’t blame him. Not sure why it just does.
When I made my guild here and had finally enough points to open up the emblem design I was slightly disapointed. The reason being unlike GW1 there were very few emblem options and they were not as good in my opinion. So I would like any of the missing emblems from GW1 brought over.
Also even the colours looked better in GW1 for some reason. What happened exactly that has made a true looking gold/silver to disapper totally from the game? I don’t know maybe it was because the emblems were on capes and not backpacks etc but to me your char just looked more “alive” because of the colour , lol I don’t what I mean by that but silver and gold (realistic looking) have gone now.
Now perhaps we should also add things that we didn’t like on GW1 and hope they never bring them back lol. For me it would be “scraping” maps to get the 100% for them – totally annoying!
(edited by Paulytnz.7619)
I don’t know about hottest looking char but that chick that used to be in Lion’s Arch taking donations had the sweetest voice ever. Oh how I will miss her cries for donations.
Oh actually that chick from The Vigil in the very 1st quest with the orders was pretty awesome. Big crush here. :P
(edited by Paulytnz.7619)
No idea if they even will give us birthday gifts tbh. But on the off chance that they do I made all my 8 chars (one of each class) on day 1 of early release. So if it is like GW1 at the earliest anyone can get gift’s I should recieve 8 of em.
but…but… i wanna ride a dolyak. They are super cute.
No way Chocobos ftw! OOPS I meant Moas of course, really I did. :P
I’m sorry to say but you are contradicting yourself. 1st you say you feel underpowered as a Necro (yet you havn’t tried any other class so how would know they are weaker than others?) then you say there is no challenge and everything seems easy but you hope theres more challeneg end game. Sorry but I’m confused, is it too easy or too hard, make up your mind.
(edited by Paulytnz.7619)
Wow there are a few various opinions on this so far and not what I expected. Thanks for all your input guys, both for and against I appreciate it. I would like to know Anet’s stance on this subject, that would be great.