Showing Posts For PearlGore.7419:

New raid dungeon? can't wait...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


This thread is funny… the first “Raids” in MMOs were open world events. Raids are any event in an MMO with 2-3 parties working together. Broaden Your very small minds.

Could we make this a community centic game?

in Suggestions

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


Responses to date to not qualify as helpful nor productive.

Out of 32 zone 18 are near ghost town unless there is a timed evevt due.

This thread is not aimed at these area which is where. Ost of the population center to do the afore mentioned activities which are off limits ij this thread.

Flamer and troll will be reported.

Construction suggestion like DE Raid Groups will be discussed

Your post made a claim that the game is a ghost town and then asked for recommendations on how to increase the sense of community outside of WvW, Dungeons and Fractals.

My post disagreed with your broad claim and then I provided recommendations on how to increase community outside of WvW, Dungeons and Fractals.

How on earth is my post unhelpful and unproductive?

This is a discussion forum (definition provided: consideration of a question in open and usually informal debate). Just because I disagree with you does not mean it’s off topic.

We were typing at the same time and you posted first. You have given welcome suggestions.

Wasn’t aimed toward you.

It may seem broad to most but let me as you this. When was the last time you were in Fireheart Rise?

I was there two nights ago. I was alone. No one else there but me

Will cover your suggestions during lunch

There are tons of people in Fireheart Rise doing CoF, and doing events while waiting for it to open…

As far as this game being a ghost town maybe you are on a private server Because well, its not.

Support has lost its meaning ; too broad

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


If you are in a group of 5 supporting builds, who is going to deal the damage? Is it fun to support each other for the 1-2 hours it takes to clear a dungeon with such a party setup?

Support in GW2 does not mean what you think it does.

AMD catalyst 13.4

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


I’m not understanding how a GPU driver effects latency.

Trebuchet's need a nerf

in WvW

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


Better list reasons, Because no one else can make them up for you.

Too much work for temporary content.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


Not enough content? People complain. Too much content? People complain.

I’m not complaining about either, I just feel it is strange they would work so hard on something that would soon be gone.

So do chefs. You go out have a great meal and that’s that. The book you read in a week might have taken the author ten years to write. Most books won’t get read again and again and again.

I don’t know about you but I’m bored with most of the permanent dungeons in the game anyway. I do them with guildies, but after all this time if I never did one of the original dungeons again, I wouldn’t be too sad.

Maybe temporary content isn’t so bad as people might think.

Well you can’t compare an mmo to food cooked by a chef.
this is more like a house…Anet is building house by making a huge room and then taking it down to replace it with another room that will also be taken down.

I don’t really see it that way at all. Anet is decorating a room, and you spend some time in that room and then they’re redecorating.

Content that keeps getting played eventually become stale is my point. By bringing out stuff and bringing out different stuff, they’re doing something most games don’t do. I think that if they can keep doing it (better than they’ve done it so far), then it might be an interesting formula.

At very least, it’s an experiment in the genre.

The problem is the game is far from a good state where they have the luxury of temporary content. Going with the room analogy they are redecorating the room but there are still nails coming out of the drywall, holes in the walls, carpet has stains, etc. The new decorations take your eyes of those imperfections for a second but very quickly you end up asking yourself “why would you spend money decorating the room instead of fixing it first?”

I am absolutely fine with temporary content as long as the game is in a good place, GW2 isn’t. Class balance is an absolute travesty and probably the worst among any AAA mmo that has ever released. The combat is shallow and stale. SPvP is in a dire state and will probably never be an eSport like ANet wanted. WvW needs some serious reworking. I could go on. The basic game systems need serious attention, not more temporary content. What makes it even worse is that almost every additional game mechanic they’ve added have had massive issues/design flaws, it does not give one hope that when they finally do rework base systems that they will get it right.

I could dig up this quote on any MMO forum to date if I had the time.

100% map completion not going to happen.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


Are you trolling OP? If it is that much of an issue change servers.

Disturbed by what I am seeing in PvP.

in Thief

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


Fairly new to this class but almost every 1v1 I have had the enemy just jumps around and runs in circles while I murder them, are these the people that have gotten this class so many nerfs?

What is this?

Last man standing = Best player in the party?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


If there is a last man standing the whole team failed including him.

I wish they would nerf my Warrior.

in Warrior

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


50% less damage would still put it in the same damage range as Volley. Which is quite something.

I was thinking more of a 50% damage nerf. However…

Half the channel time it has now.
Able to be FULLY mobile while using it.

See something like that is exactly what it needs, GS would feel so much better like that. People can still dodge/cc/etc as well so it’s not realy OP or anything.

Underwater Sigils?

in Thief

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


Stacks drop when you exit the water though.

I wish they would nerf my Warrior.

in Warrior

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


This wouldnt fix anything. Definatly NOT seconded. OP is looking to further break the warrior, clearly another class in disguise posting on warrior forums having never played one

Yeah okay kiddo. Only the insane think HB is okay the way it is. And no class fears HB lol. Why in gods name would I come in here to get it nerfed based on that?

It’s useless in PvP, and broken in PvE. And you know it.

I wish they would nerf my Warrior.

in Warrior

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


I’ll take 50% less damage on HB in exchange for removing the root effect. It does not fit the theme of the GS and clearly does way to much damage, you notice this when you lvl other classes.

Worthless in PvP and way over the top in PvE.

Cough P1 + Thieves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Yep so skilled and amazing.

Can males get medium armor without a skirt?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


What skirt? Look up at the PC Because i think you are looking at what you are wearing not your Char.

Capes- any updates?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


i think the real reason is because GW2 is already a CPU Hog and adding capes will require more CPU cycles because the ‘’ Cloth simulations ’’ movement is done on the CPU and this will make the game lag even more …. could you imagine a Jormarg event with everyone in capes ?? i don’t want capes ….

The flag pole style is an answer …because its a fixed cosmetic item

Not much of an issue on a modern CPU, unless you have a P4 caked with dust.

I just want to steal from NPCs!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


I get the same feeling in the electronic section of Walmart.

CoF speed runs. bad or good?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


I enjoy running CoF-P1, it just so happens to be a great gold maker as well. If I did not enjoy it I would not run it, nerf or no.

Too much work for temporary content.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


Life is to hard and is only temporary, It’s not worth living.

two-handed weapons and upgrade slots

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


Only if I can have 4 sigils with my d/d builds.

Underwater Sigils?

in Thief

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


Speaking from a PvE/WvE perspective only, what Sigils would be best to use for those rare underwater occasions?

Fractal Daily chest to slow to pop.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


Half of the time in a pug someone closes the instance and no one gets the chest, make it pop faster!

Commanders that Don't command.

in WvW

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


Lately I have seen alot of these running around that never lead or even speak at all about anything ever and just run around blindly.


Solo class

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


Some classes are better then others for solo play, Mesmers are great at this in both PvE and WvW.

"Why are you following us?"

in WvW

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


I’ll go wherever I wish in WvW, no other player has a right to dictate how I play.

Berserker > everything else

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


It would be nice if we did not have liars in here, would help the discussion on gear.

Berserker > everything else

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


And GL with high lvl Fractals or Arah EXP in beserker Gear lol.

if you say so.

I do, have fun in your downed state.

You just need more practice.

I do just fine with 3 Valk pieces at 38, but okay I’ll practice more.

And I do just fine with my zerker gear. I was just saying practice more because you clearly can’t do the same things others can in zerker gear, or you wouldn’t have said have fun in your downed state.

Practice more Because I prefer different stats? It’s clear you Don’t run these dungeons. You would be kicked.

Berserker > everything else

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


And GL with high lvl Fractals or Arah EXP in beserker Gear lol.

if you say so.

I do, have fun in your downed state.

You just need more practice.

I do just fine with 3 Valk pieces at 38, but okay I’ll practice more.

Berserker > everything else

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


And GL with high lvl Fractals or Arah EXP in beserker Gear lol.

When everything one shots you you’re best defense is playing smart, not toughness and vitality stats.

Never said it was bud.

Berserker > everything else

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


And GL with high lvl Fractals or Arah EXP in beserker Gear lol.

if you say so.

I do, have fun in your downed state.

The Best Full Armor sets??!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


Only if you like it, I think the Heavy set looks good.

Berserker > everything else

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


Depends on the build obviously. I’m not going to run a Hammer Warrior in WvW wearing Beserker Gear. And GL with high lvl Fractals or Arah EXP in beserker Gear lol.

Ascended Armor and Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


Hopefully it never happens as it will limit having multiple sets by alot…

Why is Tier 3 gear so expensive?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


What stops you from farming it like the rest of us? It took me 2 weeks of COF P1 2 times a night, You can’t do that?

Level fast to 80

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


About 60 gold will do it via crafting, I would level to 15-20 first.

How is this build for PvE/WvW?

in Thief

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


Does anyone have any insights? I also considered something like 0/30/30/10/0

Martial Staff

in Thief

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


I like it but add a new type of Staff to the game or it will look kinda stupid.

How is this build for PvE/WvW?

in Thief

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


I’ll be doing a little more PvE but I do WvW sometimes and I Don’t want to respec constantly to do it, what do you guys think of this build? What would you change either Traits wise or equipment wise?

What profession do you pick and why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


Warrior so I can whip it out 360 degrees.

What profession do you pick and why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


I choose to be a Stripper, good gold to spend on stuff.

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


I’m aganst it Because as soon as you get it you will start calling for mass nerfs to classes you do not understand.

CoF farming or Penitent/Shelter farming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


Never had made much doing Pen/Shelter. COF-P1 or Borderland Skrits or Frostgorge Sound make alot more gold.

Any other GW2 players over 60 (age-wise)?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


I have SSI, what about it?

Is this crafting website accurate?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: PearlGore.7419

PearlGore.7419 Are the prices on here accurate as to what I’ll spend in game?


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


How do you know a player didnt just log an alt in and log it back out?

Support class/New player

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


You could use a Shout Warrior for 3 7K heals, 2 on 20 sec CD 1 on 24.

"LFM Berzerker Wars ONLY!!!"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


it did get nerfed indirectly, it’s almost imposable to hit any average player unless they are lagging or locked down by other people.

Talk about elitism

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


How can you farm it for 10 hours? The Silver would go down to like 5 silver a run.

Story time - kicked :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


Just leave and laugh at the “Zerker” Warrior who is downed 95% of the time doing no damage. I’ll take a Warrior with 2500 armor and 22K HP over some “DPS!” scrub any day.

GW2 PS4 and Xbox 720

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


An MMO on a console? Cause that always goes over well.