This patch is coming on the 14th though, they are getting faster with our nerfs!
Remove the blind and add 30 sec swiftness.
So this update is a total of a small PvE questline that will likely take 30 mins like Flame and Frost and EB JP being an instance. Thats it?
Be happy they nerfed Thieves twice in less then a month for you!
With this change I expect Mug to be reverted back to It’s previous state and our damage increased by 25% across the board.
Only fair.
New classes would be great, but the SpVp nerds will destroy them in just a few months of baseless QQ.
I Don’t think any Thief will tell you that our class is okay the way it is, over nerfing has brought us to a point where we are not quite sure what our role is in the game as someone else can do everything we do far better.
Except stealth troll, but you Can’t realy do anything with that stupid build.
The big problem is a PvE build and WvW build realy can not go hand and hand if you want to be as effective as you can be.
That said I have had some success in WvW with that build. The problem in WvW right now is if you want any burst at all you sacrifice all defence of any kind.
Okay sounds um good?
There are many counters use them. This MMO infact has the easiest to counter stealth class of any MMO. You can hit them in stealth… lol Other games had 1 min + stealth or perma stealth until you attack.
And dont mention the “perma stealth” troll build, it can not kill.
Nettle, its a fair difference in WvW to be fair. Don’t use it myself though, only appeal to DD really is aesthetics compared to DP.
It got a 33% nerf in Spvp (cnd), so basically imagine your CnD damage in spvp, and boost it by 50% to get the damage you would do in WvW with it.
Which is not very much either.
I’d like venoms to be an F mechanic. 60 trait points for them and replacing needed untilites is just wrong. You destroy Your Thief to use them and get little out of them.
I would SpVp if I could use my skins I have earned in the game <Don’t care about the stats>, vs looking like a fool for months in SpVp.
I use that build but with more Zerker parts in it, works great in PvE. Still on the fence during WvW though just not sure.
I have no exploration title or legendary and I say deal with it…
Do any other classes have this limit on range weapons? Why Can’t P/P be 1200!
P/P can barely kill a kitten wolf…
We have alot of traits that are just all over the place, many of them need to be combined and some buffed.
Is Sigil of Rage + the trait in Crit Strikes any good vs using Air?
I’ll try it out I dont use assasin signet much. Will see what I can get!
thing is – remaining perma stealth – you sacrifice alot of possible damage…cant cap. only scout
Are you joking? I ALWAYS take 30 in shadow arts to maximize my stealth and seeing a 10K+ back stab is nothing special for me. You just don’t know how to build a thief.
How? I have 30 Crit Strikes and 30 Shadow and 10 Acro but never see more then 6-7K BS crits unless I built a bunch of might on a PvE boss. Share with a fellow Toaster!
Left my Ranger for 4 months or so, looking to re-gear her and get back into it. What are the modern WvW LB/SB builds these days? I’m assuming full Berserker but what about my traits?
Thats fine, but give us 5K more base HP at the least.
Well first of all the traits as they are, are spread out all over high hell.
Yeah, well if you expect us to play without stealth then you are pretty much telling us to up our game while making it easy for everyone else.
As the Thief is now you probably shouldn’t play without stealth – it’s drastically ingrained into the class’s design for both offense and defense. The point of the thread is that such a class is broken by design.
a crutch for poor play? hrm…u do realize that thieves defense is soo low it basically turns every other class /build into near bersker style when playing against a thief right? or is that just normal / fair bc thief means soft? tsk tsk. tell me the trade off for the lack of defnse….lack of hp….lack of invulnerabilty…..and only slightly above average dmg now. i gotta say they are behind mesmers in dmg….and myabe tied with warriors….so id love to know why you think thieves shouldtnt be given something good? or did i misunderstand your post? sorry if i did but seems like u were saying thieves rely on steawlth bc they are bad?
The reason Thieves have poor health is because anything else combined with stealth would be even more hilariously broken. It’s also the dilemma with stealth classes – invisibility is so powerful that balancing the class is a stupidly complex dance.
I don’t even know what to say about “slightly above average damage” or “every other class is zerker”. It’s true that you have a low health value – but that’s why you have more abilities with evasion frames and easy access to invisibility. I don’t have much of a problem surviving for extended periods time in battle thanks to stealth.
What I am saying is that bad thieves really do need stealth because without such a powerful mechanic they’d actually have to learn how to play the class and respond to an opponent’s actions instead of always choosing the pace of the engagement. That’s why they need to make fun of those threads and put down stealth detractors. It’s a threat to their “Elite Ninja Skills” that, deep down, their performance hinges on a completely one sided mechanic. IE. Roguecraft syndrome.
You hit nail on the head my friend. Or was it the nail in the coffen of this thread? Bad thieves make me feel bad for the image they impose on good thieves.
May want to try reading what the thread is about rather then taking one guys reply and calling it over lol.
Still no reason posted here as to why Stealth is wrong for GW2. Were waiting…
Stealth should not be part of skill rotations but rather a mechanic that lets you set up a ambush or escape a fight with a long CD. Not a rinse and repeat set up or a spam mechanic.
Not wrong for GW2…just POORLY implemented in GW2.
That would require an entire rework of the class, except for Shortbow and P/P… Furthermore, even if it was changed to suit you, you would complain about it and you know it.
Still no reason posted here as to why Stealth is wrong for GW2. Were waiting…
Took you 3.5 months to get the best skins in the game? Most other MMOS would have taken that time to get a full set of gear alone…
Range = 1000-1200 and evade or stealth would be a start.
I have been struggling with trait builds since this nerf, I like D/D and D/P and the Shortbow the most. I Don’t realy like S/X.
But I just Can’t settle on a new build… What are the rest of you doing?
Thieves have no problem staying in melee range aside from the obvious range only fights that are few and far between, but they are ranged fights for everyone. With a thief you will be dodging stealthing backstabbing teleporting never worry about conditions, and saving downed warriors with SR, alot more fun then pressing 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2.
lol yes I did see that one as well.
Don’t see an issue, now you Can’t cluster in one spot and “Stack”.
Take a look, we dodge to much. After this is nerfed I expect our medium armor to be removed as well.
Oh for god sake we dodge to much now? Just remove us from the game and be done with it, next month it will be that we get medium armor, month after that we do damage! Nerf it…
Worst PvP gamers I have ever seen.
An evasive Gunslinger? I like it.
What about a leap for stealth? Either forward or backward, we need one.
Then we are not thieves, were… something else.
You only do 6K damage every 4 seconds? How did you kill anything before the Mug Nerf?! Your numbers are off a little.
Still, I agree this “Balance” thing is out of hand. And Revealed needs to be 3 seconds everywhere. It was only nerfed Because of culling which is gone.
Trick Shot is supposed to miss? Thats rich.
The most casual MMO out there feels like a chore to you? As for what happend to those other games they are still around, play them.
You sure its casual? Casual means I am given everything and still be able to do all the events even if I missed, but instead u have to grind laurel, ecto, gold, tokens every day to get ascend stuff.
Asended gear is only needed for fractals, and in many cases using it elsewhere ruins builds Because of the unique tag.
You Don’t need it, you just want it.
You trick them into thinking it might hit!
P/P just needs a leap finisher and Number 2 to not be useless.
The most casual MMO out there feels like a chore to you? As for what happend to those other games they are still around, play them.
But they took much of that burst away, and no we can not stealth for ever. If one builds in such a way he will not kill any decent or even most terrible players, he will just troll them.
60% chance on crit to remove a boon, we can pretty much already do this with all our tools used.
I’ve never done raids or anything, but I just want to say that Orr has a LOT of cool dynamic events that nobody does.
They are cool, but the rewards are just not good enough. Most of us need some kind of reward for time spent, a fundamental part of this type of game. Even the “For Fun” stuff like SAB had rewards worth getting.
Infracted for asking if he was AFK or wearing no armor, okay then. Question stands, were you afk or wearing no armor?
Because otherwise that is not going to happen.
You Don’t like SPvP or WvW? Thats the end game after everything else, and Won’t change much until you eat up an expansion playing 10 hours a day in a week. Are MMOS the only thing you do all day? That Won’t work well with any modern or upcoming MMO I[’m afraid.
I like to grind before bed.