Showing Posts For Player Character.9467:

9/20 Maguuma vs Ehmry vs Kaineng

in Match-ups

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Confirmed. Open field fighting is now 1v1.

I can’t believe I didn’t come to this conclusion earlier.

If they don’t want to waste time fighting 1v1 for fun, I doubt they will fight larger numbers for 0 ppt seeing as how in zerg fights there is almost no stomping.

I dunno tri, you should see how much the scores in t1 are above what ppt can allow.

Build of Force: +100% damage

in Warrior

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

This might be might my new Teq spec if the numbers check out with some modifications.

This is a hammer spec, 25% to disabled is hammer only trait and teq is not going to be disabled. Probably better off taking stick and move (3% but it’s a minor for berserker’s power so w/e), berserker’s power (15%), attack of opportunity (10%), desperate power (20%) if you’re just trying to stack modifiers. Then compare axe w/dual wield (5%) (not axe mastery as this is crits only) to greatsword slashing power (10%). Would also be curious what crack shot hitting at least both claws and running the nonweapon specific mods would be like.

Other spots in strength and arms you can fill in with great fortitude and furious reaction for more vit and vigor and if you have desperate power, you could go 15 in that tree to have the revive speed minor trait, only place in game i could see it being useful :P

(edited by Player Character.9467)

Give us a shout that gives stability

in Warrior

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

its shame if some 1 have problem with warriors . try to play with def baner that give vit tugh + regen go shield mace and sowrd & warrhorn . + use PVT i mean all pvt weapon armor & accessories all of them pvt . use trait 30 def 30 tact 10 str . last stand shield masteri dogged march on deff point . quick breathing for the warrhorn that remuve con and give boons and the trait fir the banners this are on tactic . 10 point on str for the great forditud . this bild need allso melandru rune and the food bowls of lemongrass poultry soup . like this you will have -98% on chill criple imobil and -65% condition duration & -25% on stuns attks. and the stat are 32k hp armor 3.920 attk 3.500 . and you have like 1.2 k regen per 1.5 sec . try this and dont forget this game is not to play solo stay with your party and enjoy wvw dungeon what ever you like)

3500 attack no crits, congratulations, 90% of the world now out heals your dps. You can’t 1v1 full tank, wvw isn’t spvp where you camp on a spot and people can’t just walk away. All full bunkering does is buy time for enough enemies to kill you to show up while you can’t kill anything.

9/20 Maguuma vs Ehmry vs Kaineng

in Match-ups

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

We purposely avoid pugs/randoms, and you don’t even remember what BL it was? Come on, you can do better PvF than that.

There are zerglings in every BL, you can’t expect me to keep tabs on who zergs where at all times.

I only brought it up because you said EB never goes open field unless they have a map queue behind him, something I found funny because I have only ever seen Ark zerg themselves. Interestingly enough I actually saw an Ark roaming duo shortly after my first post. I chuckled when I realised they were both running perplexity engi cheese.

Did you not see our guild screenshot, it would take 3x the size of our guild to queue a map rofl

Roflmao XDXDXD hahaha.

Protip: One thing does not exclude the other.

The fault is on me though, I know I shouldn’t stick my quotes in crazy.

Except one DOES exclude the other, and unless you have screens of us zerging with pubs to double our size you’re crazy.

Should have heard your GH friends from ebay streaming last night, they thought we had 40 people in kaineng bl when we had that group of 16 hahaha. You guys need to work on your counting skills before you bring them to PvF

There was no GH raid last night. The only raid which was happening is a karma train group which is all PuGs. If you heard that, it wasn’t GH. Also, if you had to resort to stream-sniping to figure out where a large karma train is, then I suggest you learn to watch maps better. Such actions are only showing your own flaws (especially since a majority of the streamers from Ehmry run with a delay.

There’s no need to use streams to find your k train when you put up orange swords with 50 guys on the doors of all the keeps on a borderlands lol. Don’t flatter yourselves and think people would have any reason to watch a stream of a karma train live.

And yet you continue to quote things heard in streams…

Streams of baddies aren’t watched for intel, they’re watched for lulz.

9/20 Maguuma vs Ehmry vs Kaineng

in Match-ups

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Fun fights today in Eternal against Mags, so many Omega golems though.

Deventrio came back

Zelyhn's Zalculator (Alpha)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Get an engie.

With a steady weapon you would still be able to notice 20% vs 21%, there’s no variability.

Tooltips are rounded so there’s usually 1-2% variance between the tooltip number and what shows up when you actually hit something. It’s not a big enough difference to make the tooltips unreliable but it will make it hard to notice a 1-2% damage difference. in vuln stacks.

Why would you even be looking at tooltip numbers? Steady weapon, no variability in resulting damage except for crits. If your hits go 200, 200, 200, 240, 240, 240, then it’s 20%, if they went 200, 200, 200, 244, 244, 244 then it’s (1%)^20. Done. No tooltips, no spreadsheets, 30 seconds of effort.

(edited by Player Character.9467)

Zelyhn's Zalculator (Alpha)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

With a steady weapon you would still be able to notice 20% vs 21%, there’s no variability.

Beta Access to LFG

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

If we asked about the contradiction for dungeon selling in general discussion forum, would we get a response? or another forum that sees more dev action?

Well I have a duplicate post in dungeons but devs never go there so I figured this was the only other subforum I could post about this in. Maybe account issues as their twitter implies such posts will result in bans.

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Not really, Evades and Blocks are also invuln skills, and they also get stuff built into them.

EP/BS both take up a utility slot and have long CDs compared to other classes skills.

And you’re comparing the class with the highest damage, HP and armor to classes with much lower base survivability. They have built in stuff because they NEED it. As much as I dislike thieves, I still see why they have all those evades and stuff. They have a low health pool and armor.

highest damage? lol no
highest hp? lol necro or anything that can decently run dire
highest armor? that entirely depends on your toughness, armor class is a much smaller contribution (920, 1064, 1211 are base for light/med/heavy) and guardians are also a heavy class. ‘Armor’ also doesn’t account for protection at all

Guardians out damage Warriors.
Necro’s have almost double our health.
Armor doesn’t matter as much as protection.

… You quote me and repeat what I said?… o.O

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Not really, Evades and Blocks are also invuln skills, and they also get stuff built into them.

EP/BS both take up a utility slot and have long CDs compared to other classes skills.

And you’re comparing the class with the highest damage, HP and armor to classes with much lower base survivability. They have built in stuff because they NEED it. As much as I dislike thieves, I still see why they have all those evades and stuff. They have a low health pool and armor.

highest damage? lol no
highest hp? lol necro or anything that can decently run dire
highest armor? that entirely depends on your toughness, armor class is a much smaller contribution (920, 1064, 1211 are base for light/med/heavy) and guardians are also a heavy class. ‘Armor’ also doesn’t account for protection at all

Give us a shout that gives stability

in Warrior

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Why do you want a stability shout when warriors already have essentially a total of 45 seconds of stability? (balanced stance x2, dolyak sig, rampage, stomp stability 1 sec) I doubt warrior’s will get more stability. I’m pretty sure vigorous shouts is getting a healing buff. Plus, warriors do have perma vigor access, though im not entirely sure it’s worth it. I only see vigor working with a boon-build+empowered… so theres that. Warrior’s don’t really have need for protection because they already have such a high health pool and really high defense/stability, etc. Seriously, roll guardian if you want good protection…but If warrior, i doubt you’d want to run Forge Runes just for 10sec protection on 60sec cd

Because the rampage transform is bad and that elite has both a higher cooldown and weaker boons than rampage as one?

Sure rampage might be bad cuz of a really high cd, but it has some crazy aoe and cc, not to mention that the vulnerability and daze in the chain attack is awesome. most warriors would most likely run signet of rage or battle standard. So would I at some points. But, Rampage is a pretty good cc elite overall.

Rampage = I’m a big condi target, please epidemic me. I also can’t heal, can’t deal with soft cc, and have really bad attacks.

Beta Access to LFG

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Party merge means 3 people can join Cookie and I after we duo all of path 4 and kick us instantly. This feature needs to be removed.

Why would you be advertising for a group at that point anyway?

So that you can break the rules and get reported.

I’m glad the lfg tool is working out for the majority of players. If speed runners and elite dungeon clearers are so good, they can use their own elite group finding skills. Power is being returned back to the masses, hopefully more than the same seven or so people will begin posting in this subforum.

I love that the tool doesn’t have options for discrimination (aside from choosing which party to join). I’ve done several dungeons with it now and almost every time at least two people were within 5 levels of first accessing the dungeon and most of my runs are going just fine.

If three people join your party to kick you before you start the dungeon, no big loss. If three people join your party to kick you while you’re selling the dungeon run (don’t you only need two people to kick?), they stopped you from breaking the rules and they didn’t benefit themselves (because the instance is tied to the creator).

The dungeon tool so far is challenging the idea that you need specific classes, zerker gear or level 80s to complete dungeons in a reasonable and enjoyable amount of time. You probably won’t see 10 second auto-attack kills of the destroyer in CoE with it, but I suspect far more people will see destroyer kills at all. That’s where the focus needs to be.

1. Path sellers do no control Anybody can post any type of recruitment for any kind of run. It is not some service that magically screens out people who take 4 hours to run a path of CoE.
2. Please keep your kitten to yourself before you kitten all over the kittens and make yourself look like a big kitten.

I am troubled.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Even if the CD were updated, by the time a new version made it to store shelves it would be many patches behind.

For the love of god let us sell ascended mats

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Going from 400 to 450 isn’t the issue. It’s taking the time to get to 400 in any of those three crafting professions that’s the issue. It’s disheartening to be taken back down to 350 again as “a favor”.

You weren’t dropped to 350…

Policy Conflict, Require Clarification

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Uh mud people don’t sell some1 elses slot, they duo the path then sell 3, maybe 4 slots.

Policy Conflict, Require Clarification

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

You do realise the two statements have an 8 month gap, right?

And how does that justify a ninja policy change made on a social networking website?

Policy Conflict, Require Clarification

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Your twitter claims these people should be reported and banned, your forum posts say it’s completely OK. Which is it?

For the love of god let us sell ascended mats

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Where is my money man?

Lol, leather and silk. I kinda expect you to have like at least two and a half stacks of locked black lion chests in one of your other bank tabs.

That’s a tiny amount of leather and silk… you don’t want to see my personal gbank >.>

Beta Access to LFG

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Party merge means 3 people can join Cookie and I after we duo all of path 4 and kick us instantly. This feature needs to be removed.

Why would you be advertising for a group at that point anyway?

To sell the other 3 slots and make more money?…

is +470 stat points bufffood op?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Except it’s been tested and it doesn’t work like that Benkei. They both act on the base.
100% + 40% – 40% = 100% and that +100% condi duration cap is after your opponent’s reduction is put in
100% + 110% – 10% = 200% still

Why people hate zerks?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

As someone who has and wears full AC armor/weapon (not zerk, but close… rampager


missing out on like 80% crit damage is “close” to berserker?

also stacking extra pointless crit chance, and losing all that power

It's not about the bloodlust.....

in WvW

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Why not just combine some of the lower populated WvW servers?

because… SURPRISE! there are other parts to the game with their own populations!

Warriors guide for Teq

in Warrior

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Dand if ur not standing on everybody else then you aren’t getting 25might/fury/quickness from the turrets…

Why Nobody is Playing in 4 Words

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

I like the box
Not the bad rewards
And the difficulty spike
Done world 1 tribulation
3 times I pro
Done world 2 tribulation
Never ever coming back
Not even for skins
Need buy obsi shards
With all those baubles
Plz plz plz plz.

Is that supposed to be a poem or something?…

Super Adventure Box Teaches Skills!!

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Now there’s a puzzle game!

Warriors guide for Teq

in Warrior

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Too bad penetrating rifle shots is in a trait line with bad stats for hurting teq itself. Would let your shots hit at least 2 parts of him in the right positioning. Also volleys into the battery clumps.

Give us a shout that gives stability

in Warrior

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Why do you want a stability shout when warriors already have essentially a total of 45 seconds of stability? (balanced stance x2, dolyak sig, rampage, stomp stability 1 sec) I doubt warrior’s will get more stability. I’m pretty sure vigorous shouts is getting a healing buff. Plus, warriors do have perma vigor access, though im not entirely sure it’s worth it. I only see vigor working with a boon-build+empowered… so theres that. Warrior’s don’t really have need for protection because they already have such a high health pool and really high defense/stability, etc. Seriously, roll guardian if you want good protection…but If warrior, i doubt you’d want to run Forge Runes just for 10sec protection on 60sec cd

Because the rampage transform is bad and that elite has both a higher cooldown and weaker boons than rampage as one?

[What if] Empower Allies moves to 2nd tier

in Warrior

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

30 in tactics, EA, shout heals, horn cooldown apothecary cuz cleric is so old it plays NES

edit: oh and so you can sit with rifle/longbow stacking dem condis yo

(edited by Player Character.9467)

Engineer Shield Turret - It Deflects!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Turret doesn’t die unless melee’ed and reflects all ranged attacks? So… 100% reflect uptime on ranged enemies… Ya, that wouldn’t break anything.

Super Adventure Box Teaches Skills!!

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Aubree decided to spend 10 of her dollars to buy an infinite continue coin today. We will be attempting W1Z1 on Tribulation today. I hope I’ll be able to get video!

SAB teaches life lessons, money solves problems :P

is axe the go to for 1HKO?

in Warrior

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Was trolling baddies that outnumbered us in WvW this week with a couple guildies, pulled out my rifle without even swapping out of a 30/0/0/10/30 build, among other things instantly downed 2 real lvl 80 rangers from full hp with 20k killshots without stacking might/vuln/banners and volleyed those dumb glass thieves thru their stealths :P

Not really gonna accomplish much in real fights but these were people that could see a kill shot being charged and wouldn’t do anything about it.

(edited by Player Character.9467)


in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

You can’t really spam the new lfg tool as posting is 1 per party.

9/13 Maguuma vs Ehmry Bay vs Sea of Sorrows

in Match-ups

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Yeah. Sos is trying to camp NN with 3 stacks of buttlust while outmanning us. No one is going to fight you. That’s why most people left. Also, I heard you had like a billion vs outmanned an hour ago.

They had a full que, we had 4 people, Me, Mord, Mfer and some dood on an uplevel, Alamo up in this kitten. W/E the match is decided, it’s friday. It’s lion guild, they pile on people coming through the portal 4 to 1 because they dont have enough individual skill to beat even numbers.

You geniuses do the same thing to our early NA/afternoon. Karma trains happen because it’s easier/more rewarding. How many times did you see SoS come on here and complain about losing t3 keeps; especially to the Ram bug when patch hit? None. Grow some balls and move on. Complaining about being outmanned at certain time of day is getting old. Stop being a kitten. Outside of Ark/VR/PYRO I haven’t seen any organized play from other guilds this week. Good luck in your draw next week.

ya calling us the unemployment server totally wasn’t talking about that

I agree. That was totally uncalled for. Maguuma is much more like a college-students-who-are-neglecting-their-classes kind of server. >;-

So that makes SoS what? shut-ins afraid of the daystar so they sleep all day and play gw2 from sunset to sunrise?

Strafing in GW2 - Why is it so slow?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

forward in combat = 210 in/sec
strafing in combat = 180 in/sec (85.7% as much)
noticeable, but just barely. I’m very content with the speeds for these. I don’t even have a key mapped for backpedaling, so that helps with not having to deal with slow

^ this

If you could strafe at the same speed as somebody running at you, you could kite with a ranged weapon, never losing the ability to shoot at your target while running away at their speed.

For the love of god let us sell ascended mats

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Once you’re at 450 and can refine them, your collectibles lets you store enough for 50.5 ascended weapons. Not exactly a tiny storage.


in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Lol @ guy who just deleted post asking for evidence of anet’s previous stance, I see youuuu :P


in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467


in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

So… is anet trolling their own twitter? some PR person has gone and made a post against a policy that has existed for a year? or anet has decided to reverse their decision on selling dungeon spots… via a post on their twitter?

I guess the last one is the most likely as most information from ANet has to be acquired through third party websites.

Why people hate zerks?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

New rule, every zerker carries their max range weapon in bag along with a full sentinel or cleric’s set. If a party can’t manage to actually run the content properly, pretend ur a bowbear ranger.

Zelyhn's Zalculator (Alpha)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Yes all formulas used in the calculator have been tested and approved.

(apart from the behaviour of vulnerability stacks, the common belief is that it is additive)

Uh… wouldn’t that be really easy to test by hitting a golem with a steady weapon and say… 2 warriors either putting 0, 1, or 2 sets of OMM on the target?

Why we fail on many servers

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

and we rez with warriorbanners and have rotations for it

Why is that the only rez skill anybody ever mentions…

Beta Access to LFG

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Party merge is so dumb…

Taking damage in stealth drops stealth

in Suggestions

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Practice. If you played Thief or Mesmer for ten minutes you’d learn how to kill 90% of them without trying.

Or you would learn to just shadowstep to some white rabbit over that way, apply stealth, circle within range to combat lock while reapplying stealth and moving at 150% movement speed and regening hp due to stealth?

Beta Access to LFG

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

I’d like to do bad things IRL to the person who popularized the craptastic engi flamethrower build

Permastability popularized it, just like we have d/d eles still trying to abuse a sigil of battle bug that hasn’t existed in months. Why they’re running dungeons as flamethrower, no1 knows.

Suggest me a build for warrior.

in Warrior

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Some1 links sword/greatsword… response is ‘but how will i keep up/be mobile’ …

any movement speed food i can make as a cook?

in Crafting

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Because off the animation, and the fact that everyone runs at the same speed (with out any boons or buffs) larger characters always look like they are running slower, the bigger they are the worse it looks.

they shouldn’t have changed the speed of the animations just because the character is bigger. Having a big character, i got a lot of disadvantage that i haven’t with my human (like the jump puzzle are almost impossible with my charr due to size), the least would be to let the bigger character running faster to add at least an advantage vs the big disadvantage i have as being big.

Running speed would be game breaking. Jumping puzzle camera can be fixed with any tonic/transformation.

0-400 only gives 7 levels now ??

in Crafting

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

You also now get to 20 for free with a scroll.

Ascended weapon drops in Dungeons.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

My main is a Guardian and I don’t really play around much with other professions. Guardians are one of the most restricted professions in terms of the weapons available to them. I don’t think it would be a good idea to add the low %age chance of getting a useful weapon to our profession to the already low %age chance of getting the ascended drop in the first place.
I do like to play around with builds – as I’m sure many people do – so if I get an ascended weapon with certain stats, chances are I can find a spot for it somewhere in a build as long as its a key weapon for my professions.

Sword, Shield, Focus, Greatsword, Scepter and Staff are all useful weapons on a guardian (although Shield maybe a bit less). Moreover, you sound like a person who likes to ‘play around with builds’, which means that might mean a Mace build even. Add to that Spear and Trident for underwater.

So that means that you have 9/19 = ~47% chance of a useful Ascended drop.

Which is a lot more than I would say about useful stats.

did you leave out hammer by accident or purpose?

Accident… It’s more useful than Mace too..

So, 10/19, that’s little over 50% chance of a useable weapon drop.

Compare that to useful stats…

But then you get a fractal repeat, 15 tridents later you finally get… a warhorn.

And 5 Cleric’s boxes later, you get a… Shaman’s Box…

Get the drift? At least when you get random weapons, you can make them zerker’s and stock them on characters that can use them. If you get random stats that you can’t use, you can’t use them on any character, regardless.

Well I guess since I play wvw and dungeons I don’t really have that much of an issue with getting pieces that can mostly be fit into builds. Also the teq update shows anet might actually be looking at making content that isn’t just full zerker, or they still don’t know you can’t land crits on those.

(edited by Player Character.9467)

Thieves & Rifles: Snipers.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Okay, picture this.

Stone mist castle, we are sieging. They are at the door and everybody is usimg 1200 range weapons, there is no flanks no nothing, you are forced to either not dps or just run in and back while other just stay back and shoot you.

I do enjoy SB WvW and i trully enjoy D/D ganks and suck but im really missing a option that actually gives me the range other professions have, all of them.

Really? You attack a castle by just sitting back at 1200 range autoing? Even if that were the case, you can spam blast finishers on the zerg.

Less orbs, more GvG please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Titan #1 PPT GW2