Showing Posts For Purple Miku.7032:

They should just nerf arah exp...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

The only arah selling that is toxic for the game are the exploiters. People that don’t do the path yet acquire money for it as if they did… those people are the ones that need to be stopped and only Arenanet can. Not by invisible walls, but by making it so that you can’t freaking skip Lupicus anymore. CONSTANT packet loss

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032 ping statistics —-
packets transmitted 9
received 0
packet loss 100 %
time 8055 ms

Massive Lag Since LS Season 2 Release

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Exact same problems here. Every detail you described I suffer from too.

Disconnecting and Lag outside of Dry Top

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Just had 1 minute and 28 second skill lag from after I pressed #4 on warhorn. That’s pretty freaking terrible.

After ping fluctuating from 600 to 7000, I finally got this:

And guess what? EVERY website works perfectly fine. I have tried using port 80 for the client instead of 6112, still having issues.

Aether wheel fractal easy mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I find that insanely hard to believe, Zaxares… but I’ll take your word for it. Are you by any chance on NA servers?

By the way when people decide to stack for this, it’s pure stupidity to do so without stability. If you’re not with a guardian (a competent one, for that matter), you should probably prepare yourself to play ‘hamster wheel’ as you call it :P

Power/Precise Infusions

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Bladetrail is only a DPS loss if the attack is obstructed and the sword doesn’t return for the extra hit.

I brought up the example with berserker abomination because even if you don’t get hit even once you are still ever so slightly lower DPS than you would be with strength runes in a solo situation. So with that in mind, you aren’t able to afford taking a single hit from either the abomination or the inquest adds that spawn meanwhile never messing up your rotation with GS.

My point is that isn’t realistic due to both RNG and because chances are you, like me and anyone else, will probably goof up at some point. Your comment about how you always stay 66002 because of 65003 being a major loss in DPS is a little bit of a contradiction to me because in actual practice outside of a vacuum setting, that’s not true. 65003 not only can camp GS as well with slightly lower output over time, but enables you to swap if you need to without being stuck on a secondary weaponset for too long.

I can say from lots of personal experience that if you’re constantly staying on GS in a solo, you’re probably going to fumble a lot when things get hairy (bad RNG, human error, NPC being a pain in the kitten and aggroing trash mobs).

You’re free to do what you want, but I feel the need to share my insight in hopes of it opening you up to my perspective. I have both an ascended strength and ascended scholar set now, by the way. I’ve tested scholar on a few bosses in Arah solos (abom included) and Strength is very very much noticeably better.

Elementalist search for [KING] tournament!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I understand that, but it still doesn’t change whether or not I despise the fractal :<

Sandy will be my hero.

Elementalist search for [KING] tournament!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Sooooo, no thief? why u hate on thieves? wow Sandy, i’m disappointed and hurt atm.

Harpy fractal without a thief really does sound kittening dreadful now that you mention it.


Aether wheel fractal easy mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Why are you demonstrating perhaps the only tactic that pugs even know how to make use of for this encounter?

Pretty sure that the vast majority of people who have ever done this fractal only stack in this spot. I’ve never even been in a pug team without everyone immediately huddling up in that little corner.

Maguma Dry Top Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

If you want nomad’s gear you can just wait for a few weeks when the price drops like mad as people realize how useless it is.
The chance of a new dungeon being added is roughly 0%

clearly we have a zerker pve-er over here, also a seer
thanks for your input

What reason is there to be condescending towards someone for using practical attribute geartypes in combat?

Rifle Warrior, backup weapon?

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Yeah no offense but if there’s one thing that drives me nuts the most when in pug groups it’s seeing + hearing a rifle warrior. That and seeing either banner of tactics or banner of defense.

It’s a good thing you’re prepared for the kicking because it’s probably going to happen a lot if you use ranged weapons often

The only ranged weapon that deals insanely high damage is staff on an elementalist. In just about any circumstance, melee weapons will always be ideal.

(Bad) Luck Accounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

My account is destined to have kittenty RNG.

It’s been months since I’ve had a phase 3 Lupi without life drinks spammed constantly and I get 3-4 swarm spawns CONSTANTLY on phase 1.

Elementalist search for [KING] tournament!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Oh sheeeit. I’m the only warrior

Looks like I’ll actually have to take along empowered allies for once. :O

Power/Precise Infusions

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I completely disagree actually. 66002 is not ideal for solos because the reality is that camping GS is only the best DPS if you’re able to maintain your rotation with GS. If you for whatever reason can’t bladetrail or rush or especially whirlwind, you’ll be doing a lot less than with GS + axe. Not to mention, with fast hands it opens up the opportunity to have a block or an extra dodge.

By the way even with scholar uptime at 100% of the time you still do slightly less than with strength runes and that’s assuming perfect rotations. The reality is you won’t ever maintain 100% hp without frequently breaking out of your 100b chains with a whirlwind or a dodge. Try it on something like Berserker Abomination to see what I mean :P

Power/Precise Infusions

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

The new buff food is only at its full potential when you’re using scholar runes, and considering how negligible the infusions are for any purpose other than soloing I think precision infusions would probably be best to get (assuming you’re going to be making use of 65003 fast hands build with strength runes and either curry butternut squash, candied dragon rolls or truffle steak).

If you’re 66002, you always should be trying to acquire more and more power.

Power/Precise Infusions

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Either way you will always benefit from power infusions.

I’m at the same dilemma as you are with being uncertain about what infusions I want. I currently have 6 precision infusions; one on my back item and the rest on all my jewelry. I’m probably gonna just leave it at that.

Spider Queen: Easiest, Fastest Way 4 Everyone

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I hope you know that most of those in your target audience not only can’t read, but don’t care about being tactical either.

Either way, good suggestions. :P

new stats are not on legendaries

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I’ve heard that they’ve already noted the oversight and will be fixing it eventually.

And the new stat combo is trash anyways, you don’t need to be able to swap to it for BiS.

You clearly dont play wvw.

Neither do you if you think this is a viable stat combo for a weapon.

Poll: Rate your satisfaction *updated*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

You act as if you’re really interested in what people’s opinions are, but two of the options require you to have been playing WoW or play TF2. Those are irrelevant.

Rifle Warrior, backup weapon?

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

What makes rifle more interesting than any other weapon? The animations for it are almost completely identical on skills 1 through 4. Shooting flaming arrows all with unique animations seems a lot more interesting to me.

Disconnecting and Lag outside of Dry Top

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Having the same problems. EXTREME rubber banding and occasional boots to the character select screen with a client disconnect error code.

CHALLENGE - Solo Lupicus off wall

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

It really sucks when on an ele and you get RNG’d during frenzied blast in phase 2.

Wild speculation about jewelcrafting 500

in Crafting

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

The only thing that I’m not sure about with 500 jeweler is… what do they do with all the ascended trinkets you get with laurels/fotm?

I mean… what will we be making at 500 if not the stuff we already get from fotm/laurels? It seems weird to be able to completely ignore the requirement to have 500 in the discipline to get them when we can’t do that for weaponsmith/armorsmith so they’d probably have to take them out of the vendors/rewards.

Fotm already has a severely reta***d reward system as it is, so yeah.

shrug I still would love 500 jeweler/cooking, but it’s definitely a tough thing to implement that will require a lot of planning/changing.

Lag is making game unplayable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I’m having even worse lag spikes today than yesterday kitten .

Rotating the camera often results in brief screen freezes now, and I just froze up for a solid 20 seconds in an Arah P3 solo as I was hugging the left wall on the way to the two abominations before Lupi. This kind of garbage never would happen until a few days ago.

Game lagging on Dry Top map.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I have to spam-click my skills sometimes in hopes of them activating. Drives me nuts, especially when you’re trying to use savage leap to jump across cliff tops at the edge only to find out the game decided “nah, you don’t need to use that” and you fall to the bottom.

GW2 Deleted Itself

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Forgive me for laughing but lmfao. Imagine if you got a prompt or something saying something like…

“Buy gems or gtfo
-The Arenanet Staff Team”

I can't fix the lag problems I'm having.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I am absolutely certain that the update on July 1st had something to do with it. I’ve had issues before but most of them were resolved by reinstalling my NVIDIA card’s driver. I’m not sure what exactly is causing this problem, but I’m a very active GW2 livestreamer and am pretty frustrated due to being unable to continue doing what I love to do.

The main problems I tend to have are more noticeable when going in Dry Top, but even elsewhere on the map I’m checking my FPS and it seems to be fine, lingering between 25 at lowest and occasionally peaking at 38-40 depending on where I’m facing and how many people are around me… but when I start moving and rotating the camera I very frequently get hiccups/temporary screen freezes. Worst case scenario, I’ll get a prolonged screen freeze and wipe as a result of it.

I’ve tested things without streaming and while I do notice some improvements elsewhere (well duh, streaming takes up quite a bit of bandwidth), it’s still worse than it was a week ago by quite a bit.

I’m on a laptop with NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M with an i7 quadcore processor @2ghz clockspeed and typically average ~30-40 mbps down/~5-6 up on speedtest, which is well more than enough to stream with 720p quality. 4 GB RAM as well.

As well as that, I use ‘turbo’ power settings on my system, defrag it pretty regularly, run MWB scans every night, and keep myself up to date with all software/driver updates.

Checking in task manager, I’m normally 80-85% RAM usage with chrome/OBS/gw2/music player/mwb (premium)/AVG open at once, and between 60-70% without OBS open.

In the resource manager, I typically average anywhere between 240-300 ping for the first gw2.exe TCP connection entry and usually around 140-160 for the second (not sure which one pertains to what).

I also have configured QoS policies on my router and give my MAC address highest priority and everything else lowest quality (no one else will know the difference anyways devilface).

I have tinkered around with the router and found nothing wrong. I’ve restarted my system numerous times since the update along with my router. I’m confident that I’ve done just about all I can to alleviate the lag problems I’ve been having, so I don’t know what to do. I don’t seem to be having problems elsewhere… just with GW2.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

[KING] Fractal Tournament - 4000G of Rewards!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032


I still think all exploits should be disallowed. Please.

Dungeons - gearcheck etc

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I still think they should add the option to enter a password/captcha to your LFG posts. I’m not sure if the problem is just as prevalent in NA servers as EU, but 99% of the people who join your party won’t have read the LFG before joining your party in EU.

I wish they’d all get permanently banned but obviously that won’t ever happen lmao

Lag is making game unplayable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I’ve been having this too but not nearly as awful as shown in your video, Dom.

I was planning to stream some more Arah soloing tonight but changed my mind based off of all the terrible skill lag and random freezes. So godkitten annoying.

Mai Trin projectile questions

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

a) as far as I know, you can’t block the projectiles and you have to dodge them/whirlwind/evade.

b) pretty sure they don’t, but not 100% sure

c) good question. i’m going to guess yes, but i haven’t tested it.

Rifle Warrior, backup weapon?

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Like I said, it is superior DPS over time to do nothing but autoattack and volley off cooldown.

Also I already read your first post but I thought you should be aware that the two least useful weapons that a warrior has in PvE are both rifle and hammer. In WvW and PvP hammer becomes useful but rifle is more of a troll weapon than anything.

Longbow deals superior damage to that of a rifle and has really useful utilities such as a blind/fire field/immobilise/blast finisher.

Just thought I’d let ya know.

Dishonorable debuff - bad design

in PvP

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I think I know what the problem is. You haven’t bought enough gems yet.


In all seriousness though, I sympathize with you OP. That is complete and utter bullkitten and I’d be raging too if I were in your shoes.

Rangers Useless in Dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

60 4vv4Y p15.

make a sequel plz


in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

One of the biggest things that p*sses me off about GW2 is the separation between NA and EU.


New, expected nothing and got a surprise.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032


Hope you’re having fun thus far. I’ll offer you a few words of advice for you that I’m sure most people would have been glad to learn earlier on:

1) turn off “melee assist” and “autotargeting” in settings. TRUST ME.
2) turn on “aoe loot on interact” in settings.
3) change your keybinds to a more efficient combination than the default settings.
4) save your karma and never spend it on anything except for ‘obsidian shards.’ you will eventually learn what these are and why they are so important.
5) when you become a bit more advanced in the game, use this website for information about how you can learn to play better in PvE. It’s quite helpful
6) use foods/nourishment, but ignore ones having to do with ‘magic find.’ magic find is a trashy attribute and you will benefit more from foods that give you the ability to heal on critical hits, etc. they will make your combat experiences noticeably better! obtain them from the trading post.
7) join a guild— preferably a helpful one with people that are relatively new to the game so that you can interact with one another and learn the game’s mechanics better.
8) create your own guild and use it for the sole purpose of storing items. name it ‘personal vault’ or ‘space monkey pirate’ or whatever you want— it will prove to be very helpful if you find yourself running low on bank space.
9) have at least one of each weapon that your class can use on you in case you need it or want to try something else. unlock every weapon skill that you can for every class and try everything. you’ll begin to learn what’s best as you progress. also make sure to upgrade your armor/equipment as you level up!
10) toughness/vitality/healing power are very useful attributes in WvW/PvP but in PvE you’ll benefit much more so by going for more offensive builds. Since you noticed that so far it’s quite different, keep in mind there is no ‘holy trinity’ of tank/healer/DPS in GW2’s combat.

Hope it helps— some of the stuff on there I didn’t learn until way later on and I was thinking “man if only someone had told me…” ^^

Frac 50 Post Patch Mai Trin Warrior Solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Coming from someone that also managed to solo Mai after the buff update… Sesshi did an incredible job by the way. This video was about 5 minutes faster than my solo was. I didn’t do nearly as good of a job at max meleeing her— I keep having some weird issue where I suddenly move in slow motion right after activating SoR or planting a banner or whatever… no idea why, but it happens until I spam different movement keys.

Arah p4 solo thief

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

ticktickboom your video is the one that should be the thread, rather than OP’s screenshot haha. A lot of people, myself included, get a little sour when exploiters refer to what they’re doing as a solo/duo or whatever because they are cheating.

However I guess since OP never decided not to reply and clarify what they did for Simin we may never know. I wonder if they used Joey’s tactic for the gorillas at melandru too or if they came up with another solution.

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

They must have already been in downed state then. Can’t think of why someone would allow her to just unload her autoattack chain on em like that.

Rifle Warrior, backup weapon?

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Actually if you’re after straight up damage output with a rifle it’s best to autoattack and do volley off cooldown, completely ignoring the other skills. #4 would only be relevant if it didn’t have such a long cast time.

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

It’s not the same thing here.

Also just saying, a few times I screwed up and got hit by Mai’s attacks when I was attempting a kill with pugs (it’s a lot more difficult for me to focus on her with pure chaos ensuing, besides other people can cause her character model to bug animations on occasion) and not once was I 1-hit. Granted I was on a warrior, but people really exaggerate the damage she deals. Her autoattacks are only ~4-5k and extremely easy to avoid. Her swirling attack that can’t be blocked hits around the same and while it’s about half of a zerk ele’s hp, it’s not punishing enough to completely ruin the chances of surviving as long as you don’t lose sight of her— that’s the key. Keep your camera angled so that you can see Mai Trin at all times and concentrate on her so that you can time your skills properly. Her teleportation projectile is extremely predictable so as long as you have a block ready for it, you won’t die. If you don’t and aren’t on a warrior then you’re going to get hit for about 14k or so, which is very deadly.

[This paragraph below is referring to solo btw]:
The only seriously terrible part that I find now is exactly what I expected— the cannon phase. The RNG of it is absolute garbage. Without stealth you’re pretty much guaranteed to die if you run out of swiftness for even a second. Horrik hits way harder than Mai does, so having permanent swiftness to be able to kite Mai and not get hit by him is a must. Like I said, his AoE indicators are totally buggy so that is definitely going to cause people problems.

I had no idea they screwed them up until Novaan mentioned it and I saw it for myself ingame.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

PvE Solo DPS Guide (Updated Aug 5th, 2015)

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

The new food you’re referring to is ‘Plate of Roasted Cactus’ which will give +100 ferocity and a 33% chance to cause might on crit, right?

I have certainty that with 66002 scholar runes, this will be the best.

I would not suggest using this food if you’re using strength runes, but I will certainly tweak the foods/nourishment section when I have numbers to compare to.

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Novaan, you were right about Horrik’s range indicators!

They are certainly off now. I know this because I finally had the opportunity to attempt soloing on lvl 50!

First try I wiped on the third cannon phase (kitten me, right?). I wasn’t going nearly as fast as Sesshi’s was because I was like, totally afraid of Horrik now. Sometimes his range indicators were totally off but sometimes they were spot on… there was no consistency and it was completely throwing me off to just suddenly take 8k damage inexplicably from an AoE that i was several steps away from.

It was very frustrating to have failed at third cannon phase because I spiked in ping VERY high and started a series of #dobe lagging, where I’d be running around during cannon phase for a minute with nothing happening and suddenly booted to the character select screen with that stupid disconnected prompt.

^ Story of my kitten life. That just happened as I was typing this L.

Anyways, after a few more disconnects it was over and I actually managed to get a Fractal Trident… woo! Had a ton of fun too.

E: Wtf, I can’t even stay logged in to bank the skin now. OK TIME WARNER. Signature home service my kitten .

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Rangers Useless in Dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Don’t give a kitten. Would rather have a ranger dealing 9.5k DPS than a rifle warrior with a banner of tactics.

In all seriousness though I don’t know enough about rangers to add much to this discussion. I don’t kick any class on sight if I’m pugging because I never ask for specific ones. If you’re pugging, chances are you’re going to get the opposite of what you ask for on the LFG— especially on EU where 99% of the people who join parties are illiterate.

LFG “P1 must be mentally challenged and AFK with ranged weapons a lot” etc. will typically yield better results than “P1 experienced lupi melee” for example.

Frac 50 Post Patch Mai Trin Warrior Solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

You’re right haviz, the second bolded statement was only for those that feel it’s necessary for them to go all-out defensive. I avoid going lower than 6 in fire/air at all times on D/F if necessary because it makes a massive difference.

An example of when I do go lower in fire is Lyssa in Arah P4. I’m at 2/6/6/0/0 for it because of the 25 stacks of confusion. It’s literally a 1-shot if you don’t have Diamond Skin because basically every weapon an ele has that would be realistic to use here is just about impossible to stop in time to avoid the confusion damage. Besides this boss, I am pretty much always 6/6/2 or 6/6/0/0/2 like Particlar said.

Particlar I need moar munniez to make an ascended set on ele :<

Eternity + a second ascended set for my warrior wasn’t cheap y’know@

Mai Trin Fractal Level Scaling

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I agree with you on that. I don’t find anything challenging at Jade Maw unless I’m lagging… in which case, I can just AFK with a crystal np.

Reminds me of Jotun Skygazer in Arah P1. Really hope they never introduce such insulting encounters into the game like these again.

Frac 50 Post Patch Mai Trin Warrior Solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Neither of you guys even bothered to mention ring of earth (EDIT: Not you, Taku.6352. You posted while I was typing my post :P sorry). That’s possibly the biggest reason why I’m so excited to try it on ele.

Ring of Earth also absorbs projectiles for 2 seconds.”

I’m not saying that it’s easier to do it on an ele, I’m saying it’s better. If you screw up on an ele for this, you will die. On a warrior you’ll survive provided you’re not low health but will pretty much have to run around with your tail between your legs and pray you don’t fumble around and misclick while you passively heal back up.

I quote Particlar, the first one to solo Mai at 50 on an ele, “it’s all about endurance.” You can do this encounter on almost any class (as long as it has access to blocks/invulns) and it’s not a DPS race but rather a test to see how long you’re able to last before you screw up.

It just so happens that an ele has access to all of these wonderful options without totally narfing their DPS (mace mainhand and shield on warrior are strictly defensive weapons and are quite awful for damage output). I’m quite certain that if played properly, an ele would be capable of killing this boss faster than a warrior. This is not the kind of boss that you can play offensively in an efficient manner.

By the way if it’s necessary, you have the option of traiting 4 into earth for reduced earth skill cooldowns for even faster access to projectile blocks + obsidian flesh.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Obsolete build :P

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

As I’ve been told before, “pick and choose your battles.” :P

fractal difficulty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032


You can’t dodge her teleportation projectile attack that deals ~15k damage. It can only be blocked, which not all classes are capable of doing (necromancer/thief).

Gw2 Expansion Confirmed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

The tl;dr is bolded:

“NCsoft’s current share price corresponds to a 2014F P/E of 11.2×. The stock’s P/E has ranged
from the high-10x level to 40x over the past ten years. Given that NCsoft’s major global peers
Activision Blizzard and Electronic Arts are trading at 2014F P/Es of over 15x, the company
appears significantly undervalued. Most global PC and console game companies are expected
to suffer from stagnating margins in 2014. However, NCsoft is scheduled to launch an
expansion pack for Guild Wars 2 in the US and Europe in 2015
. Lineage Eternal, Metal Black:
Alternative, and various mobile games are also in the pipeline. "