Showing Posts For Red Falcon.8257:

Over a year later, and GW2 is...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

It’s a petty excuse to say you keep trolling the forums because you want to change the game.
Trust me, not a single person will every buy that story.
You perfectly know a vocal minority won’t convince Anet to change the game upside down, you just want to troll for the sake of it.

If you really wanted to change things, you’d come up with a problem in a constructive manner (totally unlike the childish manners used in this thread and forum in general), possibly make a petition to harvest consent and then show it to Anet.
And if you can’t convince the majority to agree with your change you’d shut up on the topic because it’s not what the players want.

Making random snide remarks is not changing the game, it’s the equivalent of kittenposting on /b/.

(edited by Red Falcon.8257)

what happened to banning trolls?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

I actually like the moderation change.
Never been a troll or GW2 hater, actually I’m more of a supporter, yet I managed to get banned twice for ridiculous reasons – pretty much a regime back then.
After the change I never got infracted once.

If you think a post is trolling just report it, I’m pretty sure there is someone there to look at reports.

WIP: Dungeon/PvE Support Shouter + GS DPS

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

The build looks like complete junk.

Also, nice show of maturity at the bottom of your post by basically saying “if you disagree with me you aren’t welcome and will be ignored”.

Your standard 30/0/0/10/30 and 30/25/0/0/15 builds are support shouter + GS DPS builds too, the difference is they DPS better and don’t take useless traits and bad gear.

No need to be rude.
All support builds have low DPS and compensate it with support, it’s a trade off.

To be more accurate:
This build = 3200 Epower selfbuffed – 5000 with 25 might stacks.
Zerker = 8000 Epower selfbuffed – 11,000 with 25 might stacks.
Average Epower is 4000 vs 9,500 of zerkers.

I agree tho that full zerker gear is better on this build than mixed up.
With full zerker it bumps up to 5000 Epower selfbuffed – 7000 with 25 might, which means about 6k average E.Power.

So, DPS wise:
Zerker = 100% of max DPS obtainable
OP’s build with zerker’s gear = 63% of max DPS obtainable
OP’s build with his gear = 42% of max DPS obtainable

WIP: Dungeon/PvE Support Shouter + GS DPS

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

After the next patch we’ll be able to grab warhorn boon conversion along with shout healing so you might want it since you use WH constantly.
I would also swap Bstance with OMM since the build hits like a wet noodle anyways so you better just go all-out support.
Perhaps even Runes of the Pack for even more team buffing.

Why is this class so terrible?

in Ranger

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

The reason Rangers are widely emarginated is because, even though the class needs a major buff to be on par with the others, there is this “elite” of rangers who would claim it’s all a l2p issue even if the class dealt 1dmg per shot – they probably think picking off someone in WvW while he’s fighting another person means they are all leet and pro.
It’s a bit irritating to have an UP class’ community to pretend they are good instead of demanding much needed changes.

Pet mechanics and most skills are too easy to avoid or counter.
Longbow’s Rapid Fire is more powerful – per se – than Warrior’s killshot; yet Killshot actually kills people sometimes, Rapid Fire is lucky to get 5k damage in with a longer channel attached to it.
Pets are nowhere close to what they should be in regards of AI behavior and practicity either.

But as long as the Ranger community refuses to admit these issues, nothing will change.
I used to feel bad for stomping Rng’s so easily in tPvP and WvW, but after reading this forum and hearing the whole theatrical act of “we’re fine r-really” I don’t feel bad anymore.
You deserve to be weak if you don’t work for changing.

(edited by Red Falcon.8257)

Well, It appears we've been pigeonholed

in Guardian

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Guard Hammer tries to do everything while actually accomplishing little.
It has some control but on such short durations and long CDs that it’s unreliable.
DPS is far below Sword and even GS.
The whole autoattack-taking-millenia-to-land design fail is an hard limit imposed on this weapons that detracts from its usefulness – I personally don’t juse hammer just for this reason.

Until they improve its usefulness (by either improving the effects or decreasing CDs) and remove the design flaws from it, I wouldn’t really recommend it.

As cool as it is, Anet has forgotten Hammer just as it has forgotten Guardians in general.

Arenanet, Thank you for the FAILS.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257


It was about time for some content that doesn’t smile at your failures but punishes you for it.

Ascended armour will take time and effort

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Your one person. We have a guy in our guild who loves the game to death. He is a super guy, plays 24/7. He has 6 legendaries. He has like a billion a hievement points. He will never leave. He is only one person. The other 20 guys who go into TS (like most guilds we have hundreds of members but only 20 I would count as serious players) are mostly not having fun any more. Anet needs to ask why. Or listen.

He’s not one person.
I have 3 guilds with several hundred players and they don’t mind ascended, and from general LA talks it seems most of the serve shares the idea.
Then again it was this community’s large majority to ask for a treadmill so it’s pretty hypocritical to make such a fuss against it – after you made a big fuss and threats of quitting to get it.

Over a year later, and GW2 is...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

I’m glad you’re happy, but I think the exact opposite.

I wonder why people who think GW2 is a disaster just won’t leave. That’s incoherent.
The game will not change based on a vocal minority asking for diametrically different changes, not only because it is impossible to satisfy every complainer on this board, but because there is a 95% out there who wants devs to focus on the continuation of the game as it is rather than seeing it twisted upside down to please a bunch of GW1 nostalgics.
And that’s coming from a r12 who played GW1 for 8 years.

Arguments in favor of healing signet?

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Warriors have 3210840237582370 HPS and have perma invuln.

Its hard to respond to a troll thread. You wanted facts and a lot of people gave you them. And you make up quotes like this.

Its went on long enough.

I agree with this.

Honestly guys if you want to say something is out of balance you must come with objective, mathematical and logical hard evidence.
Else it’s just crying, and we’ll start to mock you and embarass you until you leave just like thieves do with complainers on their forum.
If you cannot make an intelligent discussion based on factual data you don’t deserve respectful answers.

Know what I love about playing a Guard?

in Guardian

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

You do realize that, in order to get that “passive healing” warriors sacrifice their heal skill.
Guardians get a heal on top of the passive regen and all the healing procs.

Arguments in favor of healing signet?

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

This portion clearly shows that in my opinion the problem isn’t that warriors can deal decent damage with soldier amulet, but that warriors can have the sustainability typical of cleric amulet without the need to spend a single point into healing power.

As long as Warriors are tanky but not sustainable, it is fine since they are tough at first but as long as the fight goes on, they lose to attrition because they lack the sustainability of a cleric build, which is far more strong in attrition fights but it comes at a cost of vitality and power. Right now Warriors have the tankyness and the damage of soldier amulet coupled also with the sustainability typical of clerics just because Healing Signet gives crazy HP regen at 0 healing power cost, which is what makes them so broken.

So stop with stupid personal attacks and get some comprehension skills.

You are the only one in need of comprehension of basic logic and maths.
Healing signet heals only 2k more than Surge – but only if the fight lasts 30 seconds, and it can be hard-countered with poison to a bigger extent than Surge, since you can cleanse+surge for full 10k but every second you’re poisoned you lose healing while using Healing Signet.

When math, logic, everyone and even Anet says you wrong it is really time to ask yourself if it’s not an issue of yours maybe?
I don’t see 5warrior team in tPvP.
If it was OP there would be, just like we had 5thieves 5guards 5eles teams when they were OP.

You can sit here crying or stop being mediocre and learn to play.
The game doesn’t change just because you’re bad, though.
If a Warrior with healing signet is your PvP limit you should just drop PvP entirely and go do some dungeons.

Arguments in favor of healing signet?

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Anet doesn’t think Hsign is unbalanced btw, no mention of this in the 15oct preview.
We are “pretty decent” in WvW and sPvP.

You guys just want to nerf Warriors instead of learning to play against them.
Well, bad news, Anet never nerfed anything just because a few people haven’t learned to counter it.
Thieves had 7000% more tears on their forums on backstab and haven’t gotten nerfed because backstab is balanced; same for Hsigned.

Stun meta will be fixed with the sigil fix, as for the rest you’ll have to forget that Warrior will be a free kill; I fear you will really have to learn.

Is it Fun? How ArenaNet Measures Success

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Well, some players. I know I was happier with the game before.

Correction: the large majority of players.

If you were here back then you’d know 90% of this forum was asking for treadmills and whatnot.
Temporary content on the other hand is totally Anet’s fault, nobody asked for that.

New chars can't get new hairstyles? Why?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Clearly, this makes the game pay 2 win.
A rich guy can make a new char and instantly get an outstanding hair-fashion advantage. Everyone will say “oh! just look at his hair! we’ll kick that unstylish guy from the team and take him”.
I’d suggest a full-out forum riot over this.

Sword/Shield suggestions?

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

If you don’t need to dungeon and wvw with it you can run naked.
The rest of the game doesn’t really need any thinking or minmaxing.

Arguments in favor of healing signet?

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Mind to explain why you cut more than an half of my original post, took out only few sentences of my post out of their context and answer to them claiming that my logic is broken?

I didn’t feel I needed to stick with your lack of syntesis ability.
You claimed healing signet is the cause of soldier-stat warrior dealing high damage, which is simply wrong.
Check your logic, if Hsig is nerfed people will just take Surge and the soldier+damage issue is still there.

Fortunately Anet staff isn’t made of clueless people and will fix the real issue instead of breaking a whole class out of ONE trait issue.

Condition Catastrophe

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Anet employees explained a few months ago that there is an hard-limit for this.
They can’t make everyone apply their own stack of conditions since it would take a lot of server workload and make the game unstable, while having only 1 bar of conditions per char is a lot less hardware-intensive.

This situation might change with the new update where bleed stacks are combined into one big bleed stack, but for now it’s as far as limits go.

People like me who post criticisms..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

I agree on temporary content.
While fun, it simply doesn’t work on a persistent game.

Disagree on ascended blamed on anet since it was the community to cry for a treadmill in september/october, little to do about it since players would complain without.

'Strengthening the Core Game'

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

It means they are improving what is already in the game rather than add new content.

But fear not, for every decision there will always be someone naysaying.
There’s people demanding crystal desert, new dungeons and whatnot, and others crying against new content and demanding core game development.
It’s impossible to satisfy gamers, everyone has their idea of what should be done.

Favorite Thing as a Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

My biggest fetish is getting someone into danger, wait for the very second in which he starts to run away and immediately Evis him while saying “no you don’t baby”.

Also, depleting a Necro’s entire life force bar with Evis.
Necro goes lifeforce mode and is all like “nice now I have a few se-” No, you don’t baby – you go back to red lifebar immediately and face the inevitable.

It’s the best moment ever to kill someone.

Arguments in favor of healing signet?

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

No, I see the problem in another perspective.

Warriors with soldier gear deals decent damage
It must be that Healing Signet

Sorry but that, to the rest of the world, is totally illogical.
You’re asking to make a lung transplant to a patient with kidney failure.

Logic works like this:
If the problem is “Warriors with soldier gear deals decent damage” you must find what is causing this.
The cause is currently unsuspecting foe allowing to crit reliably on soldier gear.
Therefore we fix that, and Warrior on soldier gear won’t deal decent damage anymore.

You could completely remove healing signet from the game and you would just have Warriors take Surge, still heal equally good, still deal decent damage on soldier gear.
You would not fix absolutely anything.

Please stop moaning.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Are you moaning about moaning?

Came for this, was not disappointed.

Btw crying on the forums is a game feature.
The “general discussion” board of every gaming forum on the internet is Moaning Headquarters.

Is this build wrong ? (PvE)

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

How can 57 % crit chance be too low ? It means half my hits will be crits. And if I feel the need I can add SoF to get to 65%. (61% if I use berserker trinkets only but I use 1 soldier amulet for a bit of health)

57-65 percent crit are very low DPS for a Warrior.
You’re aiming at 80% to 100% to be called DPS-able.

What (again) people fail to realise here is that I greatly prefer being tough than going full berserker and lick the floor each fight like so many Warriors I’ve seen so far. (in less than 2 seconds).

No, what you fail to realize is that this game is coded to make the highest toughness member be a complete aggro magnet.
It is a game mechanic.
So ironically if you get 3200 armor you take more damage than having 2200 simply because you’re constantly the main target.

Warrior cannot get resilience through damage mitigation while also being a good DPS.
If you want to be a tanky warrior, here is how you properly do it:
1. Endure Pain + SoS + SoD
2. Defy Pain
3. Shield block
4. Dodging; SoS refills endurance, Vigorous Stance and possibly Sigil of Energy.
5. Evading with GS3

That’s how Warrior plays anyways. You can’t adopt a playstyle that simply doesn’t work on a Warrior.

I know other games work like that, just not GW2. It’s coded not to.

You can “tank” by rotating your damage negation tools.
3s Sblock every 24
5s EP every 60
4s DP every 60
1s dodge every 5s

So over the time of 60s, for 27s you are taking 0 direct damage.
That means almost 50% uptime on not taking direct damage, it’s perhaps the most you can have.

On top of that, you can get:
- Rune of Forge, 12s Protection (+boon duration) every 60s when struck at 50% hp
- Rune of Svanir, 5s Invul (block of ice) every 90s at 20% hp
- Rune of Earth, 5s anti-projectile every 60s at 20% hp
- Rune of Vampirism, 3s invul at 10% health and lifestealing

This is how you “tank”, not by stacking armor a la WoW which will just make you the mob’s favourite and die faste than a glass Thief.

(edited by Red Falcon.8257)

Max DPS dungeon/pve warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

I don’t think Eviscerate builds are good DPS, let alone max DPS.
By dumping Evis you lose your 15% for a single-target hit – in most situations just autoattacking and stacking vuln does way more DPS.
Also, H.Focus gets you a lot more DPS than B.Mastery.

The -99% Unkillable Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Thank you for admitting that there is a class with more absurd mobility than deserves to be in this game, and that you can, on demand, catch a fleeing warrior. I never want to see your whiny garbage on how warrior is OP again.

Agreed completely.
Excalibur is the worst poster of this forum, spends all of his posts making totally baseless hate posts because he can’t CnD-Steal-Backstab through a Warrior’s health in 1s.
You gotta let this obsession go.

This is whats wrong with the game (imo)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

I see pretty much everyone agrees that temporary content is bad, and everyone asks for new stuff instead.
So what does it take more than a wide majority yelling their voices out to make Anet understand Temporary Content was not a good idea?

I mean Anet you don’t need to act like you’re beyond mistakes.
You are not, and everybody knows.
If you make one, and it is pointed out, don’t continue to do the same mistake.

That’s my 2 cents

What do you find inherently fun?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Almost everything.
Except the traditional-MMO-borrowed cheesy stuff like dailies and whatnot, also things like living story and temporary content.

Why Am I Losing 1on1 ?

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257


- There is no “mega damage” beyond their opener. Learn to avoid the opener.
- There is no “infinite invisibility”, you get 4 seconds when they unstealth which are more than enough to 3-shot him.

necromancer: MEGA HEALS, HP

Necros are susceptible to spike damage, and have no mobility whatsoever.
Use balanced stance to prevent Fear / Zerk Stance to prevent conditions.
Keep them locked down and spike/pressure them to death.


Eles are a unique case, you need to learn to counter them by experience – but their weakness is their extreme predictability.
Learn their rotation, and counter it effectively.

Arguments in favor of healing signet?

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

I’m not sure why you guys lack the ability to solve this Elementary School problem.

Warriors with tank gear and still high damage by relying on stun+unsuspecting foe.
It’s totally not the fact that a trait allows a tank build to get high damage, it must be healing signet!
Simple! We nerf healing signet which does nothing to prevent this exploit to work, but screws up a lot of other builds. So we don’t solve anything at all, but create more problems!

God I’m glad this game is developed by a team of adults.

Offense vs. punishment, risk vs. reward

in PvP

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Honestly long cooldowns make the combat much more boring.
For instance a Sword Guardian has to autoattack a lot of the time, which is more boring than say a Warrior or Elementalist who always has some non-autoattack skill ready.
Still, it’s good design that autoattack is your DPS and other skills are situationally useful (stuns, cripple, etc) because you need to use skills at the right time rather than just spam everything.
I’m also very happy most cooldowns on utilities are down to 1 minute max now, that was indeed a good design decision.

That being said, I don’t think casuals would appreciate such a drastic change.
This would be a hell of a risky move.

Game is beyond boring...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Fun is subjective, OP.
Some people love board games, I fall asleep at the first turn.

Arguments in favor of healing signet?

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

There is no “defending” of anything.
Skills are balanced in an objective manner on mathematical bases.
Healing Signet heals a little more than Surge and is countered easily with poison; I believe some people hate it because they have a feeling that a lifebar “regenerating” is more annoying than a burst heal, but you’re really going through the same amount of health in the end.
Actually, you rarely get the chance to get the full 12k heal from signet because against anyone decent the fight will not last 30 sec – while Surge is 10k guaranteed on demand.
Healing Signet is a noob counter, but Surge is better against decent players.

That being said – I still believe the hate is toward the build allowing to use tank stats on a high damage build (due to Unsuspecting Foe), and it might be irritating to see a Warrior with that kind of lasting power but also killing power.

Fixing unsuspecting foe will render that exploit useless and everyone will calm down.
No need to destroy 50 balanced skills because 1 trait is exploitable.

(edited by Red Falcon.8257)

Living story = players not returning?

in Living World

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

I have returned this July after quitting in Feb but due to Anet’s class fixing, I never did any living story thing.

Let’s be honest here; the chances of making and properly coding a good story in a short time span are abysmal.
Better focus on gameplay and content, pretty sure players would take a new dungeon more gladly than a one-time playable story.

WvW warrior.

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

It doesn’t really matter.
No amount of defense or healing or Defense line traits will avoid death when it comes for you.

Instead go full offense and grab all sorts of lockdowns you can get.
When you’re meleeing someone they usually don’t attack back but rather try to escape, so you don’t really need any defense when you’re semi-permanently meleeing someone locked down.

Is this build wrong ? (PvE)

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Problem with PvE and 3200 armor is mobs will prioritize you a lot, so you’ll be spending more time running away than being useful.
If you want to go the “tank” route I suggest you get 30 def and Defy Pain plus shield offhand.
Also use Endure Pain active instead of SoF.

No Gear Treadmill - Not Played for Two Weeks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

You can work on Luck, WvW, etc.

Personal goals have a limit, try for Guild goals.
Build a leading WvW guild or a strong sPvP team.

Do they need raids?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

This game has been successful for 1 year without raids.
So no, it seems this game doesn’t need instanced raids at all, open world ones are fine.

Grandmaster Trait Idea: Adrenal Recovery

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

So we would go from a mandatory 20 in Defense

“mandatory 20 in defense”? How bad are you?
So before the dogged march/cleansing ire addition you were a disaster at this class I imagine.

Never used defense line in my life, and I feel OP as hell.
If conditions kill you before you kill the enemy you’re bad.

Ascended Armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Why was ascended really introduced into the game?

Because most of this very community demanded for it during the first 2 months of release, threatening to quit in mass if it wasn’t introduced.
They wanted another tier to work for slowly, Anet didn’t want to insert a treadmill, people wanted it.

But yeah, it’s easy to just blame Anet for what players did.

sPvP - Ideas to "Shave" the Current Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

How about you just nerf the trait that makes all of these things you listed OP, instead of making half the class skills useless?
I mean use your brain a little bit: Unsuspecting Foe is to blame, as it allows tank specs to deal high damage which is what you’re complaining here.

So here is my suggestion:
- U.Foe becomes T3, so that in order to get it a Warrior must sacrifice condition removal and burst mastery
- H.sig becoems 280hp/s but Signet Mastery (now T2) increases it by 50%
- V.Focus gives 12s vigor instead of 8.

There you go, this way Warrior must choose between condition removal, U.Foe and Signet heal – instead of having them all in one build.

(edited by Red Falcon.8257)

Runes of the traveler = useful in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Guardian really need realiable Swiftness access, without sacrificing a whole weapon slot or 2 utilities for it.

The whole “b-but attrition c-class” logic stopped making sense when even Necros got permaswift/25%speed with just one utility.

My Guard is taking the dust until this happens.

GW2 AI is worst than GW1 AI.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

I’d rather have mobs heal like the Elemental/Robot in Dredge fractal.
So Poison and CC will have a point in PvE.

I loved that I had to interrupt heals and other bad stuff in GW1.

11.2k backstab on a 3.3k armor warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

It’s simple.
When you hear the “clang” of CnD you hit Endure Pain then just burst him to death.

Then do this

(edited by Red Falcon.8257)

The Manifesto- Word for Word

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

They held to the manifesto 99% for me.
The gear treadmill change was not wanted from Anet but widely and aggressively demanded by players.

You guys pretend it didnt happen and blame Anet, but I was there and clearly remember how it went.
I was there in the minority trying to obstruct the massive wave of people demanding for an endgame treadmill.

The original game launched in August was pretty much what was advertised, and they entrenched for 2 months bombarded by demands of treadmills until they finally gave up to your crying.

So no, I dont blame Anet for this, I blame you.

Fixing Defiant

in Suggestions

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Defiant makes all CC-based weapons unviable for PvE so here is an idea.

Use CC -> Works, but gives boss 4 stacks of defiant.
1st stack reduces next CC duration by 100%
2nd stack reduces next CC duration by 75%
3rd stack reduces next CC duration by 50%
4th stack reduces next CC duration by 25%

This way CC weapons will have a point, but without making the encounter much easier.

PvE'er thinking of swapping GS for Hammer

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Eh, the problem with Hammer and PvE is a big “NO!” sign called Defiant.
For trash mobs you can use Hammer tho, it’s not like you need mad DPS to kill trash; I actually think CC is better as it avoids wipes (as long as someone in the team is actually DPSing tho).

Blademaster Revamp please.

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

I don’t like this change as it doesn’t help non-condition sword builds at all.
10% crit chance on the other hand does as crits trigger Bleed from both your trait and Sigil of Earth, but also helps non-condition sword builds.

I do agree with the lower skill recharge tho.

Are healing Shout Warrs still good?

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

It was never good.

So how do we fix Berserker?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Actually, I’m sorry about your wasted sarcasm because I’m all in favor of a more important role for support and boons. It’s the 5 dps and go set up that I find cheap and more appropriate for a 5 dollars indie game than a triple A MMORPG.

Sorry about your wasted wall of text. Keep reading next time, don’t quote in the middle of a thread.

Nothing wasted man, I love to read threads where PvE carebeargods come down insulting everyone and demanding their opinion is considered a fact even though it has no more validating data than the 200 opinions posted before.

I’m sorry but the reality is that most people struggle with endgame pve (aka frac 40-50 and not loldungeons) and actually need a Guardian to Prot them up, reflects, etc – so there is already a lot of use for pieces of PVT/Cavalier in that content zone.
Just FYI normal dungeons can be solo’d, including Arah; they are mid-game content not meant to need more than a 5 DPS casual team or 1 good player.