Showing Posts For Red Falcon.8257:

I really suck at this class, please give me some tips!

in Guardian

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Retreat! can prevent 50k damage per pull from your team.
Less useful huh?

Blu flames in the Guardian UI??

in Guardian

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

It’s your faith in Dwayna.
When the flames are stronger you’re properly whorshipping her, when they are weak you need to do a malchor’s leap.

I felt bad for you guys til I made an ELE and facerolled sPvP.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

The ele in that vid is possibly the worst pvper I’ve ever seen

Waypoint costs have to go.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Halve the costs if not less.

Realize this is a game about fun and I want to meet my friends around the map, yet I waste almost 1g per day just for this.

I basically have to farm just to pay WP costs.

Could you add a new a Pvp Weapon Rune?

in PvP

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Complete lack of cripple is the Guardian’s weakness.
We are not supposed to get rid of it.

Nothing to aim for. Nothing to do.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

The whole concept of “PvE endgame” is a big illusion.
You’re just repeating the same content over and over, either for statistical advantage or other things.

Quit dreaming of unlimited PvE content, it will never happen.
You can get all achievements, titles, medals, legendaries, etc, but just don’t expect to play 10 hours a day doing always something different.

RB said the majority of us does not rush content and they are not planning to cater to rushers.
They will release free content over time to increase PvE longevity, but still PvE has limits.

You can replay GW2 with another class just like you replay Final Fantasy with different team setups / classes, but that’s about it.

Again, unlimited new PvE endgame does not exist.

I'm still having fun.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

I calculated complainers are around 0.25% of the players.
Everyone else is still having fun.
Game has issue but definitely delivers well enough fun.

The real issue is that while you can take a player out of WoW, you can’t take WoW out of that player.
Once grinding/rushing addiction is inside you, you won’t enjoy any game until you get rid of it.

-5 days to MoP, so blizzyboyzzz go back to momma and we can talk between adults.

DualCores, will they ever be viable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

2cores are already viable.

My gf plays on medium settings (high textures) with this setup:
Dual Core 2.0ghz, 9600gt 512mb, 4gb ram.

Her game is fluid.
She gets some short spike lags but that happens very rarely.

An awful lot of missing VO in story cutscenes...

in Audio

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Is anyone noticing a problem with missing male lines?

My girlfriend is doing the same storyline I did and is getting missing voice lines that I wasn’t missing when I did them.
I play those stories with her so I also miss those voices now on my PC.

I guess something went wrong between when I did those stories (August 25th → early September) and now.

Best stat combo for resilience?

in Guardian

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Go full Soldier’s gear and Forge runes and you’ll get 23k health and 3500ish toughness.
You’ll still be sitting on 3.3k atk or so but crit chance will be in the 10-20% with sup accuracy sigils.

A possible fix for ranged guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

They just need to make Scepter’s hadoken fly faster.

Guardian damage builds

in Guardian

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Guardians have insane survivability, OP.

in Guardian

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Should we lose that survivability we would get damage proportionally and you’d cry we kill you “because a Guardian is not supposed to kill but to defend”.
But if we can defend well then survivability is OP?
Either way you’d see us as OP.

Guardian is supposed to be – duh – very good at guarding stuff.
Removing our ability to guard is like removing Thief’s ability to stealth or Warrior’s ability to deal damage.

It’s just nonsense that a defensive Guardian shouldn’t be hard to kill sorry, especially since an offensive one is pretty glassy.

Keep going strong, Anet!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Regardless of any temporary issue / minor flaws, the game is fundamentally a gem and offers much higher quality than anything on the market by far.
By working on this base with a positive attitude you can get very far Anet.

Don’t let the frustration of us players bring you down; most of us enjoy the game and it’s natural for us to only come to you when we meet an issue rather than point out how awesome this whole thing is.
This is especially true during launch, where people will be more focused on bugs and bad features they meet rather than enjoy the game.

The thought you still have a large amount of free content to release keeps me going, and the fact you’ve done an outstanding job in the past with GW1 makes me a lot less worried.

In shorts, keep your morale up, fix the most reported issues / flaws one by one and it’ll be a masterpiece in a month.
Be proud of what you have done and keep going strong!

Incredibly cool armor. NPC only?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Anet designed this masterpiece:

And no way to get it for players :/
I’d pay 100 gold for that. Make that 200. Ok 300. 400 but that’s eno- 500. 500 and we have a deal.

Why I'm sticking it out with gw2...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Remove 1hit mechanics and I’ll consider this game a gem.
I’m talking both pve and pvp. I’m looking at you, backstab thieves critting for near 20k (me included) and stupid bosses that are all like loludeadbromeleesuckswhynoinfinitedodge???


I adapted to every change GW2 did to the gaming field, but being 1shotted is poor design period.
Penalizing exploring through very high WP fees isn’t good design either.

Everything else is a masterpiece.

[PvE, PvP, WvW] The Retaliating Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

DPS Counter

in Suggestions

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Things like DPS counters and “inspect” were purposely left out as they would just make people favor some classes/build, etc.
Will never happen, thanksfully.

Even if made “only personal” people would still post their DPS in the forums, figure out the best gimmicks and leave some classes/builds out.

Serious tweak to DE scaling is really needed.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Anet are you looking into this? Can we get any formal answer?
Please realize that as much as DEs are a great feature, they get worse than fetch quests when player number increase.
They need to scale more in difficulty or we’ll be just struggling to get “mob credit”.

That is not entertaining.

Too many boring skills

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

I agree with this.
I quit my Warrior at lvl 60 because his skills do nothing interesting at all.
I’m having a ton more fun on my Guardian.

I’ll be back on this char when they make it more interesting.

One of the better reviews

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

I don’t understand English talk, can anyone give me a quick recap?

Did the original Guild Wars "flop"?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

GW1 sold 7 millions copies and went strong for 7 years.
GW2 is an upgrade of GW1, not a GW1-killer.

OMG but you do it for the fun!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

GW1 was never about power progression, and this is, oh, GW2.

There is a ton of aestethic and prestige progression, which is the only thing that makes sense.

Waypoint costs

in Suggestions

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Anet should consider that high WP costs make players less willing to go back to early zone to either play alone or with their low level friends.

Honestly being punished so much for traveling is bad design.
Costs should be halved at the very least.

WP costs are also shared among most reviewer sites as a flaw of GW2.
We’re not alone, everyone can see it.

Being punished for dying is ok, being punished for traveling doesn’t make much sense beside getting people to crowd zones.

Discussion on Guardians Survivability.

in Guardian

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Guardian survivability is well-balanced imo.
What we lack are worthy traits and less cast time on mace skills.

I am the only Guardian in my server using shield. AMA

in Guardian

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Shield is not good in most situations sadly.

1) Shield boon work only in a cone in front of you. Most times you are first-lining and your allies are behind you.
2) Too long CDs even traited. People hates long CDs unless the skill is very powerful.

Colin Johanson on Dungeon Difficulty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

yep if you think the explorable dungeons are too hard then you should just stick to story. That is why story is there

It’s not that they are hard, as I pointed out above some bosses and even mobs can one-shot a full TOU/VIT Guardian with Protection up.

That is simply a design flaw, a bug, a miss, call it however you want, but you can’t certainly state such thing is a “good feature”.

I know Anet is having much more important issues right now with RTMs, people who get hacked and blame them, and other annoying stuff, therefore I’m not pushing for an immediate fix.
But at some point these errors/mistakes need to be found and fixed if good design is what they aim for (which I firmly believe).

Guardians Need Range

in Guardian

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

I don’t care for weak ranged if we excel in melee.
Should the mace and sword be buffed a bit (less cast on mace 3rd hit, less CDs on sword) then I wouldn’t really mind.

If we’re going to stay with this though, I’d rather have our Hadokens move much faster and smite improved.

Big issue with Grandmaster traits.

in Guardian

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Altruistic Healing

I know how to use the trait.
The heal is still laughable in any serious content, I know you’re killing trash easily with it but we can kill it with no traits slotted at all you know.

Also, to get that to work properly you’d need at least two Symbol traits, and we all know this means sacrificing either GS trait or Shout trait.
I hope I don’t need to tell you why this would be very bad.

Now, if duration/radius symbol traits were merged into one like the shield have recently been, and moved to Valor where they belong, then it would be a viable choice; until then it’s a major waste of great traits for little benefit.

Big issue with Grandmaster traits.

in Guardian

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Not sure if these posts are jokes or not, anyways.

Zealous Blade heals are unnoticiable unless you have 10 mobs on you (in which case the healing is even more unnoticiable compared to incoming damage).
AHealing is only decent under very specific conditions and most of the time unnoticiable too.
These traits barely add anything to your character, have you checked other classes’ Tier 3 traits?
Grandmaster should be tide-turning, not a nuisance.

Pure of Heart (Aegis heal on removal) is a tier ONE trait and heals 650+ per application, more than both Grandmasters together, and for each aegis applied (even those from allies).
You easily get 4-5 Aegis per fight which means minimum 3k heal.
Valorous defense T1 minor trait negates a full hit on 50% health, can easily negate 4k to 12k dmg.
These are tide-turning.

And in regards of healing Meditations… I hope that was a joke.
Smite Condition or CoPurity are useless to your team and you almost never need that much condition removal especially if you have traited VoR.
Slotting 3 “meh”, team-useless utilities just to get some poor heals (1.3k to 2k) sounds a lot like a GW1 Wammo, if you’re running with that build stay away from teams for the sake of class’ dignity.

The only decent ones are 15% crit for 1-handers and, to a lesser extent, condition convertion on shouts.

Big issue with Grandmaster traits.

in Guardian

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

They either give:
- meaningless amounts of healing; altruistic healing only heals a non-laughable amount if you have a ton of people around, GS attacks heal for nothing unless you’re hitting a bazillion targets, healing meditations suck because most meditations suck, etc.
- highly conditional, meaningless amounts of damage; other classes get this such as +5/10% dmg from Master/Adept traits, because they ultimately don’t do a lot, we get these meh things as Grandmaster
- ultra conditional bonuses that are going to be useless in most situations

Also, some MINOR traits are actually better than Grandmaster’s.
Justice is Blind, Radiant Power, Selfless Daring and even Vigorous Precision do a lot more for you / for your team / against the enemy than most Grandmasters do.

Colin Johanson on Dungeon Difficulty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

I’ve been an Anet customer and player for 7 years, and loving GW2 so this doesn’t come from you average QQ nublet who died in DoA, I facerolled DoA with all kinds of setups.

Colin is missing a point here.

In DoA there was no mob that could one shot you, not even Aatxes in UW for that matter.
In GW2, some mobs and bosses are one-shotting a full defense Guardian with Protection up.

If that is intended fine, we’ll use some gimmick to overcome a cheap, poorly designed difficulty, but it’s clear that instagib is not good design.

Why does burning not stack?

in Guardian

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

I would really like to know the math behind this.
At some point it needs to be released, we really need to know if we’re wasting time and damage while an Ele is applying burning, or we’re contributing.

Signet of Resolve a must :/

in Guardian

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

It’s obvious everyone is getting the signet, other heals are barely worth it.
Healing Breeze doesn’t heal others enough to be worth the 3 sec cast time nor the 40s CD, takes away too much self-healing and isn’t an effective way to heal anyways.
Shelter healing is too weak, 2s block is not enough to make up for the health loss.

I doubt anyone actually uses anything outside the signet.

Warriors had their heals toned to be on par with each other, will our heals be balanced too?

Are Anet contradicting themselves?

in Guardian

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Guardians deal fine DPS in pvp.
Any combination of Whirling / MB / ZD gives a solid burst on acceptable CD.
Not to mention all the burning damage.

Our damage is fine, especially when compared to the survivability we have.

Greatsword inferior to Sword dps...

in Guardian

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Why not use both?
Using skill 3 with both deal some serious damage.

Serious tweak to DE scaling is really needed.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

DEs are an incredible feature but they really need this fix to keep up with players.

Serious tweak to DE scaling is really needed.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Please Anet, give me a minute of your precious time to listen about this issue.

DEs bring epic difficulty and raid-like epicness to the field when there are 1-5 players, but the difficulty just doesn’t scale enough with player numbers beyond that.
If 8 or more player are there, mobs will be no challenge whatsoever and die on spawn.
The DE will turn from an epic fight to the last breath to a “try to get one hit off each mob to get kill credit before they get mass-spiked”.

I suggest that you give another look to how mob’s health, damage reduction and damage dealt scales with player number increase.

DEs are a great feature but really need this hotfix or they’ll be only great when there aren’t enough players around.

Thank you for listening.

Why is Warriors HP > Guardian HP

in Guardian

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Because Warriors have almost no defensive system, Guardians have a lot.

People should stop looking at classes, looking at stats, looking at healths.

This is Build Wars 2 not Pandaland.

Could you go back to a "standard" MMO?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Classic MMOs are basically slavery camps where companies create more rocks for addicted people to mine continuously, while giving them the feeling that they’re doing something useful/epic/with a goal.
“You want to be a winner but have no skills? Here, grab your pick and mine your statistical advantage over others so you can be a hero too!”.

I just wish those people realized what they fell into.

Get Rid of "Downed" all together in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Downed is good design, it’s downed skills that need a tweak.

Warriors: Any good survivability builds?

in PvP

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Double EP is the only real survivability you get. For the rest use CC.
Your goal as a Warrior is to kill before being killed, that’s it.

Endgame... Reimagined? What?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

GW2 is not a game based on the concept of “endgame”, as in being enslaved in a circular flow of repetitive grind→reward system.

Anet has been yelling for months that they were doing away with that kind of endgame and were going to give us legendaries for PvE, WvW for PvPvE guys and sPvP for pvpers.
They did.

Not happy with this formula?
You bought the wrong game for you, regardless Anet yelling this at you for years.
Guess who’s to blame.

Rune of Forge bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

24h again, bumping

Thieves OP as hell? Check this out!

in PvP

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

The overpowered part is that thief gets to keep his top level mobiliy and escape skills while delivering those damage amounts.


Obviously the HS and even PW gimmicks are easy enough to counter for non-bads, but it still stands that they can run away to safety after you countered them.

They shouldn’t have the ability to BOTH have huge burst and ALSO run away safely if you manage to counter it.
If they fail it should be my turn to unload 4 digits on their heads not a fight reset.

Once they correctly balance classes, I'll SPVP properly

in PvP

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Saying “class unbalance” in Builds Wars 2 is just embarassing.
At best you can have a skill or a trait that is unbalanced, not a class.

Am I the only one who thinks Quickness needs to be removed?

in PvP

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

If quickness goes then invul needs to go too, by logic.

Both are fine, if you can’t counter quickness you have major L2P issues.

Would like to see changes to Shield's 5 skill

in Guardian

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

It’s ok.
Fits group support greatly with the bullet-proof shield, knockback AND heal.

My only complaint on shield skill is the long CD even when traited.

Why so much less interaction from ANet on forums compared to beta?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Workload and priorities.

I really miss two very entertaining things.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

GW2 lover here, just want to point out 2 missing things:

1) Lack of boss “features”.
A very entertaining, challenging, and longevity-improving feature in GW1 was challenging bosses for their own weapon.
You could collect them, show them to your friends or sell them.
It was largerly considered one of the best endgame PvE activities.
Skill-capping was also a longevity-boosting, challenging feature, I hope new elite skills will be obtainable that way (Anet, YOU invented this feature! why doing away with such an awesome invention?).
For now bosses seem to be just walking bags of experience, hope there will be more to them later.

2) TA, RA, HA, GvG
I know, the usual. But pvp right now is lacking in content.
Players are stuck with the same point-capping system, lack of setting variety, etc.
I would also like to see a system similar to Lineage 2’s olympiads, but maybe I’m hoping too far here.

I’m 100% sure the (2) will be added, but I’m unsure on (1).
I really hope you will value the good things you made in GW1 and bring them again here.

Thank you for reading.