Showing Posts For Red Falcon.8257:

December 10th Warrior Changes

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

The main problem is this :

Warriors are very popular + Warriors became flavor of the month = lots of warriors running around in WvW and sPVP.
So that’s what the bad players and whiners whined about.
Mesmers and engies are very rare – people rarely complain about them because you don’t com across them so often.

And this nerf came because of a 20/80school of thought. 20% to try to balance things because they might have thought warriors are op.
80% to silence all the " warriors are so OP " threads that were cluttering the forum. Because if people all scream the same thing on the forums it will be nerfed.

If Anet nerfed stuff just to shut down terribads crying they would have nerfed healing signet.
They just nerf things that need to be nerfed, else we’d be calling them Blizzard.

They do have a point that doing high damage with skills that already do high control is not ok.
CC weapons should not be super-damage weapons as well.

I love how they said “we’re fine with warriors doing massive damage and having sustainability” btw.
Way to shut down all the complainers.

Dec 10th thief changes

in Thief

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

It was about time Sword 2 got some fixing.

You know, the worst feeling in GW2 is when the enemy does something and naturally you press the counter-to-that button… but in this case, I’m left looking at my skillbar and realizing nothing counters it.
Stun? They zap out.
Root? It gets removed by sword 2 plus teleport.
Gap closers? Mine have a cooldown, Sword 2 doesn’t and is pretty cheap.
They get in, quickly burst, then get away. Rinse and repeat.
Basically the only option is to run away when you get a Thief specced into that.

Mind you, this is not a complaint, I like to fight with Thieves the most and I want them to keep being strong opponents.
I’m just turned off by uncounterables.

Why do people stop playing GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

I still play, but very little.

Reasons are mainly:

- Lack of endgame challenge.
Beside Fractals and Teq, the rest of the game seems to be made for you to win.
I miss GW1’s ways of tearing you apart with enemy “teams” composed of healer+nec+mes+warriors… this gave me that “baldur’s gate” feel, while single bosses doing sporadic oneshots and phases is more WoW-like than Baldur-like.

- Lack of own char’s purpose.
Not sure how to explain this. In GW2 I sort of feel like my char is being a simple witness of events, a watcher.
The world plays itself, I don’t feel like I am needed, or that something is challenging me or my race or my belongings.
I.E. say Centaurs would drive a serious siege to DR, where you must defend or lose the city, I would fight.
But so far, I just feel like a spectator. Like the world doesn’t need me.

- Lack of guild purpose.
While GW2 has developed the guild system a bit during this year, there is still little do to with your guild.
Guild Quests are kind of a time killer or something you do for badges – but there is no real common goal beyond recruiting and mauling people in WvW.
Of course, challenging content that requires coordination would fix this, but as I said in point 1 there is very little.

When Anet added Fractals I was so happy. I thought they were determined to add some very hard places like they did back in the early 2000s with Furnace, then FoW/UW.
But then somehow the direction changed, as if Fractals were all that GW2 needed, and then it’d be just about stories and more stories.

That being said tho, it’s not like I’m playing any other MMO.
If I was to immerse into a MMO, this one would be it.

(edited by Red Falcon.8257)

December 10th Warrior Changes

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Just tossing it out there,
“Defense XII – Spiked Armor. Reduced the recharge from 15s to 10s.”
30 tactics, boon runes = 100% retailation uptime.
About 500dmg every time you’re hit with average Warrior’s power.

A Thief doing two Pistol Whips on you receives 10,000 dmg.

Arguments in favor of healing signet?

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

It’s passive. Uninterruptible. It requires no skill from the player to use it properly.

Almost every class has an healing skill with those exact same characteristics and even stronger than healing signet, your point is invalid.
Let alone HS is hard-countered by poison.

The only thing that needs to be done – on an unbiased, objective basis – is lower the amount of healing to that of surge, aka 329hps instead of 395hps.
Everything else posted on this thread is emotional nonsense.

Arguments in favor of healing signet?

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

405 + 360/3 + ~1800 × 2 Heal from Shouts every 20s = 715 hps.

With healing surge: 9895/30 + 360/3 + 1800×2 every 20s = 639 hps.
Only 76hps less than your build. Tell me about how 76 less hps would suddendly make you weaker.

Let alone that Surge can heal way more than Signet if poison is in the scheme.
Assuming you only Surge after removing poison, Healing signet comes off underpowered already.
If healing signet was to heal 329hps like surge, this complain would not change, proof being that math is not a problem here, but probably just paranoia in that people see “regen” as a better heal than burst heals, when in fact it is not.

This thread is mathematically a pointless complaint.

Greatsword: The Warrior's Crutch

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Problem is how most people look at weapons singularly, not in a context.
GS for instance isn’t so bright alone, but coupled with mace or sword or hammer it shines.
The performance of something entirely depends on what you combine it with.

just nerf heal sig to silence the whiners

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Your opinions don’t matter, maths does.

Healing Signet heals 395/s
Healing Surge heals 9895 aka 329/s

Just make Healing Signet heal 329/s.

Lets see your Warriors!

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

What’s your excuse for not having your Warrior look like a Royal Spartan/Legionary?


What is ONE change you'd make to your class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Any melee class – remove long cast times from auto-attacks skills.

It’s the worst idea and most anti-action-combat thing I’ve ever seen GW2.

Burst CD 20 sec, 15 sec with 30 in Discipline

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Cleansing Ire is a completely ridiculous with the spamable burst skills

>Cleansing Ire might be OP
>Let’s completely change the whole Burst system to fix ONE unbalanced trait

I have a list of snide remarks about the intelligence of these posts but I want to be respectful and just say: please think before posting.

That is Blizzard balance logic where they overhaul an entire spec because one talent is off.
Seriously, logic is not a bad thing.

I'm i not playing right?

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

I run almost full Zerk gear, with Cavalier amulet and backpiece.
Overall it’s the same as full zerk just with 7% more damage mitigation.

Can anyone really see through the clutter?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Is this thread serious?
GW2 has the least intrusive UI of any MMO I have played, and you pretty much never need to look at it with the exception of checking if enemy has stability.
With the condition update you don’t even need to check your conditions anymore.

I hope Anet makes stability visible on the character (a symbol under their feet should do it) so I never have to look at the UI ever again.

3rd Soldier Class idea; Witch-Hunter

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

I don’t think it was ever said every armor type should have 3 related classes; beside community speculations, Anet never said there was to be a third heavy.

Honestly I’d rather have a Brawler, it’s the only archetype not covered.

Arah Dungeon Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Why do you find a bad build more fun than a good one?

Oh come on.
Running Arah successfully is 70% knowledge/experience of the dungeon, 25% your skill, 5% your build.
I’ve had a ton of 30/25/x/x/15 clones falling to my feet in Arah and having to drag their corpse to the end of the dungeon.

Healing Surge is counter productive:

in Suggestions

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Daecollo I suggest you to buy a pack of Runes of Forge.
You’ll love them.

Unkillable Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Ah yes the [DAOC] healing warrior. This person posted a while back touting warrior as the best Healing-per-second character in the game back in oh… March. Gotten even more confrontational if the video comments are to be believed.

Unfortunately when my server fought YB in wvw I was never able to track down this healing warrior in particular, though the [DAOC] guildies that I did run into fell easily enough. That said unless the video they had back in march is much changed, the player isn’t much of a threat offensively and hardly “unkillable”

Haha you remember that thread too?
I was there, trying to save him from being eaten alive by the forumers, he was on about how Warrior healed more than any other class :p
Fun times.

Acording to the manifesto

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

You are simply not what in general is seen as a casual. A casual is one that plays mayby 5 hours a week.

It is those 50% of the playerbase that has 770 achievement points or less. And that is not entirely true, as you would call those 50% with more than 770 AP hardcore already..

90% of the poplulation has 3500 AP or less, how many of these people will have all BiS items?

I’m pretty casual actually.
Played since BWE1 and I have 1226 hours of /age, which means average 3 hours a day (which really is 10 hours in weekends and 1-2 a day in the week).
The only items I needed to go out of my way to get were rings since you just had to complete several fractals to get exactly the rings you wanted.

The only BiS gear I can complain for is weapons since it requires crafting and a ton of cash.
But they said more ways to get those will be created, so everyone should be ok.

What If There Was No "DPS"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Problem is, CC, conditions and bunker (vit+def) are useless in PvE.
CC is hard countered by defiant, Conditions by 25cap, bunker by one-shot mechanics.

DPS gear is not the problem, the problem is other specs simply do not work in PvE.

Acording to the manifesto

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

If a lead developer explains the game, that was promoted by the manifesto, one would expect him to know what the kitten is going on.

You act like the Manifesto was written by some stranger outside of ANet just for the sake of writing it.

We do not want grind that’s just not fun. It has been said. We have grind, and it is a necessity if you want to compete with BiS items.

And I would not say that Colin is just a small number in matters of GW2 who is just throwing around ideas out of the blue in an interview…

I have all BiS gear and never grinded, so either I’m a wizard haxor or the manifesto is true.
I believe the main issue is that people de-contextualizes or gives different meanings to the manifesto, either genuinely (i.e. they actually misread) or they purposely twist its words to blame Anet for one’s shortcomings.

Possible Glitch: Frenzy and Hundred Blades

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Haste has some bugs, it also used to cause things like Wall of Reflection to only last half as much, not sure if fixed now.
We pretty much accepted these things passively but I believe they will need fixing at some point… haste-stacking builds are pretty fun.

You need to revisit base health values

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Ironically, Guards, Thieves and Eles who have the lowest health are nigh unkillable if played decently.

I personally counted 48k damage to down an half-decent Ele.
Thieves can spam Sword 2 and keep you at bay forever, they only get in to deal megabursts and get out immediately.
Guards? Don’t even get me started.

If those classes are getting 18k health they would need some ULTRANERFS to the rest of their skillset to be balanced.

Needing 10,000 of single item not grindy?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

You have an entire month to collect those items.
Also, minipets aren’t BiS gear so who cares? If you really want them badly go farm, else don’t.
Nothing changes from a gameplay perspective.

In GW1 the FoW armor had the same stats as Droks armor and it required bazillions of ectos and shards.

Unkillable Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

>7 of us

I see one Mesmer and a really bad Ranger.
That’s 1 and half vs 1 full-out tank-spec warrior who deals no damage at all.

Pretty much all classes can survive 1vs3-4 when full tank spec.

How are shout heals now?

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

I believe Anet should understand the problem of shout healing isn’t the amount of healing per se, but the fact one is forced to lock all 3 utilities to a narrow selection of mediocre utilities in order to get the full effect.

They could make the trait into something like “using a shout heals 4000hp, 20 second internal cooldown”, that way one is only forced to keep one shout on its bar.
Else shout healing will only be really good when we’ll get more shouts to pick from.

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

I think GW2 is soiled as the best MMO out there but it has 3 main downfalls for me that need a fix in order for GW2 to remain #1 after future MMO releases:

PvE endgame topic
Fractals/Teq is the only PvE endgame so far.

  • Add Hardmode versions of currect dungeons, with more rewards
  • Add more Fractals, with Ascended gear linked to them
  • Release FoW/UW, with Ascended Weps/Armors linked to them
  • Make all Raid Bosses like Teq

WvW mechanics topic
AoE zerging has become too central to WvW, which makes team fights gimmicky.
AoEs should only be a side-damage of the whole battle, not the main component.

  • While in WvW, a player can only be affected by one AoE field at once (the first to hit him) while he will be immune to other AoEs until the first AoE stopped hitting him.
    For instance if I’m walking into 20 AoEs and Meteor Shower hits me first, I ignore all other AoE fields until I’m out of that Meteor Shower circle.

Future content update topic
We discuss what the community really wants from future updates, so we know what GW2 players really want and you can deliver it to them instead of say focusing on content that is low priority to people.

Feedback Integrity Deserves Design Integrity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Its akin to saying you do not need air conditioning and a radio in your car.

Bad analogy, you prove his point.

A car doesn’t go faster or consume less by having or not having AC/radio.
They are flavor things you don’t need to have; I had a car without AC/radio from 18 to 20 and now I have one with them, I’m not going any faster just manage to have fresher good times during summer hot days.

Protecting myself and my assets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Your account is 100% safe from termination if you stick to mature and polite behaviors.

Also, note that you don’t own anything; there is no such things as “your in-game assets”, everything on the Arena Net servers belong to them.
With the 60 bucks you just buy the client.
Your in-game and forum accounts are lent to you by Anet on the basis that you respect the Code of Conduct, but those accounts can be terminated at any time and for any reason – this includes your items, because all items in GW2 belong to Anet, including currencies.

That’s how it works in every MMO out there.

The whole change to moderation was because the level of posts lately has gone downhill; people started to take habit to toss snide remarks to Anet and post their opinions in an overly-emotional way through “politically correct” type of trolling.
For instance if you say “after playing GW2 I went to play Super Mario and I was astonished at how Nintendo doesn’t suck at making video games and their devs actually know what they’re doing” you are not directly insulting Anet, but you are indeed implying a lot of insults.

(edited by Red Falcon.8257)

Feels weird after patch [lower dmg & surv]

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

It’s called paranoia.
You decided you are weaker so you selectively gave more attention to your bad RNGs and losses, to support your idea that you were nerfed.

In reality, nothing changed.

Forum Moderation - clarification please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

We absolutely allow constructive criticism.

So, basically, negative criticism isn’t allowed anymore?

^ This is what I call disguised trolling.
If this update serves to remove “smart trolling” like this from this board I welcome it.

Constructive criticism has never been punished on this forum.

Some guidance to make a constructive critic:
- Don’t bash anyone or anything; even game features are still work of some people and it is offensive to them to call features as garbage because you don’t like them.
- Entitled statements i.e. “this thing sucks/fails because..”; just because something isn’t of your taste it doesn’t mean it fails in general and it is pretty insulting toward who worked for it.
- Acting like you speak for someone else beside you is also irritating; every single poster represents himself only.

Anything can be made constructive really, there is no excuse.

I can take a flaming complaint like this:

Omg sPvP sucks! Anet really? How haven’t you added more modes yet and the whole rock-paper-scissor garbage is totally stupid

And turn it into constructive criticism:

I feel that sPvP could use some more developing. It lacks variety as it only has one mode so far and I feel that the current system of bunker/roamer/bunker-killer could be improved into something more articulated.

Really easy.
All it takes is a breath of fresh air before posting.

Superior rune of the Traveler

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Signet of Rage with boon duration runes is better.
Keeps up swiftness AND fury/might almost indefinitely.
Or at worst get warrior’s sprint.

Handling of Ascended Weapons was Atrocious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Only a tiny minority actually asked for a new tier of gear, and they were shouted down almost instantly. There were groups asking for things, that’s true (the majority of those people asked for mounts, holy trinity and raids, actually). Funny thing, most of those players have left long ago.

Saying that “we asked for it” is very, very far from truth.

No, just stop that.
I was here in September and October, the majority of this community threatened to quit if they weren’t getting a treadmill.


Whats the weakness? to warriors

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Rangers are the weakest class by far, you guys should be seriously asking for buffs.
On my war, thief and guard, enemy rangers are simply free bags/glory. Sorry.

Handling of Ascended Weapons was Atrocious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

“There will be no gear treadmill in our game, cause its bad” well you have gear treadmill in your game now, and thats what we call being a hypocrite.

The hypocrite of this case is the community.
The ascended tier was introduced after a massive complaint from this community that lasted a whole month before they succumbed, it was not Anet’s idea.
Stop blaming them for your choices.

Handling of Ascended Weapons was Atrocious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

name a single game were end game gear is obtainable only through crafting

Lineage2 which is also made by NCSoft
… case closed

Stop moaning, would you rather have no ascended and have a huge gap between exotics and legendary. Shut up and play, they are doing a great job.

Except that endgame gear in Lineage 2 was also buyable from players, in GW2 it isn’t.
All mats and recipes required could be farmed for, without hidden diminishing returns.

Handling of Ascended Weapons was Atrocious

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

I have to agree with OP.
I myself haven’t gotten any ascended weps because I don’t want to deal with that crafting thing: it’s both too expensive and too gimmicky.
If anything they should have done this like ascended rings i.e. you get X relics and buy your weapon.
Until other methods are created I won’t get ascended weapons.

Is this game fixable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

I think devs should make 3 things to keep the players busy.

An Ascended armor set that requires 30 normal mode UW and FoW runs.
And then a “special” Ascended set with very unique looks (but same stats) that requires 100-200 hardmore runs of both (aka GW1 fow armor).

Bring back unique boss weapons.
Some very strong bosses give unique weps with sigils that can only be gotten there (and not salvageable).

3) Coliseum / Olympiads a la Lineage 2.
Make a Coliseum where people can pvp in cities and players can place bets.
Olys every month for Hero status, one per class; Hero status gives Hero aura and some Hero skills that can be used in WvW and Coliseum.

Basically people get ways to create their own content/goals.

Collaborative Development

in CDI

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

First of all, I do appreciate dev interaction on the forums. I really do. But the opening post, it’s again too much like written by a bot to take to heart. Truly unique, the most exciting, we build worlds together, yes yes so do you and every other company who ever released a press release. I probably sound quite cynical here but I would much rather have the devs give it to us black and white, sharply, honestly – like the OP mentioned!

Secondly, the closing paragraphs of the OP did sound to me like it was the GW2 devs saying to GW1 veterans that the dream is over, manifesto is buried and this is the game we have now – play it if you want, but stop your whining – it’s not gonna be GW1 reborn.

And that’s fine. But define the terms here, be honest if you really mean to say so. I’ve waited GW2 for years and I still play, but it’s not what I expected. I will still have hope, though, that someday it’ll get better, and that’s why I’m here, at least, to share my concerns over a game that I waited for years and wanted to be great. It’s just unfortunate that my and GW2 dev team’s ideas of greatness sometimes don’t mix.

He didn’t mean to say something to GW1 players.
He said that un-constructive criticism counts zero in Anet’s HQ.
And that’s perfectly fine with me, because:
1. I don’t want the staff to run after the crybabies like Blizzard and end up screwing up everything. GW2 has a general direction and it must stick to it, if someone comes here demanding for total overhauls he can aswell go play another game.
2. If someone puts too much emotion and subjectivity into something it means he’s very biased on the subject and touched personally. People need to learn to take a long walk before they post on the forums, and start realizing Anet are not their nannies so that they cry and nanny comes giving you what you want.

Seriously, these months there has been such crying in this forum that even pushed Silent Guy Anet to post a wall of text.

Here is a rule that works for all business’; the more customers are collaborative, the more the sellers are willing to work out of passion, but the more customers are cynical and demanding, the more sellers are going to be cynical and money-targeting.

A good staff can only work good if backed by a good community.
Even the best worker will stop being passionate if their customers are unedicated and cynical.

Collaborative Development

in CDI

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Chris, I have one opinion I would like to share.
I think Arena Net should make it more clear whether a feature is a possibility or not so that community doesn’t keep talking about things infinitely.
For instance, we get a weekly thread on the trinity or treadmills but Anet never posted their stance on that; i.e. they could say “we currently we do not intend to implement such a system” or “we are evaluating the possibility yadda yadda”.
Until Anet clears its stance toward a matter the community will just circle-talk about it and it creates a bit of uncertainty around.
Not saying you should speak in black and white (because you never know in the future you might change idea), but you can say if something is currently under consideration or not at all

Collaborative Development

in CDI

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

The translation of the OP in more human words is:

“If you cry and hate on the forums – we don’t listen to you at all.
If you post constructive suggestions – we do.
So stop crying and start being mature, then you will be listened, else kitten off.”

So the excuse that haters use like “we cry/hate because we want change” doesn’t work anymore.
I actually hope those people start to get banned.

If you disagree with something in GW2 you politely post what is your problem with the game (i.e. don’t start by pretending it’s an objective problem), and humbly post a possible solution knowing that it might be total trash or incredibly genial.

Put yourself together and stop moaning, start being mature about things – or you will not be listened at all.

That’s what it says.

Levels in MMOs are meaningless

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

“levels in MMOs are meaningless” is a very easy to disprove statement.

Leveling is the gauging method of learning part of the game, where you go from easier situations to harder ones in order to slowly make you better.
Even in FPS games you’re usually pit against players who have the same game experience/ratios as yours; this is absolutely no different from leveling.
Whether you realize it or not, the vast majority of players do need this part as they only get better after several hours of learning – so it is undeniably and statistically meaningful to have a learning part.
Whether this learning part is guaged through numerical levels, skill-ups, ability unlocks or whatever other system has been created in videogames to accomplish this, it’s still the same pasta, just with a different flavor.

Even in games without any learning curve system, where you’re pit against people immediately after being given very basic tutorials, we can see that the community naturally creates a learning curve – with “noob” rooms, “casual” rooms, “normal” rooms, and “pro” rooms.

There is no getting away from the necessity of a learning curve, and the necessity to split the community between novices, averages and veterans – you can dispute the validity of the leveling system itself and suggest alternatives, but a slow learning system needs to be there, and in case there isn’t, the community will create it.

Maximum Survival Warrior WvW Build.

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Despite all these builds, there is no “maximum survival” warrior build in WvW. Focus fire makes sure of that.


State of the Warrior (Discussion)

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

@Red Falcon: The problem is, that the warrior has this slight advantage in every build he has. There is nothing I would say a warrior can’t do* or class X is much better at this.

*except of pets

That’s simply false.
Bunker – Eles and Guardians are far better.
Healer/Protector – Eles and Guardians are far better.
Condition applier/spreader – Necro is far better.
Roamer/Spiker – Thief is far better.

Warrior is better than others just at two things: Bunker-killing and PVE DPS.

A case for the Holy Trinity.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

The trinity isn’t needed nor is it desired. Anet will not be adding the trinity.


Stop asking something that will never happen. Read again, never happen.
No need for it, no desire for it beyond a 0.1% of the community, 0% desire of it from Anet.
It will not, ever, happen.
Want the trinity? Change game. It’s the only way. Nobody here wants to see gameplay dumbed down into a trinity.

A case for the Holy Trinity.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Just here to debunk for the 100th time the common fallacies on the matter.
I’m thinking of saving this on a document at this point, since every month we get “that guy” who thinks has found the holy grail but he’s just missing some fundaments:

1) The “No roles” fallacy.
GW2 has all the common MMO roles, but you get to play them on your class.
You both tank damage, deal DPS and heal yourself.
Just because you are not pidgeon-holed into a single one of these roles but play all three it doesn’t mean there are no roles; it means you play all 3.
Until you understand this fact just don’t post about this matter at all.

2) “Lack of challenge is due to the role system” fallacy.
This is as logic as saying a car race on a completely straight street is not challenging because there is no car variety instead of pointing out the fact there are no hard turns.
The lack of challenge is intended because people cried a ton when GW2 was harder, so Anet had to water down the difficulty.
It is easily possible to make the game require defensive gear and builds, to require Guardians or other team-defending roles.
Infact most people cannot get through Fractal 50 without a dedicated Guardian.
If content lacks challenge, blame the content, blame Anet, blame the community for crying at the slightest shadow of difficulty – but it has nothing to do with having trinity or not.
There are plenty role-less games like Dark Soul that are hard games but they don’t have any pidgeon-holed role system.

3) Healers already exist, albeit not in only in the form of the easy green number spammer.
With a couple exceptions, most classes can already be very powerful protectors if specced for it and will increase team’s survivability by a ton.
The fact people at not willing to roll protectors is only due to the fact there is no content that requires a person to dedicate to team protection.
If such content is made, people will have to either have one person dedicate himself to protecting or use defensive setups, but until then there is no point in speccing for it.

Take any dungeon, double/triple the damage, and you have a dungeon requiring dedicated protection / defensive builds.
The system itself works, it has no flaws, it’s just a combination of Anet catering to the easymode crew and the easymode crew crying loudly when they can’t trivialize content.

(edited by Red Falcon.8257)

State of the Warrior (Discussion)

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Warriors are brokenly overpowered right now, because:

  • They have the best CC in the game. Probably false, I’ve seen Thieves/Mes stunlock more
  • They have the best cleanse in the game. - False, Eles do
  • They have the best sustain in the game without speccing into it. - False, Eles do
  • They have the best stability uptime in the game.
  • They can reach ridiculous critchances with amulets not featuring precision. - True, but only due to one specific trait that hasn’t been balanced
  • They have the best (or second best) mobility in the game.
  • They are insanely easy to play right now. - These kind of statements automatically make you lose ANY credibility. No class is hard to play in GW2, or noticiably harder than another. “easy to play” has been said in regards of all 8 classes so far, and only in the moment they were unbalanced. Cut this kitten

Lost goes on…….

How I´d fix this?

  • Reduce duration and number of CCs availiable to warrior.
  • Remove the critchance on stunned trait.
  • Remove Lyssa runes.
  • Reduce warriors stability durations (just a bit, not too much!)
  • Fix Asuras.
  • Reduce range of warrior gap closers. (again, not too much!)
  • Reduce endure pain duration or make it a %age immunity like protection just stronger and not removeable.
  • Reduce condition immunity duration.
  • Make stances (or how the skilltype of endure pain and condimune skill is called) replace each other on use. A stance is a way you stand. You have two different stances IRL, so this even makes sense.
  • Make shield block a limited number of blocked hits.
  • Exclude blind from condition immunity.
  • Adrenaline has to disappear when F1 is used, even if it does not hit.
  • Reduce signet regen a little.

All of this has to be done VERE CAUTIOUSLY so warrior does not end where ele is now.

Its a tone of changes, but I think having a large number of smaller nerfs is better then hammering a playstyle enitrely.

Here is a good example of why you guys will never get one right with balance suggestions, and why Arena Net will never listen to these things.

One class seems to have a slight advantage under a specific build and you suggect seventy-four different nerfs to every single skill and traits, including those who alone are not causing any unbalance.

Sorry but you guys never post any plausible change.

(edited by Red Falcon.8257)

Why play anything besides guardian?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257


If you don’t want to believe me, make a post in the dungeon forum asking them what you’ve asked here and I’m sure you’ll get a response. I haven’t got access to a computer capable of running GW2 at the moment so I can’t test it.

You’re the one making the claim and demanding it is accepted as truth, so you’ve the burden to prove it.
You can’t demand that we just “believe it”, take your word for it.

That is just an unexplained list of arbitraty numbers.
No mention on how he got them, what traits/gear used, for how long the test occurred, what situations he tested, what rotation he used, etc.
Hell, there is no video evidence that he actually did any testing at all.

If you buy into stuff just because “this guy said this” it’s ok, but you can’t expect it to be a norm.

Why play anything besides guardian?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

That post shows no proofs, those numbers could easily be pulled out of the Great Hole in Divinity Reach if you know what I mean.
There is no data on how he got those numbers at all.

Proving this is pretty simple; just have one Warrior and one Guardian deal his best possible DPS chain for one minute minumum (else it just proves burst but not DPS).
Then compare the total damage and divide it by 60.

Until that test is done, properly and with no mistakes, your claim as the same validity as saying god exists.

Why play anything besides guardian?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Nope. Fully buffed guardian deals more damage than fully buffed warrior.

You may find it hard to believe after looking at your massive hundred blades number, but it’s true.

Claims are only true when supported by evidence. I see none here.
“False until proven” is how reality works.

Why play anything besides guardian?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Guardians out-DPS warriors.

That’s the biggest bull heard on this forum since launch.