Showing Posts For Red Falcon.8257:

Are you addicted?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

I get addicted in bits.
GW2 catches me when they make good updates, and loses me when they make bad ones, then a good update comes so I login again, etc.
I think most of what ends my will of playing GW2 is when they make updates that either screw up some classes I play (cba to play kitten bugged for one month till they fix) or they don’t fix some things related to classes that are waiting for months to be fixed.

For instance this month they screwed up a couple classes, and still didn’t fix some thing we’ve been asking for in months.

I generally think Anet needs to be more aware of what’s priority.
For instance they do this:
“Quaggans will now breathe at a normal rate, and child quaggans will sound appropriate for their age.”
when we’ve been asking for fixing pathing issues of some skills, “obstructed” projectile bugs, etc.

As long as they don’t do those mistakes, I am addicted.

The main warrior questions

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Honestly the reasons Warriors use(d) frenzy+HB is to overcome the design flaw of HB.
You can’t possibly make a skill immobilize you and take 3.5 sec to channel on a melee class, it simply doesn’t work.
When players need to use 2 long-CD utilities just to make a skill work, it means the skill is not designed correctly.
Unless you want a class gameplay to revolve around one skill, which isn’t very good design either (remember pre-patch HS-spam thieves).

Just remove the last hit or two (which is 20%++ of HB’s dmg) and remove the self-rooting.

Escaping a fight as a Guardian.

in Guardian

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Too bad any class (including other Guardians, ironically) will catch up easily and finish you unless you’re near some other players/guards/towers that prevent enemy from chasing.
The only guaranteed escapes Guardians have:
- lucky critter on the path you escape to and JI/FB ready to use
- lucky LoW in a tight spot to lock enemy there for 5s, only works if he has no teleports and no stability

Should we have the staying power to make up for this flaw it would be fine but we don’t.
Because while any class can tank 10 noobs, it only takes one half-decent player to know how to abuse your lack of escapes and cripples at his advantage.

Is Right handed strength actually working?

in Guardian

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Yes it works, and it’s pretty easy to test as well.
1) Get 65% base crit. (easy with food and stacks of Perception)
2) Get a Warrior or more to give you several minutes of Fury (with FGJ and Banner of Disc and Battle Standard).
3) Beat stuff and notice none of your hits are non-crits. All you cast with 1handers crit.

Been using RHS build for months it’s just so good especially if you come from a Warrior and are used to high DPS.

Arcing Slice again

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Well since the damage is bad and the fury boon is unnecessary as we have it from SoR that adren skill is basically useless.

What I would like to see is giving Vigor instead of Fury. We need Vigor badly to stay alive.

to those claiming pve is easy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

1. No. I hate circlestrafing of any sort in any game, but mostly hate it in PvP not PvE.
And in GW2 it’s much less effective than in other games because in PvE you can only avoid slow, narrow-radius melee attacks that way, and in PvP it’s totally useless due to auto-facing.

2. Yes.
I feel bad for those people that need to hit 800 buttons with just their left hands, and their right hand has to do little to nothing.
It’s inefficient to play like that because you overload your left hand and don’t use the potential of your right one.
I load both hands equally so that the chance for mistake is low/non-existant and my reaction times and effectiveness are maximized.

I also wonder why in hell are mob not dodging.
I’ve only seen bandits dodge, and not all of them.

(edited by Red Falcon.8257)

Survey: Guild Wars 2, the revolutionary MMO?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

“Do you like the living story, or would you rather have big one time events?”

What if I dislike both? Pretty pointless survey withtout that option.
I’d rather have GW1-like cooperative story missions than this living story thing, let alone the one-time event fiascos.

Are videogames art or just entertainment?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Any work that involves creating breath-taking sightings or modifying items into a more original and good-looking one counts as art.
Artworks and mapmaking in games are art, of course it can be bad art (to not use more rude terms) or good art.
Game music is art as well.

I feel that the artist behind the painty artworks, loadscreens etc is a very talented person.
I know some painters that can do similar works but this guy definitely goes beyond and gives an unique feeling to it.
Jeremy Soule is also obviously an artist, a famous one.
The mapmaking team also make artistic environments, but it’s a niche sector so they don’t get as much credit (not even the Skyrim mapmakers are very famous).

Dissapointed in wvwvw

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

I’m not sure how a Warrior manages to lose to a Guardian and Necro.
If things get bad we can simply disengage from both of those classes and they can’t reach us.
The problem is WvW Warriors are mostly composed of baddies on cheesy builds such as Killshot, so you get the feel they are easy targets.
Any decent Warrior will kite a Guardian’s cooldowns/boons then kill him easily, and vs Necros it’s just a little bit trickier.

Why wars have so much % damage traits?

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

There is 12% from full adrenaline 10% on bleeding targets 3% if endurance not full 10% GS 5% dual wielding and up to 18% !!! from 9 boons. You group with a guardian and you can realistically have 50% bonus damage just from traits for several seconds.

How is this fair? Can other classes get even 20% more damage on anything?

Oh and have you seen those coefficients on weapon skills?

And they buff banners… So is Anet OK with this? Are they not nerfing warriors because they think this will greatly impact their PvP performance?

You do realize that most of that is situational and unreliable?
10% on bleeders is unrealiable at best in tPvP.
18% from boons is a joke since we can’t have 9 boons for more than 5s.
5% from dual wielding doesn’t work with GS.

So realistically it’s just a 25% dmg bonus.
It’s useless to have +25% dmg if the opponent takes -33% and dodges like a circus acrobat.

Let me teach you how to s/tPvP :)

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

I feel the OP is trolling.
Killshot Warriors are obviously not viable in any serious tPvP setting.

What's the point of the Stealth nerf...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

There is no issue to stealth it’s just a l2p problem.
Up-front burst still needs a nerf, they said Mug is getting buried soon.

STRATEGY: level 80 w NO KILLS & No Crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Pretty much anything in GW2 gives exp. I’m surprised breathing doesn’t give any exp yet.
Just do non-combat stuff: gather, resurrect, discover, etc.

Kicked from party for different weapon set?

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

You got into a team of bads. Happens.

I carried a guild of complete disasters through Arah once, had to solo most of the stuff, was kicked at the end with no explanations.
There is worse, as you can see.

Votekicking Has Gotten Out of Control

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Votekick is creating way more issues that it is resolving.
Cap it to player # minus one or really just remove it Anet.

Post patch builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

GS+Axe/Shield all the way.
LB is decent but Eviscerate and 3s block are much better imo.

Orr mobs. CC and AoE spam.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Some people will just never be happy unless everything remotely challenging is dumbed down to barely a nuisance.
Anet already made the game much easier than it was when it launched and it’s fault of people like you who think games shouldn’t be challenging.

Well, challenge and games always go together.
Even Pong, Pacman, Tetris and Akranoid are challenging at high levels, if you don’t want any challenge don’t play at the higher levels.
Stay in queensdale to oneshot bandits and feel like a champion.

You know you've played guardian too long when

in Guardian

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

When I swap to my Warrior and my Hammer auto doesn’t take 12 hours to cast.

Sick of RNG, Nothing rewards skill, Long Post

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

I’ll prob be leaving this dying game for ESO

Calls dying game one with reports of pop raising constantly.
Moves to a money-grab MMO that uses a famous name to cash in and deliver a terrible product.

To each his own I guess.
That’s why we have different MMOs, we really don’t want every single category of player on the same game.
Have fun and good luck.

Please Explain the Logic of the AoE Limit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

There is no logic, it’s just that AoE is OP as hell in WvW so they circumvented the issue this way (though it did not resolve it completely).
Imo they should reduce the max amount of AoE damage that one player can take.
That way AoEs can hit everyone but only up to a point, else WvW will be an AoE spamfest.

The main warrior questions

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Agreed! 100 blades needs to be changed, but other things need to be changed to compensate.

As I’ve said, that’ll be happening in coming patches.

I’m happy you guys see that HB needs to be changed.
Can’t you guys just remove the final hit (which is 20% of HB damage), but make HB free-to-move?
I think that lock-in-place mechanics for melee weapons aren’t good due to the mobile nature of melee combat.

You might also want to look into Arcing Slice, the burst skill no Warrior uses.
I suggest turning the Fury boon into a Vigor one, which is more mobility-style oriented as GS is.

Last but not least, pathing and hit-fail issues of Rush, Bull and Bolas.

Understanding a Shortsighted Community.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

I agree completely with OP that people needs to stop trying to find easy ways to get to goals and then complain the game isn’t ok.
If you play anything wrong you’ll have the feeling that it is wrong, but it’s really just your cheap, gimmicky and shady way to play it that makes it so for you.

I’m tired of seeing people completely astonished when I don’t join their exploits/bugabuse/repetitive and borderline exploitative activities.

Not all players want to bug their way to the end.
Not all players want to exploit their way to goals.
Not all players want to run the current unbalanced metas.
Some people want to play the game as it is meant to.
Some peopel want their skill to make them succeed, not the abuse of a broken mechanic.

So don’t be mad at me if I don’t jump inside the model of the boss in colossus, or I don’t spam 2 with a thief, or I don’t farm CoF1.
I want to shine for my skills not for my exploits.

(edited by Red Falcon.8257)

The main warrior questions

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

I will probably be infracted for stating this opinion, though it’s not offensive or anything, simply what I personally think and I hope Anet won’t take it wrong.

I personally believe the balance team never got into any serious PvP setting for any extended period of time to have a proper idea of what needs to be done or what is lacking.
When the guy from Team Paradigm, who is obviously expert in PvP, pointed out the flaws of the current meta, all of the 3 guys were completely grounded, as if those were news to them or things they could never agree with due to lack of proper PvP experience.

Therefore I think a balance team would need to rely on expert players’ feedback to make their changes, instead of doing what they “think” would be the right thing based on little personal experience/skill with the game’s high-end PvP.

Also, the changes made so far show that they try to cure X by enweakening Y and hoping that the lack of Y will make X less OP.
It’s as if I was to cure a bleeding patient with cough syrup and hope for the best.
When there is a problem you don’t have to be afraid to deal with the exact skill/mechanic/build and try to “circumvent” the damage by changing unrelated stuff.

It’s like adding boon strippers into UW because using Protective Spirit with 55hp is an exploitable mechanic.
A bad design needs to be changed, instead of adding stuff that counters bad design, let alone revolve an entire game setting around it.

I don't like this patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

I’m totally dissatisfied with the balance team too.

Thief burst had nothing to do with haste but with Mug; the problem wasn’t stealth either.
Warriors don’t use Kick or Rampage because they are not viable PvP builds, nerfing them didn’t help with being the weakest tPvP class tho.
Haste halved but CD of haste did not halve.
Frenzy halved benefit but still +50% dmg taken unchanged.
Guardians got ridiculized by this patch, buffing downed skills instead of fixing the fact this class needs to blow one weaponset or 2 utilities just for swiftness. Let alone the bugs.
Rangers got from free kill to pve-only.

I’m tired of my classes being beaten around every patch with wrong changes.
I’m starting to play GW2 less just due to anger to the balance changes.
It’s worse than Blizzard balance team really, and that says something.

In my opinion, the potential for GW2 is withering

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

We get one, single PvP update after all PvE updates for 7 months and you complain a lack of PvE updates?
God forbid Anet gets PvP out of beta, because you want more AI to kill….

Endure Pain stealth-change

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

The tool tip showed 5 seconds, but it was always 3.
It now shows 4 and lasts 4.
It’s a stealth buff

Although come on… 60s CD please.
The CD is ridiculous.

EP was never 3 seconds.
People did stopwatch tests and I myself noted that EP buff ended when CD timer hit 85, it was obviously 4 or 5 before.

"Physical" Warrior sPvP spec?

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

In hot join you can probably win without slotting any utility, people use it for random kills and testing.
tPvP is where you see if something is viable or not.

Challenge: Viable PVP Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

I think u guys (the dedicated warriors) should come up with some good ideas of how to improve the current state of warrior, who knows maybe they actually like some ideas and implement them.

We posted suggestions, a lot of them.
A grandtotal of zero of them were implemented.
I suspect the balance team does not care at all what the players know the class needs, they just do changes based on what they think we could use.
No Warriors came here saying banners needed a buff or that Kick needed gap closing.
Obviously the guy who did these change knew nothing of what we really need, the bugs we need fixed etc.

They should really try doing tPvP with a Warrior and l2p before they do changes to skills that don’t work in that setting.

Y'know, I actually kind of like Kick now...

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

It may be “fun” but it’s worthless in PvP.
Everyone slots stability and stunbreakers, pure CC builds are pretty much fail.

Endure Pain stealth-change

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Forgot to mention it yesteday but Endure Pain now shows a 4 second duration instead of 5 in the tooltip.

Let's get it together

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

So many pros out always. Mind to provide ss with spvp rank?

sPvP rank proves nothing, you can get to any rank by spamming 2 on a thief.
Obviously this is a major nerf in PvP, I played 1600 hours on my War and I perfectly know we’re very reliant on spiking and HB helped finish off people.

I could go ahead and suggest many ways to fix this, but after today I’m 100% sure the balance team has never and will never implement any of the changes we suggest.
I’m also 100% sure no one of those 3 guys can play a Warrior, I bet all my money I would win a 1vs3 against them because if they think Rampage/Kick is the way to PvP as a Warrior it’s clear they never tPvP’d with one.

My warrior friends

in PvP

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

See my signature.

I’m taking a break from GW2 sPvP.

26.03.2013 Update

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Frenzy+HB was breaking content. Quickness in general was breaking content.

Now let’s hope they open their eyes and remove the rediculous +50% incoming damage debuff for using a 5s ability that is no longer broken.

Haha, as if they ever did anything that we suggested.
I’ve seen at least 100 different suggestions and I see a long list of bugs in the sticky, nothing ever happened.
They don’t listen us let’s face it.

26.03.2013 Update

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

I fail to see where it is only a PvP discussion as it does affect PvE.

Of course you probably just want to whine, so I’ll leave you to that.

Except we have no issues in PvE so it’s pointless to make any PvE discussions as we don’t need anything there.
We needed a PvP buff and we got a major nerf, that’s all we need to talk about.

Have you ever carried a bad PUG before?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Many times.
After the last time I decided to never do remotely hard content without 4 skilled individual.
I’m bored of babysitting players, this game is not WoW you should take responsibility for yourself instead of relying on 2 skilled players that do all the content for the others.

Thoughts on the March 26th Patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Meanwhile, in balance team’s office…
“Bunkers are OP, what do we do?”
“We nerf quickness, the best tool of roamers”

So... Boon hate?

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

^^ New “warrior hate” ability will be deployed next patch don’t worry

Well I’m developing “balance team hate”.
“Chances to buy gems reduced to 0% for a more balanced sPvP.”

Thoughts on the March 26th Patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Nerfed Warrior sPvP even more, buffed skills like Kick/Rampage that are useless in any serious PvP setting, buffed Banners when Warrior is already done in PvE and didn’t need it.
Frenzy nerfed to 50% speed yet debuff still is 50% dmg taken and CD isn’t changed.
Zero fixes to bugs we’ve been living with for 7 months.

You can add me on the list of people who wants a new balance team.

So... Boon hate?

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

We definitely got a lot of hate this patch.

50 Blades warrior!

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

It’s a big nerf and it’s ridiculous we got no CD reduction nor reduced the 50% damage debuff.
HB was already only viable against people out of cooldowns, now it simply isn’t on the skillbar basically.

Anet is playing that game again like in GW1 where Warriors ended up forced to use Hammer to do anything in PvP.

Most op? Weakest? WvW+spvp.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Their problems lie in predictability, everyone and their mother by now knows the tells of a Hundred Blades or Kill Shot coming their way, and more often than not when fighting 1v1 every class will have a stun break or dodge ready to prevent being hit by a nasty potential one hit kill.

I’m not going to say that career Greatsword + Rifle Warriors are playing wrong, nor going to say if any other tactics or builds have better success, but Warriors aren’t a one trick pony, despite whatever the vocal others will say.

Yeah I’m pretty sad that most Wars can’t see beyond BullHB / Killshot.
The class has so much more to it, I pretty much use HB on the downed only at this point.
Seems like Warriors forgot Eviscerate, Flurry immob to combo into stuff, good guy Earthshaker….
I don’t blame them because most people in WvW dies to HB/Killshot so they think those gimmicks work in tPvP too… so when they realize they don’t, they think Wars suck but it’s just so far from truth.

Warrior Checklist

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Just what I figured so far. Rangers are a bad matchup…which I knew from playing my Ranger vs warriors. Sure Warriors can do a ton of damage….if they catch the Ranger. A good one you won’t catch.

Mesmers seem a bad matchup also.

I will stick with GS for awhile….even though I don’t really like it. HB is a parlor trick. I rarely receive more than 2 swings of damage when a Warrior attacks me with HB….and that’s if I was distracted. Not too many people stand there and take the full pull.

Warriors have absolutely no issues catching up a Ranger.
We simply have a tonload more mobility than a Ranger could ever dream of, not even Eles can escape me most times, the only ones are Thieves (for obvious reasons).
Let alone the mass of cripple and immob we have.
The only classes that are easier than Ranger to keep in melee with are Guardian and Necro.
Even if you have some vantage position (say on a rock/hill), any good War will just LoS you.

As for HB it’s obviously very bad to use it when the target still had his CDs ready.
I very rarely get my HB to not land.
HB is something that should be used only on people out of cooldowns, or when you have the surprise effect, else just forget it until that situation appears.
WA hits 9k, Rush 8k, Evis 12k… that’s already 29k dmg and it’s all on a low CD.
Note that in your average match you get to use WA 3 times, Rush 2 and evis 2-3, that’s some 100k dmg total.
I calculated from my PvP that a even good D/D Ele can stand about 60k dmg total before death, so as long as you’re landing your stuff you don’t need HB.
Don’t tunnel-vision into HB, the good skills are others.

But yeah Warrior isn’t really a class you can simply be good with by spamming a couple buttons.
If you don’t have a deep understanding of it and very good knowledge of other classes etc.
If you do, no other class except D/D Eles will put up a fight, but it’s a long way to get there.
From the outside Warrior looks pretty simple, but it takes a long time and dedication to turn from a BullHB-or-die newbie to an unstoppable beast.
Even in PvE there is a big difference from a CoF1 signet Warrior and a Frac40 Warrior.

As a final note, the only classes you need to fear are:
- D/D Eles. Very sturdy and need you to use all your smarts.
- P/D Thief trolls. If your anti-stealth skills connect (Rush Bull etc etc all those that follow the stealthed) you win, else it’s going to be a long fight, not worth the time as he’s going to run when dying. Just try your luck and if it goes bad leap away like a boss.
- Some very good Engis, but it’s extremely extremely rare to meet one.
- Very skilled, tank-built Mesmers.
On the other hand, dagger thieves (very common these days) are the easiest to farm glory / badges off. Stealth-followers alone kill them.

(edited by Red Falcon.8257)

GW2 Combat System 101 (Guide)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Nice basic guide, though contains too much bias for it to be a guide I would link to anyone.
I made a huge guide with millions of viewers for another game, so I learned the hard way that first of all you need to state the objective truth – and then add in your opinions in a very “personal” way.
If you want to make more or larger guides always keep that in mind.

You say there are no roles for instance but it’s very possible to go full DPS or full Support and be tremendously effective with it, so it isn’t really true.
You say there are no babysitters that can allow people to only DPS, but full Support Guardian can do exactly that, tonight I carried 4 half-naked noob guildies with 0ar through a whole frac30 for instance by just negating all damage and getting all aggro, so that isn’t true either.

A more unbiased way to say it would have been “It’s possible to have roles and babysitters by fully speccing into support on some classes – though I personally think it’s not a good idea in random groups as the majority of people will expect you to take care for yourself”.
The above statement contains only the truth, but also warns people that going with “roles” is generally frowned upon in PuGs.

Remember this gold rule of guidemaking and you’re on track!
Never leave room for opinion-based debates inside a guide, it can haunt you.

Good luck with this and again well done.

(edited by Red Falcon.8257)

Double-barreled shottie

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

I’ve seen a couple guys with that Rifle but I couldn’t find the skin anywhere on dulfy etc.
It’s basically a double-barreled shotgun with silver-white barrels.

Any idea?

Dungeon Etiquette: Attitude and Behavior

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

To be fair according to your screenshot the person said you were kicked for going afk. Either for maybe too long or without notice.

Don’t go afk without notification or too long would belong on the list of dungeon etiquettes wouldn’t you agree?

That was an excuse, as you can see he then admitted to it.
I notified I was lagging and it lasted like 10 seconds, plus I got kicked long after that.

They just wanted to free a slot for a guildie after I basically solo’d the dungeon for them.

This Game's PvE needs a Trinity.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

There is a wide selection of games available that limit your playstyle if that’s what you’re looking for.


Stop asking for this, it will never happen.
If you want a game with such obsolete and responsibility-dumping-on-2-players system go play another game.
Seriously it’s like asking to allow baseball bats in soccer.

As for the fact only frac30+ is hard it’s because most of this community shreds in tears when something is remotely difficult, so Anet made everything easy except for that.

(edited by Red Falcon.8257)

The "wrong way" to play ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

I don’t think focusing on 1 element is “the wrong way”.
I know many many and again many Eles who don’t want to swap a lot and spam everything on CD or rotations, they like specialized play.
It’s just the Ele class lacking a proper specialization system with T3 traits.

Pyromaster: Fire spells have their critical chance doubled.
Attunement recharge rate increased to 60s and spells of other attunements have -50% dmg/healing.
Stormcaller: Air spells have their damage increased by 25% and recharge 20% faster.
Attunement recharge rate increased to 60s and spells of other attunements have -50% dmg/healing.
Stoneguard: +250 toughness and condition damage. Armor of earth cooldown halved. Attunement recharge rate increased to 60s and spells of other attunements have -50% dmg/healing.
Frost Mage: +250 vitality and healing power. Water spells cause vulnerability.
Attunement recharge rate increased to 60s and spells of other attunements have -50% dmg/healing.

Most op? Weakest? WvW+spvp.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

- D/D Eles. Stop ignoring the new 55hp monk Anet, it needs nerf quick.
- Eles downed skill broken, allows them to suicide and safely get back in the tower.
- Thief still too bursty against most classes.
- Bunker Eles
- Mesmers on some builds are too tanky while still having big dmg

- Guardian, no permaswiftess unless slotting 2 utilities for it / wasting your swap, making it slower than even Necros
- Ranger being pet based, and pet being a joke = Ranger being a joke
- Warrior, need more counters to cripple/chill (mobile strikes?) but it isn’t nearly as bad as people make it, I’m pretty good in tPvP with it (mostly thief-killer) and I think it’s mostly a l2p problem.
The issue is it takes a lot more skill to have success in tPvP as a Warrior compared to other classes that you can be good with way more easily

3.26 Warrior Wishlist

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

My changes:
- Fix Bolas to be faster or have a larger hit radius so that people can’t simply out-walk it
- Vigorous shout changed to: “shouting heals for 4k, 20-second cooldown”, so we don’t need to lock all our utilities to FGJ/OMM/SIO forever to get the effect
- Inspiring Banner T3 changed to: Banner give regeneration. Allies affected by banner are healed by 25 when they attack.
- Stance cooldown reduction trait.

IMO, GW2 is the best game ever played

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Best MMO yes, easily.

Best videogame, no.