Showing Posts For Red Falcon.8257:

Fractals took WAY too long

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

so far im frac lv 49 and i havent experienced this ‘’better class’’ system you are talking about ive done frac 48 in a hour and a hlaf with 5 eles ive done it with 2 eles a necro and 2 engineers and been perfectly fine all it comes down to is how experienced the player is with the fractal and ai mechanics and as long as they have a good understanding on how things work for the most part fractal runs are quite smooth


I’ve always found it weird why players (at this stage of the game) even bother looking at class comp in this game. As long as the players knows the content and their toons are correctly built, then class comp never matters.

True but it’s also true that certain comps make it much easier and/or faster.
Having a Guardian giving lots of protection uptime (i.e. not those Warrior-wannabe guardians that we carry through the dungeons) decreases the chance to fail by a lot.
Having good Warriors (i.e. not those Guardian-wannabes who spec into full defense and deal lol damages) increases the speed of the clearing.

Class comps do matter, it’s a fact.
Then of course you can get away with anything, you’re just not doing it as effectively as a comp could.
1 guard 4 warriors get through a dungeon faster and safer than say 5 rangers.

Fractals took WAY too long

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Nooo Anet dont shorten Dredge please. Dredge is my fav dungeon ever.
At most make it so that if you get Dredge then you get Underwater and Swamp (the shortest) to go with it, so it’s balanced.

Future balanced around Exotic or Ascended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

The current game is balanced around rares.

In my guild we did Fractal 46 with white gear just for the sake of it, only keeping jewelry for AR. We managed it with little trouble.

Colored gear is there for BiS/carrot addicts.
They are a majority in this community, so they must be catered to as well.

How to explain to devs that...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

… it’s plethora of bugs with Charr was the main thing that made this race unpopular?

…and you came to this conclusion from a long official study based on a lot of objective data and tests.

How to explain people that…. their opinions are subjective speculation and don’t magically become objective facts just because they believe in them?

Anti -stealth buff to rangers

in Thief

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Rangers are pretty much free kills for a Thief right now, even good Rangers.
At least now they have something to make their inevitable death a bit less embarassing.

Burst Skills should expend Adrenaline if fail

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Not in the current state.

Skills such as Earthshaker and Eviscerate are already too predictable and easily avoidable.
If this happens then bursts should land faster, instead of failing by design.
I.E. if I hit ES my char must jump here and now, instantly. Not 1-2 second later. Evis has a delay too, and range must be increased as well if adren should empty on fail.

This way bursts would be more player-skill-based and less “when my char feels like listening to my orders”.
Only then I’d agree to make them empty adrenaline.

The warrior's axe

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Same thoughts.
Axe has no CC nor Mobility nor Support and its damage doesn’t include evades like GS does, so why using Axe?
Eviscerate isn’t as great as it used to be, especially when it doesn’t crit.

If it was made to spread more Vuln on mobs and Fury on your team it would be at least PvE worthy.

In PvP Evis is not enough to make Axe worth it, it’s pretty much like Killshot logic, you get one shot, one opportunity, to seize everything you ever wanted, in one moment, would you capture it, or just let it slip? slim shady kinda playstyle, meh.

Can't beat necro

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

What’s hard about beating necros exactly?
Can’t remember ever losing to one in a 1v1 fight.
Let him spam all his bad, cleanse all (SoS ftw), CC, bam bam bam, necro runs for his life in stinky mode, bam bam bam, dead.
I don’t even use nor need zerk stance.

Does this class is balanced?

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

At the moment every class is viable in all settings.
Of course though, some classes get more results; i.e. in WvW a Warrior is better at chasing people than say a Guardian, so you get more kills. But a Guardian is better at holding a point and supporting a group defensively.
It’s all about what you want to do in the game.

What a Warrior is good at more than most others is dealing big direct damage and chasing/escaping.
Your goal as a Warrior is to get someone down fast and rush away, it’s a very adrenalinic and fast-paced class.

Skill is still fundamental tho. Some Warriors I meet definitely fit your definition of “useless walking bag of health”, but others are a very serious threat.
If you l2p you’ll be a fearsome death-dealing machine, else you’ll just be that Warrior who jumped in awkardly, messed up and attempted a pathetic escape.

And you thought thieves had mobility?

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

No one has yet to state an actual answer to match the question.

Thieves with a Shortbow, slotting Shadowstep/RoI/Withdraw have roughly the same mobility if not more, on top of also having stealth and evasiveness – and such mobility is unaffected by Cripple/Chill, unlike Warriors.
Yet are less of a threat than they are on a less-mobile build, just like Warriors are more deadly with Eviscerate or Skull crack (and therefore much less mobility) than with Sword.
Eles have slightly less mobility, to balance the fact they have Protection and strong healing.

Warrior’s mobility is only made OP in WvW by the -40% condition food stacked with -33% trait and -20% melandru/hoelbrak.

October 15th Balance - Skills Updates

in Guardian

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

The problem with triple meditation builds is you lack speed boosters.
Unless you go with full Rune of the Traveler, anyone with a brain can kite you easily.

October 15th balance/skills updates preview.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

These are some really nice QoL and Gameplay improvements.
Thank you for these changes they mean a lot.
Transparency is fundamental.

A couple things I wanted to comment:
- Warriors, don’t forget to keep Triple Banners/Shouts/Stances on equality.
As I see it, Shouts should be team defensive support, Banners offensive support, and Stances “personal” stuff – but there should never be one “best” build between these three. I don’t want Tyria swarmed with shout healing clones.
- Guardian. Zeal traitline and Swiftness (or 25% runspeed) access still need adequate changes.

I stopped farming cheevos, I feel relaxed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

That is because, OP, you started playing the game again.
Sure, the checklist mentality makes you waste more time on the game because you have the feeling of chasing a goal – pretty much like at work when you get caught up into it and work hard to complete your job.

Thing is, this is a game; one that allows you to STILL get to the same point of others while enjoying a different variety of activities.
The only exception would be fractals for ring, since fractals is the only real way (unless you get them by laurels/guild but that will take too long).

Active combat and the fact we’re given several choices on how to get X is why GW2 is so successful.
I was tired of being locked away into a dungeon by devs every X months and forced to do just that only to be on par with others.
I like how I can get Ascended weapons by killing bosses, or doing WvW, or crafting, or a combination of them all – though I didn’t like a lot the whole ascended ring galore for instance.

Do what you enjoy. You’ll have to work 8h/day when you get to my age. For 30 years.
When gaming, have fun.

Warrior changes I foresee happening...

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Daecollo and Excalibur in the same thread, oh noes.
The king of terrible suggestions and the queen of “I’m too bad to counter this simple thing, nerf it plox”.

throws bags of Asuran Popcorns to everyone

Is Pressing Dodge & 1 Better Than a Trinity?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

If by trinity you mean a guy pulling all aggro to himself and everyone else spamming the DPS rotation / heal rotation I definitely prefer this system.
In WoW I used to main a tank because when I played DPS I literally fell asleep; in such a system tank and healer actually play the dungeon, others just spam dmg.
In GW2 regardless of what class I play I need to deal with mobs and bosses and defend myself – and there is no healer to make up for mistakes, if a person is bad you will notice.

Fake or Real Email?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

If I were you, I’d be running a virus scan about now….

Those things never work. Formatting is the only way out.

OP, Anet will contact you here if they need to:
You don’t need to answer mails themselves.

[POLL] Feelings on Ascended weapons.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Getting crafts to 500 doesn’t involve any grinding.
Buying out your crafts to 500 quickly by just buying mats does.

You can still ditch the crafting and go champ hunting, or do WvW, to get them.
You can still play the game normally, sell your earnings to buy mats to level crafts and craft AWs.

Grinding is when, by definition, the only way to achieve something is to repeat the same action over and over.
This is objectively not the case.
Ironically, getting ascended rings was the case (you HAD to repeat fractals to get them), and yet this is receiving more complaining.

Welcome to gaming forum’s logic.

Worth Playing?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Objectively, GW2 is as far as it gets from dying.
The fact the forum is filled with people who make huge drama out of minor stuff proves the point as only one who really enjoyed a product would puch that much effort into complaining.

Is it worth investing in from a community point of view?
Yes, it’s swarming with people and will probably keep being so for several years to come.
Will you get bored of it?
Yes, just like every single videogame in existance.

The good thing is, you don’t need to pay anything to get back in.
I quit in Feb after 6 month of playing, started playing again now, there is a ton more people than there was in Feb, a lot of new stuff, it’s all good for 60 bucks.

Building a better D/D thief.

in Thief

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

I disagree with those builds.
30 SA won’t do much at all, especially when compared to the 1000+ EPower that you get from 25 in DA.
My typical D/D build is 25/30/15/x/x.
The defensive difference with a 30 SA build is little, but the damage increase is major.

25 DA is a static 15% dmg increase on top of 250 power bonus and a guaranteed Poison for 12+ sec on engage.
300hp/s while in stealth just doesn’t match the above.

Warrior Discussion

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Thanks guys!

We’re being very mindful about the way the Sigil of Para fix will hit Warriors. We’ve already got another balance patch brewing, and we’re being very careful to watch all the classes and see how they feel after we shave down the condition spam classes slightly.

As others have said, once we bring down the conditions that “hold down” some of the physical based classes, they will feel stronger. We’re aware of that!

Thanks again for the feedback!

I apologize in advance if any of this will sound rude Jon but, is that dev jargon to say that we’re getting nerfed back into “not realistically viable for sPvP” state?
Please don’t.

I mean if you need to tone down Skull Crack a bit it’s ok, but please dont go touching the good changes you did to our traits and skills.
It was all good design and I really enjoyed the new Sword skill setup, the cooldowns toned down, the trait reallocation, healing signet made viable, etc.
It made me start playing GW2 again after a break, I don’t want my whole class to be flipped upside down or having my warrior again unwanted in tPvP.

Thank you.

possible that gw2 can use unreal engine 4?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

You can’t simply “change” to a different game engine.
You have to completely rebuild 90% of the game.

Endgame PvE: Difficulty comes down to dodging

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

I agree PvE endgame is way too based on gib mechanics / dodge checks and high damage in general.

My main gripe is that many bosses or situations are unmelee-able or barely melee-able.
This means that even a melee-centered profession will have to play ranged the whole match – and let’s face it, ranged is boring.

How to adjust Warrior sustain properly

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

How about you stop trying to patch nonexistant wounds.
Warrior is currently in good shape, a smooth class. Let’s leave it at that.

Also, lifesteal on hit as a heal skill already exists and it’s called Signet of Malice.
Healing Signet is unique as an healing skill. No need to become a clone of others.

(edited by Red Falcon.8257)

Gear Treadmill started

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Gear treadmill started in October, you’re late to the party OP.

Shouts getting buffed!

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Oh noes the shout healers will be back…

Returning after 4 months..warriors good now?

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Warrior was always good.
So youre that kinda guy that only plays a class when some ridiculous op build get to show huh ?



Warrior was good, just clunky and lacked some developing in traits and some skills.
It’s pretty much 95% final now, that 5% being Arcing Slice and Axe skills.

Ascended weapon drops?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Ascended drops are very good news to me.
Reminds me of GW1 boss hunting – which I missed A LOT.

Now I have a reason to go out and hunt those bosses.

7 Precursors in 1 day from MF

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Did you take an extended break from the game? I have noticed that the RNG god rewards players who take a long break and come back.

And here we start with the conspiacy paranoias that have nothing to do with the reality of computer RNG computations.
I say try this: jump on one foot, yell KAWABAKAWA 3 times, do a 360 turn and toss salt behind, then click on MF.

How is this fair?

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

How can people still be this uninformed on classes?

Ele’s mobility was nerfed because Ele can bunker.
Bunker+Mobility = no. Infact Guards/Necros have poor mobility too.

Warriors cannot bunker in the slightest, just like Thieves, so they rely on speed.
If they nerf War’s mobility, then War should be able to bunker.
And believe me you’d hate that a lot more than a runaway Warrior.

PvE build advice: change to some defense?

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Defensive traits won’t really help in dungeons I found.
You just lose a ton of damage to avoid one death every 2000.

My GW II experience as an intermediate-newbie

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

And so began the downfall of my favourite character.

Every fight that I’d enter was something like this –

auto-attack, auto-attack, auto-attack, auto-attack, Eviscerate
auto-attack, auto-attack, auto-attack, auto-attack, Eviscerate
auto-attack, auto-attack, auto-attack, auto-attack, Eviscerate

What had been a deep and interesting class, atleast to me, became more boring than a bear-longbow ranger. The Mace 5 ability and Eviscerate still haunt me on some days.

Apart from the fact Auto-spam+Evis is lower DPS than what a Warrior can pull off.
Just because you play an interesting class in a boring way it doesn’t make the class itself boring.
If you look at how I play a Warrior you’d see I combine at least 40 buttons.

That being said all classes can get away with autoattacking into Mordor, you’re not forced to do so though (nor it is the best way to play classes).

Mace/Shield-GS: How to properly nerf it.

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

How about nothing.
I’m tired to re-learn my class. It reminds me of WoW.
Warriors are pretty much perfect right now, stop trying to overhaul a class every other day.

a different point of view on warriors

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

A class is as strong as the player behind it.
Some are easier to be average with, but all are hard to be extremely good with.
Warrior is not really different – perhaps more suited for people with a playsytle oriented toward offensive fast-paced counterplay.

The main thing is learning what a class is really good at, I.E. a Guardian is really good at holding a point so you shouldn’t try to beat it akittens own game but rather exploit its weaknesses (i.e. poison, lack of disengages, boon stripping).

In this case, if you face a Warrior you know he has great mobility and damage so you shouldn’t try to out-damage it or out-run it – rather, play attrition and control.

Question to the all true warriors

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

I tend to main a Warrior in whatever game gives me the opportunity to do so. I like the idea of kicking peoples’ faces in without needing any fancy magic to help. A warrior is whoopass in its purest form. I’d have to say I really liked playing an Arms warrior in WoW’s PvP, because if you knew what you were doing, people could NOT escape you. You were a PROBLEM. You could be all over them like a cheap suit, and you were the most mobile mofo on the battlefield.

In this game, I just feel impotent. In PvP, I can barely stay on top of people, and when I actually do manage to get in melee range, I just get blinded/cc’d/evaded all to hell. Every dangerous ability the warrior does has a huge telegraph to it, thus making it ridiculously easy to dodge out of. And every time I specialize to deal with one crippling weakness, I just open myself up to another weakness that’s just as hampering.

I don’t feel like the terror on the battlefield. I feel like a short kid being bullied by a taller kid that’s dangling something I want just out of reach, making me jump to try and reach it.

From what you say it’s as clear as sun that you’re far away from learning the class yet.
1) As a Warrior you are the class with the second best mobility in the game, only a Thief should ever be able to escape you.
Use GS+Sword/something and you’ll see.
2) CC/blinds/evades are to be countered before you use your core skills; if you use them up-front of course they’re going to be evaded.
Baiting dodges and other defenses is fundamental to Warrior.
3) Telegraphed abilities need to be setup with CC. Enemies can’t dodge out of a stun or an immobilize.

Also, I strongly believe (by thousands of PvPs against them) that Warriors who specialize into curing a weakness are bad.
Your main goal as a Warrior is to kill people.
Sure you can waste your runes and traits into stuff that prevents conditions or heals or decreases damage.
But then you don’t kill people, at which point you aren’t a Warrior, just a bag of health running around and being an insignificant nuisance.
When I jump someone he will dirty his pants.
Focus on countering the most used getaways/time-buyers, and keep delivering punches in the face in between them, and then use your kaboom moves at the right moment to seal the deal.

You must put people on the defensive the moment you engage pvp.
The moment a Warrior is on the defensive he has lost.

(edited by Red Falcon.8257)

Warrior runes

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

2x water
2x monk
2x maj sanct/sup.speed/
40% boon duration for my Might stacks/Stability and perma Swift/Fury is all I need from runes.

Question to the all true warriors

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

GW2 has several types of class archetypes:
- Stationary classes (necro/guard)
- Rotational classes (ele/ranger)
- Hit and decoy classes (thief/mes)
- Fast-paced mobile classes (warrior)
- RNG/mid-range classes (engis)

Out of all these only Warrior really fits my style.
I like adrenalinic combat that requires quick-thinking and positioning.

Holy Grind Wars 2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

So I did a little test in the builder how much those ascended weapons you “need” to “grind” for really matters in damage. Let me know if I did something wrong.

1. full berserker warrior without ascended weapons and exotic trinkets:|7.1g.h1h.9.1g.h1|1.1g.h1|1g.a7.1g.a7.1g.a7.1g.a7.1g.a7.1g.a7|1g.67.1g.67.1g.67.1g.67.1g.67.1g.67|u5ab.a1.0.0.u69c|0.0|5x.6d.6e.6c.6m|e

= 6503 effective power

2. full berserker warrior with ascended weapons and exotic trinkets:|7.5g.h1h.9.5g.h1|1.1g.h1|1g.a7.1g.a7.1g.a7.1g.a7.1g.a7.1g.a7|1g.67.1g.67.1g.67.1g.67.1g.67.1g.67|u5ab.a1.0.0.u69c|0.0|5x.6d.6e.6c.6m|e

= 6582 effective power = 1.1% increase in effective power

If you don’t feel you really need that 1.1% increase in damage/or the looks don’t grind for it! It’s easy like that…


Seriously guys they’ve been saying there would be a gear treadmill since October 2012.
If you wanted to quit over gear treamills policy you shouldn’t be here to begin with.

If they do this it’s because there is a lot more people who want this compared to people who don’t, and they already calculated the possibility of the minority quitting over this policy.
They have marketing experts over there, Anet is an industrial company not a group of teenagers.
So if you want to leave over this just do it. These threads change nothing.

I myself am against this but there is nothing remotely comparable on the market right now, and probably for the next decade.
Suck it up and play, or go play another video game.

Holy Grind Wars 2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

I’m fine with time gating, one gating method needs to exist afterall.
But I won’t be farming 500 of this and that.
Hopefully there are more ways to aquire AWs than that.

Change axe 2 to a mobility skill

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Axe definitely needs a boost, as it offers a lot less than Sword, GS, Hammer… it’s just an Evis tool basically.

I’d say make it an Offensive Support tool.
Dual Strike: Grants Fury to you and allies per enemy hit.
Cyclone: 4vuln to enemies, 1might to you and allies per enemy hit.

Throw Axe works like GS#5 of Guardians except on 1 target, press once to stick axe in them, press again to pull them to you.

Returning theif help

in Thief

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

D/D lolbackstab is dead. You can still run burst, but due to changes to several traits you can’t faceplant full HP people.

That just says BAD thieves are dead, definitely not D/D.
D/D is perfectly viable for people who don’t need to faceplant full HP people in 1 second or they die. L2p.

Time Gating Is -> NOT FUN

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Starting from the fact that content needs to be gated in order to create longevity for the majority of players, you then have the choice between grind gating, RNG gating and time gating.
Of all 3, time gating is the most fair and least time-consuming.
Is it perfect? No. If you don’t like time gating the best you can do is moving to a game with grind/RNG gating.

Dual swords with new Dire Stat Combo

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

I believe Dire isn’t very good for S/S War unless combo’d with Mace/Hammer+Unsuspecting.

Ranger - good class, or are others better?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

World PvE: Good, just like every other class since generic PvE is terribly easy; you tend to die less due to most gibs being melee ranged.
PvE dungeons: Pretty much on the bottom unless you’re good with GS/Sword meleeing.
sPvP: Definitely above average with spirit build, else only good in hotjoin.
WvW: Bad zerg cohesion, bad solo ability.

You don't need AWs to be competitive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

If 10% stats is what determines your loss or win then you’re terrible at GW2.

With that off, do you guys really need to make this exact same thread at every single ascended release?
We went through this already and were told Ascended is here to stay. Like it or not.

Axe-X / GS

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Or you could use whirlwind or your dodge key.

Sounds like someone needs to be introduced to the endurace bar and cooldown mechanics.

Axe-X / GS

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

What’s the point of shield in PvE? Just go axe-mace/GS if you want damage. Personally I like axe/warhorn because condition removal is good support that doesn’t rely on crappy healing gear.

Shield is incredibly good in so many situations.
Shield block is pretty much an additional Endure Pain anti-spike button that recharges twice as fast.

Some elitists fail at being elitists lol!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Actually, GS offers more DPS than Axe Mace due to Might stacking.
Axe Mace is only better for Mobile-DPS or if your team can’t stack Vuln properly already.

That being said though, Axe Mace is totally fine to use in dungeons.
Hell, anything is. No dungeon REQUIRES you to… anything, really.

We've come a long way

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Agreed completely, the changes lately have been great.
Especially the new Sword skillset, the Mace revamp, the new traits and their placement, Healing Signet fixed, and the cooldowns lowered on some utilities like Endure Pain.

I still have a gripe with Axe skills 2 to 5 being quite lackluster and Axe therefore being too much auto-attack based – and of course Arcing Slice still being useless.

Aside from these though, they did a really good job on this class.
It reminds me of when Blizzard made Paladins from clunky bugfests into a smooth class.

Someone in the Anet HQ is a genius. Whoever did this, thank you.

Anet and Backward Logic

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Dynamic Events :

If you look at the surveys done recently it seems that DEs are one of the things people like doing the most.

Charr Armor :

Not sure how you can be sure that low Charr pop is due to armor clipping.
Usually, it’s not a good idea to base one’s criticism on an assumption; since you like analogies, it would be like building a castle on unstable terrain.
Clipping is also very present on other races such Asura, but you see a ton of Asuras around, which pretty much proves this theory wrong.

Then again, a lot of modeling and texturing needs to happen to fix clipping; devs don’t simply hit a big red “fix all clipping” button.
While this is somewhat important to a few players, there are much more important things than a piece of your armor clipping into your toes.
I’d rather have those graphics creator make new maps and skins.

Spvp :

This is indeed true.
Everyone requests new modes, but Anet only gives new maps.
I guess they either don’t want to invest developing time into new modes, or it’s low on their priority.


Every single MMO “nerfs” farming exploits such as the Gauntlet. It’s expected.
Actually, I would be pretty mat at Anet if I went offline a month, they made an exploitable event and let everyone abuse it so that when I come back the economy is destroyed and I’m way behind everyone.
I want Anet to keep their eyes closely on those things.

As for farming, GW2 actually rewards you more for doing a bunch of different things than farming a single thing over and over; if you are into brainless farming I’d suggest Diablo 3.

Guardian Warrior Duo (WvW) Clip.2

in Guardian

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

I’m a bit disappointed in your Warrior friend, in multiple occasions you were holding 2 players while he was killing a NPC… Tell him to prioritize players :p
Other than that it was fun to watch.