Dailies reset but I continue to have all 5 completed even after reset making me miss the reward entirely. This has been happening since the patch came out and my reward tracks aren’t resetting properly either. Neither are my dungeons so I don’t get any rewards at all from dungeons I already ran.
I am experiencing the exact same problem. Nothing seems to be done about this. I have raised a support ticket, reported it as a bug in-game and made various posts here about it.
For some players the dailies are not resetting! This means we cannot complete dungeons because there is no boss loot and no bonus chest at the end. Also, we cannot craft ascended cooldowns. And most importantly we are missing three laurels now!!! That means I am now 3 days behind schedule on my ascended crafting.
I am also experiencing this now since the patch.
- I cannot craft ascended cooldowns.
- I cannot complete dungeons, I get no loot from bosses and no bonus chest/gold at the end.
- I cannot complete daily achievements and am missing 3 laurels now.
Does anyone know why this is happening? Today my daily did not reset, also yesterday I ran Arah for the first time in the day and it did not give me any reward, not the boss chest nor the bonus chest with gold…
This is really annoying. :/
Mine have also not reset for two days! So not only am I now missing 2 laurels and the achievement points, but also the gold from dungeons because they are not resetting either.
It would be nice to get these items awarded, but I seriously doubt that will happen. I have reported this as a bug twice in-game (accross both days) and raised a support ticket as well ankitten ow posting here too.
This needs to be sorted out please.
I used to do a lot of dungeon runs, which have been rendered useless now. Thanks. :\
I also used to do a lot of world events, which are not all timed and/or bugged. Leaving so few doable events.
I went to WvW … got owned by zergs over and over, quit.
Why bother completing world exploration on a game that has no "end game " pve anymore? No thanks. Besides, I have exploring because of the stress involved in being forced to kill everything and crawl around at half speed all the time because you’re always in combat.
I literally logged on ankitten ow looking for another game because of how bored I am in GW2. It’s such a shame as I really liked this game before it was ruined recently.
I guess this thread is kinda useless, but I wish to make just one point to the devs and that is: When you take a good game and make “unwanted” changes to it (nerfs etc) against the wishes of the community, you’re going to lose players.
yup … obsolete method .. since april 15 dungeons chests are now one per day/path/account.
you need more than 5 accounts now …. lol
They NOT once per day, because once completed they do not reset! I have done dungeons yesterday, there’s been a daily reset, and I am still not seeing any chests or “daily” bonus rewards.
4.2k hours played since headstart, +1k gold down the forge, 0 precursor drops yet 4 legendaries and 1 precursor waiting to be crafted all thanks to the wonders of the TP.
If you want a legendary then just buy the kitten thing from the TP.
Exactly! Just proves that the game is pay-to-play. This recent patch only emphasises that fact by making it now impossible to grind mats in dungeons, world events etc, thus we have to turn to the precious TP.
The fact that they have nerfed farmers, nerfed hardcore content timing and discouraged organized raids show that GW2 has shifted towards the casual player side.
Well I like to do dungeons often. I level my alts in dungeons and have found it’s a good way to get multi-level materials for my crafting needs as well as the experience needed to get the toon up.
This now cannot be done because not only are the chests daily/weekly, but the drops in dungeons seem to have been ‘unofficially’ nerfed too! I mention daily/weekly because even after a daily reset, my toon has still not seen a dungeon boss chest or been rewarded for the “daily” gold bonus.
I also mention the terrible drops because I have a reasonable Magic find bonus and was getting rares every run, which in turn gave me a little silver and sometimes ectoplasms. After the patch however I have not had any rares from dungeons! In fact, it’s blues all the way with the very occasional green!
I find myself logging on to the game now with nothing to do. I do not want to do world exploration, because I find it extremely frustrating to have to fight every single mob between me and the next waypoint while limping around at half speed because I’m in combat! I want to do dungeons etc, something that is now ruined.
Dear unhappy rangers
Character expansion slots are still on sale. Worry not, you can reroll at 20% less cost.
That is exactly what this thread is about, being forced to re-roll or play a spec/method that we do not want to because the character profession is so badly nerfed!
And yes F2 is still very slow. I use a cat for might, and it takes 5-7seconds to cast. Also, if you happen to accidently hit F2 twice, it cancels it and triggers the cooldown. If the pet is interrupted, it triggers the cooldown. Pets overall need a huge improvement, this is something I felt before the patch and still feel. It’s just compounded with the new problems we now face of lack of damage.
I have 111% critical damage bonus before the stat changes, and would average around 17-18k (number 2 longbow) sometimes reaching 19-20k with might stacks or if teh target was vulnerable enough. But I have played my Ranger in various fights, dungeons and PvE testing it and the damage really is 40-50% less. I think my absolute highest so far has been 12k.
The whole point of this thread is to make A-net realise that Rangers were in need of attention/improvements BEFORE the patch was even made and now that the patch is released, Rangers are in even greater need of some tlc.
- Fire rate needs to be increased by at least double.
- The range bonus should be removed so we have higher damage regardless of position, thus allowing Ranger’s to happily “stack” in dungeons and not get kicked out because we like to play the game “properly” (not stack).
- Overall damage needs an increase.
- We should be able to dismiss pets permanently so they do not appear in combat at all! Currently we can only switch to “avoid combat” and “stow the pet” but when we enter combat or take damage, the pet is summoned even if it is not used.
- Pets are far too fragile and need to be tougher! Man-up kitty! >^.^<
- Pet ‘special’ F2 abilities should be instant not delayed. If they are interrupted or cancelled, a shortened cooldown should be triggered, roughly 5 seconds, not the full cooldown. A good example of this is the bear’s “shake it off” ability. This is something that you need immediately with NO delay at all because by the time you request it and the pet grants it, it is no longer required and wasted.
- Once a pet is damaged or hurt, it should retreat from combat as it already does. However, once the pet has regained sufficient health, it should re-engage the target and begin to fight again. You can set the health recover threashold at 50%. Currently, if a pet “dies” it returns to you and limps around until you leave combat or swap it out. Even if you manage to fully heal the pet, it will NOT fight until you leave combat.
- Reduced cooldown on pet swapping.
- Pet names should be remembered, not forgotten everytime you swap a pet from the list. I also feel we should be able to gain ALL the pets available, not just veterans from the original game.
It’s not possible for me to do other paths. Why? Because PvE is so bad before the patch and worse now!
I tried Arrah P1 once, wiped on trash at the door over and over because of bad group, never again ty. And all I ever see is dummies selling paths for gold. They should be banned for that.
I do ot see why they need to restrict chests per day, that is the lamest dumbest idea ever.
I know a lot of people are upset with some of the changes, but try and understand the reasons from the developer point of view and allow for some things to be readjusted as necessary.
some of the changes that people aren’t liking will possibly be further tweaked with hotfixes, just give it time.
The best you all can do is provide calm and detailed feedback like some have already been doing. It is possible that they had overlooked some things and all of you will do a better job at finding the issues than a small team would be able to.
They’re not going to “hotfix” the things that REALLY matter. Like fixing PvE and making it viable gameplay. They’re not going to undo the one-chest-a-day nonsense.
Send me some then, kthx.
Well I’m not exaggerating when I say my Ranger’s damage is halved! Previous abilities were peaking at 18-20k now barely reach 10k. The “auto attack” shots were critting for 3-5k now barely crit for 2k. The non-crits are so low it’s embarrasing.
PvE needed a serious overhaul BEFORE this patch and well now it needs these changes undone and further fixing.
It was nearly impossible before to make money and still a hard grind because you had to farm boring champ trains over and over zzzzz or dungeons over and over. But at least, if you needed, you could do so.
However, now you can only get one chest per day in dungeons? What a load of rubbish!
Not only are the chests daily, but the drop rates have been hammered too! Don’t see that in the notes, but it is a fact. I used to do a dungeon and come out with 3-5 rares, now I don’t get any! It’s blues all the way with the occasional green.
The loot chests have been ruined and the loot you get from said chests when they are there is just a joke.
PvE is officially kitten and worthless now. You’ve ruined the DPS, you’ve ruined the rewards, and you’ve bugged it all.
So I did CoF P1 and P2 earlier today for “daily” runs right. Got the chests, daily bonus and crap loot as usual (more crappy blues now after the patch but yeah).
So the dailies clearly reset for everyone (except me). They all see the new daily events to complete etc, mine shows the 5/5 completed ones from yesterday still. I reskitten the game client, but no luck. I am getting things like “Daily dodger” etc, but cannot track the progress since it doesn’t show.
Lastly, I decided to run CoF P1 and P2 again right after the reset so I don’t have to do it tomorrow. At EVERY single boss, there was NO chest for me to loot at all!!! I also got no daily bonus at the end of the dungeon.
So my questions are…
1) Do the daily bonus’s on dungeons reset at the same time as the dailies? Currently 01:00 for me.
2) Can you only run an EXP dungeon path once a day for chests from the bosses? I’m not talking about the gold at the end but the chest that drops greens from each boss kill or event within the dungeon.
Thank you for taking a profession that was already behind other professions on damage and utility and making it even worse! My Ranger does half the damage she did before, that is not an exaggeration!
Before patch (dvinity runes yes) I was peaking at 19k to 20k with LongBow number 2 skill. Now I barely reach 10k at the very most!!! My auto attacks would be 3-5k and are now critting for 2k or less.
The traits we got are ALL useless! I was looking forward to trying “read the wind” thinking it’d increase the fire rate of the Longbow (something that is drastically needed) but no, it is just a waste.
You’ve taken a game conept where people were meant to be able to take ANY proffesion with ANY setup and be able to play how they like doing reasonably decent damage and survival, and crushed that concept into the ground thus forcing players to have a specific “cookie cutter” setup in order to achieve some viable damage. You are forcing players to play the way they don’t want to.
I’m a Ranger, I want to use bows. I don’t want to join a dungeon and stack on walls being forced to use a greatsword and axe/horn combo otherwise I’ll get kicked from the group!
Pets….what a joke they are! You press F2 and wait 10seconds for the pet to MAYBE cast it’s ability, by which point the pet is either dead, you’ve had to move away from it or the ability simply isn’t needed anymore. Then, you send a pet in to attack, it takes one maybe two bites at the boss and is then limping back to you on 1hp and is useless. Even if you manage to heal the pet in combat, the pet will not fight again until you come out of combat. There are SO many problems with pets that need to be addressed. Starting with the very simple option to DISMISS the pet permanently.
In short, Rangers are farther behind every other profession out there now because of this unwanted patch.
You spent more time developing the unimportant things like dyes, armor, wardrobe etc and getting that right, than developing the important things like world event bosses, skills, proper balance on pve etc.
I think it’s a complete and utter joke. We were weak before the patch and needed a huge improvement, now we’re even weaker and need even MORE of an improvement! Come on A-net pay attention, wake up and sort the professions uot properly instead of accross the board nerf.
This trait should be PASSIVE as standard regardless of traits!!! The Longbow needs to fire as fast as the Shortbow does and we’ll be doing “ok” damage. Please remove the range bonus to long range please, max dmg point blank.
Then maybe I won’t get kicked out of dungeons for simply being a ranger that can’t stack because he wants to use a Longbow.
And pets, don’t even get me started on just how utterly useless they are! Let me dismiss my pet permantly please, it just gets in the way. Or better yet, make them fully immune to damage.
I am now also experiencing this.
I was able to type earlier in all channels (party, say, guild and map). I crafted an Ascended sword, and skinned it, since then am unable to type anything.
Since I wanted to use one of the “Super” skins (Super Sword Skin) it would not skin in the normal way by double-clicking the item. I had to right-click and add to wardrobe. I then already had transmutation crystals in my bank which I converted to the new transmute point things, and used one point to skin my new sword. It worked but somehow bugged my chat.
The ‘shades’ that are spawned cannot be killed as they are immune to damage. This means that they cause the boss to generate a certain stack/buff (I cannot recall the name) that when reaches a count of 25 one-hit-kills EVERYONE in the room!
The combat log showed nothing at all for ym death in this event. Not even the usual “Unknown hits you for….”.
This makes the event extremely difficult to complete as you have to die multiple times and run back.
Event: [Group Event] Drive back the Underworld creatures by destroying portals in the swamp.
The “new” additional portals that need to be killed in order to lure the Behemoth out, cannot be attacked!
The portals have a “gear” icon when you mouse-over them, as if you’re meant to interact with them, but it does nothing.
Also, the ‘Champion Flesheaters’ that spawn from the portals drop no loot at all.
Oh good now we need to do some events to unlock traits. How is this better?
you don’t have to you can buy them all.
It’s not only 3g per trait skill but also a rediculous 20 skill points!!! Who in their right mind is going to waste not only gold but skill points on this?! I think it’s an outrage that we’re basically FORCED into doing the events (which some are bugged btw) to get these, they should be given by default.
If your character made before the patch, he/she already has everything except those 3g traits unlock.
And poor newcommers are put off the game by this rediculous change. I was leveling a new character, but I will definately NOT be wasting my time doing that now.
Gates of Arrah for me, kill some stupid wizard that never spawns.
Well, I just tried to do the event to unlock my new “Read the wind” ability because i REFUSE to pay more gold.
And was immediately throw into overflow sigh where is the megaserver?! And there is nobody there, no event.
So it’s now either wait days for some dumb event or waste 20 skill points and 3g on an ability that I SHOULD HAVE BEEN GIVEN BY DEFAULT!!!
I’m forced to participate in some stupid Arrah and kill a high wizard that doesn’t exist and that I cannot kill on my own.
So I logged on with much exitement at the prospect of trying the new “Read the Wind” trait on my Ranger and was sorely disappointed when I realised I would be forced to participate in an event to unlock it!
Previously we would pay 2g or 3g for a book that unlocked the traits and their skill choices. Now if we visit that trainer, we can still buy those skills but at a rediculous price!
If you were to purches all the books it would cose you a total of 43g and 360skill points!!! What a joke!
Yes you can do the events to unlock things, but come on….So basically anyone that was not fortunate enough to have made a toon to 80 and bought the manuals before the patch is now extremely unlucky.
I just started with PvE and after few hours of playing it, I am speechless. In every single dung i met ppl who are just running and ignoring tons of mobs. They dont care if they die, like 30×. They just run and trying to avoid. WTF is dat? there is absolutly no reward for killing them? Its worth to avoid 50% of dung? I am almost sure, killing it would be faster then trying to run like mindless npc.
but fighting with bosses is even better – bug or nothing. I can understand, everybody is trying to use glitchies and bugs in their favor. But this is just wrong.
Pve is about how to not pve.
This game cannot be kittened as this. Nothing can. (except legue of legends)
Do you know why people do this? Because there are no Tanks/Healers in the game! Simple.
PvP is great without Tanks and Healers because everyone is more balanced, that is how this game seems to be designed.
PvE however, cannot function without Tank, Healer and DPS triangle. It’s just dumb to think you can send 5 players with no survival in to a dungeon and expect them to tank a boss.
As a sollution, for PvE dungeons, players should receive a buff that drastically increases their toughness, vitality and healing. This should make dungeons more playable for those of us that aren’t wanting to use exploits or reroll as Warr/Guard.
Close Quarter Archer the damage reduction when close to your enemy is off
Quickly Pull the base attack speed is increased by 20-25%
Brilliant ideas!
This “new” trait is useless for us. So they’re effectively forcing us to play at max range, when EVERY single dungeon gorup wants to stack stack stack.
Also, there is no mention of fixing the long list of problems with pets!
Lastly, as someone else mentioned, this new trait/buff is something we should already have as passive! So it’s not really an improvement to add something that should already be there by default and paint it up as a pretty picture upgrade!
HORRIBLE-FEELING MELEE [sword/dagger] (It’s so far away from fluid it’s solid)
Gokitten, I want to play ranger but they really screwed this class over. Play like you want to?
Yeah the survivability is rediculous! In a game where there are no tanks/healers, you need to be able to survive as a dps, which simply isn’t always possible!
As for the melee, I avoid it at all costs because it feels clunky and under-powered.
I’m sick of people complaining about their pet.
If you don’t want a pet-class, you don’t want Ranger. It’s as simple as that.
sigh I also would like to see an option to remove/dismiss the pet. I like playing a Ranger/Archer class, I like the pet, I simply want to be able to chose when it assists me or not!
Pets are extremely weak and die very quickly, then spend the time limping around looking sorry for themselves instead of actually being useful. Also, even if you manage to heal your pet in combat, it still will not return to combat until you fully come out of combat let it heal to absolutely 100% hp and then it’ll consider fighting again, only to die instantly. Once a pet is above 25% it should immediately return to combat! We should also have a “mend pet” or “heal pet” skill that is seperate from our own healing spell.
The current game mechanics for pets is silly. You have the pet on “avoid comabat” and stowed away, but as soon as you take any damage, the pet is repsawned! If you’ve swapped to your second pet to and stowed it, your first pet is respawned, forcing you to use the 60s cooldown to swap pets to the one you want (if you want to swap). If the pet is on “avoid combat” and stowed, it should remain stowed until called. Alternatively, provide a “dissmiss” pet option.
Lastly, with pets like the cats that give might buff/boon, you want to be able to stand at Longobw range, press the pet-skill button and receive the buff/boon. you do not want to press three keys and wait 10seconds to do this! Press F3, recall pet, wait for it to come, through all the aoe damage of a fight, hope it doesnt die, press F2 … wait for it to think about roaring then it roars and you get a buff, also hope you don’t have to move away in this time, then send the pet back in to combat. -.- Having said this, pet skills take far too long to cast! They should be instant! Bear skill “shake it off” never removes important debuffs/conditions from me because by the time I press it and the pet roars, the condition has either expired or killed me anyway.
A-net never said play what you want and it is the best or most effective way.
No, they just made a game that is supposedly meant to be “balanced” with all classes being able to preform all roles, no tanks/healers, just grab a weapon and go. That seems to be the idea, yet we have superior classes with better survivability/damage and that is why people complain. We have taken the class we want to play, and it’s not as effective as other classes we encounter.
I think it’s rediculous the sheer ammount of materials required to craft a single item and/or upgrade!
I agree that this gear should not be handed out, and don’t mind so much the crafting of the actual gear itself, but the infusions are a complete and utter waste of time!
I don’t think it’s worth wasting 5 laurels on an item that adds a useless +4 to a single stat when I can have +5stat +5ar. But to make these, you require 100 overly-expensive T6 item plus the rest!
So, I looked up online where to go and farm the materials, turns out there is nowhere you can go to kill things for T6 mats. Apart from humanoids that drop bags, so it’s like tripple RnG nonsense! You might get a bag and then you might get a T6 item in that bag and then you just might get the one you’re after! sigh
After that, I decided to look into farming T5 to convert so tested the waters a little. I upped my magic find to 152% and set off for 30mins. I got 15claws! 15!!!! I mean come on! It’s 50 claws, plus 50 overly-expensive dust plus stones and coins to make ONE Vicious Claw!
Considering that I need 400 Vicious claws to make the 4 infusions I want, I’ve decided to not waste my entire life farming and to buy them.
Sollution: Reduce the mats for infusions, make it 10 of each not 100. Be fair to players who don’t wish to spend their entire life farming things.
My point is you’re stunned to death before you can even throw a boulder or seperate them or even react to dodge!
I’m not standing in circles expecting to survive and faceroll. But in a game that has no tanks or healers, you should be given a ton more survivability skills without being FORCED into speccing defence!
Again, I want to play dps, not tank/heal. I’m sick to death of starting a boss, losing 90% my hp, using my heal ability instantly, then spending the rest of the fight running away like a little girl on 5% hp avoiding everything while waiting for my heal skill to come off cooldown again. I then finally heal up, to 45% and take another hit instantly knocking me down to 5% or downing me, rince and repeat.
This evening’s AC run is still not complete on my Ele because of wipe groups, dying, more wiping and more dying. It’s rediculous.
Also, it’s stupid that when the instance starter leaves, the entire group is kicked! Who’s brilliant idea was that? Furthermore, there is no penalty for players quitting or abandoning groups.
My list of things I want to see in dungeons:
- Pentalty for quitters / players that abandon group mid-play. Something like an hour debuff preventing rejoining LFG.
- More suvivabilty. Wether that be through more skills to heal with or just more defence as standard, don’t mind.
- Remove the cave troll, really…
I’m so bored of always being on the floor, always downed, always dead.
Lets take AC for example. Doing story mode on my lv37 Ele. I have 2.2K hp, we come to the lovers fight, and in the first 2 seconds I’m not only downed but interrupted repeatedly and dead. Why? Because whirlwind knockback that spawns on me, followed by boss thinder, followed by OP illusion mage on my corpse. It’s boring.
If you don’t want to have tanks/healers, then make it so dps’ers can survive! And not be forced into speccing full toughness/vitality. I made dps roles because that’s what I enjoy doing. I do not want to tank or heal yet I am expected to do so just to survive more than one hit from anything in any dungeon.
Another overflow this evening, another failure.
2x Knight’s actually killed, with green going down as the timer expired! But blue was still on 50% health.
How many more times do we need to ask for these bosses to be nerfed?!
Should I hold into to these I have around 10 of each.Do u think they will go up or down in value, with the bugged drop rates?
How the hell do you have 10 of each?! I had to buy all 10 to upgrade my backpiece because knights simply do not die! Ever! And even if you are lucky to kill one in a fail-overflow event, you don’t get the loot, just greens. 107% magic find unbuffed and greens. Simplya waste of time.
Please advise what server you are on, so I can guest there and join decent groups that seem to actually be capable of killing a knight or two.
- No coloured circle after time
- No loot after kill
- Way too much HP to be killed in Overflow
A new bug is that the Knight’s stop placing coloured circles on the floor after a while. Also, they are not dropping loot.
I cannot verify wether or not this is all the Knight’s or just the red one as my group was unable to kill more than one Knight.
The 6minute achievement is not possible to complete because overflow groups barely manage to kill one Knight! It is also not possible to get into a non-overflow group, so since players like me are forced to endure this, please resolve this by nerfing the bosses HP in Overflow events.
Another day, another overflow and what a surprise, another failure.
We barely managed to kill ONE knight in the 15min window, and even that didn’t drop loot. sigh
Why are these Knight bosses not nerfed yet? Honestly, they need 50% less hp to be killable in the event.
I completely disagree, this entire event is thoroughly UNenjoyable!
I’m yet to kill Scarlet or her Hologram because of failure groups in overflow that can just about manage to kill ONE knight in 15mins.
Also, since the knights don’t die, the 6min achi is impossible to complete. Furthermore, they don’t even drop loot, so in turn, the back upgrade is also impossible unless you spend 100g on the TP.
Days after release, and still unable to join main event on my server or complete this. Frustrating and boring don’t even begin to describe this event.
As long as there’s plenty of people doing it in overflow shouldn’t be much of an issue. First time I did it was in overflow and it didn’t fail once.
Still stuck in overflows, still unable to kill the knights.
[EDIT] Just tried guesting on another server, same story.
This event is a complete and utter joke! Three days now and unable to even get the achievements for killing Scarlet and the Hologram (simple achievements) because of being forced into overflows and groups that cannot even kill one knight, let alone three!
Proposed Fix:
Nerf the bosses in overflows. Simple.
(edited by Rentapest.6503)
just wait it out, eventually one of the NPCs distracts her and you can just walk up and stomp; it’s what I ended up doing.
Doesn’t work. By the time the NPC does anything, the shield is up.
I tried watching the guide on duffy, doesn’t work.
Quickness – Does NOT work
Stealth – Does NOT work
Stability – Does NOT work
Dodge – Does NOT work
This achievement needs to be changed so you get it simply for killing her. Not this unobtainable nonsense.
Another 2x failed knight attmempts in the past hour. sigh
Just did another failed knight event in overflow…
Managed to kill 2/3 knights, got the 3rd to about 25% then the time ran out.
These bosses need to be nerfed! Seriously! Overflow players cannot complete the event because of this.
Anyone out there get these achievements ?
Because it’s not even possible to GET this far in the event! Just one failure after another with overflow groups not able to down more than one knight. And if they manage more than one, they certainly never manage 3.
Even on the non-overflow, we killed 3 knights, got in, event failed. No loot. Ppl left the holograms and killed scarlet. sigh
Either way, these achievements are not possible to complete.
No, I just need the bosses in overflow servers/venues to be nerfed so people can actually kill them.
The event is impossible because failure after failure. It’s a complete and utter waste of time being in an overflow group, and why should we spend hours getting a knight to 50% only to have it fail? Especially when every other player on the server has the achievements and back upgrades already and I’m here without a single backpiece upgrade item and require 10! It’s frustrating to say the least.
This achievement is next to impossible to do, maybe I lag to much or something but Ive tried to stomp her before her shield about 40 times now with no success.
I’ve tried stability (she still knocks you back)
I’ve tried quickness (she spams skills faster than you can do the stomp)
I’ve tried stealth (she still spams skills on you as if she knows where you are)
I’ve tried following the vid on dulfy (never seems to go my way even if I do something identical to the successful vid)
I’ve tried the using quickness and then stealing with the daze on steal trait (still no success)The most annoying thing? Not all the failures or attempts, but having to watch the cutscene over and over and over again. The first time I saw it I thought cool. Now I see and think ug here it goes again. Please give me a skip scene button!
Completely agree, nothing works! The most frustrating thing is that people have somehow exploited it and seem to think they did it legitimately and want to try suggest it’s achieveable when it’s blatantly not!
Firstly, fix the cut scene so it can be skipped.
Secondly, make it so the achievement is do-able.
People found this…Hard?
It is impossible to complete the achievement for killing her before she uses her bubble.
Stability – DOES NOT WORK
Dodging – DOES NOT WORK (Yes, tried to the side)
Nothing works that anyone has suggested. The achievement needs to be removed or nerfed/fixed.
This is a thread for people to register their dis-satisfaction and general unhappiness with how the overflow afa “failflow” is currently ruining the LA event!
I have not yet once been able to kill Scarlet OR the Hologram for the (unobtainable) achievements because of always being in a crap failflow group that cannot manage more than one knight.
Also, the 6 minute knight achievement is unobtainable and should be removed or changed for simply being able to kill all 3.
If you have completed these events, don’t come post here “I have xx achi, it was easy” etc. This is a chance for people to register enough complaints about how the event needs to be nerfed so failflow can complete it.
Why is it that all discoveries for exotic crafting require 5 ectoplasm in order to get your crafting to 500?!
This is rediculous. Not every player, especially one like me who’s fairly new, has thousands of gold spare to get the required materials.
And farming does not work, because it’s not benficial to do so. The sheer amount of time required for the tiny that you reap in return completely takes any ‘fun’ out the game.
They aren’t any harder than any other run of the mill push 1 then afk champ (inb4 ohhh but you gotta stand in a colored circle!) They shouldn’t be giving out so many gear boxes. It’s just not appropriate risk/reward.
They only drop crap anyway! And that’s even if you’re lucky enough to be in a group that is able to actually kill them!
Let’s see what loot I got from them … 172% magic find btw … nothing but greens, best item rare “Corrupted Core”. \o/
I am yet to receive a single upgrade component for my backpack.
The cutscene ends:
- Run to her, start the finisher
- The entire ground is now covered in orange
- Wait about 0.5s, DODGE ONCE TO THE SIDE, immediately start the finisher.
- Dodging to the side eliminates the time it takes to activate the finisher again!This does not require any class or skill, any profession can do it!
This actually works…. make your dodge to the SIDE. If you dodge towards her (into the control room or w/e it is) you will be automatically pushed back and fail and get blasted etc.
No, this does NOT work! Dodging to the side moves you FAR away, and by the time you walk back, she’s knocked you back again and then all the AoE is around you and you’re bounced around like a nub.
Why is this achievement not possible to complete?! It’s simply stupid! Fix this, make it do-able. And not just for your pet class Guardian.
Lastly, make the cut scene skip-able. I’m bored to death of waiting for the cut scene to end because I’ve had to attempt this rediculous achievement so many times!
I’ll wait for a patch/fix before trying this again.
I would like to make some suggestions regarding the Ranger pets and how they function.
I want to be able to have no pet at all and just use my bow as a ranged class. Most fights the pet just dies and limps around doing nothing.
The option for ‘stow pet’ should mean that when the pet is in ‘avoid combat’ mode and is stowed away, should NOT under any circumstances re-appear until you summon it by clicking the ‘activate pet’ button. It is so annoying putting my pet away, and it comes right back out as soon as a mob puts me in combat, or I take the slightest fall damage. If however, the pet is on ‘guard’ and stowed away, I would expect it to come to my aid.
Also, when the pet is in ‘avoid combat’ mode, it should NOT go and start attacking a target just because you used it’s ‘special’ ability. For example, I use a cat for the attack power buff, but I keep it away from bosses because it’s useless and dies instantly, then I cannot use it’s buff anymore. But everytime I use the buff, even when it’s on ‘avoid combat’ it rushes in towards the target and I have to manually recall it! Basically, passive should be passive.
It is impossible to participate and complete events because everytime I enter the new LA event, it’s straight to overflow which is just doomed to fail.
Cannot defeat the legendary coloured bosses because notwhere near enough damage/people to complete even one of them to less than 50% hp in the time limit!!! That is how bad it is.
I mean come on, we all want to participate, we all want to get the achievements, we all want to get the items. But it is simply impossible when you force us into overflows of people from mixed realms that mostly cannot communicate nor work together as a group.
I’m already bored of this event and returned to other daily activities such as dungeons etc. I might, just might, be able to participate once other people have gotten bored etc and I can get into a non-overflow group.
I am probably being a troll by posting about this, but what the heck. I really would like to see this removed from ‘story’ mode or serverely nerfed.
I’ve been running CM on my little Thief over and over in story mode for loot/mats and exp, and have had the Troll 8 times today. Everytime it’s a series of repeated wipes with people leaving the group and then us finally using ‘Shadow Refuge’ to walk past the boss and skip it.
It really takes the fun away dying repeatedly and having people leave/quit because of this random boss.
Also, on the ‘lovers’ fight, please make it so that we can rally from killing the Illusionary Mages.