Yet they kill dungeon rewards and don’t even tell us about the insane buff to the kiting room?
Not only is there a lack of communication with the community but they’re punishing the community for working hard to get what they want.
I’m sure I’m not the only one that feels that they lost their main cash flow.
If I can’t make 5g by the end of this month without breaking my back, or if they don’t bring dungeon rewards back to 26s, I’m filing for a refund.
Let this be Anet’s first test to see if they not only care about their community, but are really “player-driven”.
I just want the rewards back and the kiting room to not be hell anymore.
It’s funny; I actually already roll when I hit the ground in this game, always wishing it would reduce damage like a real parkour breakfall but always knowing it’s not like that.
the idea is having no “carrot” in this game. its not like WoW, you just need to “enjoy” this game. run dungeons and get no loot, you just do it for fun.
If your running dungeons and expecting for loot you bought the wrong game.
Fun is supplemented by reward and desire.
There is no more reward. Therefore, no more desire for the expensive things.
Hopelessness. That’s what they bought us in this game. Then yes, this is a very wrong game.
[Devquote included] Dungeon Gear Token Costs (Aka, whatever happened to anti-grind philosophy?)
Posted by: Reynfall.1547
They seem to actually be promoting grinding instead of anti-grinding with what they did with the latest cuts in rewards.
It’s depressing.
I created that thread and I totally agree with you.
They can’t shut us up about this.
Honestly, the exp rewards shouldn’t matter.
I’m insanely upset that they cut the silver gain in half when it’s already a massive grind to get money for the things you want if you don’t want to complicatedly cheat with the Trading Post.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^I’m talking about the skill still being bugged, guys.
It’s missing like it was back in Beta. The update didn’t fix it yet
Keep it at 3. It doesn’t do THAT much damage as a finisher, even if you use it correctly.
Death Blossom does need to go down, though.
But when will the missing on HS be fixed?
The reward was fun and the dungeon itself was fun. The bomb running, the flame spewers, THE ARMY OF DEVOURERS RUSHING DOWN THE HILL LIKE FREAKING STARSHIP TROOPERS STYLE TRYING TO EAT YOUR FACE.
But now I can’t enjoy that since the true, TRUE worth of that time, the rewards – got cut in half. 13 measley silver. For 30 minutes of time since they made death inevitable in the kiting part.
As well as easy gold spot for your “toys” – well, I had my sights set on Tier 3 Cultural armor. With CoF, I thought it was possible to get that 120g. I thought maybe, somewhere at the end of some tunnel somewhere, I would achieve the full set.
Then they shattered my dreams and many other peoples’.
Who are we to want things? Who are we to work for things?
Who are we to try to achieve things in an MMO?
Who are we to try hard?
Nobody, according to Arenanet.
It becomes one of the first things Anet decides to “Fix”.
Rest in peace CoF. You were fun. You gave me a lot of money (and still not enough for the things I want) You were what Anet was promising. Now they show us the true meaning of their words.
/agree with the OP
Totally agree with everything you 3 said.
I’m really upset they did this.
My only real source of cash flow.
Cut in half.
I need a reason to live.
Or, at least, something that pays out as good (or as better?) as Citadel of Flame Magg runs, because I’m really upset right now.
Come fellow forumers.
Join me.
Try these emotes: howm any of those commands are still there, but do noting? You won’t even get the error message that appears when you input an invalid message.
Either they left them there and they will eventually get added, or it was a mindslip.Either case, they should really add them to the models. I keep trying to /roar with Charr and Norn, or use /excited with Silvary, or /sigh with an Asura and it bugs me a lot when nothing happens.
I have a strange feeling this will be one of “those things” that were around ever since launch but probably won’t ever be addressed. Idk why, just a feeling.
Normalize Cost of 1h vs 2h weapons please, stop punishing dual-wielders?
in Suggestions
Posted by: Reynfall.1547
Cut the karma costs, gold costs, and dungeon trophy costs of one handed weapons in half, please.
I made a really, really fun Shadowfang build (the one where you stab then shadowstep away in 1 skill).
It has insane mobility and it’s insane fun…but…
I..just can’t kill anybody with it. I can get away from about everything, I can confuse people and get somewhat near to even just downing them, but I can’t ever actually down or kill someone.
This is how my combo goes:
Steal (enhanced with damage from trait) -> Shadowfang -> Scorpion Wire -> Cloak and Dagger -> The Repeater -> Shadowfang.
I have the trait that gives me 3 extra initiative
I’m not sure if these are errors in the description of the runes, or of their functionality, but here goes:
1. After my health goes low enough for the Quickness to proc, my actions aren’t any faster and it seems to only put me at a disadvantage since my energy is completely drained. Sometimes it doesn’t even drain but I still see the status icons next to my health bubble.
2. The fireblast on using a healing skill seems to have a cooldown a good bit longer than the stated 10 seconds -> at least twelve. I use Signet of Malice with the trait that reduces the cooldowns on my signets. On using Signet of Malice on every 12 second cooldown, the fireblast procs the first time, then it only happens every other time.
I don’t know if the increased flame duration is working or not, either – I have inherent condition duration increase in Deadly Arts so it’s hard to tell.
6 Runes of the Eagle,
2139 Power,
2025 Precision,
916 Toughness,
1245 vitality
57% crit chance. Gain 20% crit chance when enemy falls below 50% health. Deal 20% more damage if they’re below 50% health and cause immobilize if you hit them and they’re below 50% health.
My Steal deals damage and I improved the range of it. And if I really need to go far, I also have the Shadowstep utility skill to chain with Steal.
I don’t use Haste in my spike unless I’m with teammates that can help me finish them off, which is why my other utility skill is Scorpion Wire. Pistol Whip spike, Scorpion Wire, Pistol Whip.
I use Basilisk Venom as my Elite. I steal, causing Basilisk to proc, then I let 1 autoattack in to allow Basilisk to run its course (stacking Basilisk on top of any other crowd control abilities wastes all of the abilities’ time). Immediately after the autoattack I Pistol Whip.
Dual Skills deal 5% more damage and have a 5% extra chance to critical hit.
Stealth spam is annoying and fun-leeching.
That’s from someone that’s almost literally only played a thief for the past 3 weeks.
Imagine CnD – Backstab – CnD – Backstab and then Heartseeker, all crits, with Haste active, in less than half a second
If an engie’s rifle can do it we should too!
^^^^^ This this this!!!
I’m not sure if these are errors in the description of the runes, or of their functionality, but here goes:
1. After my health goes low enough for the Quickness to proc, my actions aren’t any faster and it seems to only put me at a disadvantage since my energy is completely drained. Sometimes it doesn’t even drain but I still see the status icons next to my health bubble.
2. The fireblast on using a healing skill seems to have a cooldown a good bit longer than the stated 10 seconds -> at least twelve. I use Signet of Malice with the trait that reduces the cooldowns on my signets. On using Signet of Malice on every 12 second cooldown, the fireblast procs the first time, then it only happens every other time.
I don’t know if the increased flame duration is working or not, either – I have inherent condition duration increase in Deadly Arts so it’s hard to tell.
No thanks. It’s one of the reasons I was disgusted with Perfect World. It’s creepy.
This idea is mainly because I use Steal as an opener in my burst builds (shadowstep + dmg) and it’s quite frustrating accidentally using a stolen skill from the previous assassination because it’s in F1 instead of shadowstepping and starting my chain off.
If you have a stolen skill waiting to be used and you use Steal again, F2 will be refreshed to the new skill.
so quit. why should any of us care that you don’t like the class? play something else. try different classes until you find one you like. this post is just a juvenile whine thread that accomplishes nothing.
It’s not whining if he’s saying why he thinks what he thinks.
Blinks -> take us as far as possible instead of "Out of range"
in Suggestions
Posted by: Reynfall.1547
Thanks everyone. Let’s try and get some Arenanet attention to this, it would be a great quality of life update.
Shadowsteps are unreliable to use when using it on a hill or to cross a gap in the ground. Sometimes it works, sometimes it just poofs you as close to the intended target area, and sometimes you just don’t move at all.
What I’ve noticed is that the smaller the gap in the ground is, the higher the chances of the shadowstep past it to work. It should always be 100%. no matter the distance of the gap as long as the skill has sufficient range.
Mobs in PvE don’t respond correctly to stealth.
What I mean is, if you draw a mob’s attack (say, a Devourer’s repeating tail whipping), stealth before it hits you, and walk around the Devourer to backstab, the devourer will keep turning and keep whipping you with its tails even though it’s not supposed to be seeing you.
Very well said.
The rest of the trading post is working fine, but when I try to sell something, the sell tab appears but it’s just entirely blank. So is the My Transactions tab. The home page of the Trading Post loads just fine but when I try to buy something, the “buy” button is always grayed out for some reason.
It’s been like this for a day or two now.
It’s comforting knowing I’m not the only one with this problem…but still, it’s been like this for a few days. If I didn’t know any better I’d say the trading post is trying to get me to buy stuff!
OK, so it sounds like the fix wasn’t perfect. So for those of you who are having issues loading the trading post in the last couple days, DaKwL offered a good suggestion. I’ll expand it a little bit.
Note, by following these instructions you will lose at least your graphics settings and have to set them up again:
1) Close the game client
2) Delete the local.dat file located in Documents\Guild Wars 2\local.dat
3) Open the game clientHopefully this resolves your issue until we can apply a patch on the server. If you don’t feel comfortable doing this change, we’re still working on fixing it on our end.
Sorry for the trouble.
The rest of the trading post is working fine, but when I try to sell something, the sell tab appears but it’s just entirely blank. So is the My Transactions tab. The home page of the Trading Post loads just fine. All the other pages except home page and Pick-Up are blank.
It’s been like this for a day or two now.
So since it happened recently I’m not sure if there’s a fix coming for it, especially because the patch you’re talking about has already come. What’s even more disturbing to me is that nobody else that I’ve talked to seems to have this problem.
I would really love to know how he hit a 10k Backstab
And then the warrior goes up against a mesmer.
Thank you for a beautiful and balanced game but... *edited by moderator. staff call-out*
in Thief
Posted by: Reynfall.1547
I think the more important thing anet needs to do here is to fix Heartseeker from missing so much. It didn’t happen like this before the patch. Now it misses randomly at least 30% of the time.
Infiltrator’s arrow is not unrestricted. At all.
Shadowsteps are broken and rarely take you across gaps whereas guardians and warriors are leaping across gaps and elementalists are dashing through them.
I hope they fix shadowsteps soon, along with Heartseeker missing a lot.
But other than that, I agree with the posts in response to the OP – thieves are quite mobile. Arenanet just needs to fix what they broke.
Also happening to me, never happened before the nerf.
It does work with crossing gaps – very rarely. I hope they fix it to work all the time along with all shadowsteps.
Where the arrow is able to land, you should be able to follow.
^^^^quit trolling.
It’s even more broken now that it’s missing a lot
My opinion on the heartseeker re-work(it misses ALL the time now)
in Suggestions
Posted by: Reynfall.1547
@Jorno – No, the range wasn’t changed, it’s still a leap attack, and I can confirm that they definitely broke it. They don’t seem to playtest Thieves seeing as mobs can still see you in Stealth and how they broke Heartseeker while nerfing it.
That’s probably not going to be implemented because it would really embarrass Arenanet. Reporting for spam is fine
Problem with undergarments is that they are always covered up unless you are missing a piece of gear or it’s broken entirely.
I’m sorry, I just thought this was cute.
Some people like to show them while they’re doing certain things.
If they’re gonna add new options they should let us change our current characters once for free, and again for free once for each time they add new options.
But yeah I agree
The rest of the trading post is working fine, but when I try to sell something, the page is just entirely blank. So is the My Transactions page. The home page of the Trading Post loads just fine.
It’s been like this for a day or two now.
After the nerf to Heartseeker, it seems to have gone back to its Beta ways – one out of maybe every seven or ten times, it seems to just “miss”. The enemy doesn’t roll, or get otherwise moved, it just…misses. As an execution skill it’s extremely important that it can reliably hit.
Other people have noticed this as well.
This is veeeery frustrating in PvP too.
The rest of the trading post is working fine, but when I try to sell something, the sell tab appears but it’s just entirely blank. So is the My Transactions tab. The home page of the Trading Post loads just fine.
It’s been like this for a day or two now.
After the nerf to Heartseeker, it seems to have gone back to its Beta ways – one out of maybe every seven or ten times, it seems to just “miss”. The enemy doesn’t roll, or get otherwise moved, it just…misses. As an execution skill it’s extremely important that it can reliably hit.
Other people have noticed this as well.
This is veeeery frustrating in PvP too.