Showing Posts For Rhaps.8540:

I am done with ranger for wvw.

in Ranger

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


Rhaps, 2 points. Ill take your last point first; Its crap because it makes it very hard for me to follow my guild group. Thats why its crap. If I try to pull it off in anything besides a zerg, I get burnt down before duration time ends. So, in other words, its useless. Second point, you said there are other classes which are as useless as hunter. Well, the two best classes are Guardian and warrior for a good organized guild zerg bust team. But, ALL other classes has its uses, EXCEPT Ranger. As yourself pointed out, there will occationally be even engineers. But no rangers. I have myself Guardian, thief, ranger and warrior. No sane team leader will ever ask me to log on my ranger. Has never happened, will never happen. ANd rightfully so.
It doesnt mean I dont enjoy my ranger. Its a totally different game. Ranger is not built to be an asset to a team. Maybe if you are running two or three friends, relaxing trying to pick out one or two, running the risk etc. its good fun. Its good fun to try one vs one as well, testing different builds. I like my ranger, but its still useless for anything else than my personal fun. Might be decent in sPvP, I dont know, because I dont like sPvP.

Huh? I was just correcting you on the viability of 2 skills and otherwise agreeing.

First point, I use both skills to great effect in WvW in and out of zergs. If you die all the time when using them you’re either using them wrong or just getting straight outplayed. I think the fact that you barely mentioned the full functionality of GS 4/5 or how to utilise it leads me to believe you have very little experience using it. You don’t mention the moving ranged block, the ranged cripple, the 50% dmg boost to pet, how they are interrupts and will allow you to proc AoO off MoC and also that they get their stun durations boosted by MoC to be very useful. You need to practice your GS Ranger more before lecturing people on their effectiveness.

Secondly. This, “you said there are other classes which are as useless as hunter” I absolutely 100% in no way said this. I have noooo idea where you are pulling it from. I said Ranger is a harder class to play in WvW than my other toons. Thats it. Don’t put words in my mouth.

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

Maxed Homogenization

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


Anet has stated that their active player numbers are rising not falling, that is all i need to hear : P

I’ve never seen that. In the last financial report they said that GW2 is stabilising. That doesn’t sound like rising. Now that could be about sales but if sales have been going down (which the report shows they have) and they have more players playing again, that would mean less income and more costs. Good for the playerbase, not so good for Anet’s pockets.

Could you tell me where you got this info, because I would actually like to read it?

The highlights:
The future:

… seriously dude. Google, it aint a secret.

true but google can come with different results and I wanted to see specifically the ones you read. So thanks for that. I shall appreciate your troubles and actually read them.

You’re welcome It paints a pretty rosy picture for the population numbers and financial future of the game. I just googled “gw2 player numbers increasing”, checked the main results and then the news results for the Time article. Easy!
And no im not the guy you were talking to before. But getting information relevant to whats happening with the game now is easy and pertinent to any discussion about player numbers. Going by the fact there is a great hoo-hah in this thread about the numbers or info being out of date/made up I felt that the discussion would benefit from a reality check on whats happening now.

If you want to do some point scoring over some population data from 6 months ago I’m afraid you’ll have to do your own research. ^ ^

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

(edited by Rhaps.8540)

Maxed Homogenization

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


Anet has stated that their active player numbers are rising not falling, that is all i need to hear : P

I’ve never seen that. In the last financial report they said that GW2 is stabilising. That doesn’t sound like rising. Now that could be about sales but if sales have been going down (which the report shows they have) and they have more players playing again, that would mean less income and more costs. Good for the playerbase, not so good for Anet’s pockets.

Could you tell me where you got this info, because I would actually like to read it?

The highlights:
The future:

… seriously dude. Google, it aint a secret.

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

(edited by Rhaps.8540)

No appreciation for dedicated players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhaps.8540



There are skillpoints in wvw. You can unlock weapon skills in a zerg nooo problem.. heck the levelling under 20 is really no hassle in a zerg. I’d agree if I was taking about trying to lvl by roaming but im not. I’m talking following the zerg train and spamming AoE to tag mobs/players. Even an uplvled lvl 1 can do that with no problems.

Safety in numbers

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

No appreciation for dedicated players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


I’ve never seen it either, mostly because most other MMOs want you to grind your way through those first twenty levels. But I do have to point out I’ve seen other MMOs where the first twenty levels were nowhere near as interesting as the end-game after a while.

Well that certainly wasn’t Anet’s intention from what I gathered…you know the whole idea that you’re doing endgame from the start and all. There are games that have very generic or should I say uninspired leveling processes. I guess I just never expected Anet to indirectly admit to that (as I see it).

Personally, I think no matter what they stuck in the Birthday Gift people were going to raise holy heck over it. Might as well just make it something as pointless as that scroll

Hehe, I do agree people would’ve moaned, no matter what. I just don’t get why they did the scroll unless they have their metrics showing lots of characters with very low levels sitting there. Maybe I’m wrong, I could very well be, but at the moment it just seems like the most logical reason for them to do something like this.

I think you guys are totally forgetting the players have always had the option to skip the first 20 lvls of open world lvling. WvW, you can lvl from 1-80 in zergs easily and crafting you can go from 1-80 without ever having to leave town. Its always been in the game since day 1. This scroll is just the equivalent of maxing one crafting skill. It doesnt have any implications to how Anet intended players to level. They want you to do it your way, so thats why there were other options from the get-go. This is nothing different, if anything it’s true to form.

Also how is the giving out of the xp scroll in any way ‘draconic’ ?

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

(edited by Rhaps.8540)

I am done with ranger for wvw.

in Ranger

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


4, is a block one attack. Crappety crap for anything else than solo roaming.. 5 is a weird skill. Its supposed to stun one target, and apply vulnerability

4 blocks one attack in melee as you counter, which can interrupt to proc moment of clarity btw. If you are blocking ranged it blocks all attacks for its duration and you can move. Oh and it has a long range cripple too. Its not crappety crap, it’s one of the best block skills in the game.

5 is a decent interrupt, and if you combine it with moment of clarity you have a great combo for a followup attack of opportunity boosted maul and a gauranteed huge hit from your pet. Especially if you have fury from RaO on. I’ve seen 5-4 combos burst for over 20k dmg between the ranger and pet in mere seconds whilst the enemy is standing there stunned.

I agree with most of the rest of the stuff you posted though. Ranger WvW is still a heck of a lot of work for something I can do alot easier with one of my other toons.

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

Left behind?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


OP you are not at a ‘severe disadvantage’ at all. A very slight disadvantage would be more accurate. A tiny disadvantage that can easily be overcome by outplaying your opponents.

Stop focusing on what you dont have yet and just play, you will still beat plenty of people rocking full ascended gear.

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

Queen Jennah's Lemonade

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


I think the OP should actually do this. I don’t think anyone else is crazy enough to bother.

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

No appreciation for dedicated players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


I couldn’t possibly care less about the bosters/scrolls. But what I think is a real shame is that you get 1 account bound mini… just 1, out of a selection of 1.. account bound. That’s the real travesty here. I fully expected them to do the gw1 thing and give us a random tradeable mini out of a selection of cool minis. I still get excited opening my gw1 toon’s presents to this day and have had some really cool rare minitures (the white rabbit and mini gwen being my favourites) over the years.

Nothing special about a single mini everyone else has.

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

Nothing has ever made me rage more then GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


This is such a non-issue.

Use voicechat, tell your friend you wont be able to reply as yer fighting in orr, goto a safe area (mists/wp), learn to type faster, use stunbreakers, use stability. That’s what the rest of us do!

And if you wanted to talk to your old friend so badly then you really should have zoned somewhere safe and given him your full attention rather than blaming the game for your inability to juggle fighting and typing.

The game is not at fault in the slightest here.

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

What others think of the Ranger class...

in Ranger

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


Ranger is a hard class to play competatively or even well in a WvW scenario. There are hoards of bow/bow bear/bear rangers running around doing miserably whilst a very small portion of the population (that I’ve observed ofc, I barely see anything else) has cottened on to making use of the ranger’s other weapon and pet combos.

Obviously on the ranger forum i’d expect most of you to be making great use of our axe/greatsword/sword/warhown/torch/dps pets etc. and looking at the builds a few notable rangers have shared that is indeed the case. But sadly for the most case the word hasn’t gotten out. Therefore we get utterly trashed by the community as being a useless pew-pew from miles away, no threat class.

An aggressive, well built Ranger in the hands of an experienced player is very effective. We just need to spread the word to the rest of the ranger community to ditch the bears and at least one bow, then maybe people will start taking us seriously.

Edit: oh and BM/Traps bunker is certainly not the be-all and end-all of the class. There are a lot more viable builds for zerging and roaming out there, I just wish I’d come up against them more. Or ever, to be honest.

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

(edited by Rhaps.8540)

[merged] Level 20 Scroll --> +20 Level Scroll?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


It’s patently obvious why it’s an upto lvl 20 and not a straight + 20 scroll. Anet wants you to start alts. If you have an alt at 20+ you’re more likely to actually take on the lvling process all the way up to 80 than if you had to start at 1. They want you to commit to levelling alts as it keeps you in the game and, potentially, spending gems. If it was a straight +20 lvls then it would just make it quicker for folks to complete lvling their alts, get bored an move on.

A smart move by Anet, don’t expect them to change these scrolls any time soon, if ever.

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

(edited by Rhaps.8540)

A more serious patch?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


Yeah another real dragon threat and a storyline/dungeon(s) to accompany it would really make my day. No mini-games, few achievs, just another personal story (or hey, a co-op story like gw1) a couple solid dungeons and a decent dragon boss fight.

It would be awesome.

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

if you could have * insert weapon*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


I think you’re forgetting about the Bardiche, a real 15th c. Russian weapon with a huge kitten blade. Bring on the huge blades please, in the name of real world historical accuracy! (as that’s very important in a fantasy mmo).

I could see it being done that way, although the bardiche wouldn’t exactly be the ideal choice of melee weapon for most. Seems a bit obscure. But you’re right, it did exist.

I’d honestly rather see something closer to a glaive or poleaxe than one of those for a melee class…or actually making the spear usable on land, considering its very prominent existence in almost every culture’s history. I may be a bit biased though. Having handled and sparred with the poleaxe before, it’s a magnificent weapon and I’d love to see it pop up in something like GW2.

It aint all that obscure, it features in Diablo 3 and Chivalry Medieval Warfare just off the top of my head. Probably countless other games

I’d totally be for any kind of land based polearms though, from stakitten and spears to halberds and bills, they’re all fun.

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

Copper-Fed Salvage o-Matic - Basic

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


It’s all part of Anet’s plan to raise the price of copper.

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

Non-Members trolling guild missions

in Guild Missions

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


It’s a real shame this thread has been dumped in this forum. Yes I know it’s about Guild Missions but nobody uses it to discuss them, just to spam for public missions.

I entirely agree that at least guild Puzzles should be instanced. As it is having them open world just leads to conflict between guilds trying to run the same puzzle or rampant trolling by random subhumans.

An instanced version of all the missions would be absolutely ideal. No competing to activate a mission if you need the merits, no trolling by randoms, no larger guilds storming through your puzzle leaving you trailing after them bored. The only missions that wouldn’t benefit from instancing are Trek and Bounty.

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

if you could have * insert weapon*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


I’d like to see halberds as a type of weapon. I don’t know what a “greataxe” is suppose to be. Is that like some sort of silly, cartoon-large axe or something?

Seriously? It is a two handed axe.

Are we talking about a two handed axe that likely evolved into the popular 15th c. poleaxe/halberd I mentioned? I Google “greataxe” and I keep getting images of these fantasy weapons where the blade is huge… <_>

I think you’re forgetting about the Bardiche, a real 15th c. Russian weapon with a huge kitten blade. Bring on the huge blades please, in the name of real world historical accuracy! (as that’s very important in a fantasy mmo).


Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

Performance Gutted since Aug 6th Patch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


I managed to bring temps down from the danger zone after strippping it, cleaning every inch meticulously and reapply thermal paste (game still runs hotter than all my others at the moment). But performance is still terrible, have gone through 5 different steps with tech support but nothing helped (they have now gone quiet).

Its definately worst in the new pavilion zone, but performance across all areas has taken a hit. The graphics settins definately were changed by the patch but even with absolute lowest settings the game still wont break 20fps in pavilion and barely climbs much more in other zones where before I was 40-50.

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

Framerate halved by 8/6 patch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


Please re-read the last sentence of my original post.

I submitted the output of Game Advisor and ArenaNet.log to support with all the details because it is clearly a game patch issue. I do not find it coincidental that people posting here with the same problem all have an Nvidia card. Every time there is a patch with a graphics change, Nvidia card owners seem to get screwed. Game ran fine for me since release on auto-detect graphics settings until culling was removed. That was the first time I had to lower my graphics settings WAY down and from then on I have always monitored temperature and fps. This patch is now the second time, which is what makes it so frustrating.

For reference for people reading this, my laptop is an Origin PC 15-S Pro, only 1 year old. The CPU is Intel i7-3720QM, 16G of RAM, Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit. I am sad to report that after about 20-30 minutes of play tonight, the system shutdown. I monitored the temperature while I could. It was 102-103C the whole time. I took video of my gameplay experience with the graphics options ui open and will post it later. Seven FPS just from standing still. That ain’t right. Ain’t right at all.

I may try with the Nvidia beta driver tomorrow.

It not just Nvidia. Having the same problem with my HD6850. Stripping/cleaning the card till it was spotless and reapplying thermal paste helped bring the temps down but the performance is still terrible. Even with settings set to minimum.

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

The Crowns Pavilion Framerate! Anyone else?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


The pavilion is awful in terms of performance, and I’ve also seen fps drops across all zones since the patch it’s just worse there. Even dropping all settings to lowest I barely break 20 frames doing the events around the edges.

A fair few people are reporting similar problems. I’m guessing their update to how effects are rendered in large groups is bugged somehow.

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

GW2 causing GPU to melt since patch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


This is an awesome app for monitoring temps and other things:

You guys may need to open your systems and make sure there is no dust or gunk around your processors, fans, or heat sinks. Give them a good cleaning just to be safe.

Good advice, but everything is 100% fine and dandy inside the case. And the problem is isolated to GW2.

I’m also having this issue since the patch,

My card has the Windforce cooler on it and I have taken great pains to ensure the inside of my case is spotless, the cables are well tidied and my airflow is good. Normally my gpu is one of the coolest around. =/

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

(edited by Rhaps.8540)

Performance Gutted since Aug 6th Patch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


Hi, since the patch today my fps has dropped from an average of 40-50 to 10-22.

The gpu is also overheating despite not going over 61% load, with average temps going to 80 degrees whilst just standing still in town. Hardware is not faulty, all other games are running as usual and as way GW2 until the patch was applied. <- this thread also mentions overheating GPUs but im making this thread as im also getting huge fps drops and its not mentioned there. (edit: ah he actually does mention his fps tanking, well if you have the same card as me then post here too :P)

Gigabyte HD6850 1GB
AMD Phenom II 955 BE (3.2ghz quad core)
4gig Ram
Windows 7

On a side note I believe the patch may have also changed my graphics settings but even after putting everything to absolute lowest the best fps I’ve been able to achieve in combat is 20. All drivers are up to date and I tried uninstalling Flash as per another thread’s suggestion.

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

(edited by Rhaps.8540)

How much have you paid to play Guild Wars 2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


Not criticising anyone’s buying decisions but those of you who spend hundreds of dollars, $300-600+, what are you buying with all that? I’m not sure I’d find enough stuff worth purchasing in the gemstore to spend that amount if I tried. I’m just curious.

Buy gems to convert to gold. Helps achieve an item (i.e. a legendary) especially if you are only 100-200g off from finishing it.

Ah of course, I forgot about exchanging gems back for gold. That makes more sense, thanks.

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

How much have you paid to play Guild Wars 2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


Not criticising anyone’s buying decisions but those of you who spend hundreds of dollars, $300-600+, what are you buying with all that? I’m not sure I’d find enough stuff worth purchasing in the gemstore to spend that amount if I tried. I’m just curious.

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

How much have you paid to play Guild Wars 2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


£30 on the game, about £18 on gems since launch. I tend to have enough gold to just buy gems in-game so never felt the need to spend much real money on them. I think I’ve gotten fantastic value overall so far.

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

I don't like the skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


Is it me or were the gw1 sets just far superior? C’mon Anet, at this point I really wouldn’t criticise if you decided to release gw2 versions of your gw classics. You seemed to have a decent armour design team then.

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

Queen Jennah assassination incoming?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


I’d love something meaningful to happen. But the next update is looking like another achievement grinding fluff-fest to sell more gemstore rubbish. My god I hate living story updates so much now. I didn’t bother with any of the achievs from the current one nor the back items (already got a bankful of that kinda thing) as ive really ceased to care.

If this kind of content is meant to be what makes gw2 great then I wish the writers would have some balls to actually make it engaging. And what are all the other dragons doing? They just been taking a holiday since release? C’mon Anet, minigames/achievs/skins are just a band-aid, a lot of us are still looking for a decent update.

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

Buggy Guild Missions

in Guild Missions

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


Necroing my thread after a new GW2 record was set with last night’s guild missions. We had 2 Bounty missions bug out with 1 of the targets in each being unable to be triggered. Next the Puzzle bugged out giving us the ‘an officer is required to start this event’ thing no matter what rank tried activating it. Then finally our Trek had 3 locations that had no orange circle and therefore was uncompletable. GG Anet.

What the heck is going on? Is it worth putting a support ticket in about this?

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

Karma Party

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


Getting recession drunk. I’ll drink to that.

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

Open world Duels [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


I never saw Anet say that dueling would come out sometimes after launch. And every thread about it is filled with opposition to it.

And very many people that want it too. I think it would be unfair to say the community as a whole is against it if that was what you were suggesting.

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

Dungeons should not close when...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


Could equally be “Dungeons should not close when their waypoint is contested.” maybe he doesnt like having to do events to unlock CoF/Arah.. we just don’t know!

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

Hacked or something please help

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


First thing to do, change your GW2 password. Second, put a support ticket in with Anet. There isn’t anything we can do to help you. Maye a mod could move this to the correct forum?

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

10th mth review: Etiquette MOB control 101

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


I don’t believe this kind of thing should really cause distress to anyone. A player running by dragging a bunch of mobs with them should be viewed like a player generated random dynamic event. So a guy runs by at the worst possible time and I get swamped by some mobs. Well there’s a situation where all of a sudden im fighting for my virtual life, an unexpected event that may end up with me dying and having to respawn (a small inconvenience at most times). Or maybe I make it through after an epic battle? Either way it puts a smile on my face as that’s the reason I play MMOs, for the random player encounters. Just because these random encounters might result in my character dying doesn’t mean they are a bad thing, dying is part of the game and a challenge should be relished.

So no, I won’t personally be following these rules. And please follow Anets golden rule and treat me the same way, I want that bunch of mobs to blindside me mid fight, it’s fun.

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

A Master Plan Without Stealth?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


There are like 25 different stealth counters in the game. Learn one of those.

Please do list these 25 different counters. Btw, a counter can’t be “damage” as then you’re just taking the P…

Yeah I’m interesrted to hear all these stealth counters. So far the only ones I’ve seen are spam AoE or swing weapon wildly.

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

How are you able to just enjoy the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


I enjoy it still by playing for others. I’m GM of a fairly big (370+) guild and we run events 5-6 days a week atm. Nearly all of my playtime is involved in doing something with my guild and the spare time I spend on levelling, wvwing or doing my favourite dungeons. I dont even look at the daily/monthly and the gear still rolls in just fine. In fact I often get the daily/monthly without checking.

I’ve got 4 80s, a 60 and a couple 20 odd lvl characters none of which have 100% map completion. I didn’t want to rush exploring as I enjoy it and wanted to have new stuff to see/do whilst lvling alts. That was one of my best choices I think, really helps keep the game fresh. I’ve not done all the JPs yet, I’ve barely touched sPvP and I dont think I’ve even done all the chest-giving world bosses yet either.

I’m savoring GW2, keeping content, classes etc. aside for later and really getting involved in the guild community instead. Keeps it fresh for me and my mind off the carrots. After all, what’s the rush dude?

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

Survey: Remove Achievement Leaderboards?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhaps.8540



Mainly because I don’t care about the leaderboards, so they never really enter my mind whilst playing. I’ve not even looked at them once and only know of their existance through mentions on the forums.

I dont know why so many people get upset about them one way or the other. Topping an mmo leaderboard in any category is the anithesis of an achievement unless you view playing mmos 24/7 as a worthy thing to strive for. /shrug

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

25% Run Signet Across the Board......OP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


I’ve played a Necromancer, Elementalist, Thief and Ranger. I’m now leveling a Mesmer, and the movement speed compared to the others is painfully slow. In order to get swiftness, you’re locked into using a focus.

Are you suggesting that Anet got the default run speed in this game badly wrong, and that the ‘signets of running properly’ are just a band-aid to try and mask the problem?

I think it’s kinda the case. Once you start playing with the runspeed boost its horrible playing without it. They are balanced due to them taking a slot and often having kitten active effects so I’d like to see runspeed signets for all or none of the classes. Having them on some or most classes makes balancing that little bit more complicated than it needs to be.

Also with the endless nerfs my Mesmer has been getting recently it would be nice to get some love for a change.

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

[TDA] The Daemon Army - Seafarer's Rest EU

in Looking for...

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


[TDA] Are always recruiting!

We’re a friendly, casual, 370+ strong, PvX guild that accepts mature players from all countries/timezones. There are no age/lvl restrictions although elitist or abusive players are not welcome (we kick those sorts quickly).

We currently have 6 events per week covering all aspects of PvE/PvP play and are looking to expand with new officers creating and leading their own events each month. We have a busy TeamSpeak and an equally busy website/forums full of information on our current events, competitions and tournaments. We carry out monthly meetings and openly invite all members to contribute their opinions, ideas and criticisms in order to make the guild the best for all involved.

We require that our members rep TDA at all times on all characters. Also new members are expected to register on the site within one week of joining. This is to ensure greatest community participation and allows us to run so many varied events whilst ensuring good turnout for each one.

If you’re interested check out the community homepage where you can send us an application. Alternatively you can mail me in-game, username is to the left of this post.

I hope to see you in Tyria soon!

- Rhaps Arnaux, GM TDA.

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

This game used to be more fun...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


I’ll admit I feel somewhat the same as the OP. Unlike many who seem to be really enjoying the living story content my interest has really started to diminish with each update. Class balance seems to progress at a snails pace while now every couple weeks I’m getting shiny fluff and a slew of a achievments instead. Maybe if I’m lucky a dungeon that might prove tricky for a couple runs. Sadly, for me it’s not really enough.

None of it really motivates me to play more, or to spend money on gems. The core of this game is still what I go back for, but without a confirmed extensive expansion on the horizon soon my interest will undoubtedly wane quickly.

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

More trenchcoats!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


This is not suprising news. Whats your source if you care to share it?

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

sorry GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


There is an aggro system, you just cant completely bypass it with some tanking class that sucks all aggro in making the system redundant. It means you have to dodge, position well, use control skills and effects, drop fields in the right place to combo, know when or when not to pick up a downed team mate etc. etc. It’s an entirely different tactic to most mmos and far more active, but for a lot of us that’s the appeal.

In theory anyway…in practice most dungeons are ‘run here to bug out this encounter’ then ‘run past all these mobs and this boss’ then ‘stack here and autoattack’-just exploit after exploit after exploit. The gameplay you described is appealing, but generally non-existent with the sheer amount and frequent use of exploits in nearly every dungeon.

I really hope all the exploits get fixed soon (….unlikely) as that will lead to the type of game you described, however as it stands now older trinity based mmo’s have the advantage in terms of strategy and group coordination…which is just sad.

Well whether you use those exploits or not is really down to you. I know if you only pug, then aye, most groups will have some know-it-all that insists on using every exploitable tactic or glitch he can. I’m in a fortunate position that I rarely ever pug now and we make a point of not using exploits or glitches at all on our runs. We may skip the occasional high hp trash (altho I do like to clear most of it) but otherwise we do all encounters as intended.

So thats where I was coming from. But if you’ve been forced to roll with groups that refuse to take on the challenge then I can see why you’d be disappointed. My advice, find and play with some others that arent interested in shortcuts. Not everyone exploits.

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

sorry GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


There is an aggro system, you just cant completely bypass it with some tanking class that sucks all aggro in making the system redundant. It means you have to dodge, position well, use control skills and effects, drop fields in the right place to combo, know when or when not to pick up a downed team mate etc. etc. It’s an entirely different tactic to most mmos and far more active, but for a lot of us that’s the appeal.

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

Custom Arenas need Guild Rank Control

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


1000x this! It makes sense, especially for a guild arena.

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

Login server down

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


Aye same, from Sfr. Assuming it is the usual plethora of things breaking down on a patch day.

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

It's easier to swap toons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


Let me save my builds like I could in Guild Wars 1. Let me respec at any time, at double the current cost, or respec at the trainer for the current cost.

Also, let me save at least 1 other armor layout.

That, alone, would solve all my issues.

Yes, this please!

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

dailies are forced atm

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


Here’s the odd thing. I used to think like the OP did about dailies. I used to login and go through the ritual of making sure I did the daily, got it out of the way so to speak, before beginning my play session for real.

But for the last couple weeks, due to me wanting to spend my playtime just doing stuff I enjoy, I just ignored the dailies. Now every day I’ve spent playing the way I want. Doing a mix of wvw/alt lvling/dungeons/fractals.. you know, the usual stuff we all do. The thing is I’ve gotten the daily without even looking at it almost every time. Admittedly the WvW daily more often, but a fair few times the PvE one too.

I think if you just play the way you like, then finish off what little left you have of the daily before you log-off (providing you didnt get it anyway), then it will feel less like a task and more like the reward for ‘just playing’ it was intended as.

As for the issue some players have with missing a daily I say, what’s the rush? You are never going to be the most quickly or best geared player in the game, there is always someone with more time to dedicate. So take it at your own pace and don’t sweat missing a few laurels now and then, you really wont miss it once you get some perspective

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

(edited by Rhaps.8540)

Stealth stomping,is it fair?

in WvW

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


I guess it really goes back to the ongoing discussions (of which there are MANY) about wether stealth at all is fair.

I know what you mean though, when I mistform stomp on me ele it feels OP. In an ideal world, for me personally, things like stealth/immunity/quickness would block the ability to stomp. And this would be offset by a general reduction of hp/def whilst in the downed state. Again as has been discussed before the downed state seems to go on too long and breaks up the flow of pvp in general.

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

Time grind and you! un alt friendly systems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


Short term yea it’s aimed hardcore at selling that stuff…. Long term all they are doing is hurting themselves…. You seem to think that the only way to get gems is using gold…. After farming exotic gear what do you have left to do ? 1. do a legendary not everyone will do this and 2. save gold and guy gems in mass during down times to use during events…….. Out of everyone I talk to the vast majority do no.2 because they already have exotics and they are playing every day to get ascended gear thus generating gold that gets turned into gems…..

I would like to point out I’ve been playing since launch…. bought 3 character slots, 4 bank tabs , all of the event items I could have wanted , 100 transmuat stones and everything else I cared to have…. I still have gold… I didn’t pay a dime…. It’s because I’ve been trying to get past the massive time gate for ascended gear with my 4 characters… Nearly everyone I know does this as well…. And even people I have known since launch…… Long term it’s a shot in the foot.

You sir are being nieve.. You’re unable to view all aspects of the game and realize all they are doing is hurting themselves with the current method of delivery…. And I know a dev will never respond because they have no clue how to handle the game they work on…. I’ve seen so many people complain about the direction of the game and they never address it instead they just ignore it and hope those players go away.

I would also like to say I’ve supported them since prophacies originally came out years ago… I bought every expansion and even a few costumes and things….. This company has done nothing but tumble down a hill since the release of guild wars 2… All of the things that they did right in guild wars 1 none of it carried over to 2 and I want to keep supporting them but the lack of communication and questionable mechanics they add into the game is making me loose hope…….

For all the difference it doesn’t make I’ve been playing since launch as well and played gw1 (and all subsequent expansions) from launch too. I never once said the only way to get gems is via gold? I assume you mean the only way to get gems is via real money, either way. What the people you talk to do means diddly squat. Hey guess what? The people I speak to don’t stockpile gold for events and buy gems directly for cash and I know a fair few that have made legendaries, does that prove my point? No. The fact that Anet are still hiring and that Nexon is involved in influencing their financial model is far more pertinant to the issue than your own anecdotal experience.

Again, let me reiterate, the fact that you or your friends haven’t paid a dime is utterly meaningless.

I would venture as far to say that players with the time, in this casual focused mmo, to grind out the amount of gold you have for all the stuff you bought are a far greater minority. This is pretty much backed up by the fact that Anet are clearly making good money off the gem store and are in a healthy financial position right now. It’s working!

I am able to see all aspectsof the game and, unlike yourself, the financial reasoning behind it. After all I’m not the one lamenting and questioning the reasoning behind very clear proven monetisation models.

The hardcore gamer in me totally understands and empathises with the drag that is time gated acquisition of ascended gear, im in the same situation believe it or not. However the businessman in me accepts it for what it is.

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

Time grind and you! un alt friendly systems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


Again I have to call horse kitten because the way the ways to attain ascended items don’t have anything to do with them making money….. It’s just a massive time gate that does nothing but hurt the potential profits they make due to discouraging creating alts… Thus less character slots are sold…. The current way it’s implemented isn’t to keep players playing it’s just to time gate attaining the gear that’s all… If anything this model hurts them because it takes so long to attain the gear that the player makes enough in game cash to buy what they want from the cash shop….. So instead of making money on gems they lose that as well…….

Take a look at the broad system not just short term.. The systems to attain ascended items do nothing but hurt them as a company and hurt us as players…… Money hungry share holders have nothing to do with it since there’s no real positive link to the cash shop only negative… Less players buy costumes due to less alts being made… Less players buying character slots due to less alts being made…. Less gems sold because less players buy gems to convert to gold to buy said materials/items for ascended gear….. There’s nothing but negatives here….

I would like to have a dev respond to this issue because seriously this isn’t a case of greedy stockholder syndrome it looks more like a very poorly thought out progression system that was released before they could realize the negatives for themselves and the players.

Also I know all to well about the Nexon crap they own 15% of the company and the woman was in charge of getting our money through the cash shop is a ex nexon employee…. But seriously this system has nothing to do with either of them…. People need to stop trying to make it look like the stockholders fault when the system doesn’t even make sense from a money making standpoint due to discouraging so many things that it does nothing bur hurt projected profits.

Call horsekitten all you like but it doesn’t change the truth at the heart of the matter.

You say it is costing them money yet admit it’s a time gate. Time gates keep people in the game, FACT. That means they stay in the store. Seriously it’s not hard to comprehend. It hurts profits because it’s not alt friendly? lol give me a break. If they wanted to make money out of selling character slots they wouldn’t have given us 5 to begin with. No, a player grinding for many months to deck out 5 characters in ascended gear is going to be around for far more living story/seasonal events and the gemstore promotions that those entail than a player that can rapidly deck out 8+ toons then get bored and leave. They obviously make more money by time gating content even if this may result in a lower overall sale of character slots.

Look at the big picture, character slots are one item they sell, but they make much more money selling seasonal chests, gathering items, minis, skins etc. A percieved lack of alts emerging, and this is based on the totally rash assumption that people won’t make alts because they all care as much as you do about asceneded gear (fyi, they dont!), is total fallacy and stems from your own problems accepting the time gated system they have in place. They don’t want you to have everything quickly that would be the worst outcome for them. That’s why we have DR, legendaries, ascended gear etc. You may want to deck out your alts in time for the next fotm mmo to roll out but that’s gonna cost anet money if everyone is able to do that.

If you think ascended gear and the time-gate method of aquisition has nothing to do with the financial side of the game, then you are just being nieve. And note I never called the stockholders greedy or the devs foolish. I actually think they are both pretty kitten smart for establishing so much time gated content. It’s certainly keeping them in the green and means the game will be around and flourish for a lot longer.

Wait for a dev response if you like. You will be waiting a long time.

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]

(edited by Rhaps.8540)

New Armor Sets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhaps.8540


Re-skinned armor already?


Was looking foward into dragon look armors since this is a draconic festival. Oh well, seems i’ll just save my gems for another time…

Those don’t look anything alike aside from the one common feature: they are both armor.

They are obviously very similar. They have the exact same shell with a new paintjob on top. The exact definition of a ‘reskin’

Don’t be obtuse.

They dont have the exact same shell. It’s pretty obvious. I think you sir are the one being obtuse.

Seafarer’s Rest – Guild Leader The Deamon Army [TDA]