All Hail CuddleStrike! Undisputed Empress of Tier 1!
Controlled by CuddleStrike!
By buying guilds, would you mean Jade Quarry paying ATM to stay on JQ?
Or buying MERC who were already on another tier 1 server?
Or buying 3 EU guilds for leagues?
Jade Quarry has no moral footing to stand on. They had the easiest draw, they spent 20,000 gold buying guilds before the season, and they still failed.
Jade Quarry has the coverage to match Blackgate. In the easy matchups, their maps were queued throughout the day, but they chose not to show up when it mattered.
Perhaps next season, Jade Quarry’s gold would be better spent on buying some server pride….
JQ did not have to do anything to keep ATM because ATM was never leaving in the first place.
JQ did not buy MERC, we had approached them at one point in an attempt to get more than 30 people on between 12pm cst and 5 am cst and nothing came of it. Weeks later, things were rekindled and while some gold was given to help get them over, MERC paid for themselves to transfer.
Praise Jedsus. Go to bread. etc etc etc
You actually approached MERC? Knowing it would tip the balance in a whole timezone? that ATM force wasn’t enough? I just lost a kitten ton of respect for JQ, not that I had much for them to begin with….
And is “Praise Jedsus. Go to bread.” your signature? You don’t have a a sense of humour do you? Otherwise you would know a joke said more than a certain number of times just gets annoying to the core. And you have been at it for months! Give it a rest already!
Yes, we approached a really good guild that had commanders in the time slot(s) we needed PST/OCX/EU. You still out number us in all those areas.
Praise Jedsus.
It’s not our fault your PUGs don’t show up when the going gets tough. I heard there were 4 ques during that time zone during your ‘easy’ matches and were non existent when you were faced with BG.
yeah thats the difference with JQ and SOR militia, when kittens hit the fan most run and dont show up, mostly particpate on karma train fridays and on easy weeks, as for BG they will still show up no matter what the odds are and do everything they can to help.
also that jedsus and bread is getting old, kinda funny to 4 guys but to the rest its just another nuisance post, we are running a serious trolling and pvf business here.
My mistake good Sir!
The four (LOVE is roughly over 100 members atm) that find it amusing must beg of your forgiveness and shall bow down to the serious PvF business… starts coughing
I changed my mind.
BelieveBreadBeastgate 2013
The memories….
Also it’s too hot to fight. I barely have the energy to get up and go to the kitchen….. And yes, my computer isn’t in the kitchen. waits for the disbelief to begin
This is terrible! If you can’t go to the kitchen how will you go to the bread to make me a sammich!
Those bread jokes are kinda getting old though…
It’s simple, We kill Cuddlestrike.
I’m up for it, maybe then I can keep my tentacle backpack!
I had to take a breather and pause because I didn’t want to get infracted for all caps but that is the funniest thing I’ve watched in quite some time and it only had like 2 lines from me!
By buying guilds, would you mean Jade Quarry paying ATM to stay on JQ?
Or buying MERC who were already on another tier 1 server?
Or buying 3 EU guilds for leagues?
Jade Quarry has no moral footing to stand on. They had the easiest draw, they spent 20,000 gold buying guilds before the season, and they still failed.
Jade Quarry has the coverage to match Blackgate. In the easy matchups, their maps were queued throughout the day, but they chose not to show up when it mattered.
Perhaps next season, Jade Quarry’s gold would be better spent on buying some server pride….
JQ did not have to do anything to keep ATM because ATM was never leaving in the first place.
JQ did not buy MERC, we had approached them at one point in an attempt to get more than 30 people on between 12pm cst and 5 am cst and nothing came of it. Weeks later, things were rekindled and while some gold was given to help get them over, MERC paid for themselves to transfer.
Praise Jedsus. Go to bread. etc etc etc
You actually approached MERC? Knowing it would tip the balance in a whole timezone? that ATM force wasn’t enough? I just lost a kitten ton of respect for JQ, not that I had much for them to begin with….
And is “Praise Jedsus. Go to bread.” your signature? You don’t have a a sense of humour do you? Otherwise you would know a joke said more than a certain number of times just gets annoying to the core. And you have been at it for months! Give it a rest already!
Yes, we approached a really good guild that had commanders in the time slot(s) we needed PST/OCX/EU. You still out number us in all those areas.
Praise Jedsus.
Lol you still recruiting for ocea/SEA? I was wrong, you do have a sense of humour.
Yes, that is EXACTLY what I bread, I mean said. I applaud you on your reading combreadhension, I mean comprehension
By buying guilds, would you mean Jade Quarry paying ATM to stay on JQ?
Or buying MERC who were already on another tier 1 server?
Or buying 3 EU guilds for leagues?
Jade Quarry has no moral footing to stand on. They had the easiest draw, they spent 20,000 gold buying guilds before the season, and they still failed.
Jade Quarry has the coverage to match Blackgate. In the easy matchups, their maps were queued throughout the day, but they chose not to show up when it mattered.
Perhaps next season, Jade Quarry’s gold would be better spent on buying some server pride….
JQ did not have to do anything to keep ATM because ATM was never leaving in the first place.
JQ did not buy MERC, we had approached them at one point in an attempt to get more than 30 people on between 12pm cst and 5 am cst and nothing came of it. Weeks later, things were rekindled and while some gold was given to help get them over, MERC paid for themselves to transfer.
Praise Jedsus. Go to bread. etc etc etc
You actually approached MERC? Knowing it would tip the balance in a whole timezone? that ATM force wasn’t enough? I just lost a kitten ton of respect for JQ, not that I had much for them to begin with….
And is “Praise Jedsus. Go to bread.” your signature? You don’t have a a sense of humour do you? Otherwise you would know a joke said more than a certain number of times just gets annoying to the core. And you have been at it for months! Give it a rest already!
Yes, we approached a really good guild that had commanders in the time slot(s) we needed PST/OCX/EU. You still out number us in all those areas.
Praise Jedsus.
All servers have bought guilds.
All servers have had guilds move off the server.
All servers have coverage holes (BG included).Nobody has any grounds to stand on.
I never mention the whole buying guilds thing because I wouldn’t care if BG had brought entire guilds. But even assuming just for the sake of argument that they did, the game lets people do this and if you have a problem with it blame Anet for designing a system in which it’s how you win, not the people who took advantage of it the best. Especially when there is no server that hasn’t tried to beat BG at this game.
It was pretty funny though when SoR posters said stuff like “we don’t buy guilds, we just cover the costs for some that can’t pay!” and BG/JQ posters stared at them like. …what do you think buying guilds means? I think the whole thing is kind of dumb and reeks of tryhard failure but I can’t imagine anything more of waste of my time than complaining about how other people spend their money.
All I know is when we fight BG I log in to no queue and good fights on every BL, so whatever it is they do to chase away our zerg please keep it up.
Hmmm. Post sends the wrong message.
Addendum: BG you’re all terrible baddies etc etc. You too SoS or whichever other server is in this matchup with us.
The term literally means paying a guild to come to your server more than the transfer cost. I hate when people apply it to helping get the guilds over to the server because it implies that those guilds are there for the gold and have no loyalty to the server nor honor. Thats why I take offense whenever someone suggests that JQ bought MERC. It cheapens their name and they are completely undeserving of such an insult. The reality is that the time zones MERC plays in are much more competitive now than they were before and everyone benefits in that situation.
and bakeries
JQ did not buy MERC… some gold was given to help get them over.
We did not buy 3 EU guilds…we helped anyone who didn’t have enough.
Prior to the run up to the season JQ was the weakest of the three servers. We had nothing between PST->OCX, had at best equal footing during SEA, maybe a little more if we were lucky that day, nothing between SEA->an hour or two into NA which is a VERY large time period. Our NA could queue 1-2 maps + EB with stragglers on the 3rd and we almost blew a huge lead in a match against TC because we had nobody during weekdays. Following the period we finally gained some new guilds, we had the most even matchup this game has seen and it was glorious. Everyone had equal fights and the winner was more or less chosen by who played map politics better and for once, not who had the best coverage. If you cannot see why the transfering of each one of these guilds was a good thing for JQ and T1 then perhaps you need some new glasses.
Before IRON left, JQ could squeek through EU because SoR/BG kept each other busy. Now the only sizable force during EU is BG. BG also still has the largest during pre-OCX/OCX and temporarily the Russian time zone. No matter what you think you know, JQ does not have the same coverage of BG. Our SEA guys were staying up extremely late and our NA guys were getting on early to try and cover the ~7 hours between normal SEA and when our NA gets on and we did not queue maps at all during the week when people have jobs and lives. We managed to hold garrison the entire BG matchup but that was about it. I played a couple times during that time zone and there was a huge BG blob on each map and no 3rd force to help distract it.
JQs transfer guilds from the time SF and SBI friends + PRX joined the server until our first guild showed up in August, a period of about 8 months were ZERO. Omen came and left, some EMP left, Zombieland joined us and then disbanded, Agg visited briefly, we lost WARD/Aco, the SBI friends guilds all merged more or less into SF. That adds up to a net loss in terms of player numbers while the other two servers continued to grow. Sure JQ was larger at the begining, but the other two passed us eventually.
So please, go ahead and rant about how JQ “bought” guilds. All that means is that you are saying you want to be able to PvDoor all day and do not want fair competition and fun fights because thats what JQ “buying” guilds has given this T1 matchup, or at least relatively close to it, with the unfortunate troubles SoR is dealing with. Having lived through similar circumstances, I do not wish that on anybody.
Perhaps you didn’t get a copy of the JQ/SOR memo that was sent to BG. If you help a guild transferring to your server with transfer costs, be it 1g or 10000g, you are “buying” them. So even though JQ helped more guilds with transfer costs, BG is known for “buying” the win since they helped 1 guild with some costs. JQ/SoR are equally as guilty when it comes to “buying” guilds, it’s convenient that people forgot the weeks leading up to season 1. I don’t blame the servers as that’s what needed to be done to compete and go for the win. The people I have issue with are the ones on those servers crying foul even though their server is guilty of doing the same.
You’d probably have to delve pretty deeply into my posting history to find it since most of my posts involve some sort of bread, but I recall at one point saying that in the history of gw2 there are relatively few guilds whose transfer can be defined as being bought, if any at all. I think the real focus should be on the SoR trolls, many of which who are no longer on SoR, who came up with the “buygate” trollline.
I refer you to my previous post in which I say "I did not accuse anyone of “buying” guilds"
Also even with TKG and MERC on JQ, BG still out numbers us in OCX, so forgive me if I think that it is better for everyone if they are on JQ.
Yes, and you will notice that I did not accuse anyone of “buying” guilds. I think if any guild was closest to being “bought” for JQ it was GD and they’re generally crap and look at what we got out of it. Straight up buying a guild creates an unhealthy partnership in which one guild, assuming they have any sense of right and wrong, is beholden to the server its joining. Thats why we expect people to fund themselves, and then we’ll help get the stragglers. That way theres a mutual effort and connection for both parties.
By buying guilds, would you mean Jade Quarry paying ATM to stay on JQ?
Or buying MERC who were already on another tier 1 server?
Or buying 3 EU guilds for leagues?
Jade Quarry has no moral footing to stand on. They had the easiest draw, they spent 20,000 gold buying guilds before the season, and they still failed.
Jade Quarry has the coverage to match Blackgate. In the easy matchups, their maps were queued throughout the day, but they chose not to show up when it mattered.
Perhaps next season, Jade Quarry’s gold would be better spent on buying some server pride….
JQ did not have to do anything to keep ATM because ATM was never leaving in the first place.
JQ did not buy MERC, we had approached them at one point in an attempt to get more than 30 people on between 12pm cst and 5 am cst and nothing came of it. Weeks later, things were rekindled and while some gold was given to help get them over, MERC paid for themselves to transfer. I played a lot with them those first few weeks and it was glorious to finally have someone to play with in that time zone and not have to face queue blobs of BG with 10 people as we slowly lose our stuff until SEA.
We did not buy 3 EU guilds. SR/Tohu came here in the same manner as any guild that transfers to JQ, they paid their way and we helped anyone who didn’t have enough. Between the two of them they equal about 30, maybe 40 people that helped cover a period of about 7 hours in which we would have at best 2 active commanders and hardly any militia on each map including EB facing SoRs IRON blob, BGs larger militia force + HB/RK/Coin when those guilds were around. GD themselves came in the same manner but when faced with non T1 matchups decided they had no honor and deserved no respect by leaving without telling us and one of their leaders who was on vacation at the time.
Prior to the run up to the season JQ was the weakest of the three servers. We had nothing between PST->OCX, had at best equal footing during SEA, maybe a little more if we were lucky that day, nothing between SEA->an hour or two into NA which is a VERY large time period. Our NA could queue 1-2 maps + EB with stragglers on the 3rd and we almost blew a huge lead in a match against TC because we had nobody during weekdays. Following the period we finally gained some new guilds, we had the most even matchup this game has seen and it was glorious. Everyone had equal fights and the winner was more or less chosen by who played map politics better and for once, not who had the best coverage. If you cannot see why the transfering of each one of these guilds was a good thing for JQ and T1 then perhaps you need some new glasses.
Before IRON left, JQ could squeek through EU because SoR/BG kept each other busy. Now the only sizable force during EU is BG. BG also still has the largest during pre-OCX/OCX and temporarily the Russian time zone. No matter what you think you know, JQ does not have the same coverage of BG. Our SEA guys were staying up extremely late and our NA guys were getting on early to try and cover the ~7 hours between normal SEA and when our NA gets on and we did not queue maps at all during the week when people have jobs and lives. We managed to hold garrison the entire BG matchup but that was about it. I played a couple times during that time zone and there was a huge BG blob on each map and no 3rd force to help distract it.
JQs transfer guilds from the time SF and SBI friends + PRX joined the server until our first guild showed up in August, a period of about 8 months were ZERO. Omen came and left, some EMP left, Zombieland joined us and then disbanded, Agg visited briefly, we lost WARD/Aco, the SBI friends guilds all merged more or less into SF. That adds up to a net loss in terms of player numbers while the other two servers continued to grow. Sure JQ was larger at the begining, but the other two passed us eventually.
So please, go ahead and rant about how JQ “bought” guilds. All that means is that you are saying you want to be able to PvDoor all day and do not want fair competition and fun fights because thats what JQ “buying” guilds has given this T1 matchup, or at least relatively close to it, with the unfortunate troubles SoR is dealing with. Having lived through similar circumstances, I do not wish that on anybody.
Praise Jedsus. Go to bread. etc etc etc
EDIT: I don’t often make posts like this, I try to keep it fun and silly, so excuse my departure from my normal behavior.
(edited by SFShinigami.2015)
I get why people on SOR and JQ hate some BG so much, I mean for heavens sake were only 1 day into it and yall are claiming champion this, and undefeated that crap. No offense guys but we all know what is going on with seasons. Just get out there and enjoy a HEALTHY T1 matchup with fights and good strategy around every corner. Its your right to PVF if you want but it doesnt make you or BG look any better or do any better. Just my opinion.
Anyways hats off to all those enemies we faced last night in SOR BL was a really fun time we enjoyed it. Im sure we will see you tonight.
If you venture out of this thread and to other other threads on this forum, you will realize that the BG chest thumping actually gets worse than this. Regarding the matchup, at this moment, there’s nothing JQ and SOR can do especially that IRON has left SOR. If you notice, BG takes over the lead once again during EU time. It’s the weekends so NA can probably log in earlier, but during weekdays, it’s another 4 to 5 hours of uncontested capping by BG. Let’s hope season 2, both JQ and SOR can get a few EU guilds to make this time zone a little more competitive.
There was a time when BG/SoR/JQ were no different in terms of how bad their chest thumpers and trolls are…. But, IRON being self-banned from forums and then transferring, and JQ losing Seasons and their trolls… The only ones left are mostly BG. BG won PvF Season 1, too.
(I have to hand it to IRON, though. They were dedicated trolls. Unlike JQ fairweather trolls who showed up the 20 something hours when JQ had the lead and disappeared when JQ lost it in Week 5.)
I think we missed a grand opportunity with BG winning seasons. The forums would be alight with trolling if JQ ended up winning with their schedule, and chest thumping if SoR won with “we play for fights but we ended up winning wow such community”.
I think BG winning was probably the most generic fuel for the chest thumpers and trolls to feed off of. Very tame compared to what could have happened.
lol.. wow.. So let me get this right. This is all in just a few posts in this thread..
1) BG claims “World Champions of wvw” even though there is an EU bracket.
2) BG claims “undefeated in season 1” even though it’s only 1 day into the week.
3) BG claims “winner of pvf for season 1” just to continue chest thumping….1) I didn’t see Vizunah Square get as much hate as Blackgate. All Blackgate is missing is the label “America’s Team”. Although, I would love to see the top of EU face us so we can have a challenge.
2) We probably have the highest gap in PPT for Tier 1 and also broke our competition. If we are undefeated, we are only predicting correctly. I don’t think Blackgate can be undefeated though, but we’ll see how focused Blackgate is.
3) I’m supposed to be humble when the server I have been on my entire time in GW2 wins in the face of people who incessantly whine? Right….
Humility isn’t conditional. That is not how it works.
Oh thats right, Mance did transfer there for his “vacation” didn’t he….
Hope he enjoyed those 8 hours!
TC!!! We missssss youuuuuu!
They’re just a hop, skip and an ERP away!
Fun Fact: TC is the only server which has requirements before you can transfer. I’m told it involves surviving 8 hours in Divinity’s Reach.
Queues are so short/non existent tonight. Y’all need more holidays.
You mean the rest of the world doesn’t celebrate Thanksgiving?
wtb BG/SoR/SoS matchup again.
JQ is stinky. Especially cuddles.
Flikky baby, I know you actually miss me. I’ll come visit bg ts soon so we can do our normal conversation ending with “1v1 IRL”
But in the mean time, go to bread!
Fight me 1v1 IRL
I know you guys don’t like to play fair on JQ so you can bring Fleur along and 2v1 me as well.fight me 2v1 irl
This is true. Whenever I mention my tentacle backpack it seems like Cuddles, Marian AND Electriette all yell at me at once
Also Fuzzy, shes Grand Empress of T1. :P
Take your chicken to bread! It would make a good sammich
Well I think turnout tonight has shown one thing. BG NA does not have families to go to bread with on Thanksgiving weekend
Bread Bread Bread Bread Bread Bread Bread Bread Bread Bread Bread Bread
Hello Zhonnika,
I see that Tati has not cleared the air in this match up thread. In a PM I asked her to check her forum, the information is in there. On that note, I hope I am wrong and that Waha will return for the last match at least.
FW, Waha is not leaving. Check Tati’s post in this very thread. You know, someone who is actually in his guild?
Does “FW” stand for “Fantastically Wrong” ?
I like how Choo is acting all buthurt in Obsidian Sanctum arena……….lmao, how does t2 server feel? it make you a lil mad, TC kickin your Kitten?
kitten? We just came to give cuddles hugs!
Those snuggles were fierce.
I insist you stop and RP now with us. Cause clearly this area was designed for RPing battles and not actual battles.
Single lonely ele sentrying Vale seeks companions thief clad in orange with the Gas Mask from SF on JQ…
I am looking for you, friend
~~~~wvw missed encounters~~~~
they are either unwilling to admit to being said thief, or no longer online, sorry
These were being manned vs me and 1 other person (random thief) trying to take the sentry SE of SM… guess a 5v2 right by a tower is too dangerous.
Those T1 tatics….
Hey I’m in that photo! (Not on siege tyvm)
EDIT: The lil asura engie Bronze Invader
Dawww you’re cute
you have no shame
He’s right though. I am cute. Me and my big backpack o’tentacles that both Cuddles and Marian LOVE so much that they always ask for me to show it to them whenever they see me because its the bestest most cool backpack everer.
I am not a known bearer of shame.
How many times have you visited TC Divinity’s Reach? And how many times have you TOLD people you have visited TC Divinity’s Reach?
i roleplay in divinity’s reach
So thats Cuddles, Marian and now Electriette that love tentacles and find them so cutesy wootsy
Yeah if you see us in WvW feel free to try and join party. Typically if I pop my [LOVE] tag I won’t attack until I’m attacked first. Also, you may see an asura engie with a cute tentacle backpack in the Obsidian Sanctum on TC’s spawn platform….thats me. Please don’t hurt me! I’m there to dance!
<3 super speed + rocket boots
I don’t always get to run my [LOVE] tag due to [MERC] (bloody MERC, ruining my fun :P) but I pretty much wont attack anyone till they attack me. I just like being silly. Don’t tell Tarkus, he’ll sigh at me
Yeah if you see us in WvW feel free to try and join party. Typically if I pop my [LOVE] tag I won’t attack until I’m attacked first. Also, you may see an asura engie with a cute tentacle backpack in the Obsidian Sanctum on TC’s spawn platform….thats me. Please don’t hurt me! I’m there to dance!
<3 super speed + rocket boots
Fun Fact: Jed bestowed upon me The Missionary Position in the Holy Church of Jedsus Chris of Saturday Feints while we were once visiting TC Divinity’s Reach.
These were being manned vs me and 1 other person (random thief) trying to take the sentry SE of SM… guess a 5v2 right by a tower is too dangerous.
Those T1 tatics….
Hey I’m in that photo! (Not on siege tyvm)
EDIT: The lil asura engie Bronze Invader
Dawww you’re cute
you have no shame
He’s right though. I am cute. Me and my big backpack o’tentacles that both Cuddles and Marian LOVE so much that they always ask for me to show it to them whenever they see me because its the bestest most cool backpack everer.
I am not a known bearer of shame.
How many times have you visited TC Divinity’s Reach? And how many times have you TOLD people you have visited TC Divinity’s Reach?
@Pryan and Razethh, I’ll be getting SF scheduled up for some GvG’s in our next matchups, maybe after league? Perhaps next week if the match really is decided??? Anyway, SF is looking to get in to the GvG scene. We played against Agg and EP and got tore up, but was some pretty good learning experiences. We got a lot of old vets in to this type of torture.
Nice Jed, sounds legit. I think next week will be decided midweek so we should be able to do it then, we’ll play it by ear.
Screw prepping Thanksgiving food, kitten is wearing me out. x__x
Those kittens mang, they do that to ya.
…..shakes her head in shame
No shini you delusional fool! you’re so silly! Go to bread!
See! I just mentioned it and she goes crazy over it!
These were being manned vs me and 1 other person (random thief) trying to take the sentry SE of SM… guess a 5v2 right by a tower is too dangerous.
Those T1 tatics….
Hey I’m in that photo! (Not on siege tyvm)
EDIT: The lil asura engie Bronze Invader
Dawww you’re cute
you have no shame
He’s right though. I am cute. Me and my big backpack o’tentacles that both Cuddles and Marian LOVE so much that they always ask for me to show it to them whenever they see me because its the bestest most cool backpack everer.
These were being manned vs me and 1 other person (random thief) trying to take the sentry SE of SM… guess a 5v2 right by a tower is too dangerous.
Those T1 tatics….
Hey I’m in that photo! (Not on siege tyvm)
EDIT: The lil asura engie Bronze Invader
JQ and TC and somewhat BG all have a problem of people showing up on PvE patch days. SoR doesn’t because they’re all baby eating wvw only people.
This thread is disappointing. It needs the Word of Jedsus.
Also, yaks are tasty. Thank you TC for not using 15 people to escort your yaks. (Glares at SoR)
I’ve heard it said in the past that SoR believes a havoc team to be 20 people and I’d bet most people here could believe them saying that too.
For weeks, while you were starting to command, a lot of SOR commanders gave you sound advice and tried to guide you including me. Kindly refrain from doing this, it does not speak well of your character.
Moving to JQ is one thing, throwing mud at your old server mates is another.
let me guess the advice you guys gave them was how to command.
isnt that slap in the face in the first place.He’s back.
Moar PVT pls stealthzy
Stealth is a baddie who can’t dodge
Go to bread shini!
And elect knew because we plot against you and need to know when we can catch the other online. Duh
I’ll transfer! I swear I’m crazy enough to do it!
For weeks, while you were starting to command, a lot of SOR commanders gave you sound advice and tried to guide you including me. Kindly refrain from doing this, it does not speak well of your character.
Moving to JQ is one thing, throwing mud at your old server mates is another.
let me guess the advice you guys gave them was how to command.
isnt that slap in the face in the first place.He’s back.
Moar PVT pls stealthzy
Stealth is a baddie who can’t dodge
I built a bunch of trebs to prevent people from putting rams down on the gate to my wild creek.
So i never post about anything in here, but tonights blatant 2v1 while TRYING to take bay was ridiculous. First of all, TC and JQ never even looked at each others towers. Secondly, it is comical to see TC knock down a wall or door just to slide to the other side so JQ can come in and set up trebs. It’s a joke. Then again I did walk away with 194 Heavy Loot Bags and numerous rares…. Good on ya!!
This is only my second post. Ask your friends who were in TCBL all night who helped JQ cap our garrison? This is seriously business as usual for everyone.
It’s normal procedure to go for garrisons. You were on your BL, yawnnnnn.
TC didnt even do so much as touch a JQ camp all night, nor did JQ touch a TC holding as well. Come on kids :P
TC can touch my camp any time.
Well then. That happened.
Thanks for keeping things entertaining guys so I don’t have to start up silly games.
Still gonna tell Cuddles to GO TO BREAD
How would you know what time it is for Cuddles? STALKER
Besides there is always time for bread.
Well then. That happened.
Thanks for keeping things entertaining guys so I don’t have to start up silly games.
Still gonna tell Cuddles to GO TO BREAD
I wish I’d gotten a screen shot of it but when TKG was running around TC garrison earlier I was jumping around with a “Spam Staff One as One” [ONE] guy. That name cracked me up.
Edit: Go to bread Cuddles!
Go to bread Shini!
Bakers trade bread recipes on a knead-to-know basis. – badpunsinspiredbyfleurthebaddie
You can’t bake me! You’re not my mom!
This match up shows me just how massively big jq/bg are in comparison … SoR is big too, but JQ is like never ending … every corner you go there is a team, and what massive battles.
Gather ‘round children and I’ll tell you a story, of a time when SoR BG and JQ were almost exactly even in coverage! There were fights any day any time as far as the eye could see!
then there was much buying/renting of guilds followed by nonsensical bandwagoning. Then everyone laughed at the offending server as they claimed to be kitten.
Actually it was after all the large shifts for league, just before league hit. The matchup wasn’t “decided” until about 8 hours before reset.
This match up shows me just how massively big jq/bg are in comparison … SoR is big too, but JQ is like never ending … every corner you go there is a team, and what massive battles.
Gather ‘round children and I’ll tell you a story, of a time when SoR BG and JQ were almost exactly even in coverage! There were fights any day any time as far as the eye could see!
The most contentious argument in this thread is not about anything happening in the match, but over what anime I should watch.
Love it
Well I guess its time to go watch some One Piece or something. :|
Somethings wrong when even I find the matchup thread boring.
Grand Empress of Tier 1 , Lady CuddleStrike of the Bakery, I SUMMON YOU!
Sorry, shes in the kitchen! :O
hehehepunts Shifty
I’m currently trolling… I mean inspiring people to join us in TS. I may or maynot be trying to tempt people to join the channel saying we give cookies.
I would give them cookies, but somebody (Shifty & Shini) ate them all cause they’re mean.
What was I supposed to eat? You never came back with my sammich
^ I was so upset when I didnt get one :’(
So I ate my soul out on the cookies!
But now i need to Punts Cuddles to feel better!!Don’t punt her until she brings me my sammich!
Shifty can’t punt me annnnnnnnnnnnnnymore! You left us! You traitorous fool!
And no sammichs for you! I’m busy running into SoR zergs and TC zergs. They are pretty intimidating, not gonna lie. TC took bay off us just before and I ran into the portal, saw them, was like “stuff this.. ABORT” and ran out as the TC group just watched me from the circle.
You lost our bay!?
Somethings wrong when even I find the matchup thread boring.
Grand Empress of Tier 1 , Lady CuddleStrike of the Bakery, I SUMMON YOU!
Sorry, shes in the kitchen! :O
hehehepunts Shifty
I’m currently trolling… I mean inspiring people to join us in TS. I may or maynot be trying to tempt people to join the channel saying we give cookies.
I would give them cookies, but somebody (Shifty & Shini) ate them all cause they’re mean.
What was I supposed to eat? You never came back with my sammich
^ I was so upset when I didnt get one :’(
So I ate my soul out on the cookies!
But now i need to Punts Cuddles to feel better!!
Don’t punt her until she brings me my sammich!
Somethings wrong when even I find the matchup thread boring.
Grand Empress of Tier 1 , Lady CuddleStrike of the Bakery, I SUMMON YOU!
Sorry, shes in the kitchen! :O
hehehepunts Shifty
I’m currently trolling… I mean inspiring people to join us in TS. I may or maynot be trying to tempt people to join the channel saying we give cookies.
I would give them cookies, but somebody (Shifty & Shini) ate them all cause they’re mean.
What was I supposed to eat? You never came back with my sammich
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