All Hail CuddleStrike! Undisputed Empress of Tier 1!
Controlled by CuddleStrike!
The only thing i’d feel wrong about it is getting the Ultimate Dominator title in (maybe)less than a month, while people are doing hardcore wvw for years to get it.
I doubt wvw folks care much about achievements, for me it just means a player played a guard in SFR EoTM. This farm has been ingame since the very start so if they actually did, they would have chosen this way cause it’s faster, if Anet tells me I get an achievement for getting from LA to Divinity Reach it doesn’t mean you have to walk the whole route, how is thinking outside the box a bad thing. If you wanna suffer thought it, be my guest, none is going to stop you, but I’m still going to chose the most efficient way, especially since I don’t care much about wvw.
To answer some questions though, the events usually don’t last long, about 30-60min cause we hit Diminishing Returns and leachers multiply. We usually get 2-3k+ kills in that amount of time and there are about 4 events a day, so no, it’s not happening 24/7 in OS. We read the TOS a few times, this doesn’t seems to be any kind of exploit, an organised raid if anything.
Hey SFShinigami.2015 /o/
For someone who calls this disgraceful we sure see you there a lot somehow ^^
Yeah, I log in my eu account roughly the same time every day to farm guild catas. I do so on my laptop which means long load times on almost every map. Traditionally OS is extremely faster in this aspect, so thats where I go. I am usually using my main computer to play my NA account while I wait for the cool down to kick off the 2nd cata. So yes, I am there a lot, every day in the hour before dailies reset or so, for about 10-20 minutes depending on how much I’m paying attention to it.
I often hop directly to OS to pop off guild catas because it loads faster than EB/BLs and a least 2 or 3 times week I’ll see players from SFR/Deso doing it if theyre matched up. It’s disgraceful.
There is some crazy crap goin down on the T1 NA thread on gw2wvw. Normally I’d never do this but there be some MAJOR balance issues that need remedied in that thread….
I main on JQ but have a 2nd account I play on during EU time on SFR. Lag is rarely a problem and even then its only noticeable for a split second and 9 times out of 10 wont affect your play.
The problem with EU vs NA matchups is that in many ways NA has a huge advantage over EU, especially for T1 servers. Reset can’t happen during EUs normal time because NA is all at work and it can’t happen at NAs normal time because EU is all asleep. Splitting the difference cuts off a lot of EU prime time and leaves all of NA prime time. In a lot of the matchups you would have EU steam roll through their prime time, but that would be followed up by NAs primetime which would steamroll EU servers and the NA servers would tick high for extra time since theres such a huge gap between when NA ends and EU time begins and that doesn’t even account for the fact that there are many more OCX/SEA players on NA servers that would just pvdoor to victory.
I saw Morby kissing Jeddy Claus
Underneath the mystic forge last night.
He didn’t see me creep
In the portal to have a peek
He thought I was stacked
Up in the Citadel buying siege.
Then, I saw Morby tickle Jeddy Claus
Underneath his pin so shiney blue.
Oh, what a laugh it would have been,
If Shini had only seen
Morby kissing Jeddy Claus last night!
Everyone’s friends at SF Industries started out on a fun little discussion earlier so I thought I’d extend it to the wvw community at large, that is, modifying xmas carols. Here is one of the results we had. In the interest of brevity I’m not gonna do all the verses.
On the twelth day we rallied my driver gave to me,
12 Necros welling,
11 warriors leaping,
10 guards a booning,
9 eles watering,
8 rangers sniping,
7 thieves a stealthing,
6 engies blasting,
4 second skill lag,
3 mesmer veils,
2 war banners
and a big giant SE kitten jam!
If you can’t beat them, bloob up and build AC’s behind the corner!!!
Everyone loves it when a good pair of bloobs clash.
It shouldn’t but it does. 2 full blobs gets hints of skill lag. 2 full blobs and a third zerg gets definite skill lag, 3 full blobs and its a crapshoot.
I find roaming in T1 EU to be very different from roaming in T1 NA. T1 NA is full of tanky, look how much condi I can get on you builds, whereas I hardly see any of that when I roam NA. I find it makes for a much more enjoyable experience when you’re someone like me who enjoys playing all classes when you don’t have to build everything around condi removal. Its still fun on NA but it just feels more limiting. So I would say EU is still very much alive, NA is kinda niche.
I blame KA, such ranger.
I doubt it will affect roaming much. Roaming would contribute so little in terms of points compared to two blobs clashing. It would take hours upon hours for one roamer to equal the same number of potential points wiping an enemy blob would give in just a minute or two.
Man the elitism is off the charts in this thread with some people. Despite what people on BG seem to think, there haven’t been rotating push weeks since the period between season 1 and season 2. JQ gave them up because we realized we have no on or off switch since we’re always out there playing. What there have been are weeks where one server pushes, the other two play like always, and then the next week that server doesn’t push and the other two still play the same game and it looks like the other two are doing pushes.
TC is winning recently.
you should log in
I was speaking mostly with respect to the time frame of a few months when it was BG and JQ alternating push weeks by chance, not design, shortly after season 1. Right now I don’t think theres hardly anyone doing push or rest weeks much at all.
And I play on both of my accounts everyday. Yesterday I was contesting garrison and bay while Indo flipped TC WPed hills :P
Man the elitism is off the charts in this thread with some people. Despite what people on BG seem to think, there haven’t been rotating push weeks since the period between season 1 and season 2. JQ gave them up because we realized we have no on or off switch since we’re always out there playing. What there have been are weeks where one server pushes, the other two play like always, and then the next week that server doesn’t push and the other two still play the same game and it looks like the other two are doing pushes.
I think that there should be a new unlockable skill for all classes that allow each class to have a way to get into a keep or tower.
I.e. Necromancers can summon Zhaitan and destroy the walls to a keep it tower. Zhaitan only attacks structures, not the lord.
Thief: Grappling hook: Equipt a 2 use grappling hook that allows you to scale two walls to get into a keep or tower.
Ranger: Fly upon your majestic griffin Over the highest obstacle. Cannot attack from this great griffin, lasts 30 seconds.
Warrior: leap with your immensely powerful legs onto a wall or cliff. 2 uses
Guardian: go into deep meditation, slowly hovering onto the top of a wall or cliff. (30 second cool down)
Mesmer: Wall walker (mantra): Master your teleportative skills, allowing you to phase through walls and other objects. 2 uses.
Elementalist: Air leap: Use the power of air to leap to great heights, allowing you to vault over walls and cliffs.
All of these skills cost 150 skill points, and have a 5 minute cool down. Additionally, the tower lords should be made more difficult to kill (I want a challenge when I solo keeps, they are too easy now)
All of these would make most defensive siege useless.
I’ve always been a fan of implementing a siege ladder for scaling walls. It would have to require a ridiculous amount of supply to construct though, would have to degrade after x amount of time and only usable on keeps. This would turn it more into a tool for clearing siege than a tool for directly attacking a tower. The biggest problem would be mesmer portals, as it would just turn into a way to sneak mesmer inside and take the keep before swords even pop. (build ladder, plant mesmer, resupply, mesmer ports, build second ladder, rush lord all without having hit a gate)
The people there were mostly those who lead prominent guilds on each server, command forces or help organize things for that server. For those from other servers trying to find some way to be offended by this, don’t. BG/TC/JQ are, for the foreseeable future stuck in a giant perma-matchup so the reason there are only people from those servers is because things only pertained to those servers.
I personally couldn’t stay watching it as it was streamed because it just made me want to keep throwing out negative comments, and that won’t help. I just wish this had happened prior to season 2, when it should have happened. We could have perhaps saved a whole lot of burnout on all three servers and perhaps population wouldn’t be as crappy as it is now.
Yesterday SFR was so bored we started doing pve events like the grub and champ arboreal spirit. It got so bad I suggested we do the champ spider which, if its not up, requires some ridiculous number of spider kills to spawn or something. The fact that 90% of the 30-40 people in channel didn’t even know the area existed on the borderlands is more than enough evidence to show how pve is viewed by the majority of wvw players.
It’s not that WvWers don’t want this because its more pve. If that was the case it would just be ignored like the centaurs/skritt and the countless other mobs everywhere on the map. Its because all that stupid junk everywhere is basically taking up needless resources that could be used to help cut down on things like skill lag. Now all those random mobs currently there may be fairly minimal in the overall processing load, but throw in a Quagganzilla and it will definitely have a significant impact on server resources.
FGJ is the premier Mongolian guild in gw2. BUGA is made up of Swedes. Both are on JQ but only make appearances on special occasions.
Have to hire a WvW team before you can have them do something.
You can most definitely rally off siege. I’ve done it multiple times where it was crystal clear it was the siege I was rushing solo vs multiple players that rallied me. I’ve also done my share of yaksniping escorted yaks where the yak obviously doesn’t rally me. Quite frankly, even if the yak can’t fight back, if you manage to kill it with escorts (players not npcs) you’re probably deserving of a rally. Siege on the other hand….
I think JQ will be just fine.
It’s easy to say that its nice and cheap to transfer if you really want to but in reality there are countless people who either quit the game mode or quit the game entirely because their server declined and they didn’t feel like obtaining the necessary gems. At a time when WvW on all servers is lacking the population it used to have, those forgotten players would make a HUGE difference.
when the next season came jq wanted to do the same double team again with tc against blackgate , tc refused to go a long with jq’s plans so blackgate won the tourney , tc put in the effort to fight blackgate while jq sat around doing nothing for themselves
This never happened. The double team happened for many reasons, one of which was to try and knock BG out of its super overtime mode down to a more sustainable/stable style for everyone. They didn’t get the message and JQ didn’t want to try and send it again. Nobody tried to start a 2nd 2v1 in season 3.
Our friend Chaba has the correct answer to this text wall with soundtrack add’s lol
Very often BG forces hit something from JQ and dont get proper opposition and we just go away. So many times I saw a guild dropping outer and inner, waiting for the defenders and when no1 came, just left to pugs cap it. We dont want your Garri, we want you inside fighting for it. The reallity is way less dramatic then you’re saying my friend.
What you say makes no sense. If that was the case why would BG ever attack anything of JQs during EU? JQ hasn’t had any EU in over a year and a half with the brief exception of SR and Tohu and BG players know it.
It will be easier to defend and easier to take in different ways. Now when you push in you don’t have to run through that choke, theres a little more wiggle room. Also if you come in through the wall theres all that land there instead of the steep drop. I actually like it.
Its tiny changes like this that could be done to every tower and keep that would make WvW at least somewhat interesting again. Drawing up new places for defensive siege and breaking down new ways to get into towers. As it stands there has been very little room for innovation for quite some time.
Theres a really simple way to show people its worthwhile. You show them how it affects the score. In week 2 of season 2 JQ was put up against Maguuma and Dragronbrand. Both knew from past experience, they don’t have the off hour numbers to match so they tried to focus fire JQ down on reset and try to bunker down and protect each other as the NA players went to bed. JQ had a sub-200 tick for most of the night, but JQ also had all three bloodlusts pretty much all night, which also means Mag/DB had none. JQ saw this + the constant double headed attacks on its structures and instead of caring about PPT (also partially because JQ knew its off hours would win it anyway), JQ just sat in its ridiculously holey keeps and farmed bags all night. I distinctly remember running back and forth from south to north bay as DB and Mag kept running back on Mag BL. We lost the total ppt race for the few hours after reset, but we lead the entire night in score solely from stomps.
I’ll go ahead and leave JQ out of it since I’m biased, but I have a second account on SFR and the really big standout one is “Ins For Da Waagh” or some spelling near that. Every time I’ve followed him he would cram 3 hours worth of commanding into about 15 minutes. He’d tell people to rally on him and a few minutes later you’d be inside the lord room of the enemy keep on EB.
So theres your EU one :P
I would have loved to see an SoS TC JQ matchup. The quirks in each servers coverage could have made it quite a battle. TC and JQ already have some of the best ppt battles when the 3rd server is a non-factor, throwing SoS in the mix would have shaken things up a bit.
Thanks :P
I’ve always had a soft spot for the people who just love to kitten around and break the mold in wvw. Chances are if you are in quaggan mode I’ll leave you alone. I also usually let the other person attack first unless its someone I know who won’t play along. Even then, its not so much about kitten ing off, its kind of self-training to see how well I can do even when someone gets the first hit.
and nobody cared cuz the thing they were trying to prove is directly counter to the message sent to them during season 1 \o/
First few days felt like season 1 and parts of season 2. Then we decided to play normally the rest of the week. We put in long hours vs TC, but it was fun and worth it whether we came out in front of them or not. Quite frankly ANET can hold all the seasons they want to now for all I care. 90% of the game, wvwers included will just keep playing like normal.
That site is awful though. Its like 90% blackgate trolls, 5% blackgate trolls pretending to be not blackgate trolls and 5% other servers. Its quite hilarious to watch them argue with themselves sometimes though.
Worlds I was allied with or fought against last week. Also known as, some of the people on my team were on my team last week (same color) and some weren’t (different color).
Now if you don’t mind im gonna go play some W+WIWAWOFALW vs WIWAWOFALW. I need some badges to buy more siege disruptors cuz LOL
Earlier today I spent probably close to an hour killing the same terrible BG ele as he contested water gate over and over again. Every time I’d down him and every time he’d go to login screen before I could stomp him. He then, presumably, would log in dead, have to waypoint before entering WvW gain then run all the way back to do it over again. Most of the time he gave no wxp or loot. The intervals were 3 and half to 5 minutes. That seems a little excessive. Also, as WvWers our gold tends to come from lots of little pieces of loot that add up over time. We already get crap for rewards in general, more or less removing the potential to accumulate gold this way is a real kick in the pants.
EotM is not World vs World. Its World + Worlds I was allied with or fought against last week vs Worlds I was allied with or fought against last week so….
Thats clearly not WvW so it must be PvE.
Nobody should really be all that surprised. We saw BG come out every other week off season to show their real coverage only to go hibergate again the next week while constantly harping about how stacked JQ is. Fortunately for JQ and TC, we like to go out and have fun so everyone should be happy. BG wins its meaningless competition and JQ and TC have the same fun they always have.
itt: PvErs
The best advice if you want to avoid night capping is to transfer to a T1 NA server.
You are really proposing that the best solution to this problem it’s that all people from the 51 server should stack on 3 of them and let ANet shutdown the other 48?
Ah, no, my bad. I meant that if you really want to go to somewhere where night capping isn’t a problem, thats the place to go. I think most of the wvw player population isn’t all that hung up on things they can’t control or at least don’t dwell on it and just go out to have fun each night. What I am saying only works if my perception of the WvW player base is true. I am not silly enough to believe that all servers could be cram packed into 3.
The best advice if you want to avoid night capping is to transfer to a T1 NA server. There isn’t really a moment there in which a server doesn’t have at least a modest amount to defend important things or are so ridiculously out numbered they get dropped below 100 ppt without being focused super hard. Its the last bastion of 24/7 fights in this game and probably will be for some time. T1 EU has some players around the clock, but if Deso and SFR are not both in the matchup then around late NA everything gets pvdoored down and one of the two, or both tick ridiculously high. Heck, even sometimes when SFR isn’t going hard, Deso will outnumber them to ridiculous levels during NA and if SFR can get an early lead in the week Deso morale will be so low they dont show up and you get high SFR ticks.
So look into T1 NA servers. Even during EU prime theres a fair share of fighting going on. All three servers have really nice people on them despite the toxic stuff thrown around between them at gw2wvw.
Source: I have two accounts, one on JQ and one on SFR
I’ve had weird spikes myself on both my SFR account and my JQ account, as have my guildies on JQ. I typically rarely have this type of DCing so something is definitely going on. Also usually when its happening to me, its happening to others around me as well.
ITT: Moments where you look like a complete idiot because you had to guess where your cursor was and you guessed wrong.
Fighting 3 people on my mesmer, go to lay down chaos storm on top of all of them, can’t find cursor, take a guess, its about as far away in the opposite direction from them as I can get, too far for me to even get any boons or leap a chaos armor out of it.
If you want to roam in t1 you have to find a group to hang with because otherwise you’ll be jumped by 10 people who HAVE found a group, and that goes for most times of the day. Its really irritating to be a solo roamer and see roaming guilds who have had to resort to this, jump you.
Dear Jedsus…. Going to the community matchup site to get a better picture is worse advice than telling an ele to run full zerker on pin with all signets and scepter/focus.
Remove all PvE non-guard/sentry creatures except the wurm and the harpies because #victorywurm and obvious harpies jokes. This includes removal of things like the grub/champ tree dude/mosquito event.
Remove jumping puzzles.
Never, ever again, include WvW in the living story. The toxic thing was a colossal failure.
Replace supply camps with reactors from eotm. Way better than yaks imo.
Raise the aoe cap in some form. I understand there are technical limits but raising it even a little would make a world of difference.
Remove immobilize stacking. I thought it was a great idea at first, practice has shown that it was a terrible idea.
Colored commander tags is a great idea. Charging more gold for colored commander tags isn’t necessarily a bad idea. Its current price is. Charging more gold for EACH tag is utterly ridiculous.
Improved outmanned buff.
Varied colors to replace orange swords, based on conflict size. 25 = orange, 40 = red, 80 = blue etc etc or perhaps one sword each could represent how many from a specific side is at an engagement. 24 people zerging down an endure pain warrior would be 1 orange sword and 1 white sword maybe. Add an additional center sword for 3rd server representation.
New Maps with map rotation. Even simply transplanting current tower designs to other tower locations would make things even slightly more interesting.
Some sort of limiter on the eternally bannering the lord phenomenon. Perhaps give them less and less HP each time rezzed and once at 0 it takes multiple banners to rez.
Increase guards/lords difficulty to be killed akin to eotm difficulty as well as scaling based on enemy numbers.
Introduce the Bell as a weapon, give mesmers Bell/Bell. That eotm Kodan is probably my favorite champ in the entire game.
Certain classes could use better alternatives for group utility in fighting aspects, namely Rangers and certain aspects of Mesmers.
I can’t get over the fact that someone actually cares about points in eotm.
Well it can’t be JQ, I can say that much. If you meant us, you attribute far too much to us. We have about half of your first paragraph, none of your second paragraph and we often have groups doing their own thing(3rd paragraph). I can’t say for sure but I think it only partially fits BG as well. So I’m guessing you’re talking about SFR and Deso.
The rumors how you heard them aren’t true. SoR always had enough off hours to fit their position, before and after IRON came. The organization that SoR had was basically in terms of their percentage of players who used voice comms and guilds. The server was made up almost entirely of guild groups and had almost no militia at all. Thats why when their guilds left it fell so far. When facing SoR there was no such thing as a pug zerg. If they didn’t have a guild group actually on EB, they often wouldn’t have any presence there at all. When their guilds ended their raids they combined into one giant blob on SoR BL and took out everything as JQ and BG would only had token forces on map. They often did outnumber both JQ and BG combined during EU as well. You’ve never seen a map blob until you’ve seen an SoR blob. With every other server, once in a blue moon, if you’re lucky, you will get every person on map on pin, whether it be 40 or 70 or whatever. On SoR it was a daily occurance. This really did work against them though in season 1. BG and JQ couldn’t match the SoR blobs total numbers but had enough to hold their own. However, BG and JQ also had people spread out all over maps capping stuff and bloodlust, so their strength was also their weakness. I don’t know if I’m right or not but I’ve often considered the way T1 evolved to be heavily reflective of SoRs ability to form such huge groups. As time went on BG and JQ had to respond to SoRs huge, extremely organized, numbers with similar numbers. There was a period where SoR would have 3 waypoints on their home map the entire matchup, backed up by a full queue blob and tons of siege. Multiple smaller groups can work in that situation, but its extremely unlikely you can pull it off well enough and quick enough to break the wp. The only time you do, you’ve spent your entire night fighting a blob that can fight + siege. That meant people stopped wanting to go there, which also meant you seldom would see them pushed on both hills/bay at the same time, which further meant it was easier and easier for them to maintain a triple waypointed bl all week.
Thats the kind of organization they had, and what SoR was like. They could fight with the best of them. They sieged up their holdings like crazy and had every living soul on ts and in their blob or stationed as a scout. Heck, I had a friend come back from a stint on SoR and say that their idea of a havoc team was 15-20 people. My jaw dropped the moment she said it.
lol, I just remembered the brief period where you couldn’t even get onto SoR BL without being seen because they’d have extra accounts stationed around certain points on the map. All they had to do was wait until that character died and they knew someone was on map and where they were.
Don’t forget underwater water fields.
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