Showing Posts For SandraSolace.7682:

Changing Email

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Because your email is your account name. Only way to change it is to submit a ticket with support, top of the page.

Obsidion Shards Dissapeared

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


The forum can’t help besides telling you to double check again. Also, do you have more then 1 account? Is it possible they were bought with the other account?

If this does not help, you should contact support, top of the page.

Can't log in with correct Username/Password.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


I’ve created my guild wars 2 account and linked it to my old guild wars account. I can log-in to the forums, but I haven’t been able to log-in to the game, however the game is still downloading, but I thought it was just to launch the game. So, do I have to wait for the download to finish before I’m able to log-in on my game launcher or is there an issue?

You will indeed have to wait till it’s done. After that you should be able to log in.

Wiping Computer-saving gw2?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


You should just reinstall. That way you can be certain you have a fully clean pc.

And you won’t need your serial to redownload the game, just make sure you remember your account name (email address) and password for when you log back into the game and the forum.

bought gemcard , does not work

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


First the obvious, you are typing the code exactly as it is on the card? Including the – ?

Naming violation?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


I agree, better be sure.

Naming violation?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Or that can happen, lol

Probably decided that it was not a “bad” name after all.

Sorry you had to go through that though and glad it’s sorted.

— Edit

Do not use the same name, that will indeed result in a ban.

Please do talk to support before you do anything, or go with a new name that is not against the rules (although I do not see a problem with this one, so support is the best way to go!)

The renaming you are getting now is so you don’t get an actual ban. If you get reported again or use the same name, you will get a 3 day ban and a request to change the name again.

(edited by SandraSolace.7682)

Naming violation?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


The forum can’t help/fix this. You will need to talk to support.

Top of the page and from there submit a request.

I could speculate and say that it’s probably the Lusty part but support will be able to tell you a lot more.

Me an a friend

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


There is no such function in the game.

Every now and then there is a free trial weekend though. Your friend can register here: to sign up for the next one.

So it’s either wait for a trial or buy the game.

Bought wrong item

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


You should talk to support, top of the page and then submit a new request.

Duplicate Tickets: Please Think Twice!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Little bump

Items disappearing in Safety Deposit Box

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Do you mean one of your bags on your char? Or the bank collections tab?

Moving to America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


And even if the registration was still an issue, OP already has the game the way I read it.
When it’s already registered you can play on any server anyway either by guesting or through a transfer. Or stay on your original server.

Bank help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


If the armor says soul bound, you can’t get it out, only the char you deleted can take it out.

Moving to America

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Your account can be accessed anywhere. So no worries, you can just use your account as usual.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


You will need to contact support, top of the page. There you need to submit a ticket.

Account Restoration Request

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Unfortunately it does not matter what was done or taken. In this case there is only one issue and it’s the same for everyone with an “evil” friend or family member.

You will not get your items back and a ticket will result that answer too.

I’m sorry this left you with the feeling you don’t want to play anymore but to be fair, it’s not the game that created that feeling. It was your brothers actions and maybe you can work something out with him in order to get some stuff back.

Duplicate Tickets: Please Think Twice!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Bump for obvious reasons.

Account Hacked then Terminated?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Did you submit a new ticket? Cause that will delay the process and should never be done.

Update your first ticket with the new info. And closed the new one.

(edited by SandraSolace.7682)

Im level 5 and i keep dying!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Yes there is a bank, you should be able to see them on your map, just mouse over them.

The chest can only be opened with a key, you have to buy those from the trading post or get really lucky and get one as a drop or from some story events.

Also, look here:
Basically everything is on there.

Password changed, not get into the game

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


You’re welcome!

We hear it a lot around here, it can be somewhat confusing.

You might want to update your ticket and tell them it was solved!

Happy playing!

Password changed, not get into the game

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Are you using a temp password to log in here at the moment or are you using your “old” log in? If it’s the last, your password might be saved in your browser tools.

And just to make it clear, you are using your email as your account name, right?

Login issues because of past refund

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Problem here is also that you cannot link 2 serials to one account, each account needs it’s own unique email and display name. And as I type this I see that you figured that out as well.

I’m sure support can help you but you will have to be patient.

Server Transfer/No Character Question

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Awesome solution, cause I too saw two sides on this.
I’m glad it’s made easier for new players!

Guesting and Transfering

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


You will need to talk to support about this.The forum can’t fix this.

Top of the page, then submit a request.

Hacker(s) trying to access my account

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


In order to log in they need your email address and password. If you had atemts to log in they most probably have both.

Just do it to be extra safe.

Hacker(s) trying to access my account

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Also secure your email! They have access to that otherwise the attempts wouldn’t show.

You might even want to go as far as asking for an email change through support.

And do a full scan on your computer.

Server Transfer/No Character Question

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Yeah, that is why it was instated. There were people abusing the system before and that did manipulate WvW.

But I’m sure your friends will remain enthusiastic. Plus as an added bonus, if they do start playing during those 7 days, they can already make some money and have a chance to redo a char if it was not exactly like they wanted it.
So there could actually be some perks from this.

New to GW2 do's and dont's?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Also learn this command: /wiki (item name, viewpoint, mission name and so on)

If you type this in chat you will be taken to the wiki with info on the subject.
It might seem like cheating, but there is so much going on in the game that checking up on things might just stop you from making a mistake.

Server Transfer/No Character Question

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Finally convinced a group of friends to come and play for the WvW, but have no clue if the interest will remain a week from now. They created a character just to get a sense of what character creation was like, without knowing there were such harsh consequences for picking a “home server”. They can’t even get started now, because as soon as they create characters on another server, they face a hefty transfer fee once the 7 day period is up. Just a strange policy in my opinion. Not sure how a brand new player is expected to know these policies. I certainly didn’t, and I have been playing for a long time. I have never switched servers, so I guess it must spell it out in detail somewhere I have never been.

I agree that new players mostly don’t know these things when starting the game and it would be too easy to say " before you start read the forum/wiki/ect. to learn the rules.

But your friends can experiment for a bit during that week. Because if they delete the chars they make (and store all non soul-bound stuff in the bank) they can transfer for free. And in the mean time they can get a feel for the game and maybe even guest to your server for some PvP.

Hope this helps a little.

Do i have to buy a new Key?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


You do mention it is for a personal reason, personally I can’t see if your current account name is. But as Inculpates states, support will only change the name for that reason or if the name is against the ToS.

So you might want to try submitting a ticket and explaining why you want to change your display name.

Ownership of two accounts?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682



Simple as that.

You are not allowed to share or give a “used” account to someone else. Ever.

You revoke all of your rights to any help from support and that would probably be for both accounts. Also your account(s) can be banned.

Stick to you own (bought and registered to you and yes those can be multiple) accounts, do not use the one that is not yours.

Just don’t do it.

(edited by SandraSolace.7682)

Newbie downloading the from the disc 1 and 2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


You don’t need the disks to install the game at all. So just let it download and play when it’s finished.
Most people don’t even have disks, just a serial code through email or in my case from a box (without disks).

Error logging this not a joke .

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Well, have you checked the things mentioned in the message?

Did you allow the game access in your firewall/router?

Duplicate Tickets: Please Think Twice!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682



Seeing lots of posts saying “I sent in another ticket…”

Returning to GW2

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


I actually have all those choices as my Asura chars, my engineer is my lowest level and because they don’t have 2 weapon sets I’m not really able to get into that char as much. She will get to 80 at some point though.

My necro though is at level 80 and I too play solo a lot (not with bosses but still) and I have found the necro to be the easiest to use in that regard. Mostly because of the minions.

As I see it, you have 4 empty slots left. Try a class for a few levels, heck try all 3 at the same time! That ways you can easily spot the difference and you can always delete the char that doesn’t fit you (still having gained some gold and such through playing).

I should add, that I never researched any of the professions outside of just trying and I have a char for each profession.

item refund

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


/sigh guess u don’t understand there are 3 of these recipes for the same sigil one for each weapon profession from that vendor in kessex. i used the wrong one so im right your wrong

So you say.

You still don’t get a refund.


noobs you got to love them

Well, you didn’t pay attention while buying the recipe, that actually makes you the noob.

There won’t be a refund.

Gem Store, Trading not working to me

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


I’m sorry to ask but why would you delete a char and change server?

It seems like this is more of a tech issue then an account issue. You might want to try posting there. They will also need to know if you get an error message.

I’m not tech savvy but I have read that you might have to give permission in your firewall to be able to use the TP.

Gem Store, Trading not working to me

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Have you tried restarting the game? Works for a lot of people.

my account is blocked

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


You should post your ticket number in the sticky, here:

The questions are needed to establish that you own the account, this because they think your account was hacked. So in order to get help as soon as possible, answer everything you can.

I forgot my Account name

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


You account name is the email address you used to create an account.

Stuck in Southsun

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Close your game, find the local.dat file here: “C:\Users\YourComputerUserName\AppData\Roaming\Guild Wars 2”.

Delete it and restart your game. Your character should be “free” now.
But deleting this file will also reset all your settings, so you will have to adjust those again too.

Name change?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Or, as you say it’s a recent char, delete her and make her again with a girl name at no cost.

Screen goes white Help 2nd try

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Awesome job locx!

And happy gaming TheWraith!

I recycled my Gas Mask skin. Recoverable?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Never submit more then 1 ticket!

Wait for a response on the fist one and update that as needed. Creating more tickets will only make everything slower.

I doubt it will be restored to you though as it is a player mistake and they won’t be undone.

Screen goes white Help 2nd try

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


As soon as you open the program it should give you an overview of all specs.

Look here for an example, first image:

Thank you.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


I love these kinds of posts!

Friday, I’m glad your issues were resolved and thanks for posting it here!
Because you are right, there are a lot of complaints here (some justified but most are not).

It’s nice to see support for the support team!

cant log in cant recover

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Also make sure you are using your email as username and not oldschoolmcgurk.6135.

Linked GW2 to GW1 but GW1 not working

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Glad it’s solved

Linked GW2 to GW1 but GW1 not working

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


It’s still not really clear to me. Why do you need the NCsoft account?

But again, you should be able to log into GW1 with your GW2 account name (email) and your GW2 Password. I can’t make out if you tried that yet.

Also, have you sent in a ticket yet?