Showing Posts For SandraSolace.7682:

cant download the game.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


And nobody around you that you can copy the files from?

cant download the game.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


I understand. But if it is a problem that comes from your provider, you can’t fix it yourself.

And because you said your internet seems to be slow for everything, not just the game download, there is a problem there. It might not have anything to do with the game at all.

To the community:" Anyone else around who could provide some help?"

cant download the game.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


That could be the issue, if the server you are downloading from is busy, it doesn’t matter how fast your connection is. It will be slower because it’s busy.

But if internet on a whole is slower then you should have, it might be time to give your provider a call and ask them what’s up.

Do you maybe have a friend near you that also plays? You could copy their files onto your pc.

Sorry, stuck at 724/725 POI.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Awesome! It can get really frustrating, been there too.

Sorry, stuck at 724/725 POI.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Did you get both poi’s in Cragstead? One of the poi’s there is inside the instance, the other outside.

cant download the game.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Did you just get the game or were you able to play before this?

Did you allow the gw2 setup in your firewall?

Also, what are the specs of your pc/laptop? in some cases if the pc/laptop doesn’t meet the requirements to play, the game won’t download.

Ascended Recipes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


It’s not a bug, wiki also shows that zealots stats are not available from the ascended recipes.

The only way actually get the recipe you want is from the chests in Scarlet’s Secret Lair.

As for a refund, the forum can’t answer that. You will have to talk to support.

Sorry, stuck at 724/725 POI.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


You checked if you did the Chantry one, but did you actually go in to check and make sure? If not try that.

How i can edit my support ticket?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Did you get an emailed reply to the ticket you submitted?

If so reply in the email and that is how you update. Do not submit a new ticket.

Transfer Gems

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


And as for gem codes, once entered they are account bound. Only way to separate that is by buying 2 codes, one for each.

Other then that, the only option is the one you used and that will always come with a loss. This is not a new thing however. There will always be a difference between swapping gems for gold and gold for gems.

But gifting is indeed available, just not through one code.

[Changed!] Make Unlocked BL Chests AB, not SB

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


aye i got a ticket and hopefully this can get rectified best case scenario they change the chests to account bound over all

It would be nice if you could post the outcome/progress of the ticket for us.

Cause even-though I did say it was funny, I also kinda expect this to be looked into thoroughly. It could happen to anyone.

[Changed!] Make Unlocked BL Chests AB, not SB

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Have you managed to get a ticket in yet?

Anyone Know How to Un-firewall the TP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Sorry I keep going on about this but you have said that the windows one is the one you know how to check. But you don’t actually say if you checked it or not.

In your first post you mention awesomium_process.exe is running, but does your firewall actually allow the program to get the data?

You also might want to try the suggestions in this post:

[Changed!] Make Unlocked BL Chests AB, not SB

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Oh wow, I can’t imagine how that must feel!

And at the same time, I also had to laugh. Sorry about that but it is kinda funny in a weird way.

Like Gnat said, talk to support about this! Top of every page.

Anyone Know How to Un-firewall the TP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Not even your windows firewall? Might be a good idea to check anyway’s.

2 Questions for Support

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Point 2 is not accurate, you receive those items only if buying the actual upgrade or edition.

As for the tools, the npc’s to change them should be in any major city. In LA the are in the TP area on the second floor.

Rox's Quiver Incident

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


I agree, a lot is not clear in-game unless you look or ask for it.

But looking at what support can and can’t do I try to give accurate advise.

Rox's Quiver Incident

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


i had this same problem in November and didn’t know about the ticket review thread, so i just posted today for help! glad to know i’m not alone in losing our cool gemstore skins!

I saw your post in the review thread, you say you followed a wiki recipe. The page with that recipe also states that the process creates an entirely new item and that skins will be lost in the process.
Not trying to be mean or anything but don’t get your hopes up to high.

Help Build my new PC

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


You might want to post this in the tech section of the forum.

Keeping crafting up with character level??

in Crafting

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


This came from the wiki and was posted in the discussion tab on the crafting material page:

Tier 1 | lv 1-19 areas
Tier 2 | lv 20-45 areas
Tier 3 | lv 25-50 areas
Tier 4 | lv 50-70 areas
Tier 5 | lv 70-80 areas
Tier 6 | lv 80 areas

This might not be completely accurate but it does give a good overview. And the page itself can tell you per mat where to find them in-game.

Funny screenshots!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Please be aware that some of the screens show player names, those are not allowed on the forum (even if not meant in harm or to report).

So edit out the names in the shots before a mod takes them down.

Legendary Weapons: craft or buy?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


No worries, I got frustrated a bit cause I too would love a precursor and/or Legendary.

It’s a lot of work if there is not luck along the way.

Legendary Weapons: craft or buy?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


I didn’t say anything about real money though. I can’t see how your gold/gem situation is nor have you said anything about it.

You asked for the fastest option and that will always be to buy them, regardless of how you get the gold.

As for waiting for a precursor drop, like I said, played over a year 2000+ hours, no drop. It’s all up to luck. And the rest is done in-game.

That leaves option 3 buying the precursor and doing the rest in game (again, no real money needed but then you would have to gather the gold playing)

There are no other options at this point in time, sorry. If there were I’d have a Legendary already.

Legendary Weapons: craft or buy?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Fastest way is to buy them outright.

I’ve been playing since launch, tried getting a precursor drop from the Forge, hoping for one dropping during events and have not ever gotten one, nor have I ever had more then 2500 gold at 1 point in time to buy a created legendary.

Buying a precursor though and then getting all the other stuff needed might also be an option. You would still need to put in work to get clovers and such, but at least you’ll have the precursor to start with.

Did I miss something?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Not really although opinions about that vary a lot. There is a difference between the classes that could be called “easier to play” but that too is really up to the player.

Like an Elementalist can seem a hard class to play and level and I concur on that front but others don’t feel that at all.
And there seems to be a lot to do about Rangers and how they suck because there is no real pet control, I however love to play a Ranger.

Just try everything, no harm in trying something and deleting the char if it’s not what you want (make sure to store items in the bank before doing that or you will lose them).

And don’t be afraid to use the forum or the wiki or ask in-game, if you’re not certain about something, options in game are huge and mistakes get made every day. So if you get to a point where you want to transmute something for example, make sure you know what will happen. You can go to the wiki from inside the game by typing /wiki (item name, location and so on). Typing that and hitting enter will take you directly to the wiki.

I’m pretty sure you have indeed found the mmo you can keep playing (or just get back into if you took a break)!

(edited by SandraSolace.7682)

Secret House in Genderann Fields?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


I don’t know about a house and can’t find anything on that. There however is a jumping puzzle there named “Not So Secret”.

Need some info here (linking)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


You’re only able to link 1 GW1 account to 1 GW2 account. (that’s how it should work at least)

But something weird is going on here, cause normally the only way to change a display name is through support.

It might be a good idea to open a ticket with support to sort things out.

Duplicate Tickets: Please Think Twice!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


And another bump

Mail mishap.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Yes, submit a ticket.

Ingame reports do not give you an answer.

Can you still get monument of heroes rewards?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Does this mean you bought EOTN?

If so, happy playing!

Can you still get monument of heroes rewards?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


You will have to link your accounts though and through playing GW1 and EOTN you can earn points.

You can access all rewards, but in order to actually get them you will need the points to get them (and that can take some time)

Lovestruck Weapon Skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Absolutely hate those weapons. What are we paying? Hello Kitty online ?

What an obvious cash-in on the whole Valentine’s day kitten.


Same goes for Halloween, Wintersday and so on.

If you don’t like it, don’t bother with it…

Rox's Quiver Incident

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Post your ticket number in the sticky on the front page of this forum, tickets up for review.

New Lovestruck weapon skins

in The Edge of the Mists

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Love the new skins!

But I do think they are not for everyone, as with any skin really.

I picked me up a staff for my Necro, cute as hell!

Anyone Know How to Un-firewall the TP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Have you checked your firewall settings?

Also, the wiki might be more clear on how to run repair:

Lovestruck Weapon Skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


I’m so happy that I have 2 tickets to spend on these!

First skin from a ticket that I actually like in all the weapons!

Now I gotta choose though, it’s gonna be tough.

Question about Fee on TP

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Yes, that’s about right. And it has been like this since the beginning.

Support Gave Me an Incorrect Answer

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Uhm, this is not an account issue thing, try the tech section.

Also post your ticket number in the stick for tickets up for review. And update your original ticket with the info you shared here.

Item loss

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


I totally understand! It can happen to anyone, me not understanding how it can happen really has nothing to do with it.

But I’m kinda starting to understand (finally) what can and cannot be done by support and although I don’t have to understand it, I can’t give false hope, so to speak.

Being on this forum a lot has actually saved me from doing most of the things that people post about here! This is basically the only game where I wiki/forum before I do anything.

I truly am sorry for your loss.

Item loss

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


And I do believe that restoring 1 char is indeed something that can’t be done. It sucks, don’t get me wrong. But they just can do it.

Gift of Sprockets

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682



They do make stuff easier, so tell your guild!

Gift of Sprockets

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Did you go to your actual home instance within your home?

( I admit to reading to fast thinking I knew the answer, oops)

Edit: It should be in all home instances.

(edited by SandraSolace.7682)

Gift of Sprockets

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Go check out your home instance!

You should see some features there that are new!

These items are made so that after clicking, it creates a node or something else in your home instance(s). Like the gift of sprockets gives you a node that you can gather sprockets from once a day per char in their home instance.

You didn’t do anything wrong! Go visit Dreamer’s Terrace in the Grove! And tell your guild

Item loss

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


And these are 2 different situations.

Op is asking for a mini, Ragnarok is asking for a full character plus inventory. (you can only delete a char when you type it’s full name, so I don’t see how one absentmindedly does that.)

I can't log in to an account

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


You are using the same password and email you use to log into the forum, right? Cause the forum uses the same info.

My keyboard works horrible in GW2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


You might want to explain what you mean by “horrible”.

Is it the settings? Does the keyboard not respond the way it should?

i mean in order to help you we will need to know what the problem is.

Me an a friend

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Can’t you invite that friend at your home ? Let him play on your account for a few hours while you are watching.
That way your friend can test it and buy it in the future

This is not allowed. You can’t advise people to break the rules, with him there or not it is sharing an account.

Moving to America

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


The thing is and I don’t know if this applies still…
if you purchased an EU version of the game, it’s locked to EU, so you won’t be able to play on your account if you move to USA.
You will have to purchase a new game, or hopefully contact the support and see if an arrangement can be met.

This is not correct. There will be no issue playing on an already registered account but there could be problems with like buying gems (support can help there).

As long as the game is registered in the correct region, you can access the game from anywhere in the world.

Craft button Greyed out

in Crafting

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


If your inventory (your bags/the one you carry around) is full, you can’t craft because there is no space to put the item.

[Solved] Unable to link GW1/2 accounts

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SandraSolace.7682


Have you actually set up your account for gw1 yet?