(edited by Sartharina.3542)
The irritating part is that, for a lot of the ‘low-quality’ leveling armor in the game, the charr tails didn’t clip (Or at least the outfit still moved with it). At least on heavy armor. I’m not sure about light or medium.
I personally will be upset if they start hyping another expansion before they start putting out new Legendary weapons and I bet a lot of others feel the same way.
You can be as upset as you want, but that’s the way it’s going to be.
You don’t know that. Losing customers over this is a very real possibility.
They currently have ~100 employees working on a new expansion pack. They currently have 0 working on legendary weapons.
Do the math.
Assignments can and do change, hence their suspension. Your ‘logic’ means nothing.
It took them 6 months to make a single Legendary Shortbow. The next expansion is intended to launch within 2 years. Do the math.
I personally will be upset if they start hyping another expansion before they start putting out new Legendary weapons and I bet a lot of others feel the same way.
You can be as upset as you want, but that’s the way it’s going to be.
You don’t know that. Losing customers over this is a very real possibility.
They currently have ~100 employees working on a new expansion pack. They currently have 0 working on legendary weapons.
Do the math.
I personally will be upset if they start hyping another expansion before they start putting out new Legendary weapons and I bet a lot of others feel the same way.
You can be as upset as you want, but that’s the way it’s going to be.
The last we heard was that the precursor collections took too long to design so they stopped making them and assigned those people to work on other things.
Under the circumstances I think it’s unlikely that’s going to change any time soon.
The forums blame the Precursor Collection, but we don’t really know what happened.
They’ve been indefinitely suspended. As far as we’re concerned, they’re a canceled project. It’ll be a pleasant surprise if they’re picked up again.
In the context of Charr culture, this ‘evolution’ of names would tie to the progression of individual Charr through the ranks/professions – younger Charr having profession or physical characteristic based names, older more experienced Charr having earned more individual family/clan based names through their deeds/achievements.
Parallels are great and all, but you can only carry them as far as there’s lore to support- and there’s no evidence that charr change their name for any reason but a change in warband. Rytlock Brimstone, the rebellious little punk soldier on the verge of being executed for insubordination, is still Rytlock Brimstone now that he’s in the highest ranks as a tribune and considered a hero and role model to his race.
There is however, evidence of nicknames sticking depending on how ‘legendary’ things are with them. There’s gotta be a reason why Smodur is The Unflinching. I wouldn’t be surprised if Rytlock eventually gets the nickname of The Dragonslayer.
Well, given his current trackrecord, it would be unearned: “Flubbed killing one, Stood inside an airship and watched another get shot down by a single hero, and then chickened out at the opportunity to fight a third.”
Frankly, I wonder why anyone bothered with the “Destiny’s Edge” losers in the first place in Guild Wars 2. The Commander built a better dragon-slaying squad without them.
But back on topic – Yeah, the Charr don’t change their names. I’m wondering if Charr physically mature faster than humans. It would explain why their names seem like they’re chosen by teenagers trying to be cool and edgy: Because they are. Lots of ambient dialogue in the Charr areas imply that most of the soldiers are quite young in spite of the size of their bodies and depth of their voices.
Life’s short and fast for most soldiers in the legions, due to a three-way war of attrition between Ever-respawning ghosts, dragon corruption, and other Charr.
The “problem” with Dragonhunters is that there are so many viable, slightly-different builds for them that their opponents keep losing track of what they’re actually dealing with.
Thief has the most access to stealth, and can activate it almost at-will, unlike the other classes that have to deal with cooldowns on very few skills.
Thief has a lot going for it – Stealth, the Initiative system, its specific skills and traits and utilities, its evades…
If Thief doesn’t offer anything special or unique, then no class does.
I don’t see this happening. The problem with this is that if you open too many bags at once, your inventory will be full. Considering the stacks of bags I often see people post in map chat, there’s no way any single inventory can hold all that. You’d have to “open all” over and over again, after salvaging/selling the previous load. “Salvage all” does not have this problem, since there’s no way an inventory full of items will be salvaged into even more items. I’m not an encoder but my theory is that this is the reason why we won’t see an “open all” option anytime soon, if at all.
Actually, this is not true. I often have my Salvage All stop because my inventory fills up – A masterwork item can add 3 items from a single one (Basic material, Essence of Luck, Sigil), and Rares can add 4 (Ecto). After a meta event loot with a nearly-full inventory, it can take several attempts of “Salvage All” to not overflow my inventory.
I say sell it. You have Sunrise and Twilight (Or at least the skins) If you’re gonna lose one of them, might as well lose them both and a nice boost to the wallet to spend on your next legendary (Or Invisible Boots, or whatever you want)
I strongly suspect the dancing Account/Soul Binding issue was not merely a problem of items getting soulbound, but merely a symptom of a much wider character database corruption, necessitating the emergency shutdown and rollback of the servers.
As far as compensation goes… an additional day of playtime has been added to your account subscription. Enjoy.
I don’t know what your gear is, but from running just core stats, you might want to swap out some of your trinkets for Valkyrie or Soldier gear, and run Berzerker/Assassins on the rest, to give you some survivability while you learn the new monsters. Personally, I run Marauder stats, but that’s a new combination). But otherwise – you need to learn your class and the monster mechanics.
You seem to be having trouble with Pocket Raptors and Mordrem Wolves. For both – don’t let them surround you. As a staff thief, I suggest having Invigorating Precision traited and the Signet of Malice to give you some sustain while fighting them – the more you hit with your staff, the more you heal back from the damage they deal. Still, you don’t want to let yourself get surrounded (Staff 5 can help if you do, though). Staff 2 is also a good lifesaver – while it doesn’t have a dodge, it does move you out of the way of many attack’s cleave radii, and inflicts the damage-reducing Weakness condition.
I like this more
I’d like that as long as it kept the normal, color-changing blade… though an option for blade changes would be nice.
Frankly, I wish Sunrise and Twilight had options for the blade images – Let sunrise have a bright day skyscape (Opposite Twilight’s current deep night scape) and let Twilight have an actual twilight-themed image (Opposite Sunrise’s current dawn-themed image)
Yeah… I’m having an issue with this as well. I was on a team with 2 mesmers and 2 thieves (I was a warrior), against two guardians, a warrior, and two rangers. Fortunately, my team did manage to squeak out a win (Thanks to the skill of the mesmers and thieves), but – couldn’t the game have divvied the teams up a bit more evenly?
Screw Dry Top and the daily event- and map-locked Quartz Farm. The loss of that kitten charged crystal is what irritates me about this.
Because Faren is only a legend in his own mind
Which is why he should have been the one to fight Mordremoth. It would have been the most epic battle of all time. OF ALL TIME!
I also have a few changes to Action Cam:
1. STOP RESETTING TO DEFAULT CAMERA POSITION! I hate the default Action Cam camera position (It leaves me looking down far too much), and as someone who loves to swap between action and normal controls in-combat (Action for melee, normal for ranged)
2. Allow me to bind Skill 4 to Right-click during action-camera use, just as skill 1 is bound to Left Click.
I also have an issue with travel skills, especially teleports (Guardian’s Judge’s intervention and Sword 2, and Warrior GS5 most notably). Action cam tends to leave my Guardian standing in place when I want to teleport to a target (Either because the target’s out of range, or just too off-center: see my camera complaint above), though I enjoy being able to use GS5 on my warrior to disengage with Action Cam (Very useful in the Silverwaste’s Pac-man segment)
It’s possible..just mystifying. Personally, I would wonder how you could mourn the death of such a poorly written, universally panned character in a game which is heavily criticised for misteps in characterisation and story. It’s hardly Sophie’s Choice now is it?
Trahearne was only ill-recieved by non-Sylvari, and worst by Charr players. The problem wasn’t necessarily with Trahearne as much as it was with the Commander (In the case of the Charr, you go from a commander, to a recruit, then nominal commander – but Trahearne keeps getting the commander’s lines)
I think Concordia was the worst mission for Trahearne, and the one that is most guilty of “Trahearne takes credit for the player’s accomplishments”. It’s an all-around awful mission that screwed everything up.
I’m not sure what you’re saying, or what’s going on in this picture. Are you saying the armor should be skimpier? If so, I’m gonna have to disagree there.
Assuming the body is the same under the armor (ie, the armor is not part of your avatar but is a distinct mesh), the answer is simple. Have there be a die that is pure alpha channel. It might be a bit trickier if they are hiding the underlying body area to reduce clipping though.
There is nothing under the armor – the underlying meshes are removed to improve performance. Texture/game modders have tried this already.
However, the general tank MMO meaning is out of context in this particular game, in which the heavy armor characters function more like actual tanks than the tanks in other MMOs.
There is an aggro mechanic in GW2 by which a tougher character may hold aggro.
Not as reliable as in other MMOs, but it is there.
And heavy armor characters in GW2 still function more like actual tanks than tanks which are typical of other MMOs.
And I love it. Wearing Charr T1 Heavy cultural armor and using a Legionnaire rifle gets the look down as well. I just wish I could find a good stat combination that gives the right balance of firepower and toughness.
Even then, Guardians do a kitten good job of the ‘classic’ tanking, especially as a Dragonhunter with Aegis-share, and Virtues. Well, maybe not tanking, but certainly support.
Unfortunately, from what I hear someone decided that boon-theft spam should be a thing in high-level fractals, making guardians a greater hindrance than help.
(edited by Sartharina.3542)
“Buu i die on fall damage, please nerf gravity.”
This one cracked me up, because they gave us Gliders
The only fall-damage complaint I’ve seen is on the Capricorn map’s starting location – if you enjoy throwing yourself onto the battlefield exuberantly (Such as by jumping out the starting gate into the arena), you take a bit of falling damage and it keeps you from rushing to the battle as quickly as you should be able to go, because it thinks you’re in combat with the ground.
Basically I’m just getting a lot of “I like X race” but do you think that it’s worth it in the long run? Look at how pitifully few armor skins HoT came with?
and how many less skins would there have been if there was only one race?
I only played GW2 because of multiple playable races otherwise there are tons of other completely the same MMOs to play.
There would have been MORE skins. Because in the time it took fitting the HoT skins to 4 more races they could instead have made MORE.
No there wouldn’t. There wouldn’t be any armor skins at all. At least not of any relevance.
For what it’s worth, I disagree with the OP’s premise that the usefulness of a weapon is predicated on some combination of meta builds and profession availability. That might be a measure for popularity… but not usefulness.
For the times when it would actually be necessary to use a ranged weapon warrior’s rifle has 20% fewer skills. That makes it less useful. In some circumstances it might have 40% fewer.
On the other hand, it’s faster and stronger than Longbow, with an effective Autoattack. The Rifle also pairs extremely well opposite Greatsword, providing long range pressure (For kiting or softening up targets before melee), rapid adrenaline generation, and a decent amount of CC of both hard (Gunflame’s interrupt and Rifle 5) and soft varieties (Cripple and immob).
The biggest problem with Rifle, IMO, is Killshot. Not fun to use (That cast time and root SUCK), not fun to be used on (Sudden spike of damage from where?), and it’s an adrenaline-building weapon, so you’re expected to use it whenever possible, but… that root and cast time >:(. Killshot is a relic from back when Warrior had Adrenaline-camping abilities (That one heal skill, the old adrenal health, and old Berzerker’s Power) and Rifle had a bleed-inflicting Autoattack (Making it kinda functional-but-not-really-because-rifle standalone skill, instead of the killshot-feeding AA it has now.)
Gunflame, on the other hand, is exactly what Rifle needed as a Burst – It’s fast to cast (While still uninterruptible and telegraphed, allowing counterplay), and highly versatile (It packs a solid-but-not-obscene burst of damage, a lingering strong damaging condition to clean up slivers of health or take down condi-vulnerable foes, an AoE to provide area pressure, and a quick interrupt/Defiance-hit)
That said – I really, really wish they’d give the Rifle its “Pierce when traited” back for warrior (Heck, they could even remove the baseline pierce from Killshot and Volley if they do this). Every other class I’ve played (okay, really just Ranger and Engineer) have piercing autoattacks.
I definitely agree with most of this, the most notable exception of the return of pierce… that would likely mean a loss of the extra adrenaline, and that traited adrenaline is well worth more to me. With pierce the adrenaline generation would only match/exceed the current trait if you were always lining up 2-3 hits with every shot… which is rarely going to happen. The traited adrenaline gain is much more reliable. Rifle is an adrenaline generating machine, as well as a good ranged CC weapon (as was stated in the quote above). Even if the warrior’s rifle is a primarily a power-based weapon, it is not primarily a dps weapon… it is a utility weapon… and a very useful one when considered from that angle.
A smart player can make sure their adrenaline is always at full stacks when the burst cooldown is finished… whether using berserker or vanilla. And, if one does not like kill-shot, then so be it… your adrenaline is filled and ready for a weapon-swap and burst from your second set. Because of this the warrior rifle pairs well with any power or hybrid weapon set . Versatility is a far better measure of usefulness to me.
It doesn’t need to lose the adrenaline gain, though they may have to tie bonus adrenaline to “Made contact with at least one target” instead of a per-target thing (So it doesn’t lose adrenaline gain, without it being obscene either)
I just wish they’re rework Killshot into something useable. Perhaps have it have lower damage, a fast cast time (Same as gunflame), highly-visible projectile, and knockback (Further and more damage with adrenaline) so you can go bowling with bullets.
Something that is shown in the data – There are more non-human characters than human. And I strongly suspect that the Charr and Asura numbers are largely so low because of the developmental neglect they’ve suffered.
Am I missing something in the HoT zones?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Sartharina.3542
Well, I got a group together and tried the final chapter again. After an hour of fighting, Mordremoth glitched in the last phase and became invulnerable. I have now uninstalled GW2.
For the last phase you need hard CC to break that bar. I completed it recently with just another player in party. Me playing ele helped, used frostbow, granting my ally one as well with some additional CC to boost. Its not glitched, trust me.
Sorry to hear your experience has been negative so far, but maybe you shouldn’t have rushed into HoT maps only 1 month after you started playing the game? It takes time to get used to a new game mechanics and the new maps are much more elaborate with harder content then the vanilla ones. Should you decide to come back and give the game another go, this time taking your time and learning the ropes slowly and consistently, not rushing through.. I am sure you will have a much different and better experience with the game.
It is glitched, but it’s a glitch that can be overcome.
For what it’s worth, I disagree with the OP’s premise that the usefulness of a weapon is predicated on some combination of meta builds and profession availability. That might be a measure for popularity… but not usefulness.
For the times when it would actually be necessary to use a ranged weapon warrior’s rifle has 20% fewer skills. That makes it less useful. In some circumstances it might have 40% fewer.
On the other hand, it’s faster and stronger than Longbow, with an effective Autoattack. The Rifle also pairs extremely well opposite Greatsword, providing long range pressure (For kiting or softening up targets before melee), rapid adrenaline generation, and a decent amount of CC of both hard (Gunflame’s interrupt and Rifle 5) and soft varieties (Cripple and immob).
The biggest problem with Rifle, IMO, is Killshot. Not fun to use (That cast time and root SUCK), not fun to be used on (Sudden spike of damage from where?), and it’s an adrenaline-building weapon, so you’re expected to use it whenever possible, but… that root and cast time >:(. Killshot is a relic from back when Warrior had Adrenaline-camping abilities (That one heal skill, the old adrenal health, and old Berzerker’s Power) and Rifle had a bleed-inflicting Autoattack (Making it kinda functional-but-not-really-because-rifle standalone skill, instead of the killshot-feeding AA it has now.)
Gunflame, on the other hand, is exactly what Rifle needed as a Burst – It’s fast to cast (While still uninterruptible and telegraphed, allowing counterplay), and highly versatile (It packs a solid-but-not-obscene burst of damage, a lingering strong damaging condition to clean up slivers of health or take down condi-vulnerable foes, an AoE to provide area pressure, and a quick interrupt/Defiance-hit)
That said – I really, really wish they’d give the Rifle its “Pierce when traited” back for warrior (Heck, they could even remove the baseline pierce from Killshot and Volley if they do this). Every other class I’ve played (okay, really just Ranger and Engineer) have piercing autoattacks.
(edited by Sartharina.3542)
I hope that’s the role Almorra Soulkeeper’s going to be filling from now on.
Though I wouldn’t mind Galina Edgecrusher and Snarl Backdraft making a return. (Frankly, I’d have rather had those two in my guild than Rytlock, Braham, and Rox. Then again, if it were up to me, I’d have completely kicked Destiny’s Edge to the curb before we even marched on Zhaitan, and build my own with Laranthir, Lord Faren, Ellie, Snarl Backdraft and Galina Edgecrusher. No need for Norns)
I would only take Faren if we’re guaranteed he will sacrifice himself to kill the next dragon.
I hope he gets to fight the next dragon single-handedly, and wins through accident.
In fact, I was kind of disappointed that Mordremoth simply remained an arrogant fool throughout the final fight with him in HoT – I’d have preferred he change strategy, draw an illusion of someone to get the Commander to merely stop fighting (instead of demanding submission), break the Commander’s control… and, as he’s so close to winning, Lord Faren comes swinging in to save the day (Mentally. In actuality, he’s been captured and put in a blighting pod. We should totally have fought beside/against a Blighted Swordmaster Faren), rallying the commander and fighting Mordremoth’s Mind with Completely Ridiculous Nonsense.
After all – There can only be one lord of the jungle, and Mordremoth is neither running around in a furry loincloth, nor possessing any title, deed, or claim to nobility recognized by any of the governments of Tyria, unlike Lord Faren.
Mine is warrior. Solid, straightforward, active, and tough as hell.
My Top 3 are:
1. Tengu, and possibly in the upcoming Expansion Pack (explaining why they have so many people working for so long on it). I don’t think we’re going to get the Canthan breed here – they’ve been burned too many times by humans. and will likely be as hostile as the Coztic Hylek are. Instead, we’d be getting the Tengu of the Dominion of Winds. We’ve already got space for their starter and capitol map, they have a unique culture and lore (And they aren’t really similar to the Charr, except maybe in the ‘somewhat militant" sense.), and are being pressured by Primordous, the currently-waking Dragon. Trying to decide whether or not to join the Five Race Alliance is going from “Something we may have to think about eventually” to "OH kitten DRAGON IS KILLING US WHAT THE kitten DO WE DO!? Oh, right, we’re surrounded by a bunch of guys who ALSO want the dragon dead!". They were also on the table to being one of the races before launch.
- Already strong groundwork for them, in space, lore, and model allocation.
- High Demand
- Some people whine about everything, including playable Tengu.
2. Palowa Joko’s Undead. Sure, we see Palowa Joko as a villain in the first game, but we also saw the Charr as such as well. Who know’s what he’s going to be up to now that he has control? He might even help us Make Tyria Great Again! … sorry. Couldn’t resist. But it’s still an option. Also – Undead are ugly, but in an awesome way. We can recruit them when, after finishing Primordus and gaining the Tengu, we march on the Crystal Desert and Kralkatorrik.
3. Dredge. Okay. This is a distant third, but there’s space in the Steamspur Mountains/Deldrimor Front area for them. Problem is that they’re ugly, but not in a cool way. (The ‘blind’ immunity can be ignored for playable Dredge). Sure, the vast majority of the race we meet were Moletariate forces – but there’s a revolution going on. If the Inquest gets outed as hostile to Dredge interests, and if Primordus’ damage to Kryta is enough to cause human (The ancient allies of the Dwarven Oppressors) influence to wane over the pact, and Charr influence to spread in the wake of Kralkatorrik’s defeat. (Remember – humans get defeated and beat back by dudes with horsebutts. Charr are stalemated on a 3-front war of attrition against personnel-hijacking dragon minions, rapidly-reproducing religious zealots, and infinitely-respawning ghosts). Unfortunately, them already having so much presence in the game would end up working against them, since they’re reduced to ‘trash mobs with a single weapon set" – Unless the developers were to rename those assets (And make Dredge weapons in-game the T1 or T2 cultural weapons, possibly renamed to “Steamspur Weapons”. They do have a distinct culture and architecture from the Charr they’re otherwise kind of similar to.
Largos, for me, are at the very bottom of "Playable races’, somewhere behind Google-Eyed Earth Elementals.
2 things:
Human race most popular race? Like any proofs that it is true or just guessing?2.
Gear have gone from something that would look good in a fantasy mmo, to something that reminds me of Power Ranger suits……I would personally rather have them focus on content rather than endless skin grinding3.
Practical reasons? no offence, but if this game only had 1 playable race.. then there might have been a massive chance for me and a whole lot more not playing or even noticing this game, which would put it in what I would call the “Wildstar zone”1.
https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/john-smith-on-the-state-of-the-guild-wars-2-economy/You can also go in-game and try to do your own observations at world events and whatnot.
While no new statistics have been released there is little to no reason to believe humans are not the most popular race since all the evidence we have points to it being so and there is nothing I’ve found that points to any other race being more popular.
2. GW2’s progression is skin grinding. That’s what it was promised to be – cosmetic driven horizontal progression.
3. To assume that GW2 would fail just because you and others might not pick it up is silly.
I can easily assume that if it was human-only MORE people would have bought it and the reason more people didn’t get it is because there are more races.Wildstar failed for a lot of reasons – please don’t compare apples to oranges.
Fun fact from that very first link you posted: Male Charr Warrior is the fourth-most popular Class/Race/Gender combo, losing only to Human Female Elementalist, Human Female Mesmer, and Human Female Thief. Unfortunately, Charr Females don’t show up until the very bottom (With Charr Female Mesmer being dead last)
Frankly, I wonder how much of the bias towards humans by the playerbase comes from the complete disregard the developers have for the Asura and Charr’s armor models. It’s hard to be excited to play a race if it’s going to end up looking ugly.
That said – I strongly suspect that Charr, Sylvari, and Asura players make up a much larger portion of the playerbase than they used to. Not because the situation’s improved, but simply because those who play human-only have left for newer, shinier games. If all the whining on the forum is anything to go by, a lot of people have left because of mechanics, development, dated graphics, etc. Those who play humans have a whole swath of other games to play if GW2 does something they don’t like.
But for those of us who value “Able to play as a kitten steampunk god-slaying hellcat” above any trivialities like development cycle or new maps or mechanical changes or ditched legendary weapons or no end game or lack of developer communication or introduced raids or toxic community or (you get the point), there aren’t any other options out there.
(edited by Sartharina.3542)
Basically I’m just getting a lot of “I like X race” but do you think that it’s worth it in the long run? Look at how pitifully few armor skins HoT came with?
Yes, because without Charr, there would BE no “Long Run”.
I’d have preferred the name “Edgecrusher’s Embarrassments” or “Backdraft’s Bums”. Unfortunately, neither of the two greatest characters in the game made it into the guild, so now I’m stuck with a boneheaded bum, a bug-eyed freak (Seriously – her eyes do not fit in her head!), an overrated failure (Who’s achievements include – Failing to kill a dragon, standing idly and watching a dragon get shot to death, and standing by idly), and irritating infant desperately in need of a mute button. Oh, and two other nuisances that at least seem to be dedicated resbots, but otherwise insignificant.
If I were Canach, I wouldn’t want to hang out with us, either. But if he does join later, I hope we can change the name to “Canach’s Commandos”
Well, if Charr weren’t a playable race, I’d probably have more of a life, and much larger bank. And the forums would be completely free of any of my posts.
Ooh… my Charr Ranger’s pets:
Her first two pets:
Lashtail Devourer: Skittles
Jungle Stalker: Whiskers
and then I hit 80:
Tiger: Crusher
Carrion Devourer: Malice
Bristleback: Shredder
Fire Wyvern: Inferno
Armor Fish: Devastation
Shark: Carnage
Eh… I do not like the wonky range variation you’ve thrown in. 900 across the board for all skills.
I do like “Shortbow AA always bleeds, applies Vulnerability when flanking” idea (But two stacks is probably twice as much as needed for a rapid-fire Autoattack)
Poison Volley does not need the combo field – it’s good enough as it is, since it already provides a strong fan, and Rangers can provide their own AoE fields through pet selection. (And I think, while not listed, they’re also all projectiles. At least from what I’ve seen when I Poison Volley into my Carrion Devourer’s poison field)
All Quick Shot needs, IMO is a longer evade window, and directional-sensitive movement (With a default to backward if you’re standing still). The superspeed instead of Swiftness is nice, though. That would let it be able to function as a gap closer, a strafe-assist, or
Crippling shot is fine as-is, serving as a reliable Projectile Finisher, solid single-hit, and soft CC. Revenant Sword 3 is irritating enough. I don’t want it on my ranger.
Concussion Shot is fine.
The one that stole a tank when he was drunk, he’ll do.
… that would be you.
It takes me maybe 10sec each day to sell my green sigils and runes, all less than 10 of them. Seriously count how many in a day you get. Do it and then list the number here and maybe time how long it takes to sell them.
Less than 10? I sell about 100 or so per day.
I blame the influx of rares depressing the value to below vendor price.
I also have issues with them – I find the defiance bar almost completely unbreakable solo, so “Break the breakbar” doesn’t work.
Trying to use the terrain to block the projectiles doesn’t work either – they either follow the ground over changes in elevation (Both up and down), or clip through solid objects and hit me anyway.
Even at long range and with Speed Boost Mushrooms, they seem to be able to still track me faster than I can strafe to avoid them.
I don’t mind re-introduced GW1 items being Gem Store items, though I do wish they were also available to players as Hall of Monuments benefits – Those who don’t play Guild Wars 1 can earn them in-game this time around, and those that already earned it in Guild Wars 1 shouldn’t have to re-earn them in Guild Wars 2 – it would show a strong respect for the player’s commitments to the games.
The ele community is permanently close for business, we apologize for any inconvenience and major problem that this may cause, including but not limited : permanent loss streak as you lack support, skewed team compositions and frustrating experiences.
Nah. Guardians have stepped up to fill that role and then some, after far too long.
Your turn to sit in the seat that Guardians, Warriors, Thieves, Necromancers, Rangers, and Engineers have been keeping warm over the past 4 years.
Yea the storm bow deserves to be a legendary. It looks amazing and has all the sound effects you would expect!
So does the Super Shield.
Airship Cargos and Crystallized Supply Caches
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Sartharina.3542
Also – Hero points give the map currency.
This stormbow doesn’t look much like the original one beyond the basic shape. What made it look different and cool in GW1 is completely gone in this version.
The low-poly mesh?
The translucent texture that tries and fails to convey lightning?
Not looking like it’s for a PS1 game?
To me, it looks exactly like what the original Storm Bow was trying to be, but with not-garbage graphics.
I really wish I knew why they bothered having the new stat combos require a material only found in extremely limited numbers on a single map. Sure, I could understand Living Season 2 things using it – that’s when it was introduced, and is involved in that content. But Heart of Thorns stuff has enough that Charged Quartz should have been left out.
I tell them please for the love of god stun these frogs and lead them away from the octovine you’re killing us, they don’t and another lane has to come in and help.
From my experience running octovine, the Frogs counter armor far harder than armor counters frogs – it takes a full rotation (KB, Pull, and Chill) to break their defiance bars in the first place, and most of the time after the bar’s broken, they’re unhindered and fully immune to CC anyway. And they do way too good a job at breaking the Armor’s defiance bars in return – and stunned and broken armor can’t move triggerblossoms and stop the stonebreakers.
It’s a great map. The only problem is completely pants-on-head kittened teammates who happily give away bell rings to the opponent.