Sartharina, a “people with a self-interest in their own survival with little regard for the lives of races they consider lesser” is what they were since Prophecies. They were self-preservers who were willing to commit genocide, slaughter thousands, and leave worlds to die to survive.
With Rising Flames, there’s now the presentation of “they were the ones betrayed and didn’t leave the other races, the other races left them” instead of “they were the betrayers who left the other races to die”.
Your entire post is exactly what mursaat were depicted as, not are.
But your last sentence makes no sense. Mursaat were not the abused, but the abusers, and that’s why they’re called ‘evil’. Because they openly slaughtered thousands of innocents and committed genocide as the solution for their lives being on the line (something that none of the other races do – even charr and krait, the two ‘most evil’ races, do not move to genocide when threatened – charr moved for parley, while krait try to take means of survival the only way they know how, with force, but not to the extreme of wiping another race (after all, how can they rule the dead?)).
Charr and humans not moving to Genocide when they feel threatened? They resort to genocide even when NOT threatened! Or did you miss the countless wars over Ascalon, all the numerous quests (Events and hearts in-game) that amount to “Hylek/Skritt/Ogres/Grawl/Tengu/Harpies are being a petty annoyance, or undertaking endevours beyond their comprehension. Go murder them all, burn their homes to the ground, and destroy their art”, and other cases of the Five races using the ‘sympathetic’ (and some “unsympathetic”) ones only as far as their own goals mattered?
And I’m not sure of what "Genocides’ the Mursaat were planning. Mass Murder? Sure. But the only extinction they planned was for the Titans, sort of like how the new 5 are planning the extinction of Elder Dragons. Total Domination? Like what they Humans did until their gods ran away?
(edited by Sartharina.3542)
What we don’t see is the raw number of mats actually being injected into the game as well as their true consumption. All we see is the excess, due to being overpriced, accumulate on the TP and call it supply.
This is true. However, I just recently saw a post on reddit that is sticking with me. Opening and salvaging over 1800 caches netted so many leather/ore/wood/cloth. Yes, I know – small sample, veracity of poster, all the qualifiers. However the results were rather stark. There was about half as much leather as any other material. Out of all of those bags only 4 salvaged to hardened leather. Like I said, take it with a grain of salt but it feels true to me based on my experiences.
I also know this is not quite what you were talking about with regards to supply into the economy and consumption. Maybe it’s more balanced than we realize and the other mats are dropping in excess, but it feels bad. I am always starved for leather and that’s my bottleneck when I want to craft. And it’s not like I am crafting like a madman.
This is my observation as well. Frankly, I think that, if they want the market to be neutral, they should make it so – Equalize refinement and salvage rates across materials. Have all materials refine at a 3:1 ratio, and Inscripitions/Insignias craft with 50/50 ratios of metal/wood and leather/cloth, instead of the current monstrosity. Then let the economy balance around that.
… I never saved all the pictures of Sarth (My charr warrior) while she was leveling, and when I returned. But I do remember ever look she ever had.
When she was just starting, I had her in “Whatever leveling armor I could find”, running sword, shield, and Rifle, all of basic appearance. I got the “Marine” dye early, so her colors were Tarnished Steel on the metal bits, with Marine for all the leather backings, and Antique Gold for the little highlights.
After about level 50, I discovered Banded armor and Flame weapons (Charr T2 cultural wepaons). The Flame Shield looked completely awesome, and I dyed my armor to match it, with an all around less ramshackle look. When I first hit 80, I created two sets of armor for her. One, using Carrion stats, kept her overall leveling look, though I traded out the pants for T2 Cultural, helm for Draconic, upgraded all the weapon skins to Legionnaire, found the Iron Legion shield skin, and changed her color scheme to Iron+Regal, to match her legion. I also made a set of Berzerker gear using just straight-up Scallywag, using the same dye scheme, and most armor pieces hidden to show off the most fur. Then I took a year-and-a-half break from the game.
When I came back in January, I started running Mace+Axe/Axe+sword in the berzerker gear while I explored HoT maps.Then there were golden wings in the gemstore. I used a makeover contract to choose a bolder fur color, choose a slightly different physique, change her eye structure a bit, and grow her horns and teeth out. I started working on Sunrise, made a new set of berzerker gear, using the Gladiator chestpiece, Primeval Legplates, Banded Pauldrons, and Heavy Plate Gauntlets, Greaves, and Helm, dyed Lifesblood and Gold (later Prosperity). She also started using Greatsword (I went from Dhuumseal, to Khyrasor, to Dawn. And I found it’s burst was a massive sweep instead of situational hiltbash) and a Rifle, in all its Gunflamey Glory.
Finding Berzerker gear a bit too squishy, and it was back when Gunflame was still glorious, I revisited my old ‘soldier’ look, and replaced the banded pieces with full charr cultural armor – mostly a blend of T1 and T2, using Soldier stats. Iron Legion Shield/Legionnaire Rifle, swapping out Legionnaire sword and Mace mainhand as needed for trucking through dungeons with my guild. That set of armor didn’t last long, though, because I learned how to run Berzerker properly (And it was back when Warrior sustain was bad even in tank stats)
I went back to the Barechested Gold Wing look, especially since I had Sunrise by then, and the dungeon crashing got me the Golden Wing Rifle. I created a Guardian with the exact same name and look (With a letter substitution), but dyed Blue+White, then later given White wings instead of Gold. While leveling, though… well, it was just after April, and I had all the Super Adventure skins for guardians. She wore the Royal Guard armor to hide leveling crap, and dyed to perfectly match the Super Sword and Super Shield she wielded. I even bought the Super Glider for her. That was fun.
Then, months later, with the release of LS3 I got into raiding. Sunrise obscured too much of the battlefield to see the boss tells, so I had to swap it for a less flashy weapon – So I went all-out on a Bloodstoned look. Bloodstone Greatsword and Rifle, then Axe, Mace, and Shield (I have gone on to finish the BLoodstone weapon collection). Her armor got an update – Dyed silver and Bloodstone Coral. Helm replaced with the Bloodstone Crown (I really wish charr ears didn’t clip through), Breastplate and Boots switched to Primeval to match the pants, Pauldrons and gauntlets went Dreadnaught, for more spikey goodness.
Question for anyone,
Why do they keep introducing new currency with nothing to buy with them?
Bloodstone fen magic, Ember Bay wood, Shards of glory for PvP, gift of battle memoirs for WvW and I and some of my guild mates have endless amounts of these now.
Its kind of become like karma to where people now have millions and millions of stuff/items that are utterly useless. In the case of WvW and PvP why even introduce these items?
Then he comes out with a post that Anet will do nothing, Wow great thanks for the update …………………..
Serious question, why do they introduce new currency and then simply walk away from it?
There’s plenty to buy with the currencies, and you can convert them to gold/materials thanks to loot bags. Memories of Battle are used by others crafting legendary weapons, among other things.
The only thing I’m really seeing out of whack with the economy is the disparity in price/supply between top-tier base crafting materials.
I made this mistake as well a few weeks ago making a Shimmering Staff for my guardian. Bought the Guild Pillar on my warrior.
I don’t see them making the Mursaat into ‘Misunderstood Good Guys". Instead, they’re simply being updated to be, like the Dredge, Ettins, Charr, Humans, Harpies, Ogres, Krait Tengu, Hylek, Norn, Grawl, Dwarves, and Absolutely Every Other Race In The Game If You Haven’t Caught On By Now as “People with a self-interest in their own survival, with little regard for the lives of races they consider lesser”
The Mursaat cared about Human lives about as much as Charr care about the Skritt, Grawl, and Ogres in Plains of Ashford, or humans cared for any race in the original Guild Wars, or… well, the whole game’s full of members of every race (Especially human, Charr, Norn, and Asura) screwing over, recklessly messing with (often under the guise of ‘study’), carelessly offing, shamelessly manipulating, and otherwise completely disregarding any respect for the lives of members of other races. Humans just so happen to throw a hissy fit and shout “EVIL!” to any race that stands up to that sort of abuse, or turns around and inflicts the same abuse on them.
Regen stacking would be great, and allow it to help counter condis on a lighter note. As it is, regen is so terrible that the developers have been forced to add regeneration-that-isn’t to the game instead.
@title – More like a step and a stumble forward.
It’ll take a few days for people to learn to tag their callouts when necessary, and the “I CAN ANNOY EVERYONE ACROSS MY TEAM NOW!” novelty will wear off soon as well.
Seriously conditions are not fine, many cleanses but not enough can never have enough cleanse for them.
You’re not supposed to cleanse all conditions – you’re supposed to die to them, just like any other attack.
I think the complaint people REALLY have against conditions is the sense of helplessness when fighting them. If you get killed by a power burst, you’re down and it’s over. If you’re killed by a condi burst, you’re still up and fighting for a few good seconds.
That “Bow of the ten suns” idea looks really, really awesome. I’d love to start working on the Birdbow as soon as it becomes available. It’ll look great on Dragonhunters, Rangers, and Warriors (While Chuka+Champawat only really looks good on Warriors and Dragonhunters, which can’t use it)
Heart of Thorns suggestion: Outpost defenses
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Sartharina.3542
Well, I found that in the VB camps, the upgrades can’t hold an attack off by themselves, (I really wish they held out longer, though), but I found actually do make it much easier for a single player to hold the point. Then again, it also seems to make enemies spawn in greater numbers.
Frankly, the whole defense events seem badly designed to me, since they immediately spawn in more mordrem once one wave is defeated, for the entire duration of the event, making the optimal defense strategy be “Kill all but 1 or 2 mobs, then kite them around forever”.
Its not pointless if someone likes it.
But what if you want the colors of the fire to be red but the backpack by default is blue, so yeah.
However I love the glider its really cool one so no hate here:)
You get a blue backpack. What if you want a blue spectral backpack, AND a blue spectral glider to go with your Blue Spectral weapons?
I remember that in Personal history, they using more the classic trick: puy u to create connection with someone and then kill your little friend later lolz. poor Apatia, that was cruel, i miss her:
Apatia’s story was actually sad. Her death was foreshadowed, but telling the norn her story was one of the best parts of the personal story.
Belinda was more like “Hi, I’m Marjory’s sister,” and then she died, and we were supposed to be sad about it, but we barely knew her.
Actually, playing through, I liked Trahearne. He was my friend (I just finished my Sylvari story, as well – I really, really wish the personal story weren’t so disconnected. Tegwen and Carys told me about the mirror I saved them from 3 times as though I wasn’t there for any of it! And The Pale Tree acted as though neither of us knew about the sword we returned!).
Apatia and Tonn’s deaths didn’t bother me at all (Really, I only took their options to see what they were like). Tegwen’s death was just dumb (It was an artillery strike, not a bomb.), and the Tactician Beirne’s was also dumb (Mostly because the cutscene is so long and drawn out. Reducing it to him running over and getting one-shot would have made it more “He died doing something irrational but understandable” and less “Why are we standing around letting him get killed?”).
I actually wouldn’t mind Taimi’s death – especially if it means I’d never have to listen to her obnoxious voice and meandering rants ever again. The rest of Dragon’s Watch (Or even the survivors of Destiny’s Edge) can also bite the dust without bothering me.
The only characters that I really like, I guess, are Trahearne, Galina Sharpclaw and Snarl Backdraft (As dumb as they are, they’re entertainingly dense), the Gear Warband, Ellie, Carys+Tegwen, and the Charr Warband Survivors.
I think that the people arguing that the instance is perfectly fine are suffering from a case of “I saw the answer instantly and therefore it must be obvious to everyone” syndrome. Different people understand situations differently, so what is obvious to one person may not be obvious to another. Telling the people who aren’t getting it that the situation is perfectly obvious isn’t helpful. If enough people aren’t getting it, then it’s not a problem with THEM.
I read what the NPC’s said in regards on how to do it.
I assume you mean the part where Marjory says:
Marjory Delaqua: These bloodstones can draw off the magic if we can catch the shield in the flux.
Marjory Delaqua: The unstable bloodstone chunks drain whatever energy gets nearby.Since (unless it’s missing from the full transcript on the wiki) there are no other instructions mentioned at any point.
I don’t see how that would clear up any of the misconceptions mentioned in this topic. Ok, yes, we know we need to use the unstable bloodstone chunk to “catch the shield in the flux”. But if (like many people in this topic) you’re under the impression that the golems shields were removed because they were standing close to the bloodstone shard or close to you when you used Counter Magic, or when the bloodstone shard was destroyed it will seem perfectly logical that you need to do the same thing again here. Until it doesn’t work.
(Alternatively if I’m completely wrong here and there are instructions missing from the Wiki I’d appreciate it if you could point me to the relevant dialogue so I can add it.)
That dialogue was more than enough. If players missed it then they can always use a little critical thinking
It’s part of playing games. Nothing needs to be laid out in front of players telling them to do this and do that.
The argument here is that some people are saying that the NPCs tell you how to deal with it and some people either missed that fact or what the NPCs said wasn’t sufficient. You seem to be saying both that what the NPCs say is sufficient AND insulting people by telling the to just use their brains. (Everyone does critical thinking all the time.)
In fairness though, did the dialogue actually say ‘beam’ at any point, or just ‘flux’?
Because they don’t mean the same thing to me and probably others too. If I hadn’t read here how the thing works, I wouldn’t have got the answer from ‘flux’.What did you think flux meant? When I heard flux, I immediately thought back to Ghostbusters
LOL! Yes, that makes everything perfectly clear!
It’s not insulting to tell people to use a little critical thinking.
“Use your brain!” No, not insulting at all.
Anything can be made insulting depending on the phrasing used. You’re re-phrasing what I said in such a way that it comes off as that. Critical thinking is a skill that has great use in game and outside the game. Had it been used towards the Justiciar Adrienne encounter, players would have been able to figure out what to do.
I am very familiar with critical thinking – I do it all the time while going about my life. You telling people to use a commonplace skill assumes they don’t already use it and is therefore insulting.
If it’s so common then people should not have any issues with this boss or any other for that matter…
People really shouldn’t have any issues with this boss. But human stupidity and incompetence defies reason.
Maybe make it like infantile mode in SAB?
As much as it would amuse me to have a blood red cloud with dead eyes and a sadistic smile floating in a corner, it’s probably not all that necessary. :P
People would still be confused and complaining about how hard and unclear it is.
Humans have a BIG thing against the mursaat, remember the Saul incident?
He won’t get an easy ride.
If one race is going to compromise the safety of the world, especially one as capricous and fragmented as humanity, the better off the world will be just, well, offing them, and letting Skritt or Grawl take their place. Also -humans have NO room to complain about other races being genocidal toward them, given their modus operandi to the rest of the world (Prior to the Charr and Centaur getting sick of their kitten and fighting back)
The Mursaat were doing what they thought was best for the survival of their own race and the world – They ‘betrayed’ the first alliance because the Forgotton were demanding a Stupid Plan. Then they were cruel to the new vermin populating the world when they came back to save the world from destruction at the hands of the Titans.
I think that people are just unable to cope with the fact that something that doesn’t kill them instantly is still supposed to kill them. You’re not supposed to be able to clear every condition you take, just as you’re not supposed to be able to block or evade every hit. And just because your character is still moving and fighting doesn’t mean they haven’t taken a lethal blow.
The godkitten Champ Crazed Whispers Agent. Completely immune to CC, focus-fires a single target to death, no rewards of significance for doing him, and he just harasses everyone in Bloodstone Fen’s jungle.
The Jungle Provides - Totems of the Itzel
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Sartharina.3542
Anet seems to know this one is annoying, since they have this text with the open-world totem achievement:
“No, you don’t have to carry them all the way back…”
You DON’T? I didn’t see that text and I just did carry them all the way back. Most boring waste of my time ever. Seriously. Who thought that achievement would accentuate the game?
The instanced one does requiring carrying them back. The open world one does not.
…Guardian. It’s always in demand in teamfights in WvW. It’s currently meta in sPvP, at least in the lower tiers – and even in the higher tiers, it still brings strong sustain and team support.
I don’t know how it does roaming, but its traps are quite nasty.
Caudecus also has support from commoners, thanks to his support from criminals and nobles. They’ve got quite a racket going on.
The “Current Events” thing indicates that Queen Jennah is in a really, REALLY bad spot. Sure, she may have a bit of ambivalent support from commoners not concerned about the politics of Kryta – but if something major were to happen, every single doubt about her could come to a head and turn even loyal people against her:
1. She’s a mesmer, as is her closest advisor. There’s no way to tell if a supporter of hers is not brainwashed or even real.
2. She’s allied with Norn, Sylvari, Asura, and most notably Charr – all of them undermine her sovereignty over Kryta. Using a Sylvari enforcer to take down the biggest threat to her power will NOT go over well with the common people. The charr one is especially troubling.
3. Her guards, the Seraph, have failed to protect the common people from Centaurs and Bandits. Ministry-controlled lands do not have these problems.
You’ve got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the New West. You know…morons.
AB is the best source of Hardened LEather because it’s the best source of assorted random junk, and there’s no way to farm Leather reliably (And ANet wonders why people aren’t farming it).
The problem with the AB Multiloot is the way it concentrates material wealth into those who participate in it – any tweaks to ecto source that don’t address the AB multiloot hurts everyone else disproportionately more than the multilooters.
Legendary shotgun, please.
How are Eureka or Astralaria “techy”?
Eureka is a Lightsaber that projects a molten mace head instead of a laser blade (Though it’s covered in plasma-beam projectors throughout the hilt). It is very much a high-tech weapon.
Astralaria isn’t really “Techy” so much, though it’s still a science weapon.
I’m NOT trying to be a jerk when I ask this…
What about being in the “Danger Room” with Taimi was so hard?
I only did this with my main currently, which is a Vanilla Warrior(not with Berserker loaded). I think I was downed once when I dodged past an orb when trying to shut down the flame circles.
Or am I misunderstanding which part was the big challenge to everyone?
What professions are you guys having so much trouble with? Just curious as I bring my other toons up through the story.
Doing it hours after release so not knowing that you could turn off the flames is a bit of a disadvantage.
I did it minutes after release and realized you could turn the flames off.
A bearbow longbow would be great opposite the Tiger Shortbow. However, I hope they give us a Longbow that is equally good-looking on Warriors, Guardians, and Rangers.
Hopefully we can move away from “Techy” Legendaries – Astralaria (Sort of), Incinerator, H.O.P.E., Predator, and Eureka are stretching that theme thin.
It already exists. It’s called Perfect Imbalance. Its ever-changing effects helps keep the game interesting.
You should be a politician.
Or, actually, you shouldn’t – we really don’t need any more of that type of whataboutery.
Imbalance isn’t “interesting”, it’s just bad design.
If everything is equally good at everything, then why would there be classes in the first place?
on second thought, a complete freedom of style like in elder scrolls games would also be cool. Starting without a ‘class’ and ‘armor weight’ and then specialize in whichever way you want
Because there will always be a “Most optimal Path”, as Elder Scrolls demonstrates.
The game is imbalanced because it’s impossible to properly balance due to just how many factors there are in play.
Try Condi Revenant, maybe (Mace+Axe, with Demon stance)? Sure, it’s not ‘optimal’, but it probably is for your playstyle. The Axe is a ranged weapon that allows you to strike from range and close to melee. The mace has strong ranged area attacks in front of it. And, it applies torment, so when you’re running around and your enemies are chasing you, they’re taking much greater damage.
Get the swords and Shiro in there as well for even more shadowstepping goodness.
Eh… if you play as a Charr who killed their own father for being a traitorous runaway, it makes perfect sense.
Especially considering Caithe’s actions indirectly lead to the Commander not being present during the greatest military catastrophe the pact has ever suffered.
You do remember to open the chest afterward, right? It doesn’t auto-open.
Before you found the answer, I was going to suggest the new Dragonscale helm. I seriously dislike the look of that one.
How could anyone dislike the “Mummified Bird Mask”?
They had to make the checkpoints mandatory because people were cheating with teleports to friend trains.
And the developers cheated with dishonest geometry.
And i am sitting here, hoping to find out who is E.. Hope he is at least hot..
Everyone’s young-looking and hot in Tyria, even the old people. It’s probably all the magic. Better than botox.
As a woman.. I wish… Npc men were like that too..
Every girl in LA is crazy about Logan, while looking at his face i see a regular looking and too old guy..
Then there is Faren, who is once again loved by ministry women.. But his personality just makes him ugly anyway :v
The only guy that i found good looking and who had an impact on the story was Doern V., but he quickly dissapeared as the story progressed.. And you didnt even find out anything about him.. So yeah.When you look at dragons watch there is Majory and Kasmeer who work as sort of fanservice for men, but for how many girls i know are in gw, there is no good looking guy for them..
So some accualy nice looking guy who wouldnt entirely dissapear from the story would be nice :v
I guess Braham isn’t doing anything for you? Or are you just racist against any males who aren’t humans? In any case, Doern may come back when we have an Order of Whispers plotline. We had the Priory involved in Season 2, and Almorra showed up last chapter, so we’re due for a Whisper of their activities pretty soon.
Braham, being a Norn, badly missed out on Leg Day. He also sported the dumbest hair cut ever. Oh yeah – he’s also dumb.
It’s a very hard sell and I can totally see why our PC isn’t exactly quick to trust our new “friend”, even if he did come to our aid.
Moreso if your character is a Charr or Human. The human is unlikely to forget what the Mursaat did with the White Mantle, and the charr is more likely to question it simply because they were raised not to trust “gods” or their followers (Flame Legion does that to ya).
Too bad he doesn’t capitalize on ammunition against Charr, given what started the Mursaat+Human alliance!
I believe you’re referring to the Silverwastes JP? If not I have no idea which one. But in any case, the checkpoints are there for a reason.
Actually, we’re talking about the Chalice of Tears (Right?), which is far more brutal and bizzare than the SW one (Which is a pleasant stroll in comparison)
New Revenant Spec: “Boss Hoss”
New Stance: “Legendary Koss Stance”
’nuf said. Make it happen, Anet!
I think Shatterer and Jormag should be properly revamped (and rewarded), and moved from “Standard World Boss Schedule” to “Hardcore World Boss Schedule”.
or mob groups that drop so much AoE that there is literally nowhere to go.
Eh… I find the mordrem in the ruins in VB certainly provide this experience (And yes, it is bullkitten there). However, even then, it’s only “One mob, one AoE field, and one AoE effect”
(edited by Sartharina.3542)
Caudecus would probably not have to go for a full frontal attack. With help of the Ministry Guard (basically under his control, iirc) he could take the castle from within, possibly even through the Asura Gate. As long as he leaves the people of DR in relative peace he will not have that much to fear from them. As soon as he is in power the other races won’t stand up to him but just adjust to the new situation, happy or not.
I think he’s lost control of the Ministry Guard with the loss of the protection of the crown. Then again… it could end up becoming a full-blown rebellion, given the posters going around.
The worst part about the vents is that, due to the way doing the JP the “normal” way requires relying on map-breaking techniques, it’s possible to accidentally and unknowingly find an alternate path that skips a vent.
Almost took the Mouth of Mordremoth in 1 burn
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Sartharina.3542
Close spawn and not even one cycle? Fail map.
If the spawn is on the island right next to it if people use cc correctly it’s an easy one cycle.
On a close spawn, if you have anyone on the Mouth’s island (Unless they’re landing from the bomb island, or running back to it), they’re doing it wrong.
I tend to believe that Mordremoth created his minions as empty vessels and only occupied their minds (fitting his domain ‘Mind’) when he awoke/became active. The Pale Tree and Sylvari were not empty vessels anymore, courtesy of Ronan,Ventari and the fact the Pale Tree was planted way before Mordremoth could control it, and thus were harder to occupy than his freshly created minions. Mordremoth was only able to turn Sylvari that were weaker of mind.
(Compare it to us humans. We tend to keep to the values and believes we got taught as children and usually view them as ‘normal’, shunning those who do not share these values and believes. Changing those views takes a lot of effort and outside influence).Destroyers are empty vessels. In GW1, they’re described to be literally mindless without the Great Destroyer (aka without a dragon champion) to direct them.
But you cannot bring destroyers over to the side of good.
Nor can you give a mind through mere tender and nurturing – and no magic – to a creature without such.
Nor are dragon minions – any of them – capable of breaking free of their master’s will.
Nor are dragon minions exempt from their master’s will while the Elder Dragon sleeps (see: Drakkar, Svanir, Great Destroyer and all of GW1 destroyers, risen Gigatnicus Lupicus, Scarlet Briar, potentially the Tower of Nightmares and Nightmare Court though that never got confirmed/denied).
Simply put: Mordremoth does not need to be awake to have his minions be brainwashed thralls. No Elder Dragon does. And you cannot simply win over dragon minions with what is effectively the “power of love” – they made this explicitly clear in the Personal Story and Sea of Sorrows. This is one of the core foundations of what dragon minions are, and why they are so horrific.
Actually – Every Elder Dragon is different. Every dragon except Mordremoth’s are empty husks. However, the very nature of Mordremoth’s ‘domain’ of magic – (Plant) life and mind, change that standard paradigm. Mordremoth’s minions are not merely created – they grow. That said – the change of the Sylvari is from Ventari’s Tablet, and the magic powering it that purified the Pale Tree’s seed.
My take on the matter is that you’re “The Boss” and you should start putting your foot down a lot more than you do.
Why is every other character allowed to “speak their mind” and “do whatever they want” besides us? We constantly are undermined by these useless characters and do nothing about it.
We (the player character) are no longer wide-eyed heroes in training. We are hardened veterans who is responsible for killing TWO Elder Dragons already. A lot more respect from these people is deserved.
At this point Rytlock is the only one that speaks to you as an equal and like an adult.
… Control issues, much?
Warrior could use more Ranged and Defensive Support options – they only have one weapon that gives one type of combo field, and Berzerker gives them another that gives the same type of combo field. I’ve been arguing they need a Mainhand Pistol “Officer” specialization that gives them Healing and defensive support/utility.
Rangers need a damage-focused elite spec. I could see either Hammers or Rifles working as the weapons as well (As a power weapon, like Longbow, but not tied to trying to stay at long range, and without the AoE and utility)
Thieves and eles need durable bruisers. (Mace on thief? It could work)
Lazarus the Dire: “Countless generations will suffer for your actions this day!”
The exact wording of the line is very interesting to me. Most would see these only as vengeful last words but I think this could be a genuine warning. As a mursaat he knew about the dragons which were about to be awake so he thought that without him the world would have no chance to beat the elder dragons.
…That is an interesting observation. The Mursaat, while certainly Dramatic in their speeches, aren’t exactly the most straightforward.
Kryta is still there, and still a human kingdom. Clearly something was done right.
Managing to push the charr back with superior firepower that does not nuke your own nation is not exactly doing something right when you’re also sacrificing thousands of innocent individuals over just a couple years.
Seems to have been righter than “Sink the entire nation under the water” or “Kill EVERYONE to fight the Charr Forever”
I’m sorry, but if you do not intend to do WvW or PvP , you do not deserve a Legendary/ Legendary weapons are for those who enjoy GW2 holistically, not just in ‘how i want’.
Imagine how WvW and PvP players must feel if they want the skin but are forced to play PvE.
PvP shouldn’t even be in the game at all, to be honest. It will never compete as a bona fide Esport they way other MMOs have. Sorry guys, but the real pros don’t play GW2 PvP. It has created balance issues since day 1 and I would love to see it removed from GW2 entirely.
More on topic, yes I agree with you, OP. I have Bolt and I am not in any hurry to chase another legendary with the current PvP requirements.
…they not only named their game after it…
Common misconception, it’s not named after “Guild Wars” as in GvG and whatnot, it’s named after the “Guild Wars” that actually happened in the story line of the series. Nothing to do with it being a PvP game.
It has everything to do with it being a PvP game. It wasn’t until Nightfall that Guild Wars stopped being about GvG with a small PvE sideshow, and people decided the “C” in “CORPG” meant “Cooperative” instead of “Competitive”.
Yes, there was a “Guild Wars” event in the Lore – but that’s mostly an excuse to hide the Artifact Title of the game. If Arena Net (Note the studio’s name, and the meaning of those words) wanted the game to be named after the Lore, and not the Guild Vs. Guild emphasis on the original game, they could have chosen any number of other titles.
Is it an Artifact Title? Yes, as the company’s vision moved from focus on competitive PvP to providing a PvE experience desired by but undelivered to MMO players, and the game’s name is now vestigial. But to say that it’s named after the lore’s “Guild Wars” event (instead of the “Guild Wars” event being created to justify the name) is inaccurate.
That’s my thought as well. How did he even know about the egg in the first place? Or that it would hatch, or that we’d need help? What if we didn’t need help – would he have just showed up and gone “Uh… Commander, I know this is awkward with me being in this super secret, highly defended place of vast importance but I want you to trust me and let me help you fight the Elder Dragons.”
Plus there are some holes in his explanation for wanting to help.
It’s either betrayal, one hell of a coincidence, or bad writing trying to be epic writing (and yeah, the scene was epic, but once you get past the “fighting alongside a mursaat” bit, it becomes “wait… why?”)
Not necessarily a coincidence. I think Aurene’s hatching may have been a major cosmic beacon, sending “Something big is happening here!” signals through the ley-lines that drew The Commander, The Destroyers, and Lazarus all at once.
As far as Lazarus changing – Maybe. I kind of hope so, because he was absolutely epic in his appearance. Sure, the Mursaat we knew were treacherous deceivers… But have you seen where that got them? They ALL died.
(edited by Sartharina.3542)
There are three major problems I see with the JP:
1. Geometric Disconnect – What you see is not what you get. There are visible ledges that punt you off, and slopes that don’t. People keep comparing this to SAB tribulation mode – but from what I’ve seen of that (I ran all of world 1 tribulation mode, but world 2’s length put me off), at least SAB has clean jumps (Aside from “GOTCHA” traps) – Every point you can stand on is flat, and jumps that require awkward positioning have a bevel indicating such. To get through Chalice of Tears, you have to use map-breaking jump techniques.
2. Mandatory checkpoints. The respawn at checkpoints is a godsend, but when the puzzle-as-designed requires map-breaking jumping techniques to proceed, some players end up finding unintentional paths that bypass checkpoints. As far as I can tell, the top is beyond Mesmer portal range anyway – anyone who gets to the top by any means should earn the reward.
3. Points of No Return – They come in two types: “Stuck and need to WP out”, and “Fell off at the very end, landed outside the JP area, and need to restart.”
You don’t need to play WvW much to make a legendary weapon, and you never need to set foot in PvP at all. The shards of glory and memories of battle are tradeable, so you can get them by farming PvE if you want.
The only thing that makes you step out of PvE is the gift of battle, and you can get that by just doing some of the simpler dailies for a few weeks and using the potions from them to advance the reward track – ones like Big Spender or Master of Monuments that can be completed in a minute or two.
You do need to do WvW to get a gift of battle, no way around it. Several weeks of WvW dailies to get one gift of battle is utterly ridiculous.
Nowhere near as ridiculous as wanting a reward for holistic gameplay without wanting to actually play the game holistically.
I’m sorry, but if you do not intend to do WvW or PvP , you do not deserve a Legendary/ Legendary weapons are for those who enjoy GW2 holistically, not just in ‘how i want’.
Imagine how WvW and PvP players must feel if they want the skin but are forced to play PvE.
PvP shouldn’t even be in the game at all, to be honest. It will never compete as a bona fide Esport they way other MMOs have. Sorry guys, but the real pros don’t play GW2 PvP. It has created balance issues since day 1 and I would love to see it removed from GW2 entirely.
More on topic, yes I agree with you, OP. I have Bolt and I am not in any hurry to chase another legendary with the current PvP requirements.
You’re saying a company that loves PvP so much they not only named their game after it, but their very studio about PvP shouldn’t be focusing on PvP?