Showing Posts For Seera.5916:

Renown Hearts count to Daily Events, too

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seera.5916


He’s saying to allow them to be counted as Events for the Daily event along with the DE’s.

If DE’s were rarer than they are, I’d say this would be good. But DE’s happen everywhere a lot of the time. So it’s not like there’s any trouble to get this achievement.

They already do have an achievement that is tied to doing Hearts: Local Hero

some immoral act in jumping puzzle

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seera.5916


I think he wants something put in place to discourage the camping.

Camping: staying in one spot for a long time in order to keep others from getting some achievement (be it killing someone or getting a chest).

Anything put in place to prevent the camping would also affect any prolonged battle at the camp spot. Punishing those players who would have just gotten the reward and gone instead of camping it.

Dungeons for Casuals

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seera.5916


Then what I think that should be done is not to make our current dungeons easier but to make different dungeons built aroundthis concept.

This is what I’m talking about.

Something that teaches the basics of dungeons and gives the feel of dungeons that only takes a short period of time and only requires a small group to do.

The one for every dungeon/path was just an example of what could possibly be done to create this.

Dungeons for Casuals

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seera.5916


A new better in game LFG system is being worked on. Hopefully it will be similar to that website and everyone will easily be able to find groups.

Also, what exactly is wrong with trial and error? How do you think these “hardcore” players learned to play dungeons and the tactics when the game launched, by watching the non-existant youtube videos? Ofc not, they played and played and died until they learned. The problem here is that people simply don’t understand that there is NOTHING wrong in failing and dying to learn from your own mistakes. So what if you die 10 times in Ascalonian Catacobs? We all died there many times as well when we first tried them.

Now you’re gonna give me an argument that you just simply don’t have the time to die and die all over to learn that, but that’s just bs. This flaw in your approach is in the need to finish everything as soon as possible, but you don’t have to beat or master the dungeon in one run, or in one-two days or whatever. Playing the dungeon once per week at your own pace and learning it that way isn’t a sin. So what if you died in the third room 10 times and it already took you more than 30 minutes and you can’t play any longer? At least you have the first 2 rooms under your belt now and can finish them more quickly next time you try.

If you can’t stay in a dungeon for more than 1 hour, than that’s fine, simply let everyone know why you need to leave and they will find a replacement, really a no big deal, happens all the time.

Nothing is wrong with trial and error.

My key concern is getting into the group that’s a group of experienced players who are all having to PuG for whatever reasons and then being that one member that slows them down when they aren’t wanting to guide some newbie through the dungeons. I get that they have to deal with it since they PuG’ed. But I don’t like being that member.

And yes, I do realize that this mental block of mine does put me at a catch-22 with the dungeons the way they are now. If there was a set of dungeons like I described, I could do them in short bursts to get the basics of the dungeons and not be such a leech to groups comprised of experienced players. Still a leech because the “casual dungeon” would not be as difficult as the normal dungeon, but not quite a leech.

I’d already know what the trick for certain bosses are, but not necessarily how to best go about doing it. Saving me accidentally ruining the trick because no one in the dungeon thought to tell me.

I do not like the Feb monthlys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


Hopefully this sill be alleviated when they are able to give people an option of choosing which task they want to complete, but until then, people are going to complain.

They’ll complain after it’s released. 4 out of 6 and people will complain that there are 3 they don’t like to do. Meaning they’ll have to do one that they don’t like.

And there’s probably someone that will complain that it is choose 4 of 6 and not do all 6.

No respawning in the Dungeon rez-rush

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seera.5916


This no-rez-rushing thing has been the absolute BEST change they have done so far. If this was in the game from the start, then people would have already learned how to play in teams and we would have more experienced people in dungeons already instead of these brainless rushers who let everyone die. The earlier system allowed brainless people to go in and go out without really learning anything or paying attention to their team mates at all. This will soon change.

You mention that its impossible for the last man standing to both kill and revive all 4 members of the team at the same time, and THAT exactly is the point of this. If you found yourself in that situation then you already failed the fight and should restart. The point of teamwork is to actually play as a team, leaving your party to die just because they can rez is NOT team play in any way.

Dungeons were designed to be team based experiences, this update only enforces that. In time, because of this change, people will learn to quickly rez others and then there won’t be any more fuss about this.

I agree and I’m someone who doesn’t do dungeons because at the moment the reward doesn’t match the time I put into it and I currently don’t have the friends or the guild to do anything but PuG and hope for the best. So I’m the player that’s hurt by this decision in that it slows down runs (because typical PuG members aren’t going to want to suicide themselves).

dictating how we play

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


It is a choice to decide to do the dailies, no one is forcing you or anyone else to complete them.

Just like it is a choice to acquire Legendary weapon skins.

I do not feel forced into doing any of these things, if i want the reward for there completion then i will work on completing it.

this sort of response is puerile tbh. EVERYONE knows they can choose not to do any given part of the game. it doesnt need repeating and offers nothing to a discussion.
I can choose to not go to my work i can choose to not even play the game etc etc.

now do you think a succesful business model is based on the ethos that " ach if they dont like it they can go do something else" ?
Stuff is added to the game to be fun and DESIRABLE to take part in , and if for any reason people feel its UNDESIRABLE for them to take part then perhaps there,s a problem.
folk enjoy daily rewards they just arn’t so keen for time to be taken up by doing stuff they dont enjoy to get it.
after all if i do 40 events in a day then havent i earned my daily as much as the guy who slavishly runs all over the map doing what the boss man says ticking off random tasks to get his?

We’ll eventually get the ability to say I’ll do X of Y things where Y is a higher number than X. So those that don’t want to do dungeons or do WvW can still get the monthly.

Then it will become more like leveling up. Y things will gain you levels. You can choose to omit some, but if you omit too many, you won’t achieve what you want to achieve (be it the daily, monthly, or speed of leveling up).

But right now we have to suck it up and hope ANet releases that sooner rather than later.

There’s this game called skyrim that everyone tells me it’s ‘sand-box’ and I can play it the way I want to play.

So I decided I want to kill everyone in game only to find out that I couldn’t because – you’re not gonna believe this – some npc are vital to some stupid quest I have zero care about.

Ok so killing everyone in game is out of the window. Boo.

I decided I’m gonna try to ally Alduin the big bad dragon and destroy the world but guess what? I can’t. Instead I have to travel to the top of this ridiculously tall mountains, listen to all these poor old people preach about the way of some voice, Get this scroll from some place with names I can’t pronounce, learn some trick from some old fart in another century and travel to some norn mythical land – which is kinda strange because I’m a Khajit – and help some dead norn ghost to kill Alduin. Non negotiable.

That’s when it hit me : Skyrim was pretty sad. It’s dictating me, telling me ‘oh no you can only play like this, you can’t help alduin, you can’t kill children and if you touch any of the chicken I will break you’, forcing me to play the way the devs intended me to play. which is wandering in a big block of ice helping a bunch of people whose name i forget as soon as I pass them by.

So I thought sod it I’m gonna go try minecraft.
But guess what? I now have to walk around in a giant field of nothing wasting an entire days so I can build a small shack with doors. Why can’t I just spawn a house, add some traps and wait for zombies to come?

The world sure is full of dictators.

Why did you quote me when I didn’t complain about being told what to do? All I said was that once the 4 of 6 thing goes active it will become more like leveling up. In that here are your options: choose from this. You’ll need to do a good chunk of them to meet your expectations/get achievement.

I never said I had a problem with the dailies and monthlies dictating how I play. I do not have a single problem with it at all.

Which is the entire point of my post – This is how games are.
All games are " here are you options: choose from this". Don’t mistaken my tone – I’m not saying you’re wrong or you should shut up – what I’m saying is;

You are right, but this is the way things are.
All games dictate you how to play….even the so called “ultimate Sandbox”

Ah, ok..

As it is, I probably won’t get today’s daily because I won’t find enough events or enough NPC’s due to my limited time. There’s always tomorrow

Dungeons for Casuals

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seera.5916


On your server it might take under 30 minutes to get a group. Not on mine.


Sorry, but this just goes to show you didn’t even bother to read the quoted post. The reason he gets groups in under 30 minutes is because he uses as he speficially pointed out. It is a website, not a game feature.

Dungeons can be run across servers. Groups can be made across servers. As such, by using that website you can build a group from every single person playing the game everywhere, not just on your server. This lowers the downtime significantly.

What we need to do is change this thread from a suggestion for a casual mode dungeon which is completely absurd, to asking for the features of to be added into the game itself so it isn’t needed. The LFG feature of the game is complete trash and not worth using ever.

Not going to change the title of my suggestion thread. There’s probably already a suggestion for it. We don’t need 5 billion threads for the same idea.

Plus, the current dungeons do not fit what I’m asking for. Are the chances of it being added high? No way. But the chances are 0 if I don’t ask. It’s a small chance now that I’ve posted it. Is it something those who like doing dungeons want? No, because they’re happy with the dungeons being the way they are: for groups of very well coordinated people who have the time to do dungeons that can take upwards of an hour if things don’t go smoothly.

What I’m wanting is a quick and relatively easy when compared to full scale dungeon runs, that can be done with 2-3 people with coordinated people who are just learning dungeons or don’t have the time to do a the current dungeons. Done in 30-45 minutes with some room for mistakes and still finish in that time. The tokens you get for explorable paths can stay on the full scale dungeon. This wouldn’t be the dungeon you’d do to get dungeon gear. This the dungeon for people who want experience dungeons without having to be willing to set aside a huge chunk of time for it. There would still be loot associated with it. But loot proportional to the effort given.

He also mentioned that it was just as fast in LA to ask for a dungeon group, I believe. I was responding to that.

dictating how we play

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


It is a choice to decide to do the dailies, no one is forcing you or anyone else to complete them.

Just like it is a choice to acquire Legendary weapon skins.

I do not feel forced into doing any of these things, if i want the reward for there completion then i will work on completing it.

this sort of response is puerile tbh. EVERYONE knows they can choose not to do any given part of the game. it doesnt need repeating and offers nothing to a discussion.
I can choose to not go to my work i can choose to not even play the game etc etc.

now do you think a succesful business model is based on the ethos that " ach if they dont like it they can go do something else" ?
Stuff is added to the game to be fun and DESIRABLE to take part in , and if for any reason people feel its UNDESIRABLE for them to take part then perhaps there,s a problem.
folk enjoy daily rewards they just arn’t so keen for time to be taken up by doing stuff they dont enjoy to get it.
after all if i do 40 events in a day then havent i earned my daily as much as the guy who slavishly runs all over the map doing what the boss man says ticking off random tasks to get his?

We’ll eventually get the ability to say I’ll do X of Y things where Y is a higher number than X. So those that don’t want to do dungeons or do WvW can still get the monthly.

Then it will become more like leveling up. Y things will gain you levels. You can choose to omit some, but if you omit too many, you won’t achieve what you want to achieve (be it the daily, monthly, or speed of leveling up).

But right now we have to suck it up and hope ANet releases that sooner rather than later.

There’s this game called skyrim that everyone tells me it’s ‘sand-box’ and I can play it the way I want to play.

So I decided I want to kill everyone in game only to find out that I couldn’t because – you’re not gonna believe this – some npc are vital to some stupid quest I have zero care about.

Ok so killing everyone in game is out of the window. Boo.

I decided I’m gonna try to ally Alduin the big bad dragon and destroy the world but guess what? I can’t. Instead I have to travel to the top of this ridiculously tall mountains, listen to all these poor old people preach about the way of some voice, Get this scroll from some place with names I can’t pronounce, learn some trick from some old fart in another century and travel to some norn mythical land – which is kinda strange because I’m a Khajit – and help some dead norn ghost to kill Alduin. Non negotiable.

That’s when it hit me : Skyrim was pretty sad. It’s dictating me, telling me ‘oh no you can only play like this, you can’t help alduin, you can’t kill children and if you touch any of the chicken I will break you’, forcing me to play the way the devs intended me to play. which is wandering in a big block of ice helping a bunch of people whose name i forget as soon as I pass them by.

So I thought sod it I’m gonna go try minecraft.
But guess what? I now have to walk around in a giant field of nothing wasting an entire days so I can build a small shack with doors. Why can’t I just spawn a house, add some traps and wait for zombies to come?

The world sure is full of dictators.

Why did you quote me when I didn’t complain about being told what to do? All I said was that once the 4 of 6 thing goes active it will become more like leveling up. In that here are your options: choose from this. You’ll need to do a good chunk of them to meet your expectations/get achievement.

I never said I had a problem with the dailies and monthlies dictating how I play. I do not have a single problem with it at all.

February monthly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


You people won’t be happy until all monthlies and dailies read

Do whatever you bloody well feel like 0-100

The entire point of monthlies/dailies is to specifically nudge you toward doing different things each day/month, not to function as a passive reward system just for logging in.

The fact that monthlies/dailies regularly include things people don’t do is a sure indicator that they’re actually working as intended, and the numbers for this month are a good move toward “try” rather than “farm” so I’m not sure what all the complaining is about.

You don’t do dungeons, the monthly is designed to make you want to try a couple. If you don’t like it it wasn’t as if you had to grind them mercilessly (nor was the seven fractals, which was even faster than 5 dungeons) but hey, you humored the developers, tried the content, and got rewarded for it.

Salvages keep showing up because I feel like Anet is confused at how little people salvage compared to the first game. problem is, salvaging was the only expedient method to gain resources in the first game, while in GW2 we have gathering which has a fixed and reliable gain versus cost.

I’ll salvage 500 things, but honestly, if you want to move more of the resource income to salvages like GW1, you only need to increase resource gain from salvaging.

What I want is one month where it’s basically just open world PvE stuff.

Note that I said one month. Not all the time. One month.

If they did that, they could even have a month devoted to just WvW and a month devoted to just Dungeons. And I’d be fine. Because I know my month is coming up or had come up. And that this gives something to those who prefer those things.

I get the trying of new things. But it doesn’t take 5 dungeon runs to know if that’s your thing or not. And it excludes anyone who doesn’t get 5 days out of the month to spend a few hours at the computer. That’s not a bad thing since other months won’t have dungeon components. And it gives those that do know that dungeons are there thing one easy monthly requirement since they’ll get that in the first week of the month.

dictating how we play

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


It is a choice to decide to do the dailies, no one is forcing you or anyone else to complete them.

Just like it is a choice to acquire Legendary weapon skins.

I do not feel forced into doing any of these things, if i want the reward for there completion then i will work on completing it.

this sort of response is puerile tbh. EVERYONE knows they can choose not to do any given part of the game. it doesnt need repeating and offers nothing to a discussion.
I can choose to not go to my work i can choose to not even play the game etc etc.

now do you think a succesful business model is based on the ethos that " ach if they dont like it they can go do something else" ?
Stuff is added to the game to be fun and DESIRABLE to take part in , and if for any reason people feel its UNDESIRABLE for them to take part then perhaps there,s a problem.
folk enjoy daily rewards they just arn’t so keen for time to be taken up by doing stuff they dont enjoy to get it.
after all if i do 40 events in a day then havent i earned my daily as much as the guy who slavishly runs all over the map doing what the boss man says ticking off random tasks to get his?

We’ll eventually get the ability to say I’ll do X of Y things where Y is a higher number than X. So those that don’t want to do dungeons or do WvW can still get the monthly.

Then it will become more like leveling up. Y things will gain you levels. You can choose to omit some, but if you omit too many, you won’t achieve what you want to achieve (be it the daily, monthly, or speed of leveling up).

But right now we have to suck it up and hope ANet releases that sooner rather than later.

dictating how we play

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


no fun in filling low level zones just for the sake of it with your level 80 character….
thats the issue.

im not even sure low level character want to see high level characters there, demolish all events there and ruining their fun.

I seem to recall Orr only being DE’s. No hearts. So there’s things your level 80 can do to get events. And I bet there are events in the 70 to 80 zones. Areas where your characters can get events without “demolishing” all the events there.

Dungeons for Casuals

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seera.5916


Use to find groups, there is always people looking for groups on there for most dungeons and doesn’t limit you to your server. You can easily get a group for most dungeons within the space of 10 mins using this as well as asking in map chat in LA ect. I’ve yet to take anywhere near half an hour to get a dungeon group together.

As for casual dungeons, they’re called Story Mode. They are already in the game and are much easier then Exp mode dungeons. The rewards are less yes, but if they add a new “casual” dungeon mode then they will have less rewards anyway so what does it matter.

As for not wanting to research the best stats/builds, i’m sorry but even the most casual players can manage that. Instead of spending your time moaning about your build not being perfect or not knowing what traits to use, use the interent or ask other players for advice and there, in the long run you’ll save yourself a lot of time.

Furthermore, since the 28th patch they’ve nerfed a lot of the mobs and bosses in dungeons, I did AC yesterdya for some tokens for an alt and only one player died and he was a lvl 45 thief, apart from that I don’t think anyone else even got near to dying let alone going down. If you learn how to play your class to the best it possibly can (which takes time yes, but that’s the point of the game, to learn through errors) and learn each encounters in a way so that you can fight that boss without taking too much damage then you’d be fine.

We don’t need easier dungeons just because people are too lazy to research how to play their class or how to kill a boss. Exp dungeons was always said to be Anets take on hardcore PvE and suppose to require a guild or good group not just for anyone to walk in and kill each boss with their eyes closed.

On your server it might take under 30 minutes to get a group. Not on mine. Not the last time I decided to do dungeons. Which was an AC story mode. Couldn’t do it in under 30 minutes. It took us a decent time to get our first group. We had 2 who had to leave in the middle because it was taking too long. Then we had to spend 30 minutes getting some new people who had some DPS or good support, because the remaining ones of us were squishy elementalists new to dungeons. And when we finally got 2 more people, one went poof during the Lover’s fight. Then another left during the last fight. Actually all but one person besides me left (either by dropping group or going AFK) by the time we got to the final boss. So yea, unless AC story got really nerfed, it’s not casual.

The kind of casual I’m talking about is the dungeons for those who only have 30 minutes to play. Or are just starting to learn, but don’t want to be that one member that slows everyone down on the full scale dungeon run.

I’m the kind of casual who picks things that I like when it comes to skills and I pick what traits I want. If I spent the ages researching my build, in my mind, that would make me hardcore and not casual. The casual player picks up the game and plays it and does not bother with research that takes hours (and build research would take hours to find the build that would be right for a person’s play style).

This would at least serve as a way to get my kind of casuals out of the full scale dungeon runs. So that those want to get in and get out without having to deal with someone constantly dying on them have a better chance of doing just that.

And if fewer of those types of casuals are doing the full scale dungeons, there will be fewer complaints on the forum going: dungeons are too hard. Lessening the chances that the dungeons will be nerfed to where the hardcore players find them way too easy to beat.

Casual Player looking for guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Seera.5916


What I’m looking for in a guild:

  • Willing to help me learn to play dungeons. And I’m a slow learner. I’ve got a level 72 Elementalist and I still act too much like a tree sometimes (meaning I’m stationary during combat most of the time). And I have no alts. I bought the game right after Beta Weekend 3.
  • Willing to help me get the things in WvW that I need for 100% exploration for my main. Either by escort or by teaching how to survive in WvW when the player is no where near skilled enough for WvW.
  • Doesn’t require me to be active socially. I’m highly reserved and while I would most likely log on to whatever voice server thing and comment occasionally, I don’t want that forced on me every day.
  • Isn’t super strict about activity. I occasionally move on to other games for a few weeks at a time and don’t want to be kicked from the guild because I have other interests. Depending on activity level in the chat, I would probably not disappear off the face of the planet during that time. Just not log into the game.
  • Willing to work with the fact that I work part time and therefore do not have a set schedule and will not know my schedule too far in advance of the weekend and otherwise have a life.
  • Is active for an East Coast USA player on Crystal Desert.
  • Mature members

Thank you

Dungeons for Casuals

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seera.5916


Join a guild. Who said you need to pug it?

A wide variety of circumstances (beyond the issues I mentioned earlier) make me finding a good guild that would accept me very very hard. And for learning, you’d want the best.

Dungeons for Casuals

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seera.5916


Then play the dungeon to learn it.

That’s easier said then done.

So I’m supposed to PUG and hope that I get a group with at least 3 people who know what they’re doing that are willing to slow down and help. Not get frustrated when mistakes I make causes a wipe, especially with the new rule about if combat is going no one can waypoint?

When PUG’ing on my server takes ages and I’m not going to guest to another server to do it and I don’t want to use a third party service to find groups JUST to get the basics of dungeons down. And I don’t want to just use a Guild to do it either.

I’ve also got some non-game related issues that make the social aspect of MMO’s a real pain to do. Highly reserved with with a fear of rejection. Which as you can imagine, makes asking for things from strangers very hard. It makes asking things from those I know hard. And yes, I realize it’s a catch-22 for solving those problems. But it’s a lot easier said than done actually doing those things.

Dungeons for Casuals

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seera.5916


We already have a way to get training for all dungeons. It is called youtube videos.

Here is one for Ascalon Catacombs.

I’m a hands on learner. I have to actually do it to learn it. Watching it doesn’t really help me all that much. It would help for some. The visual and auditory learners if the spoken parts of the tutorial are done well enough.

Dungeons for Casuals

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seera.5916


Getting a team might be easy on your server runeblade, but that’s not the case everywhere for every timezone.

Seera – I’ll go ahead and take your idea one step further, though it involves leaving the current dungeons as they are.

They should make a soloable training dungeon whose reward is based on the time it takes you to complete, diminished by your level and gear (or maybe just stats) then divided by the number of people inside the instance with you. A solo lev 1 will be able to get the best rewards if they finish it fast, but they’ll have trouble finishing it fast because of their low level (as opposed to player skill).

A 5 man lev80 team may be able to wipe the whole place out quick, but due to their already high ratings get worse rewards than AC (which I’m assuming has the worst rewards of the dungeons?), resulting in maybe only 5 coppers each for their trouble. This is to make it anti-grind.

As a bonus, people like me that have hard times finding parties and then getting thrashed inside the dungeon can actually practice solo without having to ruin the day (and burn up the patience) of up to 4 other people. Eventually even a casual player should then gain enough know how to run the -real- deals.

I wasn’t suggesting changing the current dungeons. No way. Just adding in new varieties. I wouldn’t want to remove or change something that others enjoy and that I hope to one day feel confident enough to enjoy.

I do like your idea. However, I would have it keep track of if you’ve done it at all. And make an increase in chances for rewards for the first time (ie: someone who doesn’t have any interest in dungeons until they get to level 80 and want some cool level 80 dungeon gear to feel cheated too much just because they didn’t do a dungeon at the earliest possible chance.

So if level 80 would cause 50% drop in rewards, first time gives 25% increase to rewards, the net is a 25% drop in rewards. First time bonus only.

Level 30 to Level 35 should be the base line no increase bonus since that’s when AC starts + a few levels just in case you play a bit more before deciding to do a dungeon for whatever reason. You get bonus chances for rewards if you do it early, lower chances for rewards if you’re above level.

Dungeons for Casuals

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seera.5916


Oh sorry, I thought you wanted casual dungeons.

I want something out there for those of us who want to do dungeons but don’t normally do dungeons to do that wouldn’t hinder those who routinely do dungeons too much.

A lot of complaining I see about dungeons is that people are tired of getting the player who can’t carry their own weight. Or can’t do dungeons due to time constraints.

This would be the dungeons for them. To give them an area to learn the mechanics. Some skill would still be required, but maybe instead of 1500 health, the boss has 750 (making up random numbers here) since that’s how ANet does difficulty from what I’ve read. The harder bosses just simply have more health. And instead of 3 bosses, just make it 1. Make it a random boss from the normal run even. Doing AC [story] casual: one time you get the Lovers, another time you get King Adelbern. Of course they’d be toned done varieties, but enough to get the picture of what you would need to do for each boss.

That way when people get time or think they’re skilled enough to do a normal dungeon run, they’ve at least SEEN the different bosses most likely and don’t slow the group down as much because they know to pull the Lovers apart. They’ve seen the animations for King Adelbern’s attacks.

Dungeons for Casuals

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seera.5916


Why would you need to balance AC or CoF around 2 or 3 players? It is extremely easy to get 5 players for AC or CoF.


  • You can complete both within 30 minutes.
  • You can do these dungeons without wiping at all.

But what about the OTHER dungeons?

And I don’t know about you, but I can’t PUG AC in under 30 minutes. Because I’m not skilled enough. I do not know enough about builds for elementalists nor do I want to spend the time researching them to be an adequate support OR DPS member in a full on run with the hardcore members who want to get in and get out and move on to the next dungeon. Not constantly have to revive me because I died again.

I currently avoid dungeons like the plague. I do not wish to spend ages looking for a group, my tendency to only play the game actively for short bursts of time before going off to do other things means finding a good guild is next to impossible. I don’t have enough real life friends that play the game so I can’t group with them.

And I’ve only done AC story. Because I found that difficult with a PUG. I can’t imagine what the higher level dungeons or the explorable AC dungeon paths are like difficulty wise.

I’d love an easy mode AC. With aptly adjusted rewards. Heck, make it reduced rewards where effort to time makes doing the normal mode runs more profitable.

As it is, if my legendary requires any amount of dungeon runs, it will take me years to do it most likely just due to drop rates and how much those things usually cost and chances are it will be stuff that’s soulbound or account bound upon acquire so I won’t even be able to Trade Post it. Because chances are it will take me several hours to get through dungeons as I will have to PUG it every time. And that’s even if they make Casual mode (because I do feel that should come from normal runs because it’s a legendary).

Jumping puzzle icons

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seera.5916


I agree. At least put the icon there once you’ve discovered it.

Or have it be something that can be toggled on and off because I’m sure there are people out there who’d rather explore for hours to find the jumping puzzles rather than have them be spoiled.

Dungeons for Casuals

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seera.5916


We already have dungeons for casuals.

It is called Ascalon Catacombs and Citadel of the Flame.

But can the inexperienced casual with limited time complete it in no more than 30 minutes, with 2-3 people with allowances for mistakes that cause wiping a few times?

This is what I’m talking about.

Dungeons for Casuals

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seera.5916


Problem: The differing types players (casual vs hardcore; those with time vs those without much time; skilled vs unskilled; etc) makes finding dungeon groups next to impossible unless you’re in a guild.

And requiring coordination to get through a dungeon for good rewards is not a problem in and of itself.

However, it can pose a problem for the casual who just doesn’t get builds; the busy player who just doesn’t have the hour to find a group, discuss strategy, and do the dungeon; or the player just starting out in dungeons and don’t know where to begin.

The experienced hard core players with plenty of time want to get in and get out and move on to the next dungeon. However, if they have to PUG for any reason, they don’t want to be stuck with the inexperienced casual player who only has 30 minutes to play before he must log off no questions asked.

However, the inexperienced casual player with limited time can’t run with others like him because they’d take too long to get through it, if they even get past the first boss in the dungeon. Which turns them off from doing dungeons.

Possible Solution:

Dungeons designed to be done with 2-3 people in no more than 30 minutes. However, you could do it in parties of up to 5 with content scaling like it would for a Personal Story quest.

There would be at least one “Dungeon for Casual” path for every Dungeon, if not for each Dungeon path in order to allow players to get a feel for ok, what type of foes will we face in this dungeon?

Also, they’d count like half a normal dungeon or whatever is deemed proportional for the monthlies. So 10 Casual Dungeon runs would equal 5 normal Dungeon runs and get you the monthly this month.

Positives from Casual Dungeons

  • Those with limited time but want to do dungeons won’t miss out or cause wipes since they try to get the dungeon started and finished as quickly as possible, accidentally making the run take longer in the process.
  • Those with limited experience can get their feet wet without slowing those who have experience down too much.
  • Shortened time to have to wait to get a group since it’s doable with 2-3 people.
  • Will count towards Monthly, though it will take more runs to achieve.
  • The casual player who doesn’t want to spend ages figuring out a build will be better served here as these dungeons overall difficulty will be lower than the full dungeon for timing reasons.
  • Would hopefully make PUG’ing for full scale dungeons more feasible as you’re more likely to get those who know what they’re doing and have the time to spend on the dungeon.
  • Experienced hard core players who much prefer other aspects of the game, could easily knock out the Monthly without spending a huge time devoted to it. Even if the overall time would be longer, humans tend to tolerate things broken into smaller chunks better.

Negatives to Casual Dungeons

  • Players with low confidence in their own abilities might use the Casual Dungeon as a crutch and not try the full scale dungeon, even if skill wise and build wise they’d be great.
  • Unless reward to effort ratio was perceived to be same as the full dungeon reward to effort ratio, player base response from the experienced hardcore players could be very harsh. Especially if the Casual Dungeon had the better ratio.

February monthly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


I love how WvW is no longer in the picture. But ANet mentioned planning on making wvw more rewarding. Can we expect a separate dailies and monthlies for wvw in the future?

Anyway I guess a better way to do the monthlies would be to lay out like 6 objectives, and you only need to finish 4 to complete the monthly?

Not for this month, but it could show back up again next month. I expect they’ll go like the dailies and change each month to some degree.

Would You Still Play if There was NO Loot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


I’d probably continue playing. They’d have some other form of carrot in play if not loot.

On the Mandatory Password Change

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


You only have to change it if you made this password BEFORE they first announced the password blacklisting.

I’d imagine we’ll only be forced to change passwords again if another major MMO or MMO community database gets their password database hacked. I doubt it’s anything they’ll do regularly.

What makes absolutely no sense is they are requiring everyone to change their passwords, regardless of whether or not those passwords are on the blacklist. If my password is not on the blist then it’s secure…I don’t want to come up with yet another unique password, this one is already original.

Regarding brute forcing, I’ve always thought those “time to crack” durations are bogus when dealing with online services that handle authentication. Last I checked you can’t attempt a log-in for GW2 thousands or hundreds of times a second. I’d assume after X failed tries the system would also lock you out.

And how is ANet supposed to know yours isn’t one of them? I’d imagine they’re trying username and passwords, one by one, with some variations on passwords until they run into the lock out. If they hit the lock out, move on to the next one in the list.

Yes, it stinks that they feel this is the best course of action. But I don’t blame them for doing it. Reduces number of tickets they’ll receive due to the hacked database causing stolen accounts. Which means CS can spend more time on more important matters.

And well there is this saying: one bad apple spoils the bunch. The bad apple here being the person who uses the same username and password combination.

I do not like the Feb monthlys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


What do you people like?

TC doesn’t want to do anything that requires him to work with a PUG. That rules dungeons and Fractals out. Johny doesn’t want to do any form of PvP. That rules sPvP and WvW out. Timmy doesn’t like crafting. That rules crafting out. Billy hates spending money on gathering tools and salvage kits. So there go those objectives. Susie plays a strictly-supportive elementalist, so asking her to kill stuff isn’t fair.

Keep going and there’ll be nothing left. If all you whiners get your way, we’re either going to automatically complete the Monthly Achievement by virtue of logging on or we’re not going to have Monthly Achievements at all. Whoo-freaking-hoo!

What I’d like is one month in a year to have it where the Monthly is achievable by doing things I normally do. No WvW, no dungeons, no fractals.

I also wouldn’t mind it if one month out of the year, the monthly was devoted entirely to WvW, dungeons, and/or fractals.

However, if the do X out Y that’s coming in the next patch applies to monthlies, I’ll be happy. There’s usually only ONE category in the monthly that relates to WvW, Dungeons, and Fractals. And then I’ll be happy.

On the Mandatory Password Change

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


I’ll repeat it again:

NOTHING has been said that it’s going to be regular password changes. This is the forced password change they mentioned way back in September last year.

On the Mandatory Password Change

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


You only have to change it if you made this password BEFORE they first announced the password blacklisting.

I’d imagine we’ll only be forced to change passwords again if another major MMO or MMO community database gets their password database hacked. I doubt it’s anything they’ll do regularly.

I do not like the Feb monthlys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


By choosing to leave out any content is your choice and is detrimental to your character in one form or another. By limiting what you want to do limits what you are awarded. Its your choice and no one is forcing you to limit yourself.

Agree. I might not have gotten ANY monthly since the game was released due to either dungeons or WvW requirements. But I don’t complain about it. As I chose not to do them.

Of course, I wouldn’t mind it if one month I didn’t have to do either dungeons or WvW to get the monthly.

February monthly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


Next month’s I believe has dungeon runs. Another month I probably won’t get the monthly because I die enough times that I lose money. Making friends and what not in game (and out of game) is hard for me. And the guild I’m in isn’t active enough to really do a dungeon and finding a guild that is decent for dungeons but won’t force me to be more active than I choose to be is not easy for me (very very very reserved).

You are playing a completely anonymous online game where no one can see or speak to you if you don’t want. Break out of that shell a bit.

Easier said than done and I am more social online than offline. It’s just even though it’s a huge jump, it’s not really enough to make it all that easy.

I do not like the Feb monthlys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


In the next patch will be the do X out of Y and achieve the daily/monthly.

I’m looking forward to it.

I’d also love for them to split up the WvW, PvP, Dungeon, and general PvE monthlies. Give a bonus to those who complete 3 out of 4 of the monthlies to promote trying new things.

I’m sure there are enough unique to WvW things for monthlies. Dungeons there are enough dungeons to do that. And there’s enough in PvE to not have one be related to WvW, dungeons, or both.

But I’m not going to hold my breath for that.

February monthly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


I can’t believe that people are complaining about salvages…

Every other monthly has something you do along the way while playing, last month it was like fractals (done just through playing) wvw kills (done just through playing) something else and events (done just through playing). Now if I want to get this done I have to buy 500 whites and spend 30 minutes salvaging them. So much fun!

Luckily I don’t really care about anything in the laurel vendor enough to do anything about it.

Except for those of us who do not have the time or the desire to run dungeons or do fractals. Or do WvW. Or do PvP. There are those of in the game who have yet to get a monthly because we choose to not do whatever it is to get that last portion of the monthly. Or just don’t have the time to do it enough to get the achievement.

Next month’s I believe has dungeon runs. Another month I probably won’t get the monthly because I die enough times that I lose money. Making friends and what not in game (and out of game) is hard for me. And the guild I’m in isn’t active enough to really do a dungeon and finding a guild that is decent for dungeons but won’t force me to be more active than I choose to be is not easy for me (very very very reserved).

My Characters Have All Signed Pacifist Pledge

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


So because your account is either bugged or you’re just on a bad streak on getting good drops from enemies, you’re going to kill fewer enemies?

Reducing the number of good drops you might be able to achieve?

You’ll always get experience and bad drops can be sold for money, so you should not feel that it would be counterproductive to actually kill enemies.

World transfers are too expensive.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seera.5916


Heya, i really want to transfer over to Desolation because i wasn’t able to change before the patch. When i looked at how much it would be, it was 1800 gems, that’s around about £25. Or, i have been told, 40 gold, this has really made me feel like i’m stuck in the world i am in and it has now really annoyed me.

I hope this doesn’t sound like a rant but i just dont no what to do????

Well you can thank the cheat guilds in WvW. Anet were quite happy for there to be free world transfers, but the cheat guilds used free transfers as a WvW ranking exploit, so free transfers had to end.

Actually transfers were never meant to be free at all. We only got free transfers because they couldn’t seem to work out guesting. Whether the behavior of certain players made getting Guesting working a higher priority or not is anyone’s guess. World transfers are a monetary source if they aren’t free.

World transfers are too expensive.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seera.5916


Looks like on January 16th, ArenaNet put a message up on the launcher explaining guesting. And when the game launched we were told: when guesting goes live, free transfers go away. So you had 11 to 12 days to find a new server from when they first announced that guesting was coming in the next patch. Not to mention, the post itself mentioned that free transfers were going away.

Could they have gone a step further and e-mailed players to get those who were too busy to load the launcher and log in, yes. But to put the blame solely on ANet isn’t fair. You had basically 12 days to find a new server from when ANet posted notice about it.

Ask your IRL friends to loan you some money? Ask them to chip in a few pounds each?

If you’re in a guild that’s primary location is on Desolation, ask them if they’d be willing to chip in the required gold. Or at least a decent chunk of it.

In a few levels you can start doing dungeons. Do dungeon runs via guesting with your RL friends so that you can coordinate better. Sell what you don’t need. Check Trading Post before vendering things. You might find you can get a decent profit on things.

If you aren’t in to crafting, Trading Post your collectables. Or Trading Post the collectables you don’t need.

I don't like the new dailies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


I strongly disagree.

First, Arenanet does not like Hardcore players, they put Diminishing Returns in place to stop hardcore farming.

Arenanet does seem to favor Casual players. The fact that they make everything “Daily” proves that. That way you log in “a little” everyday to do part of something you want, and get rewards slowly. You can only get 1 Pristine Fractal Relic per day, 1 Laurel per day, 60 per dungeon path once per day(otherwise 20 tokens for re-do), etc etc.

So if you are Casual and in 1 evening you do 1 Fractal run, you will get your ring in 10 days. Even if you are Hardcore and you do 10 Fractal runs in 1 evening, it will still take you 10 days to get your ring.

Last, Arenanet does not favor Impatient players. Everything about this game is about playing a little of everything per day and building what you want to have over-time. This whole game was made based on “waiting”. You waited 5 years for this game to come out.

Arenanet’s philosophy, also known as “When it’s ready” applied to the game’s release, the patches, or even your gears/cool items you get. Even their events are not instant, you have to “wait” for the events/chain to start.
Your Ascended Ring will be ready in 10 days(provided you play a Fractal per day).

Now dont say there isn’t enough stuff to do because of “once per day” things. You can do 1 Fractal, 1 time of each path of a dungeon, 1 daily, 1 time each OrichalcumOre/AncientWood mining(24hour respawn nodes). That’s enough stuff for 1 evening.

This is a clever way to keep players. Otherwise, you would hardcore farm quests/raids/dungeons/materials and get what you want instantly, and then leave the game because “there’s nothing else to do”, probably move to another game, and “chances” are you will get too busy with it to come back. While you are still playing the game a little every day, they introduce new items/events etc once a while to keep you entertained and stay. Is this better than WoW “grind like crazy with no life all day long forever for my gears and repeat it when new expansion comes out”?

Play a little GW2 per day and the WoW addiction goes away.

They even pay attention to even little details that players ask. Triforge amulet is just 1 item, by popular demand of those who have it(a thread with 30 posts only yes!), it can now be promoted to ascended. And those who have it are rewarded by being practically the only ones with an ascended amulet right now(i doubt anyone has enough daily laurels to buy an ascended amulet yet during the past 3 days eh?), this is a waiting game afterall.

Another philosophy i strongly suggest Arenanet to adopt though is
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

tl;dr When It’s Ready!

Oh please don’t even…

Then why did they add ascended gear and now faundrls?

He’s allowed to give his view on the matter.

Because a ton of people were complaining about no end game and were too impatient for legendaries. Whether or not AN went about it in the right way is probably still too soon to tell. They haven’t released all of the ways to get ascended items.

The laurels are another way to get ascended items, something we already knew was coming and gives more of a reward for doing dailies and monthlies. I’m just glad the laurel vender sells things other than ascended items.

How do you define Guild Wars 2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


Last I checked if I’m given a sub-par product it is within my right to let the creator know he did a bad job and needs to improve.

There’s a difference between telling them what they need to improve on as fact, your opinions and accusing things with no evidence to back it up.


Fact – There’s buggy events and dungeons (a mate got indefinitely rooted for the entire fight in TA)

Opinion – There’s no endgame, story is bad (not so much the story, as how it’s paced)

Accusation with no evidence – Falsifying server population data

The story is bad. It’s universally accepted as bad. When the Transformers movies have a more coherent plot than a game who’s developers say are proud of their storyline then you know something is wrong.

Yet, I’m enjoying the story. So whether or not it is bad or good, is personal opinion. Could it have been better, yes, it could have. But I don’t think the story is bad.

For me Guild Wars 2 is an enjoyable game. If I want to beat enemies with relative ease, I just go to a lower level area. If I want a challenge, I go to areas my level or higher.

I’m not forced by the game to get certain gear in order to do things, though I imagine the pressure from other players will push me towards getting the gear. If humans weren’t so much like humans, it wouldn’t matter if a person was wearing rares, exotics, ascended, or legendary items. But we’re humans in this day and age. Which means we want all the best shinnies yesterday. Which means we try the hardest to get in groups with the best geared items. Because it’s the only indication we can get to determine a player’s skill.

Daily Vet Kills - No Vet Counts?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


I sure hope this gets changed (dailies being based on system clock) This may have happened because they needed to push content out quick and they took a short cut, who knows. But it shouldn’t be acceptable. I love you all and I love your game, but I don’t like to feel like I’m playing something that is being put together half a**ed. Here is hoping to see a change soon

@IndigoSunset: I did manage to find the remaining vets that I needed and actually kill them.

The system clock only determines what dailies that are displayed for you.

The server clock determines what actually gets recorded. That’s why at the beginning of this thread, there were people going: why are my dailies not get recorded for killing certain vets? Because they’re system clock was in the future as compared to their server clock.

I’ve got a feeling that it’s going to get changed eventually, but I’d put that bug low on the priority list. It doesn’t really break the game. I’d rather the bug fixers work on things that stop progress in the game.

Daily Vet Kills - No Vet Counts?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


I’d really love it if even just one month out of the year, those of us who don’t like WvW or dungeons had a month where it was feasible for us to get it without doing something we hate or don’t feel like we’re good enough to do just yet.

Yeah seriously. I hate events too, so they better not put that in there. And crafting sucks and isn’t profitable so that better not be in there. I like to face tank so they desperately need to take dodging out of there. If nubs can’t L2P then I shouldn’t be forced to revive them, so take that way. Don’t make me play PvE, don’t make me WvW, don’t make me go do dungeons or fractls, let me play how I want to. Stop forcing me to do dailies.

The next monthly should be how many times you spam chat in LA, how many times you change the color on your armor, or maybe how many times you whine on the forums.

Jeez, it’s not liked I asked for them to never be in the rotation. And no one’s forcing you to do dailies. Just wait a day, it might be something more geared for WvW and/or dungeon players.

I’d also be just fine if one month out of the year the monthly had things in it that were solely for the PvP, WvW, and/or dungeon players. Because I know those who do those things might not enjoy the things that would make for an achievable monthly for those of us who choose not to do PvP, WvW, or dungeons.

Characters on different servers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


It is not possible to make a character on a different server due to WvW related issues (spying on the enemy comes to mind).

Unless you wish to play WvW with them, you could guest to their server. Otherwise you’ll have to pay for a transfer.

Daily Vet Kills - No Vet Counts?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


I focused on the vets in Orr’s farming areas, pent/shelt to be exact, and they seemed to add to the count fine. Historically, though not in every fight, I’ve tended to focus on pesky adds first, then the mob of significance. But, no more strategic play—Anet has taught me to go for the vet no matter what so I can add it to the count.

I also used to protect NPC’s in DE’s that I was assigned to protect. No more, I let them die so I can revive them if healer is one of the dailies. Just bad game design made manifest. Now the focus is on playing the daily rather than playing the game. The old dailies were perfect in this regard as they remained in the background while you played the game. The reward came from playing the game.

Hopefully more of the dailies than not will come from just general play for most players, however, I don’t have a problem with the occasional day where you have to actually work for it.

Daily Vet Kills - No Vet Counts?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


Sure would be nice having a monthly without dungeons or fractals for once :|

Yeah, no monthly for me this coming month then. Oh well. More time to catch up on my Analogs (sadly like 8 months behind).

Same. Every month since I started I’ve seen either something related to WvW and/or dungeons.

I’m not ready to do either of those enough times to get the bar filled so I just don’t bother with monthlies.

I’d really love it if even just one month out of the year, those of us who don’t like WvW or dungeons had a month where it was feasible for us to get it without doing something we hate or don’t feel like we’re good enough to do just yet.

As it is, I’m having a hard time just finding 2 more vets that I personally can kill for my daily today. The ones posted here with enough detail to find them are not ones I’m at the skill level to solo.

Better informed consumers!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seera.5916


They picked the time that the highest concurrence. If that time had been a time that was better suited for Oceanic players they would have done that time and not 12 pm PST.

We don’t know yet if they will look again at concurrence when planning future events and adjust based on changing player base or not. So this is a bit too much with too little evidence.

But ANY time will be a bad time for someone. No matter what time they pick, there will be complaints by people that they can’t get on at that time. So ArenaNet picked the time that the highest % of people were on and used that as the time to have the event.

Scaled Items: didn't like getting them

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Seera.5916


The scaled loot was a bit of a slap in the face since it’s completely worthless. I picked up the game a few weeks ago and just haven’t had the time to get to 80 yet. Doesn’t mean I didn’t do the entire event like everyone else and – since I was scaled – contributed as much (theoretically). This was one place where Anet could have readily not screwed up and made everyone happy – instead, unlike the bugs which were unintentional, this was an intentional screwing of anyone not playing a lvl80 character.

And Seera – so if someone gave you the following options:
1. Get a $100k car in 1 week/month, but you can sell it for $80k before you get it in a week/month.
2. Get a $5000 car right now.

….you’d take option 2? Really?

Real life does not equal a game. I’d take neither option. No such thing as a free lunch holds very very true in real life.

And game wise, I’ll take stuff I can use quicker because I’d rather get some middle tiers for free than have to buy the middle tiers. Save my money for the level 80 stuff.

Suggestion for future "one time only events"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seera.5916


Nah, he’s thinking from the viewpoint of a customer. Won’t happen. Joke aside, the idea is pretty neat.

She doesn’t want a job in the gaming industry :P

I just have a feeling there will be more one time only events and if they don’t do something about what went wrong this event, then it’s only going to get worse.

In a perfect world, there would be no DC’s, no glitches, etc. And while my solution is not perfect, it does help with some of the causes of the DC’s (number of people on) and reduces the number of people who get no rewards due to the glitches and bugs and DC’s.

Suggestion for future "one time only events"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seera.5916


As upset as people are over this event, there’s probably not much ANet can do beyond just give out rewards to those who had problems with the event. And they are rightfully upset, especially those who got to the very end of the event only to DC or hang and wind up getting no reward.

For future one time only events I propose the following:

1. Have it run twice, several hours apart. This will also help with a lot of the DC’ing issues as everyone will be more spread out.

2. Every time a major point in the quest is completed (escorting, reinforcements 1, rockslide, reinforcements 2, etc), if you’ve participated in it AT ALL you get a mail with a token (or tokens). However, you can only hold onto a certain number of tokens equal to the amount of parts in the event chain. This will prevent people from doing it twice, simply to get more rewards.

3. For the next few days, there’s a vender in Lion’s Arch that you can trade in your tokens and get your loot. For every X tokens, you get an item. And have it coded that there is a few tokens more just to account for the occasional DC.

For example: event has 10 parts. Each part gives 4 tokens. So you get a total of 40 tokens. For every 6 tokens you get an item for a total of 6 items. It also gives 4 extra tokens for the event. Meaning you can not have progress counted for 1 event part in this case and still get the same amount of items as someone who did every part.

While it wouldn’t be perfect, it would reduce the number of people who don’t get rewards due to reasons beyond their control.

Scaled Items: didn't like getting them

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Seera.5916


So those of us who weren’t level 80 and were on our highest level character were only supposed to get items that were for level 80 characters?

You chose to play on your lower level characters. Why should those of us on our highest level characters have to wait longer to use items because you chose to not play on your level 80 character?

I was playing on my level 55 elementalist. Got one set of gloves I could equip right away as they were level 53. A couple pieces of exotic armor for level 62 and above. A level 80 exotic accessory. And a harpoon gun of some level which I didn’t commit to memory since I can’t use it.

I wish they had coded THIS event to only give you items you can use (as in: scholars not getting heavy armor). 2.5 hours for mostly items you can’t use at all even if you were level 80 would anger me.

Now as long as a low level person stayed with the zerg they could get to the end and possibly even get the chest. So was a very low level person supposed to get level 80 stuff as well? I’d have been disappointed if I didn’t get anything I could use within the next 10 levels but not angry if everything had been for level 80 characters.

Now, if I had been under level 40 (ie: less than half the way to level 80), I would have been angry at ANet for only giving me level 80 items. Because I would have just spent 2.5 hours on an event that gave me a reward that I won’t be able to use for several more levels.

dungeon finder LFG isn't in the works currently

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


Maybe have a bit of both?

Have a Quick Dungeon Finder (QDF) tool and a Group Finder tool.

Have it programmed that you may only do one dungeon via QDF per day. Basically the “cooldown” for it starts when the timer for the dungeon reaches 0 and you’re sent to the dungeon. However, it’s like the instant cast skills so that if you quit or get disconnected, it’s like you never queued up via the QDF.

You put in what dungeon and what type of dungeon you want to do.

Let’s say the first person on it first is a level 50 mesmer who wants to AC, explorable. Now the QDF waits for another person to come on and want to do AC, explorable. When 5 people are queued, it sends those 5 to a dungeon waiting room. Basically an instanced entranceway to the dungeon. The door to the dungeon doesn’t open for 3 minutes. This is the time the PUG’s have that’s supposed to be used to get some form of organization. Or for last minute bathroom breaks or switching out of equipment.

If a group of 4 has been waiting in the queue for several minutes and a fifth is not brought in, then the group is sent in anyways. Most dungeons are doable with 4 people. Unless all players have left the instanced area, however, the QDF tool can add a 5th player. So the group can decide to wait for a 5th player or not.

The Group Finder tool you put in what you want to do, where you want to do it, and any other notes you feel like sharing. Then you’re given the list of people/groups who are on the list that’s sortable by any of the categories. Then you can whisper or mail any of the people on the list and see if your needs match up. Or just request to join to signal interest.

Free trials and full servers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


See this post for the dev’s answer:

For those who do not wish to click the link it says that invited friends will be able to play with you during the trial event.

And for my friends who last weekend said, “No thank you, we’ll just pay you money now and go play with our friend!”…can’t.

“I am Gene. Gene Yass. Of the New Jersey Yass’s.”


That is unfortunate and I hope they’re able to get on your server before free server transfers end. Especially if you guys play WvW or anything else that requires you to have the same home server.