One of the most common pro-train arguments seems to be that there is nothing else to do in this game and Arenanet just needs to add more content and the trains will go away on their own.
The fact that these players are saying that is proof they simply haven’t explored the game to any great length. The truth is there are plenty of other things to do all across Tyria, but the train offers rewards with no risk of death or even much thought, so there is no incentive to go out and find anything else.
World bosses, temples, hearts, dynamic events and dynamic event chains all give you experience, karma, gold and loot. The latter can be very rewarding in loot, story content and useful and powerful consumables that you can’t find anywhere else. Map completion itself, aside from the rewards from hearts, POIs, WPs and Vistas, gives you a good reward based on the level of the map and, when finished, a title, achievement points and two of an ingredient needed for many legendaries.
Farmers do not do things for the sake of enjoying them. They do them for the fact that it is the fastest and most efficient way to get whatever they happen to need or want at the time. Queensdale train farmers (and without the farmers, the train would be inconsistent) happen to be after karma.
If they made the content that’s already out there (that most of the train knows exists, so don’t give me the they don’t know it’s there excuse) more rewarding for the risk and time involved, then people will spread out.
The train used to go around Orr. Then when Orr got nerfed because no one was visiting the starting zones, they figured out that dungeons were the best place to farm. Then the dungeon nerfs happened because no one was out in the open world. Around this time they buffed the loot that champions dropped because they were more apt to drop greens and blues only and be honest, the original champion loot was not worth the risk it took to take most of them down. So people farmed the world bosses. Then came the one guaranteed rare chest per account nerf. So people went to Queensdale. Nerf Queensdale and the train will just go somewhere else and the problem will not be fixed.
Now, I’m not saying that ANet should sit back and do nothing. But they should address the true problem. The cause of the train.
They should look at WHY the train formed in the first place. Why do people run the train over and over again. And then design/tweak content to make those things be in other maps. And eventually the train will spread out. Covering more of the map than they did before. And that would be ideal wouldn’kitten
Instead of nerfing the Queensdale Train and watching the train just go somewhere else for people to complain about there being farmers there ruining their experience and how it should be stopped. Doesn’t that just seem like a vicious cycle and how they’ll eventually find the train back in Queensdale…