(edited by Shademehr.1397)
Second, ANet hasn’t specifically said what the reward chest will hold.
The chests will each contain ten new players, with the majority of the chests going to the lower-ranked servers.
I salute the guys from AR and ET, and I’m super curious to see who gets second place.
I have no doubt that it will be Anvil Rock
’Preciate the vote of confidence server-mate.
…but WvW is optional.
Maybe it’s the PvE that’s optional.
I don’t think population is the issue (at least against AR). ET has the bad habit of putting everyone in the same place, leaving everything else wide open… EB is the major example of that: We’re constantly with outmanned buff (People are usually on ETBL), we rarely get help there (because someone is attacking the southern camp of our borderland so ETBL can’t spare troops), and everytime we get a commander on EB that’s not me, it simply walk away back to ETBL after flipping a few paper towers (sometimes even without saying to people on map chat).
The situation we constantly face is very frustrating sometimes…
Jek, we’ve been defending some REALLY crazy stuff in our BL all week so it’s really more than just watching the “south camp” as you’ve described. There have been many times were AR was hitting something with their zerg while Ferg has simultaneously been hitting something else with their zerg. Sometimes, they even hit the same thing! It’s intense and honestly it takes everyone we can muster.
With that being said, you’re doing an excellent job in EB and I commend you for holding it down as well as you have. Kudos to your, sir.
Additionally, I’d like to thank Master Junior. I believe he also spends a ton of time in EB and has, just recently I think, been spending some time in the ET BL, and done really well.
Both of you guys catch a lot of grief by not being on TeamSpeak (you’ve just recently started spending more time on there though) but your contributions to our server should not go unnoticed. Great job to both of you guys. I sincerly appreciate your efforts.
AR’s ability to insta-rally to protect their BL is positively preternatural (word of the day!). Seriously, it’s friggin eerie.
You guys are doing really well this week. How is your weekday coverage? Don’t destroy my hopes; tell me it’s horrible.
Dear [Yarr] Condi warrior I just fought at Lake tower.
You’re pretty darned good! A small group of us were just chatting about the (possible) upcoming hammer warrior nerfs and we were theorycrafting a condi build. Then you rolled in and showed me how to do it right.
If you’d like to share some groovy class build info, please hit me up! I’d love to have your insight.
We just had 25+ AR at one side of our Garrison with another 25+ Fergs at the other side of our Garrison breaking down two gates, with golems, simultaneously, I think this is exciting times.
Good job, ET on the repel! It was hairy stuff.
I’m really surprised at the amount of AR’s and Ferg’s I’ve seen in the field during this matchup. I was wholly unprepared for what I’ve seen so far.
I’m even MORE surprised by our lack of forces. Where is everyone this week?
I’d love to see an update too.
Sometimes i paint myself orange and lie in the grass and pretend im a carrot.
please leave our forum
Party pooper. Maybe I’ve got a weird sense of humor but I nearly spit my drink all over my monitor when I read that. Good stuff, clint.
I was forged on ET and ET is where I’ll stay.
I believe a lot of us on ET have some degree of server pride and we feel like family. It feels good to see the same friendly faces every day and know they aren’t going to jump ship.
…Entered WvW. Saw Living World junk infesting it…
…Complete fail.
GREAT choice of word there. “Infested”.
I logged in to find our Garrison under attack. I ran from Citadel with a trail of my other WvW brothers and sisters and we all had to run through a small group of these new bad guys at the cliffs between Cit and Longview. lol’d as I ran through em.
Later, the enemy zerg that was capping our entire BL decided to take a break and let us recap everything so they could come back through and zerg it all again. Where were they during their break? The orange swords in the Skritt caves (part of the new content) told us immediately.
I’d like them to do every month instead of two weeks. I’d really like to be able to enjoy the content but just don’t have the time to dedicate to it and enjoy it. I’ve barely spent time doing the Halloween stuff (which isn’t finished yet) and already I’m staring at another batch of content that I may, or may not, be able to even get to.
Please slow down!
yep, the profession with most weapons available should totally get a new weapon
As long as the weapon can be used to stab, slash, hack, pierce, or bludgeon, the warrior should ofc have access to it. He is the master of weaponry, after all.
Great vid and this looks like a really solid build. Like most everyone else here, I’m very interested in your build as well. I’ve been looking for a reason to bring my warrior into WvW and I think this finally pushed me over the edge (debating between hammer + gs and hammer + axe/shield).
That is awesome as heck. I know what I’m buying when I get home…
And geeze, that entire skill bar could just be entirely brought over to the real weapon as far as I’m concerned. (Make #5 = Invulnerable through it’s animation)
That’s gold right there Brotha.
Put em on /ignore and move on. You’ll never have to see them complain or ridicule you again. You can’t change those people’s behavior and they will ALWAYS find a way to farm/grief/make fun of someone etc.
Ignore (and possibly report) and go back to having fun.
I got my 8-game achievement and I’m never playing this mini-game again. I agree in that the competition is extremely lopsided. About three games in, I just started running immediately to the center and got ghostified. The remaining five games went much “faster”.
I didn’t have a single care for bags or rewards. I just wanted it over.
That would only have been more fun without the skill lag. Not saying we would have taken garrison, but it would have made the fights that much more fun and might have made the 29-golem rush a success since no one could get their skills off.
Lots of us were having the exact same problem, so I doubt the outcome would have been any different. This matchup is the first time I’ve ever experienced skill lag. I think it all may have just eventually turned into a big “smash #1 fest” for a bunch of us.
My opinion is you should have let it go and gone hit other targets for PPT since now you basically managed to get 2 of the biggest SF zerg teams to work together for a while which proves to everyone involved that it can make things happen. But I guess that 25 points really has a lot of sentimental value to you guys.
What can I say…we’re a scrappy lot. Thank goodness you weren’t in charge of our defense.
We’ve pretty much been dealing with massive (and I mean MASSIVE) SF zergs (sometimes 2+) in our BL plus some pretty decently sized DH zergs simultaneously. I think ET has done a pretty stellar job holding it together vs. a couple of servers that were ranked higher than us.
Win or lose this round, I think ET can be proud of what we’ve done so far.
I really don’t want any more any more Scarlet. And with mad king around, two random acting crazy characters could be a bit too much for me to swallow.
It would be cool if they got into a fight and the players got to choose which one to help.
Mad King all the way for me. I’d even do it in my Mad King outfit.
As much as that dern Clocktower JP almost made me rage quit video games (yes, all of them), I still miss it.
Hey I took a few weeks off whats the League thing everyone keeps talking about and why is it going to kill WvW… can someone point to the right place to read up?
It’s not going to kill WvW. It’s the same song and dance every time a change or update comes to any part of GW2:
You have a big announcement. Then the whining starts. Always the whining. Every change is always the doomsday scenario. Fire and brimstone. The End of Days. Dogs and cats, living together. Mass hysteria.
I just wish the people that keep threatening to quit would just gtfo already and let the rest of us enjoy the game.
So lots of folks in this thread, and elsewhere, have had some sort of perspective on why Eredon Terrace has risen from 24th place to 20th place. Here’s why I think we’ve risen in ranks:
(in no specific order)
1. Better coordination and communication. We are becoming better at using the tools we’ve had for quite some time: server-wide voice chat and server forums. We didn’t just start using either of these two things. We’ve had them both for several months. Heck, we’ve been through at least three voice chats. It’s definately been a slow process, but we’re all finally starting to get with the program and now we’re effectively using these things to promote server unity and cohesion, both on the battlefield (WvW) and for various events (PvE).
2. An increase in our skill level. The veterans of ET are battle-forged. Make no mistake, some of us have been here since the beginning. We’ve been killed over and over and over again, but we learn something each time that spike goes through us. Sometimes we get set in our ways, but then we welcome “fresh blood” transfers like the IoM’s, Jawa’s, and PPP’s of the world. They bring fresh tactics and unknown skills from other servers. It’s fresh information, and we work it into the ET culture in the ways that work best for us.
3. The silly ranking system. We’ve certainly got a boost in our rankings through our matchup with servers with way more coverage than our own. They’re always predicted to stomp us straight under the ground. But we find a way to stay above ground. We find a way to not get stomped quite as much as the matchup predicts, and we gain points for it.
4. New players and transfers to ET. We’re getting new players all the time. Sometimes they’re coming in by the guild, like the three guilds mentioned above, and sometimes they’re trickling in by the onesies and twosies. Sometimes we’re even “converting” PvE-only players to the dark side that is WvW. Sometimes they like it and stay. Sometimes they don’t. Make no mistake though, we aren’t getting any massive transfers. Heck, when we get word that even a five or six player guild is considering joining our server, we’re all jumping for joy and trying to find out what we can do to make their decision to transfer easier.
5. Other servers falling in ranks. Not everyone can be last. Last is a pretty dynamic spot to be, especially over the last couple of months. Servers can rise and they can fall. It just so happens that there are a few servers that have lost players, lost heart, been drawn to PvE events, or whatever. It doesn’t really matter what the reasons are. But it does matter that they have fallen down the ranking ladder and this has partially contributed to our rise up the ladder.
6. Guild cohesion. I’m a little out of my element here, as I am in a guild of exactly two people, but I’ll give my perspective and hopefully it makes sense. There are lots of guilds on our server. Many are PvE oriented. There are a few that are WvW oriented, and probably a few that are sPvP oriented. Over time, lots of the die-hard WvW’ers have left some of the larger PvE guilds and have been assimilated into, or just created their own, WvW-oriented guilds. This has allowed them to become a pure cohesive wrecking ball of fury. They’re coordinating together on chat, they’re building characters around each other. They’re just becoming better at WvW. In other words, we’re not all just a bunch of random-guild people thrust together trying to do the best we can. We’re actively joining with similarly-minded people and trying to become better at the things we love.
I hope that makes sense, even if it was long as heck to read (thanks for getting this far!). Nothing but <3 for my ET brothers and sisters. I look forward to continuing to stand shoulder to shoulder with all of you.
Why does “everyone” hate arrow carts so much? I absolutely love them. And ballistas, and trebuchets, catapults, rams, and even golems (sometimes). I love cannons (Bessie!), mortars, and oil too.
I love hammers, greatswords, longbows, warhorns , pistols, and every single tool in this game that allows me to kill opposing players.
If I have to build one arrow cart to prevent your zerg from breaking down a gate, I will. If I have to build two ballistas to kill your golems approaching a tower, I will. If I have to build four superior catapults to take down your paper walls, I will. If I have have to build FIFTEEN arrow carts to kill your roaming group of six people, you can bet your tootie fruity that I will. Because in the end, you are dead. You lost your stacks. You have to run all the way back from spawn and try it again. I’m alive. You are not. And I won, using all of the tools that the game allows me to use, because…well…they’re all pretty freakin useful.
Oh, and this thread is friggin ridiculous. And not in a good way…
The experience itself was amazing for me. One of the people involved in the fight said “I hope we don’t all die at the end like last time.”. About a half a minute later, while Teq was on the verge of death, he downed almost the entire DPS group. Irony at its finest. We literally took him down with one second left on the timer while on our backs using our downed skills. ONE SECOND!
I think it was the most memorable PvE fight I’ve ever experienced. Freakin amazing. I had to guest to Blackgate for it, so I’d like to thank the folks there for helping to make it a success for me.
Then he dropped me 140gold. (Teq mini) O.O
Wow Geist…what happened to you, man? I guess this just reaffirms what I said a few months ago when your bossman told me that he hoped I could find some way to sleep at night. A small part of me almost felt bad for saying some of what I did. Shame on me.
The Outmanned buff should be what the Bloodlust buff is.
Bloodlust is worthless as heck, from my perspective when you’re in a rank 20 vs. 18 vs 15 matchup (We’re 20.) I may be playing at the wrong times, but I’m not sure if we’ve even been able to keep Bloodlust for any fair amount of time.
Just to keep it in perspective, the score is 95,970 vs. 112,841 vs. 285,390. How do you even get an opportunity to grab the Ruins much less keep them?
@Samis.1750 : I’ve read hyjaxx’s build quite extensively and may have even watched some of his videos. I definately lack his coordination, so my reluctance to jump fully into hyjaxx’s build is probably a L2P issue for me. Maybe practice will make perfect(ish) though. I’ve always played (leveling and PvE) with axe as my primary weapon so I’m at least 1/4 of the way there! haha.
I’ll see if I can dig up Faux’s post. It’s not ringing a bell right now.
Thanks for ya’lls input.
Hello Rangers!
I was finally able to purchase an entire complement of Settler gear for my Ranger. I haven’t had much look getting the Southsun camps cleared, but got lucky the other night so I figured I’d go ahead and stock up.
I’ve been looking through the Ranger forums (on several sites) and I don’t see a whole lot of information about using Settlers gear. As a quick reminder, the stats are: Toughness (major), Condition Dmg (minor), and Healing (minor)
Is this gear set still viable for anything? If so, what kind of builds are best for it? I’m partial to bow use and run mostly in WvW (solo, small group, and zergs) but would love to be able to solo a camp with this character too. While I could completely gear 100% in Settler’s, I don’t mind mixing in some alternate trinkets or weapons.
Thank you very much for any insight ya’ll can provide.
And STILL a better love story than Twilight.
I’m not seeing an ET that has any internal issues to solve nor any fear of SF. I think we’re kicking booty as hard as we can whenever/wherever we can.
Each week we’re getting more and more people into TS3. Some are adamant about only staying in their own guild channel, but they’re thankfully in the minority. For the most part, I’m seeing some decent coordination, communication, and “call outs”. We’re getting better and better. Sometimes the improvements are baby steps. Sometimes they’re giant steps. Either way, progress is progress.
I had mine finished in the first day (yay WvW!). Hopefully, I’ll be able to do it again.
And yes, I really thought about leaving ET when KWBH, Agg and FoE left simply because I was stuck alone again.
What do you mean alone. You’ll always have me to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with.
To the remaining DR troopers that are hanging in there: keep your chins up. The same thing happened to ET and has happened to Anvil Rock very recently too.
I hope the future Eredon Terrace, Anvil Rock, Ferguson’s Crossing, and Devona’s Reach matchups will prove to be pretty fun and competitive due to our lower (and hopefully comparable) numbers.
Good luck ya’ll!
For the record, you’ve been more vocal about your disdain for non-GvG activities (and “PUGS” in general) than I have ever been about GvG battles.
First I have no idea who you are, disdain for pugs? I have never trolled ETs pugs or talked smack to them in /map /say /team ever.
Outright lying and pointless drama, what for?
Non-GvG activities is the huge majority of mine and BS WvW play time GvG is a rare thing and is a matter of server and guild pride. BS is a flexable guild we take and attack objects mulitple times a week, not exactly for PPT but more to get fights happening. You are projecting sterotypes and the views of other ‘roaming guilds’ onto BS.
BS has been fighting and yes taking towers to get more fights when ET was bottom server, when the whole of all ETs WvW populations was a handful there were BS members in that handful.
I have to ask who the kitten are you? An old ET player that used to WvW and stopped after trolling all the WvW population and guilds away…I heard about ETs fall being caused by people like you this is the first i have seen it…. did you come back to WvW now that the server is doing well, are you going to troll us the people that never stopped fighting even when we where the only few people in whole borderlands.
I’ll take this to PM’s.
At any rate, whoever decided to put a halt to them, thanks.
Shade, I am honestly disappointed in you for thanking the troll. I really thought better of you.
I don’t expect you or everyone to like gvgs. I respect that some people want to defend/take towers and work at the ppt and overall score. I would expect everyone else to respect the fun people have at gvgs. Everybody plays this game to have fun. Let GvG’ers have their fun and whoever wants to go roaming or take towers.
There was no need to “troll” the gvg. If someone had asked in map chat or whispered one of the BS leaders, the gvg would have been moved to another BL. Like Xom said, the gvg was moved since ET BL was queued.
A bit of respect and communication would have gone a long way.
Actually, that sentence you quoted was a genuine thanks to the people in the GvG that decided to pack it up and/or move to another BL. I even reiterated it in another post further down (that, granted, could have been lost in the wall-o-text).
I kind of figured someone would cry on the forums over it. Both some of IoJ’s best and ET’s best were at the GvG, so imo it equalized out. Sounds like you all had more anyway – we didn’t queue the map
Actually, one of our more talented WvW guilds was semi-tied up (iirc) with the GvG. Regardless, if there were a grand total of 6 people involved, then that was six too many imho. (queue or no queue)
And to your previous post, no, we didn’t choose to hit you because some of you refused an agreement to flip a keep a few times for WXP. We chose to hit you because 1 commander on your server (you?) was pretty rude about the whole thing.
Nope, not me. I don’t know what was said, but I think the general sentiment, from many of us, is “we don’t make deals” and we’ll stand on our own merit. We especially don’t team up against the “weaker” server in a three-way matchup. I’m not speaking for everyone ofc, and I can imagine that you probably didn’t get the most eloquent of rejections from that individual, but there it is.
And while we may not have taken your entire BL, we did get some good loot bags
Ditto so I guess we can thank each other. I even got an exotic which is freakin unheard of with my luck.
I will have to give that Garrison defense to you, though.
That was quite the nailbiter, and also quite the last minute save (Go ET!). Good fights in there!
Well considering there was more IoJ there watching the GvG then ET folks by near double the numbers it was a net gain for ET.
You’re assuming a pretty favorable talent ratio for IoJ. ;p (Said mostly in jest, IoJ)
All it would of taken is a simple send saying the BL has a queue and we would of moved with no problem, we did do just that in fact.
Yeap, I did and yes you did so I’ll say it once more, thanks for that.
Now you are going to post on the forums about how happy you are a fellow ET trolled other ET players? Leave your high tier infighting drama kid kitten at the door this is small community ET, our guilds work together or at the very least don’t publicly and in game troll each other.
I personally don’t think GvG battles add one single thing to WvW. At all. This view will always color my thoughts about them. As a guild, when was the last time you led the charge in defending a keep or taking one? You have some GREAT people in your guild. One of them is Nuocemen (I know I butchered that name, and I’m sorry.) That guy is EVERWHERE and is a great help to the server with his general participation in ALL aspects of WvW. For the record, you’ve been more vocal about your disdain for non-GvG activities (and “PUGS” in general) than I have ever been about GvG battles. (You’re not Nuo, are you? That would be ironic and terribly confusing at the same time.)
I get that ANET doesn’t offer an outlet for GvG though, especially one that doesn’t lead to these types of conflicts, and I can certainly agree with you that it’s a needed addition.
(edit: and also, why Sunday? Was it an impromptu thing? I thought they were mostly on Thursday since it is normally the least important day of the matchup since the match is usually decided. Or am I thinking of Fight Club?)
(edited by Shademehr.1397)
Just the three who were down in the middle of a gvg to “rez a random necro” (which is still mind blowingly wrong in a GvG setting).
If that “random necro” was who I think it was, then I’m glad as hell that he jumped into the middle of that GvG. All these posts full of whining started about the time that a rather large IoJ zerg took our Bay and proceeded to make a play at several other things.
Our BL was queued and no one could get in to help defend. All you GvG’ers were taking up precious spots.
Just out of curiosity, do you IoJ tend to coordinate your large zerg attacks in someone’s BL, while there are also GvG’s going on simultaneously, on purpose?
At any rate, whoever decided to put a halt to them, thanks.
Dear IoJ.
Why the extra attention tonight on ET? Could it have been because we refused to participate with your IoJ + ET karma and experience train in Dev’s borderland?
You see, there is some honor in WvW after all.
No. No they don’t.
Person A, who thinks Person B through Z need to play the game exactly like Person A wants them to play the game, deserves to be ridiculed.
Posting this from https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/wuv/matchups/Who-would-you-like-to-face-next-week/page/7#post2681104
For Eredon Terrace
0.000806 Maguuma
0.016732 Sea of Sorrows
0.045950 Crystal Desert
0.192521 Ehmry Bay
0.483460 Borlis Pass
0.699075 Yak’s Bend
4.292167 Stormbluff Isle
4.595497 Darkhaven
5.122815 Kaineng
13.982469 Isle of Janthir
14.347496 Northern Shiverpeaks
19.874057 Sorrow’s Furnace
20.180466 Henge of Denravi
20.773931 Gate of Madness
26.621170 Devona’s Rest
29.531118 Ferguson’s Crossing
39.240270 Anvil Rock
So it looks like we’ll be matched with Maguuma and Sea of Sorrows.
Welcome back, btw! Did you bring Tarkus back with you by any chance? I miss that guy.
I’ve been pretty much absent from WvW this week due to a recent car purchase. I’m kind of a car nut so I’ve been enjoying drives, the car forums, and looking for go-fast goodies for it.
Hope to see my ET family tonight at reset!
(edited by Shademehr.1397)
Im proud of HoD this matchup. We are focused by two servers and still are hanging. Its good to see you made back on to EB
I think the “focusing” is a time-of-day situation.
During the early afternoons, we’ve found ourselves facing HoD zerging one side of our BL while KN zergs the other side several times this matchup. Other times, KN will come in and paint our entire BL green, and then HoD comes in and paints it blue. Rinse and repeat.
I think we’ve all been “focused” at one time or another.
Yes, Battlecamp is back!! Look forward to his presence in your local BL.
That looks like every other golem rush HoD has layed on us this week. We win some. We lose some. I’m glad he’s back though. Now he can call you all names and go into more drunken tirades.
Is it pile on BC time? Is he still playing the Longbow warrior build?
last time i saw him a few weeks ago.. yes. longbow and dual axes
keeps changing his colors every so often.. i guess either getting tired of the ol red/orage combo or trying to throw off people who play with all people’s colors visible (like me). but he’s really not that hard to pick out
Yeah, I’d wager he’s trying to throw people off. The first couple of times we were matched with HoD, it wasn’t uncommon to hear something like:
“10+ HoD at north camp!”
“It’s BC!!!!111!111 lol”
“Well, it’s just me up here but I managed to rush the group and kill BC before they all got me.”
I already own all rights to Ajax as I paid for his commander tag, just for the hilarity of seeing in ET map chat
But then he left.
Actually, four of us partied up with him just after he got his tag and roamed around with him in EB. He was a completely different person and was pretty easy to get along with. He could never draw anyone else though, mainly due to his reputation and the fact that probably 95% of ET had him on /ignore. Nevertheless, we ran around and took several smaller objectives.
Generally speaking, the guy knows what he’s talking about (strategy-wise). It’s just that his presentation sucks.
In fairness, HoD voluntarily withdrew from the attack on our garrison, possibly to avoid losing the omegas. They did subsequently capture our (paper) Bay keep, which I believe was defended by three people (our daytime crew does what it can with what it has).
Your “voluntarily withdrew” is my “repelled”. I’ll take the wins wherever I can get them.
Here’s a new question to answer, Who cares? Kaineng wins regardless.
“Win” is relative I guess. I’m not even exactly sure how I define “win” these days. For what it’s worth, ET is currently gaining points while Kaineng and HoD are losing.
Shademehr, you can always be relied on to be ET’s main (sometimes solo) defensive force.
It’s always a team effort of course. Sometimes it’s just a very tiny team. haha
We’d all like to think it’s not the size of the wand, but the magic of the magician that makes the difference, but sometimes that’s just not the case.