I think it should be free to transfer to Eredon Terrace. 1,000,000,000 gems to go anywhere else.
make another 80 that focus on dps for your farming or just like everyone said man up and do some dps.
Stop playing the game like you want to and start playing it like anet wants you to.
What’s the build you run? I finished full ascendeds and all on my ele and been working on engi for WvW roaming. Been trying to find somewhat of a well rounded build which you seem to have. Mind sharing? Gears and all.
Posted in the YouTube comments (though which gear is where isn’t explicitly stated):
Build: 4/2/4/4/0
Firearms : IV
Inventions: VI-VIII
Alchemy : IV-IXGear: Mixture of Celestial, Rabid, Dire(sig of doom)(sig of energy)
Rune: Krait-alternative Madking or Balthazar
Stats goals: unbuff you are going to want atlest 1100 condition damage and 28% crit chance.
Looks neat. It’s been ages since I played my Engi. I just took a gander at him the other day and went for a spin in WvW and was wondering how in the world I was getting my butt kicked so horribly. Apparently I never completed his gear after I hit 80 (all blues and greens) and all traits were set to zero. ::embarrassed::
I think I only have one condi build in my lineup, so this should give me something neat to try. Thanks, Shikamaru!
edit: I just threw this together. It seems to meet the minimum requirements (1100+ condi dmg and 28% crit chance) that Shikamaru is suggesting. I’ve left the foods blank. It seems to be relatively inexpensive to put together so I think I’m going to try it out and maybe revisit this thread in the hopes of “graduating” to the actual build if you decide to post it.
(edited by Shademehr.1397)
I did send my ‘application’ in for the ET site at enjin and had a look around, hope to participate there as well. Thanks again for the info and welcome!
Looking forward to seeing you there!
What in the actual heck Anet.
Well being permanently locked out of my characters was fixed. Now I’m dropping every 3 – 5 minutes back to either a character select screen (with no error code) or back to the login screen (with the error code). WvW should be a joy tonight.
I sure wish I could play the game I paid for.
Up until just a few minutes ago I have been problem free.
1. I go to log into my warrior and I get the error code on the load screen.
2. I immediately log into my guardian and everything is fine. I’m hanging out in Lion’s Arch for about 5 minutes. BAM. I get booted and then get the error code.
3. I switch to my Elementalist. Three minutes and I’m booted with the error code.
4. I log in with my thief. I take about 20 steps and get booted again with the error code.I’m scared to log onto any more characters!
So I tried this solution:
1. Close GW2
2. Go to a Command prompt (DOS) by typing CMD on the run bar. (You will have to run it as an administrator)
3. Type the following command: netsh winsock reset catalog
4. Start GW2
5. Try to log in with affected characters
It worked! I saw this posted somewhere in this thread and 1million thank you’s to whomever it was. (Edit: It was Light.7493 THANKS!)
Edit2: I should also probably mention that this required a reboot as well. Also, apparently there is the possibility of some negative effects from completing this procedure. I’d strongly suggest possibly trying this as a last resort as other programs may be detrimentally affected. YMMV. Use at your own risk. Please allow to cool for 2 hours before frosting. Don’t pour water on a grease fire. Also, don’t run with scissors. Don’t press the red button. And finally, NEVER attempt to smell a scratch-n-sniff sticker while at the bottom of a swimming pool. FOR SCIENCE!
(edited by Shademehr.1397)
Up until just a few minutes ago I have been problem free.
1. I go to log into my warrior and I get the error code on the load screen.
2. I immediately log into my guardian and everything is fine. I’m hanging out in Lion’s Arch for about 5 minutes. BAM. I get booted and then get the error code.
3. I switch to my Elementalist. Three minutes and I’m booted with the error code.
4. I log in with my thief. I take about 20 steps and get booted again with the error code.
I’m scared to log onto any more characters!
I’ve got a guildie with multiple character that can only use one of them (an uplevel) because she has this error message on every other one of her toons. Sadly, since the error is occurring on the map she logged off from, her characters are completely unplayable.
There is a pretty huge thread about it here:
PLEASE file a customer support ticket. The issue is getting exponentially worse.
edit: as of 17 hours ago, they are no longer accepting support tickets for this issue and asking people not to send them. o.O
(edited by Shademehr.1397)
I seriously don’t understand why people in this game are so entitled to birthday gifts.
Because GW1 set a precedent. LOTS of us were GW1 players.
But I don’t disagree with you. The sense of entitlement is strong in this game. GIMME GIMME GIMME.
Thanks Rimmy!
And hope to see you soon Alysia. Look me up if/when you arrive and I can get you fixed up on the ET forum and TeamSpeak.
Sadly, I can only +1 once.
The only thing I am sure we will get is massive amounts of complaints about whatever GIFT we are given.
Bingo. Folks sure do like to complain about free stuff. I deal with it at work all the time and it’s tiresome.
Play warrior. You’ll feel useful no matter what you do.
This is also my recommendation for a “starter” class. In my opinion, they are probably the easiest to play and have the least complicated mechanic.
Could you give me the specific names of the scrolls and are they expensive? The PvP ones I mean.
They’re called “Tomes of Knowledge” and (providing the wiki is correct) cost 20 silver and 1,500 glory each.
2) You can get exotic gear for free with dungeon tokens, and a tiny bit of gold with badges of honor.
A great suggestion for inexpensive gear. Also, Karma gear. Just remember that you can’t salvage anything out of gear purchased this way (karma or wvw badges), so be careful what you put in it (runes).
If money isn’t an issue, then start with crafting. Then pop all the karma/xp/wxp boosters you can (gem store boosters, banners, foods, etc) and hit the Edge of the Mists train. I know you mentioned that it was hit or miss, but I’ve really found it to be the best way. If it’s on “miss”, log out and try back another time.
A few months ago, the resounding answer would have been to do the Lion’s Arch events during the “evacuation” phase of the story. I leveled two characters to 80 in a pretty short amount of time.
Whatever you decide, the xp buffs are key.
If you play in traffic, you’re bound to be run over.
(also, Quaggans are delicious)
The completionist in me wants all of the recipes so this would be the cheapest way for me to acquire them.
Thanks for putting this together. Hopefully I’ll be able to make it.
More chances for more loot. Seems pretty effing awesome to me. Only 7 more characters to go!
When I initially tried it, I sat at the edge (close to the fence) of the quicksand but it didn’t seem to work. I then tried the “keep jumping” technique and that didn’t click either. On my third try, I went further out into the quicksand and just stood in it without jumping. There was a small group of random people and we all provided the AOE heals as each of us tried it.
I got it on my third try.
Who cares how it dies, just kill it. By sword, by axe, by staff or focus. By arrow cart or ballista. Or by taking off and nuking the entire site from orbit.
It’s the only way to be sure.
I’m not angry, because I play the game for what it is, not what I wish it to be. I don’t make the game, or work on it, and I bought it for what it was, and still play it for what it is. If the game takes a direction I don’t like, then I stop playing. It’s not like this game is my life, and my livelihood depends on it.
I have a blast in WvW in its current form. That’s not to say I wouldn’t appreciate some improvements, but I’m still having fun.
truer words cannot be spoken
it’s not just 1v1, 2v2, GvG … it’s about every aspekt of the game
this divides players into two groups
1) those who wants to have fun
2) those who wants to win (or whatever) no matter the cost (hello zerglings)
What about people who think #2 is fun?
Lots of people on these forums only think that the way they have fun should be the way that all of the rest of the players have fun too and that’s rubbish.
Everyone has their own definition of fun whether it be by 1v1, small group, roaming, zerging, Commanding, interrupting duels, defending objectives, building open field siege, flipping camps or sentries, or whatever.
Just because player A has fun by doing something, doesn’t mean player B will have fun doing the same thing.
Here are two of the ET guilds that currently have recruitment posts up:
Both are excellent choices and I highly recommend them.
Public Service Announcement: Denizens of upper tier servers! If you’re looking for a server to transfer to with no queue times and less boring zerg play, please consider Eredon Terrace. They seem like good people and plenty of them are very solid players – all they lack is numbers.
We on Ehmry Bay have thoroughly enjoyed our matches with them, and despite a bit of forum trolling we speak well of them on our own forums, by and large. We were worried that when we sank from T4 to T8 there would be no fights to be had, but they (and Kaineng) showed us that wasn’t the case.
The people that ET have left are scarred and grizzled veterans, and with just a few more bodies in their barracks would be vying with us to see who gets to T7 first.
They’ve had transfers in the past who left because there wasn’t enough easy reward – if you want to zerg your way to PPT then this is the wrong tier for you anyway. But if you want a tier and server where your individual efforts make a tangible difference – Eredon Terrace.
Cowards need not apply.
Rimmy, thanks for this post. It means a lot to many of us on ET when we see things like this as it is a nice morale boost, and it comes at a time when we could use it.
There are only two options I would ever consider:
1. Reduced transfer fees. Not by the tier, but by the rank. Rank 24 = Free, Rank 23 = 200 Gems, Rank 22 = 400 Gems. Something like that.
2. A complete server merge. I can only speak for myself, but I will not leave my ET family. I. Will. Not. Leave. My. ET. Family. With that being said, merging us into another lowish population server will allow the entire family to stay together and I think (hope?) we would not lose our entire sense of identity/community since we’ll all still be together. To draw an “IRL” parallel, it would be like an American woman marrying a Japanese man and then both extended families getting together for a holiday. Two very different cultures, but blended together as one bigger family with many traditions that everyone can enjoy.
I like both and need more choices for both.
This event has made me hate the players, NOT the game. :/
Marionette/Battle for LA didn’t?
I repressed that. You’ve just undone all that results from the time and money I spent on therapy.
This event has made me hate the players, NOT the game. :/
I’m in the camp that wishes they would have just stayed exclusive to the times they were originally available.
But now that the floodgates have been opened, WHERE IN THE %$&@ is my second chance to get the Ghastly Grinning Shield.
Hi! I’ve got a little problem…
See, I recently became part of a guild, and decided I was gonna spend a letter of influence (+4k inf) on it. The thing is, I’m on Eredon Terrace, and that’s not where the main chapter (don’t know a lot of guild lingo, so bear with me) is.
That’s not a problem, that’s an opportunity. Have them all transfer over to Eredon Terrace immediately.
a 1000000% increase in drops from a base 0% chance is still zero.
I may have only done about 10 fractals ever so I’m not a good judge of drops in that game mode, but I’ve had between 5-7 ascended drops in WvW. Just got a Leftpaw armor chest on Tuesday which looks groovy on my Ranger.
The key is you have to do WvW. On Eredon Terrace. ET is the key. That’s where it’s at. Much ascended. Many loot.
I never realized this node was such a mystery. I always grabbed it on the way to the fire shaman if I had some extra time.
Different strokes for different folks.
WvW is my preferred game mode and it is where I spend 90% of my time. When I do a dungeon (as an example) for loot, tokens, etc, I want it over as fast as possible so that I can get back to the things I have fun doing.
If only I could somehow earn dungeon tokens in WvW… (WvW tokens —-> Dungeon tokens conversion plz)
I like the fact that we have a ton of armor choices which allows for a fantastic mix-n-match system. With that being said, I wouldn’t mind having a bunch more choices. More skimpy. More tanky. More middle-ground. Just more.
Oh, and being able to mix-n-match town clothing would be nice too.
I wonder how many Silver and Gold invaders there are who have never stepped foot in a “regular” WvW map…
I popped a bday booster the other day and popped into EotM. 1,600 wxp per keep. I think we were also outmanned the whole time so that probably contributed to that number. HOLY MOLY did the wxp ranks roll in.
@lioka qiao
You sir (or madame) get a +1. Very well said. This could easily be copypasta’d into every Commander complaint post and it would probably be 100% relevant every time.
the problem is WvW. In pve content, commanders rarely serve any purpose and are easily ignored. But if you enter a WvW map and see 5 tags on your mini-map, it becomes kinda disruptive – especially when there is competitiveness involved or simply trolling that other commander guy.
90% of my time is spent in WvW. When I see multiple Commander tags, I tend to pay attention to see which Commander is focusing on which objective. I also tend to ask in /m chat about who needs help. Ultimately, I try to make an educated decision about where +1 person might be the greatest benefit to our war effort at the time. Heck sometimes the best course is to support the Commanders by NOT being on a Commander tag (grabbing a camp before the tick, taking out a scout, preventing a couple of reinforcements from trickling in, scouting other gates to make sure the Commander’s forces aren’t just fighting the “distraction”, etc.)
The battlefield is very fluid and we really need to raise our own personal expectations of ourselves before we start pointing fingers at Commanders.
edit: (a disclaimer) I’m on Eredon Terrace and we oftentimes have the opposite problem I guess. I rarely see any sort of tag-trolling because frankly we can go for long stretches of time and not even have one single Commander tag on a map. Maybe I just don’t see it with the frequency that everyone else does. Maybe this is an incentive for awesome Commanders to join the ET Community. You’ll rarely be trolled by too many tags since there barely are any tags. [/ShamelessRecruitingBlurb]
(edited by Shademehr.1397)
There are some people who just lose their minds over a Commander Tag. Commanders aren’t some mystical Pied Piper and we’re not the rats that are forced to follow them. If you don’t want to follow a Commander, then don’t. If seeing eleventeen brazillion Commander tags on a map is the kind of thing that gets your skivvies all knotted up, then pick one and join his/her squad. Problem solved.
No hairs, no hats <.<
They already were present in beta, make so you can uncheck them to remove them if they clip but at least give us hairs…otherwise those hats will be good only on asura and charrs
I hate it when my hair disappears when I put on a helmet or hat. Hats like the Witch hat look especially ridiculous.
Cedrick Klom
Eredon TerraceHoly crap, that guy still commands? When my old guild, [Agg], went to Eredon Terrace MONTHS ago… Cedrick was a huge commander there.
I know we weren’t a favorite guild on Eredon Terrace, but those were some fun times.
He took a huge sabatical but has recently returned. I can only imagine the amount of /w he got when he suddenly popped up on everyone’s friends lists. Still, that guy was, and still is to me, a pretty big rock star on our server. Especially amongst we veterans. I’m glad he returned. His positive attitude, praise for jobs well done, and never-say-quit mentality were a huge boon for Eredon Terrace in a time where we REALLY needed it.
(edited by Shademehr.1397)
I’ve never seen any on ET and I’m a pretty heavy WvW’er. They may be there though and I’ve just missed them.
I’d be interested in knowing if any of them do any WvW’ing on the bottom tier servers or if they primarily stick to the higher tiers. I’m not judging, just curious.
Also.. WvW salvage kits, which remove Sigils/Runes from WvW purchased gear (which can not be salvaged or even transmuted with the new wardrobe system), should be implemented. These kits could be purchased with Badges of Honor, creating a potential spending sink for excess badges.
This may well deserve its own thread.
I have noticed a different issue. It may be a normal occurrence and I just never payed attention before.
I was waiting for the Megadestroyer event to begin and saw a Rich Platinum Vein on my minimap. I went over and harvested it and mentioned to my party members where it was located. They walked over to me and stated that it was just a regular Mithril Vein for them.
Can a mining node be different for different people?
With regard to the OP’s concern, I’m getting the same amount of hits for my unlimited tools as I always did. I’ll continue to monitor though.
I play on a lower population server and I guess there aren’t as many potential customers as there are on the higher population servers, so it didn’t make much business sense for these companies to advertise.
Now that everyone is “megaserver’d”, I suspect I’ll be seeing lots more gold seller spam.
Thanks for the kind words Arius and Alysia. <3
Sadly, many of us have similar issues. What’s even worse, is many of these items contain sigils and runes that are no longer salvageable so we all toss them into our bank in the hopes that one day, salvaging those upgrades isn’t so cost prohibitive. For example, I’ve got two sets of armor sitting in my bank that have Melandru runes in them that I can’t salvage.
But hey, the more items we have to save for the sake of “hope”, the more bank tabs we have to buy! Seems like a pretty awesome business model so far. ::thumbsup::
Reduce the cost of the upgrade extractor substantially or offer some sort of limited time (but awesome) sale. I’d even be happy with that.
I just wish it was slightly louder.
You can adjust the volume of player musical instruments in the game settings.
Kudos to you. I never imagined this was a configurable option so never went looking for it.
Thanks a bunch!
I’d love to see a “sync” option (similar to the dance books) where you can all stand around with various instruments and “tag” another player. Once tagged, they can join in the song with their instrument and play their part.
Example: I’m playing the drums and someone walks up with a bell. I then target that player and “tag” him. If he accepts the tag, he begins automatically playing the bell to the beat of my drum. And then do this with each extra instrument that shows up.