Ways for WvW-Adverse PVE’ers to get reward track participation with no (or mimimal) bad guy interaction while probably still helping their servermates:
*Repair structures (check with the other WvW’ers, especially a Commander, first as they may need the supply for defense, etc. and don’t want it burned on repairing walls or gates)
*Destroy siege (if you’re running around and see an unmanned bad guy catapult, ram, etc. kill it)
*Escort a caravan (find a Dolyak and get it to it’s final destination. Use swiftness to get credit faster by getting the yak to its final destination faster)
*Stop a caravan (kill an enemy yak, especially in an enemy borderland)
*Capture a sentry (remember you will show up as a red dot on the map to whomever currently owns that sentry so kill it fast, capture the point by standing in the circle, and then gtfo)
*Defeat veteran guards, supervisors, or quartermaster NPC’s which can be found guarding the enemy gates, escorting Dolyaks, on patrols around structures, or in camps. (Bonus kudos if you hit the gate a few times too as that puts up swords on the enemy structure so they think it’s being hit by a group. This is also known as a “tap”. It causes a bit of confusion for the enemy)
*Capture a camp (more difficult than the items mentioned above, but you can stack up most of the npc’s and burn them down before swords even pop on the camp. Stand in the capture circle and take the camp once they’re all dead)
*If you’re particularly talented, lucky, and/or the map is dead you could also solo towers and keeps but risk of discovery is huge with these two.
Final notes: use a character class/build that allows you to be highly mobile. If an enemy is sighted, and you don’t wish to engage, you can gtfo. Many dedicated WvW’ers aren’t real thrilled with runners, but at least your teammates will be happy that you’re doing the items above. Granted, you just want track participation, but the side effects are that you help out your server.
Then bask in all that PPT goodness that gives you all those Power of the Mists buffs that people love so much. lol http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Power_of_the_Mists There are rumors of these buffs eventually going away, but for now we WvW’ers are able to provide some benefit to everyone who is on our server so we’re not entirely selfish with our game mode.
Also: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/WvW_Reward_Track
Have fun! Who knows. Maybe you’ll hang out in wvw, end up actually liking it, and decide to put in some more hours!
(edited by Shademehr.1397)
What you’re describing sounds like I’m helping the enemy team take SM by calling out that the enemy zerg knocking on the door is just a thief tagging the guards. Wow. I am hardly derailing events on purpose by repairing walls that are about to break (actually keeping the enemies outside the walls
). I’m just not being extremely helpful. There’s a pretty massive difference there.
I’ll gladly join the zerg every once in a while, when I’m in the mood for it, but not when I’m stuck in there for 8 hours straight cuz I don’t want to lose my participation and get a lower tick. 8 hours might not seem like much of a grind all things compared, but it is another day of my game-time spent where I couldn’t do the other things I wanted to be doing.
If you were burning supply to fix outer SM, then you could very well have been helping the enemy, either unknowingly or on purpose.
The rest of what you’re saying just seems like you’re imposing some sort of self-rule that you have to get the GoB in a specific 8 hour period (which is what others here seem to be implying as well) instead of casually over several weeks like you would with all of the other legendary-related items. Heck, if all you wanted to do was PvE, just roll a thief/mesmer/scrapper/etc and sneak around the maps killing sentries, yaks, or taking ruins. Maybe even grab a quick camp or three when no one is looking. You’ll keep your participation up and you’ll never have to fight another player. Do these tasks when they’re a daily and get even faster rewards. A few minutes a day. A couple of hours per week.
You may be hearing the clickety clack of a mechanical keyboard, which many gamers find to be preferred over a membrane-based keyboard.
PC Mag has a decent article on the “10 Best Gaming Keyboards of 2016” here (and maybe where to purchase them):
If you don’t need all the extra buttons, macros, backlight color customizations, or just don’t want to invest that kind of money in a keyboard, I have a Monoprice mechanical keyboard that does just fine for me (available backlit in either blue or red):
I also think there is a company out there that makes (or used to make) a Guild Wars logo’d keyboard. I’m not sure which company it was nor do I remember the quality/price.
Soliciting opinions is GREAT and I absolutely commend Anet for all the attention and improvements that we have seen in WvW recently. Listening to our opinions and acting on them, through feedback on the forums, polls, etc gets them the buy-in they need from we wvw’ers and we get to drive a lot of the changes.
With that being said, sometimes we need to be saved from ourselves so my hope is that if we get too far off the track, Anet can put the brakes on something that may be too crazy.
Currently, I’m way more cautiously optimistic than I am worried.
Very true.. If I feel forced I don’t play nice. I’m sure all WvW:ers don’t explore the world with a smile on their lips either.
I was already in there for 8 hours longer than I wanted to be; so minimal effort is what you get.
I highly doubt you’ll see WvW’ers in PvE intentionally derailing event chains, killing an Octovine when the map is holding for another side to catch up, tagging up and leading zergs astray so metas fail, etc all because they may not like PvE. That’s essentially what you’re doing: Throwing a tantrum because you can’t get your way. Times like this make me wish I could craft a box of Pampers and a juice box. Vials of Salt just don’t seem like enough.
I’m sure I kittened off a lot of WvW:ers by just repairing walls of SM every few minutes last night, for like 8 hours straight, but it let me achieve my goal in the least painful way so frankly I didn’t care.
tbh, that says way more about your character than Anet’s game design changes. But it takes all types to make the world go ’round I guess. ::shrug::
Please just readd the vendor for a week for people who were not aware of this change.
I actually welcome any additional participation in WvW. At best, people discover that they actually enjoy the game mode and stick around. At worst, you’re a loot bag when you die (and that’s still good imo.)
How do you even reliably get watchwork sprockets without paying gems for that mining pick? And for that matter I’ve looked in the gem store and it doesn’t even seem to always be available
The gift of sprockets is a reliable means, but it is slow. The mining pick is hands-down still the best way, though.
There are also community options if you don’t want to or can’t buy the gift or pick… Such as if you’re part of a larger guild, inquire if there’s anyone who’d sell you sprockets at a discount… or if someone would let you mine their home instance. There’s also the “Gifting Strangers” thread in the Players Helping Players sub-forum…. where you can request help, and find someone to help out in return in some other way.
Another way similar to the “Gifting Strangers” idea mentioned above ^^^, is to just watch the map chat in the main cities, especially DR. When I harvest my home instances, I typically ask if anyone else would like to join me. Conversely, you may be able to ask in map chat as well. There are many generous souls in GW2.
Well when did they ever communicate such a change? I mean if they would have done this we all would sit on 20+ gob
. So you can guess it was intentional.
In the April 19th patch notes which contained one of the largest updates to WvW rewards ever.
I don’t agree or disagree with your suggestion, but here are two things to consisder:
1. This would limit the income anet receives from transferring (gem purchasing) and thus would probably not be implemented.
2. Many people already have a ton of $5-$10 accounts scattered all over many servers so regardless of the matchup, the hardcore spy (if such a thing exists) would not be affected because they already have an account in-place.
I guess the lesson you learned was to actually read the patch notes. It’s a good lesson to learn, especially when you go to do something like purchase a home or a car and you really SHOULD be paying attention to the fine print.
Are you seriously comparing playing a video game to a major life milestone such as buying a house? LOL
Thanks for illustrating my concern in the post directly above yours.
I guess the lesson you learned was to actually read the patch notes. It’s a good lesson to learn, especially when you go to do something like purchase a home or a car and you really SHOULD be paying attention to the fine print.
TIL: An online video game should be treated just like buying a home or a car.
You can learn life-lessons from everywhere. Just because you’re playing a video game doesn’t mean you have to turn your brain off.
Watchwork Mechanism prices are up to 9gold a piece now. (2×250 Sprockets 8g50s)
9 gold x 6 exotic armor: 56 gold.
I think this is still a problem.I go completely the other way here. That’s a few, very casual days, of farming or running Tarir meta (gold to buying sprockets). If you have the watchwork sprocket pick and/or the home instance sprocket generator, it’s even faster. If you’re serious, it can be done in less than a day.
Are entitled people just looking for instant gratification here?
Yeah, Im a lazy slob sloth. A few Tarir, right
íagain asking for THE EXOTIC VEWRSION to be less of a cost from the Sprockets side. Jesus do you even read?
My point was the cost is fine as-is. Thanks for pointing out that you’re a lazy slob sloth though I guess (your words not mine). Also, thanks for calling me Jesus I guess?
I may consider posting a video, if there is enough interest in P/D to warrant it.
Please do!
(Also, hi from a fellow NSP’er!)
Seems like it is our fault for playing the game and missing the small print in the biggest update log ever. Good communication job devs, well done! And I even watch Points of Interest every week, not like I am not following what you guys do…. Screw me anyway, I suppose. =/
Their communication remains shocking with items such as this. There should have been at least 2 days advance notice that this was going to happen.
Reading is fundamental.
Watchwork Mechanism prices are up to 9gold a piece now. (2×250 Sprockets 8g50s)
9 gold x 6 exotic armor: 56 gold.
I think this is still a problem.
I go completely the other way here. That’s a few, very casual days, of farming or running Tarir meta (gold to buying sprockets). If you have the watchwork sprocket pick and/or the home instance sprocket generator, it’s even faster. If you’re serious, it can be done in less than a day.
Are entitled people just looking for instant gratification here?
I did not know of this change, Anet needs a better way of talking to the gamers who have no time to read the forums, some of these changes should be mailed to gamers in a weekly in game mail, or some type of prompt on screen about future changes..
I actually laughed. No time to read long patch notes, but plenty of time to grind a legendary.
Except when that grind involves a few hours of repairing walls for participation credit.
These people are actually hilarious
A few hours, really? I’d love to know how many “few hours” it takes to get 1 gift.
so according to you about 2 hours in WvW and I get a gift? lets test that. laugh
Most people don’t consider “few” to be two hours, though it can certainly be defined as such. With that being said, even if it were 10 hours, it would still be far less than what it takes to grind out a Gift of Exploration and is just a tiny fraction of the overall time it would take to do something like make a Legendary weapon. Especially with reward track buffs.
I guess the lesson you learned was to actually read the patch notes. It’s a good lesson to learn, especially when you go to do something like purchase a home or a car and you really SHOULD be paying attention to the fine print.
(edited by Shademehr.1397)
Relocate all the servers to the southern tip of Greenland. Then we could all lag equally. lololol
I figured the HoT expansion, you know because it takes place in an actual jungle, would have introduced a lot of “skimpier” armor sets for both genders. Drytop and Silverwastes should have introduced a lot of more robe-y and flowing armors imo. Didn’t we get an armor set made from bug parts? Or maybe that was a weapon set… Still, ewww.
I’m a WvW’er and am forced to do PvE map completion, which takes days, to get a Gift of Exploration. You complainers can’t be kitten d to take five hours out of your busy schedule to do a bit of WvW for a Gift of Mastery? Like ermagerd
I think the highest I’d like to see us linked (since we have to be linked) is T4/T5 Seems like a happy median.
The irony is that many ET recently transferred to T4/T5 and lots of them weren’t happy with it for whatever reason and went back to ET where they subsequently got shoved into a T1 matchup.
That’s always the majority of the comments I see in these sorts of threads.
There’s a whole ’nother trash forum for stuff like this, by the way, where like-minded people would be thrilled to circleyerk with some of you all day long so they can get their post counts up.
(edited by Shademehr.1397)
If your concern is that you can’t (won’t?) purchase HoT, then consider this:
HoT has been pretty reliably under $40.00 for quite some time now. That’s the cost of two movie tickets, a large popcorn, and a couple of sodas. That movie gets you about 2.5 hours of entertainment. HoT gets you exponentially more time (“bang for your buck”).
Or put a different way, HoT is about 8 Iced Caramel Macchiatos at Starbucks.
1. This happens on all servers. I witnessed it on BG/ET last night as well and I barely play on that particular account. Spying, supply burning, golem suiciding, tactivator pulling: All. Servers.
2. Any sort of “Dishonor Flag” will be abused to no end so this can’t be an option.
3. Set the tactivators to private. When you or your guild leave the map, hand over the claim to another guild who can keep an eye on it. When they leave, they’ll hand it over to another guild too. Coordination is key, just like it’s always been in WvW.
What I put in the other thread:
Just a few from the top of my head:
1. Reward WvW currency that can be used for purchasing all sorts of things that can be found at various vendors throughout PvE (HoT insignias/inscriptions I’m looking at you.) Use Proof of Heroics, WvW Tournament Claim tickets, or whatever. The amount of personal credit you get throughout the week for the things you do translates to your “end of week” reward currency. The winning server gets a slight bonus.
2. Reward match points based on PPT/PPK earned during three 8-hour time frames. Something like 8am to 4pm, 4pm to 12am, 12am to 8am. Winner of each time frame gets 5 points, 2nd place is 3points, 3rd place is 1 point. Total up the points at the end of the week to see who wins. This allows servers with a strong overnight presence to directly compete with a server who has a strong daytime presence and vice versa.
3. Make the server buffs (Power of the Mists) gained through WvW only apply to those of us who are actively engaged in WvW. The buffs still carry over to PvE, but you must participate and get credit for “xyz” number of things in WvW. The “Power of the Mists” buff should show up on your buff bar and be “awarded” at the end of every match where your contribution can be totaled and should last until the end of the next match where your participation will be weighed again and the appropriate “Power of the Mists” buff can be applied again (or not).
4. WvW-specific skins/outfits/etc that can be purchased with the stuff I mentioned in #1
5. New things to earn with rank-up WvW xp levels (like autoloot, etc.)
Honorable Mention: Ditch Edge of the Mists.
Just a few from the top of my head:
1. Reward WvW currency that can be used for purchasing all sorts of things that can be found at various vendors throughout PvE (HoT insignias/inscriptions I’m looking at you.) Use Proof of Heroics, WvW Tournament Claim tickets, or whatever. The amount of personal credit you get throughout the week for the things you do translates to your “end of week” reward currency. The winning server gets a slight bonus.
2. Reward match points based on PPT/PPK earned during three 8-hour time frames. Something like 8am to 4pm, 4pm to 12am, 12am to 8am. Winner of each time frame gets 5 points, 2nd place is 3points, 3rd place is 1 point. Total up the points at the end of the week to see who wins. This allows servers with a strong overnight presence to directly compete with a server who has a strong daytime presence and vice versa.
3. Make the server buffs (Power of the Mists) gained through WvW only apply to those of us who are actively engaged in WvW. The buffs still carry over to PvE, but you must participate and get credit for “xyz” number of things in WvW. The “Power of the Mists” buff should show up on your buff bar and be “awarded” at the end of every match where your contribution can be totaled and should last until the end of the next match where your participation will be weighed again and the appropriate “Power of the Mists” buff can be applied again (or not).
4. WvW-specific skins/outfits/etc that can be purchased with the stuff I mentioned in
5. New things to earn with rank-up WvW xp levels (like autoloot, etc.)
6. Ditch Edge of the Mists.
(edited by Shademehr.1397)
That said the option to participate in raids is always there for players who really want to get that new shiny toy. So technically no one is disenfranchised from getting it.
Tell that to the HORDES of PvE’ers that screamed bloody murder that they had to set foot into WvW to get map completion to make their legendary weapons.
Major events like this are team events. Join the team.
This game, more than any other I’ve played, seems to have a large amount of people that fall into these mindsets:
1. “I’m not happy unless you are playing the game the way I think you should be playing the game so if I’m not happy, then you shouldn’t be happy either.”
2. Entitlement. Entitlement. Entitlement.
For my part, I’ve purchased the base game and I’ve purchased HoT. I’ve also tossed in a few gem card purchases over the years that I’ve played. Lets just pretend I’ve spent $500 on this game. I think I have well over 5,000 hours of entertainment from GW2. A movie at the theater costs around $10-12 just for two hours of entertainment. I’d say that GW2 has given me a darn fine return on my investment.
Are there things I absolutely despise about this game? Sure. But the pros SIGNIFICANTLY outweigh the cons and I’m generally pretty happy with GW2.
Now about those bunny ears (checking back with this thread in about a year)…
Feb. 23rd Update, Problem found in Game Data
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Shademehr.1397
Received the same message a few minutes ago. Repairing now…
There’s an invisible wall blocking the devourer rush mission…
+1. We experienced this during our attempt at it this week. We also watched another guild blocked at the same spot. There are some vines that hang down over the cave entrance and you can’t get through them. We’ll try again later in the week to see if it was just related to a specific IP and/or see if it’s been corrected. We could really use that sweet sweet favor.
Also, the WvW Dolyak escort event was bugged for us (last week?) the first few times we started it. When I launched the mission, it was automatically at 8/8 but we escorted them all in anyways just to see if it was a graphical bug, but we didn’t get credit. We helped another guild get theirs and it worked no problem. We tried ours again a day or two later and it finally worked fine.
A nice “Gift of Favor: Open this one time gift to give your guild xyz guild favor” would be pretty darned nice to help us make up for the guild missions we haven’t been able to complete.
The better question is: How do we get rid of the loopholes in the game that allow hacking in the first place?
There will always be people out there who just want to watch the world burn. If there is a cheat, trick, loophole, or exploit, they will take advantage of it over and over again.
So again, how does Anet prevent the hacking in the first place?
There is already a means to resolve your issue: Pay the transfer fee and move to another server. If your excuse is that you want to stay with your friends, then they can transfer too. If you, or they, can’t afford it then band together to earn some gold to help each other out. If they flat out don’t want to transfer, then it’s probably because they never wanted to transfer and/or merge to begin with. If this is the case, then accept where you are, or make the decision to move elsewhere.
I will agree in that there honestly doesn’t (currently) seem to be enough people to staff all 24 servers. With that being said, MANY of us are currently engaged with a lot of the new content. At some point when we’ve acquired want we want, we’ll begin filtering back into WvW. The new BL’s aren’t honestly that bad but they are unfamiliar and sometimes people just aren’t comfortable with unfamiliar things. I suspect that it is 100% here to stay however (why wouldn’t it be?), and at some point we’ll all be back out there on the battlefield smashing each others heads in.
I was one of the die-hard server loyalists for nearly 3 years. Then I accepted that no one would be able to change my situation but me, so I changed it. Don’t get me wrong, there are a few things I miss, but for the most part it was a huge improvement and the pros far outweigh the cons.
[Guild Hall] Shovel Problem for Small Guilds
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Shademehr.1397
Large construction companies can build things faster than small construction companies.
I’m in a small guild. Anywhere from 5-10 players on consistantly. We’re up to GH Level 17. A fully built Guild Hall is going to take some time and effort and that’s just the way life is. This isn’t about instant gratification. In fact most of the things in HoT aren’t instant gratification. However, lots of people seem to want everything NOW NOW NOW and not have to work for them.
I can’t expect to own a Ferarri if my bank account is only big enough for a Civic.
We are stuck through no fault of our own for at least another week, simply because we took it on faith that we could use PvE missions to earn our Guild Hall. What kind of solution do we have for this? I would like to know if ALL PvE missions are gated at L10, or if we just got super unlucky on our roll.
I started with a guild level of 6 and I was able to complete a guild mission over the weekend (WvW camp a camp for 10 minutes – super easy btw). I think we may be 7 or 8 now and we completed another guild mission last night (PvP Win 1 match, but we lost and still got credit – super easy lol but glitched?). Tonight we’re doing guild trek and may have to team up with a friendly guild (because we are also a small guild). We’re not level 10 yet but we’ve been able to do 3 (after tonight) guild missions so far.
All of you tiny guilds still have a guild hall. It’s called the Guild Initiative Headquarters.
All jokes aside, “guilds” of 1 or 2 people aren’t really guilds. Guilds are designed around a decent quantity of people that earn things fast (for big guilds) or slowly (for smaller guilds) to grow their guild halls, benefits, buffs, etc. In the past, people were able to circumvent this by buying guild influence and “cheating” the system. Now this option no longer exists it seems, so it’s time to come to terms with a few things.
First, grow your guild. Look for a small handful of like-minded individuals that fit with your ideals and the way you play. We’re all special snowflakes and I realize that some people think they will never be able to find someone they like as much as themselves, but you can. There are hundreds of thousands of players out there and I’m sure you can probably find another 2 or 3 that would love to hang out with you.
Second, if you’re the most unique of all the snowflakes in the world and you STILL can’t find someone you like as much as yourself, then please consider a guild “alliance”. You can take turns repping each other and completing your respective guild missions. You only have to put up with them for about 10-30 minutes at most.
Third, small guilds just have to accept that it will take longer to do things than bigger guilds. If I hire an international construction company that employees thousands of workers, I know that the skyscraper I want built will be finished in 6-12 months. If I hire a mom and pop construction company from some rinky dink town, I know that that same skyscraper might take 1000 years to build. It’s just logical.
You could always team up with another small guild and take turns helping each other out with guild missions. Ultimately though if you choose to keep such a tiny guild, you really just have to accept that you’ve also chosen to take much longer to earn things in your guild hall in comparison to a 250+ mega guild.
It takes 3 people longer to build a house than it would take for an entire construction company.
If you would like to reap the rewards and benefits that a guild offers, then I think it’s only fair that you represent that guild.
Artaz, Ragion, and Sarif > Just wanted to thank y’all for your insight!
“This video has been removed by the user”
Nooooooooooooooo :*(
For me, I’ll be spending most of my time in Halloween. It sucks that we even had to make this choice honestly, but I’m rolling with it the best I can. ::thumbsup::
Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Shademehr.1397
I need FOUR HUNDRED points total to unlock my herold?
That is false.
You only need 60 HP to unlock the Herald. Additional HP will be required to gain access to the rest of the skills. Without actually having any facts yet on which items/traits/skins/etc are available at which HP level, it could very well be that the higher HP cost items in each specialization are actually cosmetic, etc.
I already changed that.. sorry.
but you still need over 200 points to unlock all skills and traits as confirmed by Colin himself
That may not be true either. We don’t know that. All we know is that IF you have completed all the hero challenges, in the normal base game it will cost 200ish points to unlock the complete “elite spec training line”. This line will include things besides traits. It will include unique skins (for example, a staff and helmet for Dare Devil) and possibly things like sigils and runes (or recipes) too. It’s entirely possible that we may be able to fully unlock the actual skills with only 100ish HP. That’s 10 hero challenges in the new maps.
I’m not saying you’re wrong here, you may be right. (heck i may even be wrong, lots of info and inaccuracies swirling around) But lets not get all caught up in the anti-hype and reserve judgement for when we actually have a chance to see for ourselves in the actual game.
(edited by Shademehr.1397)
Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Shademehr.1397
I need FOUR HUNDRED points total to unlock my herold?
That is false.
You only need 60 HP to unlock the Herald. Additional HP will be required to gain access to the rest of the skills. Without actually having any facts yet on which items/traits/skins/etc are available at which HP level, it could very well be that the higher HP cost items in each specialization are actually cosmetic, etc.
Edit: And another thing, why in the heck do people keep posting that Anet doesn’t know how people play their game? I can’t say I agree with everything that a company always does, but an MMO, or any technology-based company, has access to HUGE HUGE HUGE amounts of customer data through all kinds of analytical and heuristic software. THEY ABSOLUTELY KNOW WHAT THEIR CUSTOMERS WANT/DO/ETC. The decisions they make based on that data may make a tiny fraction of people (which just so happens to be the extremely vocal minority) unhappy, but rest assured the majority will probably be pretty thrilled with the changes in most cases.
Geeze, the whining. It sucks that I have got sort through so much drivel to actually get meaningful posts…
(edited by Shademehr.1397)
Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Shademehr.1397
Verticality aside, it’s four maps. FOUR. Colin has said you can gain enough Hero Points in just the new maps alone with no requirement to grind HP in the “old” maps. He’s already said you will be able to unlock the ability to use the new Elite Spec (and the new weapon) with only 60 HP.
I don’t think there is any need for the “instant gratification” that some of you are demanding when it seems that it’s so easy to get the required HP. Besides, we don’t even know if you’ll need a FULL unlock of the spec to use all the new abilities. The higher tier unlocks may just be cosmetic, for example.
Get your undies unwadded, relax your massive sense of entitlement, and take a few breaths. Reserve judgement until the update is actually out and you can make an actual EDUCATED comment about how things really are.
For Pete’s sake, I have all 8 existing characters classes on my account (some more than once) and will have the additional Revenant too. That’s a lot of Hero Points and pretty much 80% or more of my time is spent in WvW on a mid-tier server. I know that there is the POSSIBILITY of a massive grind, but I’ll stay cautiously optimistic and see how it plays out.
I’m really struggling at putting together a hybrid Celestial build but this is what I have so far:
My preferred game mode is WvW (80%+ of my time) in solo/party/small group/occasional zerg.
Sword/Shield didn’t seem to generate condi dmg, so I tossed in a Doom and Geomancy sigil to keep a bit of condi pressure on that weapon set. I left the foods blank in hopes of getting some solid advice on what I should use to fill in some of the holes y’all see. A conservative 10 stacks of might gets me to 2144 power and 1189 condi dmg (with corruption stacks). While neither number is excellent on it’s own, my hope is that together they will make a difference.
Any thoughts? I appreciate any and all constructive criticism.
To the top with thee
Come join us on NSP! Our arms are open wide to all types of players and guilds! I am one of the ET transfers from a few months ago and I can easily say it was a great decision for me. Everyone and I mean everyone has been welcoming to me and my guildies. Hope to see you out there!
I feel exactly the same way. Everyone was very friendly when we arrived and lots of people went out of their way to say hello and welcome us.
If you’re looking for zerg fights, small group fights, or even roaming solo fights, you will find them here in abundance.
I’ve had a blast so far!