Showing Posts For Shademehr.1397:

Game crash when clicking story journal

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


Seems to be working for me now, thanks!

Game crash when clicking story journal

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


Same problem here. I’m at the last step of my personal story. When I access the Hero Panel to select the Living Story, the whole game locks up and I have to reboot the computer to get “unlocked”.

Additional update: This is what happened the first time I logged in:

Right after this occurred is when my first lockup happened. All subsequent reboots, restarts of the game, and attempted access of my hero panel result in a full computer lockup.

(edited by Shademehr.1397)

Rallying of Dolyaks and Siege

in WvW

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


You should be able to rally off Dolyaks imo. They are a killable enemy just like a vet guard, firefly, spider, or opposing player.

Rallying off siege? Now that’s just silly.

too much dust, ore and fragments

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


I’m drowning in the stuff too. I’ve got a full bank pane of each of them, plus a whole 20-slot bagged character full of all three, plus another handful of stacks on each of my other 9 characters. I’m a bit of a packrat though.

If you decide to create the Mawdrey back piece, you can start to feed Bloodstone Dust to it to gain random gifts. They may release additional things like Mawdrey in the future for the other two.

Honestly though, I play plenty of PvE and WvW and often do events in the Silverwaste as well as world boss farm. It’s all pretty easy to come by and I wouldn’t worry too much about getting rid of it.

I guess if I had to recommend something, I’d agree with Highchu, turn it into Ingots/Stars/Bricks if you’ve got the obby shards.

how to get ap when u cap dailies?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


Step 1 – Stop worrying about AP (or titles!)

Step 2 – Do stuff you enjoy in game. AP etc will come.

Maybe accumulating AP and titles is what some people enjoy about this game. Some people want the most kills. Some want the highest sPvP rank. Some want the fastest dungeon run time. Still others want every single legendary.

Some folks just like to collect achievement points. Play the game like you want to play it and how you have fun, but never assume everyone has fun the same way. Many companies recognize this, for example Sony with trophies, Microsoft with Achievement Score, Steam with badges, etc.

@OP: Fortunately, Anet is always releasing new content via the Living Story, Holiday Events, etc. that always have corresponding achievements that are associated with them. Also, if you’re up to trying GW1, there are things that you can do in that game that will lead to more AP in GW2 via the Hall of Monuments. Maxing that AP line though will require a significant time investment. Good luck!

Skritt and Halloween Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


Oh well, maybe next year.

Population imbalance

in WvW

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


They can just do like ESO and open the servers, allow guesting, and let the players balance the game themselves.

Players already have the ability to balance the game themselves. The majority choose not to and instead transfer to the top tier servers to stack them.

I think it’s time to finally admit that the players are at fault here at least as much as Anet is, but that doesn’t seem to be happening in significant enough numbers so far. It’s easier to continue to live in denial and play the blame-game.

Gem price is too expensive, it should be free with a time-gate on transfers. Then they need to add a WvW guesting system, where you can help servers in need but will not receive Wxp for it.

I personally don’t know what the transfer fees are, but the wiki says this:
Medium: 500 gems
High: 1000 gems
Very High: 1800 gems

At current gem exchange rates (according to GW2Spidy) around 15gold per 100 gems
Medium: 75 gold
High: 150 gold
Very High: 270 gold

At current USD prices which is $1.25 per 100 gems
Medium: $6.25 (or about the cost of a Big Mac combo at McDonalds)
High: $12.50 (or about the cost of a dinner at Chili’s)
Very High: $22.50 (or about the cost of a movie and popcorn)

With the exception of the “Very High” gold price, all of these are easily attainable. Seriously. Skip the Big Mac for one day and transfer to a Medium tier server. Skip the next showing of Maleficient and transfer to a Very High server.

If people spent half the time acquiring money and/or gold as they do whining about acquiring money and/or gold, they’d be able to transfer lickety-split.

The players are the majority of the problem, not Anet. STOP STACKING AND SPREAD OUT.

tl;dr #1 Bite the bullet and go wherever it is that you have the best playing experience “on your own dime”

tl;dr #2 I’m feeling particularly salty today.

(edited by Shademehr.1397)

How Do Other Servers Minimize TS Spying?

in WvW

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


On ET, like Darius said earlier, we have guild channels within our TeamSpeak where folks generally know each other so there is a bit of self-policing going on. That’s not to say, we don’t also have general WvW channels as well, but we’re still a small enough community where almost all of us know each other. If we see someone we don’t recognize, we generally chat with them, welcome them to the server, and get to know them better. It helps to make new players feel welcomed and also serves to vet some of the possible craziness and/or people who don’t belong.

But before you can even get into our TeamSpeak, there is a verification process. For example, I must physically see your character in WvW before I will give you TS access. Once you are approved, you’re given a tag, usually a guild tag, that grants you the actual access to the TeamSpeak. This has helped us in the past because, for example, if the guild [GLD] were to transfer from the server, we would simply delete that guild from the TS and all access by anyone who had that tag would be revoked.

But at the end of the day, nothing is foolproof. It’s kind of like locks on people’s front doors. Locks just keep honest people honest. If someone wants into your house bad enough, no amount of locks will keep them out.

(edited by Shademehr.1397)

WvW: How is this even possible?

in WvW

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


@Shadowfurr: We’re in your tier, because we’re still clawing up from T8 and 24th place. We’re trying and it sucks for you guys who are in this matchup facing a server that has a higher population and better coverage than you do. We don’t like it any more than you do, because we’ve been there for a very long time. We know how it feels. Oh, and we are not a band-wagon server.

ET has primarily been populated in the past by the same never-say-die defenders that we always have. We’re a tenacious lot that just never gave up despite all the MONTHS of being the lowest-ranked server. Many people have come and gone from ET. We had guilds who transferred in, poached our players, then left back to the tiers they came from. We’ve had guilds that transferred in, couldn’t face the adversity, so they left for greener pastures. We’ve also had guilds who formed, wanted a different gaming experience, and left to find it elsewhere.

Through all that, a core group of us stuck it out. We weathered the storm. We built a foundation that (I hope) is friendly to new people coming to join us. We built and fine-tuned a server-wide TeamSpeak, website, and public community-guild. We’ve invested “blood, sweat, and tears” into this Community.

Now we are on a bit of a winning streak. That foundation that a lot of us built is helping to draw in new players and new guilds, and yes the occasional fairweather. Our population is growing and it has directly resulted in winning matchups. My hope is that we’ll continue to be a positive place and we’ll continue to have a great community as we grow. As long as we can keep doing the things that have always made us great, I feel like the word will spread and new people will show up to become part of our family. Word of mouth is a powerful thing. We’ve already seen people join ET and then “advertise” to bring in other new people form other servers. Evidently, they liked what they saw and thought others could enjoy ET as well.

Make no mistake though, we’re in an uphill battle. We’ve faced lots of adversity and that same core of us isn’t scared of facing more of it. We’ll be here if we’re at the top. We’ll be here if we’re at the bottom. We’re the epitome of that frog that’s grasping the crane by the neck, never letting go, even while being devoured.

Some folks can’t take the heat. Some folks lose for a few weeks, a month, maybe two. They flee because it’s no longer easy.

That’s not us. We’ve fought tooth and nail and we’ll always keep fighting.

Finally, a HUGE thanks to those veteran ET’ers. The ones that stuck through the thick and the thin and never quit. Another HUGE thanks to those who have recently joined us, the folks we now call brother and sister, and fight alongside every day. I hope that we can continue to grow as a community, be unified, and fight well together.

Population imbalance

in WvW

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


I dont remember having the source code in front of ME to make the necessary changes. This is on Anet.

He/she/it is talking about spreading out, which is basically what people suggest ArenaNet forces people to do. Which does not require anything except stuff fully available for everyone in-game.

Except for money and the ability to know the exactly amount of players on each server.

Many spent money to transfer in order to stack the servers in the first place, so money clearly wasn’t an issue. Also, I don’t think anyone needs concrete numbers directly from ArenaNet to know that there is a significant population difference between Gold, Silver, and Bronze-tiered servers. Many times, there are even a hugely obvious population differences within a tier.

For the record, I’m not encouraging anyone to transfer. There are many of us that like the population on our current servers and don’t have much of a desire to transfer, be “combined”, or receive 100’s of new troops all at one time. I’m frankly just tired of lots of folks acting like they never contributed to this issue and entirely blaming Anet for the situation. That’s disingenuous at best.

(edited by Shademehr.1397)

Population imbalance

in WvW

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


They can just do like ESO and open the servers, allow guesting, and let the players balance the game themselves.

Players already have the ability to balance the game themselves. The majority choose not to and instead transfer to the top tier servers to stack them.

I think it’s time to finally admit that the players are at fault here at least as much as Anet is, but that doesn’t seem to be happening in significant enough numbers so far. It’s easier to continue to live in denial and play the blame-game.

Looking for WvW guild on Kaineng

in Looking for...

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


I can’t help you find a wvw guild on Kaineng as I’m on a different server, but I did want to pop in and give you some kudos. I applaud your desire to want to stay and make a difference under tough circumstances and wish you the best of luck! Hang in there and I hope you find a good guild.

::thumbs up::

Why Can't Farmers understand

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


When I wanted to find the farming maps, I checked the LFG tool to find farming maps and taxi’d in.

When I wanted to find organized maps to complete the events, I checked the LFG tool to find organized maps and taxi’d in.

ezee pezee

If people would use the tools that are given to them, and stop whining and running immediately to the forums to cry about things, it would probably be a much better playing experience for everyone.

How many are fed up with WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


I’m still having fun. ::shrugs::

Threat/Aggro question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


There is only one thing I know with 100% certainty with regards to aggro:

They will always go for me.

we are not the target audience

in WvW

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


  • Server pride or whatever you want to call it is dead, buried, and gone. Most WvW fans have transfered at least once, or have multiple accounts across servers.

Server pride is absolutely not dead, buried, nor gone.

Let's Talk About the Skin Lottery

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


This update has taught me one thing: There are a boatload of people that have no idea what “Pay to Win” means.

On topic: Honestly, I would never be able to afford any of these skins, so this is a great opportunity for me to collect these tickets and turn them in just by simply playing the game like I always do.

Why won't people care about bloodlust?

in WvW

Posted by: Shademehr.1397



(they were delicious)

Scoring Discussion

in WvW

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


Something I posted in another thread:

Second Part
Scoring would be changed to reflect three 8-hour time periods. For this example, the times (rounded) could be 10am to 6pm, 6pm to 2am, and 2am to 10am. The server that scores the most PPT during one of the three time periods would gain 5 points, the 2nd place server would gain 3 points, and the last place server would gain 1 point. At the end of the week, each server’s points would be added and the one with the highest points would win. This would allow servers with conflicting active time schedules to essentially still compete with each other even though they wouldn’t necessarily meet each other on the battlefield during both of their peak times.

Making a gift package for a new player

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


I’ll be brutally honest and say you are doing him a disservice by giving him items he can use (beyond maybe some decent sized bags).

He should experience the game as we should have (the satisfaction of earning, crafting and finding your own stuff).

Just my 2 coppers on this (but good luck with him joining the game).

Thanks for you honesty, I understand you. It was my plan to make a welcome gift, so maybe i’ll just stick with the dyes, the mini and some bags.

I think you’re spot-on with the dyes, mini, and bags. I agree with Brother Grimm in that it’s probably “better” for him to learn how to acquire the other things on his own. The only other thing I might suggest would be a small crafting kit that included a few low-level crafting materials. Things like 20-50 copper ore, 20-50 silver ore, etc. Basically, some things to tinker with at a crafting station to sample the mechanic risk-free.

Convert Badges to Dungeon Tokens

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


Or they could integrate a “dungeon track” into WvW somehow. I’m 100% down with that. I’m not a big dungeon fan, but I’m a HUGE WvW fan.

I demand more skimpy male armour

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


Just more choices period. Skimpy. Not skimpy. Heavily armored. All races, classes, and gender.


Bought makeover kit yesterday, sale today

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


Support refunded me the difference. In my opinion, this is absolutely incredible customer support!

Agree 100%.

Many businesses offer a “return” policy that refunds you the difference if your purchased item goes on sale within so many days (usually a week or two). In some states, it may even be law but I’m not 100% sure about that. It’s good business practice and fosters a lot of good will amongst customers.

Permanent Hair stylist contract questions!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


My wife just got one of these from a Black Lion Chest as well within the last week or so. We’ve both been playing since launch-ish with thousands of hours invested and we have yet to find a precursor so this was a welcomed drop for sure. She sold it promptly and we’re using the gold to help fund her Bifrost.

Nomad Exotic Armor A-BOA

in Crafting

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


Alternatively, there could be a blurb in the description of the recipe or in the crafting screen that states something like “This recipe will create an ACCOUNT BOUND Nomad Draconic Helm” or something like that.

(Assuming there isn’t already, of course. I can’t recall from when I made my Nomad set for my Guardian.)

Solution to fix the population imbalance

in WvW

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


Here’s a 2-part suggestion (using NA as an example):
First Part
Create 18 new servers and close the existing 24 servers. Everyone has 7-14 days to choose their destination which means that everyone potentially has the option of keeping their community. For example, ET could discuss what our destination should be. Once selected, those of us who want to continue to play with our “family” could all transfer to the same server. Obviously, there would be a lot of new faces that came from other servers so this would give us an opportunity to make some new friends. Everyone who has not selected a server within the predetermined time, would be sent to servers that needed additional population balancing.

Second Part
Scoring would be changed to reflect three 8-hour time periods. For this example, the times (rounded) could be 10am to 6pm, 6pm to 2am, and 2am to 10am. The server that scores the most PPT during one of the three time periods would gain 5 points, the 2nd place server would gain 3 points, and the last place server would gain 1 point. At the end of the week, each server’s points would be added and the one with the highest points would win. This would allow servers with conflicting active time schedules to essentially still compete with each other even though they wouldn’t necessarily meet each other on the battlefield during both of their peak times.

The “Alliance” idea makes my spidey sense tingle, but I can’t exactly articulate why…yet. I need more time to digest it.

Adopt A Dev

in WvW

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


Eredon Terrace is even hosting a dev and I’m thankful for that.

LF NA WvW Guild Eredon Terrace

in Looking for...

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


Hi, Shadow. I was chatting with armstrongjr.5420 about you yesterday. I’ve added you to my friends list and will /w the next time I see you.

Until then, please consider joining the Eredon Terrace web site (link in sig). There are lots of guilds on ET that might be a great fit!

Chat with you soon.

Fixing Rapid Fire in 5 Easy Steps

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


I would just be thrilled if attacks that started channeling before stealthing WOULD NOT KEEP HITTING YOU WHILE YOU’RE STEALTHED.

It’s just silly that it works this way.

This goes for all class’s skills that do this and for all stealths (Thief, Ranger, Engi, Mesmer, Etc.)

Misconceptions regarding Level gating.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


@Devs: Thanks for the updates.

Siege Commander's Spoon

in WvW

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


I thought this thread was going to be about spooning with Sieg… ah nevermind.

whiskers too scractchy. nerf whiskers plz.

WvW actually worse now ...

in WvW

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


SIEGE TRAP TOO LONG. <——— really? especially when you’re trying to ninja a tower with a small group, one person just keeps throwing siege traps until the big zerg comes….

I used the mess outta the siege tricks last night. I could almost hear the rage from the opposing team. They are kinda ridiculous. I suspect that everyone will adapt to them though, in time.

Misconceptions regarding Level gating.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


  • Adapt Tier Traits (Unlocked at level 30)
  • Elite Skill (Unlocked at level 40)
  • Master Traits (Unlocked at level 60)
  • Grandmaster Traits (Unlocked at level 80)

This sucks for WvW. I’ve got 8 alts (including the one I just started) and despite being a lowbie, I’ve still been pretty darned useful in WvW. These changes make it a lot more difficult to NOT be rally bait.

Be Prepared Fellow Meditation Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


If there becomes an over-abundance of guardians.

everyone will re-roll Mesmer.

i tough we were already on that state since release o_O

every day i see several new guardians while semi-afk on queensdale or preparing foods for wvw (i use queensdale TP :P).

And I’m sure almost every single one of them had “key” somewhere in their name. Don’t worry though, I suspect you’ll see far fewer of those now.

How can I create a bank for personal guild ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


If the wiki is accurate, this is the total influence and gold cost:

Architecture Level 1 – 500 influence
Architecture Level 2 – 1,000 influence
Guild Stash 50 slot – 1,000 influence
Total for 50 slot storage: 2,500 influence

Architecture Level 3 – 5,000 influence
Architecture Level 4 – 10,000 influence
Guild Treasure Trove 100 slot – 5,000 influence
Total for +100 slot storage: 20,000 influence

Architecture Level 5 – 20,000 influence
Deep Cave 100 slot storage – 10,000 influence
Total for +100 slot storage: 30,000 influence

Total influence cost for 250 slots of storage: 52,500 influence
Total cost, in gold, to purchase the influence: 105 gold

Overall, I don’t think that this is TOO crazy but it’s probably a decent QOL upgrade for veteran players with some extra coin laying around.

Edit: And then I find the wiki link that has everything I just typed:

My thief can't steal... What?

in Thief

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


I believe this may be part of the “New Player Experience” that came with the update yesterday. Anet decided that new players weren’t smart enough to deal with anything except pressing “1” initially and now you have to get spoon fed all of your subsequent abilities, “F” skills, etc. every few levels.

Just keep leveling and eventually you’ll probably start some sort of tutorial on how to use the Steal ability.

It’s a shame too, as I was on the verge of starting another Alt. To heck with that though. After eight 80’s, I’d rather not have to start with the training wheels on.

(edited by Shademehr.1397)

Stomping Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


Same issue. Sometimes I don’t even get the “F” option.


in WvW

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


Alright, I have never ever since day one seen so many Spikes dropped then I have tonight. I must have easily had over 100 of those useless things. I know I sold a stack of 60 and had another 26 on one toon and that was on my ranger, and not counting my Guardian that I played longer.

I observed the same thing yesterday.

My tin-foil hat imagination also has me believing that my normal non-spike loot had been reduced substantially but I wouldn’t stake my life on that yet.

Is anyone happy anymore?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


I purchased GW2 a couple of days after launch and I still play the absolute mess out of it. I have a great time and have thousands of hours invested in the game. As a general dollar to hours of fun ratio, this has probably been the biggest bang for my buck ever.

That’s not to say I don’t find some things a tad aggravating, but overall I’m still thrilled with GW2

Does Riding Broom on sale now work in WvW?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


Is there a disclaimer in it’s description that states it doesn’t work? My daughter purchased it recently to ride in WvW during events and sadly discovered it doesn’t work. If it didn’t give a warning, it’d be nice if Anet added something to the description.

Come to Eredon Terrace

in Looking for...

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


BTW I shuffled 10 pages of the guild recruitment forum and found only 2 ET guilds, Nob and OTBH. And I’m sure these aren’t the only guilds on ET (As you can see on the post at the top)

You are apparently quite the inspiration, Jeknar. I just checked and there are now four Eredon Terrace guilds on the first page.

Order of the Blue Heron

Druids of Dhuum

Nobleese Oblige

Twilight Angels

@Turk and @Traffic = Y’all are awesome cheerleaders.

(edited by Shademehr.1397)

Top Secret Swimwear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


Need more skimpy. Need more completely covered. Just need more.

Please merge the servers

in WvW

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


How some ppl still prefer server pride (ie. no one in the map) over an active gaming environment (map is flourishing with activity) is beyond me.

Server pride means nothing if you have no enemies to fight.

For me it’s more about camaraderie and friendships than server pride. On many of the larger servers, it’s hard to know everyone even in your own guild much less on the entire server. On ET, we have no guild-superiority complexes going on. Very little (none?) elitism happening. Almost all of us actively work with each other and know each other. Heck, a lot of the times it’s like walking into the bar on that old Cheers sitcom. Everyone knows your name and everyone says HI! and welcomes you when you come into TeamSpeak.

Maybe it helps that my playtime is the most populated playtime too so there is always someone to fight.

@Kerzic, good post. ::thumbsup::

Breaking the ice (exploit)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


You know what would totally stop this sort of thing? Making all living story content instanced as it has been for the most part. The open world aspect for things that are specifically story should be converted to instanced storytelling.

No thanks. I enjoy how the events mesh with the existing world and allow random people to just show up and get involved. I think it’s one of the things that drew me to this game (and was advertised heavily) when it first jumped onto my radar.

a) spawned mobs drop no loot at all, and

I wouldn’t like that.

Me neither.

Serious question as the two Guild Wars are the only MMO’s I’ve ever really played: Does this much whining take place for all mmo’s or is Guild Wars a unique situation? I primarily played consoles (all of them) before really getting sucked into GW2 and I swear I didn’t hear this much flaming/negativity/whining/general craziness from any of the games I played. Complaining about free gifts. Fussing because there’s no expansion. Upset because specific game modes aren’t being catered too. Telling other people how to play their game and what is/isn’t right. Even the CoD brofest dudes were more pleasant. I’ve met a lot of really awesome people in this game, but holy moly these forums…[/rant]

Breaking the ice (exploit)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


My apologies if this has been covered already: Why fail the event anyway? I’ve run this event dozens and dozens of times and we successfully completed it each time (with a minute or so to spare – i.e. last minute). Once it’s finished, you have just enough time to run a few champs on the map and then complete some inventory management, and Breaking the Ice pops right back up ready to go again.

Just to reiterate: I have never seen this event fail. Ever.

Also, and maybe I’m the exception and not the rule by the looks of some of these posts, but I haven’t seen the toxic behavior that is being described either. I also rarely ever saw it during the Queensdale train when it was a thing. I think there is a significant amount of melodrama and exaggeration going on. To the point I really consider it trolling.

This reminds me of my kids in school. Every time one kid does something wrong in class, the entire class gets punished. Kid acting crazy in the hallway? I KNOW! Lets put the whole class on silent lunch and take away their recess. EVERYONE should pay.

How about the people that actually cause the problems get punished for once.

(edited by Shademehr.1397)

Please merge the servers

in WvW

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


If Anet did a server merge, I wouldn’t kick and scream about it for too long. With that being said, I do have two specific servers in mind that I would rather not be married to.

Sorrow’s Furnace and… Hmmmmm… Sanctum of Rall?

Neither of those two..

How many times will the vast majority of non-ET players from low tier servers shout no?

I’m not sure that I’ve even seen any ET players actually condoning it. The most amicable post that I’ve seen has been from me and my closing comment was basically that I wouldn’t spend too much time kicking and screaming about it. But that’s not to say I still wouldn’t do SOME kicking and screaming.

Visiting servers

in WvW

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


He didn’t talk to me about transferring >.> and i’m Oceanic!

I’m sorry! I had just returned from vacation and still jet lagged so I’ve been playing NA rather than Oceanic. I still got ET TS I think so I can hop on tonight to chat

Just out of curiosity, who are you in TS? If you’re playing oceanic time zones then that might explain why you couldn’t find much of anyone on all four maps on ET.

Also, generally speaking, if you come to ET and state you’re from a higher tier server, you’re met with a fair amount of suspicion straight from the get-go. We’ve had far too many instances of people coming down to “save us” which is to say they grab our people and try to run back to a higher tier server with them.

(edited by Shademehr.1397)

Please merge the servers

in WvW

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


I’m kinda on the fence about it tbh. I get the whole “server pride” thing. I enjoy playing with my extended family. I know who the people are in TeamSpeak. I know who they are in /m chat. Lots of us have been playing together for a very long time and it feels pretty good to see the same familiar faces every day.

On the other hand, I kinda view server mergers like getting married. There’s a whole other culture you have to become familiar with in order to make the best of your relationship. And heck, what about all of your spouses extended family? You have to learn to get along with them for better or for worse.

If Anet did a server merge, I wouldn’t kick and scream about it for too long. With that being said, I do have two specific servers in mind that I would rather not be married to.

Open nicknames at the WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


Red is dead. I don’t care who you are, i just care that you’re laying on the ground with a flag stuck through you.

Grenth Hood back in the Gem store

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


Thanks for the hood, Anet! <3