Great event - too bad about all of the bots
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Shademehr.1397
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Shademehr.1397
Just use the same timer that is in WvW. I’m not exactly sure what the difference is, but in WvW, I can port to the Citadel, run downstairs to use the restroom and make a snack, come back upstairs and I’m kicked for inactivity. Maybe 10-15minutes?
Not sure if this has came up in the past, but I have been super frustrated with Ranger Pets.
I feel as though Ranger pets are overpowered, their skills always hit me, and when I kill the pet the Ranger just send another after me LEAVE ME ALONE.
I feel as though pets should be made to be more inconsequential in WvW.
Yes, you.
I’m primarily a WvW player but I’ve been leveling an alt Elementalist there semi-casually. I started in the 20’s ankitten ow level 62 through a combination of kill/event XP as well as the Tomes of Knowledge I purchased from the event vendors.
I always wear level-appropriate gear so I’m even able to contribute to the group events and kill things on my own. ::thumbsup::
Are you telling me that you, and the others with your mindset (that we are all prudes for not liking how this was done) would accept to have equal amount of skin showed for males just like this image shows?
‘cause I’m sure there would be the biggest uproar if it was to happen. The problem is not nudity, it’s the objectification of the woman body. A male bared naked chest does not have the same connotations… a woman can be arrested for being topless at the beach, per example.Anyway that is not even the issue we are bringing up. Why do you guys keep calling us prudes when we say “we don’t care if it’s skimpy… it just isn’t logical or anatomically correct!” Wow, so hard to grasp… -.-
How does one determine what is logical and anatomically correct in a fantasy game? o.O Maybe I should be upset, no NERDRAGED, because male Charr don’t have eight nipples?
Suppose we can just agree to disagree?
At any rate, love the new skins Anet. Would love to see lots more AND some sort of locker/wardrobe/etc. like GW1 had where we can stop by any time and pick these up for any of our characters once we’ve “unlocked” (paid for) them.
(edited by Shademehr.1397)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Shademehr.1397
Taking a survey about an experience at a Disney World vacation doesn’t usually end up with you getting a free ticket to Disney World, though.
I’ve taken a survey IN Disney World in which I got a free meal. “Paying” people for the completion of a survey (their time) is not unprecedented. In fact, there are entire web sites and companies built around this premise.
It’s not “entitlement”. It’s the fact that some people were given an advantage in the game while others had no chance to get it.
What advantage did they get over other players? $5? A Quaggan backpack? 22gold? I’d hardly consider that an advantage over other players.
It’s entitlement, pure and simple.
What advantage is there in giving the runners 20 meters headstart in my example?
It’s just 20 meters. I’d hardly consider that an advantage over other runners.It’s not entitlement, pure and simple.
Not sure if serious… o.O
Dr. Manhattan is a “creature of energy” yet he still has “man parts”.
Only because he chooses too, afaik.
Why can’t the same idea apply here then?
I’m not sure that I understand your question. Are you saying you want your kitten to be visible in your character model? o.O
Honest question because I don’t know: Are nipples viewable on any male character model? Do the mouths and eyes open or close on emotes? Are there nostrils?
edit: and lol at the language filter. I actually used the anatomically correct word and everything. No vulgarity whatsoever. I think this seals the deal though, if Anet actually filters the “p” word used for male genetalia, it’s safe to assume that they would NOT be showing nipples on a female character model. haha
(edited by Shademehr.1397)
Dr. Manhattan is a “creature of energy” yet he still has “man parts”.
Only because he chooses too, afaik.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Shademehr.1397
Taking a survey about an experience at a Disney World vacation doesn’t usually end up with you getting a free ticket to Disney World, though.
I’ve taken a survey IN Disney World in which I got a free meal. “Paying” people for the completion of a survey (their time) is not unprecedented. In fact, there are entire web sites and companies built around this premise.
It’s not “entitlement”. It’s the fact that some people were given an advantage in the game while others had no chance to get it.
What advantage did they get over other players? $5? A Quaggan backpack? 22gold? I’d hardly consider that an advantage over other players.
It’s entitlement, pure and simple.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Shademehr.1397
geeze the entitlement…
Perhaps Anet is looking for a group of people based on specific criteria. For example, if all you use is Tide detergent, why in the world do you think someone would send you a survey asking what you think about Gain detergent?
Here’s another example: if you’ve never been to Disney World, why should you receive a survey (and compensation for taking the survey) about your experience during a Disney World vacation?
I view this entire “armor skin” as something more than armor. I think it’s designed to turn your character into an other-worldly being. It’s not armor. It’s not a skin-tight suit. It’s the conversion of an Asura/Norn/Human/Charr/Sylvari into a Zodiac creature.
By this reasoning, there are no nipples or other man or woman parts. You’re a creature of energy just like Human Torch of the Fantastic Four. Sadly, because it’s an armor skin, it has to abide by 2 of the game’s armor skin rules:
1. If a certain part breaks, then it has to show SOMETHING so it defaults back to your normal parts.
2. It has to be applied in pieces. This allows for a partial-zodiac form. Maybe there is an argument to be made that the skin should require 100% use.
I can’t imagine that there will ever be an option to dye the blue portion. I can certainly imagine that people will be trying to dye it as close to skin-color as possible in order to create the nude look and this thread is absolute proof that people will lose their minds over that.
This thread has shown me one thing though: there are some people who are seriously uptight about nudity. I think maybe it’s a cultural thing? In ancient times, there were many peoples of the world who wore little to no clothing. It wasn’t until we all became “enlightened” and “educated” did we learn that your body was something to be embarrassed about. The body is a beautiful machine, people.
Why should players who understand how the trait works and use it to their advantage be punished because other players don’t want to take the time to look at their HP bar during the fight?
Why is it an “either/or” situation? Surely, ANET can find a solution while still keeping both sides of the fence happy.
TY for the freebies, Anet.
I think lordkrall has been doing a great job remaining civil, despite you calling him out on two occasions. In comparison, you called out an entire country and stated that “you Americans have no clue.” That’s pretty inflammatory.
As zamalek pointed out above, English is the third most-used language in the world (behind Mandarin Chinese and Spanish). The information also specifically states there are approximately 365 million NATIVE speakers. I don’t believe this number includes the total number of people who may use it as a secondary language and/or have some passable knowledge or understanding of English.
With that being said, many Western languages share a good many word similarities. It is easy, sometimes, to get the gist of what someone is saying by being able to read just a few words.
I plan to communicate with my fellow GW2 players through smoke signals and interpretive dance. Get on my level.
Will I ever stop getting “stuck” on a ram build site after it’s finished being built?
My wife and I are in the same boat. Perhaps we can team up!
And doesn’t the Hellfire armor look exactly like destroyer armor would anyway? It’s just an incomplete set thus far; needs a chest, legs, and boots.
I had the exact thought after I read the first post. The helm and gloves look phenomenal on my Charr. I’ll have a long wait to get the shoulders though. If they ever implement the remaining parts, I hope they won’t included it as additional achievement rewards. It will take me FOREVER to finish the set.
I <3 WvW. Thank you A-Net. Looking forward for what’s in store.
Me too, Muramasa. Me too.
little strategy required just DPS everything
“PvE is ez-mode most of the time. Try Tequatl once.”
Tequatl is easy, try dodgeing once.
Just once? Clearly I’ve been doing it all wrong.
@misterDean.3027 No one here can tell you your opinions are right or wrong. They are opinions, after all. Some of our posts were simply to point out some things that you incorrectly stated. No worries though, there’s no way anyone can know everything there is about this game, or any MMO really, in two weeks. It seems like you’ve made up your mind though, so I’m moving on. No sense in beating a dead horse and frankly there are some folks in here that just seem really angry. o.O
(edited by Shademehr.1397)
boon duration is usually less than 5 seconds
This is really dependent on the boon and your class/build. I can run a warrior with permanent Fury or Swiftness. I can run a ranger with permanent regeneration. There are a ton of boons that last considerably longer than 5 seconds. Take +boon duration sigils/runes. Put points into a classes trait line that increases the durations of boons. Lots of options really. Play with a friend and build complimentary builds. It makes it even easier to have permanent uptime on certain boons.
guardian feels more like an offensive class than defensive
You can build them both ways.
the game is so focused on DPS there is little room for defense builds
You’re right (in PvE).
cant refund skills
Skill points are unlimited. You can continue to gain skill points after you reach level 80. I’ve got hundreds and hundreds of unused skill points on several different characters.
cant receive items from auction house as easily as you can sell them
Those carrier birds are working their heinies off. Give em a break!
can reach max level in 2 weeks
True, but you had to invest quite a significant amount of time over those two weeks to do that. There are still 7 more classes for you to try though, not to mention leveling your crafting professions, making ascended gear, enjoying the holiday or special content, running dungeons, running Temples, or whatever else you enjoy. Heck, Guild Wars 1 only let you get to level 20.
little strategy required just DPS everything
PvE is ez-mode most of the time. Try Tequatl once.
karma gear cost goes from 500-1000 a piece to 40,000-50,000 a piece at 80
You will be drowning in Karma in very little time. I’ve got over 3.3million sitting on my account and I’ve spent a TON of it.
I get that you have concerns. Heck, I’m not even trying to change your mind. I just want you to have all the information you can so you can make an even more informed decision.
Whatever you decide, good luck!
(edited by Shademehr.1397)
(This is a loooong post. Had to break it into two. Sorry ’bout that)
Here’s a more lengthy reply to some of the items you didn’t like. I didn’t have time earlier to address your concerns.
PVE / PVP gear is locked to PVE / PVP
PVP gear is free
cant earn better PVP gear
rewards for PVP are skins
cant use certain abilities in PVP
I mentioned this before, but you have you tried the World vs. World PvP? Everything that you’ve found and use in PvE stays with you when you enter WvW. You can even use all of your normal abilities just as you do in PvE. Additionally, you have access to special bonuses that translate to additional damage, more life, and increased damage/defense/etc with siege warfare if that sort of thing strikes your fancy. Gear of all sorts of stat combinations can be purchased in WvW with a combination of gold and WvW tokens which essentially lowers the cost of the items. You can solo roam, small group roam, or even fall in with a huge zerg to engage in epic warfare.
all classes are DPS
all classes can heal
no tank or healing class / spec
There is a decent amount of build diversity in this game. In PvE, damage is king and thus DPS builds are more heavily utilized. In WvW (really not trying to sound like a WvW commercial, honest), you run different builds depending on how you play. There is more of a focus on sustain through higher toughness and vitality as well as more healing power. Depending on your group makeup, you can in fact make a character focused more on healing or tanking. I’ve personally found builds that are well-balanced amongst the three to be more fun, but YMMV.
shields dont passively block melee attacks
shields overall seem useless
This seemed like a shocker to me at first too, especially after the heart quest in Queensdale that leads you to believe you can block any attack by simply pressing a button. Even though that isn’t the case, there are still defensive/protection skills that are tied to shields such as Shield Stance (Warrior) and Shield of Judgement (Guardian). I don’t even use shields though so this doesn’t seem to be as big of an issue to me as to you.
healing power scales poorly
True with some skills. Not true with lots of others. In the interest of balance, some skills intentionally do not buff well with healing power, such as Healing Signet. Thank goodness too. If you could only see the whining that goes on about that one skill… haha
cant salvage karma gear
While this is true, there are still other methods to getting the runes/sigils of these if that’s what you’re trying to accomplish. Granted, the ways are not obvious to new players. I believe we used to be able to salvage karma gear, but there was some sort of abuse that lead to its removal. I don’t recall the specifics, but I wish we could salvage them too.
not many dungeons
Having no previous MMO experience, I can’t comment on how many is not enough, just right, or too many. With that being said, there are 8 “normal” dungeons with a story mode and three paths each. There are also 15ish Fractals with different paths and steadily increasing difficulty, which could be considered dungeons. There are also special events that included dungeons such as the Super Adventure Box and Tixx’s Infinarium. (I got all of this from the wiki btw. I don’t do many dungeons)
not much group play outside pvp
See above. In addition to what I’ve mentioned already (WvW and dungeons), there are large world events in which you can participate.
(edited by Shademehr.1397)
Did you try World vs. World? It resolves many of your " What i didn’t like……" concerns. Not all of them though.
Some of your concerns really didn’t make any sense to me (example: “boon duration is usually less than 5 seconds” and “can’t refund skills”) since they simply aren’t true. Others are by design, such as the lack of a trinity.
At any rate, good luck with your next game.
Dodge-roll through the wind. I’ve only ever been hit with it twice. Once last year, then I always dodge-rolled. And once this year, because I forgot about last year.
I’m not singling out this post (or the poster) for attack or ridicule, but I would like to say that this is exactly why I still love Eredon Terrace. I see so many of these posts from “Bronze League” server’s but I rarely see them from ET (Except for a few disgruntled posters, that even thought they complain, they are still playing for ET). We know we’re fighting an uphill battle. We know we have to fight tooth and nail for everything we can and we STILL keep coming back for more. Outmanned? No problem. Died five times already trying to get into Bay to defend it? Maybe I’ll make it on the sixth! Just checked my phone and noticed our entire BL is painted someone else’s color? Time to get to the computer and flip it all back.
<3 you ET.
You missed a important point and I fixed that for ya.
I didn’t miss any important point, Kawa. I used the word “rarely” (not "never). I’m usually never that definitive.
Turning people into a Tuna is even more fun.
Well it seems like all of our server’s momentum is gone. The PVE fairweathers that we had from season 1 have gone back into their dungeons, and a lot of people are bored of wvw. I am finding out manned in EB most of the day.
As a result of this; myself, and many of the other main commanders will be taking a break from wvw…
I’m not singling out this post (or the poster) for attack or ridicule, but I would like to say that this is exactly why I still love Eredon Terrace. I see so many of these posts from “Bronze League” server’s but I rarely see them from ET. We know we’re fighting an uphill battle. We know we have to fight tooth and nail for everything we can and we STILL keep coming back for more. Outmanned? No problem. Died five times already trying to get into Bay to defend it? Maybe I’ll make it on the sixth! Just checked my phone and noticed our entire BL is painted someone else’s color? Time to get to the computer and flip it all back.
<3 you ET.
A few thoughts:
1. It is entirely possible that you can play in a competitive environment and still remain cordial to one another. Thousands of athletes do it every day at the amateur and professional levels. Granted, there are some who can’t, but they are typically reprimanded or sanctioned in some way for their behavior.
2. It is the people who couldn’t remain civilized who are ultimately to blame for this change. Plain and simple really. (See below for a slight caveat)
3. Anets solution is pretty ridiculous and I’ll parallel it with something I face each and every day with my children’s schools. If there is a child who is talking too loud at lunch, then the whole class loses their recess. If there are one or two kids who are acting crazy in the bathroom, the whole class loses their snack time. If a kid is mean to a substitute, then (yup you guessed it) the whole class loses their ice cream party. It is pretty darned ridiculous that the actual offenders can’t be punished. Why does everyone need to suffer because of the actions of a small minority?
Anet, I sincerely hope that you will reconsider your position on these WvW matchup forums. They are a pretty good resource to talk about the individual matchups and to keep in contact with one’s competition. Heck, by reading other servers matchups, one can even learn a little bit about opponents and their tactics and how to better prepare for meeting them in the future.
There is no reason to punish everyone because a group of people can’t control their own actions. Give up the "infraction point’ silliness. Perhaps go to a “3 strikes and your out” policy in which a permanent forum ban is the result of bad behavior.
In closing, I would just like to say that the anonymity of the internet seems to bring out the worst in some people’s behavior. Endeavor to do the right thing and be civil to one another and perhaps we wouldn’t be faced with such heavy-handed changes.
Holy moly this thread. The jumping puzzle is perfectly fine and expertly crafted. The constant damage serves to give you a sense of urgency. The disappearing snowflakes is to break up the crowds. The presents are really the only true challenge in this JP. Wait for someone to YOLO a partial present setup (I see people make it all the time, but I’m not that good) or wait for a “victim” to fail it so the presents reset.
The single wind gust can be dodge-rolled through. I have never been knocked off by the wind gust. The rolling snowball part is really just a matter of strategically using the peppermints and avoiding the Skritt.
This JP is fine as it is. I’m no JP expert. Heck the Halloween JP probably took me hundreds of attempts before I figured it out. And you know what? If I got so discouraged that I rage quit the whole thing, I’d STILL be able to get the meta. I would just move on and find something else to do.
@Devs: Thanks for a great and challenging jumping puzzle that looks pretty freakin fantastic too!
Anet needs you to hoard all of this stuff in the hope that it will be used in the future. How else can they sell more bank tabs?
Oh hi everbody, can you tell me what I’m suppose to do here?
Depends on who you’re asking.
Some like the popcorn munching trash talk fest that these match up threads often become.
Some like a modicum of civility.
FWIW, I’m the later.
ET we got your garrison
Sadly all of our calls for help in /m chat and on TS were left unanswered. We still didn’t “roll over” and die even though we were all mostly random p.u.g.s. All in all, I was proud of the defenders!
ET is still as tenacious as ever.
(edited by Shademehr.1397)
to the feedback, but they do it in time for the holidays, AND at the same time as the 40% discount gifting thing.
Sadly, this Collection Expander can’t be “gifted” so it isn’t eligible for the 40% discount if I gift then purchase for me.
disclaimer: at least as of last night when I tried it.
It’s to force the more vain of us into sPvP (a game mode I don’t particularly enjoy) so you can earn the same appearance items you’ve already spent money, gold, or time on.
I find the Wintersday JP to be very relaxing. Almost therapeutic. Especially the snowflake part. You can get into a good jumping rythm and after a while you’re actually making the next jump before the next snowflake even appears.
The Clocktower, was rage-inducing though.
I love them both.
I’m hoping they add ascended armor to the loot tables today.
Wish granted.
I don’t get a sense that there is any begging going on here, CornChips. I feel that it’s a solid, and heartfelt, request to keep DR in mind if a guild is looking for a good home. As a member of ET, I can certainly see where they are coming from.
Heck, you (AR) should even be able to sympathize with their plight to some extent.
I’ve had two ascended rings drop. Sadly, I can’t recall if they were from players or from the WvW rank chests (I’m 90% sure it’s the latter though).
One of them had set stats (Carrion iirc) and the other allowed me to chose my own stats.
edit: and like Varu’s, both of mine still sit in my bank.
I dunno. I feel like an extra reward for something that I was gonna do anyways (WvW) is just fine with me.
Thief chiming in here to point something out. The thief version of Whiling Axes doesn’t have a reflect. What you are seeing is Thief elite skill Dagger Storm. Both skills have a nearly identical animation so it’s easy to see where the confusion arises.
Does the wiki have it listed incorrectly?
It’s been AGES since I’ve played my thief, so I can’t remember.
You can not mail yourself
Yeah, I heard you can actually go blind from that…
My wife got that Christmas light mini last year from one of the boxes (I think). I’ve seen so many people start to run by her, and then come to a screetching halt, back up. Then spend a min or two looking at it.
On the one hand, I appreciate the rarity of limited-time items. Kinda makes you feel good when you own something like that.
On the other hand, I WANT THAT FRIGGIN MINI!!! The boxes weren’t so “kind” to me.
ET got like 5 people from EU. It’s totally going to revolutionize our WvW. rolls eyes
That doubles our numbers! Things are definitely looking up!
Not sure if the other servers don’t have anyone at that time, or if they’ve given up…
ET never gives up.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Shademehr.1397
Building computers is pretty darned stressful. So many parts and options.
Thanks for your suggestions SolarNova and Avelos. I’ve been playing GW2 on a Toshiba Satellite A505-S6986 with a 2.2ghz Intel Core 2 Duo processor, NVidia GT230M (1GB GDDR3), and 8GB of DDR3 RAM.
I’m hoping that whatever I throw together will be a drastic improvement.
edit: I should have also mentioned that I mainly WvW. Good thing I’m on ET, where the population is really talented, but really sparse.
(edited by Shademehr.1397)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Shademehr.1397
Any suggestions on how to get the price lower with some alternate selections? I’m a pretty console-focused gamer and I’d like a rig that could sway me over to the “dark side” of pc gaming, but I don’t want to break the bank. Also, is there anything else I should add that I’ve forgotten? Thanks in advance for ya’lls help. I’ve been out of the PC-building world for a LOOOONG time.
CPU: Intel Core i5-3570K 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor ($194.99)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($29.99)
Motherboard: ASRock Z77 Extreme4 ATX LGA1155 Motherboard ($99.99)
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws X Series 8GB (2 × 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($57.99)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($54.99)
Video Card: MSI Radeon HD 7870 GHz Edition 2GB Video Card ($129.99)
Case: Corsair 500R Black ATX Mid Tower Case ($59.99)
Power Supply: Corsair Enthusiast 650W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($49.99)
Optical Drive: Asus DRW-24B1ST/BLK/B/AS DVD/CD Writer ($16.98)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 (OEM) ($79.99)
Total: $759.89
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
(edited by Shademehr.1397)
I’ll pay for his transfer to go wherever you go, Skosh. ;p
Incentive to stay? I think so.
I can see ET falling into despair again, when we were lucky to have 15 ppl on reset nights. Thank you IoM for your time on ET, it was short but fun good luck wherever you go!
Many on ET don’t know the meaning of the word “despair”. When the dust settles… When the transfers are finished… I’ll look around at my remaining ET brothers and sisters. We’ll pick up our swords and bows. We’ll grab our hammers and scepters. We’ll gather all of our instruments of destruction. We’ll nod grimly at one another. And back into the fray we will go.
Good luck IoM. It’s been a blast.
If current trends continue this looks like it will be Season One Bronze League at wrap up. Congratulations to all the winners, I think.
1st Henge of Denravi
2nd Sorrow’s Furnace
3nd Darkhaven
4th Gate of Madness
5th Ferguson’s Crossing
6th Anvil Rock
7th Kaineng
8th Devona’s Rest
9th Eredon Terrace
Last place gets the #1 first round draft pick, right? RIGHT?
ET, what guild do we want from NA?
Actually, I wasn’t going to say anything, as I wasn’t there to see the fight or even have a clue what you’re talking about. See this is what people do, when they don’t know what they are talking about, they say nothing.
But…but…the majority of all matchup posts are always chock-full of posts (spam) from people who don’t have a clue what they’re talking about.
You sir are one wise fellow. I wish wisdom was contagious
Just got humped by a Kaineng norn when my teammates ditched me. )=
Did he at least buy you dinner first?
Have you ever seen a thief reset a fight when they were winning?
have you ever seen a [random profession] run from a fight when they are winning ?
your statement means nothing.
Let me try and put 2 and 2 together for you:
He/she stated that resetting benefits both parties equally. It doesn’t. It benefits the losing player. I used “Thief” as an example because we’re in the Thief forum, but I added additional clarification in the very next couple of sentences to include other professions.
Reading is fundamental.
What are you even arguing exactly? Or are you just arguing?
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