Showing Posts For Sly.9518:

Defy Pain in Warrior Defense Trait Line CD

in PvP

Posted by: Sly.9518


Also look at the two traits Defy pain is a pseudo invulnerability vs Flanking Strikeswhich gives a couple secs on Quickness( stunnbreak doesn’t proc very often since have to hit while Flanking to proc- when stunned you aren’t hitting)

Defy pain cd being twice as long as a Passive proc on a 60 sec cd is healthy for the game, all Passive procs especially defensive ones need to be toned down

(edited by Sly.9518)

Defy Pain in Warrior Defense Trait Line CD

in PvP

Posted by: Sly.9518


Why should a Passive trait be reduced because a similar active skill cd was? This isn’t the first time they have done this bye look at Haste vs the trait just saying.

May we get an official style forum?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sly.9518


Each class subforum has a "let’s see your “class” pics"…

Combat should be redesigned

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sly.9518



Dungeons were completely abandoned years before Raids were even a contemplation……. just so you know

Combat should be redesigned

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sly.9518


The biggest flaw in your whole argument is that you are assuming Raids are the main endgame content, which is the furthest things from the truth, Raids are only there for the relatively small subset of people that wanted challenging coordinated for organized groups.

the combat is relatively fine across the board in PvE content, especially now that they are making it more unfriendly to stack and Spam like Gw2 at launch and before raids were ever conceived, Raids and like newer Fractals get away from the stack and Spam by forcing players to move there is no more stacking outside of old abandoned content like dungeons and in Open world in core Tyria.

Gw2 shouldn’t be changed because of your vision of what Raids should be since it is content designed only for a fraction of the Player base, and shouldn’t have a large impact on the gameplay outside of Raids, look at all the Salt that came up from HoT when it first released and open world had an iota of challenge, and gen look at all the subsequent nerfs to said content to appease the masses that only want to stack and Spam 1.

I disagree about combat. Your forgetting that gw2 skills have multiple effects per skill which you cannot say about other mmorpgs, I do not think I’ve seen other mmorpgs with so many functions pet skill. They are versatile, your blaming the combat when it’s not the combat, your sayingthat it is the world and it’s mechanics if I understand your concerns correctly.

Also I played the secret world and regardless of mechanics it is not that different, you can cheese in the secret world as well and roles are still not as rigid was your making it out to be. However builds where not all that fun in dungeons as cc was only the tanks job because it caused to much agro for example. There was see debuffing but in the end it was still a do meta game.

Think you quoted the wrong person there, I never mentioned or referred to secret world….

Combat should be redesigned

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sly.9518


The biggest flaw in your whole argument is that you are assuming Raids are the main endgame content, which is the furthest things from the truth, Raids are only there for the relatively small subset of people that wanted challenging coordinated for organized groups.

the combat is relatively fine across the board in PvE content, especially now that they are making it more unfriendly to stack and Spam like Gw2 at launch and before raids were ever conceived, Raids and like newer Fractals get away from the stack and Spam by forcing players to move there is no more stacking outside of old abandoned content like dungeons and in Open world in core Tyria.

Gw2 shouldn’t be changed because of your vision of what Raids should be since it is content designed only for a fraction of the Player base, and shouldn’t have a large impact on the gameplay outside of Raids, look at all the Salt that came up from HoT when it first released and open world had an iota of challenge, and gen look at all the subsequent nerfs to said content to appease the masses that only want to stack and Spam 1.

Your Favorite/Least Favorite Builds in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Sly.9518


Invocation sword/shield staff revenant. It has a higher burst potential than thief (maybe not as high as Mesmer) without any stealth carry. The reliance on active evasion and blocks brings me back to old sword dagger thief.

Another thing is I really like the attitude you need on revenant when facing all the condi kitten in WvW (thanks dire and trailblazer!). You can hardly outright cleanse: you need to think of other ways to handle condis, whether it be infuse light, waiting out confusion and torment stacks using shield 5, etc.

And you need to play aggressive as hell which is the primary reason I love power revenant. Kill the kitten out of them or be killed, that’s how I play.

Interesting, I did not know one could enjoy Rev so much after the nerfs (you must be quite dedicated!). I’ve been thinking of taking up the class for a while now and I’d love to know how you feel it fairs against the other classes.

Funny enough, most of the big nerfs didn’t hit WvW Rev for the raoaming build, most of the nerfs only ht PvP for power Rev. Power Rev is still formidable in Roaming.

Thief is uncounterable and OP

in Thief

Posted by: Sly.9518


tbh any fights where a GS reaper are involved are not as hard as condi or even axe (range dps). GD is really strong, thats no secret, but it’s too telegraphed and slow so its easily avoidable (the nerf to warriors headbutt got nothing on GD’s clunkiness). If Aney sped GD up a bit, then maybe GS can be viewed as a more serious DPS choice.

Staff+GS are the weapons to go against a thief. On reaper you want to avoid being jumped at over and over again and peeled to death.

Put a staff mark (4 (damage) or 5 (fear)) at your feet and autoattack with staff (you won’t hit him due to the slow projectile, but he can’t shadowshot you without being punished hard and you outrange and outdamage his shortbow, so it is at least a stall situation). When he comes close to dodge through your mark shroudburst him. He will disengage and you put another mark at you feet. When you run out of marks, swap to GS and use nightfall.

In a marauder reaper vs. marauder thief matchup the necro staff auto deals 2 – 3k damage and staff4 about 4k. Staff 3 and 5 are nice CC. A chilling nova / chill of death / air sigil proc on a staff attack hurts a thief. With all these procs even a simple staff auto can cost him 1/3 of his HP.

GS + staff due to its lack of constant pressure is the worst weapon combo you can run on power reaper for any matchup except thief, since this class is ulta squishy and the need of denial areas to limit its mobility.

Side note: P/P thieves are a different story! Axe/focus and an aggressive playstyle is the way to go here.

P/D thieves who utilize headshots are also, unfortunately for reapers, a whole different story

If a P/D Thief is using Headshots I would be submitting hacking reports to the Devs…..

Third party DPS meters and game hostility...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sly.9518


If there is a “target audience” for raids, then why don’t they have a separate mastery track?

Let’s take a look here.

Need anything more?

Yeah: Answer my question.

Already did, your questions were "If there is a target audience and where is the Raid Mastery track both of which the answers are in the Snipped out quote you replied to. I even bolded most of it for you, to make identifying then relevant parts easy.

But again The target audience is players looking for a challenge through content that requires preparation, coordination and higher skill than anything else in game, and the Raids have their own Mastery track that can only be unlocked from killing raid bosses.

Again both of which were previously answered in my snipped reply, is there anything else?

But back on topic, There is already enough options to allow players not to groupnwith people using Dps meters if they so choose, there is no reason to remove dps meters since all they are is a tool that allows to more accurately identifyany deficiencies in a group, or would players want to go back to being kicked by any toxic players on a hunch or because they think someone is the reason or for having to low of AP or Two low of LI or any other non-meaningful reason.(ps dps meters show more things than just dps like Boon uptime and heals, so if your role isn’t just pure dps they have that info too)

(edited by Sly.9518)

Third party DPS meters and game hostility...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sly.9518


Again it is clear you were never the target audience for Raids, yet you want Raids to be changed because you don’t fit into the target audience, again you don’t have to group with the people running dps meters, you can even ask the group leader if they are even using Meters in the group before joining. Oh no but that’s logic.

If there is a “target audience” for raids, then why don’t they have a separate mastery track?

Let’s take a look here.

The Target Audience:
From a Q&A with Colin

Q: “Traditionally, raid content has involved significant amount of planning and coordination for players to complete. How do you balance the needs of the most dedicated players with the needs of more casual players? Are these raids aimed at a small percentage of the player base?”

Colin:“These raids are absolutely content that involves a significant amount of planning and coordination to overcome them. That is the goal; that’s who the target audience for this content is. We have a massive amount of content in this expansion and already in Guild Wars 2 as well as through our live strategy that we’ll be continuing to add for players looking for other numerous experiences. Literally Guild Wars 2 is a series of games within a giant world. Raids are aimed directly at the group of players who are looking for a significant amount of planning and coordination to overcome and defeat challenges. We expect that a large amount of the Guild Wars 2 player base is going to be excited about raiding; it’s something our players have been asking about for a while now. And although whenever a new raid wing gets released you may only see a subset of our player base beat it initially, over time the strategies of how to defeat that raid will perpetuate across the community and will become more approachable as more players learn how to overcome and defeat it. And so, naturally when a new raid comes out I think there will be a race for players to learn the strategies and defeat it and there’ll be very few people who defeat it initially, and over time more and more people will learn how to defeat them and find out new strategies for how to overcome them. Because we are removing so many barriers to entry that traditional raiding has, we believe that we will actually get a much larger group of players who can play them because it’s more approachable for everyone, even though it is extremely challenging.”

This is from the Raid announcement to confirm what they wanted Raids to be.

" difficult challenges that will require your raiding team to bring a high level of skill, strategy, and coordination in order to succeed."

The Mastery track:

“Raids will also tie into our new, advanced Mastery system of progression. We’ll be introducing new Mastery tracks and abilities that will be closely tied to progressing though raids, "

And There is a specific Mastery line for Raids who would have though

Need anything more?

Third party DPS meters and game hostility...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sly.9518


Again it was plastered in multiple sub forums on this Forum site. It wasn’t some secret being kept…

lol still how does that change the fact " i didn’t know about them" and if i didn’t many others may not…seems like a huge flaw into your logic of “you can just ask them if they are running one”..was the

You can ask if they are running them it’s pretty simple it’s your lack of trusting people to tell the truth holding you back and again you would rather deceive players that you want to group up with and so on which is more toxic. But hey what do I know at least most players running dps meters are upfront and truthful about it since it’s not against TOS, but a quite a few players are discriminating against them in this thread alone again toxicity and it’s not coming from players wanting to use Dps meters….. hmmm interesting

Third party DPS meters and game hostility...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sly.9518


I find it very hard to believe that any sizable amount of players don’t know dps meters exist since they have been a hot topic on the forums and on Reddit, and yes you can ask it’s a completely viable option and you can always start your own group if you don’t trust other people at their word, and if you do get kicked you can alaways ask why to see if it’s a legit reason but hey colplainnall you want there are multiple viable options available if you don’t use them to get around not grouping with people using meters that’s on you and doesn’t impact me in the slightest.

Again it’s just the logical thing

And again what you are asking is a very dishonest thing because combat data doesn’t belong to any one player and isn’t private data, it is public information in the game, and you trying to conceal that is very dishonest and toxic since you would be deceiving the players you grouped up with on good faith.

Third party DPS meters and game hostility...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sly.9518


which has nothing to do with it, we are talking about people who are in such a raid, yes people who don’t join such raids wont be affected, thats moot.

your arguement of ‘well dont play’ simply avoids the issue and topic under discussion.

If they joined the group then they have their consent to being monitored by dps meters again logic

Third party DPS meters and game hostility...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sly.9518


It has everything to do with it, players say they don’t want to be monitored by dps meters they have all the power to make sure it doesn’t happen, pretty simple really before joining a group they can ask if the group is using Dps meters to avoid grouping with people and they won’t be monitored how can you not understand that?

Third party DPS meters and game hostility...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sly.9518


Again you consent if you join groups that use meters, don’t want to be monitored? Don’t join groups using meters pretty simple you are in complete control, and again dps meters a re tool that show dps it doesn’t create hostility people do, they would be toxic without meters, this was proven already,

And now you are saying change Raids, why it met its target audience and exceeded expectations, bahahah if you don’t like the gameplay you probably weren’t the target audience for Raids

Well that’s not really how it works is it, all raids have these people with meters and you know it.

But a comprimise, have meters for yourself, why such a need to measure other people?

Do you need metrics to have a great four balls golf game?
Do you need metrics to have a great 5 man instance run?
Do you need metrics to enjoy a World boss?
Do you need metrics for just about any other online game?
So why such a meed for raids, is it perchance because actually the meta game is one upmanship on meters?

Again it is clear you were never the target audience for Raids, yet you want Raids to be changed because you don’t fit into the target audience, again you don’t have to group with the people running dps meters, you can even ask the group leader if they are even using Meters in the group before joining. Oh no but that’s logic.

Third party DPS meters and game hostility...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sly.9518


Again you consent if you join groups that use meters, don’t want to be monitored? Don’t join groups using meters pretty simple you are in complete control, and again dps meters a re tool that show dps it doesn’t create hostility people do, they would be toxic without meters, this was proven already,

And now you are saying change Raids, why it met its target audience and exceeded expectations, bahahah if you don’t like the gameplay you probably weren’t the target audience for Raids

Third party DPS meters and game hostility...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sly.9518


There was Tocxicity and abuse before any meters ever existed and it was worse since it was based on arbitrary things, so prove that Dps meters brought Toxicity and Hostility into the game, you can’t because t was already here. So ty to say they cause it all you want it is not true.

I do not know I have noticed more since I rejoined the game your argument can easily be switched around and we can ask you to disapprove it.

You can’t really because my argument is that’s toxicity and hostility existed long before dps meters, this is a known fact documented on these forums ever since the game launched /GG.

Dps meters are a tool that provide a justification, it’s not toxicity if it reflects the actual reason someone is removed from a group or not. Players give consent once they join groups using dps meters.

Or would rather be kicked from a. Group because you have only 2k AP or 2 Li or any other arbitrary reason vs because you couldn’t pull your weight in a group

(edited by Sly.9518)

Third party DPS meters and game hostility...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sly.9518


There was Tocxicity and abuse before any meters ever existed and it was worse since it was based on arbitrary things, so prove that Dps meters brought Toxicity and Hostility into the game, you can’t because t was already here. So ty to say they cause it all you want it is not true.

Third party DPS meters and game hostility...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sly.9518


Again dps meters aren’t the issue the toxicity and Hostility was in game well before dps meters were ever allowed in game. So explain that, and the toxicity and hostility from that was all on arbitrary stuff not actual quantifiable data

Third party DPS meters and game hostility...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sly.9518


It’s sad we need to install third party programs to gain the information we should have in game. As for hostility and elitism, that exists whether there are DPS meters or not. There should be metrics for people to judge how well the members of a team are performing. If you can’t handle elitists and people being mean to you, perhaps you’re playing the wrong game.

^ case in point"if you aren’t playing my way or the way i like. you are playing the wrong game.. that is what the OP was talking about..that should not be the mentally of any mmo . i hate self-appointed elitist..i hated them in gws 1 ..and still don’t like that mind set. it huts the game, it hurts new players, it hurts creativity of builds and playing styles. that mind set will kill a game faster then anything else..

+1. raiding or speed run + meters = this kind of nasty attitude where its ok to be mean to people, the ends justifies the means which is to say its more important to clear an instance than it is to enjoy playing and supporting people.

then the raid should be changed..all players should be able to play all content..without special voip, no 3rd party tools, no special builds or special armors..the game and content should stand on it’s own..i didn’t need that junk for gws 1 and i owned like a boss in that game.

Here’s a shocking thought that you didn’t consider: make and lead your own group!

If you are so persistent on joining others’ group then get used to being able to pull your weight. Else start making your own groups and stop your whining.

What you essentially want is someone to hold your hand AND not get upset at you when you don’t do what you’re told…like a spoiled little brat. Grow up!

And another, its funny how those that defend meters and how they do not make people hostile do this by being hostile and rude. If they act like this in a forum talking about it, you can see how things would be so much worse in a raid with a couple of these people feeding each other – we have all seen it before.

Hostile and rude like how players that hate Dps meter users and try to trash talk them? See that a lot on the forums.

New meta analysis and what went wrong.

in PvP

Posted by: Sly.9518


It’s funny when a known Afker/ Dcer tries to weigh in on pvp lol

Weakening Charge needs to be revamped.

in Thief

Posted by: Sly.9518


It’s useable you are just using in a way it was intended with an exploit

Third party DPS meters and game hostility...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sly.9518


It’s sad we need to install third party programs to gain the information we should have in game. As for hostility and elitism, that exists whether there are DPS meters or not. There should be metrics for people to judge how well the members of a team are performing. If you can’t handle elitists and people being mean to you, perhaps you’re playing the wrong game.

^ case in point"if you aren’t playing my way or the way i like. you are playing the wrong game.. that is what the OP was talking about..that should not be the mentally of any mmo . i hate self-appointed elitist..i hated them in gws 1 ..and still don’t like that mind set. it huts the game, it hurts new players, it hurts creativity of builds and playing styles. that mind set will kill a game faster then anything else..

+1. raiding or speed run + meters = this kind of nasty attitude where its ok to be mean to people, the ends justifies the means which is to say its more important to clear an instance than it is to enjoy playing and supporting people.

then the raid should be changed..all players should be able to play all content..without special voip, no 3rd party tools, no special builds or special armors..the game and content should stand on it’s own..i didn’t need that junk for gws 1 and i owned like a boss in that game.

Here’s a shocking thought that you didn’t consider: make and lead your own group!

If you are so persistent on joining others’ group then get used to being able to pull your weight. Else start making your own groups and stop your whining.

What you essentially want is someone to hold your hand AND not get upset at you when you don’t do what you’re told…like a spoiled little brat. Grow up!

lol someone didn’t read the topic..i don’t care about raids..nor do i want someone to hold my’m a solo-er.. i just believe that all players be able to do raids if they wished without tools..and things like dps meters lol if you like dps meters and it only shows your character fine have at it..but when it effects game play for others i’m not cool with that.

You joining a group using a dps meter is your consent to allowing them to see your dps…

well it shouldn’t should have the choice to block it.

You have that choice it’s called don’t join those groups

Third party DPS meters and game hostility...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sly.9518


It’s sad we need to install third party programs to gain the information we should have in game. As for hostility and elitism, that exists whether there are DPS meters or not. There should be metrics for people to judge how well the members of a team are performing. If you can’t handle elitists and people being mean to you, perhaps you’re playing the wrong game.

^ case in point"if you aren’t playing my way or the way i like. you are playing the wrong game.. that is what the OP was talking about..that should not be the mentally of any mmo . i hate self-appointed elitist..i hated them in gws 1 ..and still don’t like that mind set. it huts the game, it hurts new players, it hurts creativity of builds and playing styles. that mind set will kill a game faster then anything else..

+1. raiding or speed run + meters = this kind of nasty attitude where its ok to be mean to people, the ends justifies the means which is to say its more important to clear an instance than it is to enjoy playing and supporting people.

then the raid should be changed..all players should be able to play all content..without special voip, no 3rd party tools, no special builds or special armors..the game and content should stand on it’s own..i didn’t need that junk for gws 1 and i owned like a boss in that game.

Here’s a shocking thought that you didn’t consider: make and lead your own group!

If you are so persistent on joining others’ group then get used to being able to pull your weight. Else start making your own groups and stop your whining.

What you essentially want is someone to hold your hand AND not get upset at you when you don’t do what you’re told…like a spoiled little brat. Grow up!

lol someone didn’t read the topic..i don’t care about raids..nor do i want someone to hold my’m a solo-er.. i just believe that all players be able to do raids if they wished without tools..and things like dps meters lol if you like dps meters and it only shows your character fine have at it..but when it effects game play for others i’m not cool with that.

You joining a group using a dps meter is your consent to allowing them to see your dps…

Weakening Charge needs to be revamped.

in Thief

Posted by: Sly.9518


Well in PvE AA is normally a better option outside of Steal into a weakening Charge……

Because you have to look straight down and stop targeting your enemy to make it actually hit them.

Which is the point of this post. The ability does not function well. It needs to be changed to be more usable.

You’re wasting your time.

Majority of the people in the forums are casuals and “PvP” players. They have no idea what you’re referring to, unless they take the time to go look into it.

Why do you think the forums are so riddled with nonsense complaints?

Again he is using the skill outside its intended parameters using a method that anet has deemed an exploit. Just saying

It’s such an exploit that they don’t like it, which is why they designed it in the same fashion as HS, which is also dependent on camera angle. /s

What I am getting at is that you should stop trying to pass your opinion off as something ANet said.

Devs have stated they are working on a fix, and that it’s an exploit and isn’t intended behavior, go look up the thread about shortened Heartseeker leaps through black powder, that’s where the Devs response is /GG

When you decide to play some casual unranked

in PvP

Posted by: Sly.9518


You guys know that Inranked match making is completely different algorithm altogether from ranked right? And uses a completely different Mmr? Just saying

The algorithm and MMR may be different, but the outcome is the same.

No the outcome isn’t the same, 9/10 the outcome is better and better reflects balanced matches during prime time.

Weakening Charge needs to be revamped.

in Thief

Posted by: Sly.9518


Well in PvE AA is normally a better option outside of Steal into a weakening Charge……

Because you have to look straight down and stop targeting your enemy to make it actually hit them.

Which is the point of this post. The ability does not function well. It needs to be changed to be more usable.

You’re wasting your time.

Majority of the people in the forums are casuals and “PvP” players. They have no idea what you’re referring to, unless they take the time to go look into it.

Why do you think the forums are so riddled with nonsense complaints?

Again he is using the skill outside its intended parameters using a method that anet has deemed an exploit. Just saying

Third party DPS meters and game hostility...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sly.9518


It’s sad we need to install third party programs to gain the information we should have in game. As for hostility and elitism, that exists whether there are DPS meters or not. There should be metrics for people to judge how well the members of a team are performing. If you can’t handle elitists and people being mean to you, perhaps you’re playing the wrong game.

^ case in point"if you aren’t playing my way or the way i like. you are playing the wrong game.. that is what the OP was talking about..that should not be the mentally of any mmo . i hate self-appointed elitist..i hated them in gws 1 ..and still don’t like that mind set. it huts the game, it hurts new players, it hurts creativity of builds and playing styles. that mind set will kill a game faster then anything else..

The game was that way well before dps meters because people are people, and guess what you aren’t forced to group with those kinds of people just saying, you get to decide who you group and associate with in game, no one is forcing you to do anything you don’t want to.

Weakening Charge needs to be revamped.

in Thief

Posted by: Sly.9518


No even without a weakening Charge AA chain is better DPS outside of Combining Steal with Mug on Weakening charge, and you are trying to use Weakening Charge in a manner the skill wasn’t meant to, it’s a multi hit movement AoE skill similar to Rev Staff 5.

What you keep say you’re doing to make all hits the same area has been claimed to be an exploit by Devs through players manipulating Camera angle to affect skill movements, sooo yeah

Weakening Charge needs to be revamped.

in Thief

Posted by: Sly.9518


Well in PvE AA is normally a better option outside of Steal into a weakening Charge……

Weakening Charge needs to be revamped.

in Thief

Posted by: Sly.9518


Just Use it with Steal…

So I can only use it once every 30 seconds. Makes sense.

30 seconds? On every build it should be 20 sec

Weakening Charge needs to be revamped.

in Thief

Posted by: Sly.9518


Just Use it with Steal…

Thief is uncounterable and OP

in Thief

Posted by: Sly.9518


Look at WvW: Thief got ALL the boosts, but the nerfs were PvP only. Its even worse here. Thanks for screwing up again.

You mean the same with all the buffs and Nerfs this patch?

Thief is uncounterable and OP

in Thief

Posted by: Sly.9518


I believe that Stealth is a huge issue for video games. It causes more aggravation, frustration and disappointment than any other power – in ALL games, and understandably so.

It is very rare to find a thief so skilled as to shun Stealth entirely. I have heard tell of such amazing players, but that when they were threatened by a large group of players, they resorted to Stealth to escape. Which illustrates how ridiculously powerful Stealth is.

Counterplay is vital to making games fun. Stealth takes away counterplay, therefore Stealth is the opposite of fun.

Budding games developers take note.

Yet all but 4 classes has counterplay to Stealth, funny how that works

Even funnier how it doesn’t.

It does if the user of the Reveal isn’t a potato,

Killing Vinetooth prime

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sly.9518


I think that the biggest problem is people not breaking the defiance bar.

Aye. Basically, if the group doesn’t even break the defiance bar once, there’s a pretty good chance they’ll fail. Sometimes if there’s a big enough group with enough doing decent damage, they can take it down on sheer zerg power.

But breaking the defiance bar even once makes a huge difference.

It’s one of those things that should probably be nerfed when the new expansion comes out. The time you have to break the defiance bar doesn’t leave a lot of room for mistakes. And he tends to do a jump or run right at that part, making it all the harder for people to land their CC.

And I don’t think the defiance bar failure is just a matter of people not knowing what to do. You need to have good reaction time and not have wasted your CC already to hit him with it at the right time. Which for some classes, builds, and players, is just harder than for others.

I think people may be underestimating the general competence of the playerbase on this one. It’s not an easy fight for an uncoordinated pug environment (which is what most of GW2 open world is).

Why would they be using their cc skills when their CC wouldn’t do anything? That would indicate low level of understanding and lack of skill.

What heal do you guys use? (PvP)

in Thief

Posted by: Sly.9518


Channeled Vigor and Withdraw are the best options, if you can live with out Boon strips on steal you can make Withdraw a really good heal with Trickster

Thief is uncounterable and OP

in Thief

Posted by: Sly.9518


I believe that Stealth is a huge issue for video games. It causes more aggravation, frustration and disappointment than any other power – in ALL games, and understandably so.

It is very rare to find a thief so skilled as to shun Stealth entirely. I have heard tell of such amazing players, but that when they were threatened by a large group of players, they resorted to Stealth to escape. Which illustrates how ridiculously powerful Stealth is.

Counterplay is vital to making games fun. Stealth takes away counterplay, therefore Stealth is the opposite of fun.

Budding games developers take note.

Yet all but 4 classes has counterplay to Stealth, funny how that works

expac balance

in PvP

Posted by: Sly.9518


That was th entire design philosophy of Wlite specs… if you read the articles about them from Devs only 1 Elite spec at a time, hence why they are call “Elite” specs, similar to how you can only have 1 Elite skill

Gem Store Level 80 Boost? <3

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sly.9518


Please let us buy level 80 boosts it would be so much easier for the people who don’t have time to grind.

What grind? You log in you get tomes, you donany content you get tomes what more do you want everything on a platter with no effort?

I'll buy the next expansion, but

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sly.9518


I don’t understand the point of the hype. It reminds me of the Chrono hype before HoT came out.

Whatever they release will be promptly nerfed back to the stone ages because god forbid Mesmer actually be useful.

Mesmer has been a staple in the meta in every game mode since HoT released.

Mesmer has been a requirement not useful.


I guess we have a different idea of usefulness.

If you are satisfied spamming quickness in PvE fighting cron scripts, that’s on you.

It’s PvE so what. We’re more important than the DPS guys.

Maybe you should realize that mesmer can’t be both support and best DPS

More important than the guys that will ensure the boss is dead before it enrages and one shots everyone? Think you have a warped list of importance.

Since no-one specifically mentioned raids, chrono makes very little difference in fractals depending on the instabilities and in actual fact can be more of a hinderence overwriting regen from druids. It also isn’t required for anything but skips and a few places where moa allows for speedy kill (100 CM final 33%) but it’s not more important than the people dealing damage as without them the chrono is effectively useless.

Also in terms of buff bots druid is by far the biggest DPS increase in any PvE content, you have spotter, GoTL, frost/sun spirit, helps maintain scholar uptime, GoE and pretty good breakbars damage.

If I had to list roles in importance it would be:
1 druid buffbot
DPSx1 (x2 if no decent chronos)

Raiding being end game (elitist and toxic if you believe the forums) content you should run optimised and no-one will deny chrono is mandatory just as only a fool would say DPS is in any way less important. They all have an important part to play and a bad player will be a big hinderence whatever they play.

I bolded the important parts of your post.

Thank you for agreeing with me and have a nice night.

Really I wouldn’t bother, “Certain people” always have a Woe is (me)smer mentality and nothing will change, no matter the facts. Even though for the past almost 2ish years Mesmer has been completely mandatory in everybfrom of organized/challenging content in game across all gamemodes. There is no reasoning with “certain people” and they will never see the truth that their class has been needed and mandatory in every form of organized content for almost 2 years now.

Anet fix your server literally unplayable

in WvW

Posted by: Sly.9518


As mentioned above, the causes are entirely profession-design. This has been known and confirmed by ANet years ago.

The game is too spammy with too many effects. Until that drops, the servers will always be laggy.

Hi Hellz!!!

Choking Gas Damage

in Thief

Posted by: Sly.9518


To get over 1.2k PI they have to be running power, quite a bit with out Crit damage, and outside of P/P and Signets Might doesn’t exit on Thieves, and not so much Vuln either if all he did was shoot SB so either he was running Glass (Carrion is glass btw) or you at lying one of the two.

…or a bug. Why the hell would I lie in a post that’s not even calling for a nerf, but asking people who’d know whether or not something was normal?

And, no, he wasn’t running carrion because he wasn’t doing much in the way of condi damage.

Also, why are you focused on PI? The question’s about Choking Gas.

Sorry the whole “Impact” term made me think Pulmonary Impact. Could be due to me being a few in….

The initial At 2.5k isn’t bad especially if he’s not running Condi gear so that was most likely a crit ona power build , not a glass power build but a normal one

Killing Vinetooth prime

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sly.9518


I don’t see the problem 2 power Revs can easily break bad the Vinetooth prime and kill it easily. Sorry if people aren’t good enough to pack Cc and scale it up

Choking Gas Damage

in Thief

Posted by: Sly.9518


The fact that you took damage and substantial amount of hits from Pulm is very telling justsaying

It was one hit attached to Choking Gas in the combat log, it wasn’t poison damage, and he wasn’t glass.

I’m not familiar enough with thief to know what sort of might and vuln stacking are possible, but he was lazily shooting his shortbow (so not a lot of might on crit), and I think he was playing d/p otherwise.

I don’t think he was glass because I was doing about half to 2/3 the damage to him that I’d do to a normal glass thief, and I didn’t have weakness (no glancing, etc).

Anyway, I’m not complaining about the skill or anything. It just seemed the combat log number doesn’t match the damage listed in the wiki.

To get over 1.2k PI they have to be running power, quite a bit with out Crit damage, and outside of P/P and Signets Might doesn’t exit on Thieves, and not so much Vuln either if all he did was shoot SB so either he was running Glass (Carrion is glass btw) or you at lying one of the two.

(edited by Sly.9518)

Third party DPS meters and game hostility...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sly.9518


Dps meters are fine they are only used in higher tier content and if a player does get kicked by then it is quantitative data instead of speculatative data for the reasoning, people need to understand Dps meter or no dps meter there are always toxic people and the dps meters aren’t what cause toxicity, no matter how much players want to believe it.

And gear check is not allowed by Anet

You forgot

in PvP

Posted by: Sly.9518


No, Dash doesn’t need a nerf.

/end discussion

Yes, Dash needs a nerf. Discussion reopened.

Nope /closed

15 charrs

New meta analysis and what went wrong.

in PvP

Posted by: Sly.9518


As far as premade 5v5 team play?No absolutely not,ask anybody who’s relevant to the scene.

There is a scene lol?

Same question I was asking myself lmao!

It’s funny people act like this game is competitive when the majority of the competitive player’s left a while ago

Choking Gas Damage

in Thief

Posted by: Sly.9518


The fact that you took damage and substantial amount of hits from Pulm is very telling justsaying

Choking Gas Damage

in Thief

Posted by: Sly.9518


It was a viper thief so Glass otherwise 1.2k becaus pulm base damage

I want an AI assistant to do awful chores

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sly.9518


How do you have a hard time managing your inventory when you can empty it by clicking 4 times?…
1: Right click salvage kit.
2: Click “salvalge all xxx”.
3: Click on the inventory options.
4: Click on deposit all materials.
BAM! Your inventory is cleaned… It takes less than 10 seconds…

You are under the assumption that players aren’t lazy……