Showing Posts For Sly.9518:

The Gift of Battle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sly.9518


“4 hours” “6 hours”…

Riiiight. Maybe you guys should try playing on a dead server, or one that is only active when you are at work, or asleep, etc.

I’ve run with a “zerg” for 2 hours straight and hardly seen any advance because the opposing servers simply had far bigger blobs.

Meanwhile we constantly had to waste time hitting the repair station because while we were undermanned, we didn’t get the undermanned buff because of all the people standing around AFK to get their GoB.

As has been suggested before. They need to nuke the reward track, and bring back Map Completion. Give out one Fragment of Battle per map, then forge all four in the mystic forge to obtain the Gift of Battle. The only downside that needs to be covered is whether or not someone might be on a server that is stuck being the same color all the time.

Oh, and while we’re at it, they should remove the tokens you buy with Proof of Heroics that let you just double click to get a Hero Point.

Progressing the reward track and maintaining Participation doesn’t require a Zerg, or any other players …… literally can be don by slapping yaks taking sentries and so on then all that is needed is to maintain participation by repairing a wall or building siege, or killing a sentry. Then you wait the 4.3 to 8.5 hrs as the reward track ticks.

You don’t have to interact with a single player to advance the reward track, the lack of game mechanic knowledge is astounding on the forums.

The Gift of Battle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sly.9518


The BoH Vendor has nothing to do with it. You don’t recognize the Big Spender daily achievement? Walking from the waypoint to the Seige vendor is hardly active WvW gameplay. How about the Karmic converter that randomly gives a Box of WvW Supplies?

Try to remain current.

Wow and tie well over 80 days to get enough dailies to complete a reward track that can be Afk’ed through 4 hrs bahahaha

(edited by Sly.9518)

Rifle Thief: how does it make you feel?

in Thief

Posted by: Sly.9518


Why would Thief have to have a large Tell for Burst from range when no other class that can burst from range have anything similar?

Because I’d imagine a Thief burst attack that can consume as high as 15 Initiative to power it would do a lot, lot more damage than something like Warrior’s Kill Shot. In a PvP situation, that could be infuriating if it has no counterplay, even if it does take a while to charge up. I’d much rather have tells of that sort and have to have teammates keep the enemy locked down to really thrive than have some relatively shoddy peashooter than only nicks their health bar.

Yeah because a 20k gun flame is Low damage………

The Gift of Battle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sly.9518


You do realize that the Gift of Battle is obtainable without actually playing WvW right?

The game is not designed to require WvW play. It can be obtained by spending badges of honor awarded from content played outside of WvW.

I can see how disconnected you are from the game…… the BoH Vendor was removed over a Year ago…..

The Gift of Battle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sly.9518


Please Arenanet, consider putting the Gift of Battle elsewhere. [..] At this point I am no longer enjoying my time playing, specifically because WvW is not fun.

As an almost exclusive WvW player, I find it ironic and disgusting that PvE players want to avoid WvW. As if it wasn’t bad enough that WvW players have to do loads of PvE to get Legendary weapons, we also now have no access to the new Legendary Armour.

I’m disgusted that you want to shove our gamemode off the table entirely.

The solution to the problem you have is to make WvW fun, not to move the Gift of Battle elsewhere.

A few counterpoints:

I don’t want to be in a game mode that doesn’t want me. The specific PvP reward was designed wisely, allowing me to buy my way into the tokens, while PvP enthusiasts can sell them. They get extra rewards for their play time, and I don’t have to clog their queues with my noobness and disinterest.

There’s even a similar token in WvW that I had to buy very many of. But it does not apply to Gift of Battle, and I can’t comprehend why. Those who like WvW should get rewards from those who aren’t interested, and this seems like a perfect vector for it. In a sense, it’s similar to being rich and avoiding a draft to which I am a conscientious objector. (Okay, that’s a terrible analogy.)

We don’t want to shove WvW off the table (at least some of us believe in live-and-let-live), we just don’t want to be a part of it. Ever.

The solution is not for me “to make it fun”. That is not my job. ANet devs get paid to make WvW fun. But there’s a significant flaw: WvW players. New borderland? Don’t like it. Adjustments to match-ups and progression and other core mechanics? Hate it. Not good enough. Any attempt to introduce server population imbalances is met with sneers and complaints. It’d be even worse if there was “getting PvE in my WvW” by making the NPCs actual do something other than sit there waiting to be farmed for allegiance.

I suppose the point is, why should PvE players attend a game mode that, quite frankly, even WvW players seem to constantly loathe?

Again the Devs wanted players to play multiple game modes to acquire Legendary items, hence the specific Gifts from Gamemodes, you want to negate that game design because it’s inconvenient for you to spend at a minimum 4.3 hrs in a game mode to acquire something, 8.5hrs max with minimal effort that you can even AFK through almost completely. Yet players in WvW had to endure anywhere from 16-20+ hrs of completely active gameplay in a gamemode they don’t enjoy, you don’t have a problem with that because it’s not an inconvenience for you

Again play the game as it was designed, if you actually wanted the item you would get what is needed instead of complaining about it to be changed for your convenience

Rifle Thief: how does it make you feel?

in Thief

Posted by: Sly.9518


I’ve always figured that “the” spike damage skill of a Sniper Thief would be something that’s charged over time using Initiative, draws a blatantly obvious sniper laser of sorts between the Thief and their target, and then takes a second or so to actually fire once the charge is complete, with some sort of indication during that second that they’re done charging; the laser goes away, or a target appears above the victim’s head, something like that. Huge warning that it’s coming, super easy to dodge if you aren’t just spamming your dodges, the laser makes it clear where you can move to for cover even without dodging. Other Rifle skills are then more suited to crowd control and debuffs, which can make it easier to land the damage skill, but use up the Initiative that might otherwise make it truly deadly.

At least, that’s how I’ve always envisioned it and hoped it to be. I’m not nearly as worried about it being imbalanced as everyone else, here… What I AM worried about is it being really disappointing, missing the things I’m really hoping for which are Ranger-Longbow-esque range, spike damage, and supportive capabilities. It’s a lot to ask.

Why would Thief have to have a large Tell for Burst from range when no other class that can burst from range have anything similar?

Player skill level/class knowledge decline

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sly.9518


With the lack of a contrary statement from Anet, whats the difference?
That is not the point!

Your opinion is only your opinion, as is mine. Yours is not more important.

I’m not trying to slap around baseless arbitrary numbers as facts unlike you.

Player skill level/class knowledge decline

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sly.9518


Is it really that hard to consider the plain and simple fact that many PvE players enjoy what they are doing in PvE and would move to a different game if this one gets any more difficult?
If maybe 5% of the player base is involved in raids then logic says most players don’t want a more complicated game. Perhaps you should look at what others want before telling us how the game we like needs to change to fit your likely minority opinion.

Repeating the same non factual 5% raiders mantra, there is no indicator of large of the population are raiders, but keep repeating the baseless mantra. And it doesn’t take a hardcore player to know the basics of what skills and combo fields do you don’t have to look up anything, the game provides all the info you need. Most players now don’t know what CC skills are what’s Stability is or boons for that matter .

But in topic the majority of Skilled/knowledgeable veteran players have left and continue to keep leaving because of the design decisions of Anet, look at all the real players, all but a handful left, most WvW guilds left, a lot of the Hardcore PvE players left, when I went from a good 20-30+ player online at once in both Friends list and guild rosters to only 4-6 at any given time show the player base is dying

(edited by Sly.9518)

Rifle Thief: how does it make you feel?

in Thief

Posted by: Sly.9518


lol, people in this thread make for a cheap laugh.
“Nerf plz” and we don’t even have the kitten name of the Elite XD

We do it’s Deadeye

Rifle Thief: how does it make you feel?

in Thief

Posted by: Sly.9518


Lol, so funny to see people getting frustrated and angry over something nobody knows nothing about yet. Just shows the amount of trash thieves have to endure for mere existing in the game.
Some people just can’t handle the fact they are terrible and at some point got their ass handed to them by thief.

Thief getting 1200/1500 range weapon? Get over it!
Thief will do decent range damage just like EVERY other class can? Go cry under mom’s skirt.

As for people crying that it will be OP because it will have insane burst out of stealth, look up power burst mesmer with or without PU, doesn’t matter, one shots whatever it wants out of stealth.

You have selective reading skills. People aren’t affraid of a long range weapon in itself. They are affraid of an invisible gunflame with top mobility.

As for your mesmer comparison, I wasn’t aware such a mesmer was a 1200-1500 range gimmick…

At least the attacks that can 100-0 you from stealth ATM (while really anoying) requires you to go within melee range to perform them. Thus leaving you “vulnerable” to counter attacks. What counter attacks do you have vs a 1500 range players that can disapear again and already has the best mobility?

Yes, we do not know for sure what it will come down to, but the existing thief skills, weapons, and trait lines are known. Unless the new specialized trait line modifies what exist I would say people are expressing VERY reasonable fears. The new spec is called DEAD eye. As in, I don’t give kisses, I kill.

Again If Thief takes Rifle it has to give up its High stealth access or its High mobility, because you know Thief can’t use 3 weapon sets at once and then there is the fact that both weapons use the same resource pool. But I forget facts are pesky little things.

And again there is already a high Burst class that has access to High stealth high Mobility and 1500 range but I guess that doesn’t count….

I said, STEALTH, not HIGH access to stealth. Shadow refuge and stealth healing + shortbow would do perfectly.

As for your last paragraph, who can 100-0 you from 1500 out of stealth on his own ATM that also has top mobility? A Gunflame zerker could do the damage and has the mobility but not the stealth. A Druid can’t 100-0 you instantly. A mesmer/Chrono has to be up close and personal to deliver such a blow. Same for DD/Thief. So who?

Wow you are afraid of a stealth skill on a 60 second cd that can self reveal a thief and has a giant tell to every enemy to where the thief is and a 1 sec cast time Heal that has a 30 second CD bahahaha bahahhaha.

I see the problem and it’s not 1200 range Attacks from stealth. Maybe a reflective surface will help you see it.

And a Druid can 100-0 you it’s called zerker and Marauder stats and building for it, with High mobility and Access to stealth. It’s quite easy to do as well.

What I'd like to see in patch

in PvP

Posted by: Sly.9518


If you want to toned down Unblockable skills is ok! pls remove all block skills and passive def skills first.

and evade frames, and dodges, and …
block is a form of damage mitigation that some classes relies hard on it, existing a kittenload of unblockables but no un- evadables or un- dodgeables makes that form of damage mitigation worse than the others

Quiet a few skills stop evades, all Ward effects Like line of warding, Dragons maw, The DH Lb 5, the DH spear of justice pull, the DH GS 5 pull, static fields, static auras . All interrupt in the middle of evades. Funny how that works right?

Ho! too many DH! But it would be fine, because DH always FINE!

A bias argument.

No competitive DH uses Staff and/or Dragon Maw.
Spear of Justice still has to land.
We don’t have static fields/auras that interrupt a teef.

Only thing you got right is LB#5 but what kind of bad thief gets caught in that??

Did I says DH has Static Aura and Static fields ? No, no I did not, everything stated to be DH had DH before it, static aura and fields did not. And I was listing skills that counter evades which all of those do.

What I'd like to see in patch

in PvP

Posted by: Sly.9518


all passives (activate X at 50% HP etc , or activate Y when stunned etc) should be removed from the game. Its pure casual player crutches that makes everyone look better than they are.

the kittenload of passives are anoying, but there is a reason why they have to exist, thieves, all that passives are needed for granting a window of reaction when jumped by a stealthed thief,removing all that passives pvp will become the reign of instaganking thieves, to remove all that passives first had to remove stealth and tone down the thief ports.

Bahahah Megalindil’s witch hunt continues. You know Thieves damage came because of all the Passives and high defenses in game right?

who have talked of burst damage?, classes able to do high burts are ok, problem is when burst comes from “nowhere”

Which most classes can do high Burst from almost nowhere.

Rifle Thief: how does it make you feel?

in Thief

Posted by: Sly.9518


Lol, so funny to see people getting frustrated and angry over something nobody knows nothing about yet. Just shows the amount of trash thieves have to endure for mere existing in the game.
Some people just can’t handle the fact they are terrible and at some point got their ass handed to them by thief.

Thief getting 1200/1500 range weapon? Get over it!
Thief will do decent range damage just like EVERY other class can? Go cry under mom’s skirt.

As for people crying that it will be OP because it will have insane burst out of stealth, look up power burst mesmer with or without PU, doesn’t matter, one shots whatever it wants out of stealth.

You have selective reading skills. People aren’t affraid of a long range weapon in itself. They are affraid of an invisible gunflame with top mobility.

As for your mesmer comparison, I wasn’t aware such a mesmer was a 1200-1500 range gimmick…

At least the attacks that can 100-0 you from stealth ATM (while really anoying) requires you to go within melee range to perform them. Thus leaving you “vulnerable” to counter attacks. What counter attacks do you have vs a 1500 range players that can disapear again and already has the best mobility?

Yes, we do not know for sure what it will come down to, but the existing thief skills, weapons, and trait lines are known. Unless the new specialized trait line modifies what exist I would say people are expressing VERY reasonable fears. The new spec is called DEAD eye. As in, I don’t give kisses, I kill.

Again If Thief takes Rifle it has to give up its High stealth access or its High mobility, because you know Thief can’t use 3 weapon sets at once and then there is the fact that both weapons use the same resource pool. But I forget facts are pesky little things.

And again there is already a high Burst class that has access to High stealth high Mobility and 1500 range but I guess that doesn’t count….

What I'd like to see in patch

in PvP

Posted by: Sly.9518


all passives (activate X at 50% HP etc , or activate Y when stunned etc) should be removed from the game. Its pure casual player crutches that makes everyone look better than they are.

the kittenload of passives are anoying, but there is a reason why they have to exist, thieves, all that passives are needed for granting a window of reaction when jumped by a stealthed thief,removing all that passives pvp will become the reign of instaganking thieves, to remove all that passives first had to remove stealth and tone down the thief ports.

Bahahah Megalindil’s witch hunt continues. You know Thieves damage came because of all the Passives and high defenses in game right?

Season 7 stronghold

in PvP

Posted by: Sly.9518


So capping points in conquest isn’t PvP but escorting NPC’s and killing the NPC lord is?

Didn’t you get that memo? Players like OP don’t actually like PvP, it’s the same as MO saying all WvW players only like PvE hence all the PvE mechanics there.

Staff AA Range

in Thief

Posted by: Sly.9518


Pretty much all melee weapons have 130 range, but they can actually hit at 170. So its very very unlikely that they’d make this change for thief Staff only.

Not only to that of course. Same could apply for Revenants Staff.

What makes staff so special that only it should get that treatment though?

Well a staff is a lot larger than a Dagger Blade for Reach… sword could also have an increased range as well because of the same reason

What killed pvp.

in PvP

Posted by: Sly.9518


Horrible balance decisions, time between “balance updates” is too long, overall neglect till the boat had already sunk, lack of Design goal, gamemode has been in perpetual Beta mode since 2013.

Take your pick.

Player skill level/class knowledge decline

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sly.9518


Then tie the design/balance decisions most of the better players left the game, most notably the majority of the ESL players.

The Player base is getting jaded and it’s most notable in the PvP and WvW gamemodes

Currently, Whats the best class for PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Sly.9518


There is no best since that is mostly on preference and experience, but there are easiest like DH and Warrior which have extremely low Skillfloors and allow inexperienced players to profit extremely well.

How do we beat godzerkers?

in Thief

Posted by: Sly.9518


Air can do well for you since you aren’t using SB I use the on swap proc for a decent Burst while I am focused on kiting, since you are using an actual weapon you will probably benefit more from Air since Lowe Cd and larger coefficient.

How do we beat godzerkers?

in Thief

Posted by: Sly.9518


I use Air on daggers and Bloodlust I use but I am experimenting without it you could run Hydromancy and Bloodlust

How do we beat godzerkers?

in Thief

Posted by: Sly.9518


How to beat “Godzerkers” first Basi Venom into CnD Steal BS to pop their Passive endure pain, then AA if need be to pop it, then Weapon swap(have Hydromancy or Leeching) then Sb5 away and drop poison fields on them, keep Range till Endure Pain Passive is gone, reengage and force the active endure pain repeat. Pretty simple really make them look dumb by wasting their CDs while you Range them, then pop them one last time.

I literally only have 1 of those items you speak of (no D/D for CnD and no SB, no Hydro or Leeching, although im temped to try it)

I have been playing D/D power for along time and it does well, but I have to play a lot better than the people I am against and that is my main advantage, the majority of players aren’t all that good in recent times and most rely on passive gameplay to carry them, the big thing is learning every classes Meta builds and their main win Cons and Passive Defenses.

I find Hydromancy to hit extremely hard when using power builds and leeching just helps over all

The Gift of Battle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sly.9518


Wow the entitlement is strong still, The GoB takes less time than the GoE to acquire most than 4 times as fast, dedicated WvW players don’t want to spend 16-20 hrs(can be a lot longer if not speed clearing) in PvE to get GoE but they do if they want a legendary, when a dedicated PvE player only have to Spend 8.5hrs max ata minimum of 4.3 hrs to get a GoB see the disparity yet?

If anyone has a case it’s the WvW players that have a better case to get GoE added to WvW than it is for GoB to be added to PvE since there is almost no time investment comparatively for GoB.

GoB can be effectively Afk’ed through all that’s needed is every ten minutes slap a yak after spending 5 mins to build participation. While PvE map completion requires a lot of Active play to be done in a reasonable time.

How do we beat godzerkers?

in Thief

Posted by: Sly.9518


How to beat “Godzerkers” first Basi Venom into CnD Steal BS to pop their Passive endure pain, then AA if need be to pop it, then Weapon swap(have Hydromancy or Leeching) then Sb5 away and drop poison fields on them, keep Range till Endure Pain Passive is gone, reengage and force the active endure pain repeat. Pretty simple really make them look dumb by wasting their CDs while you Range them, then pop them one last time.

What I'd like to see in patch

in PvP

Posted by: Sly.9518


If you want to toned down Unblockable skills is ok! pls remove all block skills and passive def skills first.

and evade frames, and dodges, and …
block is a form of damage mitigation that some classes relies hard on it, existing a kittenload of unblockables but no un- evadables or un- dodgeables makes that form of damage mitigation worse than the others

Quiet a few skills stop evades, all Ward effects Like line of warding, Dragons maw, The DH Lb 5, the DH spear of justice pull, the DH GS 5 pull, static fields, static auras . All interrupt in the middle of evades. Funny how that works right?

What I'd like to see in patch

in PvP

Posted by: Sly.9518


Op thinks a single Unblockable on a 40 sec CD is OP, smh I wonder how he feels about the near constant blocks his main can poop out both actively and passively

Invisibility problem

in Thief

Posted by: Sly.9518


The skill is working as intended and it should stay that way! If the ranger used skill #2 on longbow while you were visible then you get hit by it. Do you want to know how to avoid it? Simple, just stealth before ranger uses it, that way you will not get hit by it.

Not really they now have no consistency between similar channeled abilities, Take Rapid Fire it channels and tracks through stealth, now look at Unrelenting Assault it used to channel and track through stealth, Anet removed that same with Precision Strike.

Anet needs to keep consistency so if One hammered skill gets cancelled when the target stealths then all should since it is the exact same mechanic a Channeled damaging skill. And since they removed it from UA because it was unfair then they should do that to all other channeled abilities

What core builds do you play?

in Thief

Posted by: Sly.9518


I play D/D Signet in and Da/Tri/Sa with D/P

Rifle Thief: how does it make you feel?

in Thief

Posted by: Sly.9518


  • Thief will have to sacrifice High mobility aka Shortbow
  • Sacrifice High stealth Access Aka Dagger/Pistol
  • Thief will lose access to the third dodge and all the dodge shenanigans that are tied to Daredevil.

If that happens, they are wasting their time developing it because no thief will elect to lose those things.

They may as well just put a blank placeholder for thief elite instead and save us all a lot of time and effort.

Doubtful Staff gave up High Stealth Access and still people flock to it….. or they gave up their vertical mobility and still flocked to it.

Invisibility problem

in Thief

Posted by: Sly.9518


No they didn’t thy only removed from Rev

Rifle Thief: how does it make you feel?

in Thief

Posted by: Sly.9518


A certain someone in this thread has been on a witch hunt for Thieves for a really long time so anything that person says can generally be dismissed since it’s based in fantasy. Most people also seem to forget that if Thief takes Rifle it either has to give up it’s High Mobility or it’s high access to stealth since Thief will still only be having two weapon sets that will still be tied to Initiative being shared across both.

And again if only there wasn’t already a High mobility High stealth accessible long range Class in game that can achieve large burst.


  • Thief will have to sacrifice High mobility aka Shortbow
  • Sacrifice High stealth Access Aka Dagger/Pistol
  • Thief will lose access to the third dodge and all the dodge shenanigans that are tied to Daredevil.

So everyone freaking out because they are afraid of a Boogeyman don’t worry you may think Thief can use 5 specialization lines and use both Elite specs at once and have 3 weapon sets equipped at anyone time( directed at the certain someone on the witch hunt) but fear not Thief still only get 3 specializations to include 1 Elite spec and only two weapon sets which if choosing Rifle they lose one of the two things Thieves are known for.

Tl:dr to the Tl:Dr