Showing Posts For SlyDevil.3952:

Broken stealth?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


after 3secs in stealth you get a forced reveal buff

The best part of Tuesdays! Unlisted changes?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


stealth gets you revealed after 3secs inside of it, mesmers were unable to join pvp matches of any kind right after the patch

Salvage Kit - Why I consider it a nerf

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


It wasn’t a nerf, it was a fix, the intended rate was not what was occuring, so they updated the rate to match what they said should have been happening.

You should be getting 25% of the sigils you salvage, only 20% are actually being salvaged, so we’re going to fix this bug. Re-read the note. " so that the practical rate matches the stated rate in"

Should Skale Venom be usable in instances?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


Weakness is a 50% chance to hit for 50% damage, it applies to all pure damage hits regardless of crit or non-crit. Based off this sheet, which I copied Brazil’s engineer rotation into, an engineer gets 2.5 vuln out of scale venom, 1.3 on bosses, and 68 seconds of weakness over a 27sec rotation(reduced to 34 secs on bosses). So 2 people will cap weakness and add ~2-3 vuln onto a boss, or 1 person if its an engineer/sword thief. Though with the new defiance bars, I’m unsure if bosses will have reduced vuln/weakness as they do now with the Unstoppable buff. Hopefully anet gives us news since apparently they aren’t doing a new spec release this week.

Which kits for pve?

in Engineer

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


So, reuploaded the original sheet
Updated the first page with a comparison to grenade kit without grenadier. Second page is a comparison of Brazil’s meta rotation to a modified version with bomb kit replacing grenades.
This is the rotation I used for the calculations. Average might for the buffed calculations assumed that fire fields were placed for all blasts where the engineer couldn’t.
The Adjusted Coefficients is the base coefficients multiplied by the build specific multipliers, so grenade kit is multiplied by the average vuln it produces and bomb kit is multiplied by the average vuln it produces, bomb kit uses short fuse to replace grenadier.

(edited by SlyDevil.3952)

Will Condi ever be viable ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


Poison and burning are confirmed to be raised to 25 to be in line with the other damage related conditions. Rumour floating around about removing the bleed cap. The main thing limiting conditions in group play is:
1) Easy access to condis that can overwrite your long duration ones. (Mesmer hits a bunch of crits on wardens that will wipe out any 18sec bleeds done by an engi) which can be fixed by changing the cap
2) Conditions take the condition damage stat from the most recent person to inflict a condition type. (Engineer inflicts 1minute of burning, zerk ele taps it once with a dragon’s tooth, takes the ele’s probably 0 condition damage and the engineer now just has mostly wasted skills, relative to having instead chosen a power build and ignoring condition stacking as a primary damage source)

Which kits for pve?

in Engineer

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


Most of the spreadsheet is done, ill post it later today once I figure out food and utilities, the condi duration doesn’t seem to help bombs much. Sloppy rotation video will be included for mild dose of laughter.

Race, Gadget and Slaying Potions

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


Were things like 2 “The Butcher”s in HotW intended that 2 actually were found in the game files, or is that an error in that he just accidetally listed it twice? Same with 2 Mossman’s, 2 Rampaging Elemental(Dredge fractal). Probably a few others I didn’t notice.

[PvE]Dungeon Meta-Blast Finishers

in Necromancer

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


-“instead of letting people know the full story of when how and why you can use bursting”, the builds for max damage, with rotation videos, and recorded descriptions in video are publicly availabe, wut? I link these videos to people when they ask for help, how can he not find them? why to use damage? well things die when you hit them, and you can’t progress until certain things die, idk, why would we use damage? when to use bursting? well the point is to frontload your damage skills, the most blasts, vuln and coefficients are usually at the start of dps rotations for a reason, DeKeyz also puts her spreadsheets up for public viewing that compare different builds, classes, rotations, weapon sets together relative to both burst potential and sustained dps, again, wtf nemesis? as well as, the math never being shoved in peoples faces, people asked why they were doing what they were, how they were doing it, and so the people doing the math said, here’s what we’re doing, you can learn from it and try to mimic what we do if you want
-“declared that only half the classes in the game are viable”, for the meta, which is optimization for limited content at its most extreme, this is like asking, why can i not body block on my nomad necro, and fill in for a guard on alphard who takes anywhere from 30secs – infinity and uses projectiles that whole time, necro has 0 reflect up time, guardian gets 0.435, while alphard places bombs if you fail to dodge or block certain skills, why would you choose a class that slows you down when you are trying to reduce the time taken to finish content?
-"with no regard to how players will interpret these ‘facts’ “, the people doing the math are not responsible if players understand it, a players ignorance is not their fault, let alone that they even bothered to try and enlighten the player base
-”less complex,as in, dps only", because he hasn’t said anything about any tactics that are not ONLY dps for the past 9minutes, because your average pug group playing such an ‘uncomplex’ game can manage <4minute CM runs?

And at the 10minute mark I’m having trouble paying attention anymore, if you want I can go through the rest and type up a pretty word document with correct grammar and sentence structure and get you a link through google docs for it.

So far the discussion about fixes with HoT mainly revolve around
1: removing condition capping, so that condition classes can at least contribute
2: conditions taking damage from the source so condition stats are actually worthwhile when in parties with people who are not using condition damage as a main stat.
as well as some other various balance choices between classes to make more builds viable, even the zerker meta ‘elitists’ are asking for anet not to nerf their builds into the ground so that they aren’t stuck with only 1 viable choice(such as, based upon the trait reveal earlier with mention of nerfs to icebow/lightning hammer, only staff ele would be viable after patch)

[PvE]Dungeon Meta-Blast Finishers

in Necromancer

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


Considering Anet won’t give us any information on what they intended for gameplay besides “anything is viable”. I will withhold my 4am giggles at your comment.

In terms of Nemesis’ video, there are many issues about what he’s saying, I will provide a short summary of other peoples very short analysis:
- complains about corner stacking, while showing a record video(meta) with no corner stacking, well kitten
-complained years ago about cc not being in the meta, now complains about the abundant use of icebow cc in the meta
-joins a meta party, running a non-meta build, then proceeds to antagonize the other players and mock them while failing to realize that he provided little to no support to the other party members with his build

Some other notes: -exploiting mossman, is complaining about icebow even valid when it takes more skill than dragging him underwater and using the AA chain Anet gives us?
- his comments about corner stacking weren’t exactly well thought out, some of them weren’t even close to correct:
-“100% dps uptime when you shouldn’t”, first, how is this guy getting news from Anet about intended play that the rest of the player base hasn’t in 2.5 years? second, evades are still used in corner stacks, the dungeons are not run perfectly everytime, or skills are on cd, your guards says “WoR is on cd”, you’re going to dodge that next projectile or risk getting killed
-“mob reaction time is not instant”(~6:45), wut? you poke a ranged enemy in a dungeon, it shoots you in the face as fast as that projectile moves, elementalist ghosts in AC spawn aoe firestorms the moment they finish their summoning animation as long as they have a viable target
-“no damage while engaging”, yes, because the groups provide synergy, buffs and large damage output to reduce the amount of up time you need on those buffs, his ‘meta’ fractal is a perfect example of the risk groups are exposed to, and how fragile they are when certain members, cough cough, fail to synergize with the group and support the other players
-“abuse certain skills”, while yes he refers to cc(see previous summary note), this is like saying, rangers are abusing their 1500 range on longbow in wvw to hit distant targets, anet please nerf that to the 220 cleave range my GS has, necromancers are abusing fear in pvp to control targets in 1v1 fights to decap points, please nerf that, of course it’s going to be used to its maximum potential, there is a reason meta groups don’t waste 5 defiant stacks just so a ranger can shoot it with longbow 4
-“boss dies in under 5 seconds”, 5 lvl 80s, capping party buffs, running max damage rotations, in a dungeon designed to allow new lvl 30 characters to learn their class mechanics in a role that supports other players, well ya, it’s probably going to take less time
-“too effective”, wut? guardian is too effective at using virtues, please remove those(sarcasm has reached a breaking point), that’s like building an engineer for decap in pvp, then only using half your skills to duel a bunker, if you wanted a hybrid build, you probably shouldn’t have fully specced into decap, in which case you’d be a very effective hybrid, with enough skill you’d be too effective, cough cough
-“look at us spending the majority of our time running than fighting”, dungeon community has been asking for years for harder content, Anet has said we won’t get anything new, players already have challenges on these bosses, if Anet set the difficulty at a bar high enough to challenge organised groups with voice communications, gg for the pug groups who don’t even realize what classes are capable of because they don’t take the time to look at all their skills or ask people for advice and criticism on their current play
-“correct mechanics to freeze the boss”, pretty much working as kittening intended
-“burst, not dps”, wut? burst is short interval damage, burst literally contains dps, if you dealt no damage, and therefore had no dps, you could not be bursting, again, wut?

Which kits for pve?

in Engineer

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


I’ll run into a wall probably this afternoon after I pass out with the current meta rotation and see what kind of coefficient bombs would need to compete with average vuln on grenades.

No Trinity and Maybe Trinity?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


I don’t know why this is still an issue? Why are you attempting to integrate into the zerk meta instead of just playing the game in whatever fashion you choose? I don’t smack you with a dead horse wearing zerker armour. Likewise do not smack me with a trio of dead horses. Zerk only is mainly dungeons, you don’t see pvp/wvw groups asking for zerk only for reasons that can be found in a multitude of threads. You can already build tanks and healers. Unless nomad armour and eles putting 7 blasts into a water field don’t count?

[PvE]Dungeon Meta-Blast Finishers

in Necromancer

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


Unfortunately I missed the stream, but I looked at the video on, also unfortunate that they didn’t give us a general number for the lifesteal. But currently lifesteal does not scale with vuln, so the number you see is what you get. In terms of the meta, most parties are going to mitigate damage with reflects/blocks/blinds, how many hits are going to go through that a lifesteal aura will give you the passive sustain to continue fighting above the 90% threshold? And if hits are going through, is necro lifesteal the best choice, or could you double up on guard/thief for more blinds, more aegis and more projectile blocking, including the high damage thief puts out, and the potential increase to damage with the new guard symbol trait. As well, can a hammer guard with permanent prot be more effective at mitigating damage than a necro would be at lifestealing? Necro can currently get 34 life siphon on hit and 42 on crit. If that doesn’t get increased, I don’t think you’re going to be bringing anything to a meta party, maybe a pug where people have low damage and don’t utilise active defenses to their utmost would you provide a noticeable contribution.

No Trinity and Maybe Trinity?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


Furthermore, in HoT, with the changes to how conditions work, conditions will be more viable than they are now, because they are actually capable of a higher DPS than full beserker gear despite the ramp-up time, because DPS is not lost when dodging. Yes, condition builds synergize BETTER with dodging than zerker.

And maps like Silverwastes have already made conditions and healing essential. you try doing Vinewrath without an HPS elementalist in your group and see how well it pans out. It turns into the entire thing into painful escort missions where your carrier can be destroyed at any given time when out of stealth.


1st: Let me address the slight misconception with conditions. While yes, over short intervals, dodging does not affect condition damage, there are a couple small but important things to note. Here is a lovely condition build, its one of the best for PvE: capping burn/poison and nearly bleeding in solo situations with minor access to confusion and some not bad might generation. But pure damage still makes up ~25% of the damage and considering I was using rabid setup since this sheet is from before sinister, the pure damage would be a larger percentage, so you will lose dps on dodge, unless you speak specifically about the husks at Triple Wurm. The second major thing to note is the ramp-up time. Ramp-up occurs when you begin a fight and ends when you are set into a continuous renewable rotation where the average output of conditions is matching the loss as conditions wear off. 20 second bleed means your ramp-up time is probably going to be around 20seconds when your first conditions wear off. Unfortunately it must be a continuous rotation, emphasis on continuous, as soon as you dodge, you lose 1-2 seconds of condition GENERATION. So your dps over a short interval will not drop, but 20seconds down the line when the bleed wears off from just before your dodge, you suddenly have a drop in intensity stacking conditions(which will be all damage related conditions post update). You instantaneous dps will not drop, your average will.

2nd: And less importantly, I run silverwaste fort defense for indigo on my meta ele(scholar, zerk, blasting staff), if need be, solo. My conditions are a joke but the only required enemies to kill are very susceptible to high damage aoes and use of terrain, the only time conditions are required is the champion husk that no1 ever does because zerg scaling for the capped conditions would be the worlds longest nightmare.
On the note of VW, I also lead the northern lane on said ele. I have never come across a point where the carrier is in serious danger due to: swiftness(granted by other carriers and players using support), protection(same sources), regen(same sources), barriers(staff ele party, guard staff/hammer, mesmer pulls, ranger immobilize, etc..). When I synergize with 2 other staff eles, we lock down the aggressive packs that spawn and allow an aoe festival on them. Toss in a glyph of storms on air/earth, I either cap vuln or blind the mobs as the carrier passes. At no point do we need any heals on the carrier that can’t be provided by a thief blasting a water 5 with 0 healing power or just water 3. And rarely do we have thieves stealthing(mainly because they are bad at timing the SR on the carrier) and even more rarely do thieves just blast stealth in moments when mobs are approaching the carrier.

Unfortunately between CC and active defenses, and a source of damage(mainly pure in a zerg of 20-30), heals and condition damage become nearly useless. Until condition caps are removed, conditions will be inferior in the majority of encounters because there are too many sources. 2 properly geared condition classes can cap all of the easily accessible conditions as well as providing good uptime on the otheres, beyond a group of 2, conditions are a waste of time. Let alone condition damage not being applied from the source, where condition stats don’t matter as soon as you encounter large groups/random people.

How would you change Basic DS?

in Necromancer

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


100% endurance regen while in DS, master trait? pulsing protection while in DS?(opposite of the new pulsed vuln), maybe 4secs prot to you and nearby allies on 9sec cd?

Which kits for pve?

in Engineer

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


Yes, I calculate the total duration of conditions and multiply it by the damage. Which is one of the multitude of reasons condition builds aren’t viable in pve. With bombs I throttle the total duration to 30, so its a 30sec rotation, and it considers the burns to finish occuring at 31/32 secs. On the other hand some of those bleeds are going near 20secs from shrapnel and for a burst build are completely incorrect, but this calculates an average damage output/potential damage created per second.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


For those with the <10% problem, that will only be a problem if Anet resets all skills and traits. If you already bought skills with the current SP system, as long as they aren’t reset your total amount of hero points given with the update will unlock all your traits and none will need to be spent on skills. Also all skills means ALL skills, if you buy every single racial elite, you’re spending an extra 40 open world skill points on things you probably won’t use. So the points from 1-80 will cover all your traits and probably all of the limited utilities you would use.

Which kits for pve?

in Engineer

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


I was kinda confused how you got some of your numbers, so I modified one of my sheets and upload a comparison for bombs vs nades.
Top Left: Bombs, only might provided by build, capped vuln from mysterious source
Bottom Left: Grenades, only might provided by build(none), capped vuln from mysterious source
Top Right: Bombs, capped might, both banners and a source of fury, capped vuln from mysterious source
Bottom Right: Grenades, capped might, both banners and source of fury, capped vuln from mysterious source

Grenades didn’t lag too much behind in terms of total damage without buffs and much of the difference that was caught up came from capped might. I assumed no use of target-the-weak to cap crit at 100% for the buffed comparison though bombs benefited more from crit rate than grenades did with more multipliers and a higher base coefficient.

Main problem I’m running into is what’s going to happen to the 30% condi duration in the first line, we have no gear for those stats to be put into, and I didn’t see any traits that gave some of it back so grenades will lose more of its damage post patch than bombs would. But, I’m not sure what is going to be done to both poison grenade and fire bomb with the new stacking changes for those conditions. Currently poison grenade only reaches about 1/2 – 1/3 of its potential damage due to capping which could give grenades an advantage, and I’m not sure what will happen with fire bomb since it would only give 4 stacks with a 2sec duration each after the update, which is pretty weak with burn damage getting reduced.

Fire bomb getting raised from 0.2 to .25/.3 per tick would help make up for damage loss from burning, but I’d still expect to either get double stacks of burn on tick or an increased base duration.
Perhaps grenades being reduced to a 0.3 from 0.33 coefficient on the auto would help reduce the total damage output of grenades. Maybe the 2 changes together would help create a larger gap.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


Like, your characters without enough map completion all kittened to hell with locked traits and skills and being forced to grind the open world to get the specialisation?

From what I read on the update to traits, going from 1-80 gets you something like 80% of all traits/skills possible, you will have to complete ~65 open world skill points to completely unlock everything.
See third paragraph.

Silverwastes engi builds?

in Engineer

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


I run berserker with scholar and a couple assassin’s thrown in, accuracy/force usual meta build. Nades/flamethrower/elixir gun with a rifle, supply crate and heal turret. 6/6/0/0/2. Solo fort defenses are possible but sometimes iffy depending on your ability to dodge and stopping leeching thrashers from sucking your soul through walls.

Which kits for pve?

in Engineer

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


90 nade hits in 30secs(1 freeze + 5 shrapnel possible)
34 bombs
So i did 2 30sec rotations, using just grenade skill 1 you get 29.7 total coefficients. If you include 1 freeze grenade(2 would require a 40+sec rotation) and 5 shrapnel(6 takes just over 30secs) you get 33.51
The bomb kit hits 42.5.

So, disregarding vuln and other traits. Bomb is the best for damage on a slot 1 attack.(Sorry Jerus). Grenades gets 21% less damage than bombs even when you use the higher coefficient attacks. I heard a mysterious rumor that bosses won’t have the 50% reduction to vuln, so bomb could actually make a play for an auto attack(maybe not with speed clears, depends which other classes could drop their vuln on crit skills to get more damage).


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


I’d like to see the OP posting a lupi solo to demonstrate their knowledge of active defenses, from a war POV.

Proposed Changes for Engineer Turrets

in PvP

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


Considering most minions/summoned pets are already susceptible to the aforementioned changes we feel that this is a fair way to bring turrets more inline with the rest of the game. These changes should only slightly affect the viability of turrets in PvE/WvW (low creature crit chance/condition application), while providing for more counterplay against turrets.


So if they’re being brought in line with other summoned npcs, should not turrets be able to accept boons as well as critically hit enemies just like minions, ranger pets, clones/phantasms?
Main thing coming to mind is the new boon that stops condition damage from ticking as well as a turret shooting you in the eye vs. the foot in the same way you can say critically hitting with a sword is chopping off the head vs. a hand.

You could scale it off the engineers stats partially so that turrets are stronger based on the summoners toughness, or deal more damage based off power/prec/fero. In the same way net and flame turrets scale off the summoner’s might and condi duration.

Will we be able to cleanse turrets? Will traits like elementalists cleansing on regen application (Cleansing Water) therefore be cleansing less than their potential? Will “Save Yourselves” draw conditions off of turrets? If so, what about skills, traits, runes that convert conditions to boons? Will these fail to cleanse?

Sigil of Air is broken :(((((((

in PvP

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


So, in a 60 sec rotation I put out 100 hits using dagger AA chain unbroken.

Let’s say we throw on an accuracy sigil for 7% crit rate, take 6 pts in critical strikes for the 300 prec but ignore the 5% while above 90. Assume fury from stealing with a triple stat amulet where precision is a minor stat(barbarian,etc..). This puts us at 78.61% crit rate. Then we need to calculate the time required to proc. So your average first proc is:

[number of seconds in interval / (number of hits in interval * crit rate as decimal * chance to proc on crit)].

Which is a 1.527 second average interval before you land a crit that procs an air sigil. Then you take your ICD of 3 secs and add that on to your average interval and you’re getting a minimum of 4.5 seconds between each air sigil proc.

Now throw on the agility signet and an assassin’s amulet. You now have 100% crit rate, so your minimum activation rate is now 4.2seconds at maximum crit rate.

So, you could say a general dps build in pvp is looking at a 4.5seconds interval between successive air sigil procs for a d/d thief just using auto attacks.

But feel free to go into pvp and attempt to hit crits a fraction of a second after a 3second interval until you’ve managed it 25+ times and see if air sigil procs.

Equipping Runes to Armour soulbinding

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


I posted previously and was removed for not covering the chat window.

Equipping Runes to Armour soulbinding

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


I created a set of nomad’s armour 2 days ago then slotted in dolyak runes, each time receive a pop-up that adding a rune would account bind the armour. After attempting to withdraw the armour onto another character I found it had become soul bound and not account bound as the pop-up informed me.

I was unable to take a screen shot showing the Account Bound, Soul Bound on Use change to just Soul Bound.
