Showing Posts For SlyDevil.3952:

Grenadier throws straight, not lofted

in Engineer

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


That’s not how projectiles work, if you want to decrease the flight time, you must throw them at a more shallow angle. You would need to attach small engines onto the grenades so they could change direction in flight.

Dredge Nerf Blinking to Button1?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


Just did a 50 a couple mins ago, was working fine.

dredge fractal-blasting makes me in combat

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


Some enemies leave their body behind. It happens in ac, cm, se, arah, fractals and a couple other dungeons that i haven’t done recently enough.

Nemesis's new video on necro DPS is brutal

in Necromancer

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


What i am saying is that… contrary to popular believe necromancer doesn’t have LOWER DPS then a warrior which also provides buffs… in fact… those warrior buffs are for me, the necromancer, the higher DPSer… If it wasn’t for the Icebow exploit of course…

Since the necro can’t fill the buffing slot a PS war does, then you are vying for the 2-3 dps slots in a party. You would then need to compare your damage against that of a warrior likewise traited for optimal dps.

And… hitbox compression is disallowed in records, not used in any of the guild runs I do(and of course DnT is just filthy exploiters who would definitely use this tactic if it was possible /s) and I’ve never seen a pug use it yet. Where exactly is this exploit being used that you consider it the only thing holding necros back from being generally accepted as meta? Since you know, you’d have to compare the non-icebow dps of every other class to necros before deciding whether or not it was the best choice for the available dps slots.

Gw2 still hard

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


Dont forget to exploit by using whirlwind into walls on warrior.

Your best LFG reads and puglife stories

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


Basically, shadow refuge grants lifesteal and increases survivability while also being great for healing downed players. There are also way more mechanics and attacks from the bosses than you have dodges.

He was talking about stealthing past mobs, not using the SR during fights…….
If you’re running out of dodges in a group, you should probably rearrange your traits or put on an energy sigil. If it’s solo you can rework your tactic to counter the attacks better.

Nemesis's new video on necro DPS is brutal

in Necromancer

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


And of course, lets not forget that quickness buffs the outgoing number of auto attacks for a build, and necro takes almost all of it’s coefficients from auto attacking, so his lich form was buffed more than the warrior with all of its cooldowns locking it’s highest damage skills.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


P.P.P.S Its not that I hate it, i just don’t want to make all new legendaries. I wasted my gold on Spiky Fruit and gatorade.

Good thing you can go treasure hunting

Revenant Solo DPS v. Other Classes

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


If you can persuade Keyz she probably has numbers lying around for all the classes pre and post elite specs.

Revenant Solo DPS v. Other Classes

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


That was 4 months ago before the june patch though, lots of changes.

Engineer Bugs (Updated & Consolidated)

in Engineer

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


Focused on their new classes/specs, no doubt.

Here’s another gripe: I played engineer a lot pre-patch and my fingers know the rotations pretty well. Post-patch though, they just don’t work. I don’t get it. The skill cooldowns and activations haven’t changed, but the skills don’t go off. Like, I’ll swap to nades, throw a few, but only one will actually complete. I assume this is kind of related to the skill queue interrupt bug (WHICH IS STILL THERE AFTER HOW MANY MONTHS?) It’s a source of great frustration in pvp when you expect certain things to happen and they just don’t.

SD and bunker down will cause problems with toolbelt skills by lengthening the apparent aftercast time. Some traits were removed that shortened cds on ft & grenades changing those kit rotations slightly.

Warrior does Less DPS than the WORST class?

in Warrior

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


You can’t get more realistic then what i am doing… manual adding the damage has a 99% accuracy…

Except, you know, RNG, the reason why we don’t pull numbers of out combat logs for calculating dps on builds. Cause you know, RNG might fall under the “niche situation” category.

Warrior does Less DPS than the WORST class?

in Warrior

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


If you think any of that is exclusive to that boss then you’re not playing the same game as us.

But it is! Name one other boss that is near a wall, rock, pole, fence, or has a large hitbox. Betcha can’t.

Crusher/hunter, the second boss of arah p3, lupi and the wraithlord. kitten that’s a whole path. Wait wait, that’s like, one dungeon path right? Arah p4, balthazar, lyssa, lupi(large hitbox, whatevs), dwayna, bloodstone, one boss wasn’t. Wait, that’s just arah right? Coe all start mobs. Alpha if you want, the golem if you want(not recommended, boons and stuff), the next alpha, bjarl for p1, the last alpha. That’s 2 boss on p2/3 that aren’t faster on a wall. AC? spider queen, kholer, last bosses. CM?? PLEASE CM SAVE ME??? barn boss, victoria, frost, thief dude in p2 who is leashed to the other 4 elites in the salon, the OP symbol guardian outside starts with a B, Tremaine, the optional boss, seamus, the other grenade boss, vallog. kitten, only 1 boss wasn’t on a wall there.

Edit: kitten dlonie you filthy elitist

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


If you want to win an argument, fight in the same environment. Do something impressive in pug run and show them the proof. Presenting video of a perfectly executed encounter isn’t helping, nemesis doesn’t consider that a “valid” argument.

He only had to dodge once during that bloomhunger, idk how much easier you can get for having the highest possible dps.

Warrior does Less DPS than the WORST class?

in Warrior

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


You fought bloomhunger at that exact spot, using projectile defense mechanics to allow you to dodge exactly 1 attack(only 1 aoe was near you), which gave you almost 100% opportunity to use attacks.

Congrats, you used a single encounter and had a group to support you to pull out 1k more dps.

Mossman you say?
Let me toss some math on that screen of yours, 1.1million hp, 294 seconds, 3.7k dps, you number was surprisingly accurate here. But of course, let’s not take niche situations like a buffed party to compare to a solo, so, feel free to upload a necro solo of mossman and we’ll avoid any niche comparisions. Or, take the dps of warriors from the records that have been uploaded Sesshi again and compare it instead. WAIT A SEC, that’s not the right boss. Here’s the bloomhunger ,which, because it’s so much more faceroll than mossman is guaranteed to have better dps “uptime”, right? Then again you can just take the dps from mossman and probably assume it’s the same comparing large hitbox to stationary whirlwind with a group making the mechanics trivial(1 dodge).

Trick inexperienced players? He gave a conservative estimate that was still nearly on par with your build’s most optimal. If you think his solo is too niche, provide one of your own, since there are already group videos to compare to.

[Bug] Lupicus Necrid Bolt hits at melee

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


DPS Skill Calculator

in Community Creations

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


Are you adding all of the damage multipliers multiplicatively? and Do you have enough space for all of the multipliers a class has access to? You may want to add a note that it doesn’t calculate condition damage contributions, I didn’t see space to add vuln in the multiplier section

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


I feel like everyone failed to think about how the enrage timer is tuned. They can set it at the dps of a nomad necro with a scepter, in which case everyone is fine, or they tune it to a staff ele against a large hitbox and we’re all kittened. The timer is there so a boss encounter is a “do you know what you’re doing?” instead of a “have you stacked enough damage mitigation to draw the fight on indefinitely until the boss dies because it doesn’t have healing skills”. You need to enter a fight and know: the mechanics, your class’ ability to contribute to the group, and have composed a group that synergises. You can’t tickle the boss and run around ressing players in SR after they die every 30secs, that is what it is limiting, nothing else. Challenging content (hopefully) isn’t a test of gear, but a test of knowledge and the ability to apply it in a given context. The enrage timer is testing this. Caveat: depends upon how it is tuned

Engineer Bugs (Updated & Consolidated)

in Engineer

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


What’s your gain to Reveal an enemy who can just sit in stealth for the duration?

I would assume to counter traits that benefit from being in stealth by limiting how much they can have at a time. But Idk why the cd is so long if classes can access stealth more readily than you can counter it, and any long duration stealths are unaffected.

Whats the new dungeon meta?

in Engineer

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


I found the ascended sinister stat amulet, but where are the ascended sinister rings/trinkets found?

Living Story says hello. You can also check the bandit crest merchant, Im not sure if they appear there before or after the LS achieves.

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


They did reference toughness gear and using it to take hits. Will they be strengthening the agro advantage of toughness gear? because as is, while it has some strength it’s far from consistent. I take it we’ll be doing a lot of range damage to stay away from the melee hits that you need defensive gear for?

Ehh, I should stop thinking about it, just wait to see it, my hype and positive outlook is gone.

Maybe we can body block projectiles easier >:)

How will raids handle buffs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


Personally speed shouldn’t be something people optimize for until they have figured out how to farm the raid. Thief imo is too squishy and can be a liability. Personally i would go warrior and GS rush for anything that requires mobility.

I hope mobility speed is important, from engaging an enemy further away from the defended point, or activating/disabling some mechanism. Certainly an aspect I think should be valued.

Necro demands class balance.

What can I do to punish Dungeon scammers now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


Did they deliberately and in full knowledge take the instance and complete the path ignoring the wishes of the lfg poster? Thats griefing him!!!! Which falls under LFG abuse, and if anet decides to ban for that offense, then it can be bannable.

Was it behaviour that can be reported and punished? Yes. Will anet prioritize it over other things? Idk, report it and find out.

No its not. Your definition would mean anyone joining a group and not killing every creature is bannable since the poster said full clear. Or the player stacking needs the axe when the description said no stacking. They didn’t prevent the OP from doing the dungeon, if anything they helped them finish it. And remember abusing the report feature is also a bannable offense. You are taking the time from a GM from helping someone that might really need help.

Not bannable, it is causing the player grief, griefing. If you go into a dungeon where the player posted for full clear, and you purposely skip things to cause him grief, then you have abused the player via the lfg. While yes, you have used the lfg as intended to find a group, you have used it to abuse players as well which is not what it is for. Is this bannable? Go ask support but it is reportable.

Raids discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


and they most assuredly will enrage if you take too long to kill them

Enrage timer confirmed.

I wonder how big the drop in reward is after the weekly raid completion. Are the fancy items limited by weeks, or do we still get gold/other currencies for multiple completions?

Engineer Bugs (Updated & Consolidated)

in Engineer

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


It’s the literal Reveal buff being applied, not the definition of the word being used. It’s like crippling your foe vs. Crippling your foe. A crippled person can be crippled in more ways than just slowed movement speed, but the game’s definition supersedes anything else. It’s a badly worded description, but the functionality is matching what is described.

(edited by SlyDevil.3952)

What can I do to punish Dungeon scammers now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


Did they deliberately and in full knowledge take the instance and complete the path ignoring the wishes of the lfg poster? Thats griefing him!!!! Which falls under LFG abuse, and if anet decides to ban for that offense, then it can be bannable.

Was it behaviour that can be reported and punished? Yes. Will anet prioritize it over other things? Idk, report it and find out.

Just curious, this is impartial.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


Why does blood is power not allow your allies to life drain on all attacks for 10secs instead of being a weak as version of FGJ?

2 Months and Farewell Fractals.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


I also disagree that you can know that CGC will be completable “by everyone and their mother.”

Looks like that is exactly what they are aiming for with Raids. So that any party comp can do it.

Any party comp completing it isn’t a bad thing, challenging the player using the class to use it to its utmost potential is what you want, or having classes that are balanced, but I think the first one is easier for the devs.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


Yeah that’s the problem — it’s not really a good skill to reactively evade attacks with because it has a cast time and because the evade frame doesn’t last for the full duration of the skill’s animation. It’s only useful for damage, positioning, and stacking might(+fury) most of the time :P

Good thing guild wars is based around active combat with noticeable tells on enemies so we have time to react with our skills, right?

My future prediction with improved AI

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


it was zerker meta who made the videos promoting wall pushing to begin with all of that was you people.

go find me a video of PWIW pushing kitten into walls, I’m waiting

Pushing lupi into walls was used to reduce swarm spawns on solo records and for classes with lack of cleave, you do remember that the wall on wall trick is relatively new compared to how long people have been doing arah and separate from just walling lupi?

Do PHIWs know how to record and upload videos? I can record some for you on my next arah pug if you’d like.

Considering skipping was considered perfectly acceptable by the designer of the dungeons, I don’t know why this is even has threads being created about it still. Stacking is also an old tactic from pre-fgs nerf, you have a thread about an outdated, sub-optimal tactic and an acceptable method of finishing dungeons, huh?

My future prediction with improved AI

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


and guess who got that stuff nerfed?

PvPers insta killing the lord in foefire?

Don’t forget rushing the treb and wrecking the player on it at the same time, or creating zones of death on downed players with lightning flash, or, or, or. Ridiculous burst dps could be abused in a lot of situations.

Possible future community event

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


kitten: master baiting in a group with others. In this case its a group of dungeoneers sitting in LA talking about dungeons and the meta, to an outsider who can not think objectively, we’re just pleasuring ourselves by talking about our ideas.

Your best LFG reads and puglife stories

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


but we did the path anyway and it was only at the end that the warrior realised he didn’t have any backpiece or trinkets on.

I did a path 2 arah and soloed lupi for the party, found out the same thing after as well. Good thing my abysmal damage blended right in.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


What happens with cc’ing balth? I’ve not seen that before.

If you hit him with some ccs they stop removing defiance, your headshots can be reduced to just a couple hundred dmg and no way to deep freeze a second time.

(edited by SlyDevil.3952)

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


The challenges in this game have never really been stat-dependant, and I’d be very surprised if they suddenly went back on that.

Imo one of the strongest points of this game is that I can beat all challenges in a variety of setups, with my dungeon running friends using (near-)meta compositions as well as with my casual guildies in a variety of special-snowflake builds, as long as we adjust our strategies accordingly..

I’d be very disappointed if challenging content meant content you really only could beat with a very reduced number of builds/setups/strategies.

You don’t need to limit the content by class, but yes, strategy should be required, if they aren’t giving us unique mechanics, you’re just going to have another world boss that everyone uses 1 on until dead. Builds should also be a given, with the ability to swap traits at any time, swapping out traits and traitlines between fights is an very easy to meet expectation, and allows more design possibilities if the encounters are design for everything specific classes can do, rather than limited to the worst build possible.
The setup shouldn’t matter, but playing each class brought to the maximum potential(or close to it) should be required, otherwise you’re only creating a challenge for the worst players, not everyone.

Just putting on an ascended weapon gives you a 5% damage boost, you make the fights take less time regardless of rotation. If you add in the stat values for a full ascended vs. full exotic plus the difference in base defense on armour, you gain a big safety net, if the content is tuned to the bottom of the group(greens?blues?exotics?) then ascended sets will make the content trivial unless it has specific mechanics that must be dodged/interacted with. I think I’m back at specific strategies being required(can slightly vary based on class).

(edited by SlyDevil.3952)

Ice bow questions

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


thief edges out in the crowd more due to revealed buff and if they are flanking when using it
warriors are good for using skill 4 only, then going back to their main weapons. (they will do more damage)

skill rotation in organized groups:
-use skill 5 first to freeze a target clear of defiant stacks
-use skill 4 second to pile on damage
-use skill 3 up close to trigger multiple hits. very good at clearing trash mobs.
-use skill 2 to wait for skill 4 to recharge.
-use utility skills to fill any gaps. if you use skill 1 more than a few times you are losing dps and wasting charges.

I’m pretty sure the flanking doesn’t affect aoe skills, not sure about ground targetted impacts.(thieves/thief rune) Thieves also only have increased crit chance from flanking, but it interferes with the increased 7% crit dmg, and thieves already have plenty of crit chance when buffed, so the crit dmg is more useful, and less situational in groups(assuming you can keep a scholar buff).

Warriors can go 3→4 and drop the bow then use burst skill to get the 20% multiplier for the second half of ice storm.

After 4/3 in melee range, the bow should be dropped unless the target(s) is/are about to die and you need the bow in 20secs. Skill 2 is a filler if you interrupt deep freeze/ice storm by dodging or boss moving out of position.

Can some explain what ferocious strikes on thieves is supposed to be saying? It says it increases crit dmg against foes above 50%, but it shows a straight 10% multiplier. Anyone know which it is actually is doing?

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


Out of curiosity, has anyone tried running, say, Arah with 3x ele + 2x thief to perma-chain deep freeze level 80 dungeon bosses?

Some bosses like Melandru can’t be deep frozen, balthazar can bug in terms of incoming cc, lupi can’t be, etc…

You would be sacrificing most of the dps of both thieves to constantly strip the defiance for 3-6 straight deep freezes(around 14secs of downtime after the first 3 for cds. You lose almost all of your might uptime unless you bring a lh ele with str runes on a lava font. No banners. And spreading out the freezes requires 2 lightning storms with some players using ahem viable but less than optimal rotations during capped vuln periods.

Chaining back to back freezes has been done at bjarl and the evolved husk in coe, probably a couple other bosses with high hp/mechanics that prevent max dmg situations.

SOLO arah

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


List of mob types, there was a thread somewhere that listed them as well, not bookmarked unfortunately.

OOC at mai trin? stealth help OOC?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


Getting hit by one of the cannon AOEs during the phase transitions will also get you stuck in combat.

You can actually get hit by some of the cannons and get OOC. Good luck figuring out which circles belong to which cannons, though.

Stare intently at the cannoneers and forget to blast

bombs now

in Engineer

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


Even the PvE Sinister build isn’t really a condition build. It’s a hybrid build that just prioritizes conditions over power. At the end of the day it still relies heavily on power damage, just as most PvE builds do, as the ramp-up time on your burns is pretty significant.

That’s because you can’t lose out the coefficient portion of the condition skills. Every skill has a coefficient, if it also applies a condition, then it’s a hybrid condi/power build? Condi engineer does not rely on power damage except against structures, the damage loss from sinister to rabid is ~6.2% when buffed.

Power vs Condition vs Balance

in Engineer

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


Sinister if burst doesn’t matter, berserker if it does. I suggest against trio fractals with 2+ condi engineers in them on volcanic, the lava eles suck.

Rewards Revamp needs to happen.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


Better idea, scale all rewards based on the current record for a dungeon. That way it’s relative to the lowest possible achievable time.

OOC at mai trin? stealth help OOC?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


Summary: Combat is based on distance, keep mai trin far away, do not hit any mob that stands near the middle of the arena, don’t let them hit you as well.

SOLO arah

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


RE ele talk: I find lupi solo on ele to be very annoying to the point of excruciating if you get bad aa rng. It scared me away from practicing further. Then again, I’m a noob ele.

You can go d/f with vigor on crit, energy sigil of you really need, you can go dodge,earth 2, dodge, etc… to infinitely block the AA, then on the barrage for phase 2 you dodge backwards and earth 2 after. Phase 2/3 you can swirling for 1/3 of the time, dodge others, you can use 1 dodge then burning speed out of his aoe life drain, dodge on backward diagonals during phase 3 to bait out domes and walk back in as he starts the animation to give 3-4 secs of AA less time. Rotate in lightning storm/icebow during swirling winds after a lifedrain. Obby flesh for when you have no clue what you’re doing with your life.

Can't see enemy attacks and fed up with it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


Particle effects scale with the size of the enemy!!! Woohoo!!!! Use virtue of justice active on lupi, you’ll understand. Would love a slider to stop particle effects from other players/self. Also, dredge disaggregators have an instant mace smack that dazes for 3seconds, talk about lack of tell.

An anti 'Meta' rant.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


I enjoy doing 3man fractals with my guild because I enjoy improving the level of my play, I’d hate to still be using the same set of armour after 3 years if the difference between soldier’s and knight’s was just a dodge away.

Done with 'Metazerk'

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


It’s sad how these unmanageable standards have blown in up in the faces of the Dungeon community, though it’s all self inflicted. That’s what happens with player-instigated regulations. Game isn’t designed for exclusion and it’s cost us all by lack of development on a valuable source of entertainment.

I know you’re trolling, but the dungeon community has nothing to do with it. Most of us are pretty easy going about team comp, especially in random pugs. The people who created the unmanageable standard are the wannabe-elitist scrubs who aren’t in the actual “community.”

It’s actually anyone that promotes specific builds for whatever their cause of the day is. It’s infectious. It may not have been the intention, but this is the result.

Good thing we aren’t playing a trinity game, all those self-imposed regulations would have really blown up in our face. LF tank, kitten, the PHIWs are after us already!!!!

Higher Level Fractal Group Makeup

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


Hammer/mace-torch dps isn’t much lower than mace-torch/GS, if your group is having trouble with fights you can swap in hammer and give better passive defences until your group learns the encounters

Superior Rune of the Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


If you’re constantly lighting things on fire, flame legion, especially in groups.

Celestial questions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


If you don’t choose berserker/assassin then knight’s/celestial are your next best choice for pure damage.