Showing Posts For Sorel.4870:

Any plans to finally fix useless traits?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sorel.4870


I agree that buffing useless traits is an absolute necessity in balance, or at least make so that we don’t have to choose strong traits (mesmer DE, engi IP, warrior CI) in most builds to be viable. But one thing startles me: why don’t you like fall damage traits ? In WvW it’s actually a very good choice for some professions. On my thief, I have won many fights with the extra steath and the reduced damage.

Oh, I forgot: please let mesmers have a 25% movement speed trait! RPwise, mesmers are not supposed to be slow, are they ?

Nerf Fire Fields, here's why-

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Most high-level eles and engies don’t even actively blast their fire fields, and just get might from swaps with an occasional fire-field.

Just watch someone like Denshee or Phantaram play. Most of their might comes from Battle Sigil.

What else do the top “might stacking” professions (Ele, Engie, Warrior) share: Fast weapon-swaps to use on-swap sigils with maximum effectiveness….

Fire fields are NOT the problem.

And yet, with exception of Warriors being able to use 4 on-swap sigils at max efficiency, every profession uses Battle Sigils to the exact same efficiency. The ICD on those is very important. Engies and Eles can’t activate them any more often than other professions, even though they can “swap” much more often.

Warriors can’t use Sigils of Battle more efficiently either, because the ICD is for all Sigils of Battle. What they can do that nobody else can is run different on-swap sigils on both weapon sets and use them all at max efficiency.

Sigils are definitely NOT the problem because nobody can use them to any greater effect than anyone else. Every time someone say s “but they have fast weapon swaps” they completely ignore the fact those sigils have a cooldown that limits activation to being no more often than theives, mesmers, rangers, guardians, and necromancers can activate them.

That is partly true. First of all, yes, all professions can use sigil of battle efficiently, the problem is that it is too efficient: strength runes/sigil of battle works so well it is on most meta builds, and that is not good for build diversity. Secondly, you often hear that sigil of battle is better on engis, eles and warrior, and it’s true ! Not only do engis and eles always use it a few instants after the end of the ICD, which is not the case for other classes, who might not swap every time the swap is off CD, but they only use one sigil, while to be that efficient other professions need to carry two, one on each weapon set. These two professions are balanced to be viable with only two sigils, so they have an advantage here. Warriors are even worse: by having only one sigil of battle, they can stack might every 10 seconds, while other professions with two sigils can stack might every 9 seconds, giving them the opportunity to use another sigil on their other weapon set (intelligence sigil, I’m looking at you !). That may explain some of the comments about war/ele/engi and weapon swap sigils.

Game balance in nutshell

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Well, the CD on the engineer’s kits messes with one of the core mechanics of the engineer : being able to use any tool he has at any moment. So it won’t happen, and it shouldn’t. A slight nerf to celestial builds could be good, or make the pistol AA stronger while tuning down IP a bit, if you want to balance engineers.

Thief: withdraw is actually a very balanced heal, proof is that many thieves use HiS instead in pvp as well as in WvW. A lot of classes don’t have two viable heals, if your suggestion came through thief would become one of them, and we don’t want that. Maybe it’s strong against a specific build you’re playing ? Unlike HiS, it doesn’t remove poison, so you should try poisoning the thief and withdraw becomes useless.

Whirling Axe: why not ? I don’t understand the thought behind it though.

I have no opinions on the other change you suggested.

Personally, I kinda like the current profession balance, but I’m not fond of the build balance. I would like to see might tuned down a bit (maybe only 30 power, 30 condi damage per stack instead of 35), but see fire field blast combos give 4 stacks of might, to favor active play. Another good option would be to nerf the might duration on sigil of battle, and/or the increase in might duration on strength/hoelbrak/noble runes. There may be a problem when strength rune/sigil is the way to go on so many meta builds.

Any unique builds?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sorel.4870


When the Living Story end, do you think a sinister armor/rabid trinkets condi shatter mesmer could work ? Or maybe PU, to have more defensive abilities ? It could really increase the risk/reward ratio of mesmer condition builds.

Help me with my soon to be 80 mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sorel.4870


So moral of the story, the Pve community is even more stuck up about the meta than the pvpers ! Who would have thought.

Help me with my soon to be 80 mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Well guys, Stubie obviously don’t want to play the mesmer meta build, and in particular not play mainhand sword. So Stubie, as someone said before, mesmer is intended to be a battle mage, but you can still adapt the play style to suit you better. If I understood you right, what is important for you is not playing conditions but rather to be able to cast spells from a distance. So I would suggest, instead of playing staff and scepter/x, to play a berserker GS and staff build. The staff can help you with the buffs from chaos armor, and the might stacking from the AA is really decent. The GS is a really fun power ranged weapon (don’t use the 5 skill though, that’s annoying as hell !).

Yes, I know it is better to be in melee range in dungeons. Yes, I know the dps of the sword is better. But you know Stubie, the most important while playing a game is to have fun. I find conditions in dungeons to be a rather boring play style, and finding yourself being useless will probably annoy you. However, if you want to play at range, play at range ! Be sure to run with casuals though: not everybody will kick someone out of the party for not running THE optimal build. With my very casual guildmates, I’ve even run dungeons playing a flamethrower engi or a p/p thief, running with a PU condi mesmer, a longbow ranger and a cele ele, and we still made it ! Sure it will take more time, but why rushing it, if you’re having a good time ?

Finally, if you absolutely want to play a condi staff scepter/x mesmer, do it in open world, or in easy dungeons paths with friends. Or better yet, use a PU build, and farm victories in WvW ! Enjoy playing your lvl 80 mesmer !

Time for another Break, because

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Enjoy your break. It sounds like you already played a lot of GW2, it’s probably normal that you find it boring after all these hours.

PvP rank

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Came back to play a lil bit GW2 yesterday… Rank 650 after winning 6 games losing 2.
Also, playing a profession I’ve never played before and spamming all the skills.
Shows how good I am compared to the PvP community. When I left my record was 49% losses, I’m now 50.29%. All good players leave or what? I shouldn’t be winning like the way I’m playing right now, especially being that its against people on the leaderboard.

You’re right, you’re definitely a god among insects. Seriously though, if you were in top 1000, you stay in top 1000. That’s how the Glicko rating system works, you can find it broken if you like, but it is very appropriate for a game such as GW2. In teamq, a very good team of casual players will rise higher than a few brainded hardcore players, and that’s how it should be. Sure it happens that someone gets to rank 1 after only 30 matches, but over time it corrects itself (the more you play, the more accurate the rating). If you once were in top 1000, chances are you are a good player, so even when getting back, you still have some good reflexes, on an easy build in addition to that. Plus, you were in soloq, so chances are you weren’t as useful as you think you were, and the four guys on your team were just good players. Sorry if your pride got hurt.

What do you listen to while Mesmerizing

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sorel.4870


I actually created my mesmer after hearing “Shatter Me” by Lindsey Stirling. Most mesmerish song ever.

I'm bored of D/D insta burst.

in Thief

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Yeah, SD and DP have more to them than what you realize. Try playing DP, but relying less on 5→2→BS and more on your excellent 3 and 4 skills. You’ll be less predictable, and it’ll be a nice change in the gameplay for you.

Although, I think your real problem here is there are two kind of players in GW2: those who play on their main for 3k+ hours, and those who constantly need to try new professions (with the entire spectrum of in-betweeners). Judging by your post, you probably belong in the second category. When I was bored with my thief, I created an engineer: the gameplay is entirely different, and I find that a kits or SD engi is yet a better roamer than a power thief, so there’s that. Mesmers and Eles are good roamers too. You’ll go back to playing thief eventually.

death blossom replace , inspire the devs

in Thief

Posted by: Sorel.4870


I could definitely be happy with a 5-init DB that would still inflict bleed but require a direction to cast (like the warrior GS 3), with a reliable evade frame and maybe jumping a little further. I’ve always thought that the DB animation was really cool, and that it was unfortunate that the skill itself was so lame. Imagine those cool evades ! DB + Withdraw = Kungkittenthief.

I spent an evening in YoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


SoloQ is just dead.
It’s dead.
Granted, the way the ladder is structured isn’t perfect but what is going on is there are so little people that play SoloQ a small win streak can put you in the freaking front page.
It would be like playing League and starting as a Bronze V and get to Challenger in a single sitting.

I don’t know what ranking system is used in LoL. About GW2 although, a dev explained here that the Glicko rating of a player is depreciated very slowly (due to inflation), but that in order to draw the inactive players out of the leaderboards, Anet added an “artificial” decay of the rank shown on the leaderboard, but not of the real Glicko rating. If you were once a top player in soloq, you probably still are according to your rating. Furthermore, your ratings deviation has increased to its maximal value, making you very volatile on the boards, which explains your sudden rise after a series of victories. In other words, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but you did not get on the shining pyramidion of the top soloq players in just one night: you already were.

siege disabler OP?

in WvW

Posted by: Sorel.4870


^This. The main problem with the siege disabler is that it is new. And some people don’t like/don’t adapt well to new things. Capturing towers in a 5-man party was never easy, and most of the time a defender will not even use a siege disabler, but rather ask his zerg to make a quick detour. And I truly think it can be used in the way it was intended to be. I was in a 15 man group defending a keep at 3am against a zerg of 50 Germans, and the siege disabler not only let us buy the time needed to treb down their rams, but also improved their tactics : they tried catapults, trebuchets, PvD, and after an epic fight full of dolyak defending, Sparta-like charges and balista sniping lasting an hour and a half, they lost courage and went to sleep. It really felt like a real siege situation : a handful of brave defenders trying to exhaust a see of barbarians at their door (no offense, I like you Abbadon’s Mouth folks).

Event up = Don't do Team Arena if not premade

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Account bound pvp rank is a good thing. First of all, I know all hard core players think that reaching rank 80 is easy, but it’s actually not if you’re a casual player. I like the fact that my pvp rank rises with every profession I play, it means I’m not forced to play only THE build I’m the best with, but actually get to try new things. Don’t fool yourself : high rank players are better in tpvp with a new class than low rank ones with their main. Evades timing, positioning, map awareness are transferable skills. You were in a bad team ? It happens, find a full premade to avoid any surprise.

Is engi. Actually OP or is just me?

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Hi. Thank you for asking the question this way instead or crying “ENGI OP NERF PLZ !” in the profession balance subforum. I play both thief and engineer and yes, zerker thieves are the easiest matchup for a condition engineer. Even if the engineer is less skilled than you are, chances are he will win in a 1v1. I won’t discuss here whether the turret build needs to be tuned down, but there’s really not much you can do against a condition engineer. Try to use short bow and don’t ever chase them with heart seeker, you’ll just take all their bombs/grenades. Don’t feel sad though : these engineers are having a hard time every time they see a condi necro.

Immobilize OP

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Immobilise is far from op. And it simply would be ridiculous to consider it a CC, for it’s not : you can fight, just not move your legs. You can cleanse it with a normal condi clear, and a lot of professions can get rid of it pretty easily (engi’s rocket boots, thief’s withdraw, warrior trait, etc.). Making immobilise a CC would not only be anti-roleplay, but would punish players who are smart enough to bring a break immo when walking the Mists. And it’s always a lot of fun seeing a self-righteous guardian failing to flee into a tower because he thought stability made him unstoppable.

i can't kill a bunker engineer

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


You press W until you get close. Then you press your condition skill. Then you press S and back up and then press Q to get behind a wall. Then they heal. Then you press E to get out from behind the wall. Press W to move forward again to get close. Then you press your condition skill. Then you repeat the steps to get behind the wall. Repeat. Pretty soon they will be dead.

You’re welcome.

Which button is condition skill on D/P zerker thief?

The “S” button. I too play thief and sometimes feel like a hero, and I have no doubt you’re the best thief that ever walked the earth, but as a zerker thief you stand no chance against a condi/celestial engi. I often see them run to me in soloq, and I’m sure they are excellent duelists, but the fight is just uneven. Come back with your shatter mesmer friend and wreck his cheesy rear !

New PvP Thief: Why Am I Dying Within Seconds?

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


I too started pvp as a thief, and I sympathise. You’re gonna die. A lot. I know it’s hard to achieve, but don’t always 1v1 quite yet, and try to join team fights attacking unaware targets. It’s the role of a thief, and you’ll probably get better that way. If some of your guild mates are pvp players, ask them to duel you : hotjoin is a cruel world for a newcomer, and you might want to learn in less messy fights.


in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


If it was a 5v5, they were just bad. Come on, you can fall for the mesmer stealth pull once or twice, but you’re doing something wrong if you get point blanked shot to death. And with their compo they should have kept the hammer all match long. Also, if they didn’t use any break stun/stab, they deserved to be pulled.

ToG: EU meta vs NA meta

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


EU meta was more diversified during ToG than it has been in the recent past. Still a lot of celestial elementalists, but here and then, the occasional engineer, spirit ranger, etc. The two best teams were running one mesmer and one thief, and in my opinion this semi-zerk/semi-bunker meta made for some awesome combats !

Skyhammer Changes Where Announced!

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


I’m thrilled ! Yes, I hope the laser will be dogeable and maybe less powerful, and that there will be less glass panels. Abazigal is right : it’s great that you can’t bunker two points on every map and that’s it. Let’s hope that the new Skyhammer will please both the conservatives and the progressivists among us.

Players who rush far at start

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


And what do you guys think of the case where one player has a build designed especially for decapping points in 1v1, and keeping 2-3 foes on him without dying. Shouldn’t he push far all game long, while his teammates are either in numerical superiority, or with the far point capped ?

WvW roaming powerbuild

in Engineer

Posted by: Sorel.4870


I suggest running with Elixir Gun instead of Rocket Boots, the Elixir Gun will help you a lot more and it has a stunbreaker. With traits I would invest 2 points into Tools, removing 2 points out of Alchemy. Having reduced cooldowns on your toolbelt skills is kind of important and the 10% damage increase on your initial damage is also really strong. For armor I would go full zerker accesories and no a mix of Knight in it as well. You got enough defense with just the Knight armor. Rune choice could also be Hoelbrak instead of Pack to couter the condition meta in WvW. Other than that, all good.

So that means you’d suggest something like this…

And you are sure that I won’t need more armor than that?

If you use EG, you have a breakstun, and Protection Injection in not as important as it was in your previous build, and you already are in knight armor. In my opinion, whether you use EG or Rocket Boots is a matter of preference. I like Rocket Boots for it jumps forward and removes chill, cripple and immo, so a must have if you are running away from a zerg (using it in a smoke or water field, of course). EG is stronger in small encounters. Think about the following things when making your choice : do you play against populated servers ? Do you play during prime time and are therefore more exposed to be rolled over by zergs ? I would change a few things. I like the Hoelbrack runes version better (you already have perma swiftness), but if you run it I would suggest a sigil of battle on the rifle. Have fun with your build !

Skyhammer - The Best sPvP Map

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


I love skyhammer, amazing map. I wouldn’t play gw2 if I couldn’t be killed by stealth engi’s using a single skill over and over again.

Even stealthed, the engi makes a noise, and so does the magnet. And don’t sit blatantly on the node ! When I cap A or C and try to hold it, I hide in a corner from which I can’t be grabbed. Team fight grab is more of a problem of course, but I like the fact that it can completely change the out come of a combat. Lastly, chill out ! This is soloq, I can’t imagine that Skyhammer is THE major annoyance (players class stacking, afking, wandering around like headless chickens are, in my opinion).

This is why we hate that profession

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sorel.4870


So true ! The thief was my favorite. That epic ending !

Pls nerf power rangers asap cuz useless

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sorel.4870


they still cant rez/stomp/take a point/win a 1v1.
Its still just find a ledge and pew pew

Those are the terribads the OP is talking about. Not all LB Rangers play like that.
Although I do agree that the influx of people who think, “Gee whiz, I can plink plink 2 plink plink and win!” is making people hate ALL Rangers…even the ones who faithfully played the class before the buffs.

Yep. But scrubs like me never get to fight good rangers : their Glicko is much higher than mine.

Anyone else feel like Castle's are too easy?

in WvW

Posted by: Sorel.4870


The two commenters above me got it right. But Ykfox, I really like your idea ! How cool would it be to have three more borderlands, in which two servers would team up to siege a big castle held by the third ?

Skyhammer - The Best sPvP Map

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


It encourages ugly play. With skills like magnetic pull etc being unblockable, with rangers being able to capture side points and then move up high while their pet remains below etc all creates an map that should be fun, and is fun, but players resort to ugly tactics. There is no sense of unity or team anywhere in Pvp due a-net removing monks and making each profession self contained to various degree’s and making each map conquest where your team must divide to win. Skyhammer accentuates this where players can go for nodes, the hammer, preferred positions (like rangers up high) or hover close to pull points. The map is good, it is just everything else about PvP short coming that makes it really not fun to play. There is only so many times one can be pulled down holes, rapid fired from above, blasted by canons and constantly duel people who you can see are purposefully hovering near edges in order to hopefully knock you off before it just becomes flat out tiresome.

Well, it’s a valid opinion. But that is all it is : a personal opinion. You may find the play style ugly. It relies more on blocks (yeah yeah, magnet), stability, CC, evades, and stealth. These skills are reasonably distributed between all professions (except maybe warrior and ele, but they are in a decent place balance-wise anyway). So what’s the big deal ? Ever thought that some find it fun ? It VARIES the play style, and the pvp community has been asking for that since the release. As for the trinity, that’s the strength of GW2 : when I team up with four friends, in PvP, WvW or PvE, I don’t even have to look at what profession they are playing, as long as we are not stacking too much of one.

How a warrior should be play WvW

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Interesting watch for sure, but are you sure you are in the right subforum ?

Pls nerf power rangers asap cuz useless

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sorel.4870


They are, every single game ! But I still think this flavor-of-the-month build will loose its appeal eventually, I do not think that is something to worry about.

Two fixes to improve hotjoin servers by ANet.

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


I completely agree. I can not imagine you can have fun team-swapping all day long. I tried it once, and I felt awful. And you can not remove rewards from hotjoin as some players suggested, because it would turn down any new player wanting to get into pvp.

Engineer is highly comical

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Thief spotted

Yep, it sucks for you that those things counter you hard when you 1v1 an Engineer who’s in a defensive position.

Engineer is a great profession, but it dies in about ~5 seconds to a Thief/Necro, Mesmer/Thief, or Necro/Engi coordinated burst.

Oh yeah, because mesmer thief and thief necro takes AGES to kill other professions.

Engineer spotted defending his broken class.

Also, do I read “broken class” here ? Did you change your mind ?

Engineer is highly comical

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Well sorry I misunderstood you. Ok then, we shall continue to play “our” poorly designed class (like most, engi is only one of the class I play), and enjoy it. Thank you for sharing your opinion. I have fun playing engineer, but if you do not like its mechanics, do not worry, there are 7 other professions you can play ! How great is that ?

Pls nerf power rangers asap cuz useless

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Lol don’t. A ranger literally spent 3 minutes AA me from the edge while I was standing on the fort node the other day. Easiest win ever. If you add the rapid-fire-in-reflect-skill-suicide rangers, these new foes overall added a lot of fun content to our dull soloq routine !

Engineer is highly comical

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


IP is a strong trait, I’ll give you that. But I think it is compensated by the weakness of the pistol auto-attack, and that is the only weapon you can play in a condi build. You can still use EG, but it takes an utility slot, therefore many engineers don’t. The real strength of engineers in pvp, besides from turrets that are maybe too strong against low rank players, is their gameplay. Condi engis need to be close from their target, but not directly in melee. Therefore, they excel in running around on a node dropping bombs and/or grenades. They are not OP. Try playing one in WvW : skill is definitely needed.

Two fixes to improve hotjoin servers by ANet.

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Excellent points, but what if you want to play with, say, a friend who just joined the game, and be on the same/opposite team in hotjoin ? I think that is one of the reason why you can still chose your team in the beginning of the match. Maybe just give a limited time you can stay in spectator mode when you join/in the beginning, and when that time is passed you can not join anymore. When you are in, you can go to spectator mode whenever you want, but then can not get back in the game. It will not fix the good player-stacking, but hotjoin is not meant to be balanced, and the fact that you can no longer see pvp rank in spectator mode improved the situation a little bit on this front.

Prince Vindagor fan club

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


hi prince here…

I would like to let everyone know that i’m against afk for no reason, if you queue for a rated game you should play it , it doesnt matter you don’t like the map or you don’t like the classes you playing against .

Yes its not a lie i afk , but i do have my reasons to afk.
I afk the same way you afk , you just notice me more cause i play more often, there is 3 reasons i afk:

1- if i get 4vs 5 most likely i will afk , yes at start i used to try to win those 4 vs 5 but after a few thousand of games i kinda gave up (losing for 500-100 or 500-490 its still a loss) whos to blame? yes thats right anet is too blame 2 years and this 4 vs 5 still happen it’s crazy .

2- if i get the same player 4 or 5 games in a row that i know hes soo bad that we just can’t win , i mean we start a game i say ok i get close rest mid fast cause they have a bunker so get there fast and skipp svanir, this guy goes svanir we lose mid and he gets robbed, i still keep playing , then he’s on point im 3 meters away fighting vs 2 , and i say come and help he says i’m defending the points and he doesn’t move AND he keeps dying every minute , if i get such player 4 games in a row on the 5th or so game i will afk most likely (i told him to try hot joins cause i see he has only 10 games and hes top 20 in lederboard) whos to blame? yes thats right anet again , please make so you need like 100 wins in rated games so u get into the in lederboard there should be also a rank requirement to avoid this situations.

3 reason i afk , well not all the time but often if i get skyhammer with eles and rangers on my team vs necros and engies most likely i will afk or play like 2 minutes and after we lose all points and losing 100-10 i will afk (the map its bad enough i don’t need eles or rangers gimping the teams ) same as spirit watch even tho i dont afk at spirit i also think it should be removed because its a guardian and warriors map , last week was playing vs ROM and a few top 100 players in that map but i had Sampo (a guardian ) in my team so we won easy 500-350m or so same if i get The Titanium (guardian) also easy win its anbance the game in that map even tho i dont afk in that map its still crap. so whos to blame again? yea thats right anet because SKYHAMMER shouldn’t be in solo q anyway and on top i get this eles and rangers vs top engies and necros , come on you guys know the map its crap some of you even afk for no reason at all in that map.

So i hope anets looks into this

-fix the 4vs 5

-make so you need at least 100 rated games to be in lederboard plus a rank requirement to join arenas(having 10 games and being top 20 its stupid , and make so if you don’t play for days your ranking drops and you don’t come to rank 1 in just 1 game thats also stupid , we get penalize for playing the game .(i was rank 68-69 before patch thank all rank 54 got to rank 80 and got even more chests than me )

-remove skyhammer and spirit watch from solo arena (make a vote system and you will se if players like this crap map .

-don’t put players with 10 games even tho there are top 20 together with players with thousands of games ) fix the lederbaod and matchmaking

- don’t stack classes, make so its equal to both sides like 1 warriors for each team a thief for each team etc etc

- remove hard counters and cheesy proc (diamond skin, IP, lich AA, nightmare runes and reapers protections (getting 5 k damage just for touching a necro its not fun) berserker stance (hard counter should be only 2-3 seconds) automated response was a good nerf well done , turret engies , MM etc etc etc

- fix all this bugs getting stuck and needing to type /dance its really crap, dropping down in skyhammer for no reason ,getting stuck in the walls, not being able to rez or stomp , lagg on servers etc etc .

I know its easier to blame some 1 than to blame ourselves or even see that anet its the one to blame actually , but anyway gl to all and see you in game (or maybe not )

can i get an invite also?

Boy ! Is there even a single yoloq match that you can play according to those rules ? Or do you spend your days afking ?

Whose rank determines opponents in tq?

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


I think it’s the average rank, though I’d like to have an official confirmation. I often play with friends who have an inferior ranking, or just no ranking at all, and I never experienced any significantly unbalanced match, even when playing off prime time. So chungiee, don’t be afraid and just have fun with your friends ! You’ll probably lose the first few games anyway, because your team has to get use to the comp, and there’s nothing you can do about it.

Skyhammer - The Best sPvP Map

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Well, I can’t tell if Tao is being provocative or sarcastic, but I myself enjoy playing on Skyhammer. It’s original, the combat mechanics and rotations are different of on the other maps, so I am always a little excited when I get it in soloq. I however see in what way it can annoy certain players. Since yoloq is not really meant to be competitive (come on guys, deep inside you know it is not), I would like Skyhammer to remain in the rotation, but the following improvement can be added :
1) As someone suggested somewhere, the fall from the main map should not be lethal. You should lose half your health and be able to get back on the map using one or two stairs, which could also make for awesome stair combat ! The fall from the hammer platform remains lethal.
2) The laser should be dodgeable, and maybe have a smaller radius
I have only played the game actively for six months, and could never fight on the capricorn map. You guys constantly complain about the lack of pvp content, so let’s not lose the few that has been given to us !

Recommend Gear

in Engineer

Posted by: Sorel.4870


I run a very similar build, and use the same utilities as well. I’m full rabid except for one dire trinket and the dire ascended pistol I looted. I think that’s an excellent choice since you’re using Incendiary powder and the first Firearms minor trait, and your traits don’t give you much precision. I have something like 35-40% crit chance, and that’s really a minimum to take full advantage of these two excellent traits. If you are going for dire gear, I suggest you drop Incendiary powder and choose Short fuse (or whatever you like) instead.

Thiefs everywhere....

in WvW

Posted by: Sorel.4870


I haven’t played WvW (except a little EotM Zerging, I’m relatively new to the game) yet, but I have a question:

Why would it be a problem to hit a stealthing thief with aoe ccs? Let’s say a Mesmer GS5? Shouldn’t that keep him at least occupied long enough for his stealth to run out?

No, you’re right. In fact, that’s one of the easiest way to take down roaming thieves. For one clever thief, nine will drop very low health and then drop their refuge, thinking they are safe. You then just GS5 (or shield 4 on engi, etc.) and push them out of their refuge. They are revealed, and you can finish them off as they are wondering in panic what just happened to them. Best feeling ever.

Account Bound "things to do"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sorel.4870


I can understand that you can find going to your bank multiple times a bit boring. Nevertheless, don’t you think it wouldn’t be very role-play to have a bag shared between two characters ? A lot of things in this game are already designed to be convenient without being particularly role-play (collections, free armor repair, etc.), that’s why I wouldn’t support your idea. Collecting tools could become part of the collections, however : have 150 axes on you while travelling already isn’t role-play.