Showing Posts For Sorel.4870:

Stability changes

in WvW

Posted by: Sorel.4870


SOoo… no more standing against a blob as a 5-man group? This is a bad change, because 30 people will strip a small group of their stability in no time, and they can’t even retaliate against all their attackers at the same time because of the AOE cap…

good job anet, good job

Hello. Please take the time to read the thread before posting your (certainly valid) opinion. There were several people expressing the same concern you do, and people replying. I think it would be more constructive to bring arguments to support your statement: your post typically looks like a conversation opener, while this thread is four-page long already. Thank you.

Stability changes

in WvW

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Large guild groups tend to defend important objectives when needed, so they are not hurting the server really.

Not when they’re GvGing they don’t.

Well in that case another server misses 15 players as well, big deal.

I broke my fingers from playing Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: Sorel.4870


3 kit rotation + 1 including rifle+healing+supply crate

does this happen to anyone? especially in dungeons.

I think that’s a large part of it. The only time I ever felt like I was “breaking my fingers” was when I tried a tri-kit celestial rifle build in sPvP. It was not fun. I know some people like running 3 kits, but I’m pretty sure the most effectiveness you can get is with just running two kits at a time (FT/EG, Grenades/Bombs, Toolkit is bad in dungeons). What do you use?

I run a grenades/TK/EG build in WvW, and when I get chased by a guild group for a long distance my hand starts to hurt, especially if I use the “look behind” and “about face” key binds. Maybe I should buy a 12-button mouse after all.

In a very masochist way though, I hope they add an elite kit in HoT.

Convince me to go Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Sorel.4870


And it gets even better in WvW thanks to perplexity runes and confusion damage added to the burning.

Bro… Don’t be this guy…

Engineer's grenades outdistance rifle

in Engineer

Posted by: Sorel.4870


I’m deadly serious target lock on would make the grenades much more deadly.

Ranger spotted.

Inspecting or`the incurable curiosity of men`

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sorel.4870


OP, it’s perfectly normal when you like another’s player outfit to want to know how to get it. But why creepily inspect the guy? Do how you would do in real life, and ask him/her! GW2 is a social game with a great community, so communicate!

edit: Sorry, Terrahero already posted something similar.

(edited by Sorel.4870)

Saving Builds?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sorel.4870


All it requires in WvW/PVE is for the build switching to be a 10-15 second channelled “cast” that causes the the caster to be revealed. It would allow you to “bookmark” a build, not to insta switch between them.

Good thinking! It could even come with an animation that could visually imply that you’re switching builds, which would mean better immersion.

Inventor? Meh...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sorel.4870


a Saboteur? I can’t really come up with a cool name, but I certainly hope they did!

Haven't played in 2 years

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


kitten you bro I steal svanir with ranger every game

That’s some esport kitten right there…

1v1 at dragon bro

Where the kitten is dragon?

Haven't played in 2 years

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


This guy isn’t even worth the time to help anymore, not with this attitude.

Come on Random, I read your posts, I know you’re better than this. These forums are a refuge for the lost, desperate players, and people like us are a light in the fog. Why do you think we even have a ranger sub forum? To be a shelter for these poor, unfortunate souls.

Haven't played in 2 years

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


kitten you bro I steal svanir with ranger every game

That’s some esport kitten right there…

Engi or Ele (Compulsively Indecisive)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Hey, on the WvW side of things both are good. Engis are better for roaming imo, because of their great disengage abilities, and in small squads their cc is insane. On the other hand a staff ele has some good team utilities. I really comes down to what play style you like the most. Elementalist in mostly about rotations, while on engineers it’s about using the right tool at the right moment, which makes the engi game play less predictable, but it then requires more practice.

Utility infusions: Let's talk

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Infusions are not really worth it if you don’t do FotM, since the stats or bonus they give are not great for the price: as you said you can always do better with boosters and food.

If I really had to choose, I’ll go with MF. It allows you to either max out your MF, or to take a non-MF food if you’re facing difficult content (Fractals, WvW, etc.) and still have decent MF. Karma can be a good choice too if you’re into making legendaries.

Haven't played in 2 years

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


The kitten is WvW I’m talking spvp the mists bro..

Ok, “bro”, trying to help ya here…

You don’t have to actually PLAY WvW. Unfortunately the only way to acquire lvl 2 shoulder pads is to just go into any WvW SPAWN, go to an armor merchant (it’s a 20s walk), and buy the kitten shoulder pads! I’m sure you’ll not get bubonic plague by going there for less than a minute. I you don’t like my method, play pvp, get tomes of knowledge (books that give you 1 PvE lvl when you read them), reach lvl 15, and by shoulder pads on the TP. My method is better but do whatever you want mate :P

Haven't played in 2 years

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


kitten shoulders I got lvl 80 exotic armour and weapons in Mists that i can’t use … So I have to level to 80 in PVE to use them?

To use them in PvE for the stats, yes (or really I don’t know, didn’t play under the old system). To have the skins on your lvl 2 char, no. Just right-click, “Add to wardrobe” on these items (maybe they are already unlocked), go to your wardrobe panel and play dolls! Have fun.

Haven't played in 2 years

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


if you want to have shoulders with your chars you will have to lvl them to rank15, becouse there arent lvl2 shoulders

No you don’t! You’ll be glad to know you can buy soul bound lvl 1 shoulders for a few karma points in every WvW spawn. Same for helmet.

We need more gold rewards in WVW

in WvW

Posted by: Sorel.4870


How do the loot tables from WvW compare to lvl 80 pve map mobs?

Shouldn’t killing a lvl 80 player, regardless of how long since their last death, have a better reward than killing a lvl 80 mob in Orr?

How many precursor drops in WvW went unclaimed becuase the player died before they could collect their loot?

I think they fear this could be used for farming. Like chain killing a friend from another server to get loot bags. They could however implement a system where the loot gets better if the player has not been killed in a long time.

Unranked full with premades.

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


All im saying you cant expect anything to be perfect and not to mention not all premades are good, not all players in a team are good and you might of been in a 2-2-1 premade. Lastly esports is based on a 5 vs 5. Not aveage solo players queing together.

That’s true. Every one here assumes that premade means superior organization skills, clean voice communication and ESL-level rotations. I play in a bad premade, and we often lose to good players in a 3-2 or 3-1-1 party. But that’s not really the point.

Unranked full with premades.

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Zaruna, I’m not saying you’re wrong, but there are already countless threads about the whole “solo vs premade” complain, and all of those in which Justin checked the match history showed a HUGE difference between the player’s subjective experience and the actual match-making data. It’s been a horrible couple of weeks for premades, because the devs listened to these (mostly) unfounded complains, which Justin just stated was probably a mistake.

On Friday I lowered the inflated MMR parties receive from +5% per member to +2% per member. I believe the initial value of +5% was too high, and we were aiming to overshoot due to the bad perception of solo vs pre-made. The drop to 2% was based on data from the beta ladder.

Sometimes, good players tend to be so organized it looks like they teamed up, sometimes you are matched up with a 4-man party, and is it really difficult to imagine that sore losers would blame the MM to deny their own failure? I’m not at all saying it is what you have experienced, but a good portion of this kind of threads fall into that category. I hope they add a tool to see who teamed up with who in the end of the game, so that we finally get over this non-sense.

Get Rid of Dailies from Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


You know it’s ranger daily when the weekly daily rant pops up!

Haven't played in 2 years

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Well, a lot of players (myself included) actually went into pvp when the wardrobe was added, and the pvp UI was clarified. I think that the skins you unlocked at the time were added to your wardrobe. To make them appear on your ranger, you have to open the wardrobe tab in your hero panel. You’ll need transmutation charges, which can be easily obtained in any of the reward track you can select. Some of the armors you unlocked are now completely impossible to obtain for new players, like the stalwart armor. Talk about bragging rights! It means the armor you play in is your PvE armor as well, so at your lvl, you have everything except maybe helm and/or shoulders, that can be purchased in a WvW BL spawn for less than 200 karma points. Take the time to read the wiki to know what else has changed in PvP, cause actually we went through a lot of changes, not in the game mode but in the UI/organisation.

Please Remove the Double Loading Screen.

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


I play with a, let’s put it that way, skittish internet connexion. This double loading screen has caused me to spill tea, coffee, water and other beverages, and to wake up my flatmate and neighbors at inappropriate hours with a raging roar. My mouse now look like something ripped off the Black Citadel, and my left fist left a permanent print on my desk. PLEASE make it stop. People like me who live in a third world country (Sweden) should be able to enjoy the game as well. Thank you.

What makes you log out for the day?

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


lmao! All this months reading his posts everywhere, and I always assumed uberkingkong was a raging good player! Fact is he’s a raging average player! Do you play in EU uberkingkong? I’d love to see you in one of my game, since we seem to belong to the same skill bracket!

He plays on NA servers judging by his screenshots. A shame.

I knew I should have gotten a NA account when the game was at 10€! A shame indeed.

Risk vs Reward: superior siege...

in WvW

Posted by: Sorel.4870


i am more like if people want to balance the part of siege, just remove it from the auction house and let people make it themselves again and also account bound.
This why we dont have the problem anymore with 5 sup ac’s on a wall (after a time ofc) that is dealing 15,5 k dmg every second on a group of people down below and yeah this is calculated by somebody of deso, its an insane amount of dmg.

I like the idea of the siege being more personal and not being purchasable at the trading post, but I’d like to support my guild by upgrading the siege and let them use it even when I’m not playing. Since “guild-bound” is not a thing, I don’t see it happen.

I think superior siege is fine. It’s not more tanky than regular site, is it (I’ve just come back to WvW recently)? And it cost more resources, gold and supply, so naturally it comes with a price: you can build less siege, which makes it more expensive if your opponent has disabling grenades or just a trebuchet.

Saving Builds?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sorel.4870


I do hope they add it, but sorry guys, I’d like this to be a pvp feature only, or at least locked in WvW. Can you imagine roaming in WvW as a power thief, you run into an engi, get rekt but manage to escape in a well timed Shadow Refuge. The engi know which way you’re heading, and you know you’re doomed. So while you’re still out of combat, while stealthed, you switch to condi cheese p/d, and kill the engi. See the problem? But for pvp it’s definitely a must, especially if profession MMR becomes a thing, and if Stronghold and Conquest share a queue.

True or False?

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


On Friday I lowered the inflated MMR parties receive from +5% per member to +2% per member. I believe the initial value of +5% was too high, and we were aiming to overshoot due to the bad perception of solo vs pre-made. The drop to 2% was based on data from the beta ladder.

Could that may be what you noticed this weekend?

Thank you so much for addressing this issue Justin! I’ve been writing on the forums for weeks that the solo vs premade delusion caused me to stop playing ranked in full premade due to incredibly bad match-ups, especially compared to the challenging matches I get queuing solo! Looking forward to playing with my friends again.

What makes you log out for the day?

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


I’ll just leave this here:

Where are all the good players at yo?

Define good? Your rating is average, so you should be getting matched with the average player.

lmao! All this months reading his posts everywhere, and I always assumed uberkingkong was a raging good player! Fact is he’s a raging average player! Do you play in EU uberkingkong? I’d love to see you in one of my game, since we seem to belong to the same skill bracket!

My views on why GW2 =/= Esports

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Thief gameplay is esport… other prefessions… mhmhmh no. xd

What? Did you watch Helseth play his mesmer? He’s a kitten jumping puzzle master! But sure, condi ranger and shout bow warrior are not exactly skill-based builds. Elementalists and engineers have more room to progress, but still. Necro requires skill in positioning I think, but I don’t play the profession so I wouldn’t know.

Map Completion...

in WvW

Posted by: Sorel.4870


The easiest way is just waiting for your server to be the right color. The cool way is to ask your guildies to take objectives with you in the morning or late at night. 4-5 people are enough. I’m guessing your doing map completion for a legendary, and I doubt you have enough gold, so don’t be obsessed with this map completion and do your grinding. Your Gift of Exploration will be yours in time.

Stability changes

in WvW

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Some of this almost feels like devs look at EotM, and feel like that is what they want their WvW to morph into.

Off topic. Does stability stack in EotM? Didn’t think so. Besides, I had a commander in EotM once who decided we would only defend our objectives, and I had so much fun defending a keep against a see of up-leveled players (aka trash mobs) who went down in a single arrow cart shot. If they really make defense rewarding, this kind of map with defendable choke points could be really fun! No more “Oh there are two defenders in Durios, let’s zerg around to another tower”.

Stability changes

in WvW

Posted by: Sorel.4870


i hope arenanet will just destroy the 20 vs 20 gvgs and the 15 vs 15 gvgs they are doing nothing else then create queues on map while letting garrison die and not caring about it (t3 wp and stuff).
Those guys are not willing to play WvW they only like to stay in their own little world full of ego festing.

I don’t like zerg fights either but you have to realize that WvW is a sandbox mode. If you want to defend, good. If you want to do GvG, I’m okay with that. If you want to just roam and kill players, then do! If you want to level up doing something you like and not go karma training in HotM, why shouldn’t you? Let people play the game the way they want. Large guild groups tend to defend important objectives when needed, so they are not hurting the server really.

Engi or Necro for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Sorel.4870



Unkillable tank mode that does superior DPS at the same time. There is no downside to being an engi.

Well… Except that you get killed by good PU mesmers and even the most braindead condi necro. But yeah, in WvW an engi has very few weaknesses. I wonder why you see so few of them.

We need more gold rewards in WVW

in WvW

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Guys remember that on Pax east they will probably release more information about WvW and one of the things they said at the last pax was they want defending for ex a keep or a tower more rewarding. So keep your eyes up for more information

I think they are still to worried about defense being too bot-friendly to really make defense truly rewarding. I can only guess that by rewarding they are going to give some sort of scoring adjustment for defense to make it more valuable to defend vs just taking it back later.

They could drastically increase WvW experience and magic find around a keep you own for a very long time. That could be an incentive.

Huge Stability Nerf???

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


What will now happen with 10 hammer wars jumping on the ranges with f1 ?
…it will just be game over

Remember that you’re in the PvP forums, not WvW.

You’re being too reasonable about it. It’s the forums! Almost nobody read your post, which is a shame since it was a good summary of the thread. They just see the title and post!

edit: Anyway, thank you very much for trying to keep the debate focused

Fresh to WvW, few questions

in WvW

Posted by: Sorel.4870


2.When roaming alone or with few people are there any places in particular i wanna look around to find small fights or its all pretty random ?

3.For small scale roaming, are there any major differences between EB and server name battleground maps ? In which im more likely to find the small fights im looking for ?

When I roam I typically start in one of the enemy BL. That way, you are really close to camps and the enemy spawn. I find that most encounters are either in camps (keep an eye on the map and try to defend a camp when your world owns it) or in the sentry area in the center of the map, just under the south ruin. Careful when fighting there: zergs sometimes go there, but you should only be worried about bid guild groups, because they will actually take the time to chase you.

In prime time, EB may be a better choice, if you don’t mind the queue time. The problem with EB is that you encounter less roamers usually. When all else fails, pick a slow target in the tail of a zerg. Remember, roaming is like fishing: you never know what you’re gonna get!

wvw design is all hammer trains

in WvW

Posted by: Sorel.4870


But in my opinion your views on this matter are delusional. GW2’s balance is better than most MMO’s, especially now, so I don’t know where this “they don’t know how to balance” comes from.

Well I guess it comes from the balance…

As we are in the WvW forum take a look at the class balance of WvW over the last couple of years, it is appalling, by far the worst for larger scale PvP in any MMO I’ve played.

For two years large groups/zergs have consisted of 80%-100% of 4 classes, there are times when you will have not seen a single engy/ranger/thief and just the odd veilbot (and sometimes not even one of those), I have never played another MMO where 50% of the classes are either barely represented (thief / mesmer) or completely absent (engy/ranger) in large scale PvP.

I think we agree, but we don’t speak about the same balance. I responded to someone saying “Anet is terrible at balance”. No, Anet justs balances the game around spvp, which is how it should be, don’t you think? WvW will never be truly balanced: gear, food, guard stacks, numbers, etc.

That does not mean your concern is not legitimate. I’m also annoyed by the GWEN meta. I wrote somewhere that maybe this stability change was actually going to shift this meta a bit. Shatter f3 mesmers, slick shoes engis, venom share thieves: maybe one of these specs will now find it’s place in the meta? I’ll say it one more time, I think this is an intent to balance WvW: maybe you and Anet are one the same page for once?

wvw design is all hammer trains

in WvW

Posted by: Sorel.4870


If all you do is spam 1, you are not very good at zerg fighting. Just saying.

I’m terrible at zerg fighting, I will not lie about it^^.

Engi or Necro for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Sorel.4870


First of all, if you find the necro more appealing visually, you’ll end up playing him the most!

If you want to zerg, go necro all the way. My WvW main is an engineer, and I get rekt every time I do 10m with a zerg because of retaliation. Necro is part of the zerg meta for a reason, and you’ll love the positioning that goes with the class much more than being in the melee train.

On the other hand, engineer is the funniest roamer in the game. Not only will you never loose to a power thief again (and that’s big in roaming), but it really FEELS like you’re a roamer, constantly casting skills, jumping behind every obstacle to LoS your foes, etc… My first character was a thief, and when I tried engi roaming, I never came back to roaming with my thief again! It works really well in small groups: Superior disengage capabilities, superior catching up abilities, group condi cleanse and heal (turret and EG), cc, everything! Give it a try, you won’t regret it.

Huge Stability Nerf???

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Say goodbye to outplaying your opponents against unfavourable odds.

You will no longer be getting stomps in outnumbered fights unless you have invulnerability skills. (Engineer, elementalist, mesmer)

People are highly overestimating the number of stability stacks you will get from skills. You have to be insane to think 10 stacks would be granted from anything (other than elites, maybe) They are making this change so that there is counterplay against stability. If skills like balanced stance granted 10 stability stacks, nothing would change and the whole change would be pointless.

5 (FIVE) is the golden number in Guild Wars 2.

The most stacks that a skill like balanced stance, toss elixir b or any other long cooldown stability skill is going to grant you, is 5 (FIVE). At the most. Other abilities such as Foot in the Grave that allow for constant, high up-time on stability? Those will be 1 (ONE) stack of stability. 2 stacks is doubtful but no way in hell will it be higher than 2.

So, now, classes with invulnerability skills will be the only ones getting stomps in outnumbered fights. Classes with long cooldown stability skills might get stomps if they’re lucky.

Ok, let me get this straight: against good players you don’t stand a chance 1v3. 1v2, they could not really strip 5 stacks. So I assume you meant against bad players in WvW, as your video suggested? Well we don’t have the same foes then. In WvW, even without stab you can easily stomp, as these guys have no reflexes. Hell, with a thief you can stealth stomp with no stab in the middle of a zerg and no one will blink! Thieves, mesmers, engineers excels in outnumbered fight, and they don’t even need stability. You’re over-reacting.

Huge Stability Nerf???

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Did they literally said it stability utilities will have atleast 3-5 stacks? All I could udnerstand on the livestream was one stack, many viewers thought the same (judging from the chat) so i’m confused now.. That’s why they said RIP WvW and all.. I need to see an official post about this because the explanation on PoI was crap about this subject

They said they were gonna rework the current stab abilities to be coherent with their current strength. I understood it like that: the small on-dodge on stab of the revenant is only one stack, so there’s no way lich will get one stack only. You can see on this (low-res) screenshot that a revenant skill that costs 25% of spiritual energy (so potentially spammable) gives 5 stacks. I think Stand Your Ground will get about that amount. Lich should give something between 7 and 10. So you’ll likely need a lot of cc to rip off the lich’s stab! It will however affect zerg vs zerg imo, but I think it’s for the best there.

But again, I’m not a dev, and since a lot of things are changing with HoT, it is very plausible that some skills will get too few stacks, and an others too many. We’ll see, and I hope the balance team has planned weeks of extra hours just after the release to polish all these new things we’re getting!

edit: corrected some spelling mistakes


(edited by Sorel.4870)

Risk vs Reward: superior siege...

in WvW

Posted by: Sorel.4870


interesting long post you should all read

I tend to agree with you. I’d also add that professions are balanced in pvp, so in the 1v1 scenarios you mention, ele and warriors are more or less equals (even if I agree that warriors are beast in WvW). Sure, applied fortitude allows me to duel PU mesmers on my engi and still win, but that seems a bit unnatural. I’d say get rid of it altogether, or better yet make it a temporary buff: it lasts one minute after the guard died. That way, it can still be useful in attacking keeps, but is not insanely strong as it is now.

About Anet’s problems, I think the problem is that often their ideas don’t play out the way they intend to. Masteries were a good idea, making them account bound even more so, and frankly it’s the first thread I read where someone really complains about guard stacks, so maybe people like it?

Same thing for EotM. It seems so unfair for people like us that got to lvl 80 on EB and finally were able to buy the very cool WvW armor that nowadays any PvE grinder can have it in less than a day. But the fact is that EotM is a very successful game mode (it’s its own mode imo), so if I were Anet I’d still be satisfied with my update, since a lot of people like it. I really hope that the new borderland will be fun, but you’ll see complain. From roamers if roaming is difficult. From PUGs if roaming is fun. From zergers if taking keeps is too difficult. From defenders if it’s too easy. It’s hard to please everyone, which means that we all have our own griefs. I think the only real bad decision from Anet in every player’s point of view was the NPE, and I think they are going back on that in HoT

Stability changes

in WvW

Posted by: Sorel.4870


If stability will only give you a set # of Immunity, then to balance it how about a fix the amount of targets CC can hit. Specifically ground targeted control effects.
They need to close the 5 target Limit loop hole in that is Ground Targeted Area of Effect spells. Ground targeted spells now have infinite amount of targets, while “Some” can only effect 5 targets a pulse/second the total # is not capped. As long as it remains on the ground it can effect new targets not in the original 5. Sure as long as those 5 are in the AoE of the ground target they should be effected but not new ones.
1 CC (ie Spectral Wall, Static Field, Line of Warding) should remove a 1 Stability stack from or effect 5 Total people not 20,30,or even80 potentially.

Unfortunately, I read somewhere that AoE was capped because of technical difficulties. You see, take chaos storm for example. That would be 80 RNG rolls to know which condi every foe gets, plus 80 RNG rolls for every allie to see which boon they get. Times 160. You see the problem? The AoE cap is great for people like me (or the amazing Sizer) who play GW2 on toasters, but it means more zerg play, obviously.

Huge Stability Nerf???

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


In most cases short duration stabilities won’t be affected, you are better off waiting a few seconds for the stability to run out than you will be burning all your cc to remove it and then have no cc left. What it will do is give classes with no boon removal a chance to remove long lasting stabilities.

This guy knows what’s up.

Top 10 skills

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


I can’t see Flesh Wurm or Corrupt Boon anywhere.

Haven’t seen working PvP builds without those two for a long time.
Consume Condition is also 100% pvp mandatory, you can’t swap.

As for most used PvP trait, I vote for Vital Persistance.

Yeah, I regreted not adding Corrupt Boon to my top five, but I’m too lazy to edit on my phone.

Huge Stability Nerf???

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


We’ll see. I’m not saying you’re wrong: many things are yet unknown, for example the thief’s specialization that will not get access to bountiful theft. But bountiful theft will still be an amazing choice, since its synergy with sleight of hands is awesome. Do you play thief? I main thief, and I can’t see myself spamming a useless p#4 into a enemy who has stability: that looks like a good way to get killed.

On a mesmer however, I’d still go for the boom strip, because it will still be string against stab, but also might, etc. So you won’t be more annoyed by mesmer than you are now. Should you decide to not run the trait, I can see a good stability strip in combination with an engineer for a decap. But let’s face it, avoiding a 4-clone F3 shatter is not very difficult.

Celestial Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: Sorel.4870


It also depends on how used you are to the profession. In pvp and wvw, P/S is the easier to get started with, then P/P since you’ll be used to the play style, and finally you can try cele rifle. Frankly, all three perform equally well in pvp.

I’d start with two kits (bomb/tk, grenade/tk or bomb/grenade), and play with elixir gun when you’re comfortable enough to see how you like it.

Risk vs Reward: superior siege...

in WvW

Posted by: Sorel.4870


ACs are supposed to put pressure on zergs, it’s a siege fight! Omega golems can be painful at times, but I guess having the money to bring the right tools is a part of war! And when you kill one you can really here the gold coins dropping on the floor.

No, WvW is no siege fight, it’s a battle between players, playerquality should be the most important factor in the outcome of the battle, not who’s capable of building more sieges. AC’s were balanced at the beginning of gw2 because people didn’t upgrade them that often. also because there was no mastery at the beginning the superior ac was alot weaker back then. (smaller radius, less dmge and less range). you can’t just ignore these facts, AC’s have been boosted (to) much and nowadays they’re holding back the wvwers to fight like we are supposed to do, man v man and may the strongest person win.

Of course, the great thing in WvW is being able to do whatever you want to have fun. I roam a lot, and I like this “man v man” thing as much as you do. However, WvW is also supposed to be a large scale battle between armies of unequal size. The devs made clear that in HoT they wanted to make holding towers and keeps more important. I think being able to hold a keep for hours as a small guild group against an entire blob is part of what makes WvW fun. So I don’t see the problem with ACs: I go into HotM when I’m sick of unbalanced fights.

Your question raises an problematic question though: are WvW masteries too powerful? You dislike the AC, but how do you feel about the guard stacks? Everyone complained about ascended armor when it was first introduced, but ascended give you nowhere near the stat increase you get with these stacks. When you are a roamer, you’re always at a disadvantage regarding these stacks, since you tend to die more often. It makes you afraid of death, which is the first step to actually losing!

Stability changes

in WvW

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Guardians are not running staff because of lack of ranged weapon. They run it for the might stack+heal (Empower). Also the use of lines (skill 5) when disengaging. Also an easy way to get swiftness (staff 3). Anyway they use it for teamplay reason.

But yes, we shall see. I just hope melee are still fun. I love being the one running to the target and dodging the spells they cast on me. I will never play a ranged class because I just don’t like the playstyle of caster/ranged class.

I just want to see more of that :

Do you see Ac’s in those fights or tower humping? The adrenaline must have been pumping during those fights. 10/10 would play that for years to come. In here we see a melee train AND ranged class. Dont tell me they dont exist in WvW. They do and are essential for what they can provide to the team (see here spike/burst aoe dmg from necromancer + boon strip, water field from engineer/ele, fire field+static field from elementalist, veil/time wrap from mesmer).

I’m sure it will still be a thing. It will just play out a bit differently. And you can expect to see a lot of revenants and hammer engis in the melee phalanx too!

Huge Stability Nerf???

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


It will be for all the classes that use the stability buff.

It is a great change. Making pve a bit harder. WvW hammer train will not be imune to ccs anymore. And for spvp stability will have more counters now.

loll no dude. Already one of the most annoyingly OP specs with zero counter play is d/p thief (and s/d thief actually). Those 15k out of stealth instant spikes and then getting immobed for ages on the next attack is already out of hand.

Add the fact that headshot is a spammable and ranged instant interrupt…..and you have issues. 100% this change will just buff the existingly powerful kitten in the game.

I believe that education comes from repetition, so please allow me to be vain and quote myself:

Mesmer F3 will apply daze 3 times. If it removes 3 stab stacks it will be op.

Hardly, considering that in meta shatter builds it strips boons! You already lose your stability when eating a full shatter. Similarly, if the thief runs bountiful theft (so if he chooses not to specialize), he can rip the stability off! So the only problematic professions already have ways to remove stab (same goes for perma fear necro).

The thing is d/p thief already strips stability on steal! And he doesn’t need to waste his entire initiative on five stacks of stab while being exposed for 5s doing so (which is a death sentence for a thief). So I’m not sure I understand your concern. Can you elaborate?

Huge Stability Nerf???

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


I can’t remember the last time players asked for the CC to be increased or made even more crippling. With CC so spammable Stability made the game somewhat playable.

The change makes no sense.

I’ve given up on this current Dev team.

Please read the thread before complaining. There are good reasons to think that this change will not affect spvp. Furthermore, I’m pretty sure I’ve seen this exact comment somewhere, so the laziness of this reply is beyond words.