Showing Posts For Tala.7638:

Why play pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Tala.7638


arent that adding it after expac?

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

Ranks per Class, NOT Account

in PvP

Posted by: Tala.7638


this is a grand suggestion. i hope someone listens.

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

Bring back solo queue [merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Tala.7638


Yeah he make good arguments.

The only problem is that you dont want to split up the sPvP community too much. 2-4 man team is a real grayzone and I have no idea how we could solve that. Lets face it, sometimes you just want to fight with a friend.

The best compromise I suppose is to simply add solo queue (1 player only) and slap together current unranked and ranked 1-5 man queue into one giant ranked queue. Unranked has always been pointless anyway, we got custom servers for that. Truly competetive teams should get their own queue and rankings (5 man only).

I give this a here here…

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.


in PvP

Posted by: Tala.7638


this whole thread is going to get moderated. too many caps. but i do support solo queue also. not everyone has time to play with a team regularly…why should we have to suffer because we have a real life?

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

Is PvP ever going to be rebalanced?

in PvP

Posted by: Tala.7638


5 CeleDDeles is teh goal!
5 Eles!

After that, end of the world.

P.S. – Make Burning Ashes baseline.

Change all the wording and make it reference Revenant and repost after October 23…any game with more than one class will have it’s ebbs and flows for each class…allowing that class to be OP at sometime…do ppl that play GW2 really not realize this? Eles have been getting rolled for months up until sometime last year. Get over it everyone.

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

Bring back solo queue [merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Tala.7638


it would be nice again, for us casual long time pvpers. I second the OP… just do it!

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

stronghold: anet, don't think too far

in PvP

Posted by: Tala.7638


if you are going to spend time coding a map/mode like stronnkhole then just make a CtF; as well as allowing us to farm pve content, like ore and using a sickle. maybe do a jumper while waiting for a queue instead of sitting in the HotM…

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

(edited by Tala.7638)

Class restriction in AG and ESL

in PvP

Posted by: Tala.7638


how about this after the expac…5v5 rev matches all day…

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

Is Macroing a reportable offense?

in PvP

Posted by: Tala.7638


okay so because i have practiced slamming my space bar and V at the same time, and am finally good at it…this means i use a macro? because i actually practiced this for months when i started spvp’g….i am confused. i do not miss many dodge/jumps. maybe 1 outta 10 wont go…and half the time it is because i ran outta energy

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

What's up with the Lvl 1 characters?

in PvP

Posted by: Tala.7638


i have a level 1 ele i play…with a champ magus title….nuff said YO

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

Toxic Community Ruining the Game?

in PvP

Posted by: Tala.7638


werent ppl just saying this about hambow like what seems 6months ago… i have been elestronk since beta. i play a few builds, not the meta dd one, but still…is everyone guna get all bunt hurt with rev? take a breathe and go seek a therapist…take some chill medicine and remember this is a fun game. Props for the image to stonepro…


Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

A real solution to Diamond Skin!

in PvP

Posted by: Tala.7638


i guess i am totally a non meta tool…i run earth/water/arcana. I switch between Diamond and Stone quite often, depending on whether or not i think my foes are mainly condi or power based. I think all the OP suggestions were fairly solid. I also powerful aura in water just for joy of auras. Elemental shielding is just a wonderful icing on the top. I have fun with my staff support build.


Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

Chronomancer will get permanent invisibility

in PvP

Posted by: Tala.7638


My clones better not wear invisible cloaks. How am I supposed to find myself as a person if I can’t even find my clones?

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

Is burning broken on purpose?

in PvP

Posted by: Tala.7638


If people burn you, you must stop, drop and roll.

Didn’t we learn that in kindergarten? Come on now, build for some cleanse…get with the times man…


Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

PvP leagues lack most requested feature -_-

in PvP

Posted by: Tala.7638


But if they did that how would the gold sellers find you? Honestly, it’s like you don’t even consider their feelings…


You should be able to queue from any where into PvP. Why was it changed??? Why!!!!

Please Anet tell us why?!?!?!!


Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

Move the PvP lobby to Lion's Arch.

in PvP

Posted by: Tala.7638


well for a long time we could just play the game and pvp…they changed it for some reason. i know not why, but it is kinda lame. i play less now tbh because i dont like idle gaming time…let me go do a jumper with my pvx guild while sitting around in queue for 5 min….i dont want 5 sec of downtime while gaming tbh…i have to much energy to blow through.

I haven’t played GW2 consistently for three years, but I did play at launch, and I remember having to go to the hotm then, too. When was this time you’re talking about?

The last BIG BIG patch before the expac announcement…so idntk…7 or 8 months ago. Before then i could go any where and queue….hotjoin, pveland, even dungeons.

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

Who is Abjured's MVP?

in PvP

Posted by: Tala.7638


srsly… the reason why Abjured has such a great team is that they all are each others mvps…or at least they play that way. No man left behind. Semper Fidelis ftw

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

Move the PvP lobby to Lion's Arch.

in PvP

Posted by: Tala.7638


well for a long time we could just play the game and pvp…they changed it for some reason. i know not why, but it is kinda lame. i play less now tbh because i dont like idle gaming time…let me go do a jumper with my pvx guild while sitting around in queue for 5 min….i dont want 5 sec of downtime while gaming tbh…i have to much energy to blow through.

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

OL > A

in PvP

Posted by: Tala.7638


abjured hadnt really lost before right? isnt them losing kind of a neat thing for the community…i was thinking they were kinda like the Pats for a sec there. nice to see they are human…well Toker isnt…

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

Move the PvP lobby to Lion's Arch.

in PvP

Posted by: Tala.7638


i have an idea, just let us play the game…instead of forcing us to sit any particular place. i personally miss farming pveland while queueg matches….why did anet stop it in the first place?

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

Chill is a weak condition

in PvP

Posted by: Tala.7638


area frost armor is grand after a big burst…just saying

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

Who can hardcounter eles 1v1 on point?

in PvP

Posted by: Tala.7638


if you are a top tier player and someone leaves a d/d ele home, would you not want to be at another point getting a numbers advantage.

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

Add option to report AFK's in PVP [merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Tala.7638


afker or not; i say just play. be a gamer; relish the 3v5 everytime you come out home. Get better; CARRY harder…

Not trolling; i agree it should be fixed…but they aren’t truly afkg…just quitting. they take their kickball and go home because they do not like to lose…we should give the afkers a medal. and free food. maybe some cash. help them pay for heat/electricity. buy their home also. let them get fat.

Oh sorry that is only from where i live here in Massachusetts, sorry about that.

Do or do not young padawan, no try

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

The state of SPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Tala.7638


Alright now. Great original post… and most replies have been adding to the discussion well. I play both ranked and unranked, i personally play for maps. The entire leader board kitteners have not really been around all that much. Ranked has be fairly fun. Lots of great matches. I have been ubber busy with several projects at once; lucky to get a few matches in…out of only 9 matches in just the past 3 weeks..NOT a ONE has been a waste of my time. i guess i am getting lucky just solo queue ranked!?

STATS;STATS;and more stats…..sounds great.

All great ideas. Would be nice to hone them and get it wrapped up in a nice package we could keep pushing on anet

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

What about the 4v5s ?

in PvP

Posted by: Tala.7638


Fairly good suggestion. I for 1 wouldnt mind getting logged into a match that was half way through. At least the numbers thing wouldnt be a factor in the match.

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Tala.7638


Looks like this week is BGs last hurrah. From what I hear it sounds like there is way too much drama in bg’s community (never a good sign). I like the fact that SoR has zero drama and all our guilds are here to stay and are NOT scounting other servers. This up and down weeks for bg can’t last long, they must really hate not coming in first.

Our server is fine. We play for fun. Please stop your QQ and misinformation. BG’s community is fine… just bec Agg and FoE left? What are these problems you speak of? All the people I play with are having fun and will continue to. And to the basketball person? Is basketball the one with the round ball and hoops???

This sounds eerily familiar…

Thank you for making my point. U sound mad breh. Troll some more bitter man.

Edit: Funny Burl how you can’t even troll with a sig and let us all know where you come from. You really step it up breh! GG

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

(edited by Tala.7638)

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Tala.7638


Looks like this week is BGs last hurrah. From what I hear it sounds like there is way too much drama in bg’s community (never a good sign). I like the fact that SoR has zero drama and all our guilds are here to stay and are NOT scounting other servers. This up and down weeks for bg can’t last long, they must really hate not coming in first.

Our server is fine. We play for fun. Please stop your QQ and misinformation. BG’s community is fine… just bec Agg and FoE left? What are these problems you speak of? All the people I play with are having fun and will continue to. And to the basketball person? Is basketball the one with the round ball and hoops???

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

2/22 -JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Tala.7638


yeah those 15 new guilds JQ got a few weeks back has NOTHING to do with why they are winning now. Nor the fact SoS has lost some.

Remember when SoS was all happy and proud of itself because they successfully trolled with racist comments a guild leader of a well known asiatic guild?

Some can say that karma is a kitten sometimes.

It’s not a secret that guilds wanting to move from SBI never took in consideration SoS. And all the crying now only makes it look even worse.

When did this successful racist comment happen? I would like to see proof. Racism is NOT acceptable in any form, most definitely not in this game during my fun time, and especially not on my server.

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

WvWvW Queues issue [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Tala.7638


I blame jQQ. Definitely all their fault. Habib is making them ruin the day they tried to take over HIS WvWvW.. muhahahaha

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

World changes and fun in game play

in WvW

Posted by: Tala.7638


Wow Opaze, are you seeing all this help you are getting from your GW2 community…I betcha no one playing pandas would help you this much!!!

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

WvWvW Queues issue [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Tala.7638


But I like my theory Anet sized down the actual number of ppl in map. Totally trolling the troll master server. Makes me smile thinking about it.

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

WvWvW Queues issue [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Tala.7638


Let us think about this. One server got ALOT of transfers the past 2 weeks. They basically stacked themselves. Anet devs say, “HEY look what these people did? That doesn’t seem all that good for our game W3 wise…what should we do?” “Let us lower W3 cap for each map, that will teach them a lesson, then we will get real money from gems when they decide to keep W3 competitive and transfer to a lower pop server to actually play again” Problem solved. W3 stays fun and Anet gets more money to pay programmers and devs the OT they need to actually fix real issues like culling and what not.

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

Is it just me or ORBS did make WvWvW fun?

in WvW

Posted by: Tala.7638


I say bring the orbs back, no buff at all. OR maybe a few simple buffs, like 10% speed buff for dolys within that zone the orb is controlled. Or supply camp guild claimings that do not lose the righteous buff. Small little buffs that just make your life a pain without giving the holder of the orbs to much juice pvp wise. Gives us all a reason to scratch our kittens. I miss it. This negates any off-time capping issues by not making the buffs have a serious bite to them

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

(edited by Tala.7638)

WvWvW Queues issue [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Tala.7638


So basically, the purpose for this thread is to ask Anet why it seems there are only, say, 500 slots on the entire map. With 250 being from one server, 200 from another and 50 from the last. So what people are asking…is that happening? I think that is what the question is, am I getting the drift?

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

Ratings reset - big mistake

in WvW

Posted by: Tala.7638


Either way, it will iron out faster bec all of our ratings are getting reset. We will hit equilibrium faster this way. Do the math. Even if they keep everything the same and just reset rating.

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Tala.7638


Less pewpew and QQ. Let us have another “Score update!!!”

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

WvWvW Queues issue [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Tala.7638


if they want it to be less blobby, release a bigger map!!!!!

The maps are as big as they are going to get. Anet has stated these are the largest they can make them.

Also, this was from the TC thread about queue issues. I found it somewhat helpful. They are reading, but after a ton of QQueue threads, how do you think they could answer them all. From Habib Loew:

Hi all,

Queues are per map, per team – so there is a queue for TC players on the Eternal Battlegrounds and a different queue for TC players on each Borderlands, and a different queue for each of the other teams on each of the maps.

During the time it takes for players to change maps it is possible for there to be a queue even if there are less players in a map than the maximum capacity because the players taking up those empty slots are still “in flight” between maps. It’s also possible for a slot to take a while to fill if e.g. people see the queue pop, wait until the progress bar for the automatic transfer is almost empty, and then choose to renter the queue. At that point the system will move on and look for other players to fill that slot but all of that takes a bit of time. We’ve watched the queue numbers a lot and generally it’s only a few slots that are in this reserved state at any time.

Just to be sure I ran a quick database query for the last few days and all the queue numbers look quite reasonable.

So I don’t know where in the map those players are when you’re looking for them, but they’re definitely in there somewhere!

And also, what Faded said.

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

culling update issues

in WvW

Posted by: Tala.7638


I just wanted to point out the T1 thread this week is quite fun. No hate there, minus a few ICOA posts, but they just miss T1.

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

World changes and fun in game play

in WvW

Posted by: Tala.7638


See Opazed, there are solutions for your issue. Also, please do not play the “old” card either. First, it does nothing for the wisdom you have, which you earned. Try to keep it positive. Second, my buddy, whom is a 56 yrold, has a top 100 arena 3s team in WoW. So if that old fart can figure that out, I can guarantee you can figure out PvE and guesting in GW2. Seriously, I hope you stay here. Much better game. I hope you have all the fun deserve. Take care.

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

World changes and fun in game play

in WvW

Posted by: Tala.7638


Okay take all the money you say you do not have that you will be sending Blizzard over the next year and buy your transfer gems. If you do the math, you might actually spend less to transfer. Come on man, I thought Holland has one of the best education systems in the world. WoW has a monthly sub, GW2 doesn’t. Do the math.

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

Ratings reset - big mistake

in WvW

Posted by: Tala.7638


Stop this madness. Resets are getting done at the perfect time. Free transfers are locked. A clean slate is what every server needed. All this should’ve happened over 2 months to be honest. This is good thing. And if you read the millenium page, they do not have the proper algorithm from Anet, so those match ups are most likely incorrect.

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Tala.7638


Just though I would mention that since they reset the scores this week, it is possible JQ could go to tier2or3 next week xD

btw, Did the GW2v1-29-2013 patch have WvW related updates?


Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

Jan 25 - Feb 1 2013 | SoS & JQ & BG

in WvW

Posted by: Tala.7638


BG lost all of the bandwagoners who were responsible for that stuff Barab. Most of them left months ago.

They all just left SoS and now preside on jQQ, so chip chip cherro!

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

WvW Guilds & Players - SoS need you!

in WvW

Posted by: Tala.7638


Can we report this thread as spam now?

I am still amazed by how many threads this server has created over the last few months. There have been so many threads that I do believe recruitment threads to SoS outnumber all other servers’ (NA and EU) combined!#

People want balanced servers, and here is a tier 1 server still wanting more and more people to join their server.

Thank you for your concern. I understand that you may not grasp what being in T1 contest is like, but with the hard work done by jQQ recruitment teams, this past week and half of Wv3 has brought ALOT of SoS weaknesses to the fore front, as far as coverage goes. Yes, there has been a furry of activity from our server looking to recruit. However 90% of our threads have been trolled by negative posts such like yours. ONCE AGAIN, it is our right to recruit, and I personally hope your post gets domed . I take it offensive. DO NOT judge until you have walked in our shoes. This a game and we play for fun. Keep your trolling to your own recruitment threads, and if you had the gusto to actually have a sig that delineated what server you from, I would address this issue on a smaller scale, but you do not. Have a nice day, and once again, we on SoS thank you for your post. Best wishes.

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

Jan 25 - Feb 1 2013 | SoS & JQ & BG

in WvW

Posted by: Tala.7638


There happen to be a few jQQ trolls whom find it necessary to thump their chests because they are going to win, with no doubt. I personally have never cared win or lose, it is how we all play the game that matters. So allowing trolls to hijack a thread, is part of gaming. The smart people will differentiate what is a solid post from a lack luster dud. As for server morale, I agree the militia on SoS seems demoralized. But is the responsibility of OUR stronger guilds to step up and help rally the troops. Not only did Patone, our EB specialist take a break, but also another commander has stepped away for a bit. Those 2 people alone were responsible for bringing in, and organizing the majority of non-affiliated players into WvW. Patone was a rock in EB. And the other would spend a good amount of time, traveling to PvE zones rallying troops. Also, the later did a TON of backroom organizing for our server. Both of these losses to our community, coupled with the aussie holiday and natural disaster are not just going to be overcome with a snap of the finger. It behooves us all to think that RL will not affect our game time. To make comments like SoS isn’t bringing it now that things are even is just plain garbage. That was only one example, but there are many more. All are just plain…lame.
SoS is a strong community. We will continue to play, and field strong guilds that understand the value of team work. Congrats to jQQ for fielding such a strong force for every time zone, and BG for taking what they can, playing smart, and getting income. Both servers are great servers, AS WELL AS MINE!!!

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

(edited by Tala.7638)

WvW Guilds & Players - SoS need you!

in WvW

Posted by: Tala.7638


You should really change this thread title to indict also EU and SEA coverage.
@any perspective guild:
We do have a solid thread here:
Please look us up or head:
Reach out, we do need a hand. SEA/EU/NA

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

Jade Quarry - 24/7 WvW Needs EU/Oceanics!

in WvW

Posted by: Tala.7638


I must absolutely give you props on super solid job with your recruiting. I do not enjoy playing against all of your recent efforts. I totally understand you are not the only GL/Commander recruiting from JQ, but I have seen nothing but the up most grace and dignity you have represented on behalf of your server’s community.
Hopefully we, over here on SoS, can do half the job you have done to help ensure strong, epic battles week in and week out against each other. And we fail, and drop a tear or 2, I believe my server’s community will only get stronger for having faced such a grand adversary not only in game, but also on the recruitment threads.

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

Jan 25 - Feb 1 2013 | SoS & JQ & BG

in WvW

Posted by: Tala.7638



Since this thread has derailed with a lot of off-topic posts & inflammatory comments, we had to moderate it heavily.

Please read this reminder : WvW sub forum – rules reminder :

… And finally, one of the most important points, which is also available for every sub forum: be polite and respectful towards each other. These forums are meant to be constructive, and while we understand that a bit of zeal can sometimes be necessary in the spirit of competition, please keep in mind that all inflammatory, rude, and disrespectful posts will be removed. So let’s reserve the energy to fight on the in-game battlefields and not on our forums.

Therefore, any further breach to the Code of Conduct, may result in this thread being locked, and post being infracted.

Thank you for your understanding, and please keep this thread friendly & civil.

Just lock it. This thread is gone to garbage. The trolls were out in nasty force the past 24 hrs. Meh to all of it. SoS is a great community, and most ppl speaking supposedly on our behalf, or quoting something we have apparently said, don’t show proof of who they are, what this random quote was and from whom, or what server they are even from. Just let it go. I personally blame whomever did not post the usually Q&A. The mojo was bad with this one from the start. Anyway have fun trolls stomping this thread with some more with emoness.

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

Jan 25 - Feb 1 2013 | SoS & JQ & BG

in WvW

Posted by: Tala.7638


Okay now. Oh what fun tonight in EB was for me. I seriously cant wait for this new[old] rendering to get implemented. Bringing it hard from every direction in SM tonight, i couldn’t even look at my mini-map right. My eyes were boggled from running in circles. NE, NW, SE, every gate was down at some point before our reinforce upgrade went through. No matter what ppl say, or what ppl think, I freaking love this game and all the epic battles I have had with all you. No trolling here…

So keep bringing it JQ and BG, this week ain’t over. I know the [Work] I play with will still live their real lives, continue to work their real jobs, come onto GW2 for a few hrs a night, and have a blast…

May the culling be with you.

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.

Jan 25 - Feb 1 2013 | SoS & JQ & BG

in WvW

Posted by: Tala.7638


To you SoS hacks on JQ BL. Stop it! You took bay, you took our tower. Now we know better. We stopped you the second time (at @9:15 server time) you tried hacking into bay and we got you on video and will be reported. We will be contacting your guild GMs. To any SoS who believes in legitemate play, don’t take portals you don’t know where they go. You don’t want to be associated with cheaters.

You have video, do what you said, report it. Dnt come into this thread with accusations. Coming to this thread with that stuff does nothing for anyone in the community. Your thread post is exactly what I would have done, minus the post of this forum or any other for that matter. You got wronged, supposedly, have proof, and know the proper chain of actions to take. Do that, but dnt post that kitten stuff here.

Funny how just last week the same could be said of SoS who called out over last weeks thread about AoS member hacking or that Emp should be banned for using “Golem in the box” or dang there’s just so many to count. Oh but it’s not okay for another server to say this. Stop being so “I am above everyone else attitude” mindset.

DO u even read the posts? Did you read my entire last post? Or just sculpt your own truth of facts. Once again, one person posting doesnt speak for the entire server. I was only trying “trying” to get OUR whole community off a garbage topic and back to the actual fun of playing, and politely trolling, against each other, and talking about that.

Talaysteria/Talas Cap/Talarenth
THE Mystic Plumbers [LUCK]
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.