80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.
@Taldren, yes accualy this is exactly what I do in SC Mist, generosity replace preci as soon I got a fair amount of stacks. When I farm stacks before I go out I generaly get 10-14 stacks in 30 sec after pulled al cayotes outside spawn. Take around 1,5 min to get 25 stacks if you use cayotes/wolfs and dont kill them all, just let em summon more.
I believe that SSoGenerosity and SSoPurity don’t share a cooldown, so you could get 2 conditions removed every 10s given a decent crit rate.
Have you thought about using Superior Sigil of Generosity over Superior Accuracy given your limited condition removal? Also, something I do, you may want to put your Minor Accuracy on one of your water weapons and then just kill krait underwater to build your stacks. I found almost no one will ever interrupt you powering up. Then you could replace it on your staff with Sigil of Purity giving you two condition removals every 10 seconds.
@Taldren, i give you pure speed from position a-b for d/d is better than mesmers, but our short distance sprint and mobility combined with portal and stealth let us get away if we do it right. D/d have one mountain/high climber in blink (potensialy 2 if you know how to use magnetic, btw can magnetic be reflected?) we have potensialy 4 plus stealth on this let us basickly be a pain in the kittens tail
Still as you say, to catch a running d/d is close to impossible. But tbh its always easier to run away than to catch ppl.
Magnetic Grasp can be reflected, but if you get hit with it … it will do you no good against Magnetic Leap. I actually find Burning Speed a great short range maneuverability ability. I mean, you can spam it if you like … like most do … but if used right it can be amazing.
The meanest thing I do on my elementalist is use Grasping Vines → burning speed → ring of fire → dodge roll and get both the fire and earth AEs from Evasive Arcana → Magnetic Grasp (Magnetic Leap if they try and teleport from Grasping Vines) → Churning Earth → Lightning Leap. All this whiling keeping Earthquake for emergency CC and RTL for emergency escape.
Most of the time I can keep them knocked down or immobilized from full health to dead which makes escape sort of hard. :p Especially since Grasping Vines shows me where you while stealthed.
I wish stun breaks removed immobilize … it is far too powerful right now. ><
Anyway … back to Mesmer …
Your maneuverability is basically completely dependent on armor runes because without the swiftness boost you are moving far too slow to put the stealth/teleports to good effect. That is one major issue I wish they would address in addition to lackluster weapon options.
I’m sure it’s been reported but this has been a bug since about October I believe. The trait Dueling: 25th minor trait: “Confusing Combatants” USED to work with phantasms as well, and the info still says “illusions” unless this was some sort of stealth nerf it only works with clones and has been that way for a while. I don’t what changed in an Oct/Nov patch but this has resulted in me never using the trait anymore because the investment in dueling usually means a shatter/phantasm build and if you can’t get this to proc on phantasms that get killed then it’s pretty useless imo.
I’m curious as to whether this will ever be addressed?
It’s been in the original post for months. All I can do.
I claim a d/d ele have no chance and tbh probobly not even a thief to catch a portal, dubble stealth, blink cd lowered, staff cd lovered rune of air using mesmer. Its bald but Im sure after spent last weeks troll ppl and groups in bl,s and simply outrun em and trolled em around on the map. To chase thu is harder as staff 2 blink dont have a steady target.
You are playing some really bad d/d ele’s then :p
When I play mine I have 100% swiftness uptime, lightning flash, ride the lightning, burning speed, magnetic leap on top of Grasping Vines, Frozen Burst, Updraft, and Earthquake.
Although with the RTL nerf now thieves and greatsword warriors can usually get away … which is very hypocritical of ANet since they are using THEIR weapon attacks to do the very thing that ANet decided is bad for Elementalists to do with theirs.
Interesting results with the Compounding Power… Heavy Target Golem 1 illusion = 833 dmg. 2 illusions = 635 dmg. 3 illusions = 590dmg. That was the average dmg after 6 tests each… so my dmg per illusions nr1 is decreasing not increasing. Am I missing something?
I’ve re-tested this now 3 separate times tonight.
feel like i’m going crazy
Welcome to ANet math:
1 × 833 = 833
2 × 635 = 1270 ( +52% )
3 × 590 = 1770 ( +112% )
4×590 = 2360 ( +183% )
ANet penalizes you if not all your illusions can make it to the target … which often they do not.
(edited by Taldren.7523)
@Taldren, a few classes have extremly good escape mobility, Shatter Cat Mist specced mesmers for example is as close you come to impossible to catch if thye intend to run, same go for shortbow thiefs and in some ways d/d eles (even if they a litllte less mobile now.
That argument breaks down when the vast majority of all the classes in WvW are those “few” classes with extreme maneuverability. They have absolutely no problems catching a mesmer regardless of spec. I could make an entire movie on people just deciding they don’t want to fight me and basically walk away whenever they want to because I have no way to stop them or chase.
I just hate the fact that without GS we have no means to really engage someone who intends to just keep running away and coming back when they are at full advantage. It is impossible to keep up with GS warriors, x/D elementalists, thieves, ect.
Against those classes the cripple is needed else they will just whittle you down.
It’s also one of the reasons I miss the pistol when I don’t have it equipped, too.
So much crying about ‘zerg’ in this thread. What do you expect in a massive-scale RvR?
You can’t call it RvR … because the game that has RvR knew better than to award players in this manner.
DAoC gave equal reward between group members, but split reward between groups based on how much each group contributed to the kill.
If I put a bounty on someone for 100 dollars and two people collectively fulfill the bounty … why would they both expect 100 dollars? They would realistically collect 100.00 for the bounty and have to split it by some method. Usually bloody.
We will have much more info on World Ranks very soon! In the mean time:
1. Everyone that helped with the kill will get full credit for the kill.
< facepalm > Don’t you people ever learn from history? You are going down the same path that killed Warhammer Online. Zerg – freaking – tastic for the you – should – be -smarter – than – this – lose. < / facepalm >
Why does WvW get to be the kindergarden playground? I can’t zerg fractals, sit back and do nothing and get the free credit. Same with sPvP Tournaments … yet ANet continues to dumb down WvW play where everyone gets a trophy.
(edited by Taldren.7523)
I can’t keep up with thieves or greatsword warriors now. Other than that, it screwed up my rhythm and I have a 5 second hole that I need to find a plug for.
Seriously … I can’t say a_5s hole (replace _ with space) without the whole thing turning to kitten?
(edited by Taldren.7523)
Read the ToS.
Anything you purchase or acquire within your account is subject to change without warning at ArenaNet’s discretion. Your account is, “in essence”, a rental.
That’s how developers keep people from making any “I want my account data” BS if they ever shut down the game or ban players.
And anyone and their mothers know that the wiki site is a player-driven database.
Some data is bound to be flawed. That’s not proof of false advertisement.Game skins aren’t even what they advertise about. They advertise about the game.
And in any game, there are bound to be bugs that fool players into wasting their effort. That’s what you paid for.—
I understand the frustration of having one of your items changed after having an absence, BUT your issue really has zero legality here.
(Taking a tangent from the OP here as it has nothing to do with the suggestion)
On Wiki Site: The site is under the network domain of ANet, moderated by the staff of GW2, and officially supported by in-game commands. It isn’t your standard Wiki.
On Legality: That argument goes right out the window once real currency gets injected into the mix. The currency used was US legal tender, not some in game imaginary resources, and subject to taxation on the transaction. Commerce laws trump contracts between two parties, else things like prostitution would be legal, and since these transactions qualify for taxation they fall under the domain of those laws. Why do you think blizzard is so kitten careful with its in-game auction house.
In short, the government doesn’t really care what a EULA/TOS says if anyone was ever willing to take it that far.
Sorry if I am late to the party, but I was busy for a bit with RL stuff …
ANet: If you would like to create a second dagger for the blue lightning effect of the Mystic Forge than more power to you. But to just change the art after 6 months with no notification is just stupid.
You made no attempt to say this was a bug to be fixed … there was no warning when I spent 100 skill points (and 2 transmute stones) that I wasn’t actually buying what I wanted when I forged the bloody things. Your own wiki site showed the red lightning effects which is how I decided to create it in the first place.
So , in essence, you advertised falsely what I purchased and since I paid real money for the transmute stones I used to copy the art to a weapon with my stat distribution I have a very legitimate complaint. This is outside the realm of ‘fantasy’ money … you took real money from me.
I don’t know why you feel we should have to do your homework for you … and this is really the wrong forum for advice how to play the necro class … but as a former Mesmer that is a Necro I will throw in my 0.02.
You are cherry picking the best of multiple specs for the Mesmer class in your list. You can’t have all of that list at the same time.
You also ignore the benefits of the Necro over Mesmer. Here is the list of what I have all in one spec over a Mesmer:
- A short cooldown heal that eats all conditions
- A 25% full time speed boon trinket that provides an AE lifetap heal when activated.
- Unblockable large radius ground targeted attacks. (ground target > stealth)
- The ability to attack targets from a wall/ledge or targets on a wall/ledge.
- The ability to instantly convert all boons on a player to conditions on a VERY short cooldown. (might → confusion owns)
- The ability to transfer conditions to a target. (Dagger 4)
- Chill
- Poison
- Weakness
- Fear
- The ability to transfer conditions on a target to all other targets in the area.
- LichForm
Oh, and I forgot …
- 2 freaking lifebars ?!?!?!
I highly suggest you stop crying here and actually go ask questions on the Necro forums on how to improve your gameplay.
I’d like to second the sentiment that the warden could really use some sort of manual placement, but I can see how the targetting might be complicated.
Options would be:
1. have it ground targetted and make it lock to the nearest target on either cast/spawn
2. have it ground targetted and always locked to your target
3. have it ground targetted but only permit placement in melee range of your target (don’t know if this is possible with the engine though)I think I’d prefer 3, or in the best case scenario some sort of toggle for it, but I doubt we’ll realistically see any changes. It’s not like the devs really care for quality of life changes in skills, and there are some that are far, far more broken then this.
Just show a ground target the size of the projectile annihilation/reflect field and select a random target inside that field as the target the warden will follow after the first channel. If there is no target inside the field just have it die after the first channel.
I don’t play a necromancer so try not to assume things. I play the lack luster Warrior in PvP and Thief when I want to be OP.
Truth is the Mesmer is Over Powered still even though the only two true nerfs you have had (no phantasmal/clone on dodge and the confusion nerf) were needed. The Mesmer is still out of line compared to the other classes.
1. Warrior is one of the best support/CC classes in the game and are complete game changers in group play. They only appear to be “lack luster” in solo play because there are far better solo classes in the game.
2. I find it humorous that you would admit that Thief is “OP” while saying that it is Mesmer that is “out of line” with other classes.
What classes exactly? Obviously not thief. There are only 8 classes in the game and I can put 3 (Thief, Elementalist, Guardian) over top of the Mesmer in most situations and situationally more in non-solo scenarios … so that is pretty much middle of the road. In fact, I find my necro to be just as good as my mesmer regardless of what the OP believes.
Also, in what type of game play situation? Solo? Group? Zerg? Blanket statements are blanket statements.
The Warden is super powerful as an AE projectile killer … or long duration reflect field depending on your spec. The problem is that can’t control where that defensive bubble actually exists on the battlefield which is why I like the original posters idea.
I like that suggestion, but I would recommend the suggestion forum. Likely some mod is going to move it there anyway.
As someone who gave up Mesmer for Necromancer … let me try and give you some badly needed advice:
Meanwhile, the Mesmer had pretty much every boon beyond the kittening sun up at all times.
Corrupt Boon is one of the Necros best utilities. I strongly recommend that you use it.
He did catch me with crappy utilities up though because I was traveling. Necromancer everybody! You have to use Signet or Spectral Walk in WvW no matter what woohoo!
Mesmer would pay any amount of money to have our signet as it is ridiculously good.
25% out-of-combat speed buff which becomes an AE lifetap that you have no negative to using when you would actually use it due to not having the 25% speed anyway. Mesmer has to have a specific weapon in addition to a specific spec just to have speed and it isn’t even a 100% uptime.
We get 75% of that just by using one utility slot and its 100% uptime.
Spectral Walk is an option … I would suggest you drop it for … Corrupt Boon.
I even tried to get out of the fight 2 different times because it was taking kittening forever. Both times I used Spectral Walk-jupe trick where you run far and then recall. It confused him for like 3 seconds until he turned around and caught up with swiftness.
I take it you don’t use staff, scepter, or anything else with chill/cripple? The battlegrounds aren’t even that big … you could have easily reached a friendly structure if the battle raged as long as you are claiming.
Any time I got him below 50% health a whole bunch of “Block block block” came up.
Right … so not staff … as the first trait any necro I know that uses staff takes is the Can’t be blocked +Mark Radius trait. When you see that block/block/block it is usually a good time to throw down your unblockable fear mark.
Oh yeah and any time I would try to disengage and I turned around, he would just stand there casting auto-attack with ~4 other clones. So fair. Throughout the entire fight there was at least 3 clones at almost all times because destroying was useless since he would just create more 0.5 seconds later.
Those clones hit for 5-10 damage and as for the conditions they are most likely applying … Dagger 4 is really good. I try and wait till I pop Corrupt Boon before using it as it will then also transfer my weakness to the target as well. Anything left over is just fuel for our heal which is one of the best in the entire game.
What did I say to the Mesmer? I told him to play a class that takes kittening skill. I don’t think opponents can hear you though..
See … this is where you just kitten me off because you have no idea how much skill it takes to make it look that easy. You were the wrong spec to face that target and you choose to stay and die rather than walk away to saftey. It is ultimately your fault you died. Instead of crying and complaining here you should have been in the necro forums asking for advice or strategy to make you a better player.
There are a few different knobs we can turn in regards to AoE some of the bigger ones being:
Radius of the AoE
Frequency of the AoE Damage
Damage of the AoE
Max Targets of the AoECurrently, some players causing the AoE are able to do more damage to one person while also controlling a portion of the field, compared to a player with single target damage.
In our balance discussions we always look at what these changes could do to PvE as well as PvP. Any changes we make will undergo a lot of testing, both internal and by our trusted alpha team. It is important to understand that we are not doing a blanket nerf to all AE’s or a dramatic adjustment of the damage AoE’s can do. There may be some cases where players can build for AoE damage, but are just not viable or other cases where AoE is clearly the dominate way to build, and as such the other builds get left on the side lines. Its these classes/builds that we are concerned about.
Elementalists have something like 5 single target attacks out of the 100 available weapon attacks (5 weapon combinations x 4 attunements x 5 slots). So ~5% of our available options are single target … so what single target damage are you talking about that Elementalists are passing over in order to do AE damage? You didn’t exactly give us a choice in the matter.
If you nerf AE, all you are doing is nerfing ~95% of the elementalist class.
ANET DEV: Hey, lets make a class where we give them almost no option to use a non-AE Ability.
6 months later…
ANET DEV: Hey, people are using AE abilities too much! We must nerf AE!
Do they even teach logic or critical thinking anymore?
Mostly we want MH Pistol because scepter sucks. I’d rather see scepter become like guardian staff in it being an AE Cone attack and have MH Pistol be our ranged 1H weapon.
I really have no understanding of the logic that moderators use to perform the actions they do … there was no reason to move this thread.
That being said, I edited the title so that at least some semblance of context exists.
It stacks with Master Tuning Crystals too … so you can have 16% of your Toughness and 4% of your Vitality converted to Condition Damage.
I fully understand the whole reason for not having weapon swapping on the elementalist … but since I can open my inventory and swap weapons manually while out of combat, why don’t they allow us to use our actual weapon slots and swap normally as long as the character is out of combat?
Well lets compare gains versus losses.
Losses from my build. (using 6 divinity runes)
- 100 vitality (-120 total)
+ Sigil of Minor Accuracy
Just download and post the results of my spreadsheet located here:
… it will make your life a lot easier.
“1. Do Illusions get Sigils from weapons? (Chance of 60% to Bleed someone on Crit)”
1. No , BUT … They do benefit from weapon sigils that increase YOUR stats. So if you have 25 stacks of Bloodlust, your illusions would have more Power.
Superior Sigil of Battle = 3
Fire Attunement = 1
Ring of Fire + Earth Dodge Roll = 3
Ring of Fire + Earth Quake = 3
Ring of Fire + Churning Earth start = 3
Ring of Fire + Churning Earth finish = 3
I usually have 13-16 stacks of might for 30s after the opening 5 seconds of a fight.
1. Our current scepter #1 is 3 attacks that summons a clone on the 3rd attack (33%) and is supposed to apply a stack of confusion (33%), but is currently bugged. It isn’t mathematically any different to do a single attack with a 1/3 chance of each possibility.
2. Are you saying that Staff #2 is overpowered? Because that creates a clone and teleports you away from the attacker in addition to breaking stun.
3. Currently this applies 5 stacks of confusion over 5 seconds to a single target. How is applying 3 – 6 stacks to a target OP with a non-channel attack??
I really don’t know why people jump on the “OP” label without actually thinking things through before they speak.
1. The tooltip wasn’t changed since they removed the confusion from the clones. Nearly 30% of the tooltips are bugged in this game. Never heard the devs actually want the auto-attack to cause confusion (directly or through the clones).
2. There is a little difference between TP+clone generation and TP+clone+block+damage. And #2 is the only clone generator of the staff.
3. Channeling is a big downside. Removing it allows you to block the next attack meaning you can benefit from the confusion without getting hit.I did not say your ideas were bad. I like them and wish they would be implemented. I only think that if every skills of the scepter get a buff, then the weapon would be OP. (Perma confusion in PVP). I’d love it since I play mesmer but I’m just being realist: it’d be good to get any buff (and it’d be only one skill, I don’t believe the devs would do more).
1. I was in Alpha when they made the change … the change was that the Scepter clone’s Ether Bolt would no longer provide confusion. (That was OP) There was no note anywhere saying that Scepter 1 was supposed to be changed. As such, it is a bug until clarified or fixed.
2. Its Stun Break+TP+Clone vs Block+TP+Clone as you can’t use a channel during a stun. The damage to be removed for as little as it does in the condition builds that actually use scepter.
3. Channel has both benefits and drawbacks all to itself. You can’t just push the negatives and say that not being channeled is a pure benefit. The reason to go with a bounce is to provide scepter with some form of AE as it is the only MH weapon the mesmer has without one.
As you can see … OP this isn’t once you apply reason. It isn’t any more powerful than the current scepter … just a lot more reliable and useful.
(edited by Taldren.7523)
How to fix Scepter:
1) Change the #1 attack to be a single attack that has a 33% chance to apply a stack of confusion, 33% chance to generate a clone at the target, and a 33% chance to only do damage.
2) Change the #2 ability to not only produce a clone, but also teleport you away from the attacker.
3) Change the #3 ability to be a (3x) bouncing attack that applies 3 stacks of confusion to a target per bounce.How to fix Staff:
1) Replace #1 Vulnerability with Poison.Sorry to say it so brutally but these are no fixes but how to make our weapons OP. (Seriously the staff is one of the best weapons of the game)
The scepter need a single change on either #1 #2 or #3 to do okay. Stop daydreaming guys. The devs need to keep the game balanced.
It’s not brutal mate … its ignorant, sorry to say.
1. Our current scepter #1 is 3 attacks that summons a clone on the 3rd attack (33%) and is supposed to apply a stack of confusion (33%), but is currently bugged. It isn’t mathematically any different to do a single attack with a 1/3 chance of each possibility.
2. Are you saying that Staff #2 is overpowered? Because that creates a clone and teleports you away from the attacker in addition to breaking stun.
3. Currently this applies 5 stacks of confusion over 5 seconds to a single target. How is applying 3 – 6 stacks to a target OP with a non-channel attack??
I really don’t know why people jump on the “OP” label without actually thinking things through before they speak.
If you keep it on the down low … I made a tool to figure out this very thing.
Please do not use the page directly, but download it as an excel spreadsheet by going to File -> Download As and select Excel.
Direct Link to the Excel version which has protected cells so you can’t break anything:
Again, Go to File → Download to download it.
(edited by Taldren.7523)
No, you misunderstand … we enter stealth and then afterwards while running around during the channel people are still hitting us with targetted attacks. I mean, it is annoying that our stealth doesn’t break channels , but a freaking lump of dirt in our LoS can … but this is a much worse issue.
How to fix Scepter:
1) Change the #1 attack to be a single attack that has a 33% chance to apply a stack of confusion, 33% chance to generate a clone at the target, and a 33% chance to only do damage.
2) Change the #2 ability to not only produce a clone, but also teleport you away from the attacker.
3) Change the #3 ability to be a (3x) bouncing attack that applies 3 stacks of confusion to a target per bounce.
How to fix Staff:
1) Replace #1 Vulnerability with Poison.
I can’t tell you how frustrating it is to use these abilities and then have them go off and not work even though there was no reveal buff present. Even when “The Prestige” does go off, enemies still have the ability to hit with targeted attacks such as bull rush and ride the lightning that were initiated AFTER we entered stealth. One time I even had a Necromancer chain hit me with staff attacks the entire channel duration of “The Prestige” while I was zig zagging across the open field.
(edited by Taldren.7523)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~LIST UPDATED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Please go through the list and make sure major issues are listed and that listed bugs are still present.
We are currently at 4,695 Characters of the 5,000 character limit.
Wow…..all I see are a load of numbers, I just build and play the way that suits me.
Hate to go all matrix on you … but the game is nothing but a load of numbers :p
I have always been a condition-glamor mesmer … but the new shatter build is just too good to ignore. Attached are the two builds side by side (A: 20/0/0/20/30 and B: 10/30/0/0/30) and I could use some feedback on equipment and thoughts on which seems to be better overall.
@ Mesmer: We’ll be addressing the current Mesmer build that’s spiking for insane damage. Sorry that change got through – it is something we’ll be fixing.
@ Macros: Macros are against the user agreement. You can be banned for using them, so use them at your own risk. I would also advise against using them, because in live tournaments, you won’t be able to use macros. So it makes little sense to learn “bad habbits” you’ll just have to retrain later.
We adhere to the same “one keystroke = one action on one character/account”, which is used by a lot of MMO publishers when defining botting/macros.
Just wanted to clear that up – be careful w/ those macros, they can get you banned.
So tired of s/tPvP screwing things up for WvW. Mesmers finally had a chance against Thieves and Warriors in WvW and poof, s/tPvP crying gets them “addressed” with an apology from a dev to boot. Where is our WvW apology?
Having the same issue. In WvW I am over 100 FPS, but in Lions Arch I can only get good frame rates if I don’t pan the camera. Will fall from 75 FPS to under 20 stutteringthe whole way.
You trying the 20/20/0/0/30 build yet, Osi? I was trying S/S + GS with both 20% reduction to GS and S. The counterattack of sword 4 was hitting for nearly 6k on thieves.
I will update this weekend … too busy atm with holidays to go through everything and remove/replace what is currently there.
You kidding? ToA for DAOC was awesome. Bring on the lowering of cast times!
Sorry, but it is pretty much universally accepted that Mackey’s Trials of Atlantis is what killed DAoC because it forced an EQ-like focus on players that were obviously choosing not to play EQ. In fact, I know a lot of x-DAoC devs and they have told me this personally.
It’s a shame, because Labyrinth of the Minotaur was so good … but came too late to really save the game.
I really wish that ANet would take some more idea from DAoC for WvW …
1. WvW “Realm Rank” system would be nice. Have 80 WvW levels where WvW XP would be granted from player kills. XP amount would be based on the rank of the killed player and be split equally between group-mates, but proportionately between multiple groups based on how much each group contributed to the kill. Probably be best if this was character specific.
2. WvW “Bounty Point” replacement for Badges. Convert current badges into a consumable that would give WvW Karma. Allow armor, weapons, siege, ect to be purchased by WvW Karma points. You can even allow the purchase of badges for WvW Karma as to keep the current Legendary requirements if you wish. Bounty Points should be based on killed players WvW Rank and like WvW XP be split equally between group-mates, but proportionately between multiple groups based on how much each group contributed to the kill. This could be account bound to allow you to use your more familiar characters to equip out new characters you create.
3. WvW “Realm Point” system. Each WvW Rank should grant a WvW specific WvW Skill Point that would allow the purchase of WvW specific Utility and Elite abilities. These abilities would only be usable in WvW zones.
4. Map wide Death Spam. Player X was killed by Player Y.
5. Put enemy players names in the combat log. I agree with not being able to see player names in targeting … but after the fact it is important to know where damage came from and who did what to you. It be really nice to have a sPvP-like kill chart that showed you what abilities did what too.
(edited by Taldren.7523)
But you have to remember that condition removal is extremely limited compared to outputting conditions. That’s why my guild team sacrifices an entire player position just for cleansing conditions. That’s how crucial conditions are. They force teams to build accordingly.
In team fights, when multiple players are getting hit by conditions, there are only so many times you can cleanse them.
Also, the benefit of condition builds is that they tend to be more defense-oriented and have a bit more survivability, since their stats aren’t completely invested in upfront burst. It means condition classes are more stable and won’t pop so easily like a backstab thief would.
Yes, I get what you are saying … but if there was a class that we could assign to counter all direct damage as easily it would instantly be nerfed as being OP.
I wish there was a set that provided +Condition Damage / Vitality / Toughness , because beyond +Condition Damage / Vitality for condi builds … the current third options of Precision or Power are pretty much a waste. Which is odd when you consider that you can have Power / Vitality / Toughness as an option.
As a mesmer myself I take offense to that picture because of your damage. Please leave or delete that character.
I’m serious grrrrr
Aww, look, it growled at me. So cute.
Not going to delete a level 80 in all exotic berserker gear, mate.
“grrr” , rofl.
I think warriors got some nice bug fixes but to be honest everything is relative.
The warrior “buffs” look kind of weak in comparison to the other classes which were already viable to an extent that the warrior simply isn’t.
Um … troll?
I am using said mesmer build and warrior are still beasting me.
I find conditions to be extremely deadly if left unchecked. For example, my guild team has a guardian dedicated to cleansing conditions and nothing else.
I get hit with 17+ stacks of bleeding frequently in this video, and time and time again, guardian is a life saver.
Right, conditions are very easily bypassed with removals … where I can’t do much vs a thief backstab (as an example).
That’s because power scales much better with precision than conditions do, due to such a low variety of crit proc stuff.
Also conditions ignore armor, and works pretty well as a standalone dmg stat to pair with tanky stats.
Confusion duration will probably never happen, it’s sort of a cross between soft CC and an actual dmg condition, not really reliable as either one.
Actually, Jon Peters said a couple month ago that it was an oversight because Confusion was put into the game AFTER the armor sets were created. He has said that they were going to fix that when they put new pvp armor sets in.
Also … any word on when +Confusion Duration armor Rune sets and weapon Sigils are going to make it into the game?
From base (916 all stats) …
PvP Berserker’s Amulet + Berserker’s Jewel with a 20/20 split in Power/Precision trait lines grants Direct Damage classes an increase of 204% Total Average Damage with a Ability Multiplier of 1. (30/30 split is a 226% Total Average Damage increase)
PvP Carrion Amulet + Carrion Jewel with 30 points in the Malice trait line grants Condi Damage classes an increase of 144% Bleed, 93% Burning, 146% Poison, and 141% Confusion.
Basically … the DD gear is much better at benefiting DD builds then Condi gear is at benefiting Condi builds.
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