80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.
Best way is to fix portal is to have it only have a max of 5 charges and refresh 5 charges every 5 seconds. This means that a max of 5 people could come through every 5 seconds which would not overwhelm/exploit the limitations of AE and server culling.
When Warden can move while channeling we can begin talks about toning anything to do with Focus down.
Anything a Mantra can do, another utility can do better. I still shake my head in thought of the fix in Alpha when they added a second charge to Matras and then Nerfed the effect each charge did. With the ~1 second gap between charges it got worse instead of better. Especially if you used Healing Mantra’s in the inspiration line.
The whole mechanic needs to be redone.
Rather have persistent effects that allow you to modify your playstyle such as …
Mantra 1: +20% Condition Duration / -20% Boon Duration
Mantra 2: +20% Boon Duration / -20% Condition Duration
Mantra 3: +20% Shatter Recharge / -20% Elite recharge.
ect, ect.
(edited by Taldren.7523)
My blood fairy D/D elementalist:
Had to get creative … We are currently at 4953 Characters.
Osicat, what do you think about replacing mirror images with arcane thievery?
I would avoid it, personally. Before it was assumed that Arcane Thievery was bugged in that it didn’t strip all buffs from the target or clear all conditions from you … but in the last patch the “fix” was for ANet to change the tooltip such that it states that 3 conditions/buffs will be swapped which makes the 45 second cooldown ridiculous.
Also, you may have noticed that Null Field was nerfed as well in that it doesn’t strip all buffs/conditions each tic as it had before the patch. You actually have to stand in it for a few seconds to get rid of all your conditions.
I tried a [Shatter] build for a while, but the limitations of clones in regards to terrain and positioning made we switch over to a [Glamour] build for Zerg-tastic WvW.
Only real difference is I prefer Decoy to Blink and Mass Invis to Time Warp.
It has nothing to do with education you pompous prick. Stop trying to strawman an argument that has no logical foundation. The portal skill is only in the most BASE level an AoE skill in that it can take people from one area to another. These limitations you suggest are irrelevant as there are plenty of counter examples of skill that affect an unlimited number of people, veil and temporal curtain come to mind.
Maybe the only “fixing” that needs to be done is to make it a Line of Effect skill that instantly transmits people from one side to another so people like you can stop crying that its an AoE that affects more that 5 people.
Portaling 5 people in WvW is useless. It’s an abhorrent suggestion that takes away options, removes a valid strategy from the game, and further degrades the game into more PvDoor.
My argument is not only logical, but rational as well. Yours, on the other hand, is nothing more than an example of what happens when one with too little self restraint meets a medium of complete anonymity. Your emotional outburst does not counter or even address the strength of my argument.
I find it astounding that you would even address the issue of the degradation of strategy while pushing a so-called ‘tactic’ that allows sheer numbers to outweigh player skill, positioning, and … strategy.
PP: You should at least paraphrase my argument accurately. I suggested a limit of 5 people per 5 seconds based on the existing supply code already in the game.
Portal isn’t broken so nothing needs to be done to fix it.
If the content of my statement was that of being non-functional, you would be correct. However, fix can also mean a solution to an issue.
Has the education system seriously degenerated to this point?
Exploit….people keep using that word. I don’t think they know what it means…
Portal is a tactic, it is also NOT the only skill to affect an unlimited amount of people (think carefully). And like ANY tactic it can be countered. Seriously all this whining about portals is so kitten old…
Obviously it is you that doesn’t know the proper use of the word “exploit”. In the same way that the Germans exploited the limitations of the Maginot Line, Portal is exploiting the limitations of AE in Guild Wars 2. The difference is that the Maginot Line was a limitation by one of the parties involved while the AE limitation is imposed on us by the developers. No one made the French build that wall the way it was, but a player had no design choice in how many players they could hit.
It is as much as an exploit of a game mechanic as those that found a way to take orbs from underneath. There is nothing that can be done by the afflicted party and thus it is ANets responsibility to provide a balance. If AE was unlimited then it wouldn’t matter that 30 people showed up in an area that was being carpet bombed. The fact that a random 5 people take any damage which is then spread around the pack is a design flaw, not a tactic as you ignorantly suggest.
Your so-called ‘tactic’ is spreading in much the same was as when evasive species with no natural predators is released into the wild. Its time for a culling.
It is an exploitation of a game mechanic. If AE was unlimited then it would be self regulated, but since it isn’t then balance is mandated.
Just re-use the code you have for supply camps … Give an active portal 5 “supply” that can be used and restock it every 5 seconds. This means that at most 5 people can come through every 5 seconds which won’t overwhelm AE attacks directed at an active portal exit point. Just make sure that each side has its own “supply” of portal charges.
Nothing wrong with zergs. Stop trying to ‘better’ the casual players, they’d just quit.
Ah, Darwin must be rolling in their grave at that statement.
The current meta-game is zerg for the win that excludes everything else. That is what must end. Thus the zerg meta-game must die in order for a more balanced meta-game where other forms of WvW can co-exist.
In my opinion, the greatest issue in the current state of WvW is the lack of motivation to separate from the “zerg”. I have a proposed solution that actually comes from the venerable Dark Age of Camelot. In DAoC, players were worth an amount of points that was based on the players realm rank. The higher the rank of the player, the more points that player was worth. A players points were given evenly to all the players of a group that killed them. If more than one group was involved then the points were split between the groups based on the percentage of life taken by each group.
This is what motivated people to separate from the zerg … capitalism. There was more “profit” for your group to kill another group than you were likely to see in a zerg vs group or even a zerg vs zerg fight. Sure, zergs were useful still for getting relics and such … but roaming groups was what people serious about realm rank did.
So my suggested solutions would be to:
Some lessons from Warhammer Online:
If “Bunker Builds” are invalid then so is “Glass Cannon” builds. They are polar opposites and if one goes, so should the other. To say otherwise is pure bias.
Right now I have to adjust my graphic settings for PvE (pretty), sPvP (meh), and WvW (ugly) manually when I enter each type. It would be nice to either have presets that I can bind to allow me to swap settings on the fly or have task specific settings (pve (normal), spvp, pvp) that will swap to those setting automatically based on what you are doing at the time.
I was looking through the sPvP weapon runes and a question came to mind … Does PvP Sigil of Superior Strength have the same internal cooldown as other Sigils? If so then it is in all instances inferior to the PvP Sigil of Superior Battle. It doesn’t list a cooldown, but I always take that with a heavy grain of salt.
PvP Sigil of Superior Strength: 30% on Crit to provide 1 Stack of Might for 10 Seconds.
PvP Sigil of Superior Battle: On Weapon Swap provide 3 Stacks of Might for 20 Seconds (9s Cooldown).
Since Alpha I have been suggesting that shatter should literally shatter like glass and fly upwards from the clones and then appear like a rain of falling shards of glass on the target area.
I don’t support instantaneous though … I would do like a half second delay of a red circle under the target area to at least allow them to dodge it if they are paying attention.
Why do I picture some goth kid screaming “Why do you make me cut myself!” all of a sudden. Oh … Psychrome. Now I understand.
Great post. Truth is the sets were designed probably right before confusion was introduced and we never retrofit them. If we introduce a new set I will take this into account. Perhaps we could make a PvP version of one of the magic find sets, pirate for example, that does confusion. We will talk about this next week.
Does this mean that those items will make their way back into PvE and WvW?
Seem the answer was “Oops…” …
Original Post: [here]
Great post. Truth is the sets were designed probably right before confusion was introduced and we never retrofit them. If we introduce a new set I will take this into account. Perhaps we could make a PvP version of one of the magic find sets, pirate for example, that does confusion. We will talk about this next week.
Illusionary Leap / Swap – both skills have range 600 as listed on their tooltips; I’m not sure if there was ever really a bug here?
In Alpha and Beta you could summon at up to 1200, but couldn’t swap until 600. There was no notes on this being changed on purpose.
Thanks for all the work, I will update tomorrow.
bump for some answers.
Yes, I too would like to have everything that best synergizes with dealing heavy damage in the crit line and put all that baby utility stuff into its very own ghetto with a big “don’t put points here if you aren’t a puny torch user” sign stamped onto it.
The trait lines are balanced so that you have to make compromises and also so that no trait line is completely pointless whatever build you use. Making it all thematically correct without wrecking the balance would require remaking half the skills.
There is already a “don’t put points here if you aren’t a puny torch user” trait line, all splitting the traits across multiple lines means is that you have a lot more wasted points just to make something you want to do better. What good is crit on a condition build? What good is condition damage on a power/crit build? Compromise only works when two parties get what they want, although not at the rate or levels they wanted them. If we are party one, who is party two? To whom are we compromising and what are they giving up?
Just curious why there is no armor or weapon sigils that add to confusion duration like there are for Burning, Bleeds, and Poisons. Of all the condition types, Confusion is the only one where the target has to choose to take damage … so its not like it is too powerful to have a +10/15% duration boost like all the other condi types in the game.
Ok, so we are basically at the 5001 character limit so I would like some help just verifying that all issues currently listed are still issues. If you could all go through the list and just verify that all these bugs are still present and if not post here what I should remove that will free up space for some of the things that have been posted but we have had no room for.
Is daze viable to begin with, let alone “less viable” with the change. The only source of daze mesmer have is Pistol, Mantra of Distraction, and Diversion. Anyone you ever heard of use the Mantra or Diversion? Only time I have seen anyone use Manra of Distraction is when they are using Dueling XI: Empowering Mantras (back in alpha) which is futher evidence that it should be moved :p
In what way does any change “severely weaken” shatter builds? I spent 20 minutes trying to figure out a shatter build that would even be affected by these changes. Let alone “severely”.
What I’m saying is that domination seems like quite a daze-oriented line: There’s two traits that apply specifically to daze and two more that apply to interruptions; your reasoning is the pistol, which is one of the weapons that can daze/stun, synergizes with dueling, but there’s only one dueling trait that applies to interruptions.
Well Domination XII needs to be replaced, IMO … but that is beyond the scope of what I was going to bring up here. (I personally think all the “on interrupt” traits should be at least changed to “on block” if not outright replaced)
That said, it doesn’t matter the theme … but the application. It just doesn’t work in that trait line, especially at 25 points in the trait line.
I don’t think Illusionary Elasticity works on illusions. Only Greatsword and Staff, I believe.
Wastrel’s only works on stunned/dazed targets … that is why it is only a benefit with pistol. Pistol (5) → Pistol (4) combo is nice with it.
If you are like me, you look at our trait trees and ponder “What the hell does <x> trait have to do with <y> trait line?” So I went through and tried to tidy it up a bit by moving some stuff around. Let me know what you think or some suggestions of your own.
My suggestions are as follows:
Traits (Minor):
Traits (Major):
updated … we are right up against the 5001 character limit … be nice if some of these got fixed so I could take them off.
Masterful Reflection (distortion grants reflection) doesnt work with all sources of distortion like Blurred Frenzy (Sword 2). Works only with shattering (F4)
Did you even bother to read the OP?
No changes have been made nor has anyone actually provided any information for these so-called bugs. […] I am not going to put anything up that is Already reported or nothing more then some random claim with no supporting information.
Can I persuade you to add Illusion of Drowning to the OP? It’s a danger to yourself and to your allies, as it causes the target to reflect ranged attacks.
It’s easy enough to test using the underwater golems in HotM:
1. Your trident attacks are reflected and damage you
2. Trident clones’ attacks are reflected and inflict Confusion on them
3. Illusionary Whalers’ attacks are reflected and inflict Bleeding on themAnecdotal: when fighting underwater bosses (e.g. megalodon), your attacks are reflected when another mesmer uses IoD – it’s fairly easy to spot due to the massive glowing anchor. The point here is that it doesn’t just reflect your own ranged attacks.
Done. Thank you.
I have a new bug I don’t think anyone has reported yet regarding Portal Entre and Portal Exeunt, in addition to the tooltip on Exeunt:
The portal created by Portal Entre will never last any longer than 60 seconds; Portal Exeunt’s lifetime is always 10 seconds, regardless of how long ago Portal Entre was cast. This means that, if you cast Portal Exeunt within 50 to 60 seconds after casting Portal Entre, your Portal Entre portal will disappear part of the way through the Portal Exeunt’s lifetime. The result of this is that your Portal Exeunt becomes completely and unexpectedly unusable.
Really, really annoying in WvW, when you’re in real trouble and you think you have a means of escape but nope, your Portal Entre disappeared so you’re standing on a pretty, shining patch of ground waiting for a teleport opportunity that you’re not going to get. (It’d also be nice to have a visible timer on the portal’s lifetime so we can tell when it’s going to expire, like maybe a buff…)
It’s already in the OP, just more basic. If they look at that issue they will find yours too.
>> The OP isn’t updating this at all… Could we get a different sticky?
There is nothing to update. No changes have been made nor has anyone actually provided any information for these so-called bugs. Heck, many of the things being reported are either 1) Not bugs, 2) Things reported already in the thread, 3) Things already reported in other classes bug lists (like the stealth bug).
I have a 5001 character limit, so I am not going to put anything up that is Already reported or nothing more then some random claim with no supporting information.
It does, however, break it down into Offensive and Defensive. Sword/Pistol is an offensive pair since everything is an attack while Scepter/Sword is Defensive with its two blocks. Allows you to customize your weapon sigils for those purposes. Breaking your weapons into range/melee seems rather limiting to me.
Its 150 Precision (50 for the sword and 100 for the 10 more points in duelist) which is around 5% more crit for myself and my illusions.
Personally I go with Sword/Pistol and Scepter/Sword so that I always have the +50 Precision buff … which I would take by giving up the 15% illusion damage trait that doesn’t stack with the 15% Phantasm damage trait.
I am at the character limit in the main post … so I am basically prioritizing bugs that are brought up and deleting them as soon as fixes are in to make room for new ones.
How does “Portal” function with Glamour Traits such as Confusing Enchantments and Dazzling Glamours? Do they only work when both portals are established or does it work with just the entry portal?
(Currently at work and can’t test myself)
Forum is bugged … can’t edit posts once I log in … have to create a post to be able to edit older posts of mine.
veil is acting as a ethereal field rather than a light field for combos.
The problem is that we the players don’t know what our position is in the queue or what the queues are for each zone so that we can make informed decisions. More information is the correct direction.
Cry of Frustration’s Confusion lasts only 3s, not 4s as its tooltip says.
Probably a tooltip error, but updated. Thanks.
Nice catch Embolism … I noticed that the extra bounce tactic from Illusions trait line doesn’t affect disenchanter, warlock, ect either.
Torch skill 4, if you dodge while using it, it stops your stealth and puts the skill back at 4 second CD.
It’s any ability actually … doesn’t have to be a dodge roll. I used MH Sword 1 to do it.
I wish the mods would make up their minds … they moved this thread from this (currently the Mesmer forum) to the Bug forum and a few days later moved it back to the Mesmer forum …
Illusionary Leap (MH-sword’s clone ability) seems to be very inconsistent past around 300 range or so, especially any time you are in unusual terrain. Certainly at the edge of its 600 range, I’ve rarely seen it work… by which I mean no clone, no cripple, no swap option. Has anyone else had this experience?
It’s good to know that others are experiencing problems with Illusionary Leap as well. It has been mentioned by others in the bug forum. I also wrote a detail description about the issues with the skill I’ve observed in this link https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/bugs/Mesmer-bugs-oddities/first#post43862
OP can update Illusionary Leap to the list when he sees this.
I just wish it wasn’t functional unless you were in range … so you could spam it while trying to find the range edge.
updated, thank you.
11. Underwater Downed 2 skill will lock the Mesmer in place until they either Rally or Die.
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Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.