Have you tried firing it from the position its in by default? Also, to get more range with the treb, press and hold the fire button. Release when you think its got enough distance.
I usually build up my adrenaline enough to use Killshot with my rifle. However if I’m taking damage or focus is on me, I usually stave off using adrenaline to help regen some of the damage, be it condition or direct. Besides, using F1 in such instances is a bother as it roots you. Leaving you quite vulnerable.
Otherwise, I use it when I feel the time fits it.
Gatherings and easy event completions, thats the main reason. To knock off dailies and monthlies. Once people start completing them more, you’ll see a drop off again.
The reason meta bosses are so popular is the guaranteed rare drop from the daily chests for each boss, but also the chance of getting an exotic or precursor from it. And since they are easy to do, it just becomes a waiting game before they move on to the next.
I believe when the contents are that of a parody, the rules change. The fact that this content is inspired and even does poke fun at the classic retro themes probably means they are free from those legal problems. Along with all of the content being custom created and none are ripped.
Wow I didn’t know you could join 5 guilds how does that work in chat?
Despite having 5 guilds you can only ‘represent’ (having their tag beside your name) one at a time. During such you can see that guild’s chat. But there’s no restrictions being able to swap to and from clans and tags to different chats, banks and other accessibility from their services (if any).
The only really notable speed boosts on the warrior I’ve seen was Signet of Rage (Elite) which gives roughly 30s swiftness on a 60s CD (48 if traited), so its not bad, but far from the useful persistence of the 25% signets. Some banners can also provide some limited swiftness.
I’ve played my Warrior up to 80 and then some. Granted, I don’t know how I compare in terms of damage to most warriors as I didn’t go for pure glass cannon despite my gear being all Beserker. So I don’t know fully in that regard.
As noted in the second post, you get 5 slots. Quite a bit to tinker with a variety of races and classes before any need to buy more. ^..^ Torn between some races and classes? Just make em!
I haven’t seen any considerable difference in stability or latency in any of the NA servers. So, if you got any friends on a particular server, just go there.
There’s no restrictions for joining guilds, also it should be noted you can join up to 5 instead of just 1. So you aren’t stuck to just one community if you so wish.
Your personal story goes from level 1 to 80. And it has quite alot of missions during that time. So you will pretty much do it throughout the course of the game. Mind you, some areas are harder than others (some are also easy) so not all stories can be done right away. Which is a perfect time to explore, levelup and enjoy the rest of the gaming world.
And please, don’t call yourself a noob.
Not as far as I know.
To be honest, I’m kinda glad it confirms. Alot of the times I just blaze through clicking junk items with my 250 kits to rid of all the blues and sometimes hit those rares or exotics. Wouldn’t have been happy to salvage some of those. x..x
But I wouldn’t mind seeing if there was such an option to turn them off.
Warrior is a nice balance overall for both melee and ranged play.
Guardian is a pretty close one as well if you are looking for something a bit more tanky and support wise than damage.
I would guess that this does go against the rules as being able to easily activate things such as food/potion items and ash legion spy kits would give you an advantage in the game. There are ways to make this quicker, if you run around with your inventory open in a corner of the screen (just make it small and have your essential items located together at the top) then you can mouse click on the one you want whilst still moving around.
This is pretty much the setup I currently do have. However since I use my mouse alot for camera angle adjustments and the like, moving the mouse constantly to click an item in my inventory is problematic during key combat. (Especially when most items require a double click, not a single.)
Was hoping there was a method that would have been a bit more legal and easier at the same time, but I suppose this is a gripe I’ll simply have to live with.
There’s been many cases where I’ve wanted to activate a consumable or item easily within my inventory much like pressing 1 for autoattack, to pressing P for a Mini Pet. Simply because there is no quickslot or easy way to preform these without it being tedious.
Examples such as;
Spawning your Minipet
Activating an Ash Legion Spy Kit
Consuming Specific Foods
I’m not sure if such would be against the rules to have such a utility either (if it exists) as its a single keystroke, one action, one character, but I am unsure if this would fall under the ‘autoclicker’ or similar problem.
I believe every hit counts regardless of the source of attack. The rifle’s triple fire for instance counts as 3, so the auto attack with the bow would count as two I would imagine.
However not being a GS user, I wouldn’t know if 100b hits.
Just need to make it without dying. I’ve been hit but now downed and I got it.
Actually there is, but it’s a bit tricky to find:
This isn’t stickied, why? -..- This seems like quite the valuable resource and would likely solve many headaches.
Managed to resolve this by adding the -repair tag to my shortcut. Seemed to be a corrupted game file.
Why there isn’t a ‘common solutions’ thread is beyond me. I never would have figured out something so simple would fix the issue. I had to dig in another thread to find it.
For some strange reason, up until a few moments ago I am now unable to enter any area of the world in game past my login screen without a crash occuring.
Which has struck me as odd as I haven’t had anything new open or anything changed I was aware of and was running it perfectly fine earlier before I tried using a gate to Divinity’s Reach.
My computer should be able to handle almost anything this game throws at it as I normally have things at MAX and still maintain high frames except during Shatterer’s camp laggfest.
Is anyone else having this issue? I would be quite perturbed at not being able to complete my daily (or even possibly more missing if it persists) so i hope this can be resolved.
I have tried multiple characters across multiple areas of their origin and they all result in the same crash just before entering the world.
I have supplied the Crash dump file if its of any use to anyone.
1 – If you feel you are leveling slowly, try going to different areas of other races and finding that sweet spot. Also it should be noted some classes have an easier time leveling than others just from learning curves. Key thing to leveling alot is doing events, not grinding mobs.
2 – Use map chat to see if you want people to party with you to help. Even some of us level 80s will gladly help (we’re downscaled too anyways =3) or others in the same boat so you’ll likely find some if the timeframe is good.
3 – Well the nice thing about GW2 is that you can have up to 4 guilds I think? Not just one. So you don’t ahve to tie yourself down to just only one group in other mmos. You can still participate in a few other communities, learn share and communicate. There’s isn’t too much guild rivalry either so, having multiple isn’t an issue.
Most people are recruiting in Lion’s Arch, if you haven’t figured out how to get there yet, i can also detail that. =3
I’ve noticed with the patches recently that have made mobs no longer able to Rally off any that don’t grant XP also affect a few other things that weren’t directly written in the patch notes, along with an issue regarding the Warrior trait Vengance.
Any mobs that don’t grant XP also don’t grant stacks of stats from sigils. Given that in dungeons and especially in story mode, so ALOT of mobs become a notable issue trying to gain the stacks up. Especially when they reset every time you enter a new area. A prime example is the Claw Island storyline, chalk full of mobs, some rather tough to kill and no reward is yielded. XP or Sigil stacks. Tough luck I suppose?
Also, Vengeance has the same problem. Killing any mob, regardless of how difficult will not keep you up if it doesn’t grant XP. Given it was already inconsistent when it DID, this makes an already unreliable trait worse than lending your drug buddy $100 and expecting it to be paid back.
Can there be a fix for this? I can understand easy 2 hit kill mobs not doing so, but when you are swarmed and it takes quite a ton of hits to an enemy mob and your fighting to survive and none of them will give you any benefit, it gets frustrating.
I’m sure there’s other abilities affected by this change, most likely any involving ‘kill a foe’ like conditions. But these are the ones I’ve noticed a fair bit and often.
So I’m rolling a Charr warrior and I’m currently loving her. However, looking at the builds around here, she seems to be quite the oddball in terms of build.
Her traits are as follows;
Strength – 0
Arms – 20 (I and VII)
Defense – 30 (II, V and XI)
Tactics – 0
Discipline – 20 (V and VII)
Her weapons are;
Rifle w/ Beserker and Sigil of Generosity
Sword w/ Sigil of Strength (soon to have Beserker stats as well possibly if not changed)
—>> Paired with a Shield w/ Sigil of Bloodlust
Armor is Beserker’s without any notable sigil sets yet.
Skill wise I also run the full Signet collection.
I’m mostly pve but I have used her a fair bit in WvW and PVP as well (obv different sigils but won’t get into that.)
Now, I’m rather curious what I can do to improve her. I’ve noticed she seems to me to have (at least in my opinion) a moderate damage output and a good survivability compared to most others I’ve seen. Given I mostly stay ranged and on the move I want to focus on that. I mostly use my sword/shield as a defensive measure or when taking out large groups.
However finding ways to boost either my survivability and/or power without damaging my build too much hopefully would be ideal. Given I like the hybrid ability of being a fairly decent damager and can take more than a couple of hits is something I do like.
Given her high crit chance and damage my sigil with my rifle and sword proc fairly often so I’m usually condition free (and if not, I got my Signet to clear any remaining) and when up close gaining that nice power boost.
However in terms of armor runes I don’t really know where to turn, my first ideal was to go for Eagle runes for that extra edge in crit damage but I’m unsure if it is really needed. I’ve seen a fair good number of rune sets that have been good on warriors but I don’t know how viable they would be on my own. essentially I want to do what I do, just better.
Also, given that the Vengance trait has been severely nerfed with the mob update (given it had issues with already being severely broken), I’ve been pondering about reducing that tree by 5 points to put it somewhere else that might be more useful since the other traits in place seem a bit iffy.
What are your thoughts in this regard? Is it good? Terrible? Ideas to improve on it? Any suggestions on armor runes will be greatly appreciated as well.
The skill doesn’t revive defeated players and doesn’t seem to work well reviving down players either. This is either a bug or poorly written description. Either way it needs to be fixed.
If is indeed only for downed players, I consider this skill rather useless. The cooldown and cast time make it worthless as the cases you need to revive someone, the time to cast it usually means they are already dead.
Also, FYI it will revive dead/defeated NPC’s flawlessly. Which only confuses the issue further.
Honestly, I just found whatever fit my playstyle. If a weapon ground em the wrong way, I looked for another that worked. Stats were pretty much the same in my case.
However, if you are looking for MIN/MAXing, i’m sure there’s a few guides int he profession’s sections or such that could better detail such. I’m not one of those core kind of players unfortunately.
Hold alt while dragging the item to split it into a desired stack.
The color of the crafting item determines if you get XP for your craft, every time you reach a full bar your character gets some experience points for themselves.
African or European?
(edited by Talonblaze.3175)
Add onto Ganz’s list;
-Mortar Seed Turret; any race can plant these down for some extra firepower! =3
-Miner’s Explosive Charge; excellent AOE knockback for those groups you want to send flying!
-Charr Mine; good damage when triggered, good for traps as it lasts 1min if not triggered!
There’s also another Medpack from an event in Brisband Wildlands that is much better than the karma vendor. Event merchant sadly, like the Turrets.
If I find more, I’ll let ya know!
You get more armors as you get higher. The kind that Logan wears is actually the Human Cultural armor sold by one of the vendors in Divinity’s Reach. There’s plenty more where those came from though!
I usually start seeing the different in armor types around 40 or so. But don’t quote me on that. XD
Same goes for weapons too.
Currently the answer is NO for that specific combination. They would not stack. This is because they both have a 10s cooldown and currently sigils that have a CD share the same timer. Meaning as soon one procs neither can proc again for the next 10s.
What is worse with Purity is that it can proc and go on cooldown even when it would not have provided any benefit.
I generally avoid having more than 1 sigil that has a CD across all equipped weapons because I don’t want to have to think about the interaction between them.
That’s rather unfortunate. This is something I will have to take into consideration when taking a look at Sigils. Doesn’t harm my current build too much but it is a notable problem for sure. Will keep it in mind for sure.
Thanks for the very useful link as well! <3
Celestial with Icing on my snow female Charr. I think it looks nice.
Silver and Oxblood with my Human.
Got more on my other chars.
I usually pick a color combo right off the start for when creating a character. Helps me give them personality. (I’m wierd, lemme alone!)
So, besides the ever problematic issues of finding which sigils work best to my playstyle, there is usually the other issues of ‘will these stack?’ comes to mind.
I already know sigils such as Bloodlust won’t stack with others that have the “each kill grants 1 stack of 5/7/10 <stat> per kill” and similar stuff. But other sigils aren’t exactly as easily distinguishable to know if they would or wouldn’t work in set combos. Given that many can be expensive, knowing such is usually nice to know before its wasted.
For instance, I have a Sigil of Purity and a Sigil Nullification. I know they work on separate weapon sets, but if I had the two sigils in the same set, would they stack? Given they work on two different targets but have the same activation begs the question.
Those kinds of sigils and others such as the “% chance to cause effect” are also hard to determine if they stack. (Not including the annoying “how much damage/heal do they even do?” issues.)
On a side note, I wouldn’t mind also knowing what Sigils to completely avoid when purchasing/obtaining. I have pretty much figured those such as “+10% Damage Versus Flame Legion” are ones to drop, but are there other less obvious ones?
Any other tips and tricks to Sigils would be greatly appreciated!