This week’s fight night was pretty lame. Not much people showed up
I don’t know where you were, but tonight has been anything but lame…
(teamspeak, ASH channel, go!
I was talking about the fight night at gom bl southern windmill. No AR showed up. There was like 3-5 peopel from GOM. Only FC had a lot of people from the YARR guild, but they left shortly after since it was pretty dead.
That’s because they’re all busy trying to stream-snipe me. lol
Going live right now!
Remember, if you see anyone with a [RISE] tag, target them first.
They’re easy loot bags
watch out for silent surfer… hes a gankster
Just a reminder, folks:
We’re doing another GoM pvdoor livestream tonight, featuring [RH] and whoever else ends up jumping into our voice chat. I’m turning off the delay for this broadcast, so feel free to drop by and stream-snipe the hell out of us, ambush us, troll us in chat, etc… In return, we’ll cow-spike you on camera and probably say bad things about your mother._
How about I follow you around with a giant ASH kite?
Just a reminder, folks:
We’re doing another GoM pvdoor livestream tonight, featuring [RH] and whoever else ends up jumping into our voice chat. I’m turning off the delay for this broadcast, so feel free to drop by and stream-snipe the hell out of us, ambush us, troll us in chat, etc… In return, we’ll cow-spike you on camera and probably say bad things about your mother.
The fun kicks off around 8pm CST!
Note to other GoM players:
[RH] is currently recruiting! Holler at Pierre, Styx, or Nightchill for more info!
GoM vs FC Zerg Battle Enjoy!
that was a fun fight.. kudos to fc for their victory in that. quite a few of us made the mistake of staying out of the lords room when they stealthed the last time they came in, but once they got in the lords room we couldn’t get them out.
but hey loot bags all around.
Yeah, it’s easy to get distracted and start fighting outside the tower rather than sit and wait – a lotta green dots on the minimap there but if we had like maybe 5 more people we coulda wiped them in the lord room I think.
That happens to us a lot, haha. Like in Gen’s video he’s fightin somewhere other than the lord room while they’re capping the lord room near the end… =P
Edit: Sweet banish at 4:18
But all the loot bags were outside!
Video evidence seems to suggest that there was a number of them in the lord room. Those ought to come first if you are trying to hold the tower.
GoM vs FC Zerg Battle Enjoy!
that was a fun fight.. kudos to fc for their victory in that. quite a few of us made the mistake of staying out of the lords room when they stealthed the last time they came in, but once they got in the lords room we couldn’t get them out.
but hey loot bags all around.
Yeah, it’s easy to get distracted and start fighting outside the tower rather than sit and wait – a lotta green dots on the minimap there but if we had like maybe 5 more people we coulda wiped them in the lord room I think.
That happens to us a lot, haha. Like in Gen’s video he’s fightin somewhere other than the lord room while they’re capping the lord room near the end… =P
Edit: Sweet banish at 4:18
But all the loot bags were outside!
I actually like the current maps and wouldn’t mind continuing to play on them. But I think what would could make them truly stand out and be interesting is to skin those borderland maps with terrain matching your server’s home (since most of the servers are named after actual locations in the game’s lore).
For example: Maguuma’s borderlands would be blanketed with thick jungles and fetid swamps, the Northern Shiverpeaks borderlands painted with harsh, icy bitterness, Gate of Madness a fiery wasteland, etc etc. All the exact same map, but re-skinned with graphical terrain assets that already exist in the game.
I think even a change as slight as that will freshen things up greatly in WvW and possibly instill more of a sense of server pride.
and a ram
Sorry, this is how I was taught to siege by my Norn father. Is it wrong? I mean, he was drunk at the time… but he’s always drunk.
Also I just saw that there’s a guild on GoM named For Grape Justice. I SALUTE YOU!
There’s a Ferg player with Cat on Fire [BRB] as his guildname. We crack up every time we see him running around.
The mats will absolutely drop in WvW. In addition, generally speaking, we are putting a heavier emphasis on finding long-term solutions to redressing the reward imbalance between PvE and WvW. I can’t claim they will ever be 100% equal all the time, but we would like it to never be the case that you are choosing between playing WvW and getting good rewards. The two should be one in the same.
Upgrade the rank chests to include one guaranteed rare like world boss chests, and hook us up with dungeon tokens from rank/champion chests and random drops so we can get our cool-looking armor and legendaries without grinding PvE content. Or at least let us buy tokens with badges of honor if that’s easier to implement. That’d be a good start.
Then add some more cool finishers to the gem store so we have something to throw money at.
The one thing you do have to remember about legendary items is that they require map completion. Map completion requires a trip to WvW. And if you don’t have the capability to travel in a group to the vistas and PoIs, you’re either going to have to get out there on your own and risk PvP or wait until your server has everything…which could be a long time.
The weight of legendaries is heavily PvE, yes, but they are by no means able to be obtained exclusively in PvE. Therefore, you cannot expect legendaries to be obtainable by playing exclusively in WvW.
And if you’re going to talk about buying them from the trade post, well you make gold in WvW too; so that’s a moot point.
The PvE crowd complained about having to obtain map completion in WvW, so the devs responded by randomizing team colors (despite the different-colored areas having certain significant tactical advantages/disadvantages in EB designed to help balance the fight) as well as semi-randomizing matchups (increasingly the likelihood each server will face opponents they can either steamroll or at least be able to conquer portions of the map). That makes WvW map completion far easier to obtain for just about any server (Vabbi and FoW might still have it rough).
And the amount of gold you can earn in WvW, while somewhat better than it used to be, is easily off-set by the gear, food buffs, siege costs, and structural upgrades needed to remain competitive in that very same game mode. At this point in time, we earn the least amount of gold while playing in the biggest gold sink in the game.
All we want is some sort of balance so we can also feel rewarded for the countless hours we put into our preferred game mode.
The mats will absolutely drop in WvW. In addition, generally speaking, we are putting a heavier emphasis on finding long-term solutions to redressing the reward imbalance between PvE and WvW. I can’t claim they will ever be 100% equal all the time, but we would like it to never be the case that you are choosing between playing WvW and getting good rewards. The two should be one in the same.
Upgrade the rank chests to include one guaranteed rare like world boss chests, and hook us up with dungeon tokens from rank/champion chests and random drops so we can get our cool-looking armor and legendaries without grinding PvE content. Or at least let us buy tokens with badges of honor if that’s easier to implement. That’d be a good start.
Then add some more cool finishers to the gem store so we have something to throw money at.
I had some nice fights last night. I got it on fraps, sorry for it not being ace quality but I though I post it.
You’re a CLICKER??? It’s like I don’t even know you anymore. o_O
Well, I hope the difference (in stats) between ascended and exotic weapons is not too much. Because I am not getting a legendary (not interested), and looks like the ascended weapons will be time consuming to get.
I bet ascended weapons will have the same complains as old ascended items, until they add a Badges of Honor version of ascended weapons (if they are not adding that in this update)
The stat difference per piece is slight. But that difference multiplies when you factor in all slots (6 for trinkets+back piece, 1 or 2 for weapons, plus 6 more assuming there will be ascended armor eventually).
And so far, Badges of Honor continue to get shafted as a suitable form of currency. Practically any gear you can buy with them also has a gold/ecto/laurel cost tacked on to it.
Conversively, PvE players will have to go into WvW if they want to get their weapons as quick as possible. However, the time you need to spend in WvW will be very much shorter than the time you need to spend in WvW for the respective rewards.
The PvE crowd was given excessive amounts of free Badges of Honor through achievement chests… enough for multiple legendaries. Right now, the only WvW-specific requirement a PvE player has to fulfill is map completion, and ANet practically handed that to them on a silver platter by randomizing team colors and match-ups.
Ascended Weapons: first thought was WvW. Legendaries will be buffed to ascended status, that’s a little avantage in WvW, but you could just get an ascended weapon to have the same, BUT how expensive is that? do I will be forced to “farm” to have the same stats of PvEers?
My guess is yes. Legendaries require an exceptional amount of PvE-exclusive content to complete. Ascended gear IS available through WvW, but you’d still need a ridiculous amount of laurels (hooray for time-gating gear) and ectos (better off farming PvE). Or you can go the guild commendation route, but that’s also PvE crap.
Granted, the advantage gained from ascended gear doesn’t make as much of an impact as skilled play does, but it’s power creep nonetheless. Heavily PvE-dependent power creep.
I’d really like to snag the Super Explosive finisher and the Wintersday snowman/present finisher.
Yeah, EB is a silly, silly place and no one should ever go there.
On a completely unrelated note, thanks to all the folks who came to troll us while I was streaming. Special shoutouts to Moobs for trying to stream-snipe us on a 3-minute delay and to [Yarr] for the awesome GvGs.
If I’m not stuck at work on Thursday night, I’ll do a stream without a delay so that you guys can get some maximum trolling in against us while we’re running around.
(edited by TeamBattleAxe.3901)
Livestream up at until about 11pm CST.
FC/AR, you’re welcome to come troll us. :P
what is this sorcery O.O
That is our Gate of Madness. We honor it with dance parties to quell its anger.
Heh … how many times do I need to use the Gomnomberry Pie recipe this year? I swear, you lot follow us around like Overly Attached Girlfriend
Good fights, though. Tell your balloon-wielding moose sorry. Our pugs are a bit bloodthirsty at times.
i was so excited .. i said in ts, “a friend for mee!” and popped my stuffs and ran over to the bridge ….
i was so happy, it was all sunshine and rainbows while i chilled with my quaggan soul mate.
and then i died.
I was that quaggan on the bridge.
cheers to the [ASH] guild in GoM. as well as the [RH] group in our bl. was fun
your both beautiful to me
My favorite part was watching you guys work so hard to cata Briar gate down from the rock while we’re sitting around staring at the side wall that had already been down for like a half hour.
Good fights, though. Tell your balloon-wielding moose sorry. Our pugs are a bit bloodthirsty at times.
haha yeah……………………………we uh…we wanted to do it the hard way?
lol no but we honestly had no idea until like way late..we all started cracking up in ts when it happenned. we were having fun fighting on pride rock anyway.
ASH has a tough little melee train :P i never remembered that from Akitten was tough with only 10 of us
also u guys ganked our guardian wielding our battle kite :’(
You guys also ganked me while I was busy teabagging one of my downed guildies, so we’ll call it even.
cheers to the [ASH] guild in GoM. as well as the [RH] group in our bl. was fun
your both beautiful to me
My favorite part was watching you guys work so hard to cata Briar gate down from the rock while we’re sitting around staring at the side wall that had already been down for like a half hour.
Good fights, though. Tell your balloon-wielding moose sorry. Our pugs are a bit bloodthirsty at times.
Pistol Mastery: -1 initiative weapon skill cost with pistols.
Then now we’re talking viability.
One problem with that idea: It would make D/P vastly stronger than what it already is. Black Powder is expensive for a reason.
Take a look at this Zombie Land video on youtube to belittle Wulf’s video, but if you’re going to try and brag/gloat at least post a video of us actually doing something. We’ve had fun fights, terrible defeats, and great victories on the battlefield since we moved. We’ve made great progress from what we were on GoM, but we’ve still got a long way to go. There’s the fact no matter what you posted it would simply be discounted by those here.
It’s not a bad video. The OP isn’t claiming to show off skill in the video or brag about accomplishments. It’s simply a montage video to show a little pride for the guild.
The problem is, the audience that would appreciate it isn’t in this matchup thread. ZL chose to leave GoM. Coming back to post stuff like that will likely be construed as “trying to rub it in our faces” regardless of the OP’s actual intentions. Deserved or not, don’t be surprised if actions like that are met with at least some small measure of hostility and ridicule.
Edit: I accidentally a word.
Chose to leave GoM? Trust me, GoM will never hate ZL as much as HoD.
To be fair, I don’t think there’s much, if any, ZL hatred on GoM. Sure, some of their golem rushes were downright silly at times, but for the most part, their members were a nice and friendly bunch of people.
Take a look at this Zombie Land video on youtube to belittle Wulf’s video, but if you’re going to try and brag/gloat at least post a video of us actually doing something. We’ve had fun fights, terrible defeats, and great victories on the battlefield since we moved. We’ve made great progress from what we were on GoM, but we’ve still got a long way to go. There’s the fact no matter what you posted it would simply be discounted by those here.
It’s not a bad video. The OP isn’t claiming to show off skill in the video or brag about accomplishments. It’s simply a montage video to show a little pride for the guild.
The problem is, the audience that would appreciate it isn’t in this matchup thread. ZL chose to leave GoM. Coming back to post stuff like that will likely be construed as “trying to rub it in our faces” regardless of the OP’s actual intentions. Deserved or not, don’t be surprised if actions like that are met with at least some small measure of hostility and ridicule.
Edit: I accidentally a word.
(edited by TeamBattleAxe.3901)
does anyone else enjoy practicing dagger/dagger thief as much as i do?
i thought it was all about the dagger/pistol nowadays >.>
Wtb more dagger/focus necros, o wait the mobility sucks and we get locked down really easily.
dagger/pistol is so 2012, get with the program.
Haven’t you heard? The current meta is all about dual pistol thieves. SPCA is so far behind the times and needs to l2p.
Hahaha, I still remember our old forum convo about going p/p so many months ago (that was you, wasn’t it). I fail with it in the open wvw world, but it has definitely done me well in a few duels. Also, duel pistol in dungeon is OP.
Yeah, it was me. Hopefully we can draw a matchup with NSP soon so we can get some awesome duels going.
does anyone else enjoy practicing dagger/dagger thief as much as i do?
i thought it was all about the dagger/pistol nowadays >.>
Wtb more dagger/focus necros, o wait the mobility sucks and we get locked down really easily.
dagger/pistol is so 2012, get with the program.
Haven’t you heard? The current meta is all about dual pistol thieves. SPCA is so far behind the times and needs to l2p.
I keep wanting to toy with the idea of an super-evasive P/P roamer style, but I haven’t worked on it yet. Generally it’s hard to find any feedback on anything other than S/D or D/P right now. =D
I’ve got you covered on the super-evasive P/P roaming stuff. Let me know if you’ve got any questions and I’ll try to help out where I can.
That can’t be the real Zombie Land. Not nearly enough golems in that video.
Edit: Sorry guys. I just made it to the end and saw the golems. ZL confirmed.
Standard keyboard/mouse:
Tab = Heal
Q = Nearest Target
Middle Mouse = Next Target
E, R, F = Utilities
Shift = Elite
Z= Loot
The two little side buttons on the mouse are mapped to #1 and Call Target, respectively.And most importantly, I changed S from walk backwards to Dodge. Biggest boost to my gameplay by far.
So you can’t walk backwards anymore???
Nope. It’s slower than all other movement. If I want to run backwards, I rotate the view and strafe sideways.
As for dodge, if no other directional key is pressed, it defaults to a backwards dodge roll.
Have you killed liadri?
Ideally, you’d want to move as fast as strafing while moving backwards, but if you changed your camera so you can go backwards while strafing, you’re no longer facing your target…so not too sure if the unloads can still connect.
No, I avoid PvE stuff if I can.
But I use it all the time while in WvW and I stay really mobile. It’s kind of hard to explain and it’s got a bit of a learning curve, but it definitely feels a lot more intuitive and faster once you get used to it. I picked up that trick from Taugrim’s guide (although, my keybinds are a little bit different). He’s got a couple of videos showing how he does it in Rift.
You can also see that movement style in action in all of my thief videos. If I get some time later on, I’ll try to do a proper tutorial.
Standard keyboard/mouse:
Tab = Heal
Q = Nearest Target
Middle Mouse = Next Target
E, R, F = Utilities
Shift = Elite
Z= Loot
The two little side buttons on the mouse are mapped to #1 and Call Target, respectively.And most importantly, I changed S from walk backwards to Dodge. Biggest boost to my gameplay by far.
So you can’t walk backwards anymore???
Nope. It’s slower than all other movement. If I want to run backwards, I rotate the view and strafe sideways.
As for dodge, if no other directional key is pressed, it defaults to a backwards dodge roll.
Standard keyboard/mouse:
Tab = Heal
Q = Nearest Target
Middle Mouse = Next Target
E, R, F = Utilities
Shift = Elite
Z= Loot
The two little side buttons on the mouse are mapped to #1 and Call Target, respectively.
And most importantly, I changed S from walk backwards to Dodge. Biggest boost to my gameplay by far.
Tossed fish didn’t like my poem ;( hold me
A necromancer named Tossed Fish
Said that he had only but one wish
Which to have a nice read
A smart author’s proud deed
But turns out that life is a bishThe rhythm is totally off but whatever!
I’m feeling the love in here. Never thought I’d be reading poetry about me on the official forums.
I lack styx’s eloquence in both poetry and prose, so here is a moving picture tribute to you from your dear friends over at GoM.
wow Gommies, GoM and HOD finally get back together and things seemed to have made an unexpected turn. I just figured that half your WvWers were in crown pavilion like half of ours (still) are, but now Im wondering are you guys ok? what is going on over there?
Multiple things, really.
Much of our population is farming in the pavilion, myself included. We did have a few recent guild exports… WvW, MVP, HBGR, RUN, maybe more (no idea what the backstory on that all drama was about since all of those guilds were EB-centric and I tend to avoid that map like the plague). And probably the biggest contributor is that the new school/university season started. That last bit really hit hard for our crew of commanders since they’re unable to play as often and pugs don’t tend to stick around without a dorito on the map.
Two short weeks ago, we beat the snot out of Kaineng without having Zombieland or MVP’s numbers around to help us, and then turned around and lost to IoJ (who we’ve beaten previously) before HBGR and RUN bailed. So the recent guilds leaving haven’t really been a factor. We’ve still got the population… it just isn’t playing WvW at the moment.
Well it certainly got quiet around here. If HoD and AR would step up their drama while I’m stuck at work, that’d be great.
Anyone choosing P/P is in store for a tough road ahead. With dual pistols, you’ll have to work much harder than other players to achieve the same results, any mistake you make will probably get you killed, and even playing flawlessly against other classes or builds may not be enough to get a win if your opponent is worth his salt.
That said, it is an incredibly fun and rewarding weapon set to use if you’re the type of player who enjoys playing games on hard mode. I’ve got four level 80 characters with multiple gear sets for different builds and NOTHING comes close to how much fun I have playing my gunslinger.
Here’s some links to get you started:
I could’ve sworn this page was like, 10 post larger 0_o
Nah, you’re just imagining things. :P
Roaming isn’t about fair 1v1s. It’s about competition and survival against like-minded players in a completely chaotic and hostile environment. That’s what makes it fun. The fact that I can start a scrap at random with a total stranger and constantly have to watch everything around me just in case I get jumped by additional enemy players or a zerg while fighting for my life makes it so much more thrilling than fight nights or spvp dueling.
As for where to roam… Zerging exists at all tiers of play, but you’ll find a little more breathing room in the mid-to-lower tiers, especially towards the end of prime-time hours. If you get a chance, try to land a server that fights against NSP regularly. They’ve got some top-notch roamers there that will definitely help you improve your gameplay, whether you want to or not.
Did PAXA actually leave HoD? Or is this guy trolling?
PAXA left for another game, last I heard.
=O i can post now!!!! let start whit the massive upscales the enemys have dam paxa leaves hod and now a lot of upscales walk arround mauhahaah and about GOM DAM u guys are weak as hell go to t8 allright and we made a honor attack in memory of server police he run away from us =( so we had to make a small honor golem rush for the man
Here ya go, lil’ buddy.
WvW update: HoD is eating everything, I hope they have room for tea later. Missing out on tea is like committing a sin.
I’m sorry, I thought we were on american servers.
Nothing quite says “America” like T-Rexes eating bacon.
Man, Henge of Denravi, you guys really stepped up your game!
Kick styx to T8! :o
Impressive… do you die a lot in WvW with this build? Most fights in the video you seemed to get kinda low on health.
No, quite the opposite. I just tend to play a bit reckless.
Any fight you walk into, you’re armed with 2 stun breakers, 3 standard dodges, and can push one button to instantly refill your endurance. As long as you’re managing your cooldowns, you can kite indefinitely or exit the fight at will if things get bad. It’s got decent sustain in 1vX situations as well, but it’s somewhat difficult to land stomps when focused unless you burn your shadowstep to do it safely.
When running with the guild (5-10 man havoc group), I’m typically the first one to jump into a group fight. Shadowstep in and daggerstorm ‘til I’m low, then shadowstep back out as my allies hit the group. Then I play the edge and pick off low-health players until I’m healed up and ready to hit the middle again. Against groups much larger than ours, I’ll hit black powder before the daggerstorm to blind everyone.
The toughest individual matchups against this build are condition-heavy specs since my only condition cleanses come from Signet of Agility and Pain Response. Mesmers, engis, necro are the most difficult. The only real answer to those is to either kill ’em quick or avoid completely.
Any decent roamers on GoM? If so NSP is waiting their turn. Also Hi HoD I’m waiting as well. do u guys like pvp as much as i do? video. Was this build your idea? If so, congrats on a very nice build.
Yessir! Although, it appears that I seem to be spawning an army.
I’d prefer the engineer’s pistol auto-attack. Mini-AoE plus bleed. Faster rate of fire as well.
1) P/P, D/P
2) 10/30/0/30/0
3) WvW
Any decent roamers on GoM? If so NSP is waiting their turn. Also Hi HoD I’m waiting as well.
helo do u guys like pvp as much as i do?
So Zombieland [WvW] is no longer at GoM? What happened?
They went to JQ.