This week we talk about differences between bad players and “scrubs”.
Bad players lack in the specific qualities that make up a good player. Things like reaction time, tactical know-how, profession knowledge, etc. is what makes up a player and more-so, good players. While good players have enough knowledge, sense and ability to excel in any aspect of video games they undertake, bad players struggle to keep up.
Being a bad player isn’t necessarily a bad thing because at some point everyone was bad. They worked to better themselves in whatever they lacked and sometimes even surpassed experts.
However there are those bad players who are too hardened by ego, laziness and pride to even consider this option. These players are “scrubs” and “scrubs” refuse to improve. They suck at what they do and they will always suck until reality hits them hard enough. They are bad and they should feel bad.
I hope you enjoyed this lesson!
For further reading on scrubonomics, check out:
Sirlin wrote that article over a decade ago and not much has changed.
What the …. did i just watch, no fire works or pew pew.. the horror
On a serious note, that’s a great idea, As much as i hate to admit it WvW is dieing in the lower tiers. Its not that its any less fun to play, its just the fact that there is a decrease in players, we are starting to see more and more players transfer away because they can’t find a fight.
If this continues for another year we will end up with A: full servers in gold league only or B: 1 super server per league. Either option is depressing.
Server stagnation is also a factor in why players jump ship, in addition to the desire to join a stacked server to win. That’s why I think guesting would be HUGE if implemented for WvW. If you start getting burnt out, you can guest into a fresh and different WvW experience without having to transfer off your home server.
I’d also be thrilled to see how strategies and tactics would evolve. Even in the lower tiers, we’ve already got cross-map communication and coordination. Imagine expanding that level of thinking to cross-matchup play. Green might decide to send some T2 guilds to bully the T6 matchup. In response, Blue might send some of their T3 guilds who are enjoying a healthy lead in their own matchup over to T2 to punish Green for over-extending. Meanwhile, Red might see that Green and Blue are busy with each other and instead send a ton of people over to queue all maps on T8 for some quick points. It’d be crazy and intense.
Using the “team” system to pair servers is quite a good idea, and allows for guesting to be used without being easily abused.
The only thing I would do in the video is clarify how that would affect week-to-week matches.
Basically, your server’s weekly matchup is less about winning and more about putting up as many points as possible for your team’s combined score. Obviously, the best way to do that is to win your match since that means you’ve outscored two opponents. But with the team system, you can still lose your matchup and win the week if your team earns enough points from its other matchups.
This makes it still very important to continue the fight if you are facing servers 4 or 5 ranks higher than you since every bit of scoring matters. Of course, you could always ask for assistance from an allied server that’s winning their matchup to even things out.
huge +1.
Not so much because of the system proposed (its still good) but because of “The chance to team up with rival players/guilds and make new friends.”
WvW is far too sterile in terms of inter-server communication, and this would help things a lot in my opinion.
Definitely one of the things I’d love most about it. I’ve made plenty of friends on other servers, but will never be able to team up with them without leaving everything else behind to transfer. At least under this type of system, you’d be able mingle, learn new strategies, and probably become a better player for it.
Since the off-season would be regular free-for-all matches like we have now to shake up the rankings, each season would have the potential for different allies.
There’s already been tons of amazing ideas posted on how to make the upcoming WvW season a success. Rather than contribute yet another wall of text, I decided to compile my favorite suggestions from the community, add in a couple of my own thoughts, and package it into a video so that’s easier to sit through than a novel-length forum post. Besides, businesses seem to dig presentations. If that’s what it takes to get our voices heard, then so be it.
Here’s the result. Don’t worry… it’s a fairly short video.
The thing about Engineer’s use of the Perplexity Runes is that the main tools/kits/weapons that we use to proc Interrupt or add Confusion do very little damage in and of themselves. Static Shot, Magnet, Prybar, Shield, #3 Bomb – none of these are very powerful.
what does it matter when the person sits there with 25 confusion stacks and can’t attack back…
look at fireworks thief, he didn’t even use any weapon dmg and thieves can’t even get such high stacks like engi
That’s true, but it’s very difficult to manage the cooldowns on fireworks to maintain maximum popping efficiency. Perfectly balanced, in my book.
I want GOM/NSP/FC so I can fight interesting people this week.
I don’t get that “there’s no equip loss” or whatever. I mean, I’m not afraid to die but I don’t like just throwin myself and my guys away like that. If I’m gonna make a stand I’d like it to do somethin other than waste my time and feed badges. I’ve had guildies do stuff like “we’re outmanned, no repair costs! leaves the group and runs in and dies” and I’m just like what was the point of that? haha
I regret NOTHING!
This match up is boring as hell
Pfft, haven’t even seen you in it Taquito. You’ve missed our good fights =(
I’ve been working late, but I still pop in for my dailies. Have yet to get a good fight this week, though. I don’t know what it is with SF, but every time I run into any of their players who stray from the group, they either take off running the moment they see me or simply stop moving and let me kill them without even trying to fight back.
I suspect they’re secretly trying to avoid being in one of my videos.
we miss you devon
Nice try, Devon Carver’s alt account.
This match up is boring as hell
shameless advertising, shouldnt this be in like linksville or something?
This. Roaming doesn’t count as WvW anyway.
Yeah, Yishis. We only want to see livestreams from people running arrow carts and doing real WvW. You roamers need to stop clogging up my game mode with your darn talent and skill.
We never get many transfers and people transfer off and fizzle out or pve and whatnot. Has nothing to do with not wanting to be in silver league. We will be happy anywhere there are fights, win or lose pointwise.
I expect you will become the new bandwagon server for bronze league. If I were a bandwagoner I’d be looking at NSP, HoD, SF…possibly DH (DH is doing very poorly this week so that would strike it off my list). To be honest I like NSP the most out of all of these servers since I like the roaming groups on your server.
Yeah its been confirmed, NSP is the new bandwagon server, it doesn’t take logic, based on their placement and standings, only way they would lose is if, somehow a silver leagues server lost rating fell and NSP took their spot, then NSP would be last place in silver league, in which case which ever server from silver league fell, would still probably have a field trip on us, unless of course it turned out to be another fallen GoM or DR or DH, then in which case, I think SF and HoD would duke it out for the bronze league. crosses fingers
NSP might be the new bandwagon server, but they’ll have WvW superstar recruit Devon Carver himself around to balance things out. The points other teams get for spiking him alone might send NSP down to T8.
I saw Stealth in that fireworks vid … who’re you, and what happened to the real Taquito?
Technically, if it actually were Stealth, you wouldn’t be able to see it.
Yeah lets all leave FC and go join iom on ET cause they are just so skilled.
ET you say? why not join join NSP and relax while you get everything won by the WvW community, or move to BG or JQ and just wait it out till the leagues are over, I hear people are getting ready to xfer to the league winning servers, so I might as well move to a guaranteed win and not care for WvW until this blows over
Day before leagues we all join NSP, get 3 chests every week, league win, and XOXO/SPCA/tM will never get to talk about how our server has bad roamers with no skill ever again!
Really, it’s hard to see the downside.
I welcome you with open arms.
Is that a dagger hidden up your sleeve?
Nope , no dagger here. I like Styx and his playstyle Nsp would be a better place with him here. I even gas up your private jet to make the trip over.
P.s please bring the taco bandit with you.. I have fireworks.
I must warn you. My fireworks kungfu is stronk.
I’m sorry, I can’t hear you over how much I’m enjoying Smite.
Also it would be sad for me to rage and be alone, but the sad part is it isn’t just me or my guild in here saying NSP is a kitten about their roaming, it’s coming from both sides of DH and FC, and in fact it’s multiple people. The other side is the only ones defending NSP are either XOXO or OS, and sadly I’ve wooped several OS already , XOXO may be the only competition I will ever come across if that.
I don’t think you’ve come across a tM/SPCA roaming group yet then….
Sadly I have the Tm guys were easier, but the SPCA guys were good, had an asura guardian and mesmer stalemate me, holy crap do they do a number though, specially the pugs I was with, they couldnt keep up with the guardian so props to him xD
Fact, you can not say tM is easy if you have not fought the Joe and Mugi duo.
Fact, you have not fought the Raiden and Stalagta duo yet.
Opinion, the Mugi and Joe duo can destroy the Raiden and Stalagta duo.
Opinion, the Mugi and Joe duo wouldn’t even lay a dent against the Raiden and Stalagta Duo.
Fact, Stalagta likes to Duo Roam with Mugi more than Raiden.
Fact, I’d watch the hell out of a 2v2 best of 3 match of Raiden/Stalagta vs Mugi/Joe. Make it happen. Just make sure you record it from Stalagta’s perspective so I can play “Guess Where Mugi Is” while watching.
Taquito you use fireworks to kill people…..That is more OP than any other weapon in the game. Can you get a legendary fireworks box? How many crayons do you have to stick up a dragons kitten to get that one?
Maybe it’s not the fireworks that are OP…
It’s the fireworks. Taquito es Scrub.
Taquito you use fireworks to kill people…..That is more OP than any other weapon in the game. Can you get a legendary fireworks box? How many crayons do you have to stick up a dragons kitten to get that one?
Maybe it’s not the fireworks that are OP…
What do you want me to do? just run naked, not do anything, seriously make me a build Moobsy, make me one so i can feel worth something Mr Dudley Do right..
Don’t listen to Mooby. He’s a dirty stream-sniper who uses two food buffs. >:/
Hello my pals, I guess we are fighting you now
Wait wat
omg I might log in now
Any good builds?
I currently run the 100-0 build that is like 25/30/15 except traited for pistols.
I do ok with it, but was wondering if anyone has any other ideas. I feel helpless after I blow through my int. I usually hit w switch and sb them and wait for int to come back.
No lie though, I think this is the most fun thief build.
This is my current power-based P/P build. I tend to swap out my third utility often depending on the situation, but Scorpion Wire is my favorite because it’s just so much fun. However, due to shoddy condition removal without using stealth, I often have to run Signet of Agility instead. The top link in my signature will take you to some videos that can help get you started.
If you’re looking for a perplexity P/P build instead, check out the “D/P vs Thiefsmer” thread for some good advice and a pretty killer video of some duels.
Well, part of that is because thieves can escape and/or reset a fight better than any other class. With all of our evasiveness and stealth options, people tend to expect every thief video to be at least on par with Excala’s ridiculous 1vX videos from back when d/d eles were still a thing.
It’s difficult to make impressive videos when everyone automatically assumes you have a massive advantage going into every fight.
Looking for 2v2s-5v5s GvG contact Joe.4178 for info’s.
Don’t make me troll your GvGs too!
Nice try, Devon Carver!
Hello all my stealthy, evasive buddies. This is a very simple post with one goal, that is to find out if there is something wrong with this utility! And by this i simply mean, personally 70% of the time im using this skill it does not pull but simply just knocks them down. /:
Is this utility a bit buggy? or?
It’s very buggy, but oh so much fun!
god I can’t wait until the next match-up. Darkhaven really needs to work on actually fighting instead of winning by numbers.
I really wish I had come across you, so I could spike the heck out of you because you whine. SO. MUCH. At least someone on our side managed to do it to you, and I will not be sorry to see you go.
Haha, see my twitch for all the spiking that happened my friend. 99% of the time it was me spiking two or more of your uplevels and zerglings.
Wait a second, did you just try to make it sound like an accomplishment that you can take down uplevels and zerglings?
El Taquito, I’ll try to whisper you if I get online before reset. I could use a good fireworks show to start the weekend.
We’ll have to wait until the next DH/GoM matchup. I work late on Fridays, so I rarely play on reset nights.
Hopefully XOXO recruits Devon to join their guild.
Given how Devon’s managed to successfully troll the entire WvW playerbase on several occasions now, I’d say he’s way out of even XOXO’s league.
LMFAO to this [WAR] AR zerg for trying to crash our fight club and within 1 minute got completely stomped by the fight clubbers… I had fun spam sitting ur bodies
(I only do so rarely, but it was well deserved in that case.)
On the plus side, ty for bringing more DH to the fight club tho, and the loot bags, they have quite tasty content for watching the rest of our duels
So, does anymore AR wanna come to have friendly duels in GoM BLs, besides those crashing kittens? I only see two here
LOL war tryed doing the same thing to us and got their kitten pushed in by 7 meddling kids from Yarr! GG on the wipe, I hope your emotes echo through eternity!
<3 Yarr
Except for Mooby. He’s a jerk. :P
Horrible demoralizing matchup. Will be glad when the week is over with. It sucks being outnumbered. The matches are fun when they are EVEN
And GOM…how come its never acknowledged we are in a serious slump???
Jukitten wait until leagues! All the servers 20 – 24 are going to have a blakitten facing rank 12 – 15! Kudokitteno Anet
Im losing the inspiration to play and given how AR and DH have mokitten of everything…alot of people have lokitten the desire.
hugs for Melody I’m sorry you’re in a slump, transfers are bad for morale. I’m on a break myself right now!
Apparently I don’t need to come back to the game ‘cause Taquito is solo’ing everyone with fireworks (how ikittenhat even a thing?!).
I’m just trying to do my part to keep these matchups balanced.
El Taquito….I love you! Killing people with fireworks…you are a boss!!!!! I was just talking about how much I loved fireworks last night. You sir, are my new hero!
I’m just disappointed I didn’t get a chance to duel you and Melodey this time around. And it seems the guy with the bounty on me missed out as well.
I love running scorpion wire, but it’s definitely buggy as hell. I’d be happy with a shorter cooldown to compensate for only being single-target and somewhat unreliable.
Ink Shot is perfect as is, in my opinion. It’s an amazing escape skill and has saved my life many times. The blind on it is negligible… you’d be better off using spear evade skills if you want to stand your ground.
I don’t use shortbow, so my opinion is somewhat skewed. But don’t you get 3 stacks of bleeding if you detonate your shot? Add that with the usual pieces of a condi build (caltrops, venoms, etc) and it’s pretty strong. I do wish it were still 1200 range, though.
Body Shot – My personal preference would be to have a short-range cone-shaped aoe (like Blunderbuss for an engi, but with vulnerability instead of bleed). But at this point, I’m happy to try out any ideas they’ve got.
Horrible demoralizing matchup. Will be glad when the week is over with. It sucks being outnumbered. The matches are fun when they are EVEN
And GOM…how come its never acknowledged we are in a serious slump???
Jukitten wait until leagues! All the servers 20 – 24 are going to have a blakitten facing rank 12 – 15! Kudokitteno Anet
Im losing the inspiration to play and given how AR and DH have mokitten of everything…alot of people have lokitten the desire.
hugs for Melody I’m sorry you’re in a slump, transfers are bad for morale. I’m on a break myself right now!
Apparently I don’t need to come back to the game ‘cause Taquito is solo’ing everyone with fireworks (how ikittenhat even a thing?!).
I’m just trying to do my part to keep these matchups balanced.
Weapons are completely optional sometimes.
good idea but this isnt a pay to play game
It could work if the tickets were something like:
Ticket holder = Get to choose your world two weeks before league starts
Non-ticket holder = Have to wait until the week before league starts to choose a world and some worlds may not be available due to high population
You could still collude and stack a world with proper planning and deep pockets, but the usual bandwagoners would pretty much be forced to spread out.
I believe we just beat the game.
Took SM by pvding
Welcome to the new and improved WvW experience, brought to you by the fine folks over at ArenaNet. Get ready for a whole season of NON-STOP ACTION!
hahaha El, you run build i wanted to make for a while now
what weapons do you run? d/d?
edit: ah nvm you run p/p build; i want to make one for d/d with perplexity runes but 6th bonus would be hard to utilize with it
Weapons? None at the moment. I’m using perplexity runes, so weapons are not needed. But normally I run a P/P power build.
Some highlights from this wonderful matchup:
Boring WvW matchups mean more time for making silly videos. It’s pretty much a ghost town over here in the lower tiers and all of the usual good roamers are off doing pve stuff or playing other games.
In this video, I manually nerf my perplexity runes by not using weapons. Since I’m only using two skills with lengthy cooldowns that can trigger an interrupt (steal/scorpion wire), I guess this is kinda what the rune set would feel like if it had an internal cooldown like people keep suggesting. Granted these players do absolutely nothing to bother removing those conditions, but at this point I take whatever fights I can get. :/
-El Taquito Bandito, Best Fireworks Thief NA
Tonight, in another episode of XOXO PVDoor (someone should probably buy me a commander tag, I’m really good at it):
ty for the excellent tips on proper treb placement. I can help my team take our towers back from DH now.
In return, please accept this thief instructional video on unarmed combat and use it to guide XOXO to many victories!
-El Taquito Bandito, Best Fireworks Thief NA
You mean [yumy]? They won’t fight you 1v1.
Lyssa are the only runes you listed that even come close in power to perplexity. And that is more because of the condition wipe every potential 45 seconds, and less about the boons.
But when you fight a perplexity engi, and then fight a non-perp engi. You can see the huge difference, and a rune set should not be that powerful.
The fact that you can build around just these runes(the p/p spam #4 build) is proof enough that they are imbalanced. If you can say that a build wouldnt be viable without a specific rune set, then wake up and smell the coffee, because you’re in denial if you think stacking 20+ confusion for 5-10 seconds is okay.
Melandru runes are powerful, but they are balanced, because you gain no offense from them, and they only reduce conditions by 25%… The food is the real game changer, but then so many foods are blatantly OP.
It’s a double standard because you see the confusion from these runes. Melandru runes or any rune for that matter is usually taken with food together. The food removes the +40% duration that you have. If you don’t have more than 25 points into your condition duration line melandru then alters the base duration of your conditions. Your once 4 second bleed from pistol main hand can then become a 2 second bleed if you never used the +duration food to begin with you have might aswell not even have a bleed at all.
That is powerful I wouldn’t say it is OP but there is no denying that it is build defining and you do build around that because you invest in the runes and the food. You can then cut back on your condition removal and some classes like Ele and Warrior can enhance it even further for -93% reduction to 3 types of condi. Alot of warriors don’t rune a utility condition removal at all and do fine with dogged march, melandru, and lemongrass.
I think the stacks are fine on the runes just put a icd on the 6 piece of 5-10 seconds. 1 stack of confusion is terrible thats a over nerf suggestion.
There are over 60 rune sets in this game and about 10 of those sets are good. I would rather have more good sets of runes like these last releases then nerf runes to make them in line with the other rest of the crappy runes in the game.
The fact that confusion is spammable in large doses is the problem. I actually do like confusion as a game mechanic to punish people for mashing buttons, but the current incarnation is way over the top and too quick to reapply. I would be happy with either heavy stacks on extremely long cooldowns or individual stacks on very short cooldowns.
As far as runes go, I’d prefer runes in general to stay on the fairly “crappy” side. Maybe it’s just me, but I’d love pvp with no straight-up hard counters to anything. Let players fight against players instead of build types so that skill can shine through. As it stands, there’s way too many situations where if you’re using Build A vs Build B, you’re just SOL no matter how much you outplay your opponent.
You killed a necro, and an upleveled warrior from a server that has one of the lowest skill wvw communities in the game.
Not to mention that the necro clip started when the necro was half health.
Sorry but I fail to see how perplexity is op.
Both fights were 1v1 from full health. I simply edited them down because they were long and boring. I’m using green gear, no food buffs, no main-hand weapon to apply additional conditions, and I’ve got 20 unused trait points. All that, and I’m STILL completely locking down players with one button and minimal effort. Even if those players brought stability and cleanses, I could simply keep reapplying confusion while their skills are on cooldown.
Stop trying to defend these runes. Aside from Shadow’s Embrace or crazy regen warriors, there’s not very many options out there to counter this type of play. With proper tweaking, these runes could actually fit nicely into balanced gameplay, but right now, they’re just ridiculous.
I ran them on mesmer and engi, and recently got rid of them when I won a 5v1 on mesmer.
My permanent 15 confu stacks totally outplayed them all, right?
The runes are so powerful, you don’t even need a main-hand weapon.
lol i enjoyed watching your montage by just using #4 #4 reminds me of old school heartseeker just #2 #2 #2
LOL I’ve never seen that one. Thanks for sharing.
btw, Gom, you guys rule – much love and respect for you and yours – you have heart!!
Thanks for that. We’re a stubborn bunch, but there’s no other server I’d rather be a part of.
Too many server pride fanatics will never allow this. Imagine the QQ.. It’d be tasty but wouldn’t happen.
I do agree they need to combine or separate servers. In a population based game, the imbalance will eventually destroy it.
As a server pride fanatic, I totally endorse this idea. Faction vs Faction would be a great solution to population issues without forcing the player base to have to buy transfers to find an enjoyable playing experience.
The only downfall I can foresee would be collusion to stack a particular faction (such as a bunch of major guilds agreeing to pick “green” this week or whatever), but that’s easily fixable by imposing dynamic limits when choosing a faction (ex: green has 25% more population than the median = green becomes transfer locked until the median adjusts to an acceptable range).
Pistol Mastery should add Piercing also.
Just saying…
But ricotched is way better than piercing.
Depends on who you are fighting and who they are hiding behind. Honestly, for as lackluster as Pistol main-hand is, we should have the option for both.
Chance to pierce (%50) + chance to Ricochet.
Sounds fun, but it might be to much RNG dependent then.
How so? Pierce might give you the second chance to hit someone (behind your target) that Ricochet might not have given you.
It also helps in that (with Pierce) now you don’t have to worry so much about your positioning around pets, clones, etc. or accepting a reduced chance to hit your intended target (that is behind them).
Wait, I thought with Ricotched the Projectiles work like the Shortbows aa, which would mean that it would hit the nearest enemy as long as he is in range, no matter
where he stands.Setup…
Mesmer clone/phantasm is directly in front of you.
Fruity Mesmer player is creeping behind clone/phantasm.Situation 1: No Ricochet
You shoot Mesmer clone; Mesmer clone takes damage; Mesmer player is safe.Situation 2: I haz Ricochet! (Pistol shots have a 50% chance to bounce to an additional target.)
You shoot Mesmer clone; Mesmer clone takes damage; 50% chance Mesmer player takes damage from a Ricochet.Situation 3: I haz Ricochet! (and if Pistol Master had 50% chance to Pierce)
You shoot Mesmer clone; Mesmer clone takes damage; 50% chance Mesmer player takes damage from a Ricochet or a Pierce.Maybe the bullet did not Ricochet, but it could Pierce. Or vice versa. Or RNG could hate you and just stop at the Mesmer clone.
That means a 50% chance for either a Ricochet or Pierce off the Mesmer clone, not a 100% chance guaranteed that it will be one of those two.
Or at least that’s how I am imagining it. In a perfect world, I want both. :p
But neither of those have an internal cooldown, so theoretically each shot that pierces would have a chance to ricochet to up to 3 additional targets per target hit by the initial shot AND the pierced shots (don’t forget that piercing can hit up to 5 targets). In turn, these ricochet’d shots would ALSO pierce since they inherit the original attack’s attributes and abilities, and create new chances for even more ricochets and more piercing since each bullet is a new element in the chain (sort of like how each individual meteor in a meteor shower can separately hit up to 5 targets).
Now apply this to something like headshot + perplexity runes. You can already interrupt multiple targets from your ricochet’d headshots. If you added piercing, one person could feasibly cripple an entire zerg simply by spamming headshot.
(edited by TeamBattleAxe.3901)
There’s your problem. You’re hitting 3 instead of 1 sometimes. l2p baddie
geez taquito, Obs was right…you need blast finishers too dude…
Ty , Mr Taqutio and Mrs honeybuns. I will work on it.
11111511111511111151111115 five for blast finisher right ? 1115111115
I am but a mere PvP’er and lack the intellectual capacity to learn the higher skills necessary to be a WvW zerger. Mrs. Honeybuns has a proven track record of success and can help you far better than I.
But, as promised, here is a new instructional video on thiefing for my friends over on NSP. Please forward especially to Timada so that he can one day have the chance to win a fight.
This is good, ty. I take notes so I can study up and learn. This build is hard and very confusing, but I practice: 444444222244444244444442222222222222222. Right?
I see what you did there, you sly devil you.