Part of being a roamer/solo player/duelist/insert fancy name here/etc is that you anticipate and accept the fact that you’re always in hostile territory and any encounter can, and most likely WILL, get out of hand very quickly. No matter what unspoken rules we abide by, we should always be prepared to face those who play by completely different rules and the consequences that follow.
In the OP’s situation, I usually throw out a quick, “Need help?” but otherwise let them fight it out themselves.
(Reserved for long post.)
(Reserved for long post.)
Behind-the-scenes footage of Chris preparing to make his post.
There ya go, little buddy. I bolded the part you skipped over.
Heh, ok you got me there…
A civil discussion just happened on the WvW forums. We are evolving!
You speak like your server is the only one that have achievment hunters… Every server had them.
What you’re seeing in terms of larger numbers comes from our ridiculously huge PvE player base that jumped in to participate for the season. That exact same thing happened in season 1 as well. While every server got their own share of inflated numbers from achievement hunters, our community leaders made a huge push right out of the gate to get as many of those new players as possible on to Teamspeak, help them find parties with each other, and instruct them on how WvW works, etc.
There ya go, little buddy. I bolded the part you skipped over.
“Yeah dude… GoM have less people than ET and won Bronze League without losing because they are good and you are all bad… Stick with it.”
It’s pretty much what I’m reading from GoM posters…
Might want to read things a bit more slowly then, since apparently you missed the part where I said we had a HUGE influx of players for the season. I just pointed out that they weren’t transfers.
l2forum gosh
Funny thing is;
We didnt win because of zerg numbers, but because we actually organized and played to win.
>[ASH] would constantly be running on enemy borderlands with 20-30 people, facing 50+ zergs and winning (I often joined them, I can verify the validity of this).
>We brought the ENTIRE server under one single and unified TS server, which allowed organization.
>As for coverage, it is BS. We are mostly NA, the reason why it appeared to have it is because our guild leader, who is an West player, would stay all night capping stuff, together with some guildies (Im East, and most other people were also NA).
We actually fought for that, we actually made sacrifices (NA doing night capping and keeping everything upgraded).
We were always a 21-23/24 server, but ever since the TS and the moral boosting we got from the big guilds (GoM, ASH, Worm, etc) we were able to pull ourselves together and win.
You want to experience the same? Try working towards unifying the community. Most servers have the capability of queueing WvW. Gate of Madness barely ever had queue, if anything on EB during peak times, and no more than 20 people.
You lost because we won, not because you sucked, I would dare to say FC and DR gave us a run for our money, and we loved it!
Uh… Not the story I heard. Didn’t you guys receive quite a few transfers back from higher tiers, including multiple guilds (iirc rise, one of your biggest guilds, came back pre s2 no?) Further, sorry to go bubble bursting but… gom could not beat Dh or SF without significant transfers. Even DR, a server that had beaten gom for 2nd place, got a huge massive boat load of transfers, was only a match for SF and later in the season able to beat Dh. You’re saying GoM, a server weaker than DR, suddenly went from t7 to top t6 server without any significant transfers? You actually think, for a moment, that you could lose to a server like DR, them get multiple massive guilds (dmd, tbt, zs etc…), and you somehow beat them because you get more organized? Don’t buy it, not a single bit.
I ain’t trying to dis GoM. I have friends on GoM who were from Dh (members of the “WHO” guild). But pretty much everyone in bronze knows you won MOSTLY due to numbers. You would, for entire days, lose your entire bl with no real attempt at defense. That’s not good organization. You mostly survived on just swarming enemy servers in EB. That’s not to say GoM doesn’t have good organization, just that I don’t think it’s what suddenly turned everything around for GoM.
Much of your info is wrong.
Our two most recent transfers were [WHO] and [RISE], both of which had joined long before season 2 started. There were a couple of guilds that expressed interest in joining us around the start of the season, but opted instead to move to other servers (YB and HoD, if my memory serves me right). Don’t get me wrong… both [WHO] and [RISE] contribute heavily to our success, but both guilds are roughly only around 20 members strong and usually run with less. [WHO] tends to be more defensive-minded and very active on the borderland maps, while [RISE] enjoys hunting down and engaging with the larger guilds from other servers.
What you’re seeing in terms of larger numbers comes from our ridiculously huge PvE player base that jumped in to participate for the season. That exact same thing happened in season 1 as well. While every server got their own share of inflated numbers from achievement hunters, our community leaders made a huge push right out of the gate to get as many of those new players as possible on to Teamspeak, help them find parties with each other, and instruct them on how WvW works, etc. Paragues from [ASH] and Giggles from [GoM], in particular, were both staying up insanely late every night during the season to keep the pugs running. High morale + winning/rewards = happy pugs = a decent retention rate. We even saw a few of our larger traditionally PvX guilds like [Worm], [vox], [ART], and [GoM] jump in and take more active roles in WvW.
TL;DR: No transfers. We just blow up like a puffer fish for seasons. Except this time, our community managers were ready for it and worked hard to try to hang on to as much of that influx as possible.
Just tossing it out there, but why would someone solo roam in WvW when you can just queue up SPVP and get a very similar play style but without all the running? Is there something I’m missing?
That’s a sincerely good question, and one we tend to get quite often.
Here’s my reasons:
1) Much more flexibility in gear selection. With armor slots, accessories, and weapons, we have tons of room to experiment with different stat combinations and fine-tune our builds instead of being restricted to a single amulet for our stats.
2) We’re not confined to a game mode. We don’t have to stand in circles unless we want to, nor do we have to wait as a match resets every few minutes. We can do as we please without wrecking the game for other (allied) players.
3) The chaos and randomness that can occur is what makes things thrilling for me. I could engage in a 1v1, then suddenly get zerged by 30 players right around the corner. Or perhaps I might run around for 5 minutes without seeing anyone, then instantly run into a 1v3 situation and have to play my kitten off just to stay alive. Constantly having to look over my shoulder and never feeling safe is why I consider roaming tons of fun and dueling extremely boring.
That said, the last several patches have been gradually killing the fun of roaming for me. Gear has been introduced with stat combinations that I feel shouldn’t exist because it allows some builds to gain full survivability and damage output without having to make any sacrifices at all. AI skills have also been buffed and auto-pilot builds are becoming much more common, so that takes away some of the fun mind games involved in fighting a skilled opponent out in the wild. And finally, seasons suck for roaming. Almost everyone you run into is running some form of zerg-role build, so there’s very little challenge in taking them down if you catch them running around solo.
GoM may have significant population. SO what. Adapt. Look for other opportunities. Find weakness. Kitten their own people are telling you they don’t care. Pride and vanity make fine targets. Glicko random rating blah blah blah. Until they break the rating and climb through a insurmountable level of points then they can stay here and run with DR. No different then a self righteous demanding teenager you can move along when you push enough to get there.
OP- How long have you been on our server? DO you know where we have come from? GoM is nothing but a target rich environment.
Oh, yeah?
Well, DR people smell funny.
When things aren’t going my way, I like to play something challenging that doesn’t involve relying on teammates. For me, that’s usually fighting games (Ultra Street Fighter 4 came out yesterday!) or doing runs of Super Meat Boy, Binding of Isaac, Boshy, etc. Those types of games force me to pay better attention to my own gameplay since there’s no one else to blame, so it makes it easier for me to retain that proper mindset when I venture back.
In before this gets locked…
I’m sorry you guys have to deal with the population disadvantage. We’ve been on that end many times, and it sucks.
But the real kicker is that we’re actually LOSING rating points this week for not crushing the matchup enough! Thanks to the wonderful WvW matchup formula and the disparity between server ratings this week, we’d have to run up the scoreboard all week just break even in the ratings, let alone try to jump a tier. It’s a crappy situation, and sadly, the only solution is to zerg it up even more.
There’s some neat ideas in there, but many of those seem like they’d be broken as all kitten.
All I’ve ever really wanted was a trait that lets me remove a condition or two per dodge roll. Fleet of Foot is a joke.
And apparently I just broke the forums!
Edit: No, wait. It’s fixed again. Maybe.
Fireworks still don’t work in WvW
I blame Taquito...
pls like my vid if u cri evry time <3
It’s good to see some red posts in the WvW forum again. Thanks for that.
Call it “sizer’s build”, I call em phonies who make thieves look bad but hey, it’s still not as kitteneeing p/p thieves.
That’s it. I’m taking you to e-court for slandering dual pistol builds (which I own all rights to and can be rented out for the low, low price of 5g/hr). You’d better lawyer up, pal.
Edit: Purely speculation but I see an EotM like format for all of WvW with 3 server “teams” that are rotated and then fixed during tournaments based on how the regular season went.
You mean like this?
The video is 7 months old and the standings are horribly outdated, but the concepts would still work.I find the idea rather appealing. Points awarded for putting it all together for the visual learners in the crowd.
You’re too kind.
Except when you’re trying to kill me.
Edit: Purely speculation but I see an EotM like format for all of WvW with 3 server “teams” that are rotated and then fixed during tournaments based on how the regular season went.
You mean like this?
The video is 7 months old and the standings are horribly outdated, but the concepts would still work.
Wtf AvAvA mean anyway?
Alliance vs Alliance vs Alliance
If implemented correctly, it would be a great way to preserve server pride and communities while providing a dynamically-balanced competitive environment.
Instead, we got Potato of the Mists.
How is the prizing determined in the case of ties?
I wouldn’t normally advocate throwing a match, but since this season’s individual rewards are based on an asinine metric like server population instead of active participation, I’d happily take a loss to get a better prize distribution for my fellow bronze leaguers.
Daggerstorm is one of the few ways thieves can get access to stability, so that’s why I favor it over the other elites.
Just something that I have come across recently, I have had numerous (about 6) thieves using perplexity runes and applying the 6th bonus (5 stacks on interrupt) without actually interrupting anything (I was standing still, not using any skills/utilities)
Is there something else that I am unaware of that applies 5 stacks of confusion (they were mostly pistol mainhand dagger offhand) for approximately 10ish seconds (all stacks at the same time)?
Any help would be appreciated~
It’s the new grandmaster trait on the Trickery line.
Y’all need to stop necro’ing old red posts. With the already-limited attention WvW gets, the last thing we need is a dev glancing at the front page of WvW forum for 5 seconds and mistakenly thinking, “Yup. Looks like we’ve fulfilled our quota of red here. That oughta shut those kids up for a while.” and then mouse-clicking their escape skills off into the sunset, never to be seen or heard from again.
The development and maintenance I have seen is not consistent with any AAA MMO I’ve ever played. It’s not even on par with free-to-play games on the market. For example, I’ve been playing Smite a lot recently. It’s a well-balanced MOBA with lots of skill-based plays. Since April 15th GW2 patch, I believe Smite has released 2 new gods, at least 4 new skins, and released 3-4 balance patches. What has GW2 done in that same time frame?
Smite is a great example of dev/community interaction, as well. If you spend any amount of time on their forums and subreddit, you’ll run into tons of posts and responses by their staff on practically any range of topics. Open discussion of balance is actively encouraged and small changes are implemented on a nearly-weekly basis, usually accompanied by a new character or skin (also usually based on ideas from the community itself). If a change doesn’t work out as well as expected after a couple of days, their devs don’t hesitate to roll it back with a follow-up patch. As a result, the meta shifts pretty rapidly as top players adapt, and the tournaments are very dynamic and fun to watch because of the wide variety of tactics and team comps that can be viable.
Anet could definitely learn a thing or two from that development team, especially since the GW2 community is already providing tons of awesome ideas and suggestions for them to sort through. There’s just so much missed opportunity here.
Ppl need to stop whining.. i would rather have devs working on content/bugs etc etc.. then to waste their time on the forums answering stupid threads like this one. I dont think your little complaining threads are that important that it needs to be seen by devs, let alone be answered by devs. Stop QQing and start playing !!
The issue is that devs overall seem to not understand at all what is being said in the forums, and that is the easiest way to find out things that are happening. Examples? Multiple times have there been bugs for months that were completely unrecognized by the development team, in fact at least once there was a case of a skill being severely nerfed without a patch note, and the player base had no idea if it was a bug or nerf for 4 months because there was not a single dev post about it.
The reality is that a small team of devs just isn’t enough to understand every single part of the game, and so they need to utilize the forums (and other metrics), and actually show that they are using them when evidence shows otherwise.
You guys have it pretty nice over here. Back home, we’re not even allowed to discuss our potatoes.
Call me crazy, but I do believe some info about the next update, even if it’s just “hey, we’ll give you a potato in 4 weeks” would calm down the people impatience… such is the gw2 community hunger.
While we’d love to give you a time and date of when we’re sending out the potato, remember that during the development process we may discover that a baked potato would be even better. So instead of getting the potato of your dreams you end up with something completely unexpected.
It often happens that a mashed potato with gravy is even better still, unfortunately gravy requires more dev time. So we end up shipping a mashed potato without gravy to meet our promise of ship time or we push back the time and date of when we are shipping again and again. You get your mashed potato with gravy but it is delivered much later than it was expected.
Worst of all that is when we realize that potatoes are way too mainstream and that yams are where it’s at now. And I think we all know how reactions seem to go when we ship yams instead of potatoes.
So in a lot of cases the best we can do is tell you that we are still in the kitchen cooking things up, we’re reading your feedback, and that we’re excited to get the meal out to you soon™.
If you have any extra potatoes left over, please deliver some to the WvW forum at your earliest convenience. We’re a resourceful bunch and can use our ever-growing supply of torches and pitchforks to bake and mash our own potatoes if/when they ever arrive, but unfortunately Mark keeps slapping our hands every time we reach for the plate.
And what should we call this new system of yours? WvWvW for RPers?
It would be incredibly interesting to see how far the more serious RP groups run with the idea.
This is my bread’n’butter build for WvW. dueling/small group, I swap out Ricochet for Bountiful Theft.
A question I have with this:
When do you decide to swap weapon sets? A problem I have with thief is that I feel like the builds are always based around one weapon set, whereas with other professions I base them around both (i.e. warrior axe/shield + greatsword). As such, I usually just go with shortbow in the second weapon set since it provides great utility. Do you go through any specific rotations that involve weapon swaps? Or is the d/p simply for the on-demand stealth?
I don’t ever use stealth even though D/P gives me access to it. It’s just a personal preference, really, not a tactical decision. I’d rather lose a fight in plain sight than win/escape by stealth. But, by all means, feel free to use stealth if you’ve got it. I’m not going to hate on you.
I chose D/P as a sideset because its crazy mobility and blinds work so well to complement the ranged control and pressure that P/P gives. In most of my fights, I’m constantly trying to control distance… dealing damage/interrupts from range and trying to bait out larger cooldowns, then quickly getting in to do some heavy damage and back out again before they have a chance to punish me for it. If you’re familiar with fighting games, I’m pretty much doing the GW2 equivalent of footsies while trying to open my opponent(s) up for some combo damage. That’s also why I picked utilities that assist in movement/cc and can be used both offensively and defensively.
My build and playstyle choices might seem a bit weird, but this is just what happens when a Tekken player plays an mmo. xD
This is my bread’n’butter build for WvW.
For dueling/small group, I swap out Ricochet for Bountiful Theft.
Forum infractions.
I want some of whatever this guy’s drinking.
Sadly, they’re probably going to “fix” this by simply disabling tonics instead of coding it correctly.
RIP tonics 3rd-quarter 2018.
Yeah I agree that they will probably just ban tonics from WvW. It would suck though because I love running around as a Quaggan. I’d hate to be the reason why tonics got banned but it is just so fun to run this build :/
I feel your pain. I switched over to tonic-stomping people after the no-fun police banned my fireworks in WvW. If they take that away, I don’t know what I’d do.
Five characters leveled all the way to 80 solely in WvW, working on my 6th. If all you do is zerg, then it’s easy and fairly quick. Unfortunately, the latest patch turned the trait system into complete garbage, so your viability outside of a zerg is even more handicapped than it used to be. If you’re the type of player that prefers roaming and small group play, I’d recommend finding your levels elsewhere.
Vitality should provide some sort of inherent resistance to condition damage in the same way that toughness helps mitigate power damage.
Messages and entire threads seem to be disappearing at random. Normally, I’d post this over to the Forum/Website Bugs section, but this bug only appears to be affecting the WvW Discussion subforum.
Sadly, they’re probably going to “fix” this by simply disabling tonics instead of coding it correctly.
RIP tonics 3rd-quarter 2018.
dual pistols***
I started a new alt so I can learn guardian. This new trait unlock system is complete garbage, especially while leveling in WvW.
This will likely be me one day.
I just quit recently for SMITE and the only game i have been playing the last few years was guild wars 2…………..i agree that the WVW community is completely overlooked……..the player turnover in WvW makes it so they dont realize that wvw vets are leaving and there will always be a new population of players…….T1 has ques on every map during NA so thats a few hundred during primetime for the highest populated wvw servers so the total count for all wvw servers from EU and NA combined during primetime would be at 5,000ish?? the pve maps combined have 100,000+ players at any given time…… so unfortunately they will always favor the pve side of gw2 sadly……..
Hello, fellow SMITE player!
Someone needs to inform Hugh and Jessica that matchup discussion is no longer allowed.
TIL I am a very rude player since I’ve leveled 7 characters to 80 in WvW.
Wtf…your first post gets closed almost instantly, so you think it’s a bright idea to repost the exact same thing again?
Seeing as uplevels have had their stat gains dramatically deferred until higher levels, they are going to have a pretty rough ride.
Well, I’m about to start leveling a guardian, so this should be fun. If any of you DR folks find some tiny loot bags in your inventory this week, you’re welcome.
To each their own….and 2 shotting someone is anything but fluid.
I like the change.
My Guardian’s WvW build ate a 42% reduction in Crit Damage. I think it’s asinine and does nothing but encourage the further abuse of condi-based builds.
It also encourages people to put less in toughness. Before, you had to put a lot into toughness to survive when roaming due to all the zerker builds. Now you can put less into the toughness, and more elsewhere, such as power. They’re trying to push people away from bunker builds.
But what is with condi bunkers, especially Dire specced builds, how does nerfing crit damage push them away from their bunker builds?
He’s saying that since there’s universally less power-based damage around now, the toughness attribute is less important and dire pieces can be swapped out with carrion for a little extra damage. It’s a plausible idea, but I think most people will still continue to run dire for survivability because larger groups will likely remain power-based.
Glad this thread has stayed open and wasn’t poisoned by competing servers.
There’s very rarely any actual hostility between servers at this level. We all pretty much recognize each other from fighting the same people every day, so it’s easy to build up some mutual respect.
Shoutouts to all of bronze for keeping it chill.
Good stuff:
Account bound wxp, the new wardrobe system, re-vamped sigil mechanics, re-traiting on the fly. Bonus points for streamlining the build editing process in sPvP. I wouldn’t mind seeing something similar implemented for WvW if done right.
Bad stuff:
Lack of much-needed bug fixes since launch, specifically WvW-related bugs. Sure, they squashed a few glitches pertaining to how certain skills interact with each other and updated a few tooltips, but it’s a pretty lackluster effort after having several open discussions with the player base about what needed fixing. Also, the ferocity change did very little other than make tanky condi-builds even more powerful in smaller-scale play. (The problem is that you shouldn’t ever be able to deal high amounts of damage, regardless if power or condition, while still building tanky. High damage output should rightfully carry a high-risk style of gameplay. In my opinion, it’s certain gear stat combinations that needed tweaking instead of a blanket nerf to critical damage, but that’s a discussion for another time).
On the fence:
The new runes. I like the idea of streamlining rune sets and giving each set more of a distinct flavor, but I also liked seeing some of the clever mixing and matching that people used to come up with for the old runes. Some got nerfed, some got buffed… things’ll settle out soon so not really a big deal. As for the new grandmaster traits, I was pretty worried about a few of them (namely, Triumphant Distortion for potentially being broken as all kitten in a zerg fight), but fortunately ANet seems like they paid careful attention to the forums and made a few last-minute changes (Triumphant Distortion now has an unlisted internal cooldown, Revealed Training had its wording changed so that it couldn’t be abused in conjunction with a stealth disruptor trap, etc). I still think there’s some broken stuff in there, but we’ll just let that play out and see what happens.
The Huh?
One change that snuck its way into the patch was changing to the commander buff to only be visible to friendlies. Maybe I’m alone on this, but I really HATE that change. I think that picking off an enemy commander can be tide-changing in fights of any size. Sure, sometimes it’s difficult to even find that enemy commander in a sea of red names, but every extra bit of focus and pressure you put on that commander means he’ll be more distracted with his own survival and more likely to make bad decisions. Plus, you’ve never truly won the battle until you tonic into a quaggan while spiking the commander and then play taps for him on your trumpet.
I’ve been the target of bounty hunts by two different servers (one while livestreaming), and can confirm it’s a very fun twist on things when regular wvw gets stale. One of my guildmates even made an extremely tanky stunt double of my character so we could use him as bait to lure out the hunters and jump ’em.
So far, only [Yarr] from FC have been successful. Dirty stream snipers!
(edited by TeamBattleAxe.3901)
Colt ya got some kind of hidden denial thing going on there? I don’t even see DR on your list of placement. I see you didn’t forget about us in your comments. See you on the field this week.
We don’t speak of DR. It brings us bad luck.
Bandito play a real class, everyone knows thieves are bottom feeders who use OP trait lines and feed off of others. Saying that, i suppose you’re on your warrior now eh? Joining the failtrain hammertrain.
My warrior runs dual-moonshines because she is a lush.