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Low level more powerful than down scaled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Go look at some of the test results. the normal low lvls are doing more dmg that the down scale lvl 80.

So let me get this straight.

Subject A
17% more power (17stat points)
No condition damage
No ferocity
Only two weapon skills
No weaponswap
No utility skills
No elite
No Traits
No Profession mechanic (Deathshroud)

Subject B
75% Greater critchance (8.4 vs 4.8)
14 condition damage
156% crit dmg (vs baseline 150%)
Two fully unlocked weaponsets
3 utility skills
1 Elite
3 full traitlines
Deathshround completely unlocked

And you’re telling me Subject A does more damage?

All that suggests is that either the test was complete bogus, based entirely on just autoattacking at best instead of actually using your skills.
Or power scaling is utterly broken and needs to be nerfhammered into the ground if so little can outperform so much.

Low level more powerful than down scaled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


There is no reason why my decked out level 80 should be weaker than a low level character. Completely ridiculous.

Good thing that isn’t the case.

Sure the lowbie has a bit more power, but considerably less crit, health, healing, toughness and critdmg. Not to mention the traits that multiply damage, apply extra effects or boost skills. Skills that lowbie also does not have.

That downscaled lv80 would still completely blow the lowbie out of the water.

Undocumented grenade nerf

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Shrapnel and Poison grenade had their maximum target limit at 3 for months. It was on the Wiki in April.

Proof here!

Meanwhile, the Flash grenade and the Chill grenade both still hit 15 targets. The tooltip on the Flash Grenade is currently wrong. This can be tested in the Heart of the Mists easily.

Never mentioned in the patchnotes, so that still makes it a stealth nerf.

Forceful explosions not baseline :(

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


They backed out on most things they said they were making baseline.

Range increasing traits never made it baseline for any weapon so the rifle, pistol and elixirgun have considerably less range, and now they’re gone.
Coated Bullets for Pistols was suppose to be baseline, it isn’t. They were also going to make Pistol 1 an Explosive so it works with Explosive traits, they didn’t.

A lot of cooldown reducing traits are gone aswell. Altough they never said they’d make any of these baseline, there isn’t even an option for it anymore. They removed the Grenades from the Shortfuse trait. No more cd reduction for pistols, grenades, elixirgun, flamethrower.
Traits like Deadly Mixtures that boosted Elixirgun and Flamethrower damage, are gone. As is the 10% dmg trait for Rifle.

Quite a few traits that improved our weapons directly got pruned, and didn’t make it back into the new traits nor were they made baseline when it was initially said atleast some would.
But thank god atleast the fall-damage trait is still there./sarcasm

"Four shotted" by theif, 18519 damage

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Sir, mesmers can do that kind of damage even quicker than a thief.

That doesn’t make it okay for Thieves.

This isnt about fixing only the single most OP/broken thing in the game, and everything else is left untouched. But that seems to be what people think.

Mesmers need a nerf, Engi’s need a fix, Thieves need a nerf, Necro’s need a nerf… Everyone really needs a nerf.

Taunt doesn't let you target

in PvP

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Taunt is a mechanic that causes players to only autoattackthe target, that has been stated.

It is basically: Walk towards and Autoattack the target.

So it makes sense, it isn’t a stun, or a daze, or a knockback, it is a taunt, a new mechanic.

That’s perfectly fine but why does it have to change my target to achieve that? And deny me from targeting anyone else for the time of taunt.

Because of poor design.

The idea is that you spam your AA against whoever taunted you. But skills don’t work that way that you can just select another target and keep casting skills against the first.

skills are used against the target you have selected. So if you could switch targets while taunted, and select someone else, your AA-spam would then also be directed at whoever you have selected. That is simply how skills work.

I don’t like it either as it makes Taunt a particularly powerful CC. It prevents actions like a stun, displaces you against your will, forces your target and gets you to spam-proc effects you might not want (i.e. confusion/retal).

Imo Taunt should be nerfed. Does to much. It either needs an above average cooldown and/or a below average duration, for a CC. Or some of it’s effects shaved off.

Dueling etiquette in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


I dont care. I see an enemy, he dies. I don’t care if you are dueling or not, even if it is obvious or not. WvW is NOT your dueling arena, go to pvp for that crap or OS.

Same with GvG, get that junk out of the borderlands and go to OS. Nothing more stupid than seeing a queue for a map and finding a zerg around the mill butting heads.

Lawless Zones for open PvP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Waste of time and resources, nobody will actually go into this map. Better use that effort making content that more than a tiny, miniscule, fraction of the playerbase would like.

Tequatl Feedback [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Players are pretty practical, if a boss is not worth it they simply won’t bother and such bosses will be completely ignored.

Tqtl got nerfed in the past to prevent this, and if it’s back to being to much trouble it will get nerfed again.


in PvP

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Loool need to be fixed asap.

Everyone is splattering everyone. You already know this will gt fixed. I’d be more worried about all the instagibbing that isn’t neccesarily going to get fixed.

Right now atleast it’s equal oppertunity gankfest. I fear that after the next patch or two it will be just a few professions left running crazy. And after the “launch period” of the patch is over, don’t count on many fixes/buffs/nerfs anytime soon.

So focus on diversifying your complaints instead of everyone jumping on the same kitten issue, because whatever gankspec survives will likely be left unchecked for atleast a few months.

Tequatl Feedback [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


When Tequatl was 1st revamped the forums were filled with whining how hard it is.How it couldn’t be done.People wanted nerfs constantly.With time they learned how to do it properly.

No they didnt, Tqtl got nerfed. He was made considerably easier than he was when first released.

Even with good coordination and people doing the turrets properly the event would fail quite frequently. If you weren’t in the main overflow you weren’t getting anything done.
Now (well, before the patch atleast) i can hop in even just before it starts and get a winner. I don’t do Tqtl daily, but i haven’t failed an event since the nerf and i don’t go camping overflows an hour ahead of time.

I want my hobosack back...

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


I have no words for You people… well, maybe in exception of:

And why would you say that?

People wanted a choice, not all of them wanted the backs to be completely removed.

A simple checkbox somewhere that asks “do you want bundles to overwrite backslot Visuals, yes/no?” would’ve been just peachy.
After kitten near 3 years that wouldn’t be to much to ask for.

But either everyone is forced to see hobosacks, or no one is allowed to see hobosacks. Why such extremes?

Tequatl Feedback [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


So what did they actually do? Update note just says double health. Which shouldn’t be such a problem as players damage probably just about doubled as well, if that was the only thing that changed.

Double HP for TT wurms?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Well people did get a massive damage increase against bosses that couldn’t be crit before, and had a limited condition cap.

The fix was slapped on rather hastily so i doubt much testing could’ve been done to see if these numbers are right.

Video on Burn-Guardian/Interrupt Mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Stat compensation was overdone in my opinion. They need to scale back some things and change damage formula. Also powerblock may get the mug treatment

Im not sure this is stat compensation at work.

Base crit chance is still 4%. The character where i was benefiting from the precision/ferocity from traitlines have much less crit chance and crit damage. Losing more than 10% crit chance and a similar number of critdmg.

Precision base stat only went up with ~60. (was 942 or 946, now 1000). So unless they went balls to the wall crazy and gave everyone a ton of free Power, i don’t think it’s the compensation.

Mortar nerf

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


This nerf is a good idea. The range:damage ration was unprecedented.

You must literally never have heard of Rangers. Literally.

Request: Refund Hero Points for non-80's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Hero points got automatically allocated according to what skills/traitlines you had equiped when the patch hit.

-If you had Traitline X than you got all traits from Trailine X unlocked.
-The type of Utility/elite you had equiped had you unlock upto the point where you get those.

For example.
Slick Shoes is the last in the line of the Gadget-tree for Engineer. If you had Slick Shoes on your Engineer when the patch hit, you will have gotten the whole tree for Gadget unlocked, including all the utility skills that come before that.

If you had the Grenade kit equiped, and the bomb kit unlocked but not equiped, after the patch the Kit-tree is filled up to the point of the Grenadekit. Everything before that is unlocked but everything after is not. So you no longer have access to the Bombkit.

As a result people are stuck with a very odd mix of traits/utility skills. Now i could be wrong, but level an alt a bit it seemed i was not getting any hero points at all. Either i didnt get to a bulk point yet, or the game reserves the hero points you already sort of “borrowed” when it automatically unlocked the skill-trees for you.

Might end up getting stuck a pretty while without the particular skills or traits you want if that is the case.

Again, example. If you had the Supply Crate elite for Engineer you now end up with all turrets unlocked because the Supply Crate is the last in the Turret-line. So you end up paying a lot of hero points for that, that you’d rather have spend somewhere else while leveling.

If the [LGBT] guild is allowed to exist..?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Let people make guilds as they want. If you want to make a guild just for friends you’re also excluding people. If people openly harras other people that is covered under the rules, but don’t get all prissy because there are some guilds who don’t want to take you in.

Also, Arnath, you’re a joke and the only person in this whole thread that i’ve seen so far to hold bigoted world views.

Why does Anet keeps nerfing Engineer?

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


What are you talking about? Engineer has been quite possibly the best class for years. As of this moment this patch made it the strongest class

Exegeration is an art. And you are an artist.

Just last year Engineer was the second least played profession in higher levels of pvp, barely more popular than Mesmer. In pve and wvw it has always been one of the least played professions.

Engineer has most definatly been one of the worst professions for the longest time. Untill in pvp the meta changed enough that annoying bunker builds, who cannot kill but just stand on a point, were good. Outside of Player versus Gimmick engineers remained unpopular.

Not like Guardians, or Thieves, or Warriors. About all of which you can say, without a hint of irony, that they are quite possible the best professions for years now. And i’d honestly drop the “possibly”.

Mortar nerf is no big deal

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


If you guys don’t know, burning is ridiculously op right now. You guys should really try it out, deals much more than zerker. With burning build as op as it is, I don’t see why people would want to be a mortar zerker engie as all you do is spam 1 until your finger dies and it deals less damage.

Ah okay. So the nerf one one thing is okay, because something else is still overpowered. Atleast untill THAT gets nerfed as well… then we’ll have… what exactly?

We lost our Grenade kit for range because it would make this stupid Mortar Kit look bad. And still the Mortar was disapointing. Just one real damaging ability and everything else a bunch of combo fields. All with cooldowns that are just way to excessive.
Can someone explain to me the logic of giving us a 1500 range combofield machine, when almost all of our blast finishers are melee range? Poison and Light combofields are trash anyway.

Had to sacrifice a healthy bull to get a sickly chicken. And now theyre cutting of the chickens legs. I call shenanigans.

Mortar nerf

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


The grenade kit was nerfed even harder than this back in the day, and it’s still here, years later.

Just sayin’. This thread is nothing new.

The grenadekit has Shrapnel as a good damaging skill and the AA was still pretty good even after the nerf. Quickly stacking vulnerability, high probability of proccing runes/traits/sigils.
And even after all the nerfs i’d probably still would’ve rated the grenadekit better than the mortar kit.
The mortarkit had 1 damaging ability (the poison stacking is peanuts), and that was the AA and it just got a massive nerf.

So there we are folks. We lost the Grenadekit because it was sacrificed to make the Mortarkit appear better than it really was, and now the Mortarkit (already kinda meh) took a big nerf.
We also lost range on rifle, pistols and the elixirgun. Apparently we need to Always be close to the danger, but than we don’t inherently get a large healthpool, amazing healing, evades out of the whazoo, a kittenton of stealth, good mobility or high armor. Go figure.

And what of the proposed positive changes that already got reverted quietly during development of this patch. For example, what happend to “Get excited guys! Pistol 1 now counts as an explosive!” or “We’re making Coated Bullets baseline”?

Ow sure the stability is nice if you use a Flamethrower, but it did come at a price. No more bonus toughness, no more deadly mixtures and i do believe the -20% cd is also bye-bye.

(edited by Terrahero.9358)

Med kit nerfed or buffed?

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


The condition removal is a bit wonky. It’s a bit easier to specifically clear impairing conditions, but removing damaging conditions got a massive nerf.

It no longer removes a stack of 1 kind of damage condition. It removes 1 application of 1 damaging condition.
So if you have 4 stacks of Bleed the Bandage skill will, instead of removing the whole stack, just reduce it to 3 stacks of bleed. Which is utterly worthless considering how every damaging condition is now designed to stack.

Synergy with On-Heal effects has been diminished greatly apparently. And the de-coupling of effects is bad as well. Instead of 1 button to get swiftness + fury, you now need to ground target two skills.

Ground targeting overall made the kit far more clunky to use. Previously just being mobile often assured you’d pick up and benefit from your medkit skills. But it seems anet is pushing the engi hard to be a support player, at the expensive of making some things less functional for the engi himself.
And that affects how usefull and good it is negatively.

Med Blast is also utter trash. No reason to EVER press this button.

At first i thought the changes were overall okay, but after using it for a while i am having some serious doubts and i’d probably like the old Medkit back.

(edited by Terrahero.9358)

Thanks ANET for giving me a few days

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


uhm you know you could just NOT visit the websites yourself, not copy what others are doing, and continue on this journey of unknownness.

When you are virtually drowning in Shoutbow Warriors it becomes hard to feign ignorance.

Spirit shards and superior siege

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


I think superior siege was to common. Regular siege was all but completely phased out, atleast for the more than puglord organized groups. And even pug commanders often sieged with superior.

Either superior siege is special, and it should be harder to get and a resource you don’t dedicate lightly.
Or if it’s so essential, it should be baseline. Why stack up the costs unnecesarily for a gamemode thats always been more strapped for cash?

Med kit enoying in use now plz read devs!

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Ground targeting can go away for all i care. Clunky design, did anyone ever take that trait previously?

Except for the nr1 skill Med Blast, which is utter garbage, the new skills are a nice improvement. But please remove the ground targeting nonesense.

Mortar vs Grenade Kit

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Now that conditions are uncapped they might actually be more usefull to power builds. Because your bleeds actually apply without pushing someone else’s damage off. Even if conditions are a bit weaker for non-condition builds now, they are atleast purely beneficial damage.

It’s also easier to stack vulnerability with Grenades, and Shrapnel has a good power-component to it as well.
Problem i see with Mortarkit as a power weapon is that it only has your nr1 as something that really deals damage.

With Engineers it’s not about spamming autoattacks because they are usually pretty weak, and i don’t think the mortar is an exception. You want to switch kits and use cooldowns as much as possible. Other classes can autoattack much harder, and they still use skills as well.
I dare say that if you just sit there spamming your nr1 ability on any weapon as an engineer, you’re probably doing it wrong.

What happend to all the range?

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


actually in pve

Ah yes, pve. Stacking into a cornor and hugging a boss to death. I can see why you dont care about range. And why you would think that it makes no difference that grenades went from 1500 to 900.
Most grenades you ever threw were probably at your own feet, not surprising you wouldn’t see the use of long range.

anyway all I see here is a learn to play issue with the class.

It seems stacking in a cornor and beating up the same AI day in and day out has inflated your ego to the point that you actually believe this makes you good. That’s so cute.

There is a world outside of the cornor you know, even in pve. You might be in it soon enough as i think anet is none to fond of the cornor stacking as it is. It’s one of the most complained about things regarding pve.

But hey if you prefer the Mortarkit good for you. If thats more fun to you. Then the Grenadekit can be the long-range kit for condition builds and everyone gets a choice.

But just straight up reducing the range on grenades, pistol, rifle and elixirgun has not improved these weapons. Why couldnt they’ve rolled the range traits in baseline? Why shouldnt the grenades be 1500range?
I doubt it has anything to do with balance since these traits have existed for almost the entire duration since the game has been live. But now 1080range pistol autoattacks are overpowered?

What happend to all the range?

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Rifled Barrels is gone. So Rifle, Elixirgun and Pistols have (considerably) less range on their abilities.

Grenadier of course got the nerfhammer and went from a potential 1500range down to a measely 900.
The replacement, the Mortarkit, is by no stretch close to being as competent as the Grenadekit was. Neither for power builds or for condition builds.

Engineers just got a lot less effective at fighting at range, and it wasn’t briliant to begin with. What gives?

Mortar kit details

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Is it me or does the Mortar just end up being a charrzooka?

They’re still working on it, so i guess it will change.

But, I’m a bit scared about de radius of the mortar shot .. 120 radius, it’s our grenade. I thought it will be 240 at least ..

Mortarkit will functionally be very similar to the (old) traited Grenadekit. Everything is ground targeted, with a travel time, shallow arch, 1500range. It even has a poison field, a way to freeze enemies and something called Flash Shell (that doesnt really do anything however except add to an already super common field-type.)

They just replaced the Shrapnel Grenade with a Healing ability. So the mortar is better for support, but junk for condition builds. So anyone who enjoyed using conditions and long-range will unfortunately be tough out of luck.

All the RAGE around

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


I wouldn’t get to upset about their silence on this issue. What can they do?

They say they aren’t changing it, people get more kittened. They say they will change it, but that is a process in and of itself. How will it change? What about those who already prepurchased? Approvals need to be given, etc.
And knowing anet they probably didnt see any of this comming.

At this point shutting up is probably the smartest thing they can do. Unless they can realistically promise people anything good, anything they say could easily be fuel to the fire.

Did Anet foresee HoT price pandemic?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


I doubt they saw people getting upset about a bundle comming. They probably saw it as a good move. Of course people who already had the game are getting a worst deal than new players, so they should’ve seen it comming.

Price? 50$ is a bit pricey for an expansion, and to play the new profession a lot of people will also have to purchase a character slot. So for a lot of players thats 60$, more than the base game likely cost them.
And honestly they haven’t revealed a great deal, either because they are being to secretive or they simply don’t have that much to show.

So a lot of people are scratching their head and wondering if it’s all really worth it. I’m one of them. Considering my preferences the only thing that HoT really adds for me, that i care about, is another profession. That’s not much for 60$. I suspect a lot of players are not universal players that dip into everything, but pick their gamemode and stick to it.

Honestly i don’t get the impression that they really read things very well. They thought the first Trait overhaul was a great idea, and now they are overhauling it again because it really wasnt. To name just one example…

Two Months Old Customer Felt Betrayed Already

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


TL;DR: 2 months old customer already lost trust in the company.

They make a fun game, no doubt. But don’t put a lot of stock in what they say, they’re not very true to their word. And they don’t say much to begin with.

Skill vs Gear: Math and Logic

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Truth is that since the meta has changed away from the Hammertrain other professions have become much more viable as commanders.

In the Hammertrain meta it was important for a commander to be a tanky frontliner with a lot of stability.
Currently the meta includes more posturing and ranged skirmishing, so the need for a tanky/high-stability frontliner is diminished.

What does a WvW'er get from HoT

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


New profession, the Revenant.
Guild Halls
Stronghold (since you mention you do pvp)
New Legendaries

I think that covers most of what you’d really miss out on. For you to decide how much each of those is worth to you.

I’m in the same boat as you, and i don’t see myself missing out much of anything if i don’t spend 60$ on HoT.

Ascended Gear now 10% Stronger than Exotics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


People broke down the math month’s ago on reddit, it always floated around 8%

I remember something similiar to this too when i started looking at ascended armor.

That is because 5% more stats doesn’t equate to 5% more efficient.
It’s all relative to base stats, as x * 1.05 is different than x * 1.05 + y. It would only equate to that if the formula would be (x + y) * 1.05, which it’s not.

Not all base stats apply equally from 0 to infinity.

Example. Take off all your armor and check how much precision you have and how much crit % you have.

Note how that baseline 900+ precision gets your crit chance up to about 4%.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


50$ for the game. New players get a copy of the base game, but as a veteran i do not. Why do i get less than a new players?

And that 50$ doesn’t really cover it. That new Revenant profession needs a character slot. That’ll be another 10$. Bringing the price up to 60$. That’s more than i paid for GW2 on launch.

So for such a relatively steep price, and with the current climate in gaming, i’m going to be pretty critical. I don’t care about new pve content and gliders and such. Uptill now the biggest selling point in HoT, for me personally, is a new profession and specializations. Because the other things just don’t interest me as much.
And to me that’s a tough sell, 60$ for a new profession and some specializations i might or might not use.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


You guys should compare WoW expansion reveal to HoT

Yes lets compare to the company that over-monetizes every product they ever made. WoW with a monthly fee, cash shop, micro-transactions and indirect gold buying and they still top it off with paid expansions… so where is that sub fee going? Sure as heck not to content updates as there have been some droughts of over a year.
Or HotS, with it’s overpriced champions and even more overpriced skins.

Anyone remember Diablo3 and it’s real money auction house? And lets not get started on Heartstone. I think SC2 is the only game Blizzard has that is very reasonably priced and monetized. But that might be because they make a ton of money from the esports aspect so they don’t squeeze the consumers as much.

HoT has shown me very little that interests me. And after the disaster year that was 2014, with disapointing hyped up products, you cannot blame people for being gun shy.

Skill vs Gear: Math and Logic

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


It’s more about consistency.

They remove applied strength/fortitude because it gives old players a statistical advantage over new players. But they not only leave Ascended, they even buff the statistical advantage from Ascended.

It’s sure as frick a lot easier to get to the world rank needed to get the WvW buffs than it is to get a full set of Ascended.
Either both go or both stay. Why should playing pve get you a statistical advantage in wvw? But if playing wvw gets you a stastitical advantage it’s bad? This is honestly just a load of crap.

Ascended Armour now 10% difference, Thoughts?

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


you forget the base armor which is a roughly a 4% gain in damage reduction, but ill forgive you.

Ascended dude is getting total of 60 additional armor rating from his armor compared to exotic. (Just the armor rating, not talking about toughness)

If exo dude has 2000 armor, asc dude has 2060 = 3% more
If exo dude has 3000 armor, asc dude has 3060 = 2% more

From what I have understood this stays the same. It is some difference, but not really that much.

Again this is what I expect the difference will be post patch:

Ascended armor vs Exotic armor
+60 armor rating
+40 main stat
+30 secondary stat

It is a difference, but its not that huge and it doesnt raise your total stats by 10%

How did you get these numbers?

I take exotic gear, multiply that with 1.3 as exotic gets a 30% boost in stats and then multiply that number with 1.1 to get to the new 10% stats Ascended has over Exotic.

What i get is 100 bonus stats on armor alone, another 21 from weapon plus 55 weapon damage which is what it currently is and might be higher as well.

Lock on.

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Lock on will do is shut down stealth trolling. Couldn’t catch a thief before the speedy kits nerf, no chance now.
So you’d have to rely on the thief being an idiot, or nearby allies, to actually kill the thief.

Also, incomming evade spam builds.

Mortar kit details

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


I want to know how much the #1 attack hits for. That is the deciding factor of whether this is a good kit or not. If the #1 attack hits like a wet noodle, then this kit will be next to useless for a power build.

According to napkin math, mortar #1 hits about 47% harder than rifle 1. The rest of the mortar skills do less damage but have more utility.

Does the Mortar kit offer a similarly satisfying experience for condition builds as the Grenade kit did?

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


No “veteran” player said anything when the game was 10$ but now it is a problem. Just saying.

P.S. I believe that 50$+ core game/char slot should be the norm. I do not believe that new players getting the game for free would affect my game negatively at all.

Because when the game was 10$ it was a sale. Someone buys the game 2.5years after the rest of us, sure they pay less.

But now this is about the upcomming content, the latest and greatest. And if you are a fresh new player you simply get a better deal out of buying HoT than someone who has been around since the start.

People complaining about HoT pricetag...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Gem store is fluff and cosmetics not content.

Tell that to the people who werent around and logged in when the story chapters were updated and now have to shell out to unlock this content.

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


I’m not joining any boycot or “protest”. But im not preordering the game either.

To little content has been revealed to catch my fancy. I’m a WvW players, i don’t care much about pve and such. So whats new for me? Specializations which i may or may not use, and the Revenant profession. Of course ill have to drop another 10euros to get the character slot to make a Revenant, bumping the price up to 55euros.

And i honestly am not convinced that 55euro’s for one new profession is really worth it. Game is perfectly playable for me without HoT. Altough i find myself not playing that much anymore as i’m kind of bored with GW2. And none of the content revealed so far seems like something that would rekindle my enthousiasm for long.

If i do buy it i sure as hell won’t buy it from anet, i already spotted legit third party sellers undercutting that 45euro’s price tag. I’d be downright shocked if i couldn’t find it somewhere for less than 40.

(edited by Terrahero.9358)

Extra character slot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Guildwars 1 did NOT have a precedent of always giving a free character slot with it’s non-stand alone expansions.

The Campaigns added free character slots because they were stand alone. The Eye of the North was an expansion, was not stand alone and did not add a free character slot.

Only the stand alone products added character slots because if they didn’t, how could someone who only bought Nightfall play the game?

Actually you are wrong, Eye of the North did gave people 2 free characters slots,
I bought prophecies (4 slots) then factions (2 slots) then nightfall (2 slots) then GWEN (0 slots) = 8 slots, because the base total was 8 slots, but if you bought prophecies (4) and then skip to GWEN (2) you’d have 6 slots and then end up decidind to buy factions and nightfall, the last one would give you 0 slots!

In sum, the slots in gw1 would be 4+2+2+0 in whichever order you bought the games, expect GWEN could not be the first one because it was an expansion

Every single hit i get on google with relation to getting extra character slots with EotN backs me up when i say you do not get extra character slots with EotN.

So are you absolutely sure? Because you seem to be the only one.

Extra character slot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Seriously using eye of north as an example that gw1 didn’t ALWAYS give extra char slots is funny. The campaigns gave you extra slots as they included NEW PROFESSIONS. Eye of the north did not.

HoT includes a new profession, so to make that statement correct:

GW1 ALWAYS gave you extra character slots when they included NEW PROFESSIONS.

There, that reads more accurate :-)

No this was the discussion we had months ago.

Some people believed that anet always gave a free slot if new professions were added, others believed that it only added a new slot when it was stand alone.

Looking at the content that was released historicaly both could have potentially been true. As it was only the stand alone campaigns that added new professions.

The first was the Theory of Generosity, that anet in their benevolance gave free character slots to try out the new profesions. The other was honestly just common sense. Stand alone campaigns needed character slots or else they couldn’t be stand alones!
If you already had a stand alone game you weren’t denied the slots that came with another stand alone, they were added to your total. Afterall the game was advertised with that content. Would be a kitten move to only give extra content to new players, but forget about your regulars that supported you all this time.

You just backed the wrong theory.

(edited by Terrahero.9358)

I see lot of Satisfied customers !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


I won’t pre-purchase the game, Anet didn’t convince me yet…

Agreed. There is so much left unknown about HoT. And besides that design descisions are being made constantly that i just do not agree with, such as the recent apparent descision to make Ascended even more superior, or the detriment of the gem store where everything is just outfits and stupid mail carriers.
Plus some more i wont go into to avoid turning this into a rant.

Besides that i’m none to charmed that anet is doing a big service to new players by giving them the base game for free, but does nothing for the veterans who have supported GW2 for the past 3 years.

Extra character slot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Guildwars 1 did NOT have a precedent of always giving a free character slot with it’s non-stand alone expansions.

The Campaigns added free character slots because they were stand alone. The Eye of the North was an expansion, was not stand alone and did not add a free character slot.

Only the stand alone products added character slots because if they didn’t, how could someone who only bought Nightfall play the game?

And yet they price it closer to a standalone game than an expansion.

That has nothing to do with the argument of “Guild Wars 1 did it!” because Guild Wars 1 didn’t.

The price is a subjective opinion. I personally don’t find it a very appealing price at all, the expansion is as much as i paid for the base game.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


They didnt lie anywhere.
The fact that you need the game to play HoT still is true.
they never said that you need to buy it first.
youre all jzst overreacting.

You say you need the base game, then come out with a big 75% discount sale, and then include the basegame into the expansion anyway.
I wonder how many people bought GW2 on discount, thinking they get a good deal in preperation for an incomming expansion.

I think the main reason why people are upset is because anet is giving new players a rather significant bonus, but for the veterans who stuck with GW2 for 3 years now they don’t do anything (yet).

Gift the copy of core game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Look anet is just trying to do a good thing to help new players on the way and make it more appealing for new players to get into GW2: HoT straight from the start.
Without segregating new players into the content that all the more veteran players are probably going to ignore a little for atleast a short while.

I don’t believe there is some malevolence behind this. But i do understand why people are upset about this.

If you are a new player and have no prior affiliation with Guild Wars you are simply getting a better deal, a bonus if you will, from buying HoT. But the veteran players, who have been around for like 3 years now, don’t get that something extra.